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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1917)
WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN . Villi. XVi IIICNI), III.HCIII TIM COUNTY, OltlCOO.V, TJII IM) , MAY 17, 11117 NO. 11 It 5 I fr ff' olarl. SCHOOLS FOB FIELD DAY BIG CROWD EXPECTED IN REND. Allium 'Ilmil DM) lllull llllll Ontllil . I'nplU in rniMlo In VhiIoii y HtontN ill Hclinnl l)rt' on Sal utility, Alii)' II. (Krom Wednesday's Dully.) If Old Hoi I I" K"1 disposition ftr ilia WMHlHtlnr of tlm weak llenil lll m it record-breaking crowd In aitendKiire nt dm nhiiiihI Central Oregon Mold Day t l" 'll l I'8"'1 text Halurduy. May l. Praetleully -fill nf the jwIiiihU that will competo in IIih various evwnts of the school iny prograM have entered tne names mt tha ooHlriatnwls. s. It In expected that more Hihii 100 hlKll IMlhofll HHll grade acllfltll pupil of Jafforeem. Crook and Deschutes countls will compete In the con test. The day will be completely fitted with the tennis, dsclamatory. stenography Mid field evente. The program star t g-30 a. m. with tb nigh school and grade tennis ro. teats. The high school tennis lour nsment will b held on th courts at the corner of Franklin and Kraut streets. Tho grade school deelaav alory eonleel will b held In the Met school auditorium at 10:20 a. j a tbe high Hoot stenography aggtagtt will be hld in the high iVhool building at the him hour. fflM Urgok ad flfld rveftls will aurt promptly at 1 :10 p. m.. and lb Ijtgfc school declamatory contests 111 basin at 7:10 p. m.. and will be held la tba high arbool sudltorium. Mortals wilt Ini offered for all flrat places In tba events of tbe ilay rapt In the Instance of flrat place IN tba ralay race. A medal will Ini offered to the hlgheet point win ger. Tba silver cup offered la at year by tba Redmond high school fgr tb sohool making the highest Number of Kolttta will also lie tin again for competition. Three ban Mora will be offered for the IiIkIi oIhmI taking the relay rare ami one 'Mb for the two. dlvlalona of the grado arbool fonleatanta. One Imit nar will be the gift of ft. I.. Wlgglna. loaal rrelght and paaaangar Huawt for tba O.-W. It. A N. Tba mdaU for tba day are now on dlaplay at. tba 11 . Smith ClothlaK Oowtwny. Tba Judgea llal for the eauU baa not been completed, bat J. Y. Crltea, t Hood Klver; A. K Oronentld. of TIM Ualwa. aad H. W. Ung. of Ar llMgten. have been eboaen for Int. poftont plawa. A partial Hat of tba anlrlaa hi aa foUowa : . Oahrw. HwK -Jkani. Menn. b lie. eket. labwee. ! au aad re tail Oetara. 44r4 na, W haeiU a4 lelairi H.wlr, I., leo-inwa aad le-raml leJaW .i-arar4 rua. Mlay. klt jimp u4 jeaui Rarli'ow, O.. U; NtklrM, P. rfr Orrnrf Btkoul KraV. Rm IOa.rrl daat-a. low hura'lM. nob I Hii4itau, K.. luw kvrilUa m) le'airi Jeaaetoa. K., klab laeut. ana lame. r'; Iba-iU. Wm r-Jav. afeiak L.. ta.ari dwib Iva-raea aanh uU niy. UmmmmL Tttmk AiUiur TWk. ClaraaM ttebibeear RaM. in. rtl Vaa AUea. PeaTMeOaffwy. Vlvlaa Yimaa. Ke. taad AeM bui . Ueaia lala. Ommm Or rari teaal dnaalia, MlMrei aatka. Martwr ,MHai aeahii'i. Ruth Imwanw . drtm.ix. iMfea Wod I aytmirura. OtMlr t anrvll i nharmaad aad lyiwrlllnK, MrMid rer. Unu glaaai baelhaaa aad UiwwrUIn. fint jmur. ytm. Vaa Alkn. PHavvOU Oralurlrnl. I.urknr lluaavy, "'AaMru-aa Idaeb" : dramatlr. alih Cmiwi. "Ta (Mm ml th WhlU Hwan" . kumumta, Handla Thru,, lb Itfkt a( KuUiWr maeaM Cnwk anaaty at Urav, dramatic. Ruth MulHnllaad. ' A lur ' Mull" . triw. rmidiv, mm year typMrrttlaii, Cr llannlt aad Uay aaKlaaoa i wand yar tyiwwrlllna, A'ma l.leeiiliia aL Mlklrwl liwkman, flrat inrnt fwaa. Huwi tanaar aad alia wi nwn .aaartaaad, Alaai LlaiMaaa aad Carotin Mfc-AUek Mewdarf. Hatah Call.. Caaiim. (kwwtt IbMnlw. Artkur L WaajMI TaehuMM, CW(r itriUh. OeyiH, MaawM WrlaM. Mwanl tbw aad PaaT Mrauknaii, 7Tla Mml wraauww, ui iwii; iiaiiwraaa. imuii , ratorkal. aunly I wad . TESTIftlONY FINISHED t! IN 1UUIGATI0N CASE J'ullllnii to liicifiiMt Wnlcr HiiIcn o tilroiiiioiikly Kouxlit 1 1) KollltTiN llnforo Comnilmloii, (Krom Thurnhiy'a Dully.) TalilMK of teatlniouy liufnro 1'rnnk "'faeSeo Vi J, Millar mill II. II. Ooroy, of tliu D . atntn I In tkllft HmivIiim priflltlllttillll. oiiiH) to u tiloae limt nlRht nt HIhIoth, in tliu oime ot tliu rata InuroiiRo po- tltlnu of Iho Hitunw Crook Irrigation Co. Tiwtlniouy kIvbii by HuttloiH ou on tht project waa to tlio effort Hint thciy coulil not pay tho $1 an auro font for wntor nukiut In tlio company's petition, and oontlnuo to hold thulr arniH. Tliu proHBiit rato la 35 conts ' -3w,r nortt f"'' lllul " '" U0tlmnte(l Uiat vo arro fqat aro roqulrod for nuo- owHgful IrrlRatlou. ' It. II. Do Ariuond ami Vernon A. Korliiia. of lluml. ronroHontad the sat JJEN!) HOYS PASSRI) FOU AMERICAN NAVY Aiiriillio Hi'finimi Will ltd urn, llnucver, mi Thii WimiIim' l'ur loiiftlii I'nlll i'limpi Itcnil). (Krom Moiiilwy'H Dully.) Word hMfi Jiiat Iiwhii rucelviMl by John Rteldl that lila two mitm who went In I'oitlMMil tu JiiIii (Iih United MtHtm nnvy, liolli phmwI MMllnfuflory Hxatiilnatltuin. Htevn. who HiilUtml aa hh alartrldati, Iimn ihihh to Ran Kran nlaco, while Jnlin. Jr., who will rata aa an RinHitU'i aenman, to retHrn to llenil Tliuraday on a two weake' furlntiRli ImfiirH oIiik Into traluliiK OHIHl. AuconllHK to KonerNl reimrta, trae tltHtlly rill the IIhiiiI rmrulta who left Kriiluy iilalit, have ItMen acoeiitwl. Init wpprrtitlc. aeuHimi may not atari IihIiiImK for n fortnlrlH until ailill tloMnl H- otii tutMlut litiiM arv provided ill the caiupn KT.TI Ol'I'ICIt I'Olt KHO.OIHI IHH Tltli'l' IHrit'lC l AiVKI'TICU IK)M)HTI Ul'N MAXI.Mt M (H'JMI VIWItH, AT I'lVIC I'liK i'KXT. (from Tuaaday'i Dally.) Meeting In aperlal anaslon laet night, tbe Head arbool board toted to award the lit.i00 bond laaue a eenlly autborlaed to flnanrn new bulldlnga In tbe ilty. to the atate, an a bid of par and five per rent la te reat. Tbe bonda may be retired at any time the dletrlct deelrea. up to t yeara. Money for tba bond parcbaae will noma from thu aUWi acbool funda, formerly largely uaad oh farm loona. bat now available for acbool par poaea berauan of the oieratlon of tba atate rural rod Hi law. B. A. A. C. 30010 BRICK Dlil.IVICItV MIHT NTAUT IV JM) IIAVH- I.OUlKIt fONTIUfl' TO me .Mo.NDAv i'l.rit to IIO.N'QIt UfXTUIfH Miaitmv. (Prom l-rWay'n Dally.) The contract for SvO.awO lirlck. at 110 a ihoaaand. for tba llaad 'Km alrur Alhletlr club, waa let lodas to the Nend Drlck A Lumber Company, amputating the rommenrement of Jte llverv In 10 dava. and tbe romtilatlon of tba oontrart wltliln 80 da) a. lirlck maaona will be aet to work ai aqon aa tbe flrat load arrlrea at tba gyi naalum alte. and It la l Harad Uut tbla dlvlaloH of the work will flnlahed abortly after the luat lokd la delivered. Tbe contract for m lumher to he ueetl In the UutldDig will he let Monday, I'realdent Oarl Johnaon announced thla morning formally turning over the build ing alte to the athletic club. Tba ltabd Company delivered tbe deed to Mr. Jotiuaou today. Aa an aiknowletf : inant of the ohllgatlon under will It the cluli atHiula. a memorial pla a liHwrlng the nniMM of A. O. Iluuti r, liroinlnHt ditrliiK litM llfatlma In tlla airnlra of t)a eomiwny, will ha kiatl In aeia of the iimln roottut of thi club. t Appolutmaut nrltl organlaatlon of oo mm It teen la-Jialag imabed In order that active rluli work may atari aa aoou aa the linlldlng la ready for oc cupancy. HIGHWAY COMMISSION MEMBER IS IN BEND K, .1. Ailanis Arrive to Hponlc- for Itonil lloiul Issue in Joint Do Imto Tills KvcnlUri. " (Krom Wednesday's Dally.) CaucullliiK all ilutas In Wallowa county, K, J. Adiuna, membor of the Statu Highway eommlwtlon. nrrlvad In Iloml lust night, it day ahead at HChoduto, and will Hpeak this ovon Iiik nt tho Ilippndromu In favor of tho 0,000,000 road bond iaauo, it!lnut J. D. llrowu, prosldunt ot tho gtuto Fnrtuora' Union. Mr. Adnma spent tho mornltiR with II. J. Ovnrturf, ninuagur ot tho Com tuorclal club, vlewltiK points of in turost In Hand ami insngolluR ronils in tho liumodlnto vicinity ot tho olty. SCHOOL BONDS IAKEN AT PAR BU iBEHHM FALLS CHANGE LOOIS DEPARTMENT OF IN TERIOR MAY ACT. l.mtU InlriHliKiw ititMiliitlon itt Dim- ml ltnl Itootil Jli-dllnjc lo Willi ilniw ltt(iiiil fur IttiuiHlimt of 'Hhio on (.'nut rant. (from Thuraday'a Dally.) KAI.IOM. May 10. (apuetrtl to The IhillHtlH.) If a reaolutlon pretmrad by State (Engineer l.earla la dpproved by the Deaart (.and Hoard, aa aaam probable, the fate or the 74,198 acre of the ao-caitad JtenhaiH Kalis Kratlon will ha iafl entirely In the hand of the DaiwrtniHtit of the Interior. The resolution, aa drafted, would withdraw tbe board's former petition aakln; for a five year exteoelon In lime on Oregon's Hegrogatlon IhH No. to, and would relinquish all rlgbt, title and Interest of tba state to tbe landa involvod. The resolution la baaed upon tba atatemont tbat "tbe area teat public good will come through holding lhaajo lands Inlaat for reclamation under some feasible plan, bat It appear Impoaalbla to outline any feaalble plan whereby tbe same ran be re claimed under tbe prorlalona of tba Caroy Act." I.wIn AjpIm4 ICarijr Plan. Inveetlgattone made by Mr. Lewis In connection wltb tba proposed com promise plan to water aoma acres by enlarging tba Arnold Ditch company facilities, aeem to bnva con- rlnced him tbat such a project hi not deelrable. Mr. Lewla, who re cently returned from Itend. state that tbe Arnold rights probably would cover no more than 100f seres: tbat tbe proposed develop ment would nereoalUto flooding of' at least aome of Crane rralrie, gad tbat probably tbe effort suggested to develop the land would bring In Junction proceedings from tboae la tercaled In tba Iachutcs Hirer from a power producing eUadpolnL V. H. .May 0eii Land. Mr. Iwht atalea tbat tba raaolu tlon, If adopted, wonld have mo oUior effect than to leave the disposition of tba segregation entirely up to tbe Department of tbe Inferior. Aa through tbe resolution the state would go officially on record aa withdrawing ita prevloua requeet for an extension of time on tbe con tract, tbla, presumably, would 'moan that tba Department would entertain no further req urate for extension. It la pointed out tbat tho probable ef feet would be for tbe government to opaa tbe landa to homeeteatl entry. The only altar native to aucb a course would be to further preaerve tba segregation aa a unit, pending possible future Irrigation develop ment. However. It la argued, aucb a step sterna Improbable in view of the fact that the co-operative aurvey of Central Oregon projerta made some yeara ago by tba government, eatabllshed the fact tbat the Benham Kails project wu the leaat desirable and moat coatly or tho acveral tcnta ttva and poaalbla projocta tu the In lerlor. BEND-KLAMATH ROAD IS OPEN TO TRAVEL (Krom Saturday's Daily.) The road between Bend and Klam ath Falls la now open to traffic, ac cording to reports brought to Tba llullattn Of flea. Already liar mora oars have made the trip through, rmtilHg ttie road In flue condition. Ttila is oua of the earliest dates on which travel south on thla road lms been poaalbla. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE FRIDAY NIGHT (Krom Wadueedny'H Dally.) lleglstratlon for the special state election to be held June 4, will close Krlday night, it waa announced this uiorniuK from the office pt the coun ty clerk. uuounrementB bitve baau Hunt out to all precincts, utatliiK that registration lists must lie received In llend on the day following the cIohIuk of tho books. RED CROSS DANCE WILL BE SATURDAY (Krom Wednesday's Dally.) The now building leased by tho Hand Oarage Co., Just north of the IMlot Dutto Inn, will be tho ucano ot a dancing party to bo given Sat urday night tor tho benefit ot the Hod Cross association, it was nn uouncod today. ' SI WINNER IN TWELVE INNINGS LUMBERMEN BEAT OUT TWO POINT LEAD. iWil Hilling, Miiny WhU, noil Do limed Jtuoa .Murk Clash Willi Jolfiiriwi. Couiity iJiiiio" nt I'rluet'illo l'otilMinel, HIiimlliiK nf tint Tmiini. CLUII W. L. I'ct. Jaffaraon CouHty 2 1 .C6C Ulievlln-lllxon 2 1 .COG l'rlnevllle I 1 .800 Hand 0 2 .000 (Krom Monday's Dally.) With a two-run lend to overcome In the last halt of the twelfth, two tnati down and two on bases, the tttevlltt-llixott nine slipped over .the needed two Utiles In yesterday's HAHie here with the Jefferson county tasyn. without contributing tba third ut. Who tbla would have been waa still problematical when tbe game broke up with a score of 13-12. Bskrr waa first up In tbe last frame, and went out on third's as sist to flrat. Hoostofl walked. Diet- ogs went to first on a fielder's choice. Qlmpson filed out to second, and Bolsnd walked, .clogging the sacks. At this Juncture Leary was hit by n pitched ball, forcing Houston, and platers stole homo while tba J efts wee protesting that Leary had triad to be hit. Jimmy Clifford scored Boland with a timely single through third. Clifford Sliow ClnMi. Incidentally. It should be man Uoned that this same Clifford, who has bean camping In tba gardens In flravloua contests, displayed mora cine than any other masked marvel who has yet appeared on tba local grounds this seaeoa. Of the other end o the Rand battery It might be mentfemed tbat whan ha had the pill undftr control he was unhltuble, tanulug 11. but-tbat In the remain der of tba time be walked 11 on balls, and donated no leaa than four runs to Jefferson via tbe wild pitch route. Holani! HtHrta SohHhk. The game started with a bUnk lu ring aad a half, but Moland started trouble In tbe last of the second with e clean single. Leary went first on P I tetter's error, Boland pilfered third, and romped boms with Leary when overhulce In oenter field dropped Clifford's long fly. In tba third. Dieters scored. Uaker adding one In the fourth, with Shoots, Boland and Clifford contributing in the fifth. Tba lumbermen were blanked In the next three, but Boland and Leary trotted home In the ninth to tie the more. Delter's tally In the tenth waa tha last for tho mill men until the twelfth. Willi I'ltclihiK Aids. Tha Jeffs waltad until tba third snaam before atartinst auyOtiii. Tben ( Boring went first on pitcher's error, stole, and went to third when Mede hit, soaring on McOeVs single. Over It ulca walked and Meade scored on a wild pitch. The same cause chalk nt np McOee'a tally. McOae and L. M fchel scored In the fifth, 1. Wle team! iu tbe aisth, K. Wtegand, M. Michel and l. Wlegand in the sev enth, MoOea crossed tba plat again In the tenth, aud In the twelfth L. Mlokal and X. Wwgnnd daeoraled the realtor of the tally square. a a special Pasture of tbe game It should he mentioned the sttok work ot Itolaud, of the Lumbermen. Out of seven times up, he clouted out three singles, oua two-bagger, walked twice, and filed out onre. JaWWUaON' SHBVLIN- COUNTY . Pps'Upn IlIXON MeOoa. tlorinf ... Sb Houston uveruuico er Clifford, Leary L. Michel f Craft N. Wlegaud If llolaud (IrauiiWHlil o.... Leary, Clifford M. Micbol 3b linker l. Wlogund, HorhiR lb Simpson Boring, MoOee, P. Wlegand, p Dietara Maada m Sboota The 8ore: it. H. jj. JaffoWQii ., 12 0 0 Slievlln-IIlion 13 17 8 Umplro Prank Sliugort, of naitd. Duo to the heavy rains of the night butoro and tho morning for wliloh tha goiuo was sohedulod, tho clnali botwuen the Bend team and Prluo vIIIq, in the Crook county sent, was postponed, TO FORM RED CROSS AUXILIARIES HERE! DcM'tiuM1, CriMik iiimI .loffcrMin CoiintlcH Kxpeclod to I'urnlsli ot JnikI lliOO aiotnborw. (Krom Friday's Dally.) The Bend chapter of tba Amarlean Had Cross having formed, tbe next step In tha orgadlsatron of Control Oregon In the great hHrtunltarfsH work la the formation or auxiliary chapters In tbe towns of this sec tion, according to Mrs. A. LambeTt Trahan, secretary of tbe local chap ter. The national Red Cross (lads It Impossible to recognise Communities of lees thaH S990 people in the for mation of (.hauler, Mrs. Trahan says, but auxiliaries may be estab Belied In smaller communities. Crook, Jefferson and Deschutes counties hava been set off ss territory ot the Bend chapter and it Is hoped to ob tain at least 1000 members. It is expected that an auxiliary will be formed in every town and commun ity within the Jurisdiction of the Bend chnptor. The chapter reports direct to the national headquarters and the auxiliary to the chapter. Any resident of the United States .may become a member on payment of $1.00 per year, no obligation be ing thereby entallod. Any whining further information are Invited to addrees Mrs. A. Lambert-Trahan, sec retary ot the Bend chapter, Bend. T. H. CLJL NEEDS ARE OUTLINED Sl'llSCHIITIOXS I'Olt AltMY AS (K)CIATIONH HKCltlVKI) AT UN ION .MICICTINC CO.M.MITTHK CONTI.VUU8 WOHK. (Krom Monday's Dally.) Itav. A. J. Montgomery, of Port land, was the speaker of tba evening laet night at a union meeting held fat the Illppodroma as tha starting Hlnt of a campaign to raise between $1200 aad $100 for Y. M. C. A. army camp work. Rev. Montgomery tikstcked tha results achieved by the Y. M. C. A. on the Mttxfenn border and In (Europe, aud uigod tha. need Ufor almllar endeavor for tho American soldiers who are being enlisted to make war on Germany. Central Ore gon Is expected to contribute between $1200 and SlfttO aa Its share. Subscriptions for $158 were re ceived, and tbe work was continued today, a committee composed ot Rev. W. C. Stewart, of tba Methodist church, and 0. M. Raymond, solicit ing among tba business man of tha' city. Yesterday morning. Rev. Stewart spoke In Madras on the Y. M. C. A. movement, other meetings ot almllar nature being held in Prinevllle aad Redmond. CENSUS OT FARMERS NOW BEING TAKEN (Krom Friday's Dally.) While recruiting officers are bus ily enlwtlng the youth of tbe country In tbe army and navy, the agricul tural agenta are at work tabulating the agricultural resources and learn ing what tha farmers need In order to insure maximum reaulta from their flocks aud landa this summer. In the state of Oregon a personal canvass of the farmers Is being made. County Agricultural Ageut Blanch ard having charge of tbe work ha Deschutes county. Kvery farmer is being asked to fill out a farm sur vey blank telling, how many acres ha has In erop, how much livestock he has. what seed be has tor aala and what hie seed, labor and machinery ueeds are. Another phase of the food pre paredness campalgu Is seen In a big poster calling for 2000 boys to en list for farm service. Boya 16 yeara old and over are wanted. Minimum wages are fixed for different olasaaa ot work and a movemeut Is on toot to grant school credits to those reg ularly assigned to farm service. LITTLE RIVER SETS A 30 YEAR RECORD (From Wednesday's Dally.) That Little River, above La Pine, normally 40 foet In width, Is now nearly 300 yards across, was the statement of County Judge W. 1). Bnrnon and County Treasurer Clyde M. MoKay. just returned from a trip of Inspection to tho Little River bridge. Tho atructuro Is enjttraly surrounded by wator, they deolnre. but In no dangor. Tho river is high er than at any tliuo in 30 yoars, roa Idonta ot tho Boctlon say. I 11 n nmuimi ft. b. UUUNbL IS INSTALLED CLASS COMPOSED OF 33 INITIATES. IniprOMtlto Ceremony Ifnlil YoMrnlay Afternoon, H wiled by ite'iro- ncntfitUoM Krom INirttnnd mid Allmny Council. (From Monday's Dally.) 'With eoMkJerabm eeremony and a large attesuiance ot representative members from other councils In the state, the Band Council 182. Knights of Columbus, was formally installed and and new members were Initiated yesterday at'ernoon. in Bather's Hall. The Initiator and Installation work was headed by State Deputy W. A. Barret.'., of Al hrny, and Stats Deputr-Klect K. J. Lonergan, of Portland. Tbe charter member 4 and initial's a'.indad Mass at (' ioc"v ytoii.r morning At tbe Catholi- churh. al ter which prcpsratioi a were '! for tbe Installation ocrr-mot.!. Th first, second and third der. j : sdmlalstered In th afternoon, ou' officers of tho loral council verx chosen. The officer are Oran.l Knight. J. P. Hnney; Dcpuiv Grand Knight. Carl A Johnson; r, nsneial Secretary. J K. Arnold. Re cording Secretary, (' J. Chancellor J. T. Oagen: Treasurer. P, Begin; Advocate. D. T. Carmody. Warden, T. Edward Lyons; Ins'de Guard. James A. Melvln; OuUido Guard. James Ryan; Trustees. Hugh O'Kans. T. A. MeCaaa and D. V Mackintosh. The chaplain and lec turer are later to be chosen CercmoMlo IiwprewMvc Following tbe Impressive installa tion and Initiatory eoremonlee. tha members sat' down to an elaborate banquet prepared by the ladles of the Catholic church. T. A. Mcf'ann was toastmastar, and the following men reepoaded to toasts: W. . Barrett, F. J. Lonergan, J. B. Bagley, Father Luke Shoehan. J. P. Henncsey. V W. Burke, Carl A. Johnson, Robert Moore and Hugh O'Kane. The Initlatea In the Bend council were: Char Us Ducau, Carl John son. V. W. Burke. Thomas Kd. I.vor -C. L. Neuman. R P Blake. William C. I Neuman. R. P. Blake, William Monte mer. Ed Bros terhous. Ku Wood, John J Msasert. Murtha Redmond. Burton K. Davw. D. V Maekiniosu. J. CUi no. Job Clarno. Ed Santry, Andrew PomerviUe. Krncst Tomes. La Pine. Hugh Dugan, MaurW Caahman. K T. Kelleher. Rev. Adrian 8harkc, Wm. J. Smelzer. Prin.iVtlle; Jkmm A. Melvlo. John II. Karrell. Red mond; RoVrt D Moore. J.wepU Mueller. William J Lyons. Frank O'Laughltn. Han H Spbivr. l'rlne rtlfe. aad Charles Bettingir und K Begin. W BUILDING TO BE STARTED A. ,M. PHLVOLII I.UTR CONTRACT PQU 81.VHK) SUCOND STORY PHQMI6KD MAsJOXB WORK RHOLVS TOMORROW. (Prom Tuesday's Daily.) "Work OU the exrHVutions for the A. M. Prlngle buildiuic at the oruer of Wall and Oreg-m streets, w.ll b started, tomorrow morulng, the gen oral contract having been let to J. C. Cunningham tor $16,000, Mr Prlngle announced thla afternoon. Mr. Cunningham Is also tho unlit tact for the structure. The building has bean altered con siderably from tha original plnnB, which contemplated only a one-story block. The Bend Masons, however, have signed up -for the second story, which will be used exclusively for lodge purposes. While applications have boen mads for all the rooms ou the ground floor, no contracts for any or these have bean signed. Mr- Prlngle states. Tha ground d menslona at the building aro tho same as planned at first, 60x100. It is expected that work will soon be commenced on tha foundations, tor the lot is so much lower than tho Intersecting streets, as to renclor necessary excavations slight. i .