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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1915)
int 4 ' 3CJ Tin: iinxn rullktix, ur.xn, orb., wkrxksiuy, novkmrkr 21, ioir. page n. ft 52 v canngs SPIRIT Ol CO-OPIRtATIOX. Central Oregon will have more railroads. That was definitely dreld ea at the meeting In Hencl, when Robert E. Strahorn nnnounceil dpfl nllely that ho will pursue the matter to a successful conclusion. However, all Central Oregon people aro to bo asked to lend a hearty support. A noticeable feature of the meet ing Was tllO fllCt th.1t nil . renllzo that Internal Improvement miiBt como as the results of our own people, co-operating together, and thus securing the henrty support of ether peoVlo who aro vitally Inter ested, The- minds of all the delegates were centered upon tho necessity for Irrigation. They realize that they have- waited too long for sonio ono elso to solve their problems, and aro centering their attention upon tho uiiesuon 01 terming irrigation dis tricts. This Btato Is about to dupll- cnio mo woru or other western states. Deschutes Valley Tribune. That Crescent Is situated in one of tho scenic spots of Oregon Is nd mltted hy all who havo visited this section. Just at present If tho trav eler would drop In on us, ho would bo more than pleased with tho cll mato. Cool nights with bright, warm, sunshlney days reminds ono of spring. As n rulo those who aro not familiar with this country im nglno thnt wo aro having Klondlko weather, and "bucking" snow, but sucn is not tho enso. With no snow, tho temperoturo ranrlnir around fin nnd tho grass still greon, it is no wondor It appears llko spring. Cres cent News. Somo fellow, cither through mallco or with malicious nforethought, this week removed a largo rock from tho rond north of town. Tho same fol low evidently, had cut out Bovernl largo rooto and flllctl In many holes with dirt. Tho County Court should offer a reward for this follow, because If ho continues tho work already started, somo nuto drlrcr may fall asleep and let his enr knock tho bark from somo unsuspecting Jnck plno, nnd thus mar tho scenic beauty of our public highway. Wo havo very good proof that a. W. Waltman Is tho guilty party but then, wo don't llko to nccuso him openly. Crescent Nows. Tho rabbit drlvo last Saturday llko tho provloin drlvo, was a grand BR00KS-8CANL0N LUMBER CO. BROOKS-SCANLON I success. A totnl of 1884 woro killed, I not counting tho9o slaughtered along i the lines. The crowd was not as lnrgo as tho previous Saturday, but there were 23 persons on horseback and between 3Q and 40 on foot. An other drlvo will ,bo held Saturday, November 20th, at the same- place. The crowd Is again requested to meet at tho homestead of Sam Hill, three miles north and n half mllo east of Port Itock. fort Hock Times. TIM! TOMHS PROJKCT. Tho Tomes Brothers, bankers at La I'lnc, Oregon, and Interested In several banks In N'cbraskn, have tnk en over tho I'rlngle Falls powor pro ject near La 1'lno and will start Im- I medlato operations. The Tomes' are pcoplo of very strong flnnnclnl back ing, nnd thoy aro not trlflera with I hot-air methods. In tho published field of their power lino operations thoy propose to cover also tho Sil ver Lnko and Tort Itock valleys. We will all hall with delight tho coming of theso power lines, but It reminds us that thoy will cover territory which should bo operated from power sites on tho Chownucan In our coun ty. Wo hopo our own capitalists will not sleep over tho development of tho water powers on tho Chownucan. Silver Loko Leader. TIIK I-'KMIXIXU filtOWTIt. Tho organization of tho Silver Lnko Ladles Civic Improvement Club and tho communication from Mrs. John Hayes which appears In this tssuo, show tho women of north Lake coun ty aro far more alert than tho men. A few years' ago woman was n do llghtful comrade, standing sldo by sldo with her mascullno helper, but through her Hfo of freedom from boozo nnd other vices sho has grown past her affinity In briskness of In tellect, clenrness of vision and ex emption from bins. Tho nvorago mnn Is llko tho bear In his winter lnlr, If you prod .him nnd try to nrouso him from bin snooze and tho licking of his palm ho will growl and grum- blo. Silver Lnko Leader. dkvklopixo prixhli: falls. In an Intorvlow with representa tives of tho Oregon Journal, C. W. Itlddoll, of tho Prlnglo Falls Powor Co., stated that tho'company Intend ed to reclaim 250,000 acres of land In tho La Pino Basin. It Is planned by tho company to immediately Blnk n number of wells nnd Install electric motors, nnd work tho system of reclamation nut on a lnrgo nnd profltnblo scnlo. Tho first woIIb will probably bo Blink lir tho vicinity of Prlnglo Falls. Tho construction of twenty miles of electric lino, to connect with tho Shevlln-Hlxon road now building south from Bond, will uIho bo ono of THE Has taken over the lumber department of THE BEND COMPANY and will con tinue the retail business in Lumber, Building Supplies, Cement, Lime, Plaster, etc. w THE sfj c37 LUMBER CO. Systematic Fight Against Jackrabbits l S. Biologist nml County Ag ilculltiilst Will Co-operate In Crook County. (Hy County Agriculturist A. E. LOVETT.) It. A. Wnrd, of tho IT. S. lllolog leal Service, nrrlved In Crook county this week for the purpose, of assist ing tho citizens In eradicating the Jackrabblt as a farm pest. The county agriculturist has been working toward this end throughout tho past year. Tho two, co-oporatlng, will hold a sot lea of meetings In the county nt once and work will bo done where communities will co-opcrnto with them. .Meetings at Hcmstad valley and Paulina will bo held this Week. Watch tho papers for poison recipes, etc. tho immedlato steps of tho new com pany. Tho new syndicate has abundant financial resources which obviate the necessity of selling stock. It Is strict ly n closed corporation. La l'lno Intcr-Mountaln. Went to the Hospital. C. E. lllanchnrd, postmaster, Rlnn chard, Cnl., writes: I had kidney troublo so bad I had to go to tho hos pital. Foloy Kidney l'llls completely cured mo." Men nnd women testify they banish lnmo bpclt, stiff Joints, soi'o muscles antl sleep disturbing bludder ailments. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. UUAIj KSTATi: T11AXSFKIIS. Issued by Crook County Alistinct Co. Dezchutco Valley Co. to Floyd Do- mont It. 1, blk. 27, 1st ndd( Ken wood. Shovlln-Hlxon Co. to Deschutes Lumber Co. part It. 4, 5-18-12, part nw 5 no bo 6- Its. 2-3-5, bo uw a sw, part sw Mie G, nw so nw 7- 18-12. L. D. Wlost to Mary S. lloavor It. 9, blk. 44, WIcBtorln, $400. L. D. Wlcct to Lylo Rlchnrdaon It. 5, C, blk 41, Wlestorla. M. C. Montgomery to Schweitzer nnd Nngln Its. 3, 4, 5, C, blk. 5 Im perial. , Tho llend Co to Nlchlcs A. Peter son, It. 11, blk. 13, Center add, Bend. (Jcorgln C. Constable to Rogors Ycumans Lumber Co. so sw, bw bo, 1L 4, 30-14-19. For Blgn painting Beo Edwards. Adv. ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little Want Ad will cost you. ON THE ALLEYS Standing f tho Tennii. Toams Won Lost IVt S3 3 000 r.oo 411 united arehouso. . . 1C 3 Owl Pharmacy 9 0 First Nat. Hank 0 9 llctul Bulletin S lo A. L. French 2 7 222 llend Hand 2 10 1C7 Tho gnmo scores woro as follows: November 8, ll)l. united Wnrchouse Players' 1st .140 .124 .14S ISO .158 2nd 140 207 143 170 102 3rd 14U 100 101 100 Av 140 141 ins 177 1S2 Absentee . . Torrcll . . . BrnmUau . Palmorton . N. Springer Totals 1G9 S2S 795 23S2 Team nverngo 159 Bom! Hand Players: 1st 2nd 3rd Forrest 121 119 103 Hoko 85 115 ISO Engcbretson .100 105 147 Snthor 104 103 14 1 C. Springer ..135 170 154 Totals 545 072 715 Team nvorago Xo ember 'JO, I til.". First Natlonnl Hank. Av 14 1 112 117 117 153 1931 .128 Players: 1st Doonnr 153 2nd 3rd Av. 142 182 159 105 103 153 133 117 110 152 101 151 140 110 140 732 793 2230 119 2nd 3rd Av iso 191 110 181 101 150 138 120 110 140 110 110 124 128 131 Stovor 132 Hunter 110 Spront llo rVbscnteo ... .110 Totals ....705 Team nvorago . . Owl Pharmacy. Players: 1st Cant IIS Cnrmody ... .191 Ersklno 157 Absentee . . . 140 Polndexter ..140 Totnls . ...710 710 747 Team average Xoicmlier 17, 101 . United Warehouse. Players: 1st 2nd 3rd Estcs 213 119 177 Terrell 140 121 178 Absentee ....110 140 1 10 Pnlmerton ...197 177 132 N. Springer ..158 143 157 2210 ..117 Av. 170 149 110 1011 150 2351 . . 157 Totnls ....851 Team a vera go . . llend Bulletin. PlnycrB: 1st Absentee ... .140 Spencer 132 Husky 14 4 Dlttor 140 Stoldl 131 713 781 2nd 140 130 135 110 1GG 3rd 140 115 113 131 109 Av 140 130 111 1.18 1Q5 Totnls ....087 Team nverngo . . 711 731 2129 TO THE RESCUE iXKHCiuurvn ikwm ? Wt will un your linen, but you mint not watt much Urn ctttlnv our rou band M work LOW PRICES, HETTfiRSGRVICn Bend Steam Laundry. AND IIHY Cf.KAM.NG Put Your Duds In Our Suds" THE WHITE IS KING Tho BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both KOTARY and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to tho minute, steel attach nicnts with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata lojrue free. While Sewing Machine Co. does Mm w BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROBERT It. COULD cnu 1"HI Engineer V gon V. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) K N TIST Olllco Ovor Postolllco llend, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Plijslclim nnd Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. tn.; 1-5 p. in., 7-9 p. in. Hut her Building O. MANNING, D. M I). Dentist, Olllco In First National llnnl; Building Tel. nil Item!, Ori'gou WILLARD II. WIRTZ h A V Y ! 11 Prlnovlllo, Orogon. C. S. IIKNSON Attorney At h a w Reason Building, Wall Strcot Bond, Orogon. VERNON A. FORI1K3 li A V Y r. It First Natlonnl Rank Building Rond, Oregon 0 H O II Q 13 8. Y O U N O Chll mid Irrlgiitlon Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Him o) or. Room 5 First National Rank Building J. II. Dell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho .1, II. Ilnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurnucn HCNR I'Ll'MIIIXU AM) IIKATIXG COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water llonllng WALL STREET DR. J, R RARR PlOhlciiiii nml riiugcon Deschutes Stut ' Bank Building Phone Iliad; 711 John J. Cunningham CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates DRAYING Iiend Hauling Co. II. N. l'AI.Mi:it'10.V Wood for Sale Olllco ullli It, P. Mlnler Olllco Miono Illuck (Id ltetdileiico llluik VM O'DONNELL UNION ' I I M I ' Ore Anderson Brothers Saw Mi ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS DRY STOCK KKASONAI1LK PRICKS. 5 Allies Northwest otHond. Phono Andcriuin llros. Ramlu 11. C. ELLIS Attoineynt-Liiw Unlteil States Commissioner First Natlonnl Ilnnk Building lir.ND, OREGON II. II. Do AltMOND LAWYER Oregon Street. Bond, Oregon DR. .1. II. CONNARN II K XT 1ST Olllco In Sathcr Building, llotirt, 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundays nnd evenings by Appointment. C. P. NI3WONGER, Bond, Oro. undertaker Licensed Emlmliiier, Funernl Director, Phono, Lndy Asslstnnt. DR. R. D. HTOWELL Napinpatlile I'IijmIcIiiii Olllco over .Miller I. mill or Co. Wall Street Houib 9 to C PllClPO Rd (11 Hygienic Dletetlo nnd Natural Thurapeutlcs Chronlo disorders a Speclnlty DR II. I). KETCHUM Olllco hours: 9-1U; 1-r, or by Apiiolntmeiit Bean lildg. J. E. L:ngebreson I'ltimhinj,' nnd Heating lend, Oregon 117 MIXXKSOTA STItllliT ICSTIMATICS CIIKICIII-'UIjIiY FURXIHIIKD .lORIIIXU PROMPTLY DONi: Fraternal Societies I. O. O. I Reml Lodge No. UIH. Regular mooting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting hrothois cordially welcome, L. II. (H.KHS, N. G. Oi:o. P. aOVIJ, Secrotarv. VACATION In Portlmiil, ultll hliln tllps iiiiIhIiIii, will gho )ou mi riijoj nhln oirn hIiiii. Mii l.o Hie .Miillnoiiuili Jiiur lieiliiiiu(eis. Hcrtlro bi'lter. Itntt-H (oiisUtenlly inter. RATIOS TO YOU no Rooiiin $i o(i Kill Rooms it ltd Imlli. .mii) Hill Rooiiin wit It biilli, .if'J.UO 'ZWt Uirgo oulhlile riMiniN, ll'ill I'J.()0 l.'vlrn person In room, 91.00 uililltlonitl J HoofltiK of all kinds. IlepulriiiK promptly done. J. A. HacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. BROTHERS MARKET I VT- - omMra,OMGav I 1 " 619 Merchants National Bank Bldg San Francisco. California I -