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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1918)
WEEKLY EDITION The bend Bulletin. vol. a'vi. J1KNI), DKHCHUTKH COUNT, OIUXION, TJIUItHDAV, JUNK J If, 1018 No. IS BOOTLEGGERS . ARE ARRESTED BOOTLEGGERS ARE SENTENCED YOUTH KILLED SPENCEIDOLOF STATE GRANGE NEW GYMNASIUM CLASS 4 MEN TO IS OPEN TODAY GO TO CLASS 1 BY LIGHTNING i A M NIXON TAKES TWO MEN AND MUCH BOOZE. Chain of HoviTftl (I)ii)'N "'nil nt llio Otil Ikiiri Mill Wlim Former Offmdtr and Partner Am CaukIiI with IH) Qunrtx. (From Tuoadny'a Dally.) Nlnoty quarts of boozn In throo nacka wuro tnknn from a Chevrolet car at tho old Ilond mill Inst night y Chief or Police Nixon, who, work Ing single handed, cnpturcd A. Honlo mill Antonio Oossolntto, owners of tho lliiuor, nml then brought tho tioozo nml car uptown. Tho mon nro now Incarcerated In tho ulty Jail awaiting t Jiulr hearing. For Hovoral dnys Chief Nixon 1mm been on tho trnll of tho men. Ilnnlu wan arroiitml hero several weeks ago on n hnotlogttliiK charge nml fined f2G0 ami ordered to lenvo tho city. Nixon saw It t in Hhortly nftor ho rev turned suvornl dnys ngo, ami watched lilm closoly, following him tiach night, llootii wnM flowing freely In thu roomliiK houso whoro llonlu wns living, hut thro wnti no evidence to ho obtained Hint tho uinn wns dis posing of liquor. Ho htwl secured o in 11 1 oy in nn t nl Thu Hhovlln-lllxnti pill nn n lillml nml wni working hi bootlegging ah n side Issue. Humliiy iiIkIU Nixon saw tho ninn uptown nml followed him nn ho loft for homo, lustund of taking hi" usual path, llonlu wont In tho direc tion of thu old Ilond mill, nml waited nt tho itawduit pllo m It expecting romo ono. Aflur a wnlt of novornl hours, In which nothing developed, tho uinn left for hln roonm. Last night nt aliout 10 o'clock Nixon saw llonlu In conversation with nnothor man, nml hoard enough of tho talk to hoar something nnld aliout tho old Ilond mill. TakliiK n cuo from thin, tho officer hurried to tho ncono of lilt provlous night's wnlt and about 1 1 o'elock Honlo nrrlvod. Not taking chuueos with tho two men alone, Nixon Immediately arrested Honlc, nml handcuffing him to n Iroo, sal down to nwalt developments. Hhortly lioforu 1 O'clock, when iioUiIiik had happetiod, Nixon wont to Honlo nml threatened him If ho did not toll nil ho knew, aucceodod lit getting tho mnn to dtsclnsu tho fart that hi pnrlnor would ho (hero nl about 1 o'clock In n cat with thu encho. Ac cordliiK to tho man'n story, Gosso ' latfo" arrived nt tho tlmo lot. In-order to mnko thlngftippcar nil right bo that Oossolntto -would iwt got nwny with tho enr tho officer re lonsod Honlo nml Instructed him to luill IiIh companion. Thinking thnt ho inli;ht mnko IiIh escape, Homo compiled, hut Junt oh tho car cnun to a ntnp attempted to dart pant It nml Into tho brush. Ono shot In tin nlr from Nlxou'n un, howovor, wan sufficient to stop him, nml tho two 'men woro thou handcuffed together nml hrniiKlit to town, whuro thay woro plncod In tho city Jnll, Tho car nnd Ha coulonlH woro brought In 'Inter. Honlo wiih nrrmtod In thlH city thrco wookn iiro, when ho uiid IiIh partner, a mnn by tho naino of Mar tin, cumo In with n Ford load of whlHkuy from Klaniuth Falls and .oporntnd hero Hovornl days lieforo thoy woro cniiKht. Thoy ndmlttod tliclr Kullt nml woro lined $2G0 onch nnd, thou nrdarod to leave tho city. Tho fact thitt tho old chnrKo still 'luiilgs' oVor tho bond of Honlo will probably mean n heavy suutouco Im posed In thlH liiHtnnco. Cnn lCnllxt in MnrlueH. SerKeant Ilrookn of tho Marino recrultliiK stn lion In this city HiIh mornliiK received n telenrain from tho district ofllco nt I'ortlnml to tho offoct that men roKlntorliif; on Juno G can oullnt in tho Marino sorvluo by uoeurlm; a ro lonHO from tho local draft board -without wnltltiK to hIku up uuonticm 'nalroH. HorKoant Hrooka hnn Htntod that- ho Iiiih lind many lmiulrluH from man of HiIh clans diirliu; tho past fow woekH, but thoro had boon no nntlllentlon officially donlliiK with tholr ciihcu until tho tolourain thla mornliiK. laiirury Clohod, OommonohiK vvlth next Sunday nml oontluuliiK un til tho fall mnutliH, tho Ilond library will not ho upon on Sunday after noon. This ohnnjjo Iiuh boon iniulo liocuuuo of tho hot woatlior. HONIH 111'CKIVP.H HliAVV FINK AND JAIL HKNTKNCKflOHHO jj-rrrt) okth htuaight fink OF woo. (From Wednesday' Dally.) A. Honlo and Anton Gossolatto, two contended. bootlegger, who wora arrested by Chief of I'ollco Nixon Monday night, were sentenced In quick tlmo in Judgo Hasten' court yostorday ovoiiIiik, Honlo drawing a Hontoncn of sixty day In Jnll and $260 fine, nml Oossolotto n straight flno of 9300, ono hundred of which wni remitted poudltiK his Rood be havior. This Is tho second offense for Honlo, ho hnvlng boon broiiKht lie foro tho Justlco court thrco weeks aKO, at which tlmo ho wan fined $260, ono hundred of which was remitted ponding his Rood hohavlor. In addi tion to tho $2C0 flun Imposed enter dny, tho $100 of tho previous penally to ho torofoltod by him to tho county. Prosecuting Attorney II, II, Do A rum ml had chnrxo of the ensu fur tho stnte. POTENTATE IS BEND VISITOR (From W'odncndny's Dally.) William Dnvls, potontnto of Al Kador Tomplo of tho Mystic Rhrlno, has been In this city and mot met with a number of members of tho Mystic Hhrltio. It has been dc cldod to hold a coromonlal horo on Saturday, Juno 20th, and It Is ex pected a larKo nuinbcr will conio from Portland In addition to mnny filirlners residing In Klamath, Hums, Tho Dalles nnd all of Kastorn Ore gon counties. Several resldliiK In linker havu Indicated that thoy would nttond and sovoral from Kuroiio nml Albany hnvo indlouted thay would drive over for tho event. Tho potontnto stated ho will bring thu band of thu Mystic Hhrlno, which contains about forty pIucm, also tho Chnutlurs, conaUtliiK of twonty voices, nnd tho Arab patrol, conslst Iiik of thirty members. Tho bund will kIvo n concert on tho law of tho Kmbtom club, also tho Chnntlors will imrtlalimte, which will bo n treat to tho pooplo of thin city. At tho close of this concert, tho Shrlners will ro to tho Pilot Hutto Inn, whero a din ner will bo nerved. Aftor dlnnor n parade will bo farmed nml tho candidates will bo assisted by tho momhors of tho 8hrlno to tho Athletic club building. worp thoy wllUtnko a Journey over tho hot sands. ' Ncn $50,000 Dend HWtHWW4W4ttf4W4t( OREGON JOURNAL CAR RIER IS VICTIM. Ilody Mutllal-d nml (lollir mid HlHKfi Aru Iillornlly Toni l''n)rn Form Ifiul Ihxni ItullcUn, Cmrrirr. (Forn Wednesday's Dally.) Walter Itlchards, aged 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Itlchards of Haltlmoro avonuo, wan Instantly killed at 8:20 o'clock this morning when ho wns struck by a bolt of llghtnlnc on tho Ilond Water, Light & Power company proporty nt tho roar of tho Pilot Hutto Inn. At tho tlmo of his death, Wnlter was on tho morning delivery route for tho Oregon Journal nnd had Just finished serving his customers at tho Ilcnd garago nml tho Hand (lour mill nnd wns coming uptown to finish his deliveries. Tho lightning struck him on tho right side of his hond, nnd his body wns badly burned and mutilated. Men working nt tho Ilund garago and tho power plant saw tho accident nnd ran out nnd covered him with dirt to stop tho burning of his clnthoH. Ho wns then rushed to tho St. Charlos hospital nnd a physl clnn cnllod, who determined that death had been Instantaneous, prac tically every bono In tho body being broken from tho shock. All of the pockots in his clothes had bcon ripped off and tho shoes torn from hln foot. From tho spot whero he was standing two furrows hod been ploughed for a dlstnnco of twenty feet In olthor direction to a depth of at least six Inches. - Funeral sorvlces will bo held to morrow afternoon from tho Nlswon gcr undertaking parlors and will bo conducted by Iter. J. M. Nelson of tho Huptist church, whllo tho Wolf Patrol No. 1, Hoy Scouts, of which ho was a nioinlior, will act as pall bearers, , Mr. and Mrs. Illclinrds woro noti fied of tho denth of their non as soon as It wns possible to clearly estab lish his Idontlty, nnd nro nearly prostrated with grief, lie wns tho elder of thro children. Waltor had served for many months as n carrier on The Hullotln route, nnd tendered his resignation last Friday, lie had been a favorite among his companions nnd bad al ways boon conscientious In tho per formance of hh dutlos. Ilcur-N from Hon. T. J. Sanders of Aubrey road, who has two sons In tho navy, has Just received n photo graph of Harold J who Is on tho b.ittloshlp Philadelphia, statio'ned at Hremorton. Tho photo shows tho young man aboard tho vessel stand ing at attention. Thu other son Is with tho Atlantic squadron on the oast coast. Amateur Athletic Club Building which 0 ' 'ftSjBP' jssssFSstMSry '.h firjg?? " i VH NON-PARTISANS BIG IS SUE IN MEETING. Affair nt Hal on $mk During Wnvo of Hot Weather Which Hon Dcaccnd- od on Valley I'lcrco May Favor League. (H(Ut to Th Ilullrtln.) flALKM. Juno 13. Old inhabit ants remember the roistering times thoy used to havo at tho hilarious ganio of tlddleywlnks. Lest any of tho younger generation know not whereof wo speak, when ono plays at tiddleywlnks ho shoots a lot of little counters, by means of a large counter, Into a glass bowl. After ho shoots thom all Into tho bowl he dumps out tho small counters and shoots them back into the bowl again. Llfo at tho stato capltol has net tled down to a gamo of tiddleywlnks fur tho next two or thrco months of tho warm season and much of tho time will bo occupied In shooting hot air from offlco chairs and dumping out a pay chock nt tho end of the mouth. Hot WcMllirr Dtcoiidx. Truly tho melancholy days havo cpme, tho saddest of tho yoar, for tho oarnest young man endeavoring to cko out nn exlstenco for himself nnd family by writing of tho foibles, faults and follies of tho groat class who control tho destinies of state affairs. A batch of hot weather has descended upon tho valloy here abouts and wilting collars, straw lints and tho doclrino of rest arc tho order of tho day. HlKlit into tho midst of tho hot spell ploughed tho Stato Grango and whllo the deeds of tho grango at Its memorablo session now generally llvo In niomory a few comments as an aftermath mlgnt not uo awry. Whllo tho grange legislated a bit and discussed at length numerous bits of legislation It would like to soo passed, tho wholo heart, soul and thought of tho organization was wrappod up In tho Non-Partisan league. This speck, which aroso on tho horizon out Dakota way, has bo- comoqulto a large sized cloud. Tho grango, as overyono knows now, turned down an endorsement of the Non-Partisan leaguo and promptly ro-olccted C. K. Sponccas master for tho fifth time. This was done In the faco of tho fact that Spence gavo a whole-hearted dofenso of tho loaguo whllo the question, of to Indorso or not to Indorsovwas. being argued with fovor !ienU ? " KHnro Huh Ilnlil on (irnugc. Thoro Is no question that Sponco hns a strangle hold on tho grange nml It has a sublime confidence in him, overlooking such trivialities as flirting with tho Non-Partisan league. (Continued on Pago 4.) M Is now open with four days celebration on TIIIH AFTKKNOON GIVEN OVKIt 'JO INHPKOTION MUSICAL FllOttllAM TO UK GIVKN THIS KVKNING. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Today was tho commencement of tho formal opening of the new Dend Amateur Athletic club gymnasium. This attorno4B at 2" o'clock tho doors were thrown open to the public and tonight tho opening exorcises, con sisting of a musical program and ad dresses, will be held. Tho attend nnco this afternoon was not great, duo to tho unsettled wcathor condi tions, but It is expected that a largo number will bo in attendanco at the program this evening. A quartet under tho direction of O. A. Thorson will glvo soveral selections, together with a solo by Mrs. Thordarson. Opening addresses will also be made by Carl Johnson and H. A. Miller, officers of tho club. There Is no ad mission charge. Tomorrow evening will seo the opening of tho carnival and danco de picting tho days of '49, when every thing goes and tho roof Is tho limit. This will bo continued on Friday night. On Saturday night occurs tho big doublo feature smoker, when Dllllo Goorgo of this city will meet Frank Street of Portland, and Fred Gilbert, another Dend man, will dispute honors with Dllllo Williams of Port land. Thcso will bo preceded by two fast preliminaries, and tho entire event gives promise of being ono of tho best attractions put on hero for many months. URGES BEND LOCATION IN PATH OF TOTALITY (From Wednesday's Dally.) FIro protection was tho chief sub ject of discussion at today's luncheon of tho Commercial club, H. E. Allen calling on A. F. Larson to outline his experience in forming a ftro de partment in South Dend, Washing ton. There, Mr. Larson said, a vol unteer department had been formed at slight oxpeuso and material reduc tions in insuranco rates had boon ef fected. T. W. Carlon also spoke, saying that provontlon was an Im portant part of flro department work. Mr. Allen stated that a tho flro committee, with recommen dations, would bo made at the next meotlng. It was also voted fhattfa commlttco bo appointed to extend the thanks of tho club to W. D. Chonoy for his share in tho entertainment of tho bankers' convention last Veek. Floyd Dement urged that stops bo taken to havo Dond located in tho path of totality on tho occasion of tho next eclipse of tho sun. June 2-J.-5 MEN WITHOUT CHIL. DREN RERATED. Local War Board Will Mako HnUre Now Hating of All Men la Chuw -Physical Examination Also to Bo Marie. (From Tuesday's Dally.) WASHINGTON, Juno 11. Proroit Marshal General Crow-. -- der has called for nino thoa-- sand limited sorvlco inon to - cut the airplane spruco of tho northwest. Every stato In the Union, exrtpt Malno, Oklahoma. - South Dakota and Texas, aro affected. Oregon's quota for tho - limited servlco draft is 363. Of - this number C3 havo already volunteered. Deschutes county's quota for the service is 13; Crook's S and - Jefferson none. Theso mon aro - to bo chosen from tho men of - draft age who havo boon roject- ;,- cd from military service on ac- - count of physical defects, but who aro now to bo Inducted into - tho servlco In capacities where - their physical standing will por-- mlt, to replace men physically -- ablo to go with tho overseas - forces. Reclassification of all men la Class 4 In Deschutes county under tho orders of Provost Marshal Gen eral Crowder Will bo commenced to night at a Joint meeting of the local war board and tho legal advisory board. Under tho provisions ot the now order, married men without children aro to bo shifted to Class 1 and tho remainder ot the men In the class will bo" rerated "according to tho condition of their dependency. Reclassification of tho men will be made by tho board without any noti fication being made to tho mon. , Simultaneous with tho reclassifica tion of men comes tho order for re examination of all men in the county who havo been disqualified for sorv lco on account of physical debility. Thcso men will bo recalled and now examinations mado aometlmo this month, and wherever It Is deemed by tho medical examiners that tho man Is qualified for cortaln branches of tho service ho will be rated thus, and called Into the sorvlco so that men qualified tor the overseas service can bo released. It Is expected that thero aro at least fifty men in De schutes county who will como under this provision ot the new ordor. J. H. Haner, chairman of .tho lq cal war board, stated this morning that it was expected that It would tako at least sixteen days to cosa pleto tho reclassification of mon from Class 4, and an additional soveral days tor the examination of the physically disqualified, so that the local board will bo In session prac tically all ot the remainder ot the month. FIFTY PER CENT ARE AFFECTED (From Wednesday's Dally.) At least CO per cent, of tho men In classes 2 and 3 aro to bo re classified under tho now ruling, ac cording to members ot tho local war board and the legal advisory board, lu session last night. Attorney II. II, Do Armond ot tho legal board this morning stated that tho chaugo from classos 2 and 3 to class 1 was made to conform to tho now rulings ot the war dopartmont nnd not through auy errors on the part ot tho boards in tho first classification. Tho board will again bo In session this morning, and contlnuo each day until tho work has been complotod. which will tako at least a wouk. Classes 2 and 3 havo been roratsd and tho taking up ot class 4 will bo commenced today. Thoro woro at loast forty names lu tho two claaaee finished, but In class 4, whoroln all marrlod mon havo boon rated, the numbor Is many tlmos that, and the tlmo consumed In reclassification will bo much greator.