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About The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1963)
The Bulletin, :;B tier's; Activities tonight Include t h e following: Central ttegon Legal Secretaries Association, Copper Room, 8:30; Neighbors of Wood craft, NorwHy Hall, 7:30; Sage brushers Art Society, 831 Roose velt Avenue, 7:30; Central Ore gon CB'crs, district courtroom, courthouse, 8 o'clock: Skyline Srjiiarcs, pavilion at home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mills, Tumalo, 8:30. puplicate bridge matches will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. In the basement of the Elks Temple. Mrs. Ed Strother and Mrs, Gary Hjrmann will be Jaycee Auxili ary hostesses for coffee. Charles T. Jefferson, electric ian's mate fireman . apprentice, Steinlicht gets (IOC work bids SALEM (UPI)-The State Board of Education today approved award of a contract to construct Central Oregon College buildings at Bend. The $.127,280 contract went to E. E. Steinlicht, Bend, the low bid der. Stale funds of $225,000 for Die building had been approved ear lier by the Stale Emergency Board. The board also confirmed the appointment of Dr. William R. Murlin as medical consultant to the State Department of Educa tion and of Martin Schuman, Richard F. Crawford and Fill more Y. Sue as vocational re habilitation specialists. It accepted tho resignations of Roland G. Pctrie as supervisor of migrant children education aid Dennis J. Mahoney as vocational rehabilitation counselor. Named to the professional advi sory committee of the division of vocational rehabilitation were Dr. Donald McKlnley, Portland psy chiatrist: Dr. Gordon V. Blcklor, Salem dentist; Dr. Robert J, Con don, Tort land Internist; Dr. Don ald L. Stalnshy, Eugene neuro logical surgeon, and Dr. Arthur N. Wlens, Portland psychologist. Prineville ranch sold in parcels PORTLAND (UPD-The 12,881 acre Yancey Dry Creek ranch near Prineville was auctioned off in parcels here for about $300,000, it was reported Tuesday. The ranch Is one of the oldest livestock operations In the Prine ville area. The ranch was sold earlier this year by Orvillo and Don Yancey to Prinevillo Lake Ranch, lac, of Los Angoles, Barney C. Corbin, Los Angeles, spokesman for the latter firm, naid the properly was sold be cause of other pressing business. Part of the ranch, including the house and cultivated fields, was purchased by W. A. Thompson, owner of Machinery Sales, Inc., Portland, for about $62,000. Russian trawler sighted off coast SEATTLE (LTD - A Russian trawler was sighted 00 miles olf NchIi Bay on tho Washington coast Tuesday afternoon by a Coast Guard patrol boat, the Const ciu.nil said. The patrol craft made visual contact with the 123-foot Russian vessel, but did not communicate by radio. The trawler was headed toward Alaskan waters, and spokesmen for both the Navy and Air Force said service units were keeping labs on its activities. A PICTURE of Sparkling PERFECTION mm I? Let Nu-Wey Laundry CUSTOM LAUNDER Your Shirts Dress, Sport or French Cuffs OCc Only '' each Neatly Folded 1-Day Service Free Pick-Up & Delivery S&H Green Stamps NU-WAY LAUNDRY S. City Limits 382 1 101 Wednesday, July 17, 19631 ierr. nii i There;. , 4 t 4 USN. is serving aboard the at tack aircraft carrier, USS Mid way, operating out of Alameda, Calif. Jefferson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irby Jefferson of 122o'A E. Third, Bend, entered the Navy in June, 1932. Loyal Order of the Moose will huld a regular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at Moose Hall, 1033 Divi sion Street. Regular game night, for men and women, will be Fri day at 7:30. An area recruiter for the U.S. Marine Corps will be on duty at the Bend postoffice, in Uie Navy recruiting office, Thursday be tween 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. A 1 o'clock picnic, given bv the Home Economics Club of P I n e Forest Grange, will be held Thurs day in Pioneer Park. Members of the Home Economics Club of Little Deschutes Grange, LaPine, will be guests. Meeting Thursday at 2 p.m. will be First Lutheran Church women Esther Circle with Mrs. Lester Wick, Powell Butte, and Ruth Circle with Mrs. Lorolta Fread, 831 Roosevelt Avenue. Pioneer 4-H club, led by Mrs. R. E. Drake, visited last Friday at the Forest Service nursery on Butler Road, studying its opera tion. All members attended. Evergreen Circle, Royal Neigh bors of America, will meet Thurs day, July 18, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mable Weaser, 452 Heyburn Street. Mrs. Connie Ran dall will serve refreshments, and Mrs. Victoria Brown will be in charge of entertainment. Regular business meetings of Post No. 1643 and the auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will bo held Thursday at 8 p.m. at the VFW Hall, N. First Street at Re vere Avenue. Mrs. Charles Hark ness and Mrs, Charles Rolcy will serve refreshments. Alcoholics Anonymous will as semble at 8:30 p.m. Thursday for their regular meeting in the dis trict courtroom of the court house. JoAnne Irene Arensmeier, 1131 W. Evergreen Avenue, Redmond, will enroll tills fall at Multnomah School of Ihe Bible, Portland. Miss Arensmeier Is a Redmond Union High School graduate and has completed two years of work at California Baptist College, River side. Bend High graduates of the class of 1943 will moot Friday at 8 p.m. at the home of George Marling, 1202 E. Tenth Street, to plan their 20-year reunion. A 1 1 members of the class, now In Hie local area, are asked to attend, Annual Wisconsin picnic, for all former residonts of the state, will be held Sunday, July 21, at Brownsville. Activities will bogin at 11 a.m. Those attending may bring their own baskot lunches, or participate in a polluck dinner at noon. Bend warden Club Is having a regular summer session at 1:30 p.m. Friday, July 19, in Ihe home of Mrs. W. C. Edwards, 1375 Har mon Boulevard. Mrs. S. V. Pat terson is co-hostess. Dessert luncheon will be served and mem bers should bring their decorated yearbooks for Judging. Delegates' reports of tho recent garden club convention in Portland will be heard, under direction of Mrs. Rudy Bradcr. Drinking of unpurified water, hazard Drinking of unpurified surface water is probably one of the causes of diarrhea and other gas trointestinal infection in the Cen tral Oregon area. Dr. William Maier. Medical Director of the Tri-Cnunty Health Department, pointed out that it is a definite health hazard. Families who have no source of domestic water other than an irrigation canal may contact the I Tri County Health Department for information on filtration and puri-1 flcation of a surface water sup- piy. Swimming In irrigation canals and ditches that are a source of domestic water Is definitely pro hibited. It may be dangerous lo both the swimmer and the water user. WIN or LOSE? Why take a chance when you hive a choice? Let me help safeguard your future Income should eccident or sickness strike. Call me today, without obligation, for complete Infor mation. EASTERN OREGON AGENCY OS Oregon Ave. 3I3-37S) representing WOODMEN ACCIDENT end LIFE COMPANY rUL. National Forest to sell timber The Deschutes National Forest In tho second half of the calendar year 1963, between July 1 and De- comber 31, will offer for sale a total of 90.000,000 board feet of timber in four different districts, it was announced from the office of Supervisor Ashley A. Poust to day. In the first half of the calendar vear 1964. the Deschutes will of fer for sale 52.600,000 board feet However, prospective buyers are cautioned they should De careiui in planning for sales listed In the first half of the coming year be cause of unforeseen cir cumstances that may alter sale dates or conditions of sales. Largest sale planned for the last half of the present year will be 36.000.000 board feet in the Maklaks area of the Crescent dis trict. Second largest sale will be a 21.400,000 board foot stand In the Dugout Lake area of the Sis ters district. Largest sale proposed for the first half of 1964 includes about 20,000,000 board feet In the Round Mountain area of the Bend dis trict. Full information relative to the sales can be obtained from the U.S. Forest Service office in Bend. Milk producers receive $5.30 for 3.5 With the exception of Harney, Malheur and Curry counties, milk producers throughout Oregon will roceive $5.30 per hundred for class 1 milk containing 3.5 per cent buttorfat. Buttcrfat differential will be 7.3 cents per point. The same producers will get $2.90 tor 3.5 per cent milk, with a 6 cents differential (or their class 2 milk, This announcement was made by K. W. Sawyer, state depart ment of agriculture milk stabili zation chief, upon the filing of four orders as a result of June hearings. The department established Curry county as a second mar ket area and Malheur and Har ney counties as the third market area. All the other 33 counties are In Market Area No. 1. The prices and market areas will all be effective August 1. Workers, families hold picnic Haystack Retort was the scone last Thursday of a polluck luncheon and wiener roast for the wives and children of men work ing for Utah Construction and Mining Company on Uio Round Butte Dam Protect. Women and children alike enjoyed boating, swimming and water skiing on the local lake. The event was a special treat for Miss Veina Faredes, an ex change student from Honduras. She is staying with the Art Dun cans of Prineville. Others present were Mrs. Paul Davis, Redmond and her nephew, Bob Hawkins from Salt Lake City, Utah: Mrs. Johnnie Johnson and Mrs. Art Duncan and daugh ter, Vickio, from Prineville. Mrs. John Moon. Mrs. J I m Simpson and daughter, Clu-rri, Mrs. John Duncan, Mrs. "Kep" Keplingcr, Mrs. D. Duchering and daughters, Christine and Deborah, and Miss Jaquc Heine, all attend ed from Madras. Haystack Resort ladies present were Mrs. Altrod Patten and son, Danny. Mrs. Bill Baum and daughters, Debbie and Billie Lee, Mrs. Grant Schneider and daugh ters, Patrice and Cherri, Mrs. Glen Williams, and sons. Mitchell and Bruce, Mis Sue Copley and Miss Sharon Copley. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Sam Wimm and Mrs. Milo I DeWltte. A luncheon It sponsored M..h month hv the cmur. , . . Dill to Senate WASHINGTON (UPP-The Sen ate Agriculture Committee today advanced to the Senate floor a bill to eNtend Ihe Mexican mi grant labor ibracero) program for another year. BOB JONES RtprtnUriv afV'v '-' ! J y ".. i l FAIR BEAUTIES The Deschutes County Fair court led by Queen June Butler, front, and Princesses Andrea Lowe, left, and Bonnie Nordman were guests Tuesday at a noon meeting of the Redmond Chamber of Commerce, The court will participate in the Bend Water Pageant parade July 27. Travel editors of relaxation Special to The Bulletin METOLIUS Travel editors on a 14 day tour of Oregon ended two days of relaxation at Me tollus Meadows early today and headed over the Cascades for a boat trip down the McKemie Riv er as guests of the Oregon River Guides, Visiting in this area since Mon day were Mort Cathro, Oakland, Calif., Tribune; Marge Gllroy, Victoria, B.C., Times: William D. Ellis, Motor'and Magazine of San Francisco, and Richard Barrett of tho San Jose News. Local chambers of commerce and own ers of resorts are serving as hosts to the travelers. Personnel from the Travel Infomation Divi sion of Uie State Highway Depart ment are escorting the visitors. In the Metolius River area, the editors took many pictures at Uie Wizard Falls hatchery, joined tourists in feeding big trout at the Camp Sherman store bridge, saw the place where Uie Metolius River seemingly comes out of the base of Black Butte as a huge Williams boy not first lake victim Dale Williams, 16, Sisters boy who lost his life in Scout Lake Saturday evening, was not the first to die there, it was recalled today. In 1920. Frank Barron, 12, also a resident of Sisters, died in the lake, apparently victim of a heart attack. He was a good swimmer. The 1928 death occurred in vir tually the same part of Uie lake where the Sisters boy drowned Saturday. Frank Barron was tlie brouier of Mrs. R. A. Hannaman, of Bend. Permit required All mnstruction or reDalrs to Bend homes and buildings valued above $20 require a building per mit, which must be obtained De fore the work is started. According to city ordinance, re minds Building Inspector Floyd Watson, anyone who undertakes these projects prior to obtaining a permit will be charged double the specified permit fee. Start Wednesday Gti Opr 8:15 Shew At Duikl A POM&NtlC ROUND HART OBRIAN BOtHM WIN t eXl I t. 1 Also Spectacular Thrills In Color "SEVEN SEAS TO CALAIS"" V... : IfN -f-y a , JS end 2 days at meadows stream, and took many pictures of Uie Cascade peaks as seen across Uie meadows in front of Uie House on Uie Metolius. "People up here apparenUy take Ume to live," was the com ment of Mort CaUiro of the Oak land Tribune. Also with the group on Uie Metolius visit was Red Reynolds, who is making a movie of Oregon State parks. Before returning to Central Ore gon, for a night stop in Bend on July 24, the editors will visit Uie Oregon coast, go up the Rogue In a mail boat, visit Oregon Caves and swing back Into the Cascades via Crater Lake. Rep. Cannon predicts tax law defeat Problems that will face Oregon if Uie legislature's tax proposal is referred to Uie people and defeated were mentioned by Rep. Kessler Cannon in a talk to Bend Lions here Tuesday noon. If the tax plan is referred, Cannon believes, it will be defeated. "What next?" Cannon asked In outlining possible avenue of ap proach to a solution. If the tax vote should be close, he antici pates that the legislature w ill be called back Into session. If Uie legislature is not called back. Cannon said the state will face the problem of pro-rating funds available. There is also a possi bility, he noted., that the state emergency board will be asked to take over. Cannon said he believes there is "a crying need for tax reform" in Oregon, especially a change that would broaden the tax base. The sales tax proposal was dis cussed. Rep. Cannon was introduced by Glenn O. Ratcliff. Lions' presi dent. Cary Davis, Lions' representa tive at the Oregon State Univer sity 4-H summer school, was a guest of the club and reported on the school. Gary is president of the Bend Empire Builders' 4-H group. George Warrington was present ed with a past president's pin. and Bud Young was Introduced as a new member of the club. fiTHE - WOBLD WaMHUntl t . 1 w Wm NEITlfTCN u iaa THUTM N . i ii r r'4we ' f2 . L - . J If ' 1 "" -j-uy t W. T. Colpitis, 6( dies Monday Walter T. Colpitts, rancher and life-long resident of the Paulina area, died Monday, July 15, in Bend. The 64-year-old man was born Nov. 12, 1899, in Summcr vllle, Oregon. Mr. Colpitts was a member of the Farm Bureau, Prineville Elks Lodge and the Oregon Cattlemen's Association. He is survived by his wife, Anne of Paulina: one daughter, Peggy Lewcllyn, Medford: two brothers, Alva, Springfield, and Willard of Paulina, and one grand child. Funeral services will be held Thursday. July 18 at 2 p.m. at the Prineville Funeral Home. The Rev. D. L. Penhollow, Powell Butte Community Church, will of ficiate. Burial will follow In Juniper Haven Cemetery in Prineville. Vernon Crawford to sing on radio Central Oregon College radio broadcasts will feature folk sing er Vernon Crawford, next year's Student Body president. Crawford will sing both familiar and un familiar songs that have a place in the art of folk singing. His program ranges from the well-known "Sixteen Tons" and "Hound Dog Song" to the lesser known but lovely "Turtle Dove." Mr Crawford's brother, Phillip, plays the guitar and the banjo to accompany this program. H can be heard on KBND on Wednesday, July 17: KPRB. Fri day, July 19: KRCO. Monday. July 22: and KGRL on Wednes day. July 24. Moose slate picnic Sunday The Loyal Order of the Moose will hold its annual picnic Sun day. July 21, in the upper mea dows of Shevlin Park. All mem bers and Uieir families and guests will be welcome. Those attending are to take pot luck dishes and Uieir own table service. Ice cream, coffee and soft drinks will be furnished by the lodge. Games and other activities are planned for all ages, with cash prizes to be given winners In Uie children's races. 33 LU.VitT, il 2-382jLl 'Starts'Wednesdeyl MACABRE MASTERPIECE ' MMM MTf MATVUi pwilt PRICE Ftn.lORRE leajsKARLOFF On The Same Pregraml AUftlD HITCHCOCK'S JAMKS STEWART WINDOW' Oregon Range Youth Camp slated Aug. 6-11 The Oregon Range Youth Camp, sponsored by the American Socie ty of Range Management, will be held on August 6 to 11 at Lako Creek Guard Station in Grant County, Ed De a I y , Deschutes county chairman of this ASRM activity, announced today. Dealy said the camp presently Is restricted to four sponsored boys between the ages of 14 and 17 from each county. Aim of the camp staff is to acquaint the boys with maintaining and using wisely natural resources of range, forest, wildlife and soils. Although directed by the Pacif ic Northwest section of the ASRM. the camp draws upon the Oregon State University Extension Serv ice, rancher organizations, feder al agencies and other civic groups and individuals In rounding out the program. Deschutes County boys between the ages of 14 and 17 interested In attending the camp are being asked to get in touch with their 4-H or FFA leaders, or call Dealy, whose telephone Is 382-1834. Engineering employees elect Salemite Associated Engineering Em ployees of Oregon at their sum mer meeting in Bend this past weekend elected George LcTour ncaux of Salem president for tho coming year, succeeding John Oakcs, who headed the group this past year. Present for the din ner meeting were some 80 per sons. H. Scott Coulter, La Grande, was the choice for vice president, with John C. Canficld, Salem, named secretary treasurer. Newly elected division directors include George W. Martin, Bend. Oakes presided at the dinner meeting, at which Phil F. Brogan of The Bulletin staff was speaker, with "Oregon Mountains" as his topic. Visitors Included Bill Chandler, former Division 4 engineer and now retired and living in Yuciapa, Calif. He and Mrs. Chandler are spending the summer in Bend. JUST LIKE HOME NICE, France (UPI) Andre Portelatine, one of the members of Cmdr. Jacques-Yves Coustcau's recent 20-day experiment in living under the Red Sea, said Tuesday he ate and slept as though he were at home. "We are enthused about tho days we lived and by the under sea landscape we saw," Portela tine said here. "An underwater life does not present any difficulty." MOVING??? PHONE 382-5641 BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER Agent For Office & Warehouse Located at 539 E. 1st Next to Les Schwab Tire Center Daily TV Logs 6.00 rvt-eiie Newt Beat Cartoon Cast la 6.15 Crunk te Nrws Hunt ley-Brink Icy 6-30 Cams llunrtrrrt tuMor Sorts (c) Ofhran A the New 7. TO " Arnws The Seas (c) Hennesey 7:.m portrait The Virginian Wason Train 8:00 World Accent " H W LKbit miU ' Uolng My Way 9:f) lioverly tlilll.MlIrs Kraft Mialciy Theatre 9.30 Itirk Van Dyke Show " Our Man Hlgglnt I0:ii Circle Theatre Eleventh Hour Naited Qty 10:30 " 11.00 iNieitilsc-ene Nisht beat News Final 11:30 All War WievKn Tonight Show M-tvie 12 kAIL-rV Clinnrtft t 7 .HI Ti for the Show 6: ("J HI h Rt 9.1) Bold Juumey 6:30 Ann Solhern IU.00 ISewi 7:0u Uruucho Marx 10 30 Stev Allen hOAP IV LliannH 10 b:W The Finder 6:30 What iev 8 30 What in the Wurld 7:00 Pels for Kids ! no Kscare From the C 7:15 Friendly (Jia-it V W Tallulah Bankhpari 7:30 Refresher Maih I in-up Playwright at Work I HI KM'AV 6.00 6 50 Prayer ft Hymn 7.W Ttlay " - po weather rvut To-tay. Almanac Paul'i Agritcop ?.4J Cartmm rime Tlay if 00 CaiHain Kawevrw tartner'a uut Dr. aWm'i Cartoon 2;j .; " The King A Odja 8 t0 Humti Kuum 9 HI CAIeP'lar .lack LaLanna " 9 SO I Lav. Lucy P'ay Yuur Hunrrt M 10. 00 The McCuya price U kltht IP 30 Peie ar Ola.1V CWwn'nUl.T, 11. UO Lwv we Llit VAli t '.rti l..TYs!--, TV Sir-- Ll:30 Search luffluftw Truth or Consecjuenrej Sevtn K 11 45 UulUnt 1-ifhl U'.OU Hi Neurit People Will Taik Ernie urd U 30 As Tbm w-rM IMrrt le lf.n Fa'her Knuw Ktt t''cri,p L ri: Vuum (General Hospital t S H-m Party V " . S" Olri Talk I t", Tt,la J."1 T" M"tot1 i;ame iXIn Coort ::3Q r ite . Muhi Make K.-um fur tJfldy Jan ttyrnaii I at Seer ' S'orm Tn, MaUnee W'.,n for a Lay 3. T:e Miliionaitt Wt IJu y.M Trlist SSV?4 ' American band. land 80 Cant 0rral ie lJicuvery J-?? '. ( iulc" ("rw Trtre Sugea KUl l ItmnmH f ITiK Inc M niiirt t trwm tfitmHl hi lttmtlrl by 1 accuracy cmmmh b luaraDtt! tw lb t4 BulltHisw Two charge discrimination PORTLAND (UPI Two Negro students at Lewis and Clark Col lege Tuesday accused the City of Portland of discrimination in bar ring them from Jobs as park play ground directors. Samuel Macon and Nathan Jones, both football players, made the accusations. An official for the Oregon Bu reau of Labor said the bureau's civil rights administrator, Mark A. Sith. has petitioned the labor commissioner for a cease and de sist order against the city. The Portland City Council has been called to appear at a hearing before the commissioner Aug. 1. Found guilty PORTLAND (UPI)-Hcnry Gill. 3G, Portland, was found guilty of second degree murder by a Cir cuit Court jury Tuesday. Gill, a construction worker, was accused of the fatal stabbing of Hubert Hayes, 41, Portland, here April 19. Sentencing was scheduled for Monday. The jury returned a unanimous verdict after deliberaUng for 2 1-2 hours. KBND I110KC 5000 Watt TuNiiiiirs PimilltAMS 8:00 am Halter Spoi l 6. II) Paul Hnrv?y New : (N-HhIuIi Curtis Slimv 6:?. Flair Reports 6 3ft Central Oregon CuIIbs 6.4HA!ex Drelei Newt 6 5: Newt 1 ixtK-Bend Musical Halrul 8 30 S"ti, Neubemei 8: It: llfilph Curtis Show 8:ftV Network Newt 8:00 Ralph Curtli Show 9 Netwnrk Newt 10: IK) Dick Clark Report! 10.05 Ralph Curtis Show. News l-ltUKSIMV fjiOONewt Around Uit World 6.U.WTNT 6:311 Loral News 6:4ft Farm Reporter 7:00 Frank Hemingway - T:l Morning Melodies MIN-Newt 7:30 Morning Htnindup 6:00 Uon Allen with lilt nawt 8; 10 Northweit Newt 8:15 Larry Wilson .Shw 8; 30 Memo from Mary 8:35 Larry Wilson Show 8:55 Network Newt 9, 0O Bulletin Board 9:10 Larry Wilson Show il:su Uoiaen Hill 9:45 Top Tunes 10:iiO Larry Wllnon Show 10: -A Flair Report! 10:311 Local News 10 35 Larry Wilson Show 10:55 Network Newt 11:00 Larry Wllnon Show 11- 15 Living Should Be Fun 11:30 Larry Wilton Show 11:55 Network Newt 12:00 Noontime Melodic 12:10 Today' Classifieds 13:15 Sporta Review 12- 20 Noontime Malodiei 13:80 Noon Newt 12:45 Farmers Hour 1:00 Sam Bast Show 1:35 Flair Reports 1:30 Paul Harvey Newt 1:45 Sam Bait Show 1:55 Network News 3:00 Five t'.oMen Mlnultt 2:05 Sam bass Show 2:55 Network News 8:00 Collector! Corner 3:'.'. Sam Bass Show 8:!5 Network Newt 4:00 Sam Bam Show 4:25 Northwest Newt 4:30 Nam Bast Show 4:40 Tom Harmon SporU 4:50 Sam Bast Show 4:55 Network Newt 5:0O Sam Bass Show 5:25 Loral News 5:30 Ralph Curtis Show Insured Storage Packing & Crating Heated Warehouse Bonded Drivers Certified Service 1 S lit J J) iho sUUufH anej