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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1918)
WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. VOI. .XVI. nic.Ni), dkhchuteh van sty, Oregon, tiu'ilsdav, novemher ai, imih No. n n WILL NOT LIFT BAN THIS WEEK FOLEY WONDER SAYS CHAIRMAN TWENTY-THREE AT EMERGENCY VACCINATION SAVES CATTLE LEWIS FAVORS LOCAL PROJECT SOLONS NOW m KEEPING MUM itn on kit ml In of or or irri N wv ho on or OH or I HO ItO UII 'III ho ko n III or or or th n to d- or iy r r U III h k rt '. ' it t. II o il m i , .. i I l& MAKE NO REMARKS RE GARDING FUTURE. No Inillmlloii of Mix Problem tilth Which (ho Next IK'Hlntiiru Will Hnv lo Wrestle. (fllUI lo Th llull.tln.) SALEM, Nov. 21. -Legislators-elect apparently Imvo formed an Oyster clutj. Never boforo linn n Hlmllnr nut or iihiii boon mo mum no noon tmforu n session im (ho bunch or hoIoiih that will Krnco tho north iiml mouIIi wings ot tho cnpltol dur Ing tho -10 1n'H or wrestling ciiiiiIiik up early next your. Tlniro iteoniM to bo not ovmi tin Indication nn to tho bin problems thut will Imvo lo bo wrestled with. Thero In tho nniinclul premium, of con no, but Hint In llku tho poor anil over wltl mi. It will bo moro marked thnn uhuiiI thU year bo caimo or tho llmltutloiiH bodging tho loitiilntorH round nbout, but rilhur- vImi It will bu much tho nnmu old ittory. Apparently tho military police In In lor ii good drubbing. Tho gov. ornor desires to Imvo tho prosnl organization roplncod by a ntntn con Hlabiilnry or nmotlilnic llko 26 inon. Ho Ik placed undor tho mandate or tho tnto connlltutlon to "hoo Hint thu lawn nro rnlthrully executed,' but linn nothliiK to execute thorn with excepting tho regular pimco omcom, who nro eluded by tho pooplo and uro In no mtinnor responsible lo tho chlor oxocutlvo ror tliolr salaries or (or tholr John. It him froquoiilly occurrt'd Hint tho governor bus boon powerless to exocuto whun tho exe cuting iihould bo good, nnd conse Ui'Utly ho wishes to Imvo u little tmnit ot mun Hint nro responsible to him -nloni ' - Ah kindly iih tho coming leglsln turo will foul toward tho governor, It In likely Hint bin constabulary Hchemo will Imvo nbout as much how iih tho rormer kaiser would ninon n group or llolglnn soldlera. "Thoro nln't going to be no mllltnry pollco" nooms to bo tho nttltudo of tho nobln few who Imvo beon Hounded on tho mibjuct nnd probubly HiIh nttltudo In pretty general. Tho governor tried two yours ngo lo nloor tho leglnlaturo nlong bin own pntli for n Htnto con ntnbulnry, but It never renched tho gonl. Poor old ClnckumnH county hns boon having a tough tlmo trying to i;et by wllh Homo sort of n ntuto of flclnl Intely, nnd Jwih Blubbed It too. It tried lo put Tom Hynn over ror Htnto treiiNuror mid fulled and tried to put Jim Cnmphell over for tho Htiprtimo bench nnd Hint Jurist la ntlll trylncr. to figure out bow ho mnny llnrn could bo born and grow up In n ntuto with n population ho limited nn that or Oregon. Tho olTortH or Clackamas county wore commented upon to one or tho loading ntnto official tho other day. "Woll, Cluckumns county Hhould worry nbout that," woh tho roHpniiHo. 'Wo nro Hiiro going to put Ed Ilrodlo over ror aocrotury or Htnto In 1020." Hut to return to tho legislature nnd Hh pronpoctlvo nctlvltloH. Ono great big (onturo which Ih llnldo to dissolve in tho iiiIhIh or thu curly duya or tho hchsIoii will bo tho roport of tho consolidation commlH ulon. UiiIuhh II Ih entirely rovumpod nnd worked over from IIh original form oh It npponrod whou hurtlod forth by tho vorsntllo hnnd ot Col. J, M. Mutthowa, conHolldntlon and ollmlnallon expert ot thu University ot Illinois, It will Imvo a abort life und not n vory merry ono. Tho bulk ot tho legislators who Imvo vlnltod tho cnpltol off und on elrico thu consolidation commission tontuttvo roport wiib mndo Imvo thoroughly mudo up tholr minds Hint tho roport Is largoly bunk nnd la (Iob tlnod for tho Horap hoap. Hut It looms now, nevertheless, iib tho pos nlhlo biiHls tor n big light. It must bo romomborod Unit two years ago two doughty OlnckntnaB county loglB lators rought In tho consolidation nrona with Hhort BWordB. Thoy fought for consolidation and ugalust each othor most ot tho bossIoii. Hut what Walt Dlmlck and Goorgo ' Jlrownoll couldn't think ot In tho way of consolidation and diminution must bo vory trilling Indood, und It (Continued on pago. 4.) dehoiiuteh county record served ah inspiration to homii of tiik lagging coun tikh ok tiik htate. (From Wednesday's Dally.) T. It. Foley, chairman ot tho United War Work cnmpnlgn ror Do HchutoH county Ih "a wonder," nc cnnllng to Orlando W. DuvldHon, Htutn director, In a personal letter to a rrlend In thin city. Tho letter wan written by Mr. Davldiion on Novom bor 1C, and wan received In thlit city Monday. Mr. Davidson hu'h: "In regard to tho cnmpalgu In Do HchuteH county, I wnut to nay thnt your Mr. Foley In certainly a wonder and HiIh boldn good for the whole county. You not only wont over tho top but you went over ho tar that no ono else ban been able to get within r.uiib.lot up n date. II Iiiih Murved as a wonderful Inspiration to Homo or thu lugging counties In tho Htnto." LEWIS RESIGNS AS ENGINEER ANNOUNCEMENT IH MAIK TIIIH .MORNING PERCY I1. (TI'I'KIt, AHHIKTANT HTATK KNOINKKIt, TO Iti: AIM'OINTKO HL't'CI2H()lt. (From Wednefldny'a Dnlly.) (11 Unllcl I'rru lo Ttw llcnj llullrlln.) HAl.KM, Nov. 20. Htnto Engineer l.ewla ImH renlxned nnd Percy P. Cupper, preiivnt UMnlntnnt Htnto en gineer, will bo appointed by Governor Wltbycpmbo to fill hli position. Mr. Cupper, who nteps Into Mr. I.owln' poHltlon, linn been with tho Htnto offlcu ror n number or yenra. Htnto Kuglnoer LowIh wuh woll known in DohcIiuIch county nnd Cen tral Oregon, where hu had devoted n cotiHldonvblo portion ot IiIh tlmo nnd Inlltienco in nn effort to bring nbout tho reclamation of Kovcrul hun dred ncreH or land by Hollcltlng gov ernment nnd Htnto aid. Tho Intended rexlKtmllon or Mr. Lewis wns announced several months ago, at that tlmo It being proHumcd thnt hu would accept a poHltlon with tho Warm HprlngH Irrigation projoct. Tho rofunnl or tho capital Ihhuch board to pnss on this project, how over, changed tho plann and It was then stated Lewis would remain on tho ntnto Job. Hecently tho board reconsidered thu matter, passing favorably upon it, and Mr. I.owIb' resignation to tho state office follow ing, In tantamount to bin nccoptnnco or tho position on tho now project. HOME SERVICE SECTION OPEN (From Tuosilay'a Imlly.) Tho homo Hurvlco section ot thu Hod Cross In Hund has been opened, Mrs. Ann Forbes, who recontly re turned from Portland, whuro she has boon tnklug n courso ot Instruction, making tho nnuouncomout this after, noon that Hho would opou offices In tho Hand company'a oftlco tomorrow afternoon and would bu at hor post of duty each day nftor thut from 1 until 5 In tho nttornoon. It is tho purpose ot this Boctlon to tnlio enro ot tho dopondonta ot mou who nro In tho sorvlco, mid Mrs. ForbuB will dovoto hor offorta to tho work In thla nod Jofforaon coun ties, which nro ombrncod in hor terri tory. ASSOCIATION DISCONTINUED On account of tho Influenza opl domlo tho Conrul Orogou Coto Test lug nssoclatlon bus boon forced to suspend oporuttoiiB Indefinitely, It la doubtfjul It tho Avork will bo ru aumod bocnuso ot this nnd othor Hot hnokB which havo boon rocolved dur ing tho paut yoar, CASES HERE ARE LESS IN NUMBER. Two Death Ib-portcd I.nnt Nlgl Only Ono I'ntlcnt Token In V(--tenlay and No Neiv Oncn He MrtMl for Today. (From Wodnosdoy's Dally.) Conditions nt the Kmnrguncy hos pital nro much Improved today over yesterday und tho day provloun, ac cording to reports received from there thin afternoon. Twenty-threo patients are now being cared for, tho lowest number In several days. Hut one patient vihh admitted to tho In stitution yentordny, nnd none up un til .1 o'clock thin afternoon. Two deaths wero reported last night. Charles Olson, .14 yenrs or ago, a ratchet setter nt Tho Hhovlln Illxon mill, died early In tho even ing. Ho wits admitted to thu hos pital on November 17, suffering from complications from which ho failed to rally. Ho wns unmarried, nnd his only known living rolatlvo Is u sis ter In Chicago, whoso address II was Itnponslblo to obtain. Leo llougbtnllng, 21 years ot ngo, 1022 Lexington avenue, died at thu Emergency during tho night. Hu bad been 111 but a tow days when his death occurred. Tho decensed had lived In 'Horn! tor a numbur or yenrs and wns well known hero among tho younger Hot. Ho lenves a wlfo nnd ono child and a father and mother, who reside at 1035 Mllwaukeo ave nue. Funernl services uro to bo con ducted by tho Moosu lodge, of which ha was n member. Conditions In thu city nro reported to bo greatly Improved today by tho' physicians. Few now cases havo de veloped nlnco Monday, nnd tho num bur ot nurloun ones has greatly dimin ished. All Influenza cases hare been discharged from St. Charles' hospital, which less than n week ago con tained a number, white those nt tho Hund surgical nro considerably less. STOOKEY TAKES OATH OP OFFICE Is Now County CommliMloner, Ap pointed by County Court to Fill Unexpired Term. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Soth Htookoy, Domocratlc-olcct for county commissioner, two-year term, assumed tho duties ot his now office today nt n session of tho county court, having been appointed by tho present court to fill tho vacancy made through thu resignation ot Commis sioner Macintosh. Mr. Stookey wns sworn In nt tho IubI meeting ot tho county court. IRRIGATION MEN TO MEET HUSSION WILL PRECEDE ASSEM IHilNfl OF I.EfilHIiATURE AT HALEM SOME NEW LAWS ARE COUNTED PHOHAHLK. (OrrvonUn.) Tho niinunl nicotine ot tho Oregon Irrigation congress will bo held ut tho Imperial hotel In tho Elizabethan room on January 0, 10 nnd 11, Just preceding tho oponlug ot legislative bosbIoiib nt Sajum, J. W. Hrower ot Portland hnH iboon appointed chair man of tho kjmimlttoo In charge ot tho program' Tho Irrlgatfonlats, na at urovlous uBflumblios, will plan In detail tholr program for ipu coming your In the gonotyl advancomont ot Irrigation proJu'ctB throughout tho state, Close to thu upontng ot tho loglslutlvo ses sion, it la not Improbable that the Orogou Irrigation congrosa will formulnto certain requests for enact ment by tho Btuto soIoiib. Ofllcora ot tho organization nro J. II, Upton, Prlnovlllo, president ; Frod N. Wallnco, Tumalo, secretary, and D. O, Hurdlck, chairman ot tho oxooutlvo commtttoo. ACTION IS TAKEN BY f" COMMITTEE. Conditions Are Not Huch That Open Jn of tho City Can Ho Per 1 ndtted In so Hhort n Time, They Hay. (From Monday's Dally.) Tho Influenza bun In this city will not' bo lifted next Haturday. This wan tho announcement made today following a meeting of tho executlvo committee composed ot city and county authorities. Conditions which havo arisen since tho an nouncement wus mndo lust Saturday morning will not permit opening nt that tlmo, It Is Btatcd, and no def inite tlmo was net for lifting tho ban, this being Indefinite and de pending entirely upon tho conditions oxisting hero. Tho epidemic in tho city and county Is waning. This Is assured. Tho numbor of cases being reported cuch day Is smaller, but there uro still others -who are being taken III wllh thu disease, two being admitted to'lho hospital this morning, and In tho opinion ot tho officials thero will bo no raising of tho lid until this condition Is chnnged. Conditions nt tho Emergency hos pital this afternoon nro much im proved, moro oemB oui m pnucniH n't tho Institution, which Includes tho two admitted thla morning. This Is flvo less thnn wero reported Satur duy. Two deaths occurred during Srtturdny night, but nil tho patlontu rcatod quietly Inst night and thero aro no critical cases. "Frank Hlankcnsblp, 40 years of age, died at tho hospital at G:40 yes tirilny -moraine, Ho had been em ployed by tho Hrooks-Scanlon Lum ber compajiy und wns taken to tho hospltul on November 8, being ono ot tho first Inmates. Ho appeared to rally on sovernl different occasions, but srow worso nftor each attack. Ho lenves threo sons, only one, Frank Hlnnkenshlp, having been located. Edward Schmelchcl, 3C yeara or ago, nn omployo or Tho 8hovlIn Hlxon Company, died at 12:60 Sun day morning. Ho was admitted to tho hospital last Thursday, at thut tlmo bolng In a critical condition. Ho was n natlvo ol Russia, where his wlfo Is now living. His only relative In this country Is a brother, who lives In Davenport, Iowa. LINCOLN LAMBS ARE DISTRIBUTED Pure bred Lincoln ram lambs which woro brought Into this county from Union nnd Wallowa counties havo boon distributed among the sheepmen and farm flock owners ot Central Oregon. Twenty wero pur chased by Georgo Jones, whllo others aro being taken by tho farm flock owners ot tho county. Tho LlncoliiB nro hoavy sheep, par ticularly adapted to Central Oregon range conditions. Conditions at Bend Mills for Women Workers Are of the Best, Say Board Members Thut physical and moral condi tions In tho box factories ot Bond nro ot tho best and that women workers now employod In those places should bo pormlttcd to remain at tho employment until such tlmo as tho supply ot inula labor Is ade quate to fill tho domand was tho recommendation ot Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Fostor, women mombora ot tho community labor board, In u roport to tho board last night. Tho roport wua handed In follow ing an Investigation ot tho conditions ut tho plnnta whoro womon nro em ployed, occasioned through a com munication from tho state welfare commission, wherein It was stated thut women workers might bo with drawn' from sucji factories in tho state. Practically all ot tho womon work ing at tho plants horo aro marrlod, OVKU B37GOO UHTIMATKD TO IIAVK IIKK.V HAVKD IN TIIK COUNT V DUUINO YKAU AH A IlKHUIT OF COUNTY AOKNTH KFIXHITH. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Cattle valued at $7500 are esti mated to havo been saved In Do schutcs county alone during the pres ent year through vaccination lor blackleuc, according to It. A. Ward, county agent, who has had charge of the work hero. Since tho spring season, tho coun ty agent's office has distributed S700 doses of blackleg vacclno and has vaccinated over 750 cattlo for demon stration purposes. Annual range losses from blackleg run around 3 per cent., sometimes higher, but owners roport nono of the vaccin ated cattlo dying from tho disease. On a 140 valuation per head, this work has prevented tho loss of about $7500 worth or cattlo, which would bo 3 per cent, or the numbor vaccinated. Tho last vaccinating demonstration was held at Tumnlo last week, whero the Gerklng, McGuIre nnd Peterson cattlo wero treated. Animals Infect ed with blackleg at the time of vac cination will die, as tho vacclno la powerless to check tho disease after Infection. As tho spores or the disease will carry over in tho earth and grass roots ror years, It Is strongly recom mended by Mr. Ward that animals bo burned -whoro thoy die, and not dragged out ot tho field. Dragging tho carcass Is sure to spread tho dls cuso over tho range, while burlng It on tho spot -will assist In locnlllzlng and controlling this scourgo ot the cattlo Industry. ILL ORGANIZE FARM BUREAU l-'AIttiKRS OF COUNTY TO TAKE UP NEW PliAN WITH ABATE MENT OF THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. (From Wednesday's Dally.) After tho Influenza epidemic Is safely past farmers ot tho county aro planning on forming tho De schutes County Farm Bureau, to take tho placo ot tho old agricultural council, which formerly served both counties, according to R. A. Ward, county agent. Tho now plan contem plates a moro practical and thorough organization than was posslblo undor the old system, and is tho plan now followed In practically all states hav ing county agents, except Orogou nnd Washington. Furraora In conferenco with tho ngeut bollovu that tho chango Is do slrable now that Deschutes county will havo tho services ot tho agent alone, Instead ot dividing tho work with Crook county, na wa8 dono last year. I tho Investigators announced, and are working undor such conditions as nro not a dotrlment to either tholr honlth or morals. Furthermore, thoy are satisfied with theso condi tions, and hotly protested tho pro posed uction ot tho state welfare commission. All ot theso workers, according to tho roport, stand ready to relinquish their positions In favor ot male help at any tlmo whon It Is known that such male help la ado quato to tako up tho work. Tho recommendation of tho com munity labor board that tho women bo pormltted to remain at tholr posts ot duty until tho present shortage ot labor is nettled with tho roturn ot tho majo population from mili tary life was forwarded to tho state wolfaro commission last night, so that it might bo at their disposition at the mooting to bo hold today. POST-WAR IRRIGATION DISCUSSED. KnfrJneer Recommend Central Or gon Irrigation Scheme for De velopment by Nntlonnl Reclamation Service. (8pcUI to T natlettn.) SALBM, Nov. 16. Tho immense Deschutes project In Central Oregon is one ot the projects that should be given tho earliest posslblo con sldcratlon as a post-b'cllum Irrigation development measure, nccordlng to a letter which has Just gono forward from horo to F. E. Woymouth, chief ot construction ot tho United States reclamation service. Tho recommen dation was mado by Stato Engineer Lewis alter Engineer Weymouth had requested tho stato engineer to give him Information as to tho principal projects In Oregon which should bo developed as atter-tho-war progress measures. State Engineer Lewis also cites tho Silver Lake project as another of considerable Importance to be taken Into consideration by the rec lamation sorvlco. In connection with tho Deschutes project Mr. Lawis also emphasizes tho deslrabllty of making further Investigations particularly In refer ence to tho Denham Falls project, as a part ot tho great Deschutes project. In his letter Mr. Lewis says: "I havo your Inquiry of tho 9th instant relative to Irrigation projects In this stato In which tho reclama tion service might bo Interested in connection with Its post-bellum pro gram. "Tho investigation that the state made In co-operation with tho U. S. reclamation servlco a fow years ago covered the stato pretty thoroughly and no Important Irrigation projects havo been brought to light slnco the completion of tho Investigation. "Our attention has been frequently called to what appears to bo an ex cellent project In tho Warm Springs Indian reservation in Wasco county. Somo investigation ot this project has been made by tho Indian service, though no steps havo been taken for its construction and whllo we havo no definite information in regard to It tho reports wo have Indicate that It Is an excellent project. I mention theso projects as being tho only ones which might be regarded as falling In the first class to which you refer In your letter, though doubtless somo ot tho projects investigated by tho state and the United States undor tho provisions of Chapter 86 could woll be placed In this class. "As you havo copies of tho co operative reports you will bo In terested only In tho present Btatu. of theso projects. I will therefore refer you to tho last blonnlal roport of this otflco, on pages 116-118 and 12C of which you will find a discus sion ot tho status of the;o projects at the tlmo ot tho Issuunco ot this report. Slnco thnt tlmo tho Med ford Irrigation district has been or ganized nnd has voted a bond Issuo ot 11,500,000. Tho organization ot tho Silver Lake district has been com pleted and tho bonds ot tho Warm Springs district have been disposed ot and construction work will hogln In tho vory near future. A district has also been organized in Harney vnlloy and one is In process ot or ganization on Sliver crook. Dvsctiutca Project. "Wo teol that tho Deschutes proj ect Is worthy ot consideration by tho reclamation sorvlco at thla time on account ot Its magnttudo and the fact that n large and oxponslvo reservoir must bo constructed to con serve a uumber ot moro or loss In dependent units, thus rendering It difficult to finance nnd construct any unit separate from the others. "A report iaa been made, by a board of consulting engineers, In which it was found that the Tumalo rosorvolr, constructed tor tho irriga tion of 20,000 ncron In the stato's Tumalo projoct, for tho comjtfuotlou of which tho etuto appropriated $450,000, -will probably uovr bold water, Tho projoct hau therefore boon limited to an area ot 8000 acres and tho romandor ot the land that was Included in this project may (Continued on Page 4,)