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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1914)
y Rod ttoiid lilllK' K0II1. With buy ntor IiIqh MfH. woro gypd K)iim "No fife I Tlllfl liWWii HUM.KT1N, J1KNI), OHE WEDNESDAY, DKCKMHKR Wf, 1914. VAOtS ft. .-FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR CROOK COUNTY : A Tho Bulletin roconlly callud to tho Attention of County Troamttor .Ionian tr'stntumoiit of Hi.) Ilnutiolnl comllllon of n nolKhhorliiK county n jtrlntoil In ft county iiuwupapor, nml n MiRgviitlon wiih iiiiuIo Hint n nlmlltii Mntntiinnt fur Oroolc county would ho.n ilualrolilo thing to nmko public. Mr. Jurduu nuriuul with tho hukkohIIoh uud furnlnhd tho followlnR Htiiluinont covorltw Hm hiiRinoMN of Mm olllco from Jnnunry 1, l&M to Boptoinhur 30, 11)14. ." . HUMMAltY OK COUNTY TJU3A8UUHIl'0 HKOHIPTfl. (BjaiaiaMaaiMMaaaawuaMHaaMMaarBaBMMHaiaHMMBMiaMV9iR3Bsi; s PUNI) AND PARTICOLARB Jt ' 1 J . .Jl a s Sh J 8,3 - - - i ... v t UICNHHAM llnlnnco Jitutinry 1, 1014 1W13 Tax Holla l'rlo 'rlor yours. Tnx oolloctlonii I'lncm circuit court FJtiow JuMtlco Court fooH Circuit Court Fiidn I'rolmto nnd county court.... FVes MnrrlnKo llcntisos . . . . jI'ooh l.liiunr llcenson .,.,,, ki Ushninn a'tii'sgi, In Intornntloniil liuv h hU-ro 1b ttiut dofliiftl by Oplieiiliclins "HIpro In colled the HiirroimdhiR nud Inn-Ming of nn enemy locality by nn armed force, cut IIiir urr thomt liuldo front nil com niunlmtlon for tho purpose of RlnrvltiR them Into inirrender or for tho purpose of iittuckliiR Hit' InvfHlod locnllly nnd tnkliiR It by iiMiiult. Iloiiihiirdrnutit l Ibu throH'luR f ithot find shell upon person nnd thlrwM by nrtlllcry. Hlejjo mny bo nccoinpniilcd by Ixitnbnrdmont nnd nxmiult. but till I not neccMfiry. since (i nl(w nmy Ixi carried out by mere InvcHtuicut nnd Btnrtntlon caus ed thereby," DHfsrtnc In Tim. A Jnrfle, slow footed dnrky trim lenn ORnliint the corner of tho railroad sta tion In n mnniifiictiirliiR town when tho noon tvhlstlo In the bl factory blew nnd the hnnd burrjed out. benr Iiir their Rriib bucket. Tho dnr'.y llotencd, with hi bend on one side, until the rocketing echo hml quite died iiwny Then he beared it deep kIrIi nhd remnrked to hlmnelf: "Dnr she ro Dinner lme fur some folk, but Jc' VI o'clock fur uio!" New York Times, QNB CI5NT A WORD I nil a little Wnnt Ad will cot yoii. Hhorlff 3' w Deeds, mortRAKo. etc ..... P'oon Miscellaneous interest ou doDooltn en In llountln itvcovurmi front Hinio laiiini mi tiottii Rotund on rond npproprlntlou Kstnln of John Moor ft Hcnlp llounty fund (Irnimfer) OHNKHAL IIOAO llnlnnco Jnnunry 1, 1014 .. TnxcM, pennlllp nnd Interoxt . I?ecnitM front Htato Motor Vehicle Fund U. H. S por cent I.nnd flale , HI'KCIAIi HOAD Ilnlanro January 1, 1014 ... llnlnnco Jnnunry 1, 1014 TaxoH, ponnllle nnd lutoront ...... Hocolpt from tho Hlnto I Common school Intorntt fund . . HI'IXIAl. flCMOOI. DIBTltlCTB llnlnnco Jnnunry 1, 1014 . . Tnxe. pnnaltle nnd Intoroat . 111(111 BC1IOOI.: llnlnnco Jnnunry 1. 1014 .. Tnxc. pennltlen nnd Interest . Halo of hook, dormitory, oto i UllltAIlY: llnlnnco January 1, 1014 .. Tnxc. ponaltln and Intaroit . COUNTY KAMI: llnlnnco January 1, 1014 Iloeolpt from Hlnto Apivortlonment of County Fund. . . IIOND8: Halo of bond for school Dint. No. 43, INTKKKBT ON llONDBt Itecclpt from (ehoola district for InturMt on bond , IIONf) ItKDKMin'ION'l llnlnnco January 1. 1014 ......... HlnklttR Fund Bohool DUI- No. 30.. CITIKH ANI) TOWNS: llnlnnco January 1, 1014 .. Tnxe. pnnnltlea and lntrot 8CAL1' IIOUNTYt 'Jlnlnnctv-Janunry 1, 1014 .. , IISBIITI'IIS: flnlnnco Jnnunry 1. 1014 llnlnnco Jnnunry 1. 1014 .... MADItAB If. Iliail HCIIOOL-4 inxes, ponntiic nnu tnivroi ...... , FIHI3 I'ATIIOI.: Taxes, Interest and penally i..4 ... . . TOTAIJJ 20010U3( iz;o87.o4 1.Q5T.0O aifkOO 252,00 2Q0.QO! 04. 1C 3,730.66 127.71 530.07 l,74(1.2b CiOO 7R.00 0.09 42.42 003.02 73"2.2J 73H.07 37,375,40 0,003.7(1 7C, 832.40 18,740.331 33S.11 28.07 077.58 10,000.00 MGl.fiO 360.00 SO.C40.G2f 2,480.77 732.00 f.,2 31.05 505.52 30,23 430.37 1,500,05 380.10 134,10 44.30 260.00 308.55 237.2S 100.84 23B,jPCj (412,200,40!) 1 13.000.50 i 5,231.05 2QU,IU1.72 12,087.54 ., 50.00 G.00 1.367.00 317.00J 252.00 200.00 04,10 3,730.65 127.71 530.07 1,740.26 5.00 75.00 0.00 42.42 (TO 6.5 2 003.G2 732.02 738.07 30.23 4,830.37 37,375.40 0,063.70 1,600.06 76,832.40 380.10 18,740.33 332.11 134.10 28.07 44.30 077.68 10,000.00 5,061.50 260.00 250.00 308.55 20.040.02 237.28 100.84 " Tso.oo 2,480.77 732.00 The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? BUSIRSS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOKV. ItOiJKIlT II. aovut aril ff KnRlnccr w i .'jiyt Ilcnd OreRon II. H, DoAHMOND ULWYKll Oregon Btrcot. Ilond, Oregon It I n flrcprtwf bulldlnR It I thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean- HOOMH FHOM 150 CKNT8 UP Tito want of nil nro atlMel well nt Tin: naiiT iiotkl Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL ROHBIIT W. SAWYER NOTAItY I'UItlIO Uullotln Ofllco, Ilend, Oregon H. C, 5 h L I S Attoniey-nt-fytrr t'nlted Htatim CMminlnsloncr First National Bank UulldlnB MEND, OREOO.V J. II. Moll A. W Alms CROOK COUNTY AllHTItACT COMPANY ( Incorporated) Buccessora to Tho J. II. lienor Abstract Co., Prlnerlllo, Ore. Abstract Insurnnco W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DKSTIHT Ofllca Over PoU)fflco Rend, ... Oregon WILLARD II, WIRTZ I. AW I'M R Prlnovllle, Oregon. $420,208.09 SUMMARY OF CGUJsTY TRHABUHBR'B DIBIIUHBHMENT8. For tho Period from January 1, to Boptombcr 30, 1014. FUND: Ualaneo In the County Trensury. flanornl fl06,OS6.S3!f(oitomlmr 30, 1014. to the orcdlt or General road 2,460.00 , tho varlou fund. flpoalal road I FUND: County aohool 32,341.00 Oonornl fund $ 30.100.43 Special Hohoot Ulst 74.770.38 (louaral road 640.23 Hlxlt school 16,584.00 Hprolul road 30.23 Library , .. 105.03 County school 10,630.00 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE OliAHB, AUTOMO. I1ILE, BUHLTY HON OS. CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY HEIGHTS OROKLA J. A. EASTES Lots $150 to $350 TERMS: $5 Cash and $3 Monthly Offlce on Oregon Btrf-ct 1IE.ND, t't OREGON C. 8. BENSON Attorney At Lavr Bonson Building. Wall Strcot Bend, Oregon. DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offlco In Bather Uulldlng. Houro 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and ercnlnga by Appointment. O. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kmhalmcr, I'nncrnl Director. Phono. Lady Aashitant. DR. R. D. BTOWELL Kuprxpatlifc I'hyslclan Offlco over Miller Lumler C), Wall Street Hour S to 0 Phono Red 01 Headquarter for Commercial Men lllectrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel TTTE'BETO "HOTEL flood Rooms Free bua to and from train f HUQH O'KANK. MANAOKR BEND, OREGON Qood Mcala AH arrangement made for person desiring to go south and east of hero VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bend, Oregon J. E EBgeferetsoM Plumbing and Healing Bend, Oregon Fraternal Societies OBOItOG B. YOUNO Civil anil Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of llcnd. Room 3 First National Bank Building Representation boforo the Des ert Land Board and Stato Engineer ROBERT CECIL WYGANT Attorney at Law Irrigation Masonic Water Rights Building Desert Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon I. O. O. F. Bnd Ixxlgo Jfo. 21S. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Sath er' Hall. VUltlng brother cordially welcome. BERT 8HUEY, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. Banner Cump No. OO.TI. Regular meetings second and fourtr Tucadaya. Sathor'a Hall. MRS. J. H. CONNARN. Oracle. MRS. A. OltCTTT Recorder. - ? County fair 383.45 , Bpcolnl school dlstrlcta. . Bond 10.000.00 High achool Llhrnry Interest no Bond 6,741.00 Cltlc nnd town 20,068.17 Scnlp bounty Mi Undrns High school Flro Patrol i llalanco on hand Sep tombor 30, 1014 .... 237.28 2.S9.77 070.25 84,500.25 i Total $430,208.90 County fair Interest on bond Bond rodemptlon Instltuto Escheat Flro patrol 2.001.07 3.885.01 57.15 038.52 207.60 600.00 100.84 230,00 63.05 Total $ 04,500.25 I, Ralph L. Jordan. County Treasurer, do hereby certify that tho fore, folng I a truo nnd correct statement of tho receipt and dlsbursoinont or tho Treasurer ofneo from January l to Beptomhor 30, 1014 r. Co ' RALPH L. JORDAN. -w junty Treasurer. Entrance to a Vast Exhibit Palace at Panama ' Pacific Exposition at Sdn Francisco In 1915 kptts MiB39inMR9M'flS9BIHk 1 1 S? Ifs flf'flrHitBH fflBHHlsBR t H MMHilHHBIBHiHHHHHHI9 I ' ' jUm f mPVHBS!vB HBIH vg?jffi!jiiWBJp -zyj Sat y"MM i THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY j" 'U Copyright, PE14. ajr Vanama-Pacino International Exposition Co. niB nhotogntph altowa the great western portnl or entrance way of tho huge Palace of Food Product, Tho half dome Is known as tho Half Dome of Vigor nnd la 113 feet in height Brilliant, rlotou color m Amnlrtuswl In tliA tnnanlM In ltr. wnntf tt ilia liitl itnmn uMMi irtii'1 Vsslgned by Julo Querln, America's mout celebrated decorative artist. T Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD E United Warehouse Co. A. M, Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon Koofmjr of nil kinds. Rcpairint: promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. (HIS PAPZH TEPRKEHfED FOR FOREIC'I ADKtrtillilGBYTHE "Pj ili qcncral crnca NEW YORK AND CHICAGO QBAHCKC3 IM ALU THE PRINCIPAL CinE9 ESTLTI2S CHEERFULLY FURNISHED Jobbing Promptly Attended To J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heatiag PIIONE 451 217 MINNESOTA STREET -KX-Kf-K Is It Done Right? WVtVVitvtVlWVlVi. i ALTAMONT HOTEL Tho most comfortable hotol In Bond. Commodious, steam heated, well furnished rooms wltn running water. Good, home coohed moala ecrved In dining room three times erery day. WiM A. 1). Spalding, Proprietor $ ""'"I ..iJIVfAT AWVVVkvV sac mmmmtl MMM I Vulcanizing; 1 I TIRES AND TUBES i JIM mn -ryV I Oiy-Acefjlw Weltfej i (whoT Mrt I AUTOMOBILE REPAHING. I B5&3ga DOONARwiil fix it I AlllH'l7r7r &&s3mm&amdkMMiM!5m im If It U, lt wII enough aton. Itut un ! It U up to th mark tn avcry dui ooroa end us. LOW PRICES, BETTGRSERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds" DRAYING Bend HauIiBg Co. R. N. l'ALMERTON Wood for Sale Onico nlth It. I. Mlnter Olllce I'hono Black (IU Residence Black 423 0DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET dynJ