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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
17ctW W-mii- V 5 BOND nUIiLKTIN, BEND, 0lK(JON, f HUIWDAY, MAY 20, 1020. (ll rAOR i'.imnw-ijwiWrrifl'i'iHii1M" ' ' ' taamnm 14 I l ! tt If ii ww:iat::m:inii::::::::t:wmii!::i:tn!t!a:!:::t:!:tH!!tt:titti!:r.iHti!:!::itsmi:int!:iH:iwii!iHiiHt:tuiH!H::t:itrt: What's Doing In The Country Lrawasnas::n:!WB::B::i::snn!K:wmniKi: NEWS NOTES FROM PLEASANT RIDGE PLKASANT 1UDQE, May 17. Mr,, Gibson, of Plnlnvlew, was n callor at tho Anderson homo Wedncsdnr afternoon. Mr. Haines, tho rent estnto man of Bond, hnd sorao people ou. to look at Jnko rotcrsons piaco wcu ncsday. Ernest Frank was a business visi tor In Redmond Tuesday afternoon. Jlrs. nallnrd Olios and her son, Ermal, havo boon visiting at tho homo of her brother, Ed Swalley. Roy Hamblln, tho Swalley ditch rider, delivered some of tho new headgates to somo of tho farmers In this vicinity Friday. Hans HanB6n visited Alfred Mlk Jiolsen over Sunday. roturnluR to his homo near Deschutes Monday mom Mr. and Mrs. Wagner and small son wero Redmond visitors Sntur day. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mnhnffey. ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Larson, all of Rend, wero fishing at Whlto Rock Sunday. Mrs. O. E. Anderson nnd Alfred MlkkolBon attended tho track meet In Redmond Saturday. Rasmus Peterson and Mrs Cather ine Johansen wcro In Redmond Sat urday evening. Mrs. Roy Hnmblln and her mother-in-law. Mrs. Revenue, visi ted Mrs. O. E. Anderson Friday. Mrs. H. J. Mlkkelsen cntertntmu nt a dinner party In honor of her hnnlinnd's btrthdav Sunday. Those nresnnt were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Olo Hanson and W. P. Clft, of Deschutes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson and children, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Ander son, Miss Hllma Kelson. Antone Ahl strom. Andrew Nelson, Mr. nnd Mrr. Alfred Pcdersen, Oswold Pedersen. Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Catharine Johansen. O. E. Anderson went to Redmond after lumber, Wednesday, to build a flume. J. W. Peterson purchased a now phonograph from tho music store in Redmond. Aritono Ahlstrom lost a fine young bull from bloat. J. W. Peterson made a business trip to Bond Saturday. O. E. Anderson delivered somo of his steers to Bond tho first of tho week. Calvin WInnlngham hblpod drive them down. H. T. Mlkkelsen, W. J. Shannon and Alfred Pederscn were In Red mond on business Saturday. Ollrer Hamblln went to Tumnlo Saturday evening. Fred Seeling, of Bend, was a caller in this neighborhood Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Petty and Miss Martha Sum wont to Redmond Thursday to attend the meeting at the Bnptm church. Mr. Petty la also there, having como up from Portland. Antono Ahlstrom, uccompanled by Miss Hilma Nelson and Mrs. O. E. Anderson, was In Redmoud Thursday afternoon. A baby girl was born to Mr. and John W. Gray at Vancouver, Wash., on April 2G. She has been named Margarite Elizabeth. PINEHURST PUPILS TAKE EXAMINATIONS Sho Feels Fine. Your kldnoys need help If your hnnds of feet are swollen and there is a puffy look under tho eyes. Mrs. L. Gibson, 12th and Edison St.. I.a Junta, Colo., writes: My kidneys gave mo a great deal of trouble for some time. I took Foley Kidney Pills and they helped me right away. There is such a change in rao I feel flno now.. Sold everywhere. PINEHURST. May 17. Mr. nt.d Mrs. F. L. McManmon. Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Snyder nnd children, nnd Mir. Sarah E. Groom, spont Sunday ut tho Norcott home below Tumnlo. Mr. and Mrs. Grovor Gorklnn woro business callers In Rejiuoii'l Snturday. Rorella Phelps spent Sunday with Bessie Snyder. Among thoso who wore buslnonn callers In Bend tho past week wort. C. if. Spaugh and dnughtcr, Violet, Mrs. F. L. McMnnmon. Mrs. G. W. Snyder, Mrs. Sarah Groom, Miss Ivy Snyder. John Bollmun nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Dave Mlckols. Tho eighth and seventh grade pu pils of this district wore taking th stato examinations Thursday ami Friday. Mrs. Robert Smith conduc ted tho examinations. Mrs. Davo Mlckols was a caller n' tho Snyder home Sunday. T. A. Brannon was u caller nt tho Snyder homo Friday night. Mrs. F. Ii. McMnnmon entertained Mrs. Sarah Groom Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Davu Mlckols nrd Edwin nnd Roy Mlckols wero In Tuhuilo Sunday. Never Saw Anything: Hotter. Mrs. A. B. Griffith, box 154, An drews, Ind.. writes: "Last wlntor my family all had tho 'flu. I tried Foley's Honey und Tnr nnd never saw nnythlng nny hotter. From now on I will not bo without Foley's Honey and Tar In tho house." Hold evcryu here:. Adv. BROILERS SHIPPED TO THE BEND MARKET for their homo In tho East tho Inst of tho month. Goorgo. Cyrus Is having his ear overhauled In Slstors. A Jolly crowd of neighbors nnd frluuds mot nt tho homo of R. O. Audrun for a surprise fnrowoll sur prise party for Mrs. llolilshtp und daughter. Tho evening was pleas antly spent In playing games, In torsporsed with music, after which h delicious lunch was solved. . Mrs. Holdshlp spent Tuesday af ternoon with Mrs. Thomas Arnold. Mrs. Harrison was a callor Wed nesday afternoon ut tho Andrus homo. T. Arnold has boon busy set ting out strawberry plan . which ho received from Portland Thoy nro of tho overbearing progressive vurloty. Idan reee makes 27 POUND GAIN Bend, Oregon, Man In Had Shape Takes Taiilnr and IVoN l.lku NVtV ..Man, Now. How to Destroy n gwxl UIp)iltlon. Bad digestion wilt ruin tho bust disposition. It tho world looks dark nnd blue. It you nro generally "out of sorts" and foci stuffed up and uncomfortable Just tnko a Foley Cathartic Tablet. Relieves mean headaches, biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, constipation .ami Ills that follow disordered digestion. Hold everywhere- Adv. CLOVERDALE. May 18. Miss Winifred Aldrich Is shinning three dozen broilers a week to tho Bend market. Sho is also shipping to Portland. Vorn Skclton hns purchased Mr. Pnrtln's old car and Mr. Partln hud ordered a now one. G. Ruling has a deal on to sou hl IntnrnsttM In tho Harris ulnco nnd move onto his own, which bo recently, purchased from I. E. Smith. Mrs. C. Lund is visiting menus In Montana. s Thnan InVlnir tho examinations 111 our school In tho 8 th grade woro Thomas Harrison and Wnyno Ay rus; seventh grade, Holen Good rich and Albion Peck; sixth grade, Anita Hodson, Alothea Hodson, Vern Bradley, Merlo McDonald. School will close Friday. May 21, and tho children will utl enjoy a picnic on Squaw creek. Thn nlnv. nt thn Council club Friday night, entitled "Popping tho Question." was woll rendered, as u-ria nlun thn snnir bv tho "Hay seeds," which was repeatedly en nmii Thin closes tho club'ii Ac tivities until fall, as everyone is so busy farming and making gar den. A lnrco number of Cloverdale oeonlo attended tho track meet in Redmond Saturday . Mr. Fish has recently moved into the Rodman house on the Sisters Redmond road. It. O. Andrus delivered a load of potatoes in Bend Monday. T C ahfnnml Iwn car- loads of beeves to Portland last! Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Holdshlp attended tho track meet In Redmond Satur day and took ,tho evening train to Madras, from where they will leave wnw ji Hjyjiyiijiji I f III I'll !! H-'- - ", r-.fr8' "" " " -'"-' POOR HATCHES IN INCUBATOR I have actually gained twenty seven pouuilH In weight and font Just Itko u now man slnco 1 began taking Tunlac," said Dan Rood, i woodman, who lived at Bend, Ore., whllo In tho Owl drug store recently. Continuing ho said: ".Some time ago I began to have trouble with my stomach. My ipio tlto became very poor, and I finally got to whero I would havo to force down every mouthful I utv, und when I did ffils I would suffer with In tense critutplug pains In my stomach afterward, 1 would also bloat somo thing awful and my huart would pal pltatu terribly nnd It would be all I could do to got my breath, 1 lust so much weight thut I finally be came so wenk I could hardly drug myself around. When I got up in tho morning I always felt wurin than when 1 went to bed, and I had no energy und Just felt tired and worn out all tho time. "I hnd been reading so much about Tanlac In tho newspaper:! r.ud the good It was donlg others I de elded to give It n trial, and It torn meuced to help me almost nt once My uppotltu improved and I began to pick up In weight and strength. I have taken seven bottles In nil Tho Mind of a Woman, "A woman Is more-rcllglons than n men," says l)r, , T, Jklmlluhl In "The Mind of a Wiiii-tii." There Is mote nf the emotional uufl the mystic Women, being more emotional than men, are pre-eminent In the spiritual life, for lovo Is their nature moru than It In that of mon, Lives Up tc tho Symptoms. "You emi nearly always tell u man who Is miITvtIiii! from this 'unrest,'" snlil Juil Tonkin, "by the way ho mnmiRes to put In more time resting thnu anyone -li In the neighbor-hood." Poor Time Ahead, Mother was going In tiilin Hilly visit lug with her. ho while, ilreiedng him Mie snlilt "ini imisi he good loday, ex''epllMiinll,v K'mmI. hecniiMt Aunt Hut tie Is going to he llieie anil slm doesn't lllid noisy hoys' "0, gee." sold tho youngster, "I free where I'm going to have a lotten dine," Centun Data Grow, The statistic of the llrst census of thn United Stale- were itilillsheil In one small volume consisting of Ml pages, Thl' stntlNlles of the 11)1(1 ecu mi i-rniilrod 11! wiluine having more Ihnil KMMKI pMUi'H. Select Sensible Shoes , . lor SERVICE now, and am glad to say I havo been Carelessness In Manipulation of Ma- U'omplotoly relieved of all my ' i 4 U.llll.l.d (MdiM ivoo 'liM SS fi 7S5. VHP - " & 1 chine Is Sure to Bring Dla- 1 aatrout Results. . Many causey for poor hntchci of chicks In Incubators can be traced to the operators not educating theiuseUes on what Is necessary In the way of fertile eggs, saving eggs for Incuba tion anil taking enre of them. I.ggs for Incubation should be kept In n well ventilated room with medium tem perature. All eggs should be turned at least once every 24 hours, and no eggs should be over ten days or two weeks old nt the outside. One should be careful to strictly fol low tho directions accompanying the Incubator. The directions fur one make of mnchlne do not always do for that of another mnke, for the ventilation, regulation, etc.- may be different. The principal reason why young chicks die In the shell nhout the eighteenth day Is n poorly ventilated room. Other causes thnn poorly ventllnted rooms are poorly ventilated Incubators, nnd eggs are not prorOily fcrtllltcd. An egg poorly fertilized will stnrt to grow and die for Inck of vitality. Opening up tho Incubator during the latter port of the hatch, or about the time the chicks begin to pip. lets out the moisture nnd dries the chicken np In the shell, or. In other words, stops the pores of the shell, nnd Cannes a great many to die, Onder no con dition should the Incubator bo opened nftcr the eighteenth day until the chicks are entirely hntched. As a rule, beginners with Incubators do not read tho book of directions properly. Many a person who hns seen an Incubator, and probably run n hatch of some other make thinks ho knows nil about It, docs not read the directions and makes a Hat fail ure every time. Sometimes no consid eration Is given to the ventilation of the room In which tho machine Is plnced. Possibly there may ho de cayed vegetables therein, or the air Is stale. Thero nro few failures nowadays by poorly regulated Incubators, except In the cheaper line of machines where the temperature, will chuugo 10, 111 troubles. I can eat anything I want without suffering nny bad effect-i nnd all that tired, wornnut fcolliu; has gone. I can sleep nil night long without waking and always get up In the morning feeling ready for my dny's work, and while the Job of a woodsman naturally requires u great deal of physical strength I can do as much us I over did. Tanlac did mo u groat servico In restoring my health, nnd I am always glad to ull others about It. and never mls4 n:i opportunity to da so." "Tanlac Is sold in Bend by Owl Drug Co., In Sisters by George F. Altken nnd In Bend by Horton Drug Co." BUCKHECHT SHOES loo much nttentlon to nn Incubator. I never see to my machine more than twice u day, once In the morning and once In the evening. I see that the regulator l set properly nnd every thing running nicely before putting In the eggs, and then place the egg In It nnd do not touch the regulator. At tlrst It will lower the temperature a little when the eggs are put In, hut If the regulator Is properly set, the temperature will rise to the prop er degree. 1HERE mav be other things on which your peace of mind depends, but it's a safe bet that one of the most important is your choice of shoes. You actually Jive in the shoes you wear. When shoes are built right you live in them in comfort. Extra service every step, com fort every minute'1 in Buckhecht Shoes. Buckhecht Shoes for you for active men in all walks of life are told in a variety of styles and leathers from 58 to 12 by principal (hoe dealers in the West. Ifntt mU ijjtvr Jialtr, nnd All nam emjjtur trJtr H BUCKINGHAM & HECHT MANUFACTURERS Sintt tht iar(rflii SAN FRANCISCO Ji ffr-vNsr ifziwiwmwayrnxsm C V,"!. W1K15WWW Si I I; ChNlKAL OKLGUN bAINK. Bend, Oregon, nt Close of Business, Slay -1th, 10U0 RESOURCES LoanB and Discounts .., ...........$-lG9,938.81 BondH and Warrants'. .............. 70,124.03 Furnituro und Fixtures -....... 3,800.00 Cash and Exchanges ............. IOC, 037.59 Other Itesources , 1,000,00 " i Condensed Statement of Condition of tho Total JtosourcuH LIABILITIES on Ann An f Y fcUWVUU Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided 1'roflts... ., 17,904.90 Deposits . V.M bl)7(&3U.13 Total labilities J.. . $G40,G01,03 - OAIiLS l'OIt CONDITION Controller of Cuirrnoy Deposits Muy 1st, 1910 , '. $ C9.571.32 .Mny 1st, 1917 ,....- 202,017.23 .May 10th, 191S ....,,. - 308,879.32 May 12th, 1919 ,..'. ....,.. 39C.114.10 May -Itli, J020 fS7,:t(,l i I Kiln MI ii .nWMli . -''' ' ",' - ,- " i jKkKSBkRtz(7EftJrfSannU urn. HMb,'Jty k. rft dVHIIB w. ; BEND I OREGON $$M$& Cplcndld Hatcn rrom Incubator. nnd IS degrees. One point I have no ticed here ut home by having n j;reen hand set un Incubntor, says u writer In nn exchange. lie reads the directions, imiybo thinks he has learned them by heart, sets his regulator H8 H0n its tho thermometer gets to io,i, turns the thumb screw Whero he supposes Is right, and places tho eggs in the machine. Now. the thumb screw nnd regulntoi Is n very tender affair, and one turn nf tho thumb screw will cause it change In the atinosphero Inside the Incubn tor of three to fwir degrees. It should ho turned slightly, nhout oue-fourth of the wny round, ho the tompeniltiro stands Just nt 10,'). A treat mls' Is mnile by. paying Climax Alfalfa and Grass Seeder HBaMa(ial,fa,aBanHHlalM((MnvaaawimNIVM(WHSHMIMMWMIaPM lwmlB& wwWwmwm hHHuBBHBhHI PRICE $45.00 This seeder attaches to deck of any ordinary peg-tooth harrow- , Drops seed down among tho harrow teeth. Sows- any .4 , amount desired up to one bushel per acre. , . v.v' Not an experiment, but has been used in the East 13 years. . .J ' , When harrowing ground last time over, attach seeder, and har- '"- row and sow at one operation. Only two gears to wear. One of these seeders will last for years. AS FOR DEMONSTRATION .. See this Climax Seeder at i;-" .p Bend Hardware Company v ft & La- --:'-