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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
TIII3 HEXI) HUIiLISTIN, HENI), OIIE., WEDNESDAY, Al'ItHi SB, 101B. ( TAGE 0. J mr schools ARE STANDARD Treat Potato Before Planting Formalin Treatment for Potato Scab Effective and Necessary Hy County AKt-lculttirlHl A. E. IiO ViJTT. ONE THIRD MEET THE REQUIREMENTS County School Ofllclnls Holding Itnl Hch at Wlilcli I'ciiiiiiiiIh mo I'ro H'liled OccumIoii 1m MiiiIu Olio 1'or Coiiiiiiiuilty Colclirntloii. (Contributed. Nenrly ono third of tho Bchoolo of Crllk county linvo met tho Standard fchool ro'iulrcmonlH cRtnhllBhod nt tho beginning of tho curront school yenr. TIigro rcriulronipntB rofnrrcil to tho lion 1 1 n k ntid vcntllntlnKt 'lulpinont, nnd nttrnetlvencHs of tho Krhool liillldlnm tho (''uliiMint mid npjienr nnco of tho school RroiindH, tho rnnl tntlon, tho nttundnnco, tho IrtiKth of t (tnn nnd tho nlilllty and efficiency of tho tcocljor. During tho pnHt two vicvkn Super Intcmlcnt Myurs nnd 8iipcrvlnor Shnwo linvo been conductltii; n Bnrlcs of Htnndnrdlntlon rnllloH throiiKhout tho county. TIiIh cimptilRti for tho licttoiini'tit of tho KchoidH lifiH mot with tnnrknl hiicccrh, nnd tho IntorcBt nnd onthiitdnHin hIiouii Iiv tho pnt- roiiH of tho vnrlniiB dlitrlctH nugurB wnll for tho coutlniioil proi;n3H of odiicntloniil work work In Crook county. TIioho rnllloH linvo boon nut do tho occimlon for mil rnlobrnllotiH, En tortnlnlmc proRrmiiB linvo Iiopii nr rnnKod hy tho coiiiiiiiinlly Intent nnd pupllH of tho viirloiiH dlKtrlclH. At tho IMoimnnt Vnllov hcIiooI tho jiii pIlB prcflonlcil 11 vnndoii of "The Judgment of I'nrlH," In tho form of nil oporottn which wrh rondorcd In nu iiniisiiiillv clovor nnd offpctlvo tiinnnpr. Tim pmKrnni, which In cluded n numlipr of foiikb nnd rocltn tloiiH, wiih followed hv n cotniimnltv dlmior, nt which nonrly ovprv fninlly In tho dlMtrlrt wbb rrpronniitnd. At tho I.nldlnw rally tho program Included n novoltv In tho wny of n rlovor HoiiK-hlrd Imitation hy ono of tho 1)0) H, Tho hoiirh nnd follc-dnnroH of tho prlinnry pupil: of tho Itodinoud rcliool woro proto'itnd In n very plcns- InK iiiiuincr. Tlio Torrehonno prlinarv implls envo n ilriiiiiRtliMlaii of the Htory "Wolfl Wolf" TIip m'tlntr of .tliPBo lit 1 to folkH allowed coiittldernblo trnlnlnq mid Inlcmt. At HlHterH n dlnloKUo In dlnlert wiih glvmi Iiv two of tho pupils which wns lofolvod with tho honrtlmft nntilntiBo Tho program uhh pIvpii under the iiiihpIcph of tho I'nrnnt-ToitchorH Ah , foclntlon. MiibIc was furnlahed hy th HItnrn bund. Thero Is n llttlo Rlrl nt the Lower HrldRX Hchool who will douiitlerm win pmwiiiIMpii Inter sm mi elorutlonlHt. llnr rendition of Htovo'iBOD'H peeni, "Mv HIiniIiiw," would linvo lieon cred it to a profoBBlntPil Bpoftkor. A clever nnd varied iironrnm wnn plvmi hy (lift impllH of thn DrwrhutoH hcIiooI. At tho Dimer Ityo (Jrnwt lino tlm -rornm lnrl"ded a drnmitlrntlon of HlMwntliH. Tim ply wai when nul- rf-doorn. Itonl wIkwhhib wri hull) Uv Mitt pupil" A lincloroiiud of hiiihII I treoM wrh not nut. and even the red der wih thero to mttlie tlm pin v. eoiiiulttto. Tho continue. frluveH, fimtliarn nnd WHr-i'lni. lent rcntl'mii to tlm piny, tho noting wim twpochilly , 8P0d. I The puplli of the Wllwi school preMmled it mimical uronTHiil. AililrwuoH hnve lim iiunln nt IIiobo ihIIIch by Mr. Myerw. Mr. Slmwe, Mr. ( trwiii. nun ouiorH luierpnieu in euu PHtlunnl work, npponlliiR to the pnt Hlllr) Of IblMHI hcIiooI" not oulv to eoullnuo tho work which Iuib heen mitrtoil hut to onlnrvo tho noope of tlm rural hcIiooIh until tliov hoconm "Coiiiiiiiuilty Contort" In the broad-i et tHPHiiliiK of tlm word. Diirluic tho next fw dnvn rD(i8 will he held nt the I -a I'luo. Cllnnj ritlU. IMnnliurHt, ProoUod lllver, ' liurpur nnd Lower lt)o CIru w-'lioola. IIHAIi ESTATE Tlt.WSI'intS. l.Miril liy CinoK County Ahstnut Co. D H. to Itohert II. Ilomie. pnteitt n Mi no 17: bo. w4 up S-!!l-3. Hert W. Uikeit to l'renmnt Co e4 bw, wVi bo 15-16-10. io 'i'i-19-13. Mend Park Co. to H K. M. Boon foid It. 0. hlk. HI. lt Add lit. ml l'nrk. U00. KrMiik HtiliortBon to Hend Co nU iw. hH aw B; o4 0; nVi nu 7-1S-U. Head On., to Mnurlco 1'. OnMimnn It. 1. ldk. SO. Iloulovnrd add. lleiid. John II. Ovrturf to tlurutt Tlm- lur P m 0-tl-ll. l.vHmn It. Uarto to W 1. 10-17-13. tl&OO. Hnd Purk Cu. to 0. It. 10. ulli. II. lat add r-'OO. Couxtnil'uo Hold to V. It. i, blk. IT. Uuwrlnl Siuue to atiultt IU. 1. t, blk 17 liupoilnl. Centrnl Oregon Ih very fortunate I country. Tho potntoes In Crook county, generally, are vory clean nnu freo from diseases, oxcoptflig potato licnli, which Is found In tho potatoes from ninny sources. If wc have oth er diseases than scab In our potatoes, I linvo not )ot discovered It. All seed planted should bo trcntcd for this disease Tho formalin treatment Is effective and not expensive. This treatment conslstB of tho uso of ono pint, or sixteen fluid ounces of 40 per cent formalin In thirty Gallons of untor. Tho potatoes nro soaked In this solution for two hours, nfter In havliiK fow diseases which nffect her potntooB. Nearly every section of tho United States has badly dlseas ed potatoes, nnd soino bccUohb linvo liecomo bo Infected that thoy have been nuarantlned within tho last year. If we can keep our section freo from disease, wo need not worry as to markets for our products. With enro In grading nnd handling our seed, wo should ho able to sell prnc tlcally our entire crop of seed under theso conditions. Whenever wo plont diseased pota toes, wn nro ronroducliiK tho disease nnd spreading It In our Bectlon of the THE WHITE IS KING WS&E '$& BB I m : T- tZi -'- SKW W -. tmiiC'r. -n . . Tt rzm Ki ! WHITE u a Vi which they are dried and cut.. After r soaking, the potatoes should not be jfluced In any sacks, boxes or Wnu ' that may bo Infected or have had po tatoes In before unless these coniuui eib aro also disinfected. I'lftcn gal lons of thla solution will ordinarily treat 20 to 2C btiBhols of potatoes. Even though our potato seed Meems clean and freo from disease, 't Is a scry good practice tc give t'iru this treatment befoio pljntlng In older that wo may be suro as far as pus 1. 1 Io to prevent a spreading of this disease In our section. Illch, clover nod and heavily manured land nro favorable to the potato scab. How- over, in my opinion, mere are iuw fields In which wo need to consider this sldo of the question in our sec tion todav. These same rich fields will usually produco n largo yield of potatoes, and after treating uio seen as abovo outlined, I should not hcsl tnto to plant potatoes on tho clover sod or woll manured land In prefer ence to the raw land on which a large acreage of potatoes Is planted every year. I WAS USINO THE TOBACCO CHEW Ffri THATS WHAT HELPED YOU MAKE A RECORD RUN, Sam lime anJ rate) I to California as tU tali Fan Include meolt and Utlht at Tho HESTnll-rountl Family SowinK Mnchlne that enn bo produced. Mndo in both KOTAItY nnd VIBRATOR styles. Thn rotnry makes both LOCK nnd CHAIN stitch. Thu latest up to tho minuto steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata Iokuc free. White Sewing Machine Co. G19 Merchants National Hank Uldtf Snn Francisco. California DELUXE TOURS to CALIFORNIA r . r - xposiiions Oregon Trunk Railway And (ho TrliilivSciotv, Sl lleclc 1'jvliiic of the I'aclMc SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" (LeiiKtli nl leet, Ileum (lit feet, .Speed !it Knots.) SnllliiKs (i-oiii Kluel, April 1 7-1! I -U.1-UI), May :;-7-ll-l.'S. Hperlal Steaiuer Trnlu l.cnius I'm IIiiimI l) a. m. Arrltex I'latel jU:;ti l.tinclieoii on Ship. Ktcniulil AtrhcM Snn I'iiuicIko iliili) p. in. Net Day. IIOITM) THU FAIti:.S TO SAX FltAXCISCO 1'ioin llcml, :to liny l.lmlt f? 1 1.10 Ninety Day l.lmlt, CurieNpoiidliiK lotv rales to Han Dlcgo and Iih Anneli-H l(li I'hoko of routes, Miutli of han Iranclscii. I'nrtlt'iilnrs of Ageult .Spokane, I'ortlniiil tt Seattle, Oieou Trunk or (Jreat Xoi' thoin or Xoitherti I'lulllc ItatlttnjN. it. ii. cito.irit, .i. ii. ctntiinrr, A. (i. I. A., Auent, I'liltlund, Oic. llend, Ore. &" a f& y ' J &2sS K;!.T",1-'nfl K-lrsSirrV E A . L. Cobb It. O Mltchll Und l'nrk. I). UUrock. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC GRILL STOVE REGULAR PRICE $5.00 On Salo During Hotpoint Week Only, May 3-8, at $3.35 This In I!Ii (iltll.SlOVO; 'IV o Ktotes; Two opera- tlon.; One cost. Let iin hlun j on tin euo with which It will tlo jinn' iMHikhiK (mill a lump socket. Inru liotv It . potfoi'iiiH two ciHiklui; opoiiitioiis at tho miiiio tlino. I'.li (JKII.STOVO ciioks without the, fuss or ' fmili'Ht truly "Mali It" Iosn, ' - It iim-n )mr otery day kitchen iiteuslW, It boils, filt toasts anil broils ntioto ami liolmv Its KlowiiiK rolls. Wo tiro iMHiklut; inlor at n rnphl rnto. (Sltll.STOVO lias 1'iiiiglit the public taiiey, nnd wo HroiiKly niltUo )on to pi nc jour order ut oiue tiMlny If Hsslbli. At the lobular prhe, $.1.00, i:ii (lltll.STOVO Is u MrikliiK liaiTJiiln; at !j:J.:!."S, It Is ' truly it I 'IN II. Cun )oii alfiii it to miss It? Seo Hatunbiy lltoiilng INist Ail for this week. DO IT ELECTRICALLY THAT MEANS COOK ELECTRICALLY (THE GOOD JUDGE CONGRATULATES THE ENGINEER THE taste you get from "Right-Cut" is the real tobacco substance full and rich. "Right-Cut" is the Real Tobacco Chew a new blend of mellow, sappy leaf, seasoned and sweetened just enough. One ten-cent pouch of "Right-Cut" lasts longer than twice the money will buy in the old kind. Take a very small chew lets than one-quarter the old aize. It will be more satisfying than a moutlitur of ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it until you find the strength chew that suits you. Tuck it nway. Inen let it rot. see how easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, hotr it satisfies without grin ding, how inuch less ou havo to spit, how few chews you take to be tobacco satisfied. That's why it Is Iht Ileal Tobacco Chew. That's why it costs less in the end. It It a rcdy chew, cut fine snJ short shrcJ so that you won't hat. Io Srlnil on ft with your lecth. Crlmllnf on ordinary candled tobacco makca you spit loo much. Tht tatto of pure, rich tobacco docs not need Io h covered up vriih motaisca and licorice. Notice huiv lb. tail brines out the rich tobacco tails lu "lUlht'Cul." One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY - 50 Union Squu-c, New York (BUY FROM DEALER oaSEND IPfrSTAMPSTOUS jaraffiHB The United Warehouse Company Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR., SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD TiTe United Warehouse Coi A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon uoi'si; l'oit sAMi. Bovtin rtuipi htniHO villi oil Imso iimnt nnd nil niotltirit oouvtuiluuooii H. V. ItlohnrtUon, l.n 1'lno. Oro Kon. VJtf Try litilliitl bitrlw tit: ctilchoi food. It Is for iiilu m tho Now Houtl Klour Mill. Adv. Vea orackt'tl corn far chloVon feed tho now "end Flour Mill hi It. Adv. 50 tf lluv vour rolled onU t tho lln.l Flour Mill. 0tf (whs MW1iiiMilM1l The BEND WATER LIGHT (Si. POWER CO. Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. 4444it4)f4444444r tt.IfM t-