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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1915)
THE BEND BULLETIN. ;; ( sk I c I Vol. XIII. w I i i- uexr, orkgox, Wednesday aftehxOox, april uh, mm. -X in m is DONE ON ROADS IMPROVEMENT MADE ON ROUTE EAST NO. 8. WHAT .MORE? (Portland Tolegrnm) Crook county peoplo will havo cauao to feel jubilant when they get tho news that tho Shev- lln Lumber Company is propnr- Iiib to open up and market Ium- - bor from Its big timber holdings in tho upper Deschutes coun- try. it means 2500 or moro - additional population to that county, tho extension of tho Hill - railroad, tho growth of Ilend ns n business center and plenty - of money In circulation. Whnt - moro could any county want? .Aim U to Reach ttio Powell Ilutto Coiintiy Volunteer Woik to Make Mil ties mid Illuo liiiko Accessible Xcw Ilond Front Foit Hock. The end of this week will sea c-mploted tho greater purl of tho uad east of town planned to bo built 4, a spring as a link In tho now-routo t Powell Uutte. In tho fall, afcorI- rii" to presont plans, tho road will bo t irhed through to Its destination, tho . 'h of farm work limiting it Impos- te to Bpcnd moro tlnio on it this ,irlng. - Altogcthor, seven nnd a halt miles v t road woro Included In tho work to c uono oy dubwcss men oi uenu in co-operation with tho farmers living on tho road to bo Improved. Tho completed portion now Includes tho road from tho southwest corner of tho Pilot Dutto ranch a dlstnnco of three nnd n half mllns north nnd oast and tho greater part of tho routo irnek toward town from tho ranch. This Inst section, or nt least that portion of it lying hotwoen tho ranch nnd the Dcncor corner, is the most rt.'imcult of tho wliolo undertaking, there being considerable rock work to bo dono on tho two miles Included. Nevertheless, most of the work on tho mllo nlong tho north sldo of sec tion 30, west from tho Pilot Ilutto ranch has been completed. Tho coun ty will bo nskod to assist on tho re mainder. , From tho end of the finished road It Is about soven miles to tho present Vrlnovlllo road, which runs through Powell Ilutto, and tho expectation Is to mnke tho connection Inter In tho oar. County Commissioner Over turf, who Is oversocintf-tho road work on this sldo of tho county, reports that tho peoplo of that section havo stated their willingness to Jolnlnitho work In tho fall. T Up to Monday night tho valuo of tho work dono east of town was slightly over $000. Of this amount farmers had contributed $200 In la lior ami tho balance represented sub scriptions made by Uond business TURNED OVER 10 COMMITTEE Event to lie Held on Jilv Rays Renin iilng July (It omuls Selected nto lletuccn lloiul ami Wnll Sttcets. following a mooting of tho Chau tntuiua guarantors held Friday af ternoon to organlzo In preparation for tho ovont, a commltteo was ap pointed, from among thoso who sign ed tho guaranty, to tnko chnrgo oftho preliminary arrangements. The com mittee has already had two meotlngs and matters nre wort In hand. Friday's meeting was attended by about 20 of tho guarantors. From thoso present a commltteo was ap pointed to select tho arrangements commltteo, tho selection being made on Saturday as follows: J. A. Eas tes, chairman, II. E. Allen, treasurer, It. V. Sawyer, secretary, J. C. Rhodes and C. M. McKay. Mr. Rhodes has been appointed manager of advertis ing nnd Mr. McKay will take caro of gonornl matters. Final dates for tho Chautaqua aro now nnnounced as being July 2 to July 7, Inclusive Adult's season tickets will bo sold for $2. CO and tbero will bo special high school tickets at $1.00 and school children's tickets at $1.00. Present plans con template tho "so of tho lots between Wnll and Ohio streets to tho south of Ohio for tho erection of tho tont. i in mil ISE TO BE HOSPITAL DETAILS NOW BEING ARRANGED Dr. U. C. Coe Htiys Oicrtiiif.Foibc Intel eit in Property nnd Will Join With Dr. Fen oil In CunductliiB Institution ,SItcm Coming. (Continued on last page.) TIMBERMEN HERE Iliooks nnd GIpNou .Spend Saturday nnd .Sunday In Town. D. F. Brooks and II. 13. Glpson of Minneapolis, prominent owners of timber lands In tho country south of Bond, arrived la .town Saturday morning. With thorn camo F. W, DiiBwelltof Portland, formerly of St. Paul, npd now" living In Portland. Mocsrs. Rrooks and Glpson loft Sun day night for Vancouver, II. C. Mr. Iluswell la stayjng hero for a fow dayB. It Is understood that whllo tholr visit had no especial significance mat ters. woro discussed during tholr stay which may linvo a boarlng on tho ex pected Shcvlln announcement. PASS NOT YF,T OPEN'. In tho correspondence from Slstors In this Issue of Tho Ilullctln occurs tho report thnt tho first wagon of tho Benson has mndo tho trip over tho Snntlnm pass. Sincu the Item wns printed word has coino from Sisters that the pass is not yet open. A wag en went Into Cache creok station, on this sldo of tho mountain n few weeks ugn. On its return recently it was understood that It had made tho wliolo trip ovor tho pass, which Is, and Henry Gadow, horsestealing; J. now discovered not to bo the enso. A. Hrundage, rape In anticipation of tho approaching growth of the city Dr. U. C. Coo nnd Dr. R. Fcrrell havo recently complet ed nirangemrnts to open n hospital In tho Guorln liouso on tho bluff above tho river. Work will bo begun at onco In making repairs to tho building nnd cleaning up the sur rounding grounds. The building, which is now to bo rearranged for hospital purposes, was built sovernl years ago,nnd has been used at various times as a rooming house and a hotel. It was last usod by Mr. nnd Mrs. W.D. Cuu-ey iib n hotel under tho namo, "Mountain View." Tho Cursoys, during their occupancy, covered ovor tho court yard around which tho Iioubb was built using tho spneo for a dining room. The house wns sold Inst summor to Dr.- Forroll, V. A. Forbe3 and H. J. Ovorturf. Dr. Coo now buys tho Forbes-Ovoiturf Interest. According to Dr. Coo tho hospital Is planned to nccomodnto 3J! pntlontB nnd will recolvo non-Infectious modl cal and ourglcal cases. A passage way will ho cut from tho court yard dining room through to tho north porch and tho front living room ar ranged m n ward. It is understood that arrangements aro being mado to havo ono of tho miming ordeis of tho Cnthollc church establish n branch horo nnd thnt when this Is dono tho hospital will bo turned ovor to tho Slstors for op eration. . IRRIGATION IS TO BE HASTENED!: SO CHENOWETH SAYS OF PROJECT President of Sullies Lake Irilgntlon District line oil Satuidiiy Will Hold Ilond Election Soon S.Young Retained as -Geo. "nglneer SHERIFF HAS KDHi HOIT.H. Shorlff Knox has reached tho goal sought by ovory boarding house koep- er ho has a full houso. His 'present patrons aim mo ennrges on which they aro hold aro as follows: McCabo nnd Doogan. burglary in llend; Cuas O'Kelley nnd Garrott Stark, burglary In Prlnovliloj A. JS. Queen, burglary In Roberts, Oregon; Ilruco Maxloy V INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST YOUR OWN CARELESSNESS Even though you might never have n fire or thieves enter your home, n paper mislaid is often times lost just as irretrievably as if it had been burned or stolen. ' When your valuable papers are in our vault you KNOW where they are and you KNOW they are safe. You can lease a steel box in our vault with a non-pickable Yale lock big enough to contain all your private papers, for $2 a year Can you afford to be without this insurance? The Deschutes, State Bank MOLES ARE SHIPPED Kllgoio Rrothcru Make Side to Walla Walla Mull. The first of n number of shipments of initios nnd horses for uro In tho wheat Holds of Washington will bo mado from Ilond this week. John Woods, of Walla Walla, Washington. Is tho purchnsor nnd Boilers nre var ious Btockmen In tho neighboring country, chlot among thorn being Id goro brothers, who hnvo a ranch In Lako county, southeast of torn. Mr. Woods was In this section Inst winter nnd nt thnt tlmo mndo tho bulk of his purchases. Ho camo In again on Friday to mako arrange ments for shlpmont. Tho first car load will Includo a numbor of mules from tho Kllgora ranch, u pair from tho Pilot Ilutto ranch and two marcs. Other cars will bo made up later from tho Kllgorcs. Ofhot tho Grandvlew peoplo In .Tof- rerson county tiro going nhend with tholr Irrigation plans wa3 tho word broiijBhUo Rend by II. J. Chonowoth on "Saturday. Mr. Chonowoth Is tho picsldont of tho Irrigation dlstilct nnd wns in town on business connect ed with tho prospective development. Tho goiiertil plan for tho Irrigation of tho Grandvlow country wns out- linort in Tho Ilullctln last fall. Ono of tho first pieces of business to bo ntteuded to bv tho Joffcrson countv court, after tho final decision of tho Supremo Court In favor of the coun ty, waB to order an election on tho question of tho formation of nn Ir rigation district ns provided under tho lnws of tho state. Tho olcctlon was held about two weeks ago, re sulting In nn overwhelming victory for irrlgatlonlsts. They nro now proceeding with tholr plans. According to Mr. Chonowoth, tho estimates mado by Goorgo 8. Young, of Rond, nro now to bo submitted to Stnto Engineer LowIb nnd, following action by him", nn election will bo hqld to voto bonds for tho project. Then, ns soon as tho bonds can ho Isold and tho money mndo nvallnblo. construction work will bogln. Somo 12,000 ncres nro to bo reclaimed. Mr. Young has been retained ns con struction engineer. In addition to his position with tho lrrlgntlon district, Mr. Chonoweth Is president of tho Buttles I.ako Im provement Co., nnd of tho Motollus Irrigation & Powor Co. Ho formerly lived. In Wnllown county, In eastern Orogon, being promlnont In Irriga tion nrfnlru thoro whoro ho helped to put through tho Alder SIopo Irri gation Ditch. Mr. Chonowpth was opposed to county division Inst fall but, as ho puts It, since his defent an n county commissioner of Juffor- soii county, ho has become a firm con vert. TO SAW RYXOVHMRKR Whllo as jet no announce- nient has been mndo ns to tho location of the Shcvlln saw mill, Joim u. icynn, when Interview- cd yestcrdnj. said, "You mnv say this, tho Shovlln peoplo will bo snwlng lumber by tho first of November." When asked whero, ho snld, "Wo know." MEETING IN AID OF SISTERS IS masons' visit prinkvimi:.- A pnrty of Rend Masons wont to Prlnevillo Saturday nftornoon to nt- tpnil a meeting of tho lodgo thoro thnt night. Thoso who mado the trip woro Oeorgo S. Young, J. C. Rhodos. C. M. McKay. II. E. Allen, K. M Thompson, J. H. Corbott. F. O. Minor nnd It. V. I'olndexter. Fol lowing tho meeting suppor wns serv ed, tho Rend men starting on their roturn trip early Sunday morning. MRS. KM.IS I.V.IURIR). Whllu hanging a clonk up In n closet Inst night Mrs. H. C. Ellis turned her nnltlo nnd foil against n shelf Buffering painful Injuries. Two ribs wore broken and a, thlid torn from Its fastening, neccc'tntlng her couflnoinont to tho houso for somo tlmo. Mr. Ellis was at his ofllco nt tho tlmo of tho accident and had to I summoned by tolephono. A Number Will Attend From Rend County Commlvdoucr Oierlutf Will Ro Speaker Rand Will Oo Tho Mny day gathprlng, arranged by tho Sisters Fair Association for Saturday, to arouse Interest In the fnlr for tho romlng fall, will bo large ly attended by people of tho West side. According to tho plans of tho Sls tors peoplo tho affair will begin with a luncheon which thoy will provide to ho served on tho banks of Squaw creok, nenr town. In enso of stormy woathor tho gathering will nssomhle In ono of tho halls not fnr nwny. Fol lowing tho luncheon thoro will bo Epenklng by representatives of tho different sections. It Is reported thnt efforts nro be ing mado In Redmond to Bond nn un usually largo dolcgntlon to Sisters, presumably In n further effort to win support for tho union high Hchool movement which tho Sisters peoplo nro looking nskanco at. Just how many will go from Rend is not known. A number of car owners hnvo Blgnlflod their Intention to go ovor, nnd It is planned to tnko as many of tho baud members ns pos sible, neither tho Redmond nor tho Sisters bands bolng organized this spring. Tho local commltteo has se lected County Comml8slonor Ovoiturf ns tho speaker from Ilond. All who cnu do so nro urged to attend. Rccnuso of tho Slstors pnrty thoro will bo no Commercial Club luncheon on Saturday. HELP THE CHOSE OF EDUCATON LOCAL MEN DONATE TO COUNTY fc Cail HoKclicr and C. W. Wnlkcr Ffn. l by .lust Ice of Tho Poaco Eiutci Friday nud Satuiday nro I tuny !in In the iocnl Court. B. FERRELL President E. M. LARA Cashier Grass and Garden Seeds TO IMMUiMHS I'miu Sum WiiiiIm (o Know Wliore Our Sceni'iy Is Situated. Porhnps you think you know wlmrc tho Three Sisters nro. Just the lorn. tlou of Mt. Jofferson, whWtlAi K&tjf-l Hon of Urokeii Top Is, and of Thrni Fingered Jack, and of nil tho other mountains that mako tho western sky lino such n wondnrful view:' "All ono needs to do," you say, Ma Just to look ovor to tho west from nlmoet any point in town, unit tlierci nro tho mountains. For somo of them you may havo to go ovor on the n'de of Pilot Ilutto, but jou know whoro thoy are." Well, you aro right. You do know wheio they are but Uncle Sam dooa not nnd he's going to find out. 'Iho dlfforonco Is thnt you know whole thoy are for pitrpoHon of sconory nnd ho wants to know nbout thorn geo graphically. To get the Information ho Is going to hnvo W. I). Johnson, of tho Portland Forest olllco eomo down horu this summer and do n lit tie trlangulntlon work In order learn tho exact googrnphlral location of this portion of our scenery. Mr. JohnBon came to town yester day and went to Slstors with Forost Supervisor Morrltt and W 1., Spront to make n preliminary Invi-Htigation. Proceeding on tho nssumptlon thnt the mora education thoro la tho less law hronklng thoro will bo, the Ore gon statutes provldu that all fines levied hi tho Jttstlco courts nhnlKbo paid Into tho county school funds. In this manner, It Is ohsorvod, crlmo becomos solf offnclng, slnco tho pay ments It makes for tomporury exist ence go townrd tho support of tho permanent dlsclptlna of tho schools. On this theory there ought to bo In Crook county somo $35 worth morn education nnd less mlsbohar lor during tho coming year, this amount, unoxpected hi tho December budget estimates, having been realiz ed by tho county ns HncB which woro lovled la Justlco Enstos' coutt last weok. Tho patrons of education woro Carl Holschor nnd C. W. Wnlkor, who conduct n bakery nnd a restaurant, respectively In tho Myers building on Ilond htreet. Tho first contribution, $10 In' amount, wns mndo by Walker on Fri day. In n vny It lum a double odu cntlonnl vntuo. In nddltlou to Its nor vlco to tho county, It taughl tho con tributor thnt onco Juilgo Enstos has said what the line Is you cannot nrguo him out of It. Or putting It nuother wny, you can nrguo nil you plonso with "Jim" Eastos, but you cannot with Mudgo Knntcs uuless you want to pay for tho conversation. What tho Juilgo says, goes, IloUchor Joined Wnlkcr ns a coun tv bonofnrlor on Saturday, paying $10 for tho privilege, nlrendy mi stimed, of Joining In a brawl with him, whllo Wnlkor. not to bo out done, chipped In $lt more, this tlmo without argument. Tim trouble which led to the two nppenranros in tho local Justlco court has apparently been growing between ,tha two meatfly sqpio Onw, On Frl" dny It enmo to n bend nnd forn time tholr storo roHombled n bnttla ground In Flanders, catsup bottles, plntoH, pics, revolvers nnd other deadly weapons Hying through tho nlr. Following tho fracn Holschor' sworo out n warrant itcnliiHt Wnlkor who wiih lined $10 by Judge Hastes nnd tho line suspended. Then ho learned thnt tho suspension wns not permanent, as related above, und paid up. On Snturdny the nunrrol was re newed, this time both men being ar resled by Acting Marshal Nixon nnd locked up for the nftornoon. In tho evening they wero tried nnd fined, tho ovont running n closo second' to the picture show so fur as puhllo In terest was concorncd. MIIRARV (ilMH IIOOKH. Tho Rend Public Library has ro routly rocelvod the following books; Tho Real Truth About Oermany, by I) Slayton, The Eternal Values, by Hugo MuiiMtorburg, and In tho Ore gon Country, by O, P, Putnam. Per lb Per 100 Small lots lbs. Turkestan Alfalfa 22 $21.00 Fancy Alfalfa 21 20.00 White Clover . .- 55 Red Clover, Fancy . . ..21 20.00 Mamouth Red Clover ..23 21.50 Timothy ,...10 9.00 Kentucky Rlue Grass ..18 German Millet 08 C.C0 Canadian Field Peas.. .00 H C.50 Rroomo GraBS 20 19.00 , GARDEN SEERS. Por i lb. Per lb. Reims Strlngless G. P Golden Wax Ky. Wonder Reel Early Egyptian 30 Market Gardnor 35 Mangol Half Sugar ....20 Lanes Imp. Sugar ..,.20 Cabbage Dan Hall Head 50 Ea, Jer Wakefield ....50 Carrot Danvers Half Long ...25 Chantenay 25 Oxheart 25 Yellow Relglan 25 White Relglan ..25 .25 .25 .25 1.00 1.00 .50 .45 1.75 1.50 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 Corn Yellow Dent Ciicitmlcr Early Russian Lettuce Hanson ...., 35- Slmpson Early Curled .30 Onion Danvers Yellow Globe JO Rod Weatherfleld ....60 White Globe CO PnrMilpfc Hollow Grown 20 Guernsey Halt Long ..20 Pea American Wonder .,..10 Dwarf Tolephono ... ,.10 Little (lorn 10 Kmllsli French Rrenkfast 20 White Icicle 20 Crimson Giant ,30 Long Rlack Spanish . ..20 Turnip P. T. S. Leaf 20 Yellow Aberdeen 20 Rutabaga Sklrvlngs 20 White Russian 20 Kale, 1000 head 20 Rape Bend Hard-ware Co. Tho Company thot put the "Wear" in Murdwiiro The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.ECON i 17. C. COP., President E. A. BATHER, Vlco- I'lonldont I . S. HUDSON, Cushlor Capital fully puld - til.OOO Surpliii ai.OOO Are you going to the Fair? If you aro, obtain a supply of our AMERIGAN BANKERS TRAVEL ERS GHEGKS. May bo cashed at Banks or Ho tels without discount or identification. TFe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND rr -- DIRECTORS - ----- U. C. Cob K. A.Sathku ' s. Hudson O. M. I'ATTKKfcO.'J. II. f . KM.I8 m ' il I hi 1 , b tvni WmmMZ