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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1915)
THE IlICNI) IIUM.KTIN, IIISXIJ, OIII3., WKDNHBDAY, JANUARY 10, lOttt. I'AOE n. fr. t IP : i Rules for Raising the Dairy Calf II)' A. l, Lovett, (Sillily AuMtiiKiiiM, Without iloulit dairying will jirovu uua Of Uiu inujor funning ayMtouiH for irrollt tit thlH HMiiun of orn(iii, it 19 ItlijiOHHlhla for inoKt fm-tnnm to ' uraliilii iiiiih IiiimI nr raMirtl tiriuik tiig nlifinlii for tliolr fiMimliitlnn fltOOU. Our limit inttlinil of gotllng into un dairy ihiriiimm li (o inir tii iHftt oown wo on ii afford and iih tlio mi (iliro tirad IiuIIh oIiIhIiiiiIiIii. Itvon folio win k tiiln inatiioii n ii iiMMMrr Ittft we Klvo Uiu caivwi urn cart tu Wake tliom thu liiMt tirodncHrM, Onn of liter ntHiiMMMry tlilnga In rnlliij oaIvim fur tin dairy In keen flig (lifltu liwilthy anil continually grow I iik. TIiIh inimt lie Mono with (Tu much cIimm food oh Ik iiomIIiIo. Wo Hhoulil nlni to IncrMuio lliolr en Uholty niul vigor ratliwr than to ninkii pioin faL Clou attention to (latatla IB MtiluetliiR foods" mill feeding tlilirn U vnry uixoMnry. Tlmy iiuiRt hnvo VarlutleR of feuds but nil oliatiKCH In tt'od nnut ho inntlo gradually. Full CalVOR Will piiy iH'Ht In thin Rootloit for not only has tlio fnrmar nioro Umo for lending tho calves during tlio winter nut nm uniry iirouucis bring n hotter nrlaafet tlio iuuiio tlmo. Dust roMulttt with dolry calves nro obtained throiiuli linmlfoedlng, not nllowlntt tlio cnlf to nuno longer than two days mid tiRiinlly onn day. Thoy should hu tnuKht to drink warm Wlmlo milk from tho pall Riving nlKiut throo nnd n Imlf pounds nt blood tumpnrnturo throo times per dny. At Iho nnd of tho find week calves may ho foil Iwlno n day, giving nhotit six potiniU each food nnd sub stituting about ono half pound nktm milk for tlio miiih amount of wholo nillk oaoh dny until nothltiK hut aklm inllk In fuil. A mil fill otinnUty of groin Huoti hh imt inehl or llnx huuiI gruJ Rboulil iw Ritdail to tlio mllkj mh dm proportion of nkttn tnlllc In creama, Tlioaa oxpotwlvo grains limy Iih rupUeed with olisnpor oiioh nflr the oalf Ih tli re or four wanka old. Tlmy Rlinuld hnvo liny mid u llttlo crushed grain wlivrn tliey enn oat It k tlmy wIhIi, ho tluil tlmy will loam to cat the conrnor foailii. Wliulu milk iinlwm too rlrli Ih mi Ideal ration for nnlviw but It In too oxpanalvo mid Urn skim milk with n llttlo grain I n vory court suutfltuta, Alfalfa hoy, oil rnko. bran or blood iiihnI nro pure supplntnuntnl foods for skim milk, Kround oats, oat meal, (lax need or otlinr fatty feeds nro especially suitable after Improvluir tho nklm milk for Iho yoiui aalvon. Tho rnlvvN ahould bo woll hoimml until thoy linvo bcon plnCod on tho (iklni milk, Krnln nnd tiny. Until thin tlmo tho milk ahould bo huntod to blood tumpnraturo and tho pulU waanoa onnituliy. Tho milk Hliould bo wnlfihod boforn foodlnK tho flrnt month; mars harm la duo throunh ovor fooilliiK thnn under foodlntc and n oniio of acoura Indlcatca too much feed or usually momia food Id too rich. After thoy nro n month old thoy ahould liavo tho run of a Rood pnnture, In thla way obtaining conld ornblo bulky food and dovolopln; n Inrgor dlKcutlvu cnpnclty. Calvo thut hnvo aulllclont clean wtiolononio food, frowh air, puro wntor, aunahlno, unit and wood oxnrcbio and that nro roKulnrly foil nnd kopt In dry quar tern aro vUorotu nnd will row Into largo hoalthy producltiR cowr. (lion mul Alien DIckorHOti nnd li. DliiRinoro took dlnnor with Mr. nnd Mm. (Ino, Curry on Clirlntmnn day. Mm. J. If, Ktelufoldt nnd cblldron vlHlted with Mm. C. K. nnd Mm. II. 0. Klolnfoldt ovor ChrlHtrufiB, Mr. nnd Mm, Oco. Curry enter' tnlnud n utimbor of tholr iiclghbom Now Yonr'M diy. TIioro priwont woro William Hot horn mid hoii Marrll, MrH. J, K. Ilothorn, Mrrf. Ilnzol Nyo, 14. Dlimmoor, Mr. nnd MrH. W. M. Dlekormu mid family, A. 0. Dlokor buii, Mr. mid Mm. J. If. Klolnfoldt mid fnailly, Mr. mid Mra. 0. H. Kloln faldt, Mm. II. 0. Klolnfoldt, nnd J. H. I'niilknor. Of nil llio good thlnga to cat thoro van not any mlmtlng. The dnnco nt Curry'a qulto n ruccouh, ovorybody In thn volley wa tlicro mid koiiio from tho outoldo. Tho now orchofltra furuUliod the inu hIc Mm. II. 0. Klolnfoldt wait quite nifffOftlily aiirprUnd Uat I'rldny, It ImiIiik bor 00 Hi birthday annivomnry wlinn the rolkfl nrrlved with well filled bRRkotii. The Klolnfoldt Ilroff. are building a twi! aled and uxpect to have It II n iMhad In time to tako the crowd down to the dance In thu "Hlnk oo-ntry. Hlelghlng at prwiont la flue. . imv1- POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pace 3) raw man, 1r sawing wood In UiIr icctloii thl wook. (lront Rtrlngi of wild gccRo wnro ticon to pata ovor thin Roctlon tho nnit few davR all hondrd rouUi. Mr. and Mr. McMleklo. of Hod- mond, woro vlsltora In thla footton Bundny. Mra. ICtta Arnold and aon Kverett ' of llund, entile out Hundny to look after tholr cnttla which nro being wintered bore. fleo. Hoblm vltltod In Itond Hovaral Any lnut week. Mr. nnd Mra. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd Harriett were Haturdny ovenlng vlt Horn In ltcdniond, whero thoy took In tho alinw. Mr. and Mra. W. K. Young of Hod- tnond vUlted at tho wlllcoxon homo Tuendnr afternoon. J. U aibion took two loada of Iiorr to Hodmond Monday. Itcuvca Wlllcoxon wnn hnat nt n dlnnor party Hundny evening whon ho entertained Menara. 0. II. Itoo, den. llobli. Goo. Morgun and Alton WIIN coxnn. Wn aro glad to report tho rapid Improvement of Ouy Soara who hn ' been III for notno time. Leo Hoblm waa a Ilond vliltor out this way Friday. Mlia Huale llnll la In from Portland or a vlnlt with her brothor K. N. Hall and family. Itnovea Wlllooxon hna moved J. P. Dohorty'a furniture to Ilcdtnond, Mr. Doberty having wild hla place to Mr. "Ormia nnd gone to Portland tp loonte Lee HobtHi linn moved hlR famllv to Ilond wboro thoy will remain until Mr. Ilnbba mnkoa Home needed Im prnvomenta on hla Powell llutto farm. Tho llobba' formerly lived on tho Tom I.nngdoii placn which waa Rold recently to Portland pnrtlQR. A wall attended fnrmor'a mooting waa recently held at thn Wllnon ncliool houao, when tho largo order of atryclinlno won dUtrlbtttod. Mcmm. Hllver and Crick, tho imvornment mon who nro temporarily loonted at Prlnovlllo, wero In ntiondnnco an wsro Mr. Lovott and Mr. Hyora of Itedmond tho formor gave an In tercHtlng talk on tho aubjoct of lo. cnl organization. Annthor meeting will ho held aoon when nil nro ex pected to report tholr aucceaa at polRonlng tho Jock rabblta. Tho Powoll llutto Improvement Ioaguo waa tho namo choaen for tho organization which had Ita birth nt a aettlora' meeting nt tho WlUon flchoul liouoo recently. Any jiernon owning Innd or n realdont of thla aectlon la entitled to momberBhlp In tho League and It Ir believed that much loonl betterment will reaull from tlilt organized movement. Of ftcerR elected wero na followR: John Tuck, prealdont; O. C. Trueadnlo, vlco prculdont; J. V. Hlc, recrotary-troaRurer. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It la n fireproof building It la thoroughly modern It U comfortable, coiiimodlotu, clean- ItOO.MH FItOSI 50 CENTS UP The nnntn of nil nte Ratlifled well at Tin: witiaiiT iiotkl Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL nUSINESS AND PKOFKSSIONAL DIUECTORY. IIOItKUT II. GOUM) Civil Engineer ffi) llend Oregon 11. II. D a A It M 0 N D hAWXKll Orogon Btreet. IJend. Oregon HOnnitT W. 8AWVKII NOTAIIV P fit MO Hullotln Office, Ltend, Orogon H. 0. BLLI8 Attnrnoynt-frfiw United Matcn Commliiiloner KIrt National Hunk Iltillding IJBND, OIIHQON J. II. Iloll A. W. Hlmn C'JtOOK COUNTV AIIHTUACrr COMPANY f Incorporated) fluccoKRorn to Thn J. If. Haner Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Ore. AtHitrnctR Inmiranro Dll. J. II. CONNARN l K N T I ft T Office In Bather Ilullding. Houro 0 to 12. 1 to G. ftundaya nnd orenlnga by Apnolntment. W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DKNTIST Offlco Ovor Poctofllco Dond, ... Oregon IH t. -i i i WILLAHD II. WIIITZ bAWYKIt Prlnovlllo, Oregon. rz nitv ii.i(i:. (Hpocln: to Tho Ilullntln.) DIIY LAKK, Jan. 8. Knrl Chat man and Mlaa Street from Iluck Crook paaaed through hero Friday bound for Warm Kprlnga. A number of Dry Lnko folks nt tended tho opening dance given nt Prlnglo Flnta Now Year's ave. Mr. Wlnslow from lluck Creek waa n week ond visitor here. Illll Pausch from Ibox spent Sun day nt thn Peterson ranch. Mlsa Vernlo Oarakn spent Monday afternoon visiting friends at tho Pet erson ranch. Mr. Popo tnndo a short call at tho Wilson ranch tho foro part or tho week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson from Otasa llutto Mr. nnd Mra. Wlnslow from Iluck Creek, W. Street from Iluck Creek woro among tho ninny who punned through hero on New Year's Imund for tho dnne given nt Prlngle KIs'm In the evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.omka and ohlldron worn Drv I.ako visitors tho foro part of the week. C. Ivy was a Harries caller tho foro part of tho week. I'. Ilackloman made n pleasant call nt tho Qnrsko ranch Wednesday. CENTRAL OREGON'S FmB MFE accident, . .T TcT.m 7 . PLATE OMBH, AUTOMO- Lesdlnf INSURANCE Agency uile, suhety donds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY,) L0ts $150to $350 TERMS: $5 Cash and $3 Monthly HEIGHTS OROKLA J. A. EASTES Offlro on Oregon Street 2IENI), :-t OIIEGON 0. 8. BENSON Attorney At L-avr Benson Building, Wall Strcot Bond, Oregon. O. P. N18W0N0EII, Bond, Ore. UNDKIITAKEK JJrenscd Kmbalmer, Fnncrnl Director. Phono. Lady Assistant. lir.MKTAD VALLEY! (Special to Tho Bulletin) HEMSTAD VALLEY. Jan. 9. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Dlckoraon, Headquarters for Commercial Men lilcctrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Oood. Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUQH O'KANC, MANAQSn BEND, OREGON Oood Meals i All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of here VERNON A. FORBES LAWYKIt First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon DR. R. D. STOWELL N'aprapaihlc. PlirMchui Offlco over Miller Luinto- Co. Wall Strcot Hours 9 to C Phono Rod 61 J. E. Eflgebretsoi Plumbing ami Heating Bend, Oregon OEOROE 8. YOU NO Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Bend. Room 6 First National Bank Building Representation before tho Des ert Land Board and State Engineer ROBERT CECIL W YD ANT Attorney at Law Irrigation Masonic Water Rights Building Desert Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Bend Lodge No. 218. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In B&th cr'a Hall. Visiting brother cordially welcome BERT SHUEY, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, SccreUrr. California THE LAND OF BUN8IIINE, FRUIT AND FLOWER8 CALLS YOU . WITH 8UMMEHTIMK IN WINTER Outdoor and Indoor Hporta Boating, HiirMlnthliig, Driving, Oolf, Polo, Tciinln, For Kent nnd Itecrvntlon, California la Delightful. For Bafoty nnd Comfort, go via tho OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. through Portland, HKTUHN THE 8AME WAY. CALIFORNIA 18 8TA0IN0 TWO BIO 81IOW8 v Colobratlng Completion of tlio Pmfnmn Canal PANAMA-PACinC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION finn Francisco, Fobrunry SO to December -1, 101(1. PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION Hait Dlcgo, January 1 to December 111, 10 in. a Thoy roprosont tho hlghost and boat of human endeavor In tho world of art, aolonco and Industry. Boo Both of Them, Tlckotu, information, etc., upon application to j, h. ooitiiErr, Agotit. O.-W, R. & N. Co. A. 0. EOAN, 1). I & V, A. ' Bend, Orogon, "" THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPAN J Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering-, Spouting-, Cornices and Skylights. ltOYAL NEIGHBORS OV AMEIUCA. Banner Camp No. 6931. Regular meetings second and Tuesdays, Sathor'a Hall. MRS. J. H. CONNARN, Oracle. Jiua. a. uhujtt Recorder. THIS PAPCR HEPRESENrCD FOR FOREIC.1 AOiTERTISIHCBYTHE Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants yE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD lb United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon J4if4it)f44)f)fiff)f444444)f4 J FURNISHED J OCNCRAL OFF1CC3 NEW VORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHCS IH ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES I ALTAMONT HOTEL J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating rnoNE 45i 117 SUNNESOTA 8THEET a Is It Done Right? Iwho 1 TT v) Tho most comfortablo hotol C In Dond. j Cotnraodlous, eteam hcatel, j woll furnished rooino wltu ? 5 running water. S S Oood, homo cooked meals ? i orred In dining room three S tlmea eVery day. i SHsa A. D. Spaldln. IVonrletor 4 j I1EN1I, OREGON If It U. Ut wll anousb alon. But un. Iwa it U up to th mark lo very dt(JI com and ua, LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEvVNINQ Put Your Duds In Our Suds" For Winter: WEAR got a pair of WORLD'S ' ' WORK SHOES WE also haro tho agency lor NAP-A-TAN Shoea for mon and boys, R. H. LOVEN Tho Shoo Ilepalr Man uond Stroet Ilond, Ore. f DRAYING Bead Hauling Co. K. N. PALMERTON Wood for Sale OOlco with R. IV Mlnter OIUco 1'hono Hlack 00 Residence Dlack 422 O'DONNtLL BROTHERS r r UNION MARKET 41.13-46-17