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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1915)
iaok a. THK I1KN1) HULIiKTIN, I1KNI), 0UIC, VKINIC8)AY, FKWWAUY II, 101B. -. CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 4 SIKTICKS. (Spcctnl to The Bulletin) BISTHns, Koli. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Updllco nro at l.nldlaw for a short visit. Miss Kloronco Waldron was ft vis itor In tho vicinity of Lnldlaw Sun day. Goo. E. Altkon was In Redmond on business tho first of tho week. C. U Qlst mndo sovernl trips to Hcdinond with his car during tho week. this neighborhood this winter than has been experienced far sovornl years. It. H. Ilayloy wont back to tho Davis sawmill to work Saturday. H. Davis spent Sunday with his (oiks from tho saw mill. Ho reports flno wcathar up at tho mill. Miss Mary Gibson gavo a birthday party at her homo last Saturday oven tag. A very pleasant tlmo was spout by nil. Miss Elphn Gibson Is Rotting along lino with her school at Clovordalo and About 15 from Slstors attondod "kes tho work very much. tho basket hall garao la Uedtnond on Friday night. Gus Arensen and Miss llnnl Tnm ploten spout Sunday at tho Koppang homestead ton miles north or Slstors. 11. I.. Tono, who has been In Now York for tho past two months, Is ex pected homo shortly. A new 300 pound noil was Installed Mrs. Knickerbocker Is snondlng tho weok end with her daughter Rachel la Uond. John Mohtenstorn wont to work at tho Davis sawmill last Saturday. Mr. Hclmholtx of Cllno Falls was In this neighborhood last week on business. Mrs. Guy McCalllstcr Is Improving In thn liolfrv of tho Prnslivtnrlnn SlOWiy, church tho last of tho week. The IMalnvtow Sunday school has Mr. ud Mrs. F. M. Zumwalt and not bron very successful this year as daughters were Redmond visitors for they cannot decldo on what tlmo to n rw ,vn in wont i have It so all can get thero on tlmo. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Duckott nccom- Kvorybody Is expecting good crops pnnled by tholr sen and daughtor noxt year an tho snow Is lying on so wore in Redmond Friday, returning long In this .neighborhood. Rninr.iiv I Tho V. C. T. U. met with Mrs. nrt OnhortiA esm In from Reott Chalfan lost week. As tho woothor lako Friday where ho Is ongaged In was bad only a few attended but they trapping. Ho brought In 22 martin report a vory good meeting and an celts of vorr good Quality. Curtis Ilallor. who loft hero In No vember for Philadelphia on n busi ness and ploasure trip, sailed from that point on tho 28th on tho now steamer Groat Northern for Portland via tho Panama Canal. Quite a number of friends of J. V. Dennis, proprietor of tho Hotel Sisters, tendered him a comploto sur- enjoyablo tlmo. They will meet on Wednesday, Fobruary 10, with Mrs. Will Lovcront. The Lttorary Club gavo a small program and 'a debate last Friday flight and a vory good tlmo was re ported. Noxt Friday will bo a taffy pull. Everybody como and bring some sugar. Mrs. Myrtlo Scoggln wns on tho nrlA Wo,tno,1nr nlsht liV rathnrlnir Sick list last Week but U bottom OW. st the hotel to speid tho evening. I Meotlnirs aro holing held by Rov. TVmMnr nrf Mriin worn lndulcod In Smith and.Rov. Sllvernnll at tho until tho small hours of tho morn- Plain vlow school house this week. Ing. Two games of baskot ball wcro plaved lost weok between the Slstors and Redmond teams with tho honors breaking eves. The game at Red STAUFFKK. Rneclsl to Tho Bulletin) STAUFFBR, Jan. 29, Mrs. Geo, mend Friday flight resulted In a vie- Edo Is spending. thin weok with hor ton- for tho Redmond team with a ' daughter. Mrs. J. K. Smith, who is score of 29 to 13 and the Saturday 111. night gamo In Sisters resulted In a I Notice has been rocelvod that the victory for tho home team with a T.ako county health officers hnvo or Ecoro of 25 to 22. I dered all dogs In this county nine- Tho lecture scheduled to bo g'ven sled on sccount of hydrophobia lir A. O. walker Thursday evening, among the coyotes. Sho Is Rotting along vory well now although sho cannot walk on It yot. Wo nro having somo flno weather out this way tho last tow days. j Ml 1,1.1 CAN. (Special to Tho nullotln.) MILMCAN. Jan. HI. Tho Home steaders' Development Asooclntton hold tts second meeting at tho resi dence of Eric Ilnstelnnd January 29, and took up the matter of n slto for i ii. jonn- tho demonstration farm M.rABt 4 ft smkab h r tut nlnnlftil with Marcus wheat was aecoptod. Mr7 woro, cn,ln1r Rt tH0 Conoway homo way to Hond from StnulTor Wodnes day. Frank Uorwlts spent Friday nftor uoon nt L. (loudmnn's. George Mllllcan Is n county sent visitor. John Arnold and htn brothor-ln-law, Andrew Smith, passed through hero ournuto to Hampton, stopping horo on tholr way out, Tuosday night. Harney Conoway has erected nn addition to his homo. Horaco White, William Sponcor, Fred Klger and Mr Kdolsteln helped his put It up Mrs. Thos. Moffott. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Lnwronco and Mrs. Agnoa Roon- tho fuodlng grounds at Mr. Rhodes Wndnomlny, whoro thuy wilt bo fed thrpuRh tho winter mouths. 8. 1). and W. 0. Mustard returned Thursday from OakuHdnln, Wnnlt., whoro thoy nttondod tho death bud of tholr father. Whnt Is known nn tho Alton plnco west of J. A. lllKKH has boon runted THE WHITE IS KING Johnson will also enclose a nwllorilh wk. , plot with rnbblt wire which will bo' Cloorgo Mllllcan visited at tho Con- February 4, has been postponed until February 11. HAMPTON. Another surprise was given C. J. Stauffer when a number of peoplo oamo for a dnnco Saturday night. A very quiet wedding occurred at Lakevtow Inst week when Miss Hazel Hubbard became Mrs. Charles Dar- fRnoclal t0 The Tltitletln! HAMPTON, Jan. 28 Miss Hnnah rah. Dunn of Imper'al spent last Friday Gus McLouth Is out at Dcnd this bight weok with Miss Dsrlo nurton. I week. Thoo on the sick list are Dan' John Pratt Is down ninety feet la McArthur, Mrs. C. U. Harmon. Mrs. his well and hasn't water yet. Ueesle Harris. Mrs. Luclnda Black,) Fred Overall visited at the Drowns' Harold Fogg and Durr niack. . ' at Pleasant Valloy on Sunday. Miss Era Crow entertained Miss Mr. Williams of Rolrat was down Smith and O. A. Dill of Imperial and at the dance Saturday night Mr. Couch on last sundav, A. T. Frame returned home Satur day nf'cr spending a few weeks with his wife In flMd. Dsn McArthur, Durr Black nnd C, 1 1 OILS K RIDGE. fSneclal to The Bulletin) HORSE RIDGE. Jan. 28 Jack 1). Harmon and wife spent Friday Cllngan and son, Snencor, returned with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harrison, lyas'erdar from n nineteen day trip A. T. Shaver Is In Hampton for a to tho high desert, fow days. I Lumber Is being hauled this week Mr. nod Mrs. Fred MlHer hevo for a now school house at the west cone to neud for a couple of months, end of horse ridge. L. W. Davis was n visitor nt tho JOST CREEK. ' Dow Wlllcv hwncstexd oo.Tucsday. I Mr. nod Mrs. Kllparlck xnent fSrwwM tn The Bulletin.) Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Christ LOST CKKRK. Jan. 2. Mr. and Andorson. Mr. 8. J. Hubbard nd daughter Monday a'tcrnoon Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilszel were business visitors In Lake- Kllpatrlek, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson view a short time ago. ad Miss Aha Cllngoa took a ride V. D. Harris killed a ooyote In tho over to the Ico cave near Mrs. barn with his horsos. Brown's. Thn manv friends of Mr. and Mrs. Little Marv Cllnean had hor foot C J. Stauffor eave them n surprico hurt last week. WhUo playing near lot '"o A. n. vorto" nomo j-runv. last Saturday night. All had a vory a rook pllo bor brother dislodged a Mr. nnd Mrs. Will'nm apd ! Mloyablo time,. ' reck nnd It rolled down on hor foot, dren stooped horo over night on tholr Press DoWItt snnt Sunday with . - his brother Ben and family nlanted to swoot clovor nnd alfalfa Whatever tho club docldos to plant will bo undor Instructions from County Agriculturist Lovott who ox poets to visit the plat onco each month If possible. As It Is tho Inten tion of tho Association to have 40 acres In axporlmontnl crops. A. D. Norton offered 30 acres more which will bo summer fallowod end put In to croit noxt fall by tho Association. I. D. Owon, chairman of tho commit tee on roads outlined two different roads, one loading to tho Paulina Forest and the othor to Pino moun tain. All settlors through whoso lands these proposed roads will cross wlll'nglv gave n right of way. A commlttoo was appointed to Investi gate tho onenlng of tho road from tho Bend-Burns road north to Juni per hill. It was voted that each member pav a foe of 10 cents to cov er Incidental oxnoaflei. Tho noxt meeting of tho club will bo held on February 13th nt Eric Hnstoland's ranch. William Spencer. Fred Klger nnd Horaco Whlto wore dinner guests nt Barney Conowny's Tuosday. Mrs Thos Moffett colloiVon Mrs. A. D. Norton Friday. Mrs. A. A. Gllmoro drovo to "" west end to anend tho day wun friends Snturduy. A. D Norton and Lou ooodnn returned from Bend Friday after snondlng several days there. Barney Conoway snot n oow i- IrnBlnc to Georco Mllllcan wnicn showed signs of havnc rabies. aln rabid coyoto near Pino Mountain Thunulav, William Socncor. F. O. Klger nnd T, p. Roonor were Bend business onl- lore the past week. Mrs. Martha Fraor apnt nn nr tnrnoon at tho Moffett home last week. WHMam Todd tok o nlrtnrn of tho school and children Wdnedav. Mr. Todd has taken sovoral fine views of thn VRllr lately, Ben Goodman came over from his hnmtcad tn vl't hi nrints, Mr nnd Mr. I Goodman Srturdny. nay Cleveland, who visited with n, E. Davis wid famllv lst wok. has Pled on a hnmootad here. M' flev eland sent for hlR wife and rhl!denj to come to nnu wnere no win rriue until he builds n cabin on his home stead. The school chlld'en and '' n number of other local talent Till rive n tilay at P. B. Johnson's Fe'niarv 22nd. After the program n lox so clsl will bo given, tho proceeds going toward our school. Mrs. Thos. Mofett. nn a caller nt the B. E. Davis home MoMi. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. N"rn and fatnllr and M'. ind Mrs. B. B. T)nvs nnd fsmlW. F. O Klser otd Frank t'aen "-o d'fvr.r prnoti at the hnme of Mr. and V. fonownv Bnn rtnv. Jk'tur a VA-" flne rnfwil I'm nr. tr w entortalnod b vornl delight ful 'elections oi a gmphonhone. Miss Ruth Cnnownv wss n caller Archie Smith went to Lakcvlew nnd fl'ed on the claim oast of his father's. C. A. Darrah and Miss Harcl Hub bard were mrrlpd nt LaVevlew Jan uary 14th. Their maw fr'ends Join In iuHni them a long nnd happy wedded life. , . S. I. Hubbard Is building a houso for C. Darrah. HAMPTON IIUTTE. fPneftla! to The Bulletin.) HAMPTON ULTTTR. Jan 27. Ttnv ace Brookings and Vie Johnson took a truck out to Bend Monday. Fred Miller nnd famllv have moved to Bond for several months. Mrs. Oscar BuUeln Is on the slok list. A. M. Lara reentered at the Brook IngB Hoti last Thursday night. ' J. Drlckoy came over from Pleas ant valloy wl'b wit wood saw and. tawed woid fr Hornce Broolncs nnd Bert Moeks, Jim Brown and Os car Black helped then. Djiyo Dunn brought In well casing for C"ls T'nner last Monday. A T. Sbavpr wgs a buKlnrss visitor in this vicinity last Monday. Mrs llevt Meeks called on Mrs. Frpd Miller last Monday. ' Mrs. Horaco Brookings left last Ti'e'sday for Lucas. Kansas, to visit with her father and other relatives. I Rhn exnects to bo gono a month. W. B. Pratt of Stauffer passed , through hero yesterday on his way to Hampton. Quite a snow storm Is visiting this section today. PLAINVIEW. fSpeclal to The Bulletin) 1" MNVIEW, Feb. 1. Mrs. Mvrtle Pccj!fins wr r caller nt the Willow Brook ranch Mondav. H. Sco;gln and bis sUter Mrs. Hy. r"8 went to Portland Tesdav. Mr. Cvrus took them to Redmond in his car. Orovor Pulllam stepped on a nail and ran It In hla fpot recently, so he Is unablo to be about much at pres ent. Mrs. Dv aid M. Vsn Tanll called on Mr, d.iicv v'lnkln Tesdsv. We aro having colder weather in USE THE NEW Bend Flour Mill Ccx Deschutes Spray and True Blue ; fThe leading brands of patent flour. Ask your grocer for them. Large quantities of Shorts,. Bran, Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at ' all times. SEED Seed Wheat and Rye in several va rieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. ' A, J. KROKNERT, 'President-Manager. bwny homo Friday. POWELL IIUTTi:. fSnorlnl to Tho Billultn) POWELL BUTTE, Fob. 1. John Tuok sold n load of hogs to tho Rod mond Warohouso Company on Tuos day. It Is reported that Mr. Oroy has sold tho Elsler placo to a man front Missouri, who with his family, will move on tho plnco as soon ns ho can. Mrs. N. P. Alloy entortalnod n number of neighbor women nt her homo Wcdnesdny. A dinner follow ed by an aftornoon dovotod to needle work wcro the prominent features of tho day. Present wore Mrs. J. J. Chapman and children, Miss Lucy Pooro. Mrs. L. W. Van Doron, Mrs. Guy Soars, Mrs. R. L. Mooro and Ruth nnd Mrs. a. C. Truoidalo and Dorothy. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. O. Humphrey and Glenn were visitors nt tho county seat Wednesday. N. P. Alloy returned from Opal City Thursday whoro ho had bocn do ing nomo carpenter work for n fow days. Reeves. Wlllcoxon and M'ss 8uo Hall wore visitors at Prlnovllto Wed nosdny. Mr. Houston tho Prlnovllto sheen man brought out a bunch of sheep to TaiiiaBsyasliillBBnHi ii r''T"l,,l,'-3' smh mmi KisJIExpxjBktW'lkTIV In a Mr. Wolln and family who nro preparing to move out right uwny. Mrs. 10. A. Ilttiflott and Miss I-'ny and (llndva Pauls enmo out from Prlnovllto Fildny for n wook anil vlo " "llli homo folks, returning Satur day. The fifteen yonr old son of Mr. and Mrs, TIiom. IloiiHton wiih surloimly In jured Frldny when hla elothliiK bo emtio ontnnglad In tho maohliiory of a liny cutter which lie wns holplng to opornto at tho ICdw. Williams plnco, nnd ha wns so severely lncnratnd that for a time It was feared ho could not recover. Dr. Edwnrds of Prlnovllto nttondod thn lad's Injuries' which hu found to bo numerous, tho most Hor loiis being a badly broken Jaw. Mrs. W. G. Mustard nnd ohlldron returned to tholr home In Bond Hat ui day after n two wuekn visit nt thn 8, I). Mustard home, during which (Continued on pngo 7.) Ti ITiT-lt-a ThoIU-STnll-roumlFanlly Sowinc Mnchlnu that curt b produced, Mndo In Imth ROTARY nnd VIBRATOR ntylcs. Tho rotnry makes boh LOCK nnd CHAIN ntitch. Tho latest up to tho rnlnuto steel attach ments with ench muchlno. Sold on cnay pnymenta. Sond nnmo nnd addrusA for our beautiful II. T. catn Iokuu froc. While Sewing Machine Co. 619 Morchnnts National Bank I)ldtc Snn Frnncisco, Cnllfornln ----- UTe Lafollette Nursery Co. Princvillo, Oregon CENTKAL OREGON'S NUK5ERV yjg'jttT ? Girr OUT of the rut. It's only a habit to do nil our trading at tho larjtor towns. Let us spend our money at homo where It will do VH tho most Rood. ItK.MKMIlKIt n 20 cent phono inesinKa will transact a lot of business and savo IM)LMIIH. P. B. Johnson k Ml I.I.HUN. OltlHJON m EVERV DOLLAR VOO PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND stays here: Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are siftisficd. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. ir BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE We Control and Have For Sale, at the BeSt Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE, . Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies fc ii LIST YOUR PR.OPKRTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUll OUTSIDE Offlces and Agents Better Enahle Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash, 4 J.