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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1920)
t HClfD BUIiLXTIN, BHND, ORROON, THURSDAY, JUNE it, 1020, VAGI I f nnwrt H-rn r """ What's Doing UESK:ttr.::m:!t:it:i:::ui!t::u:n::i::: TWELVE JAPANESE BROUGHT TO RANCH Wtork Is ProKTCS-dng Itnpidly N'K Tract or Potato Land inir- rliawl Near Powell Ilutto. POWELL BUTTE. Juno 2. Work rocs steadily on toward tho preparation ot tho land recently purchased by Dolson, Mustnrd nud othors for tho planting of tho en tire tract to potatoes, Twelvo Jap anese laborers were put on tho ground Monday morning. Tho board of directors of tho Wilson school met Monday evening, May 31, to prepare n budget for Btxt year's expenses. They esti mate that It will require- $13S7.50 to run tho- school next year, and Bavo posted notices to that offect, to bo approved by the voters ot tho district Juno 21. Tho Powell Butte Sorosls clnu met at Community hall Wednesday, May 26. As this was tho annual Mothers' day for members, and a largo number was present, tho fol lowing ladles, acted as hostesses. Mrs. J. Arthur Mllnor, Mrs. Kdwnrd Luthy, Mrs. Rudolph Wellpott and Miss Mablo Allen. Some business of Importance was transacted. Tho vote was taken deciding that this club Bond ' dues to the federation and continue, as in the past, a member of tho federated clubs. Af ter tha business session tho guests were invited to n beautifully dec orated table, . where a delicious luncheon was served. The tablo decorations were Central Oregon wild flowers. Tho next meoting will bo with Mrs. George Whltsctt as hostess, at Community hall. Mrs. Frank KIssler and children are at home from an extended visit to her parents and relatives In Mon tana. Mrs. E. A. Biggs, mother of J. A. Rlggs, who has been visiting her son here, has gone to Seattle, where 6ho will visit with another son for a month or two, and will then re turn to her home at Brownsville to r spend the winter. Mrs. S. D. Mustard returned from Oaksdale, Wash., last week, bring ing with her a niece and nephew, Adalino and Archie Mustard, who will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. A. XV. Bayne were Prineville visitors Saturday. The attendance at the fifth an nual ball given at Community hall Friday night was not so good as it might have been, owing, doubtless, to tho shortage of gas. Prineville sent a good-sized crowd, but Red mond and Bend were conspicuous 1- their absence. Born At tho Redmond hospital, 'Saturday, May 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hobbs of Powell Butte, a son, weight, ?', pounds; name, John Hartley. Mrs. Mary V. Chandler. Charles Charlton. Grandma Spray and Helen Curtis attended the memorial serv ice in I'rlnevlllo Sunday. Dave Still and family spent Sun day with relatives ia Prineville. Grandma Sears is quito 111 at the homo her daughter, Mrs. D. A. Yates. Mrs. Hans Jacobsen and children drove a bunch ot young cattle 'last week from Powell Butte to their ranch at Roberts, whero the cattle will bo kept until fall. C. C. Brlx was a business visitor So: J 1 i rfV -t Of.. f.-T-y Jt VJssrSLX aw w Condnhctl SUKcmont of Condition of (he CENTRAL OREGON BANK Bend, Oregon, nt CIos of Business .May Mil, WiO IlESOURCKS Loans and Discounts f59,938.81 Bonds and Warrants , 70,124,63 Furniture and Fixtures , 3,800.00 Cash and Exchanges 105,037.59 Other Resources 1,000.00 Total Resources $040,501.03 LIABILITIES Capital Stock 25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits., :.. 17,964,90 DPOlta 597,536.13 Total Liabilities CALLS FOR CONDITION Controller of Currency DepoNits May 1st, 1910 j 59.571.32 May 1st, 1917 202,017.23 May 10th, 1918 368.879.33 May 12th, 1919 .' .' 395 114 10 May 4th, 101!0 n07,n0.1 BEND mmMm munWmiu Bsaai:wsjRnj:8!tt88U8!:B:asw8iai8ia!i:tswin:8SB!i:!!tnns In The Country st!::t:::tmtitntunt::::K:nss:::::u::8:!!t!:: to Redmond one day Inst week. Tho Powell Uutto Sunday richool gave n Memorial day program Inst Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Stewart and Mrs. Gladys Stout have returned from a vIbR to Portland, Hood River and othor points. They were accom panied homo by Mrs. Stewart's father, Mr. Jackson, of Hood River, who will spon dthe summer on the ranch with his daughter and son-in-law. Tho board of directors of Ed wards school has signed up n con tract with Mrs. Gladys Mllnor to tench Its school next year. Mrs. Mllnor taught last year and her work was approved by tho patrons. At Shepard school district, Miss Fay Bussett will bo tho teacher ngitln next year. Her work with tho Children last year being satis factory, she was ro-omployod at nn Increasod salary. Butte Valley di rectors Imp not signed up yet, but believe they are to havp Miss Burcn, who taught thero two years ago. Members of tho Prineville Com mercial club wcro Interviewing tho reople of Powell Butto Monday on Mho matter of R. F. D. sorvlce. It Is tho desire of Piueville to make that postofflco tho delivery point for Powell Butte. This would eliminate tho Star route from Red mond to Powell Butto and probably cut out the Powell Butto pottofflco later. In the event of direct tele phone, communication with Prine ville, this would moot with the ap proval ot most ot the patrons, but If the Prlnevlllo Commercial club desires the business of Powell Uut,to to that extent they will have to furnish a telephono service at more reasonable rates than any offer we have heard. ' MONTHLY SERVICE AT PLEASANT RIDGE ih.picivt ninnt' t., Tho ,VcT,i i m, ,,.;.,,. ,. 0111 wero shopping In Sisters Sat Tho usual monthly meeting was r,i... ,. held Thursday evening nt the homo of Dr. and Mrs. Alonzo Petty. An exceptionally largo crowd was pres ent and a very Interesting sermon was preached by Dr. Potty. The ladies served n lunch consisting ofj sandwiches, cake and coffee. Anton Ahlstrom has been helping install the new headgate Jn tho Swalley ditch at Bend this week. j J. W. Peterson mado a business trip to Bend Friday. Dr. A. Petty wus a business vis itor In Bend Friday. Mrs. Georgo Holton of Deschutes was a caller In this neighborhood Thursday. Mrs. Jones has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Swalley, after visiting for some time at Prineville and Sisters. Mrs. O. E. Anderson was a. Red' rnond visitor Wednesday. T .LI . ' Tuesday night. . u. uuicnins arnvcu oy auto ino terreuonno scnool goes on from Oregon City Thursday morn- record ngaln for club project work, ing. Mrs. Hutchlns and small son, A standard pig club of six members accompanied by Mrs. Roberts, Mrs.jhaa been formed with DeWItt Wll Hutchins' mother, will follow later.) "ams as leader. Thttro are also three Dr. Alonzo Petty arrived hcre.Bardon club members, from Portland Tuesday morning to J- H. Elllngcr, brother of tho late spend a few days at his home. J- J- Elllnger, was here for a short Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swalley. Mrs. visit. Ho returned to his homo in Jones and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. An- Seattle Sunday, derson attended tho party at tho' A community meeting was held John Parks homo near DeA'butes' "oro ,aBt Tuesday. Thero was a Mr. and Mrs. John E. Williams J""1 ana ol "overui otner local ar of Prineville camo over to look """ , . . after their property on Saturday. Whll h.r lh..v wnrn tr.ip.if nt il,i.,n Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson w ft -c I 5.r & & Si w r I I ft I I tifrr $640,501.03 OREGON IM&TM'S woro dinner guests nt tho Potty homo Saturday evening. Mrs. II. T, Mikkaluun linn boon suffering with n sore oyu thin wcok, Alfred Podorson mndo n trip to Redmond Friday aftor soino ill falfn nud grain seed, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo llolton ot DoHChutes worn guestH nt tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. II. T. MlkkelROit Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson ot Tumalo woro vlnltorA nt tho J, W Peterson homo Sunday. .i..T :...'.. i.. .. ;...ii. -...,.! lit Irtff fl 11,Mt l.lltll Ctllt v lorV y. . m.v.,. ,.v ,. .,. ".'.."I day tn homplotu the work on tho, lteadguto. Hans Hanson ot Deschutes spoilt Sunday with Alfred MikkclRou. W. B. HutchliiB went to Redmond on Saturday nftor his cow, which ho had shipped up by freight from Oregon City. Mrs. O. E. Anderson visited nt tho Bales homo nt Tumitlu Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Anderson wcro callers at tho J. B. Anderson homo near Tumalo Sunday after noon. CLOVERDALE 'PARTY MAKES BIG CATCH CLOVEHDALE. Juno 2. tleerg Cyrus and and family, Frank Ar nold, wife and daughter and Thomas Arnold and wife spent Sunday on Squaw creek, fishing. Although tho day was cool unci windy, they caught about ISO fishr H. K. Kline, wife nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. It. King and J. U. Hodson and family were picnicking on tho Deschutes Sunday. Mrs. Christy and Voitn Partln were callers at the home of J. L. Parberry last week. Reuben A. Lung of Silver Lake was hero Monday ,o got his Rheop that Mr. Partln had wintered for him. A. E. Hoss of Plalnvlow was a caller In our section last week XV V. Harrison and wife wero ! business visitors In Sisters Monday lru r!nrt((-A t),rtt,, nn.l .Int.nliti..: I.. ' "" Mimi J. 1... Parberry has purchased n Ford car, Mrs. B. c. Kllno spoilt Sunday afternoon with Mrs. llllleary. Thomas Arnold was a business visitor In Bond Saturday. . E. M. Pock nnd family were din- nor guests at tho Harrlnon homo Sunday. TERREBONNE MEN HURT IN WRECK TERREBONNE. June 1. Lylo McFadden was badly brulned last Friday when a car In which he was riding, driven by John .Mock, over turned a half mllo south of Terre bonne. Grant Nichols sustained a 1 sprained wrist In tho same accident. M.I M . . (Jcngtiiy uiscussion of tho Jap ques- ." s wore on a snort busl- l"P "" HCaillC, Last Thursday so vera I of the far mers around Terrebonne took a dny off and Improved tho. North Terre-bonne-Lower Bridge road. They ro- , turned homo In tho evening report ing mat a ronn Had been mado through to Lower Brldgo and they expect It to bo recognized soon by tho stnto highway commission as n market road. Tho school picnic last Friday proved to bo a success. A gnmo of buso ball was played by the juvenile teams aftor which dinner was served In the gymnasium. After dinner n game of ball was played by the Fili pinos and tho town toam. The scoro nt tho end was 15 to 5 In favor of tho town team. After tho game the time was taken up with foot races and tugo ot war. Mrs. N. II. Ellott. and daughter, Nina, left hero for Seattle last Sat urday. Mrs. Joo Howard, of Lower Brldgo, Is spending tho woek nt Mrs, J. Dietrich's. PLAINVIEW FOLK VISIT AT LAKE PLAINVIEW. Juno 1. A party of 20 peoplo from Plalnvlow had u vory ploasant outing and plcnlp at Suttlcs lake last Sunday, A few in tho party fished and caught a K0(1 mass for supper. Mr. Louzetta Pulllam made a trip to tho homo of J. M. McKlnuey on HIDES Aro NOT Junk. Ship your Hides and Calfskins to tho II. V. NORTON COMPANV Portland, Ore. and got full valuo for then, Prlco list and shipping tags on request. tho High Desert on Friday, returning IIUI1IU OIIIIHUII). I Messrs Hoy nud Edger Honrtt woro Clnverdalu cnllurs Saturday uv onlng Alex Lcvorour. purehousod 'rt Mux .well louring car recently, Plalnvlow ranchers have been planting potntooR (ho punt week. An Innovation Is being mado this year In treating the sued with laud Plaster. Mrs, A. E. Hobs was a Itodmund cuuor Hiuuruiiy, Mr. mill Mrs. II. T. Hartley and A. W, Armstrong wore buslnuss callers In Bond Saturday. i Tll ' " ' dU,) Wl" ,l0,a "" JMUU 3. The regular Drenching services will ho conducted at tho school house on Sunday afternoon, June 0, ut 3 o'clock. Miss Josephine Burgos wont to Deschutes Sunday evening en roiiw to Portland whero shu will spend two months of her Hiimiiier vacation. Mr. mid Mrs. M. YV. Knickerbock er, and daughter, Connie, also Miss Helen ,M. Foley, of Bond, were din ner guests ut the II. Mil mors' homo on Sunday. Notices have been posted for tho annual school meting to ho hold at the school house Monday afternoon. June 21st, at 2 o'clock. Hoy (1 ml Edgar Honrtt and Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Scogglu attended the graduation exercises of tho Ilmul high school at the gymnasium last Friday evening. GAME OFFICIALS TO VISIT MANY LAKES Practically All Bodies of Water In County That Have Been Stocked Will Bo Inspected. Practically nil of tho lakes of Deschutes county that have been stocked by tho state game commis sion In the past few years will he In cluded In the Itinerary of 11 party of commissioners touring tho stnto shortly. Stato Gnmo Wurdon A. E. Burghduff will accompany them and will give particular uttentlou to mountain lakes recently made ac cessible tn motorists In this section. Included In tho group will be Statu Senntor John Gill and Commissioner mnn. f ?nlnm blmiiion WMbnlem Relatives a Pavement for Drlde. Jri the Hrrvey inland n bride m Hie' dnylM'fore the nctunl iiinrrlngo walks UMiri the hacks of her future hn tfniid'H relatives, nud on Hie happy day her relutlves form n similar pavement for him. In each cum.- from lioue to hnuM Climax Alfalfa and Grass Seeder PRICE $4S.OO This seeder attaches to deck of any ordinary peg-tooth harrow. Drops seed down among the harrow teeth. Sows any. amount desired up to one bushel per acre. Not an experiment, but has been used in the East 13 years. When harrowing'ground last time over, attach seeder, and har- ' row and sow at one operation. ... Only two gears to wear. One of these seeders will last for years. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION See this Climax Seeder at- Bend Hardware Company ,CAR OP GASOLINE ON WAY TO BEND Should Ho Hero by 1111110 It or n, Nay W. It. Speck, hut Cantor allon May Ho .Yowuiry. That 0110 car of gasoline Is 011 route tn Bond front the east wan tho 1 11 for mation received this morning by V, It, Speck, local iiiaiinger for tho Standard Oil Co. The shipment In scheduled to arrive In Band either June 3 or R, relieving tho Has short age which has houu felt hero for the past 10 days. Under the system uf rationing now being used, the sup ply uf gas and distillate 011 hand will lie virtually exhausted when tho eastern shipment arrives, Even at that ,snyn Mr. Speck, tin less other cars Are sent In quickly I from western points, It will he nec essary to conserve carefully. Heparin ot Bond nutolstH, who stated that tlioy wore able tn get all tho gasoline they wanted In Madrus ut R0 cents ngallon, Mr. Speck took ns nn Indication that hoarding and profiteering Is being practiced. "The Standard Oil price Is .10 cent, and Bend distributors are charging only tlireo cents abovq this quota tion," )io said. FIVE MONTHS LAMBS AVERAGE 91 POUNDS lreeil Weight Km'iviN Thntif 10 Month Old Animals .Marketed In 1011) I'm in Name Flock F. B. Baughmaii, of Deschutes, came In Friday with 37 dressed j spring lambs for tho O Dounoll mar ket. Tho avorago weight was 91 pounds for five months old Inrnus, whllo 50 dressed owes broifght In ut the same time averaged 135 pounds. Last year Mr. Baiiglimun marketed many Iambs In Portland, and his 10 months old animals only averaged 71 pounds. They were grude lanibx, however, whllu this year, Mr. Baugh nlan is uulng n pure bred sire, and is demonstrating the value of scientif ic feeding and care. No Dan&ar. "Work UfTfr klllrd no one yet. No, and it uln't colng to kill mer Prow y Dsn. . SAYS SHE THREW HER'MONEY AWAY Mrs, I'mkor Spent lluitilicdv Hooking lloiillli T1111I110 llwturoM Her, "My troubles have bi;on completely overcome since I begun Inking Tan- , Ino and I am enjoying the host health I have had In twenty years," said Mrs. Parker, of 423 East Third St., Los Angeles, Cat, y "I spout several thntiHUiul dollars for medicines mid treiitinonlH," shu continued, "hut It was Just money thrown away, for I never got any relief from my suffering until I coinniencod taking Tnnlan. I was practically an Invalid for twenty yours and all my trouble was oaunoil , by the nwful condition of my stom ach. A groat part of tho time I was confined to my bed, simply loo weak to bo up. 1 could oat but very little, and that disagreed with 1110 so I suffered terribly from gas. To make uiuttors worse I was attacked by rhnumntlsiu In my arufs and log, which caused me 110 end of pain und mlHory. I never got 11 good night's sleep mid, hornmu extremely nervous. "Well, 1 have Just finished uvl fourth bottle of Tauhic mid It Is woi9 dofful the way I have Improved. WI1.7 I fool no well and strong I dn all my own housework without the least trouble. Last week I actually did the family washing nud It Iiiih been many years since I did a thing llko that My appetite is fine mid unthliig dlHiigroes with me. I sloop rostfully nnd get up feeling refreshed every morning. The rhuumntlMti has entirely disappeared mid Tunhio deserves every bit of the credit." "Taulno Is sold in Bend by Owl Drug Co., In Sisters by (lonrge F. Altken, mid In Bend by llorlou Drug Co." Qrstll Roads. Owr-nlMindniii.i of patience, plrnjj ftf pliiik, nnd a hirce inoimuru of stnm Ihu are tho three t-sn'iillal qunlltlr that tnntorlMs In South America niiMt poM'n, pHrtlculnr'y when traveling ovci llrnkllluii mail. In southern Bra r.ll, roads are not only almost liupss sable most of the time, but aro gen rrully lioiolenty ltiixiislhle from tlii tumlHi'nt of louring comfort. Trn versing them contJltutri one of tlm inot Kutvru loits to which motor cart und tire, can be subjected. Olvlna Them Their Due. Thr limn with bniliin who docs r.ot ur tbcm Is uliigRiirtl! sbniiie him. The bard worker with few talents l n drudge; oncniinigo him. Tbe uiuii ulth Inlcnts who worl.M bard to make the umt of them l n goulut; prnl j