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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1919)
H WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN. ' s VOL. XVII DEND, DKHCIIUTIM COUNTY, OltKGON, 'I'llUIWHAV, NOVEMIHIlt in, 1010. No. .17. SHEEP RECORD ' IS SET IN BEND DOCTORS MAKE NEW FEE CARD FARMERS BUY An Advocate of, Preparedness " E 4A w n- . . v? m JERSEYS nirmnixunci TTl? A l7TirC!H IN YEARS. -j-i-M.- . -JJir v- ' osr-KK ;. i-v... -.-- . .. .... .'? 15fi6VW')iMl?'fiiIi ' i, .winter fcr.wJW '', IIi'rtiV.or.ISiHlli I'lili-lly nuilnu'ted liy Hln 4 Held, (Jo to 'lilnit. Sheep slilpinunut from Bond, hnyo Won tliu heaviest In yours according to figures given out by T. I. Btudo- S'lmkur loon I freight ami passenger ngeiit, covering tint movomont of roiiKO mid mink nt iiiiIiiiiiIm thU fait. J.lght carloads wore sent out Tliurt diiy, and 25 more oars nro ordurod which will vlrlunlly complete tho iililluiKintti for this TIki to tul, which Inrliidos tho I.ihI week In fc'optombor, ull of October, mill part of llni proHiuit month, nmountn to 2 I earn, or unproslnmloly 73, SOU head. Increased nhlpmuntii do not moan that morn sheep uru being naiit out of Co n I ml Oregon, Mr. Stoudo link or says, hut rathur that Bond, duo to larger Htockynrd facllltluit. I got- 'tliiR a bigger Mharo of tluu lilnd of lnxIni.'M than In formur yours a Nearly one-half of tho entire num ber of wool hearers soul out from Dend represents tho movomont of sheep owned by Antelope, Hhanlko, nnd Mnupln stockmen from Ihu Hum iner to tho winter range. These total 30,250, and wore moved to the lower runges In tho first month of autumn. One hundred nnd nighty earn In nil weru sent out In Heptom her, all hut .15 earn being filled with rmigo sheep. (Tilr-ngn firlH Hulk. f, Romululng shipments, during October and tho preiiont month, uru rhlufly lamb destined for tho Chica go murkut. In the early full, several carloudn worn secured by the North went Sheep Co,, but lhrt blggrnt shnro of the lambs contracted In Central Oregon thin year, have been bought by W. K. McCormlck, representing It. N. fitnnfinld. They are whipped to Htanflold for a 43 hohr rent, then re loaded nnd Rent on to Chicago. In speaking of tho condition of tho Henri stockyard. Mr. fitudnbnker htnteit that tho muddy condition of tho yards Ih due to carelessness on the part of Htorkmen who when fili ng tho troughs, allow tho water to overflow. He In strongly In favor of iht Installation of scales, but con nlTorx that The Oregon Trunk will be iiuablu to make Mich an iuiprovtj- niont nH lout oh tho futuro of tho roads of tho country In In Its prcnont uncertain roiidltlon. ttOG HjIVO 1jUIHII!.1. KjJ. BUYS MORE TIMBER U.1,000 ArrcH lit Itlno Mountain- I' 1'rot.pevlH flood for i:aily Milling In I'rluevllle. IMllNl'.vll.H, Nov. 7. Adding to ltd already largo holding: In the country tributary to Prlnovlllo. tho I.'ngurw Lumber Co. htiH completed the purchano of 5,000 ncies of tlm bor InndH In tho Iltuo mouutnlnH, , from tho Oregon & Western coloniza tion Co., bringing tho total ncroago oV timber owned by tho buyers, to U0.00O. It la considered certain hero that milling -will bu Htnrted In Prlnovlllo In tho near futuro, although no de finite njinniim-omont Iiiih beau uinilo by mein)erH of tho company, or by their local roprcHontntlyu, Pant O, (iarrlHotu STANDING IS GIVEN IN MOOSE CONTEST Tho following iiIiriidliiK of ontrantH In tho Mooho popular lady coutoHt, which frt to termluuto with tho clon ing of tho Mooho carnival later In thj month, wail announced today by (leorgo Htokoo, of tho contout com inlttoo; Mlrnj Kfflo I'olormnn, 7,000 Minn ItosHlo Vaughn (1,000 Mrs. Dernlco Curlon, '. 0,000 MIbs Wllflon QllloH 5,000 Mlfiri Mia 8tiiijotiaii, i 5,000 Ml3 Forn Allen .'....5,000 IUih I'loronco, Downing 5,000 Tho first prlzo Ih i diamond ring, tho.Hdcond n.wrlHt watch, and tho t.l...l'A t ... ... m' ' . ' . . .mi u ii i,u' vaiuuiuv " ADVANCE IV PUKES ANNOI.'NV i:i iiv central ih.on medical hocii:tj will nvs. I'ltoVC 6VTO' rtOrTHH-fjISNT. An Uilded Incotitlvn to "tho Voplo of lluud to remain In good health wih riirulHhed Ttienday, when cardH appeared In the office of load phynl cliiim.?iinoiiiicriig new raten In effect for coumiltntlon anil trcntmout Tho schedule In general provlden for nil advniue of from .15 to 50 per rent over the fee formerly nHlted, and re prcHentH tho action recently Like i by the Central Oregon Medical xrlaly at a meeting In I'rlnuvlllo. I'racll tlouerH point out that while cnaU have bcon Htcndlly advancing, with prlceH being ruined In practically .ill other profonHlouH and traduH, pliynl rliuifl nud Hiirgeunn until now, have Htuck to the mi in e Kchedule in that In effect more than a decade ago One of the moNt uotlcenblo channel! nhown In tho new fee bill, In In tho matter of telephone con MtiltntloiiH. Formerly no clinrgo wan in ii do for theso, but from now on they will bo'glven nt the rate of from one to llvo dollar per call. Kmer gency dny vIhIIh are rained from S3 to S. and night call-,, formerly $1, nro advanced to 1 10. Treatment of cmten of narcotic or corroxlvu pol Honing, which bad been at tho rate of 3, will iow co-t from ?C to 2C. and office coumiltntlon and treat ment, $2, under tho old Hclile, In now from $2. GO to 5, Tho minimum In confinement caca Ih ruined from $25 to 35, Kxuinlnutlnnn of nppllca tlonn for oli line life luNiirauce, re main at $5 nn before, but the charge fpr examination of ludlvlduatn wish ing to take out fraternal Imuruucu, In ndvnnced front ft to 2,50. ChargeH for treatment of fructurou nro doubled, and ono of tho moit dlfllcult Injurlcn of tho kind to treat Mirceoftfully. 9 fracture of tho femur, will coit tbo patient from (100 to $250. i CIRCUIT COURT r SESSION OPENS With u fihort docket of criminal mutton), and a lengthy lint of ohc at law to bu heard, circuit court con vened for tho November term hero Monday. Hooding' of tho civil docket by Judge T. K. J. Uuffy, oc cupied the greater part of th'j morn ing after tho drawing of iho grand Jury, and In the afternoon naturali zation matter weio nchcduled. Coirt adjourned Tuenduy and con vened ngnln at ,0 o'clock WcdnoH dny morulroc. MembeiH of tho Indicting tribunal Holected nro Olo Krlcknon, Samuel McCartney, Witltvr Oumpert, J. O. McOufflo. -A. 'Wright, W. It. Ittloy, and J. II. Ilelfrlch, and iihIush ssciet complalntH nro filed with them, they avIII examluo wltne.ineH lit but four cukch. Chief of IIioho la tho one agatiiBt A. A. Shuphord, charged villi tho commlmdou of it Mtututorv c.iiue ngulitHt IiIh minor daughter. Hubert McQIIIIh, recently urreHtcd, In alleged, to Itnvo pitBsod a worthlesH cheek drawn to tho order of .Morris Chin lunri, of Ilond, nnd K. TniiKclior, nr ronted nt tho closo of tho court last Hprlng, Ih charged with larceny of a Htoer. Claronco K. Uland, of Terro bonno,.U bold to t,ho grand Jury for alleged lurcony of an uutomobllo. In civil proceeding intorcHt will ceutor itbout tho $10,000 damago null brought by John I'ayno against Dr. Q. L. CouHlnoitu, In which Im proper treatment of u fracture con atltutoH tho complaint. HEADQUARTERS OF RED CROSS MOVED Whllo county court Is In Hoaalon, Hud CroBa homo norvlco hondquar iov. rormony m the offlco of tho circuit Judge; 4wjU bo In tho county clork'a roomsdt viih unnouncod to,-' day. 'r ,., . ,' 2T. v l& vi . . i And AnotherKiDK Ii A boat To Ijom HisOrown.'. -T ; FIVE INDICTED BY GRAND JURY nVO Alti: (IIAIKSKI) WITH HTATUTUKY CHIMKS, OShi WITH TIIKKr OF AUTO, AXI TWO IIII.KS KK.M.I. HKCKKT. With three IndlctmentH already In, und urrnlgnmcntXof tho defend ant completed, nnd'tyo secret In- .Hal hi.imIu um A Vtt v " 4IAH1 W HT DcKchutcH county grand Jury In rap Idly drawnlngao 'a clW. unleu un lobked for new bufeltfcxn Ih Intro duced. A. A, Shoohferd. charged with a Htututpiy crlit ugalnnt bis minor duuKhtevruflln 'circuit court thin morning, enterlnga pleu of not guilty whou nrrulgncdfWOus Nolson, rook In n local refltaurA.n- who wua arrested Mondny, hoard tho Indict ment read charging him with n simi lar crlmo ugalnnt tho minor daugh ter of Mr. and Mm. Charles Penney, of tn's city. Clarence, K. Ilhiud was Indicted onn charge of larconyof n Dodgo car from John B. Ilaglln. Mb attorney, W. P. Myers, tiling it dunurrur in which It Is sot forth thntftho allcgatlouH do not con stitute n crlmo, nud more particular ly objectlifir to tho Indictment nn tho grouuda that It does not sutllcloutly dcHcrlbo tho auto Blleged to have boeu stolen. ; I I BID) ON HIGI WAY JEATS JESTIMATE '.T.I. F. H. . . .. .. tiiii'toty mn Ittiil for I ill Do Work on South .(sh ' linn III1 of (be CountjWCoutt. i Lower even than the cnulnoor's oa- tfinnto wiib the Hiiwcessful bid for cjndorlng and reshaping on Tho DullnH-Callfornla highway bctweon Hend and tho Allouirauch, tho con trnjLuHt which wnu;uwnrdod to Os )avSwPiW Portland for $25,010. ff was $2G, 839,50, The contract for the highway .bo- olifl nud tho Joffersou county o (akou by Mr. Huber, was of JS4.Q 12. GO, thu onglneor's o being $80,522.. 'Ward &, whoso low bid at nn earlier g of tho State Highway com- lui&fon, was rejected, mado nn offor of..'W,3ll. tytirJ. Overturf, wlio with County Judge W D, Dnrne.8 attended tho Md'iK of thqicomTnlssloiv In Por,( Inmt. Btute.t that tliV on:antzatlon of Vu?eu counties aloiiK tho lino of the i TMliuto8-0nltfornU',Iil'thvn)'ltl which . 7ormoa earnoivin tuq.weeK, Has oltjltiod plRtis. fof furthpr nctlo, 'TJteJ iwt nntuj-a of thWo Is not be(hKJ TInJXW Kt'M tv.-ftf UuVh onWW pstura I.,i'iiv LYTM! mAWro ROAD MAHERS ARE DISCUSSED - IIIfiHWAY COMMISSION W"Ai 4 - - . NOT CX1PI.KTK SL'UVKV TO Ul PINK, ItKCAUHK OK IACK OKV'UMW, HAYH OVKIlTL'ItK. , Kcports from committees appoint ed nt former meetings featured tbo business session of tho Commercial club meeting this noon, no new busi ness coming before tho club for act ion. 'ciner among mo committee re ports wnsthat from II. J. Ovorturf who told vof tho action of tho Stato highway commission In letting con tracts on Tho Dalles-California high way jih reported Inst week;. Mr. Overturf also said that tho commis sion would not completo .the survoy to In Pino, using whnt ho designat ed as "a new excuso" that the county had no'mteiieilo put on tho road. Thero will bo no Federal money nvnllublo for post roads until next July, he stated,' urging thnt un ef fort bo mado to obtain both post road nnd forest road, money from' tlTe Federal government boforo nil tho funds nro exhausted. Ho urged nlso thnt tho county court lip proddod bjtho club and tho uowspuperH to make application for tho,?"mnrkot road funds to bo provid ed by tho ono mill tax lovled by tho lust leglslaturo. For tho Tumalo mall committee D. II. People roported that thero wero not at presont sutllcleut peoplo to bo served o Justify tho establish ment of u rural routo but that It was posslblo that enough could bo found In tho new torrltory to bo opened by tho now bridge. Until a routo could bo established It was not do- sired to make any change Ih tho Tumalo service. That, tho rnllroad company would not put in scales at tho stock ynrd was reported by II, A. Ward, whoso committou Is now trying to learn whether permission will bo glvon for tho purpose. Dralnngo of tho yard will bo looked aftor by Agont Studo baker. Mr. Ward snld, nod an effort will bo made to obtain lights, al though railroad ofllclals have report ed thnt thoy nro not needed, George Jones roported that tho Alfalfa matl petition hud boon sent In nnd W. C DlrdsuU stated that his committor was still endeavoring to find nn airplane lauding field. DAIRY CAMPAIGN G13TS IlnnrlierH AclrTsctT to Olvo ?upiM)rt to IxjciiI Ci-rnincfy nntl I'iurliaio I'lii-i'lirril Com for ffirnter Huttei-fat Produrtlon. With two meetings in tbo Inst week, the fruits of tho dairy cam paign being conducted by tho direc tors of tho Central Oregon Farmers' Cr.eamory, assisted by tho First Na tional Dank of Dcnd aro beginning to becomo apparent. Following tho meeting Inst Wed nesday night Charles Sfpchen. of tho co-operatlvo creamery and It. A. Ward of tho First National Dank conducted a mopping up campaign through tbo Tumalo project Thurs dny, spending the entire day with tho farmers. Personal talks' with the farmers brought orders for 16 head of purebred registered Jerseys and sold four shares of stock In the crenmory. - Friday night more than n score of tho Orange Hull Farmers met with tho campaigners nnd discussed tho dairying possibilities of tlie Grange Hall district. As a representative of tbo Farmers' Creamery J. F. Arnold, manager fold tho farmers that the creamery ut tho present Is not receiving suffi cient amount of butter-fat from the farmers to meet tho creamery's capa city and supply tbo demand for butter In Hend. Ho painted out thnt It Is to tho advantago of tho farmers to patronlzo tho creamery so that It can run to Its full capacity. This, it was shown would rcduco the overhead and bring better prices to tho farm ers for their butterfut. Mr. Arnold went Into detail concerning the me thods employed, by Coast creameries to discredit the butterfat tests made by the local butter makers, and also mado It clear that the existence of tho co-operative creamery Is one 'of tho Important factors In keeping up tho price, or. butterfut to the farmers of this localltyr H. A. Ward (old of tbo advantages to tbo farmers In having registered pure-bred livestock on every ranch In the county. Ho told tho ranchers that tho creamery Is their Institution nnd all things being equal they should giro It their support. Ho further stnted tha't, In lino with tho policy of tho First National -Bank to co-operato with tho farmers In pur chasing purebred livestock, the bank will assist every farmer capable of handling registered dairy cows. Tho bank's representative urged every farmer who can do so to attend tho Pacific International livestock Ex position sales to bo held Nov. 20-22. As n breeder of purebred register ed Jerseys. C. N. Jones, a recent comer on tho Tumalo project, stated that he had n largo herd of purebred registered Jerseys from his farm In RoReburg which ho will bring to Cen tral Oregon rather thnu sell in other sections of the state where thoro is n demand for them If tho furmors nro disposed to purchase this breed of dairy cattle. DOGS WEAR BUTTONS FOR THE RED CROSS Paul C. Klnf Takes Out Member- Milp for ''Michael" and Shevlln IIKon Camp Mascot Joins. Membership In tho Red Cros"s is not limited to tho human race, for two Deschutes county dogs are now wearing tho 1020 button. Mlchaol C. King, a bull terrier belonging to Paul C. Kins, of Dend, was the first canine member, and tha second Joined Tuesday when n membership badgo was Issued for Ring King, Junior, tho official mascot of Shev-lln-lllxon Camp No. 10. Tho drive was given substantial aid last night, when 8. N. Morrow, of tho Dend post of tho American Loglon, took in n total of 21. mem berships, Completo roturns on tho roll call n,re nqt yet ready, t was' stated at committee hoadquavtors this afternoon, POST RECEIVES AMERICAN FLAG FROM HIE ELKS CEREMONIES '"" i"lf E SEEN BY MANY. . ACCEPTANCE FORMAL Holdlcrx, Hullorx, and MnrlnrH Ih FIiyL Formation Slnco lilt- clmrw From The Service Diuiro U Enjojctl. Armistlco Day was brought to a fitting cllmax'ln Bond Tuesday night, when In tho prcseltco of a large crowd gathered nt the athletic club gymnasium, Percy A. Stevens Post, American Legion, received from Bend Lodge No. 1371, Jl. P. O. K.. a handsome American flag. Tbo presentation pnme as tho feature ot a program, la which other num bers were songs and recitations by ' Harold Grady, veteran llyer asd formerly an entertainer Sn vaude ville, nnd selections by tho Bend band, which has become ono of the crack musical organizations of Cen tral and Eastern Oregon. As tho announcement of tha pre sentation was made. Lieutenant Frank It. Prince rose, called First Sergeant Paul Hosmer and ordered him to form tho company. Im mediately, a typical barracks scene was enacted, for as the whlstto sounded, some 60 men seated la the audience, or lounging in tho lobby rushed for their places, soldiers falling In at the right, marines aad sailors next, and In less than a minute tho lino was "dressed," and the sergeant had repoAod, to tan tho company commander. Tho mea stood at eaBe while tho presenta tion was oelng mado In tbo frost of the hall. ' ' Elks fart la War Told. ,' JayH. Upton, ot Prlaevllle, Paiit Kxnlted Ruler ot the Portland Blka lodge, and Spanish American War veteran, outlined the part played fey the order a the world war, rnea tlonlhg that one otjt of every S men in tho service were Elks, aad that more than, a thousaad Elks aro filling graves In France as Flandors. At tho close of hla ad dress, tho lights were dimmed, aad a bell sounded 11 times, brlngiae to mind tbo Elks' hour ot home coming. Dr. J. F. Turner dellvored tbo Elks' toast, particularly significant when taken in connection with Mr. Upton's address, and aftor tho sing ing ot "Nenrer My God to'Thee." by the Elks.' quartet, tho hall -was again flooded with light. As Esqulro E. L. Payne, carry ing tho, flag", advanced from tb side of the ball. Color Sergeant. N. A. Cobb, and I. V. McGlllvray ad Druce Deynrmond. mnrched from tho rear ot the building, halting as thoy approached the flag. E. P. Mnhntroy, Exalted Ruler of tho lodge, dollvered'a fitting tribute to tho Stars and Stripes, and tho big silken Emblem was formally en trusted to tho care of tho Color Sorgcaut. Captain Fred WoolHen responded brlofly to tho presenta tion, declaring that no frat,oraal order could more appropriately muko such a gift, and outlining tho alms and ideals of tho American Legion, and of Percy A. Jstoveas Post. As the color guard marched to the rear tho company came to at tention and the American national anthem was playe betoro tho com pany was dismissed. A dance wbcu a capacity crowd attended, was given during the re mainder ot the evening by tho post. SCHOOLS WILL USE B. A. A. C, GYMNASIUM Meeting In special session Mon day night, the Dend board of school directors authorized the making' ot arrangements with the Pond Ama teur Athletic club for thq use of the gymnasium for physical tramta for tho pupils of tho c(ty sckools. One day lit tse week, and two other periods will bo used, Whlla basket ball practice wU take from Y Ut o'clock every afternoon as &a as the reason starts, Tha gymaiuw Will also b KvlUbl (or game, aa4 other school uj. 5?-; -JM c "-C5-J.1