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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1915)
n I'AOB . -run nijxu lii'M.rn.w m:xi. oiti:., vni.i:siAV, octoiu:k ho. hub. ... -- - t CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Tl'MAU). 1 Al- (Special to The Ilullctln) TUMAI.O, Oct 18 Mm. C Decker. Mrs Itlako lleckcr. Mrs, "liort Ilnrper .irul Mrs. Trunk Dujton wero tlio riiphIh of Mrs I. A Thomp son Tliursdai when tlio program for tlio mectliiRi of tlio l'nroiit-Tcnclicr Association for tlio ensuing )eur was inado out Mrs. Ada taitiliorg, Mist Ilnrel Drown and I'lill Smith enjojed n trip to the Sisters fair Satin day In thu Cady car. Mr. nnd Mrs Hurtor nnd Mr and Msr. John SlIUs attended thu fnlr nt Sisters on Saturday Dora Han't r, who has been suffer Iuk from nu attack of pleurisy Is conwilcHiiiiK Mrh. J A Thompson nnd children Mpent Saturday al lleud visiting I'rnnccs atitl Wendell Thompson. Mr. and Mrs Prod N. Vnllato and family were rnlr lsttoiB at Sinters on Salurda) Friends or .1 Welton nnd Ol.if Lnurgnnnl lijtd the pleasure of meet ing them at Slstuis during the fair there. Mr. and Mis Charles Howell and family wero the dinner guests of Mr nnd Mrs. C 1 Mock on Sundn Mrs. Frank DuWini was it business taller In lleud I'rldni Mr. nnd MrH 0 I llecker, Mr and Mrs It. U Fltrlclnwr and the hit ter's sister, Mrs Julia Tinier, and Mrs. Illnko Iterkor attended the Sis ters fnlr on 1'ilday Mrs. DIcI.Imhoii. a sister of H Hol lierg, who Ins linen lsltlni! hlni for several weeks, left Wodnesdnj for her home In I.u Seller, Minn She Hindi) many ft lends during her short stay who all regret to see her lento Severnl of the Tiimnlo fanners sold horses to thu Imjors at I lend Inst ieok. Other home people who attended tlio SlBters fair last Snturdu) wero Mr. and Mrs I N. II Corking, Mlis Fay (lurking, Miss Hutu Dayton, Har ry MeOulre. It. II. H!iley, Knj (low ing, Win Hiker mid Mill Thorpe. James (Irllllu nnd Stllln llrowu are up In tlio mountains doing survnlug for onn or tlio Irrigation compnles. The local Sunilay school was re organized yoslordnv John Coen, Noll liny, Dert Miller nnd Freil Wall ice worn nil huslness visitors In lleud Monday. --- 4 to their homestead In Pleasant allo after being out several months. Mr. nnd Mis Hcrt Mceks and chil dren and J M. Meoks took dinner at the homo of Fred MHIor Sunday. Alex Mr-Known and family have moved to liend for the winter where tholr children will attend school. V Schredor carried the Hampton ALFALFA. (Special to Tho Dullotln) ADFAI.l'A, Oct. K). Tho Alfulfu post olllco has In on nioed to tho Frank Oglo ranch ono mile west of thu former location. Mrs. Oglo Is tho present post mistress. Mr. Ogle lias put In n grocery stock. Mr. and Mrs. Italpli Hmork nnd Mr. and MrH. Itny .Leonard linyi been llahlng up the rher for tli pnat V eck. W. K. (liierln has rctuniAl from Portland. " llnlpli Ferry rnmu In from Uugeno Inst week, Charley Hoerh, lloh Colver and A. C. Ilnrber hmu gone on n trip up i Ivor for u load of polos. A. O. Wulker went to Tiinmlo on Monday to bring homo tho rest of his inttlu that hnvu been In tho reserve during the Hummer. School began the seculli of this mouth. Mm I I login,, who was Miss Kmmii Itiilder until ery recent ly, Is teaching Fred Hchmllt made a trip to Hand Xondny. Mm II F Deal) entertained tho WediiiMuhi) afternoon club this week Leon Itector, who ha been visiting his uncles, Frank nnd (loorgo Oglo, Iims returned to McMluuilllo. Mr. nnd Mm. Smeiid hnu moved to tho Ouerlii ranch where thoy are omplo)ed for tho season, Mr. Saddler and Mr Mlllor stop ped over night at Alfalfa euroutu fioui Hedmiiud to CIiiIhIiiuih Lake ulioro Mr S.iddler Iiiih a hnmimteiid. household goods to llend Thursday for .Mrs II. C Davis. Mrs. A. D. Norton visited nt the homo on Harney Conowny Sundn Frank and Win. Spencer ruIiikIoiI A I.. Henklo's house the first of the week. A D. Norton brought out n load of r.vo from Hend the first of the week, which he will sow on Ills own Holynt mall last week while Mr Den-1 lim tn0 KKor nn, r,Css rnnches cor was out to Hend Miss Diva McFadden visited with Mrs Hcrt .Mecks last Tuesdny. Mrs. Fred Miller called on Mrs. II. Drooklngs last Mondav afternoon .Mr. Donovan hrs returned to his homestead nt tlcnjnmln lake. Itert Meeks and father wero Pleas ant vnllev callers lost Saturda) MILLICA.V. IIAMinON. (Special to Thu Ilullctln) HAMPTON. Oct In I. A Hunt ing returned from Hend Monilti). Mr. ii ml Mm. Phil Dencer wore cal led to I tend Tuttrfday b the death of Mm Donrm'H mother Mr. Si'linuler Is iwrrvlng tho in.ill for Mr. IHuicor while thu latter Is in Hend . llurlH) Homie loturnad n few das si ko from Pendleton and other points ii bin e he Iiuh been working this Hum. niur. Arthur Wlbiuet took dinner at C It. HHrmon'H Prldav Miss Ftlifl Fogg returned Friday from Prlui'Vllld whom she had liun MtteiulliiK tuiehor's luntltule. Flnjil Mi' So It itituriied with his bride lure Ml Until Hunting) on 'Thiimdav to bis ItouuiHtead after his the month Itmui of aUttincp Ah In HuntliiK I again holding down hU lioiuwtnail Kurt Ki'lnr and Ah In lluiitlng bavti mud ippllnattou for Until pioof Quite a lUiubur of the uelKhbom wwrn nut to UtH rlmrhnrl Ht Mr und ilrt. Klod MoNett h Frldil) eveulliK ilr itijd Mm Van Lnk retuinud from Honil Thuwdwy. Itau McArlhtir started fur llend on Kutunhty. l,w HIkkm turtd fur Hend Sunday 'With h bunch of !mi. iiamito.v nrnnn. (KpiwUl to The HulUtln.) HAMPTON IIMTU. Oct IS J 31. llrlckrv lina gou out to I tend (or H loud of aunullw. Win llulat nrturuMl frum the Mnr M.miUIu mill IihIuv with . loud of lumber Mr nnd Mm. '&rmouth have re turned from tholr trip tu Madras 51m. M. W. Hhopptird uud dmmliter lkHle loft for Portliuut toda The) will drive by vvagun. VIo Joliiwim U rnifio llond ou 111 111 J llMftH 0 W AsliUaush went nut to Hontl last Saturday. Mr und Mm. Hook have returned (Spccln: to Tho nullotln.) MILLKVs, Oct IS (leo. Mllll can Is at Hear Creek this week look ing after some of his beef cntle. .Miss Until Conownv Is serloush III at tlio home of her brother, Harney Cnnownj. with Inlhimatlon of the liowels. Dr Ferrell pf Hend Is the ntteiidlng tdivslclnn. A. A (illmoro drove to Hend Sat urdav to moot his wife, who return ed that evening from Alnskn whero she him snout tho summer. A. L Henklo returned to Mllllcan Friday from Corvallls, whero ho has spent Home tlmo with his rather and mother. Mrs, A (5 Allen spent the week end nt Hend with Mr. Allen who Is omnlnvcd there Hownrd F Dior and Frnest Dver drrvo to llend Fildny. Mr lor visited Honil friends n few das, re turning to Mllllcan Suntlnv P. II. Johnson mndo a huslness trip to Hend Frldav evening. Mr. and Mrs A. (1 Allon spent Sat urday at Sisters attending the fair A. D. Norton nnd Frank Klgor left for Honil this morning whero thoi will net as witnesses for Frank IlnMi who proves up on his homestead this week. John Holland moved n load of Fred Klger and Wm. Spencer arc moving I. L Owen's household goods tu Hend this week Mr. Heeler came out from Hend Saturdnv to spend a few daB on his homestead. Ho returned to Hend on Sundny wUh A 0 Allen. (leo. Ilrjunt visited nt tho Norton homo last Sundni Win. Honm has commenced plow ing on the Klger ranch, Frank Spencer leaves Tor Hend to dnv where ho will be nmplovcd b the Hrooks-Scanlon Lumber Co Harney Conowny and Hooper 0- tr tirn tnLlnir n number nf Clon. Mil- ! Hum's horses to the canal tor water this week. On account or tho ex tremely dry weather this jpnr, tho water In many of the old vvntei'ng places Is verj low .Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Mllllcan are ulannlng to leave shortly for Sin Frnnclsco where they will attend the exposition. L. W. Davis hns Issued Invitations for n dancing pnrtv to be given nt his home near tho 17 mile post next Sat urday nlcht. Mrs. Cliff Kvaiis nnd Mrs. L II. Schmorl will give u masquerade danco Saturday, October 30th, at the homo of tho former. Frank Olndor Is mnklng arrange ments to niovo his family to Hend about tho first of noxt month. POWIILL IIUTTi:. (Special to Tho nullotln) POWULL HUTTi:, Oct. 18. Mrs. John Sexton nnd Mrs. L. J. Alle.v re turned to their homo nt Opal City Wodnesday, after a sovernl day's vis it nt tho N. P. Alley homo. Guy Scars arrived homo Inst Men- LOTS LOTS LOTS SPECIAL! We are SELLING LOTS nt less than HALF the price asked in other Additions of equal dis tance from the business center. Lois 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Loto 50X125 $100 and $125 for Corners $5.00 Cash and $5.00 Monthly, 0 per cent interest. Mr. Householder, cheaper to buy and build than to pay rent. Young Man or Young Woman, it pays to put your money in Real Estate when you buy right, YOU CAN BUY, RIGHT from me. J. A. EASTES 2 BETTER RESULTS In Dairying will come to nny farmer using scientific methods In reeding. lU'ot Pulp, Dry nnd .MoIumch Pulp nro scientific feed rntlons ror dairy cows. They havo been tested In California and are becoming popular nimms d.ilo meu an big milk producers. Kharkov Wheat ror fall sowing has madu n big record In sections of the eouutr similar to Central Oregon. Kharkov wheat is harder than Turkov lied, and has n higher gluten porceutngu. Till: OIMX.OX AOIUCUI.TI'IN al tx)Li,i:ii: ui:fommi:xi)s kiiaukov l'OU FALL IM.AXTI.Mi. Wo Hirer It tu J on for Sl.'-Vl per bushel. FLOUR Sanitation la our watchword In milling.. From now on our brands of Hour will coma to you In pnpoi-lluod sacks. The) keep tho dust out and tho Hour In. We Are n Market For wheat. re, barle and tats. Wo will quote ou the market price on a cash usW. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J KUOUNKHT, President-Manager iu:xi), oiti:cox J day morning from n week's liustnosj nnd pleasure trip to the Puget Sound country. The Misses Llna Moore and i:bba Llndnulst tert last week to take up their school duties. The former will teach near Iledmond while the latter will have charge of a Hear Creek school. Miss Lulu Montgomery, teacher at the Wilson school. Is doing house keeping in a small "house In the It. L, Moore yard. The Hulletln'fi local correspondent was on tho Blck list Inst week so thero was no news fiom our neighborhood. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. O. 'Humphry anil fatullj weio given the surprise of their lives when a largo number of grown-ups and conns folks walked In on them about eight o'clock, Sat urday evening, October 9th. Well filled lunch boes had been prepared by the party and nil hands Joined In having n delightful evening. The party, glvon by tho Wilson Sundiy school, was n sort of farewell to the HumphroB who wero proporlng to move to Idaho. Mr. Humphrey's re moval Is n distinct loss to the Sunday school as It Is through his efforts more than any one person's thnt tho Sunday school has met with such un qualified Bttcccss since Its orgonln tlon two )cjrs ngo. Tho school pre sented tho retiring supcilntcndent with n hanilwino loving cup nppro prlatcly engraved nnd the young men's class presented him with (Continued on page 7.) W OH YOU THAVRLnitl When In need of a bed, a. meal or a feed for your team or something to mako jour "car" go, STOP AT P.B.Johnson's 28 miles from Dond; Mllll can P. O. Also grocoile3, lunch goods nnd phone. :c 3f iC 31 IE :tzni: :nn itW'E?3 M THE race ain't always to the swift. VELVET is way ahead of those quick-cured tobaccos, even if it docs wait two years for agein'. There are less expensive ways of curing tobacco than Nature's way not less than two years of mellowing in sealed wooden casks. But that ageing gives VEL VET its smoothness, and brings out to the full the natural fnrgrance and flavor of the choice Kentucky WW ULZDC 3EZZIE 31 IE 3 CUE nr EVERV DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. WHY PAY RENT? TrOW IS THE opportune P jVI time since the advent of pk the railroads for you to ; build a home. Why delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor arid material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote you prices, and 1 . you will soon decide that you can- not afford to pay rent any longer. Bend Park Company OREGON STREET 1 da w r