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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1919)
WEEKLY EDITION ,-, i "t-i rHE BEND BULLETIN MEND, DKHOIIUTKH COUNTV, OREGON, TIIIltHDAV, lErE.MIIEIt If, 1M V()l. XVII u So. 41 HEAVIEST SNOW IN MANY YEARS ENDS AT NIGHT "pA'LL OF 17 INCHES IS RECORDED MILLS CLOSED DOWN lOpi'intlon to In Iti'Miint'd al l-iuill f Poo-Hill' .Moment, dimeter ICatl Men Ire lllnikril i Ntolk Not In IMiiKcr. Although liiillPiitlmm f morn snow in,, nllnltt. Willi tlm kioiiiiiI hid ifrn under 'a lleery white coveilng of from Hiioo to four feet In depth, Jiaxchuli-K county Is feeling llm hi Milt of oik- of III" wcuwl KlorniH 111 tlu hlntoiy of ('mural Oiegon. In llrtiid, Hiii roiiHtiuou full. which Marled iiliiMit I n'clork Tiioduy morning, mill Insted uiilil Into Wed imwluy nlKlit, wus 17 liirlii'M mill In llditllltl III tills. MIIIIU eight IiioIiih of a previous full nlieudy by on llm Kioiiml when llm big stium lomiimii od. Tim water content of tlm 17 llll'h fllll.WHH UIIIIHIIIllly Hlllllll, 2 3 limlm. .Motor truftlr was stopped Tuesday nlKlit. and liy Wednesday morning few wheeled vehlrlim of liny ilinrrl( lliin wore utile to initku their way thiough tlm unow, unit thru only mIhiii imlli'il by mm or two extra teams of horse. Know plows wore .nil In linn liy tin' t'lty In tin endiiu vor to clear u wuy tliroiii;ti llm iniiln IiiiMihifh streets. Many runllit In tin' outlying dlntrlrls of llm iilty wmo unable to make llmlr way Into tlm nut In hwiIoii of town, nml In iiiiiuy lioineK whViM tlm fuul .supply was runuluK low. It was linpmiKlbln to J lime oritur Mini because of tlm snow blockade. .Mill Am (looiit. N'i'iirly 2,000 ntttii wir liift with nut work when both llm llrooks-Hciiu-Imi Ijiimbitr Co., nml Tlm HhuvHii lllxou Company suspended opnm Hohh In all depuitmoulN, including tlm logging ramps Ttmmlny night. 4Tll OVel-lllCleaslllg depth f now made It Impowdblu to ronlliitio work, bit engines with kept busy 011 Ine logging roail trucKn. keeping tlm way clour, wo Hint Ihero would Im 110 tie. lay whim operations iio rosunmd. Crews of nmii woio employed shovel ling Hiiow from iho roofH of build- Jngs In luilli plants an 11 pi count Ion jtgiilnsl Hm possibility of collapnn fiom tlm iiiiiiNtial weight. With tlm etui of the storm, work Ih Htart lurr (Coiitlmioil on pueo G.) ELEVEN BELOW IS REGISTERED ' XEW TWO VUAIt IlKt'OIlD HKT, AMI CLEAR vi:.Tiu:it IXIH. catks (oxtixued low tem peratvre tonimiit. . "How cold wax It liiht night?" Tlm Inquiry cmnii ut frequent InlorvulH ut Hm Bulletin UiIh morn- Int?, ami evory seeker uftor know ledge wont away shivering JuHt a lltllo hanlM' than huforo Nvhuu lm hmuu'il Hint II donrooH wiih tlm minimum, oHlahlinhltwt iinoHioi' cold , record for Hm last two yonm. Tlm coition! point wiih iiiachud liy Hm inurciiry nliortly hufoio 0 o'clock mid at 8 o'clock HiIh morn Iiik It wiih four dojjruoii witrmor. iAt 0 o'clock, Hui mercury Htood ut .'jilim ilii;rcoH nbuvo, A clour oloull lcH uky Indlciitod rontlnuod low tomporiituro for lonlnht. I'lumliorK coiitlniiiHl to ho tlm IiuhIuhI men In tho city, hut thu Imavy fall of hiiow ulncu tlm cold wavu Htartod liiHt inonth iirotoclud many wntor plpon which had former ly licon purtly or entirely oxposod, 4 Unofficial temporaturoH tukon ut fVort IloqH Klvo tho nveniKo mini- lutim'ttar Hint vlcliJUy ut 2G do KreoB t)oow rero, mid at I'rlnevllo ynrlotift tlibrmoniotora rKl8i'od ,'iiqm olgli. to 11 dogrooB bolow. IDEER SLAYERS ARE NUMEROUS 111 Mnn;iH op iKi:it ami a nth. LOI'K KILLKI) OCT OK HKASOX anxtallv, iii:i.iicvi-:h nirt. TUKT A'lTOItXIIV, In tho iinljshlioiliooil of r.OO iIimt and militlopu nrit klllnd nnuiiully In (Viilnil Oii'KOii, mil of HciiHoii, or by iiiillriuimid IiuiiIcih, In tlm belief of OUtrlcl Altoincy A. J. M0010, who Iiiiii JiiMt written 10 tlm Stnln 1'lnh anil Hume, i:oiiiiiiIhhIoii unjInK tlm up polnttimiit fit 'i paid 1:1111m warden for thin Her.tlon of llm Htulii. "I huvo rniiHon to hellnvi) that many home. Htcndem depend 011 the deer for their winter' Hiipply of meat, and without it warden roiiHliintly on the Job to detect law vlolatorit mid brliiK them lo JtiHllce, tlm law mlj;lil an well lie ncrntuhetl ofT thu ntatutn bookK." the UImIiIcI iitlortiey mild Mr, Mooru'H letter to tlm roiniiilH dlon wiih written In rimpoiiKu to nn Imiuliy Mint him iih to whether or not tlm protection alfoided Kami In Central Orcr.on lit mttlKfurtory. A recomiimiidiitloii nlmllnr lo IiIh own wiih nidered went In lit the mcetliiK or tlm lieiid Itod and Ciiu club hint week TRIBUTE PAID TO ELK DEAD ANXl'Ali MK.MOItlAL SKItVK'KK, oivi:x itv ncxit i.oikji; .Ml'HICAI. I'ltOOItA.M IS WHLL t'HOSKX. MiimberH of tlm I'.IUh IikIrc of llend paid their II rut miuiinl tribute to tlm memory of departed brotUurn Hunilay afternoon, whutt al the II. A. A. V hall nuniorlal nurvlcoii vere held. MeetliiK at the Kniblein club, tlm KlkH mntrlieil to tlm Kyru naNluin, where ufler the playlnn of (Inuuo'd't I'iocckkIoiiuI 1y Wllnon (Icoi'Ke, an Impreimlvn piano ire lutle liy Mm. .M. II. Ilortnn, and it (Uai telle Selection by I'rlnce HtnatH, J. 0. Tin nc r, I.ouIh Ilcnnctt, and It. I). Ketchum, npnillm; rltualUtlc tixerclHMH tvero hold by Hm IihIkc Tbo roll call of "aliHenl hrotherir," lead by J. II. Manor, contained hut two mimed, IhiiHo of Vernon A. Forbv.H and Uiilph I'olmlexter. Two morn quartette numbers weto Included In tlm program, while tuo Hojirano olon, "I Hear llm Voice of Jobiim," by Mlim Oenevleve War ner, uml "OiokhIiij; the liar." by MrH. AHhley Forroitt, went exeep tlonully well Rleii. Mr. I'orrcut was arcoinpnulHt In tlm latter number, mid Mih. K. 13. Haujor mum at tho piano diirltiK MIhh WiiKner'H nolo A meHHiiKo ot coiiHolatlou wan hpnken by J. II. Coffey, of tlm Portland lodge, who eloquently kiivu Hm memorial nddiouH of tlm day. Tlm eulogy to dopurted KlkH wiih Klvon by JuiIko . II. .1. Duify, of I'rlnovllle. A tenor holo, TobH'h "Oood-byii," by WIIhoii Geor:e, waa followed by cloning rituallHtlo ex erclses, and tlm lieuedlctlon wiih Kivnn by llitv, J, Kilgur IMudy, FARMERS MAP OUT POISON CAMPAIGN At 11 meeting of Hie Tumalo Do vtdopmnl IciiKim attended 'by UC uieinboiH, held Saturday afternoon, called to tako Immediate topn (0 combat tlm Jackrabhlt pest on the project, ll wuh decided to distri bute rahhll poIkoii HiioukIi Hm com inunity on the IuihIh of tho number of iicich held by each farmer. The cohT per 40 aoiiiti will ho one dol lar, It h uHtlmatcd. Mlxerii will bo employed under tho direction of 11 A. Ward, who him hud coiiHlihuublo oxpetleucu in the propuratlon of rodent poIhou. The committee in charge of the' work Ih compoHiul of A. J. Murtor, J, H. PnrkH, and V. W. SwlBlmr. Kroil N. Wulluco will keep u care ful record of the effectH of tho cmnpa!t;n. Tho, hiiow covered Kroujul mnkiiH coiullHotiH Ideal for potBonlnE. and furnmrH tiro tu,Ki''l to nulect their Unit upo ut once, t Y.M.C.A. FORMS ORGANIZATION 'J'O INCREASE USE OF CLUB BUILDING ' Anieilriiii 1'jilon OlM'n One MkIiI A Moiilli, nml lleiiiliiiiiileiN Am Offcml I 'or XUty HcoiiIm nml Vur Clly Llbniey. After nffvctlnK temporary org anlatlon tlm provlHlonal com mltteo of initiiageiimiil of the In diiHtrlul V. M. ' A. beard nqiortn of tlm find. iiioiiHi'h opurutlon, cIioho tempniaiy olIlceiH mid dlHciiHtc ed varlouH mittliTH connected with llm opurutlon mid manuKement of Hm Kymnnnlum. Uccrvtnry Trlckey'M roport hIiow ed thut the building wan now be InK UKi'il for general community pur Ponch In mi orgnnlzed manner and to an extent 11 11 u ( u a I u d in the piiNt. while plant under conHlderatlon will Increnno tho Uho greatly. One now feature expected tn be of cupcclal Interum In mill tnen'11 night when rnnployvcn or Hm rnllU 'will meet and partlcl palu in a p nigrum of HttintH with athletic mid munlcal ontortalnmeiil provided liy thomselvcH. The iflun for the Ntabllnhment of tlm public library in the building until It could more to Iih own home wan approved by tlm meeting, which alio granted tlm rcqucHt of llm American Luglou for uhu of the building or one night each month and gave the Hoy ncoutn a hitherto unuNvd upMlalrM 100m iih 11 meeting place To Limit IteiilliiK. Since tho building Ih required for imsoclntlon activity, Including gnmoH and china nieetlngR In tbo flit four evenings of thu wock it wiih duclded that herewfter tho building" would not bo routed on any of tlicfm nlghlH for any purpope uni)K a matter of unimunl Inter ent or importance came up. It wuh iiIho voted that Hm uho of the building for profcxdlonnl conti'RtH of any nature would not bo per milted. Chairman In churge of various dopnrlmentH were chosen iih fol lows; xoclnl and enteitnlnment, Jay II. Noble, memljerHhlp, O. II. IJukor, phyiilcal, Kred A. Woolflen, educational mid shop meetings, J. K. I'urdy, thrift week, It. A. Ward and lycoum course, K. It. Prince. Officern of tho provlHlonal com mittee to verve until tho full mem burnhlp lit recruited and final or ganization porfected were elected as follows: president, It. W. Sawyer, vlMpriHlilitit, I). O. McPlmrson, treaHiirer, L. O. Mclteyuold, secre tary, L, W Trlckoy. BEND PHONE USERS TO GET REFUND Although the Pacific Telophono company accepts Hm ruling mndo by tho Public Service commission on Dectmiber 1, cancelling Hul Idhou mado rates, a re-heatlng Is to bo. sought, according to J. L. Uultlmr, local manager for tlm tele phono company. TIiIh appeal Is tn Am bused on tho contention that the new rntoH do not allow suffi cient revcmiu to cover increubim "in wiiBt'H which have been made. Tho company is pledged to make re funds to Its HiibscrlbuiH coveting tlm dlfforoueo between tho now charges and tlm llurlnsoii rates, fiom August 1 to Decumbor 1, and those rolmtus will bo given on the hills which uro now being piepar ed. In can Hm credit to it mih Hcrlbor uxcoodii his November bill, Hm balance of tho credit will bo carried over to tho next month's Htntomont, Mr. Clulthor says. Tho only changes to bo made in Iioud are on resldouco phono lines, mid those run from a GO cont to u 7ti cont cut. Quo pnrty lines will bo ftt per month instead of ?2.7r iih fopmnrly, two party IJuoa are cut from fS.SG to 11.75, mid four iparty lltu'H uro roducod from $2 to fl.GO. Desk puoi(in uro 25 cents In addition to nny ono of tlu above namod rates, FALW LIMB KILLS WORKER G. VAN MAREN VICTIM i-'-OF ACCIDENT 3 I'aller.HHilik mi lleail WlilleTrlm. ' iiiIiik Log (Virliml lleiniiirh. iiit (ilten Am (.'aiiie of lli'iillt Xo lleliillti'H I'oiitid (1. Van Mareti, fuller for the llrookH-Scunlou Lumber Co., wan killed at 1 .10 o'clock Monday afternoon while working In thu woodH adjacent to Camp Xo. 2, when a treo limb fell, striking him on the head, and causing cerebral hemorr hage. Ho wax brought to llend by auto by J. I). Donovan, but died on Hm way In. From the moment of the accident to his death, he wiih uncon scions. The accident Ik (he first one lo result fatally in the history of Hrooka-Kcanlon operations In and near Ucnd. Tho. tragedy occurred after Van Mareti, had brought down a big pine, mid was trimming off tho boughs. An th tree fell, one of the limbs hud apparently broken off, lodging In tho'brnnches of a nearby pine. Ah tho logger worked, tho limb wuh loosened mid crashed down upon hi in. Vaa Muren woh 17 yenrn of ago, and hfid been In the employe, of tho company since May 30, 1918. His only relative, as fur ns Ih known, In Mrs. CI A. Malum, who wiih last heard1 ot in 'Tillamook. A telegram sent to her there fulled to locato her. She was named as tho bonoficlary In com pany Insurance policies to tho amount of $1,200, which Van Muren carried. NEED FOR JOBS IN COUNTY CONTINUES Kinplojrm A'-keil to Notify Home Service Secretary at Once or Any Vtu'iiiirlrx, Culls for Avork continue to pour In at thu offlco of Mrs. V. A. Forbes, homo service secretary for llend lied Cross chapter, and this week six applications from men and four from women wore on file, with no' Jotis in sight, Mrs. Forbes emphasizes tho need for active co operation on tho part of employers throughout the county, and Is desir ous that openings for work of any kind bo reported to her at once. "The thltiK I urn desirous of making plain at the present Hum Ik that the company accepts this ordor with good grace and In good fulth." Mr. Oalther said. "Wo are partic ularly sorry that tho commission found it necessary to comment us It did upou tho service wo aro giv ing. Wo realize that wo cannot claim for this bervico tho degree of excellence which our patrons are entitled to, but wo havo thought Hint tho people of Oregon wore sufficiently ucqualntod with tho smvo difficulties which tho com pany has mot In tho way of chang ing Jurisdiction, strikes, and trou bles Involved in tho technique of mechanical management, to give us some degree ot charitable consldor aHon on this point. It Is our hope, howovoiv that thoso difficulties aro now largely a matter of tho past. It is also our h'ajiu that tho ponk of Industrial difficulties, so far as wo aro concerned, has boon pass ed." Mr. Galthor doclared In revert lug to tho matter of tho company's Income from tho nocharges, that tho rovenuo 'problem has novor boon approached with tho prospect of results which ho claimed tho company is ontltlod t,o - undor tho law a ronsonoblo return on tho1 Investment in Oiogon.1, COVERING MONTH CIVIC LEAGUE CHANGE PLAN XO COSLMLWITV C H It I S T M A H TKKK FOIl IlKXI), 1.4 DKCfHIO.f ui:aciu:i at vjStkhdavh .MKI.TI.VM. There will bo no community Christinas tree In Head this year oh fur as the member of the Women's Civic League an concerned. Thin wan decided last Wednesday ut the regular monthly meeting of thu league, ll being urged that the money necessary could bo used for some other purpose which would result In more good for tho city. A day nursery wuh suggested, but a decis ion on this will be reached niter. Tho league members voted la fa vor of tbo establishment of a ques tion box ut the entrance to the II. A. A. C. gymnasium, and favored not ification by curds before each meet ing. Tho meeting date was changed to tho second Wednesday In each month to avoid conflicting with many church Hoclcty meetings which are held on thu list Wednesday, the time originally picked by tho league. A committee composed of Dr. Anna Hies Flnley, Mrs. N. O. Jacob son, and Mrs. C. S. Hudson was ap pointed to coopcratu with the Com mercial club rest room committee. BEND CHAPTER DEFERS VOTING lJecauhe of tho small attendance at the meeting ot the llend Ited Cross chapter last Thursday, annual election of officers was not held as had 'been scheduled, and Instead Chairman J. P. Keyes was author ized to appoint u nominating com mittee which will roport at tho next meeting. Discussion of the best methods of disposing of equip ment loft on hand after the com pletion of tho chapter's war work, occupied u largo part of the even ing. To make the work of tho visiting nurse, .Miss Margaret Hrcnis, ot more benefit to the entire county, it I was decided that it possible, uuto transportation tor her should bo provided, unci a commltteo to bo headed by Mr. Koyes wus voted to confer with tho county court to ask for financial assistance for this phase of the chapter's work. Tho matter of a civic council, brought to the attention ot tho. pub lic Wednesday by Carl A. Johnson, ut tho Commercial club meeting:, is In lino with tho alms ot tho Red Cross, It was agreed, and tho com mltteo composod of Mrs. K. I Mnliaffey, Dr. Anna Itles Flnley, 'and J. D. Donovan, appointed to mako a survey of preparations need ed to combat a recurrence ot tho "flu" epidemic, was Instructed to confer with tho Commercial club commltteo. An Informal report-of the chap ter's resources showed J2CI7.03 on hand, with prospects of approxi mately $1300 more as tho share which tho local organization might expect from the annual membership drive. Tho chapter, sine its or ganization, has expended funds amounting to $12,775. REST ROOM OPENED IN SPHEIR BUILDING KuIiM'iiptlons Xeiuly Sufficient to (iiiurnnteo Kuuulnj; Kvpcne Are Secured. After being closed for several weeks, tho city rest room in tho Spholr bulldlug was reopened on Tuesday by Miss Nell Markol. Commercial club manager, after sub scriptions nearly aulllclont to guar antee, running oxponsos hnd boon takon by tho commltteo named at tho last mooting of tho club, Tho Women's Clvlcioaguo commit too, working in conjunction with tho Commorcial club, has promised to1 tuUo care ot furnishing tho room. 175.8 MILLS IS APPROXIMATE MILLAGE HERE VARIATION WILL BE ONLY FEW TENTHS FORECAST IS CLOSE Slight Iteriuclion.l'i-oni Hate of Last Vear .Voted Ahm-smI Valua tions For School District Are Given. ' Residents ot llend will pay ft milluge ot 76,8 before they secure, receipts for their total tax Id 1920. Ilecause ut tho variable fenturo of tho high school tuition tax, thcro Is u possibility of change a few tenths ot a mill, either In addi tion to, or substruction from this ruto of taxation. Assessor W. T. Mullarky says, but aside from thU. tho figure given, -based on tho school levy, the budget advertised by the county court, and the city budget, Is virtually correct. Mill ago on the city tax Is given as tfo.2. for School District No. 1, 30.51, and for state and cohnty, 1G.1. The total county assessed vuluatlon la $S,8S7,2G7. Tho ruto given by tho county assessor Is just 1.2 mills lower than the estimate published In Tho Bulle tin last month at a tlmo -wheu neither the county ratio, nor the valuation of public utilities had been learned. Tho millage last year was 78.C. Valuations Announced. Assessed valuations for tho school districts ot the county aro given as follows: iNo. J. S,579,C86; No. 2, JC30.64C; No. 3, $495,77G; No. 4. IS07.159; No. G, 27S,824; No. fi. $r.00,830: No. 7, $C6,4GS; No. 8. ?S4.007; No. 9. f238.U0; No. 10, ;n&.07r; so. 11, jgs.ggg; no. 12. 1106,706; No. 13. $11,720; No. H. 851,21); No. 16, $77,630; S'o. 16, m.GOG; No. 17, $-18,890; No. 18, JJ195.2G0; No. 20, $138,280; No. 21, $St,ir0; No. 22, $93,716; No. 23, $235,250; No. 24, $160,560; No. 25, $124,320; No. 26, $132,780; No. 2S, $64,G3G; No. 29. $47,466; No. 30, $164,308; No. 31, $19,646; No. 32. $765; No. 33, $8,086; No. 34. $192,133; Redmond Uniou high school, $2,359, 694. CLASS OF 26 IS INITIATED KXIOHTS OF COIA'MUl'S IN STALL XKW OFFICERS A1 VM ATTEND UAXQCl.T OIVE.V AT THE KM1U.KM CLUII. Initiation ot 26 candidates, to gether with Installation ot nowly elected officers, was hold Sunday morning and uttoruoon by tho Deed Knghts of Columbus, tho ceremon ies being attended by P. II. Hanloy, District Doputy, and other state of ficers of tho orrter. Following tho installation, a banquet attended by 127 wus beryod nt tho Emblem club. Tho newly made knights aro: Howard Iloaulleu, Lloyd Uoaullou, Walter Dradbury, Robort K. la nes, Daniel Callaghan. O. I. stob blns, K. P, Ilrostorhous, L. jW, Smith, E. J. -Benz, L. J. Mayrauil, William Sullivan, C. Robolard, W. Sullivan, T. J, Jladdon, J. Jonas, Walter Hutchinson. John Ayorn.' J,. J. Loohr, J. 8ronoc, Hugh Tlorngy, William uustor, I. Zlorolf, Nod Angland, M, Rabor, Mlko Angland and Con O'Koefe. Tho otflcors of tho council aro: Carl A. Johnson, Grand Knight; M, P. Cashman, Roputy a rand Knight; R. D. Mooro, Chancellor; J.. Arnold, Financial secretary: J- II- Farroll. Recordng Secretary; J. .'q., tun. Treasurer; Jamos Ilogau, Ad vocate: J. A, Richards. ln4d Quard; J. p. Mogaa. Outside quanl; j. i, uagen, Lqcturqr; and E. I BroBterhous, B, V, Logan, and T A. McCana, Trustees. 1