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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1915)
4U Kir TAGB 0. THE nEND nULLETIN, HENI), OIIE., WEDNESDAY, MAY i2, 1015. is' 4 p; n ! E IS NEW RESIDENCE WAS BURNED SATURDAY Family Unci Moved In Only Few Dnys llcforc No Oho nt Homo When lllao WnH Discovered 1ash In Partly Covered liy iiiNiirnncc. Tho nowly completed homo of Glen W. Mustard, In Dcschutos addition, was totally destroyed by flro Saturday forenoon. A considerable portion of tho furniture find most of tho doors nnd windows from tho house were saved. Tho flro was discovered by children who wero playing In the adjoining ynrd around Ralph Sponcer's houso and nt that tlmo had broken through tho roof near tho chlmnoy. It ap parently Blurted from a dofootlvo lluo and hnd been smouldering for some tlmo slnco thnro was no tiro In the kltcliim stovo when tho blaze was discovered. Mr. run: Mrs. Musturd woro both nt Dr. Coo'ii offlcn nt tho time, with two of their children who wero to havo slight operations. Word of thu flro was tolcphoned to town from tho Knotls hospital and m liny nutoH hurried out to it. Until Iioho wagons woro tnkun but tho dis tance to tho nearest hydrant was so great Unit It was Imponslblo to get wntcr to tho house and nil efforts weru confined to saving ItH contents. At ono tlmo It scorned probable that tho Spencer homo would bo en dnngorcd by flro running through tho plno trees, between thu burning houso nnd It, but n foitunnto shift of tho wind turned thu (lames nwny. Mr. Mustard Is ono of thn proprie tors of tho llond Illncksmlth Shop, having opened tho shop on moving hero from Powell Ilutto Inst fall. It Is understood that his loss I partly covered by Inmtrnnco. Tho house wns now, having been completed nnd tho family moved In only n few dnys ngo. Lots cIobo In $00 to $12fi. Enuy Payments. J. A. Enstes, Adv. FOREST SERVICE PLANS AN ' INN0VATI0NJ0CH0C0 TRACT Will PI ii co Patrolmen on Itond to Keep It lit Hluipo for Triilllc Dining The Coming Hummer. PORTLAND, May 10. An innova tion which tho Forest Servlco hns "Dimmed for this Hiiiiinier Is tho plac ing of u patrolman on the recently eoinploted Prlnuvlllo-Mltchell road In tho Ochocn Forest In Central Oro gun. This Idoii Ih copied from n for eign country, and Ih known us "main tonancu patrol." Thu patrolmen will drng tho road periodically, keep ruts (Hied, ditches 'open? weedH out, brush down, nnd look afler surli work as will keep tho road open nnd smooth for trnlllc In fuel, his duties will bo similar to thoso of u section iiinn on a railroad. It Ih certain that tho cIohu nttontloii of onn iiinn will keep thn rond In such good sluipo thut thoro will bo mi economic saving that will more than Justify tho expound. Tho Mltcholl-Prlnuvlllo rond forms thn connecting link botwecu Prlno vlllo and tho John Day watershed In north western Oregon. Tho 13 uiIIcb which was'liulK by tho Forest Servlco extends across tho National Forest from tho Orhoco Hanger Station to tho lleavur HntiKor Station. In hulliL lug this road, th Servlco located It liOO feet lowor than tho old routo, and also reduced tho maximum grade from 20 to 9 per cent. Tho work cost tho (lovornuient approximately $10,000, of which sum Crook nnd Wheeler counties each contributed $1,200. Tho trainr on tho road Is heavy, for It furnishes an outlet for tho fruit country la tho John Day Valley, and ennbles the people of that region to reach PrlneWllo, llond nnd Crooked river valley Lots closo in $60 to $125. Kny Payments, J, A, UaHtes. -Adv. Danger to Children, Serious illness often results from lingering coughs and colds. The bucking nnd roughing nnd disturbed sleep rack u child's body and poisons vrukou thu system, so that dlseaso cannot bo thrown off. Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Compound hns eased coughs, colds nnd croup for three, genera tions; siifo to usu nnd quick to act. Thorn is no better medicine for croup, roughs, and colds. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. Clean up nnd paint up. wards. Adv. Boo Kd- SIGNS l-'Oll KAI.H. "For Kent," "For Kulo," "Hooni to", "HouseUtH'pliig IttioniM," "No Admittance," "No Smoking," etc., etc.. Placard printed In I urge tjpo tut heavy brlMo! board, 1.1 cent each, "MONEY" Tho mint makes it and under tho tunns of tho CONTINENTAL MORT GAGE COMPANY you cnu socuro It .it 6 per cent for any legnl purpose on approved real on In to, r.,rms easy, tell us your wants and xe will co operuto with you. PETTY .V COMPANY ft lit DeJilialil llulldlug l)ever Colo. MUSTARD OS CHUflGH NOTICES Hnptlflt. Illlilo school 10 n. in, Preaching Borvlco 11 o'clock. Preaching service- 8 p. m. Prayor meeting Wed nesday ovonlng 8 o clock. Presbjtcrlnn. Sunday evening servlco at the Presbyterian church will consist of tho rondorlng of n musical program by tho choir. Solos, duets and an thems will bo rendered. This pro gram 1b being prepared and will bo rendered under the leadership of Mrs. Forrest. Our "Jitney" Offer Tills nnd Be. Don't, miss this. Cut out this slip, encloso with flvo cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your nn ufl and address clearly. You will re colvo In return n trial package con taining Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com pound, for coughs, colds nnd croup, Foley Kidney rills, nnd Foley Cnth nrtlc Tablots. Patterson Drug Co., Adv. Hulled Barley THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. Is Now Making Hulled Hurley for Chicken Feed, According to Repent From Customers It Not Only Makes the Hens I.ny Hotter, Hut Km cm tho Chicken Kaiser Money. THY IT. Spring SEED Rye A Carload from I'tali He celt ed Today. This Hetil Is Clean nnd Hound, 8cm! Orders nt Onto to THE NEW BEND FLOUR MILL CO. 1IUXI), OHIXiON The BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. MAP OF THE CITY OF BEND OREGON courtLED mr ROBERT B. GOULD CIVIf. ENC. 1012 ROBERT B. GOULD f lA K"FK?kS (7 -N -H CLI J i w IB 513W5 fl fLUKk ffii plffiJM-'J y& W?IJ15 kRffl M I iPR iUiJH EES EEC9 EM3 EfflS SIJIS'S SB'S3 BKp g "- 1 (J Vi .. -B -narJ 1 ' SIl lIA. K 4 nrB'. ..Q.IZIZiL- gf ZZL VT n?n tiii: sin: of Tin: phoposhi) riievun saw mill, constuuotio.v of which is to heoin at onoi:, is shown hv the cross o.v Tlli: MAP AltOVH. THU YARD, COVERING OVER lOO ACRES, WIU, EXTEND TO THE SOUTH FROM THE MILL AND AIX)NO THE HANKS OF THE IXM.'fllXG POND WHICH WIMi HE FORMED HV THE DAM, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP. Aec. & T Our JIed:ricity will COOK FOR YOU HEAT FOR YOU LIGHT FOR. YOU t i rUMmmJf s . AMrmmA W - -V T i troTorntfn h tvSmm.fmmmm ffiffifflH I , i3" i I I tuinr HiniattTi cxr&z-l ES3tM,.. i.... ''' " 1 Thi A. C. V. SILV1S REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITV PROPERTY List Your Farms For Sale or exchange With Me. Property Handled for Non-Kcsldents. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. Office on Oregon St., Ucnd, Oregon The United Warehouse Company B Storage and Forwarding General Commission t Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR., SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD United Warehouse Co. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon f. tf ft 1:$ nftrngiigii;! t - - - -jr. tV .'.H&MitfrV-tf. S"