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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1914)
WR BKN1 nULLKTlN, ttKNI), ORK., WKDNKfTOAY, OCTOIlKK 141, lf 4. FAGR . BEND WIKS IN A WALKOVER FOOTBALL SCORE IS 30 TO 0 SATURDAY Rcilmoml Eleven Gooso Egged lly All-round Bnpcrlorltr ot Iiocnl Illetcn Saturday Scoring Starts Karljr Xo Goals Were Kicked Playing brilliant football tho Bond High School twm walloped tho Rod mond eleren on their own sounds to the tune of 30 to xoro Saturday af ternoon. The losal boys played all around tholr opponents In every de partment of the game, showing lots of pop and tho results of good coach ing plus natural ability. "Kvory player was a star," says Coach Ersklne. While that Is quite true, It Is also accurate to say that In offensive work Stoldl, Brandenburg, Kclley and Thompson distinguished themselves, whllo Van Matro and ilunncl, tackle, shown on the defense. Tho first touch-down came three minutes aftor tho game started, ns a result of only four plays, two of them forward rmsscs and two Quarter back runs. Brandenburg's lutorferonce for Kclley was a feature. Each of tho two named scored two touch downs. No goals wcro kicked. Steve Steldl referred, Durand was umpire nnd Bob Roberts chief linesman. Efforts nro being mado to arrange n game with rrlnovtlle, at tho coun ty scat, with a return game hero on Thanksgiving day. Tho Uend line-up was as follows: Thompson, r.o., llunnel, r.t., It G. Fox, r. g., Moore, c., Boicll. 1. g.. Van Matre. 1. t., Corey. 1. e., Kelley, g., Btoldl. r. h., Brandenburg, f. b., Van devert, Capt., 1. h. ItEAIi KSTATK TRANI'KRB. Imuc1 by Crook County Abstract Co. C. V. Dullng to Deschutes R. R. Co. 100 foot strip NB 31-10-H. John Bloss to Charles Bloss It. C, blk. 5, Bend. Otto Forrcson to Annlo Moling SB 4-14-15. Sheriff to Douglas Hood NE 17-10-13, JG56.G0. Floyd Dement to Geo. McAllister pt. NE NE 32-17-12 and it. 1, blk 8. Lytic Clyde Kinder to W. II. Kinder tact in Prlnevillo, $500. Bend Company to Rosalind F. Bol am It. 3. blk 36, Center, add. Bend. Sheriff to C. P. Becker (3) It. 11, blk 4; Its. 11. 12, blk. 13; Us. 1. 2, 23, 24. blk. 18, Laldlaw; Wtt W 3C-15-10. A. Mcsbcr to Sam A. Mesh or It 5, blk. 27. Bond Park. La Pine Townslte Co. to Curtis Beesley It 1C, blk. 17. La Pino. J300. State to Will Wurzweiler SV NE. NV SE 30-13-12. C00. Bend Co. to Bend Park Company It. 1C. blk 46, Center add. Bend. shot gun. Address Bullotln. 33) FOR RENT Modern flvo room houso closo In. Ross Farnhnm 32tf FOR RENT Two small furnished houses near school houso. S. It Ho- gin, half block north nnd half block west of depot 33t( WANTED Work In restaurant or hool. Address Mrs, O. Tront, Lnld law, Oregon. 31-34p WANT TO EXCHANGE A Victor graphophono nnd records for n good shot gun or rlflo. Apply F. E. Dick, Bond, Oregon, 31tf WANTED At Mllllcnn Inn, 30 miles out on Bond-Burns road, n middle aged woman who can tako responsible position as cook and houro kcopor. Recommendations do sirod. Wrlto Immediately to. Ada B. Mililcan, MiUlcan, Ore. 30tt WANTED Work on dairy or farin by man nnd wife. Apply Bullotla Office. 30tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Four room cottsgo, turnlshod, Phono lilac 30lt well G81. FOR RENT Thrco room turnlsh od houso. Apply Metropolitan. 33o ' g IX)R BALK. FOR SALE 8omo vory choice cockorels, from standard bred trap nostod Whllo Leghorns; lino largo birds. Mrs, F. M. Ray, 8, 13. 8tan dard Oil Co., Bond, 3330p FOR SALE Twolvo by fourtcon tcutotnatched door and dressor cheap tor cash. Phono Rod 131. 33p FOR 8ALE Hogs. Goorgo W. Uatos, at P. O. 33tf FOR SALE Thrco good milk cows alt undor 0 years old; one 10 months old thoroughbred Durham male; 0 dotcn throughbred Leghorn chickens. Ono 2V4 h. p. gas engine, ono power washing machine: G flno turkeys, ono 10 inch plow. M. Roosalor, at old Wlmor place, Tumalo. P. O. address Lntdlaw. 33-34p FOR SALE Largo hand made Oh vWe Ckilly riorititt&? COTTAGE CIIKKSE. Fresh cottago cheese on sale tt tho Creamery at all times. Adv 2932p MRS. 1LLICAN AT EUGENE Old Time Citlzon of Willamette Town Finds Many Inipimcnicutit There. The Eugene Guard prints the fol lowing: "Mrs. Ada B. MiUlcan, of Mililcan, Crook county, nine years ago was a newspaper woman and magazine writer In Eugene. She helped edit the OroKon Journal. "She has not been back since, un til this week when she came as a delegate to the Convention of the Oregou Federation of Women's Clubs. "I came to Eugene after night Monday, and did not see tlle c"y "? daylight until yesterday," said Mrs. Mililcan. "Even though I bad had a ellmnse by n'shr. I had to pincn my. celf yesterday to make sure that I was awake. "Mrs. Mililcan tells of trying to find a landmark to remind her of for mer days spent here. 8ha sayB she felt at lionrn in tne store oi u. Schwarzchlld, where In years gone by, she said, tho literary personages of the small town wero accustomed to 'hang around the stove and talk.' '' Classified Advertising Advertisements Inserted under this heading at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD eacli Insertion. Cah miut accompany all orders from persons not liming n regular account with The Bulletin. Xo advertisement tok for less than IS cento each insertion. WANTED. WANTED Girl to help with house work, one who likes children preferr ed. I have a beautiful modern home with everything convenient, and a good quiet girl can have 4 a good steady place. Address E. M, Strauss, Dept Storo, Mosier, Oregon. 33p WANTED Girl for efeneral houso work. Write or phone Mrs. C, M. Jtedfleld, Deschutes, Oregon. 33c WANTED To buy second hand You can dress in comfort by using a PERFECTION OILHEATER Take it to the bath room, breakfast room, living-room. It makes the whole house comfortable. For best results use Pearl Oil. Dealers everywhere xy? w ( " .TU' nP J SC Writ t.r foabf. "Wmnnth In CW Cmn, " Standard Oil Company Portland quilt by Mothodlst Ladles Aid Sool otv. may ho soon nt Mrs, F, J. Bohool or's honio. 33o FOR 8ALK, or Exchango For city property, a 3800 pound team, harness nnd buggy, Inquire Nixon, Bond. 30t FOR BALE Ordor your holiday turkey now. Flnu young birds, Phono or wrlto Mrs, Elinor Cast, Doschules, Oregon. 33-37o FOR SALE Wo aro offering two young cows In milk nnd two A. J. C. C. bulls, a two year registered Jer sey, strong, vlgoruttn follow: nnd n thrco months old rogUtorod bull. Phono or call at tho Whlto Rock Ranch. Lnldlaw, Oregon. 33tt FOR SALE Largo hand mntla quilt by Mothodlst Ladlos Aid Soci ety may ho booh at Mrs. Schrodor'a homo. FOR BALE Thrco good milk cows nnd eomo horses. Cheap. Craw ford's feed yard. 32-3Sp FOR SALE A socond hand 8tudo baker wagon, 3Vi Inch. Inqulro at P. O. 3233p FOR SALE Thrco ToUtouso gocso nnd ono gnnuor. r. v. awisnor, unui law. 32tf FOR SAIE Flno 8. O. Whlto Leg horn nnd Bnrrad Rock Cockorels and hens at 75 conta and $1.00 each. Mrs. E. A. Smith. Telophouo Rural 3Z1. 32-33P FOR 8ALE 500 Hoad or sheep, owes and lambs, Frod Wleso, 8lo tors, Oregon. 32-33p. FOR SALE Thrco Jercoy cows. Phono Millard Trlplott 31tf FOR SALE Team, and two sots Is It Done Right? DOBS u -mL If It U, Ut w1l woufth lon nut un Itu It Is up to U romrk In tvtry dtui com and ua. LOW PRICES, BETTOR SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AXI) DRV CLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds" 1 ELECTRIC COFFEE percolator: SHR Give you all of the good and none of the bad effedts of coffee. They eliminate the poison and make coffee PURE and WHOLESOME PRICE.... $7.50 The ELECTRIC TOAST ER makes ideal toast. We have a few at $2,50 The BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. douhlu harness, buggy nnd ono lot or small touts, Inqulro Nixon, Uotid. 30tf FOR BALE-donuIno snap. Nlco lit tlo houso nnd lot ou Adams near Rntnlor drlvo. Lot 5, block 17, Park tddltlon to Uond. Heat offer taken II Btnto bank to. noml pnpurn to. H. 0. Pratt. 017 Hill Btroot., Los AukoIoh, Cnl. 30-3 Jo FOR BALE 320 ncro homostoad relinquishment at n bargain. Land lovol, good location, lnqulru Hullo tin. aotf FOR BALW Chonn. Two slnglo bods, Inqulro Uullotin ofllco, 17tf FOR HALE Cheap, two Jersey cows, apply Uullotin olllco, a8.83p. FOR HALE Potato dltfsor. In qulro M. J. Main. 28 tt FOR BALE 8 Holotoln cows, III pruducorH, tiomo frosh now, olhors In month. Farm 7 mllos N. 13. Hutto station, Rodmond, I'liono No, aflO I, P. O. Prlnovlllo. J. 1'. lllco. aatt LOHT AND FOUND. LOST Whlto sotler dog, Notiry Uullotin olllco. It LOST Silver watch, nickel chain attached, on Iloml lirauch road, on October 2, 1014. Fludur rotimi to llullotln. 30.31p The BRICK GARAGE (UNOEK NEW MANAGEMENT) First Class Repivlr Work done by experts. Yes, we repitir Foftls, Mid Runrnntcc tho job. Full line tires nnd supplies. We hnvc n few biirgnins in second hnnd enrs, Give us n trial. 'ri TSa Bend Garage Company WHERE 5ERVICE COUNTS E. II, 11RUNKA 0. M. IIAKBK When Attending The Manufadurers and Land Produd: Show October 20 to November 14 PORTLAND, OREGON Make Your Headquarters at The New Perkins Hotel ROOMS WITHOUT MATH 51.00 ROOMS WITH BATH SI.30 A Restaurant with Food nnd Prices Right C. II. 8UAPi:U, Manatfor I Building Material 1 LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. Dr)fff4)f)f44444ft4)f)ff)f444))tif)f)f)f)f44)l444)ff)f4)fiff4)f4f444)f)t 3GHICE75 regonTrunkRk CENTRAL OREGON LINE Special Fares to Portland FOR THE Manufacturers AND Land Products Exposition Opens Oct. 26; Closes Nov. 14 Halo ilnlcN from Central Oregon points on Oregon Trunk Ry Octnlirr U7, no, Noiowlior II, (I,. Ill, 111; nllli return' limit Monday following iluto or wale Ojioii rntu of l 1-iJ fmc. aimm: rihtriot cxsnrrriTio TWIWTV COl'NTIIvH DIHI'KAV 910,000 IN OA.SII I'itKMIU.MH Mi:iAI,H AND KIl'J-O.MAH TOR IHIrVYH HO.000 HQUAIU3 I'KICT I-'IiOOR HPAt'il For Vurllior DcIuIIh CoiihiiU J. J I. COIUIKTT, AQ1JNT, 1IK.NI), OIIKOON SI r California rnr W KULk ia.- eiLirtHiA Pi LI P uriM Hfrtrtoi-wKniA IN fiTAkra ef ir?o&r Ctfmatyy c7uiwmA K 1 r