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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1913)
PAGK S. IIKNI) llUMiKTIN, 11KNI), OKK., WKDNKSDAY, DKCKMIIKIl 10, 1DM. -4--4-4-- 4 CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 4t - POWKLL HUTTK. POWELL nUTTK, Doc. 8.- -- -- 4 -Goo. Elsler camo homo Tuesday from tho xlltch camp, oast ot Hend whoro he has ooon ? working for tho past two month s, Irrta Bros, ot the Wlllamotto vol lo wero visitors In this soctton sor orcl day a tho past wook. Thou men tiro locking (or locattdns und tvmo favorably Impressed rlth 'possibili ties in these- parts. ,Harvoy Harris of Rodrocnd wan a t)usln'oss visitor In this locn'lty Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams m turn ed Monday from their honeymoon trip to Portland and other valley joints and aro now located on tholr Powell Ilutto farm where they will le at home to their frlonds. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Humphreys and daughter ot Parller. Cal., arrived tho fore part of the week with tho Inten tion of locating. They nro staying nt tho homo of Mr. Humphrey's brother Tor tho present. A pile of bridge timbers at tho rlv tir bed crossing would Indlcnto that there Is to Ik n now bridge there. Miss Pooro, a sister ot Mrs. J. J. Gnopman, came In from Uio vatloy Tuesday and will make a thrco mouths' visit with relatives here. L. Jon oa, tho Prlnovllle sheepman, has bought hay of A. H. Uhodo and will winter his Inrgo flock ot shoep nere, herding them on the "desert during the day and fecdingmnd hed ging thorn at Mr. Rhode's plnce. Hobbs Dros. and Dowey Johnson went to Prlnovllle Wednesday whero lyc Hobba and young Johnson wero to appear In court as defendants In a case which, upon presentation, was donled a hearing. On their return a most deplorable accident happened to Dewey, who was horseback and In soma manner became separated from tho others,, who were In a hack, Tho , particulars of tho mattor will prob ably never bo known, but the young man waa picked tip by somo folks In an auto, cvldontly having been thrown or having fallen from his horse. It Is presumed that tho ani mal fell and threw tho rider In such a way as to stun him, and tho subse quent exposure, together with this Injury, aro tho causes of his contin ued Inability to tell a connected Btory of the accident. Mrs. Allen WlUeoxon nnd daugh tcr Harriet lott Thursday for Port land where they will Join Mr. WlU eoxon for a visit with friends. On their way homo they will atop over Tit Hood River for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hussett and family, former residents here. Joo Elliott transacted business at the county seat Wednesday. Mrs. Jones and son went to Prlno vllle Friday for a brief visit with the older son Ralph, who Is attending tho C. C. II. S. Ed Williams received a car ot hogs from tho outside last weel. IIo 111 Join the ranks of the "Prosperous Powell Ilutto Pork Producers." Geo. Morgan finished hauling wire Tor Mr. Cornett last week. This wire la for tho erection of a five-mile fence which will turn anything from a Jackrabblt to a broachy cow. Mr. Morgan la putting up three-fourths of a mile of the same kind of fencing. Guy Seara and Mrs. N. P. Alley wore summoned to Prlnevlllo last week aa witnesses In the Crenshaw libel cases; Miss Mabel Allen was a Prlnevlllo visitor Saturday. Mrs. A. W. faajn returned from Prlnevlllo Sunday, where she visited Mlsc Hazel for several days. N. P. Alley went to Prlnevlllo on Friday and submitted the plans for the Wilson school house to County Superintendent Meyers. Tho plans were entirely satisfactory with tho exception of the windows, Mr. Meyers statins that to comply with tho new laws the windows must all be located o ike light will come from the left hand tide of the pupils. To mako this 'peaaJljla It will be necessary to to place all the windows In the north side of the house with the exception of the. two small onos which will be in the east end of the building. Tho lumber for this school house Is on the ground and work has commenced. Frank Dalley and sister, Mrs. Zel ma Cox, aad Miss I5vu Hannah or Southern Oregon are visiting at the Geo. Hobbs home. These people aro former. friends of Mr. Hobbs and will probably remain In this locality for the winter. Mr. Dalley fs a mining man and expects to do a little pros pecting while here. The local co-operative weather ob server, Karl Saundora. has furnished the following' report of the conditions' In till? locality during November: Mean maximum temperature, -97.7 degrees; ntean minimum, 31.73 de grees; maan, 43.2 degrees. The warmest day was tho Oth, with G2 de grees registered, nnd the coldest days were the 3rd and 28th, with 21 de grees recorded. Tho record shown November to havo had 4 cloudy days and 17 partly oloudy, with 9 clear. Tho total precipitation was 0.45 In. Ga, Hcbbs shlppad a oar of hogs Tuesday. This is the first car ovor hllln from the yards in Redmond, the stock in which vjgre owned by one man alone. Tho carload was billed to Seattle via Portland and the hogs wero to be sold at the latter city If tho mnrket prlco was satisfac tory. Mr. Hobbs accompanied the shipment. Mra. N. P. Alloy entertained tho; Powell Dutto Sorosla Wednesday at an all-day session, Tho ladles Hod comforters In tho early nttornoon fol lowing a sumptuous dinner served by tho hostess, Aftor tho work wna fin ished tho business part ot tho meet Ing clatmod tho attention ot thoso present until tlmo for homo goings. The next mooting of tho club will bo with Mlsa Mabol Alton. Mr. nnd Mra. U. C. Trucsdale, Reovos Wtltcoxon and Earl Saundora and Goo. Ilraieo wero Powell Ilutto peoplo at tho "got together" meeting of farmers In Redmond Saturday. CUKSCKNT. CRESCENT, Dec. 6. A. L. 8ogar and Jim Redmond returnod Tuesday from Long Pratrlo whero thoy havo been for sovoral weeks making re pairs on tho school house. Georgo Mnyfleld was In town on Thursday and Friday, a guest ot E. G. Rourk, returning to tho ranch on Friday evening. Hans Zimmerman enmo In from tho big Marsh Thursday. sprained back Inst wook, hut nt Inst reports wna Improving. E. W, Glllnm, Henry Monslo'r nnd Gabriel Datontl woro In Prlnevlllo last wook. Mr. Monster took exam ination tor cltliouahlp pnpora. On his return ho found both ot hts horses dead. G, A. Johnson waa visiting on Duck crook last wook. Edwin Schroder spent several days last week looking for stray homes. Mr, nnd Mrs. C. tl. McConnell ot Duma wero visiting with Mr. and Mra. Horace Drooktnga Sunday. Mr. McConnell and Mr, Drooklngs camo Into Central Oregon togothor sovoral years ago. Tho famoua boar dog Danger, be longing to Ed Santry, died last Tues day. Ho was lost In tho woods for a month, being found last week, but tho oxposuro nnd hunger brought on his death, thought. Ho former ly belonged to Norman Shearer, who was accidentally fatally shot in tho mountains two years ago. Mr. and Mra. D. A. Jones wero In from their ranch Friday. S. A. Ice Is In from his winter camp at Summit Lake for several pairs ot skls. Tht Woman's Civic Leaguo waa en tertained Friday by Mrs. E. O. Rourk. Tho nttornoon was spent In preparation for the coming Chlrat- mas entertainment, and dollclous re freshments helped mako tho gather ing n pleasant one. Tho leaguo will meet with Mrs. Hazol Smith on tho 19th. Elmer Tylor went to Dcnd Friday on business. Jako Howard loft Friday for Bond, expecting to return next week with a load of freight for E. a. Rourk. Walter Smith has finished hauling hay for D. A. Jones. HKLD. HELD, Dec. a. Wattor Hoffland visited and took dinner with E. G. White, who Is locntod on the south fork of Hoar crook. Mr. Nolan returned to his homo stead this week. Tho woll drilling outflt Is now nt Mr. Lytlo's and la down 200 foot. Tho stnro nt Highland la well pat ronized by this neighborhood nnd surrounding country. Jack Rivera Is tho proprietor. F. T. Carpenter nnd family will move Into tholr now houao noxt wook nnd will colobrato. Chns. it. doming will go out for tho winter to work. Erie Danlolson Is about to go out for tho winter. Tho family will re main hero. This little nock ot tho country Is represented by many tradesmen, In eluding brick and atone masons, car penters, shoemakers, machinists, electricians, Bailors, longshoromon and school teachers. Clyde A. Dalsley la digging a woll for F. L. Ramsay. Mrs. Chas. Mills returned to her home this week. Mr. Mills will re turn later. A Christmas program and treo will bo given at tho Hlghand echoo houso Christmas Eve. All will bt welcome. ---. ------- t from Upper Lnko. Cnl. During tho lut- Mor part of tho trip cold weather wan oncounterod. They traveled through snow for S00 mttos, somo ot It 10 Inches doop. Anna Donlavy catlod on Echo Ord way Thursday. Alhort Mohtor and family nnd his cousin, Mr. Hollowny, and Ira Fox nnd 'family wero dlnnor guests ot Harry Uockwlth and family Sunday. W. A. MoLoan sold his farm, tho Rlttorsldo dairy ranch, to Mesarn. McDougal of Medicine Hnt, Sas. Ho will icavo In about two weeks, flrat going to 8herldan. Ore., to visit with relatives over tho holidays, then to California, Mrs, Frank Donlavy and daughtor Annn nttendod the meeting of tho Daptlst ladles which wna held at tho church Thursday. A groat many of tho fnrmorM In this section nttondod tho salo In Rod mond Saturday. Rov, T. II. Fox of Rodmond pronch. od hero Sunday. Plans aro being mndo for n Christ mas treo nnd entortnlnmont to bo hold nt tho school house. Tho farmers' got-togother meeting which waa hold In Redmond Satur day night .waa fairly well nttondod by tho farmers In this vicinity. A very enjoyablo tlmo was had. especially appreciated being tho bountiful ban quet. Among thoso prosont from horo woro W A. McLean nnd daugh tor Cora, R. M. Rlshop, Henry and Carl Holmholu, Lloyd and Ilcnslo Harador, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Don lavy nnd John and Anna Donlavy. Desslo Harador Is acting secretary In tho Sunday school now. NAMPLIJ I'OTATOKH WANTKIH MAY 1IAVI1 NIOW DIHISAHM CORVALLlH, Doc .-tn ordor to nseertnln whether tho potato dlsonie Hint recently nppenrod In this conn try has notion Into Oregon, tho do pnrtmont of plnnt pathology of tin Oregon Agricultural Collogo wauul like to rocolvo spoclmmin of scabby ttthora from ovory part of tho stwo. '.ho dlsonso under Investigation In known aa powdory scab nnd In :1m early stages la hard to dlstltiKUlidi from common potato scab, although It Is much more destructive when dovotoped. Powdory .scab la wldoly distribut ed In Europo nnd Is known to bo In Hnstorn Canada, nnd In Massachu setts and Nehraskn, It Is likely that Ita distribution In tho United Rtntei la moro gonornl, Anyone who tins used aood potatoea from any of tho above named districts or from any recent Importations would do woll to havo this examination inn do. It costa nothing and may result In checking uio uiseaao, should It havo reached Oregon. W P. B. JOHNSON'S M1I.I.ICAN,0KU(I0N Is Ihe placo tn buy tho KKIIir KIND of GKOCUHIHS nt tho KKHIT KIND of prices Near 28 ffllo Post m Jim rer HAMPTON. HAMPTON, Doc. l.-r-A Thanks giving dlnnor was hold In Ilurr HAMILTON HUTTK. Ulack's vacant house. Tho aftor- HAMPTON IU7TTK. Nov S3 -.Tama' nn wa Pnt playing ball. In tho Monroo has been working In nend for fv,on!nB the young folks had n boo a couple of months but has now re joined his family on their claim. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrok have establish cd residence on their claim cast of ireka butto. John and Oscar Dlack have been cutting wood for Horace Drooklngs. Mr. Andorson bad as a passenger on his car tho other day a live ante lope, to bo shipped to Corvallis. It was captured southeast of Hums by a woman. Gabriel Datontl Is hauling hay this week. Mr. Plnkus and Ray Harper from near Wagontlre wero In this locality on business the first of tho week and report the well being drilled for Mr. Pinkus as bolng down more than 2S0 feet at tho time thoy left. Since the ground has frozen the auto truck driven report better roads and better running tlmo. HAMPTON DUTTE, Dec. 8. -The settlers here aro now getting in tholr winter supply of wood. C. J. Stauffer, Jim Hartoon and day, lal tlmo together, Ruth nnd Frances Land ford spent tho Thanksgiving holidays In Hamil ton. Durr Dlack nnd W. T. Harrison nro In Dend this wcok for supplies for tho Hampton store. L. C. Peck took tho school census last week. Frances Langford proved up on hor claim before Commissioner A. S. Fogg h'ore last wook. Flschor Lo gan and S. Samson ot Dry Lako were her witnesses Mrs. Lootena ot Dry Lako waa In Hampton last week vlaltlng her slo wer, Mrs. Van Lake, Mr. Durrla has lately eroctod n barn on his place. Forrest Noeld, Karl Kollar, L. Miller, A. T. Shaver and Mr. Zlorolf helped In tho raising. Hurley Hoguo and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon. Mr. Ammona of Maury Mountain was In Hampton Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Fogg mado a business trip to Dry Lake last Mon- Howard Folkorson aro on their wny to Dend for lumber nnd well casing. The easing is for Mr. Plnkus, who completed ono woll at a depth of 270 Guy GUlam spent Saturday with Harold Fogg, J. K. Meyors, tho county school MlinrlnlAintnnl vlaltn.l llainnln.. fnnf mill la tinvlncr nnnll,., ,lrlll,l l.u l"""'i ..a.iwn nuuiilUH . n, m ..:. . """" "" "'.last week t, i. ouaver oc v.u. T. C. Ewlng gavo n bachelors' smoker and card party Saturday, De- comber 6. Aftor playing "600" until I CLINK a lato hour thoso present enjoyed oya- Rlshop and W. tors, cako, coffee and cocoa. Tho oc- horses this week. , caslon was Mr. Kwlng's birthday. j, nnd Lloyd Harador arrived John Ulac,k was suffering from a Monday ovenlng, coming ovorlnnd CLINK FALLS. FALLS. Deo. 0. R. M. J. Woods traded - - New in Bend "Spy, I am new in Bend, and have got to purchase a bill of eatables. Where is the best place to buy them? Where do you get your groceries?" "Well, sir I'll tell you. I have tried them all, and I think, or at least ray wife says, that SHUEY'S CASH GROCERY really gives the best all around satisfaction. As for good quality, low prices, and prompt de livery, they cannot be beaten." "I believe I'll try them." Best cane sugar, per cwt - - - $7.50 Best, standard puck Tomatoes per can 1 Oc. No. 2 solid pack Tomatoes - - - 10c, A fine line of candies at 15 cents per pound and 15 cents per half pound. ! Shuey's Cash Grocery CLOVKRDALK. CLOVERDALK. Dec. 8. Karlo Oru bo, while cutting wood Tuesday, drovo a wedgo Into his knoo cap and has boon laid up nil wook. J. II. Plnnoll loft for his homo In California Tuesday. Ho had boon visiting with Mr. and Mrs: E. M. Pray and family . Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Tompleton have spent tho' pant weok In Prlno vllle, Mr. Tomplton being on tho Jury. The neighborhood Chrlstmna treo and oxorclses will be hold tho even ing of tho 21th. Rov. Mr. Harper, who la now holding meetings nt Lower Ilrldge. win proaoh at the school house at tho regular tlmo noxt Sunday. C. D. and F. L. Krwln of Hlltsboro spent tho wcok end at Clovcrdnlo ranch. Sir. Wnldron la clearing n great many acres of land with his onglno. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Grubo and fam ily spent tho evening with Mr. and Mra. Chas. Carson, Saturday. John Lowe has completed a cabin on his homestead. W. P. Slmer haa been helping G. Johnson put In platform scales. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Cyrus spent Sun day with tholr son, Georgo Gyrus. Will Wilson of Sisters purchased a cow and a calf from E. M. Pray. Geo. and Tom McAndrewa havo gone to Dend to work. Geo. Durnsldo was In Slaters on Saturday. J. W. McKlnney has been hauling a stack of hay from Clovcrdnlo to his homo noar Slstors. Mr. A by and son of Redmond woro out to their ranch tho past weak. Tho young men of tho neighbor hood had n rabbit drive Sunday af ternoon, but vory fow rabbits wero killed. Mr. Kltno mndo n business trip to Slstors Saturday. Will Young of Redmond passed through hero Thurssday with an nuto load of land buyers. Word haa beon reenlvod here of tho marriage of Henry Hewer on December 3 to' Miss Alma' Coo toy of Portland. Whllo on a vacation this summer Mr. Hewor met his brldo at Kugone. PLAINVIKW. LAIDLAW. Doc, 8. Mrs. Mlntn Howard, Mrs. It. U. Flloklnger nnd Mlsg Fay Gerklng went homo with Mr. Wnlker Monday. Thoy will ro turn Wednosdny, Neal liny and Ruy Drown woro In llond Moudny. Quito a number or l.aldlaw peo ple nttondod tho preaching service nt Plnohurat school house Sunday nttor noon conducted by A. O. Walker. Mr. and Mra. Jess llnrtcr, Mr. and Mrs. Dyron Cndy and Mr. nnd Mrs John Coon wont to Alfalfa Tuesday to help Mrs. Walker culebrnto her birthday, and rojolco over tho man- glod remains of a largo turkey and many other dollcacles that looked do cldoly mangled after tho company got through with them. The church was crowded Sunday evening for tho song service and A, 0. Walker's recital of llryant'a "Thanntopsls," with the sort accom paniment of tho plnno was n splendid feature of tho evening. Mrs. J. w. Drown nnd son and Mrs. Plain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Smith nnd A. O Walker took dlnnor with Mr. nnd Mra, Jess Ilnrtor Sunday. . Mrs, C. J. Mock nas tho prim iiTw of this section. She Is a registered Kroslnn Holstoln nnd her tiamo' Is Ruysdnlo lloauty Tlffnny, nnd aim given Mra. Mock 22 pounds or do. Ilcloiis butter a week. ' Tho ladles cleared 165 from the dance on Thanksgiving night. TIih oxlinnsos were heavy, nnd this rut down the net returns. Mr. and Mrs. John Coon spent 1ih day with Mr. nnd Mrs, llyrdn Urn Sunday. HIHTKHH, i HIBTKIIB. Dec, 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrnnton wont to Redmond Wiulne dny where Mrs. llrnnlon will riunltlit for aniuo Uinu visiting her parent and othor, relatives. C, C. Iluchanan and wire wero bus iness visitors In Klstora Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, J. N. qulberg attend- - (Contlnuod on Pago 11.) DRY LAKE CASH STORE' i Tho placo to buy Whotosalo Orders taken nt Portland prices. Fencing Wire, Implemonls. Men's FurnlshlnRs. Drygoods, Generaf' Merchandise. Get our prlrcol It ulll pay you.' ('. A. IIK.VUHTO.Y, Mry Ijiko, Orrgiiu, Xmas Presents r You can find them for young people and. old folks most desirable in our Dishes and Kitchenware Rugs and Couch Covers Portieres, Etc. and most especially our line of Rocking Chairs and all other furniture at prices that were never so LOW in Bend, at A. L. HUNTER Oregon Street, Bond, Oregon PICTURE FRAMING NEATLY DONE. 1 .HIGHLAND. HIGHLAND, Doc. S.-John Shmeor left Sunday ror Prlnovllle whoro ho will spond several days. Max drops returned to his homo stead Tuesday from Loldlnw, Ho will spond tho winter horo. Eric Danlolson has boon busy plow ing nnd has also put up n now bam. H. W. Palmer loll ror llond Thurs day whoro ho wont on a special bus iness trip. A pleasant Burpuso was given E. Danlolson Tuosday evening. Car do woro played and tho hostess uorvod a vory tempting lunch, Tho Womnn'n Country Club mot nt tho homo or Mrs. 1'oto Nlolsou. A big time wnH planned ror Christmas, n treo and enndy far tho children and n program being docided on. Josoph Hnllmoyor returned Thurs day from Dend with a loud of gro ceries for tho Highland storo, Tho pOHtolIlco horo Is now com plete and mall leaves twice n week, on Tuesday nnd Friday. It ulso nr- rlvcs qn tho buiiio days, J, D. Rivers Is the postmaster. A dance was glvon at Dry Lnko on Thanksgiving evo and a largo crowd from horo attended. INSIST 3 as UPON Clean Plastering Sand When tho email pnrtlcles of snntl nro coated with dirt or other foreign mnttor, tho Jlmo cannot como Into fntlmnto contact with tho Band par ticles, thus reducing tho cohoalvo Btrength and making n weak pluster Bolton, Ruetenik & May Washed Sand and Screened Gravel. FRANK MAY, Mgr. Bend, Ore. T .vdU4.V..