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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1916)
vfZZSft&SK i 'jUii j THK IJHXI) Ilt'LIiKTlX, IJKXI), OHM., WKDNKSDAV, JAXPAKY 12, 11)10. PAOn 0. GRFHTH FOR STATE BONDING BUT SAFE GUARDS ARE NECESSARY I'losldcnl of tNirtlaml Itiilhvny, IJlit tV: 1'iiuct' Co., Points out Xcwsslty of Siiiinil Fiiiiiiii'lnl Puller-Hoard of Public Works Xci'ded. A so u ml flnnuclcl policy must 'lio ...maintained if tho statu undertakes to KUarantco lrrlgntlon bonds Issued, by prlvnto ontorprlseH, nays Prnnklln T. (Irlfllth, lircHldunt or tlio Portland Itnllwny, Light & Power Co., who litis given n. lnrgu slinAi of uttontlon to this question. "Hut It should not bo dinicult to dcvlso u plan that would thoroughly protect tho Interests of tho stnto and nt tho saino tluio aid In duvoloplng lnrgu porlon of our lrrlgablo laud," . he said yesterday. w ' "And If tho stato proposes to giuirnntoe tho bonds of Irrigation dlH Trlcts It should extend tho same ad vantages to drainage districts. Thuroi Is as much need for ono kind of do- velopment ns thero Is for the othor. Formation of OlstrictH Advocated. "To obtain stnto aid of this kind, Irrigation or dralnnge districts should be formed. Tho land should ho se lected carefully, bo that nono but that which Is capable of development might bo Included. Ample provision should ho made, In tho case of lirl gatlon districts, for an r.dciiunto Blip ply cf wator. Tho land might bo over bo Susceptible of development ' under Irrigation, but might not be anywhore within nccoss of wator. "All tho facts In connection with any tintorpriso should be available and nt hand before tho bonds nro is sued. Tho law should permit tho formation of Irrigation and dralnngo districts nnd nil land capablo of de velopment within those districts .lonld bo Included nnd mado Sub ject to tho bonding act." Mr. (Jrlluth suggests that tho bonds Bhnuld run for n period of about 15 ycifrs, with no paymonts on tho prin cipal required for tho itrst flvo years. This would glvo tho Bottler tlmo to got his land Into Bhapo beforo IioIiib called upon for any of tho principal. Project Investigation SiitfHi'Mod. Kyory project,' he explained, should bo submitted to tho Invcotlg'Ulon nnd nnnlysls .of n bonrd of public works, mado up of men familiar with tho various branches of Irrigation and t dralnngo work. "No- bonds should bo Issued," ho added, "by nny Irrigation or draln ngo districts until tho project Itself liner tho bond Usuo has boon approv ed by this board of public works. "When tho bonds nro Issued the stato should purchaso thorn all at par nnd deposit thoni in tho State Treas ury. "Tho stato then chould Ibsuo its , own bonds against thoso improve- nont bonds, but nt' n lower rate of interest. Tho funds from the snlo ot tho stnto's bonds should be used In dovolopItiK the npprovod projeote. "Tho Btnto thon would retain the rtlfforenco In tho Interest for tho su pervision of tho projeots and slso cronto a fund nsnlnst the possible failure of nny district that It devolops in this manner. "Hut In my opinion tho failures will bo few If tho proposed board of public works Is composed of capable men." TO HOLD CONFERENCE Meeting Planned by Irrigation Con- Kior, to I to Held Soon. (Oregon Journal,) .1. W. llrowor, proildont of tho Oregon Irrigation Congress, cnld thin morning that tho conf :renco on stnto rid of reclamation will bo hold in Portlnml next mouth. Ho expects to aunounco In n few days the names ot tho three men that with himself ana Krctl N. Wnllnco, secretary of tho Ir rigation congress, nro to cpinposo tho committee. Tho llrst work of tho eonforonco vlfl bo to formulate a constitutional aiiviudmont providl-u; stnto guaran- tco of irrigation and dralnngo dis trict securities and Interest, thon to organize tho cnmpnlgu to put tho monsuro on tho ballot next Novem ber. Rural Credits legislation will also bo discussed. Tho action was authorized by tho Oregon Irrigation Congress nt Its re cont session In Portland nnd approval has slnco been glvon tho plan by tho Oregon Drainage association and bov crnl of Oregon's leading authorities on finance. . T. li. Runvi.tx. By J. P. McEVOY, In Chicago Tribune. 4 -------- No odds could tnmo your fiery soul Nor block your path In collego strlfo, And lator thus from goal to goal You fought tho Btornor game of life; And mildness tempered bull-dog strength, And pity for tho vnnnuished foe Magnanimous, to nny length For friends In need you rushed to v go. P.ut mortal strength may not wlth stnnd Nor parley with tlio Final Call, Nor cheat tho Reaper's Grisly Hand, Thnt surest Tackier of them nil. And all your friends, whoso namos a roll j Would not include nor. could not " toll, Will Blgh today: "Ood rest his soul. I hope I play tho game ns well." J. P. McEVOY, In Chicago Tribune. THE IMPKIUATr IIUUOATOUS. (Tho Telegram.) Tho closing of the bar of tho Im perial hotel, n favorite place with Eastern Oregon men for yonrs, was conducted in a formal manner. At 9 o'clock, George H. Hussell, a dele gate to the Irrigation Congress, mounted the bar. called the meeting to order, and delivered a farewell address In the name ot tho former &Arona. Buy your groceries nt McClincy's. Adv. Our .lltncy Oiler. This and Re. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip oncloscd with llvo cents to Foloy & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name nnd address clearly. You will rc celvo In return n trial pekago contain ing Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foloy Ca thartic Tablots. Sold overywhoro. adv M.UIKKT IU2P011T. NOItTH POH'ILANI), Jan. 10. In tho fnco of a largo run ot 1350 head tho cnttlo mnrkat bognn on nn up ward trend nnd cholco grnln fed stcors sold nt $7.90. Hay reds sold n dlmo over last week, making tho top ?7.C0. Ono fenturo of tho ninr- ket was that tho bulk of tho stuff was tho best seen fur somo tlmo. Cowi: nro going nt good strong prices with' nil other classes In proportion. A good feeling with uxcellent quality and tho hog mniltot n nlcltlo hlghor than tho closing ot last week's nmr l;ct bringing tho top to tho $0.90 mark Is n vory good wny to express tho hog situation nt tho North Port land yards. Hulk of swlno wont nt $0.85. North Portland Is but llvo conts under Chicago market today. A good run of Bliecp cntno forward ovor Sundny and lambs sold nt $3.25. lCuos sold nt $0.30 with all lines steady to strong. IIKAIj ESTATE THAXSFEHS. Issued by Crook County Abstract Co. J. O. Campbell to Huron Timber Co., oV4 w 1-18-11, $100. Scnnlon-Qlpson Lumbar Co. to Hrooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co., pt. It. 3, 5-18-12. J. A. Nichols to F. P. Illxon in 22 11, so bw 5, n w no, so no ,7, nlA nw, bw nw, wsw, ee bw, w& BO, 60 bo 8, n no, te ne, nw, no, bw, bV& bw, 17-nttnc, no no, no nw, nw nw, 8 nw, nw bw, sVfcsw, nVfcse, eo,so 18-. no no,' no nw, nw nw, bo nw, 10- nw, wV4 bw 20- s Vino, bo nw, n so, snw so 21- wiinw, wV4sw, 2.7- nw nw, wV&bw, eo sw, oV4 so 29- so nn, s6 30- no, c-V&iiw, no bw, bw cw, so ow, so 31- sw bo 33 (and land In Klamath county.) Ada 11. Tnylor t.o Hend Park Co. It. 0, blk. 4, Hend Pnrg, $150. O. 1C. Hill to Hend Park Co. Its. 1, 2, blk. 11, Lytlo. U. S. to Robot t 11. Gould pr.tont Its 2, 3, 19-17-12. Robort 11. Gould to Hend Park Co. ltn. 2-3, 19-17-12. J. S. Smith to Otis C. Ilonklo tract In nw no 18-20-11. Ellas .1. Vnn Court to Otis C. Ilonklo wV no 34-10-12. Plnolyn Park Co. to It. C. Colvcr Its. 8, 0, 10, blk. 7. PInplyn Park. R. C. Colver to Wm. T. Colvor It. 10, blk. 7, Plnolyn Park and part It. 0, blk. 7, Plnolyn Park, $450. Adolph A. Rose to G. A. Mnrtin It. 8, blk. 1, Larch ndd to Hend, $200. Chns. 11. Clouting to Wm. II. Speck It. 5, blk. 10, Pnrk Add, Hend. Anna Hrosterhous to HrookB-Scan-lcn Lumbar Co. aGroo". ro Int. nw nw 27-10-13. Hend VIow to C. 13. Myers Its. 4-o-C-7 blk. 9, Its. 0, 7, blk. 10, Hend VIow Anna Hrdsterhoua to ,C. E. Myers ltc. 1, 2, blk. 5, Deschutes. Shlngoro Muarnsakl to A. A. Ross It. 8, blk. 1, Larch add, Hend. Frnnklln O. Hunting to Frnnlc L. fchnw It. 5, blk. 23, Hend, $100. G. II. Trnutner to Hrooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co. Vs Int. in nw nw 27-19-13, $1G8. Sheriff to H. J. Ovorturf sw nw 2(1-17-11. Sheriff to T." E. J. Duffy oso 31 svr sw 32-14-21, $G29.03. W. II. Stnnts to M. J. Roborta It. 17, blk. 0, Deschutes. Frod Clifford to Huron Tlmbor Co. bw so 27, nno 31-22-9, $100. Tho Rend Co. to Shevlln-IIIxon Co. s 25 ft. It. 2, Its 3-4, blk. 12, Pnrk aid to Hend. Cleaning and Pressing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORVAL L. SPRINGER Up Slain Bean Building "Call lor and Deliver All Woilc. Ord-ri taken by "Sonny" the Mestenjer Boy UUY YOUR AT THE NliW MI-AT mAPKtVI'. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert (& Son Clonn up nnd pnint up. wnrds. Adv. Sco Ed- SPECIAL Esiamelware All Enamelware 10 &. 15c 10 Quint Dish Pan 15c Large Lipped Sauce Puns 15c Dairv Pans 10c ALL TINWARE 5 AND 10 CENTS A Fine Lot of Other Utensils We Carry Stationery y-f., OUR NAME GZTL is our faggm GUARANTEE diSSp v f OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE DR. RILEY VETERINARY B Agency m Central Ore. It located at The Pioneer Barn, Bend, and ill care lor your i lonei'anci Cattle at your call, or P hone 2zx AUo itlli BEST RHEUMATIC REMEDY ON MARKET If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE Stoves, Hugs, Carpets, Beds, Springs, Matre.sses, you can obtain them from us. From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit your taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Furniture Company liAU'ItUXCK lini.nixt; Wall Street Near Olilii Sheet. I III m mil' ii M POMCIUS THAT I'ltO'J'lXT. The Oldest Insurance H FOR SALE. I OFFICE IN McCANN'S M SIGN SHOP Pliotio Ited 1101 Varney & Gates Dray Co. DRY JUNIPER AND PINE BODY WOOD Ui Y M -ss ffsu.-aiw o , -s" ouen it IJou donotflay Golf the round of pleasure in. CALIFORNIA r tm jrjjjj-. V4,Cf aSB ":' rcwb'B 0 W&-U ? te'J holds every known sport and amusement. For real rest and recreation go via the Oregon -Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to the Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers. You'll find it there. WE WRITE INSURANCE IN ALL ITS DRANCHES It's tho way we writo our policies." Our companies pay 100 cts. on the Sollar. Wo have over 400 satisfied policy holders. Thejargest insurers in Crook County aro our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency Bend, Oregon POIjICIKS THAT PItOTUCT. Anieiican Adding Buy More for Bess We have opened a bi; line of staples in groceries and canoffer you more for less money. We have new and stan dard lines of groceries carried by no others in town. We will beghid to put them up for your approval, We also can quote you economy prices in shelf hardware. H. E. BAKER Wall Street. Near Ohio and: o . $ o-VQl 2 ax vc o1 y wm tm 9 3m?nfe? i to the Lana ot aunsnine, rruit ana nowcrs. l , Ml You'Ufinditthere. f w0f&w Wtfilm wW9 Listing Machine (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITY) PRICE $88.00 F. O. B. MAYWOOD, ILL. Sold on one year's credit or 3 dis count for cash, MAIL COUPON TODAY SAVE TIME and MONEY i ill miw Hi W I vmtM I I - Wliy en 1 1 y mmiiI mill iihlies mIii-ii jiiii ran who nil of tlio iiiiih'c "Miry IiiImii- hy iinIii; a Itnynl I!Iik OiiN I'iii. lIlKOI'. Iliii'iis uiisi iimniifnc. tilled I'nini run I oil Ih. Illlitlo nt a hiivliiK of fl inn ;!(! to .10 titer nod in- coal. I'ico Ui'iiHPiislinllon. V. IlUMKNT'S f;i!oci:itv. BRIDGES & UnER Sales Mgrs. American Can Company Chicago, 111. Please send booklet descrip tive of American Adding and Listing Machine. Name Addict Do you ever hear anyone complaining about the high cost of living who trades at Our Store? We handle Groceries only and we devote all our time to GROCERIES. We handle everything in the Grocery line and we sell Grocer ies FOR LESS too. One order will convince you. W. C. McCUISTON iiknd's iikst ouockuy. M ( "' t- Clipped from The Bend Bulletin JG-4S-P