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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1915)
The bend bulletin. Vol. XIII. 1KX1, OHKOOX, WKDXKSDAY AKTKRXOOX, DKCKSIDKlt H, !!. - 10. EASTES I L ELECTED MAYOR BY 30 VOTES Miss Colcmnn Hc-clcctcd Treasurer SIcKny, Silvia and St'cldl Successful Candidates for tlio Council Council Canvasses the Vote. J. A. Bastes wns (.lectort mayor of tl .nd at thd city election hold yes- torday. defeating S. C. Caldwell by 30 votei. SIlsc Mary 10. Colomnu wns rc-olcctcd city treaturdr over V. O. Miner. C. St. SIcKay, C. V. Sllvlg and John Stoidl wao olectid to tho coun cil. Lack of Interest In tho election, vhlch proyalled up to tho tlmo of fll liiC tho nomination. papers on Satur day, was Btlll notlcoahlo on Tuesday, only a small proportion of tho voters coming out to tho polls. Th'Is va3 ocyeclally truo up to noon, moro com ing In to cast their ballots lr.'.o In the Afternoon. Tho comploto vote by precincts wcu as follows: V- N. Ilend S. llond Total- r.nstcs 79 101 180 Caldwell 70 7t 130 For Treasurer: Colomnn 100 111 211 Minor 43 GO 103 For councllmon: Davlcs 7(1 74 ICO StcKay 88 133 221 "Silvia 122 128 250 -Stoldl 118 13C 2Ct Council Meet I MR Held. following inu counting oi mo uni lots tho council gathered In Its reg ular monthly meeting and canvassed tho voto. Tho only other business of Import ance hoshlos the payment of bills was tho consideration of a bill for $400 rondprod by, Martin I). Knutson. of tho council, for damages dono to his property on Alder street by the con utructlon of tho Oregon Trnnk spur and tho IirookB plant. According to fitr.tcments mndo at tho meeting It -was ngrccd that prymont should be rondo to Sir. Knuteon when tho fran chise was granted. Tho matter was roferrcd to tho ways and means com mittee, which Is expected to report noxt Tuesday night. Tho bills allowed wcro os follows: 8. U. RobortH . $100.00 L. A. V. Nixon 100.00 II. V. L. & I Co 2C0.00 O. norgen 4.00 Klectlon cxponso 2.10 II. C. Ellis 30.00 SI. R. Coleman 25.00 It. If. Do Armond 20.00 1'Ioneer Auto Sttfgo &. Truck Co 7,75 itobt. n. rsouid 4C.00 It. SI. Smith 4.00 Ileild llullotln 29. C5 W L, COUU, Pres. D. K. HUNTED., Vice-Pros TIIOS. COHH, (ashler THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK Capital $25,000, Fully Paid 2C NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS sc DIRECTORS w. l. conn tho. cohu d. b. hunter W. U O'UONNELL ROSS FARXHAS1 SCHOOLS SHOW BIG GAINS, TO ADD COMMERCIAL WORK 'Kiiiolliiicnt .Shou.s of tit) I Pupils in Three Months Reglstru I tlou In llend U II):l. With tho addition of four tcach Jcrs, and an Increnso of 143 pupils ,iin;u inu oiiening oi mo uonu puu llc Bchools In Septombor, tho school buildings are now taxed to their ca prclty, and It has become necessary to empby a fifth teacher to nccom modato the heavy registration. At a recont meeting of tho ochool board P. S. Francis, n graduate of Willam ette University and lato of Portland, was omployed to handle the Commer cial department which will bo put In when tlio Bchools open for tho second semester In 'January. Tho enrollment of the town schools on Inst Sfondny whb 493, showing an Increaso so far this year of 149 pu pils. . Owing to tho lack of accommoda tions It may be necessary to ueo tho bungalow buildings on tho high school grounds for tho commercial department. H. IUDR0TT OF CENTRALIS PORCHASESJRIGHT HOTEL Well Known Ilend llostlcry Changes Hnnd.s Xow Proprietor Took Po.s- .ncssIoii Slonday Morning. II. SI. Abbott, formerly of llond, and late of Centralla, on Stondity purchased tho furnishings of tho Wright Hotel, which for tho Inst year and a halt has boon under the proprietorship of Jones & Fowler. Str. Abbott took possession on Slonday morning. Sir. Fowlor expects to re turn to Clarkston, Washington, to day nnd Sir. Jones will depart tomor row for tho coast, but whoro ho will settle ho has not definitely decided. Iloforo coming to Ilend Sir. Abbott bad considerable) oxporlonco in tho hotel business. When In Snlt Lnko ho operated tho Grand Pacific hotel. In Centralla ho ran tho Oxford Ho tol. Stessrs. Jones & Powler bought tho business of tho hotel from Sirs. Nel lie Wright Olbb last year. TO HOLD RECEPTION DEC. 18 LlhrnTj Club Plans fur Humiiingo Sale. At a mooting of tho Ladles Li brary Club hold yeatorday nftornoon It was voted to Join with tho Com mercial Club and Parent-Tonchor as sociation In a recaption to tho now comers to llond to bo held on Decem ber 18. Sirs. Clyde SIcKny nnd Sirs. A. SI. Prlnglo nnd Sirs. A. St. Lara woro appointed a commlttco to havo chnrgo of tho arrangements on be half of tho club. Tho club also voted to hold a rum mngo sale on December 21 nt tho Commercial Club rooms. Tho re quest has boon made by tho club that any parsons In Ilend hnvlng old cloth ing which may bo mndo over to turn It over to tho Library Club In enro of It. St. Smith's storo not lator than Docomber 10. Tho plan Is to sell tho clothing nt tho rummage nt at low n prlco as posslbln. Tho funds will bo used for t'.o library. miDPIADCDIlPV I Mil llll HI hi I II M I ' CARROL HELDUP TWO STORES VISITED THIS AlORNIiNG Thieves Force Front Door of (ill belt Sliii-kel and llrvak Window In Slaliuhclmcr'N store Olllccr.s to Slake Cleanup of City Today. i Charles Carroll was held up on tho Bond Water Light & Power Com pany's bridge nnd relieved of $54, X. K. Gilbert & Son's market was entered by way of tho front door nnd nn attempt m'jdo to ontor tho rear of SInnnholmer Brother" store, be tween 3 and 4 o'clock this morning. Str. Carroll left his placo of busi ness this morning shortly before 3 o'clock bound for his homo In Ken wood by way of tho D. W. L. & P. Co. bridge. When ho enmo up to tho pole which stands nliout midway across tho bridge two men stepped out of the shadow, one covering him with a revolver and tho other search ing him. Carroll had $51 In change In his ptickot nnd was relieved of tho entire amount. According to his story one of tho holdup mou woro a heavy brown mncklnnw and n slouch hat and was of medium height. Tho other wns taller ami woro slouchy clothes. Within half an hour after tho Car roll holdup, tho X. K. Gilbert & Son moat market was entered by way of tho front door. Investigation by Str. Gilbert this morning Indicates that nothing of valuo wns removed from tho shelves, which loads him to be llovo that tho thloves wero In search of monoy rather than morchnndlso. This Is tho third ttmu In tho last month that attempts havo been mndo to rob, his Btore. About n month ago thloves entered tho market and took considerable canned goods nnd tobacco from the shelves. On a moro recont occasion an attempt was made to ontor tho roar of tho storo by pry ing tho door off Its hinges. The plans of n lone burglor to ou ter tho rear of tho SInnnholmer Brothers storo about 3;45 this morn ing woro frustrated by night watch man Nixon. Tho tumbling of hoxoa and tho breaking of n window pane attracted tho olllcor who found n lono huiglar In tho net of ontorliiK. Nixon fired four shots nnd tho burg lar returned ono nnd escaped. Chief of Police Roberts bid loves thnt tho robbers nro men whom ho Jailed on Saturday soon utter their coming Into town. They wero thought to bo suspicious characters and woro hold In Jnll over Sunday and then re leased and told lo loavo town. Ciller Iloberts and his assistants will pmko a clonuup today of all suspicious characters. As yet no clew has been j found ns to the persons Implicated In ! this morning's robborlos. fiHl.J!6l!feAr We carry a complete line of goods FOR THE HUNTER Look oVcr our slock . of Rifles, Shotguns' and Ammunition 1 . . . . : . ehMmhHHHHMmMsH end Hardware Co. Th Compuny thut put tlm IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE ! t&&$m&&-&WT1 WORK IN DARK I DAAIAQE IS DONE LOGGING ROAD TO i Then C. ). 1. Co. Seeks to Unjoin Itebiilhlln;: by Drooks-Scniilou Co. Crew Busy Sunday Xljilit Hildge.s att' Fully Replaced. Bridges built 'over tho Central Oro gpn and Pilot ltutto canals by the Brooks-Scnnlcn company as a part of Its logging road Into tho Umber w"Dro destroyed Sunday night by u crow or mon alloged to be In tho employ or the C. O. I. Company, nnd on Slon dcy tho Irrigation company obtained nil Injunction against their replace ment. Before service of tho papers on tho Brooks-SciMilon company wna made the lutdges wero repaired, mak ing possible the continuance of tho work of laying rails out Into tho tim ber. Whether this action on tho part of the C. O. I. Co wa3 actuated by Its Inability to obtain from another company, The Bond Company, oertnln desired privileges, or whothor It found Itself damaged by tho construc tion of tho bridges over Hh canals nnd took this means of protecting It coif, Is now a ftanoral tuple for dis cussion wherever tho facts nro known. "Damaged," Howard Says. Over tho toiophono yostordny af ternoon Hown'rd, gouornl manager of tlio C. O. I. Co., stated thr.t the lumber company "had no right to bo thcro and to do what It had dono." When asked If tho bridges actually damaged tho Irriga tion company, nsldo from tho moro question of legal right nnd wrong, Sir. Howard said that they did by backing tho water up In the cnnnl. According to n company official, tho llrooko-Scanlon company owns tho land over which tho railroad (Contlnuod on last pago.) ''lumber MARKET helped" Purchase by Allies Means Stimula tion of Western 'Trade. (Oregon Journal.) BHATTLK, Dec. 0. (P. X. 8.) Lumber manufacturers In the north west have had opened to thorn a mar ket hitherto unentered through the recent sale to tho allies of 200,000, 000 feet of southern yellow plno, ac cording to John J. Rogors, secretory of tho Rogers Lumber Company or .Minneapolis, who Is In Soattlo today. The Immense purchases of south ern lumber by the allies, Rogors de clares, moans thnt trtoro will be no surplus stock In the south to take csru of tho demand throughout the Sllsslsslppl valley nnd buyers there will be furred to turn to thoiwost for their supplies. The entire western lumber market, Rogers bellovos, will hi. greatly stimulated. anarri DP m "Wmr" In llurdwurti r jWAHNER PLEADS GUILTY 1 TO CIIARjEJF BURGLARY i Attemps to Steal M. L. Mil ill's Auto- . mobile Find Stolen AcccsMiiles I Suspected of Robbing Stole. I It. C. Wahner, a rnco track man, was arrested by olllcors Kobe-ts nnd Nixon and Deputy Sheriff Auue Wed- nosday night on a burglarv charge. 'pleaded guilty In Judge Hastes' court Thursday and was bound over to the grand Jury. Tho specific ofTcuse with which Wnliner wns charged was at tempting to steal un automobile be longing to St. L. Slorrltt. and tho theft of some automobile accessories, found by olllcora In his possession. Minnie Lnuco, whom tho olllcor be lieved to bo nn accomplice, was nlso bound over to tho grand Jury. Flor ence and Claude Hamilton, arrested on slmllnr charges wero released. At tho tlmo the arrests wero made It was thought theso people woro Im plicated In the burglary of K. A. Snther's otoro on Wednesday when the store was entered nnd n largo rmount of merchandise taken from tho shelves. Insulllctcnt evidence wur found In. this particular, but tho of llcers believe they hnve n clew, upon which they nro now working. Ilolso InteioMed hi Proposed Deiel opulent of Cent nil Oregon. (Tho Oregoninn.) BOISK, Idaho, Doc. '.'. (Special.) Boise and Westorn ldnho nro In terested In tho proposed rnllroad de velopment of tho Interior of Oregon which tho Oregon, California & Kns tcrn railroad Company expects to carry on, according to Robert K. Strnhoru, of Portland, president of that company. Sir. Strnhoru wns In Boise yester day, accompanied by Sirs. Strnhoru. "Tho various railroads leading to wards the Interior of Oregon owned by tlio llnrrlman nnd Hill Interests nro opposed to plans or nuy policy thnt would necessitate tho expendi ture of funds for extension," snld Mr. Btrahorn. "That Is cortaln, They, therefore are satisfied to rent with their presont terminals. "Tlio construction would mean shortening of the distance from this territory to Portland by 150 miles and to San Francisco 700 miles over tho present transportation facilities offered to that city. This, naturally, would bo an advantage. It would also make a vast empire In the cen tral portion of Oregon trlhutnry to Portland, San Francisco nnd Boise, as well. "I do not believe that tho proposed routo from here to Wlnuomiiccn to perfect a connection there with the Western Parlllc is feaslblo. I inn fr.mlllnr with the routo, having been over It In former years. The cost of construction would not only be groat, but tho territory doiw not .offer In ducements for n rnllroad. There Is little to draw from' hero to Win no inucoa lii-o.fnr as large tonnuno Is concerned." - V()P It TAX IIS. Slllbige. iuii iuin linn City of Bend. .21 II l.'i District 12 1.1 '4 7 12 Crook county . .20 21 2 !jrj5? K. A. SATIILR. Vic. Pr.s. II'. w 5fJ5i)C$i) Cjy' kj&j) L&) Hjfcj kjzJ nMjMJ'MkMv CW) C. S HCDHON, President II. M. LARA. Cashier (TsU s(J?li r c fii' vi,.., i, ,i i. (i M,.iii'vvni.iitt n.i fnai.iar T-' The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Capital full.t paid Surplus - - . - Three Robberies in 1 own I his Morning If your homes were burglariwl tonight wlmt would YOU losu? Put your iMoney in this Haul: mid your Valuable I'm per in our Safety Deposit Vaults. , '.va 'jls-si hi .ii .. u ' TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND mM&m.m&( SETS TJX LED? RETURN IS MADE TO 26 A1ILLS County Mllliigc for Coming' Venr is Tho Mills Above IIM I tend Ill Aided Into Three Voting Proj I'lucls Rond .Money Assorted Tho county tax lovy for tlio codling year has been set at 20 mills, tho action having been taken by tho county court nt tho budget mooting en Thursday, This Is a return to tho mlllage of 1914 nnd an Increase of two mills over tho lovy of a year ago. For school district 12, which In cludes tho city of Bend, the Increnso amounts to ono mill, ns the district does not pay tho county high schcool tnx. Taking this fnct Into account, to gether with the lovles already mado In school district 12 ami tho city of Bend, tho total tax to bo paid next your tin city proporty Is riOMi mills, nnd on property outside tho city, nnd in the district, IIC 'j mills. For tho city this is nn Increnso In nil taxes over last your of 10 ty mills. Tho county mlllngo Is mado up ns follows: (ieuornl school H mills High school 2 mills Library 1-20 mills (lenoral (Including Rtnto) .... 20 !)-'.' 0 mills Horn Tor Item, this Is it deduction of half a mill on the general school tax, nn Incronso of one mill for tho county high school, nnd nn lucrensn of four nuil nlnetoen twentieths mills for the gouornl fund. Last year thero was alsoiavlod thrca nnd a half mills for tho road fund. The county vnluntlnn, ns recently announced by tho slate lax commis sion, Ir $7itiG2,80r, exclusive of pub lic utilities. The apportioned valuo (Contlnuod on Inst pago.) HEAR OUR GOOD NEWS Veiv VoikrrN Read In Times of De velopment lit Ilend. NHW YORK, .Nov. 28. -Showing that present developments In llnnd are iiiiled on this side of the conti nent ns well as throughout tho west, the New York Times today prlntH tut article on Paolllo commercial condi tions which include the following pnruKmph: "That the Knslern capitalist has found (hut now Is the time to get in on the ground Moor Is evidenced by tho facts that the Soanlun-llrooks Lumber Company of Minneapolis has Just been Incorporated In Oregon with a cnpltal of $1,750,000 to do business In Oregon, with liohd!irtr tors acrosH the CiiHcailes nt Bend. The Shovlln-llixuti mill, also nt llond, Is being rushed to completion to handle the liiislness which ulrendy has re vived In the west." A. STOVKR.Awt Cashier 2A.D00 W.1.000 tt(W