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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1913)
Tim IIKN1) MUA.KTIX, IIEND, WKUSKHUAY, JUNI2 IB, 101.1. PAGET 7. n' I' JilSt Received '" New Shipment HARMONY, GLYCERINE SOAP ' (Hose and Violet) LAIK.B ti-lM. CAKES ATTIIKftl'EClAl. IUICB OF li roit " , ' 25c H EST SOAP MADR. Try jitxl HBCONVINaBU. (Soo whitlow (Unplny.) Patterson Drug Co. 4' -K The Qttagg Store LOCAL NEWS ITEMS It. '.. DhvIh of (Hat was In limn Monday. All Mildred He hi vIhIUiik In tOWH tllb Week. H. I'ryrnr nnd hIId uf tHttrn aponl Muadny In Itt'iiil. M. I.. Merrill of Hih fortwlry oHIrti I In Portland thl wk. Horn, TiiwhIm)-, lo Mr. and Mm. Ukwaler Cm! low. n Ih'. (Ntnnty Conimlbmr It. II. Ily Iwy (if lldlw In In tu'H today. Hum 1 IhIhIiik t thn Metttllua rlw.r, ottMMry wm kern Maiidny nnd ywKer. Inf. Horn, to Mr. ami Mm. I'rml 1 1 uti-! nill. n Klrl baby, Uat Wednwulny night. I'. W. Ilmlniinl, trnlnmnater or the Oregon Trunk, aponl Monday nlRla In IIfiuI. Tim llrlilRc Chili will be entcrtuln oil I'rliU)' af turnout, by Mm. C, H. llmUon. Mm. J. J. Wilt ol Water vUUpiI Mm. Klornnco l'owi)laoiis,lhrca daya lint wppk. tJcorK" Oflxor. formerly of llpnd, rnmo In from hli homestead at Dry l.nkii todny. An lev cream anil atrawberry ao rial will lm given under thn nuaplcea tit the Ladles' (Julia of thn I'resby. terlan church on thn Ford lawn tuixt Friday afternoon and evening Dr. .1. Id Connnrn's wife nml two fl'lMrtVJ cntnn In Monday' nlghl to ,..!.. 111... llArf. t JWI illlll IIUIU. ( l',"(f."(lnfrlwiii loft yesterday nior'ji Imr for I'nrtliuid on it IhihIiii'mm trip of snvornl dnyn. . " Mm, Nolllo Wrlnht rotiiriiiul Mon day night from I'nrllnnd whnro nIiii wna for thn Itomi Festival. I". M. ('lirlHiiiiiii, tho HI her I.nlu Merchant mid hotel Minn, wiih linri) Monday, lit tin Pilot lltittD. 0. .1 I.DVir'tt wiih up from Dij. (iliulnM Momlny. Ho rntiirmtd Inil wuult frolii n trip lo Himttlc. J. T. Iliirdy, tnivitlliiK Height nml jiiiwu'imor iiKiint of Hi" Oregon Trunk Itnllwny, ppunt yesterday horn. , JMIiim I ,ii I u I li'ii n whh In town Mini day 'fro'm hnr liuiiiiialmiil. She h'iin vIhKIiik her a nephew from Honttlo, ' V. I). llnrncH of l.nldlnw, who wnw In town IiimI wcitk, Iiiih put 20 it(TTiw of Hptiln trt'i-H In on liln riuich thin yi'nr. Mm. V., M. Tlionipnon wont to Port IiimI IiimI wiok for ii nlny of n mouth or mom. Kim wim iircompniili'il liy MarKurct. TIo ih'w powpr plnnt Ih Ik'Iiik luifntPil by N. I'. WpIiIit, who i(mi Iiiih thn roiitrnct to pnlut the I'ri'Hliy trrlati church. Mm. CI) (Id MrKny nml two rojih rcturiii'd Momlny nlKht from Port land whi'rn they had bi'cn for two month vliltlnx. ; Mr. mid Mm. II. M. Ilnrlnn nml Mr. nml Mm. II. A, Ilnrlnn motored In from North Ynklmii, WiimIi., hut week to visit V. U, Hiock. Thori w ho n mPoiltiK of thd of flrcm and tenrhom of tho Prrnliytiir Ihu Hiiuilay Mrhool nl thn homo of J. A. Ilrlnkli'y Thumdny ovciiIiik. I'rcil I.iiiihu. Mho Im homo for tlu HUiniiiiT from O. A. C... ram up from lUidmoud Momlny nlnht to Hpund thn ui'tik uml iu ! Iur' mII miiuuiMr. Mm A. M. Im and MImh Clnrn Vllllnnm rnmo linmti Kiiuday lilubl fiom PorllHiid wIiitn lhfy Hllondfld t hi l(Htirn HIht (H.iiti.utlon anil tln ItlMH KIWIIVmI, Nina I.. IClllott of Mummur mV Mifttli IIhmI proof Bmurdny on part uf thi ilit ('irn A. MwlKr iliu.rl flnlm tmi.t of town. Hr wltiiHtMiwi li Ihk J. A. Utlw( and OwirK V. Vuuim. Khv. II O. l'urrv. illitlrlrl mnmrln- tHdtnt of lh Ml hod Ut church, wmh hiir yimieriUy mid liuld fourth t u m r lorly confnri'111'c. The rMirlii hIiow iil fVoryllihiK In a pioihIhIiik condl lion. OmIiik to I In- Innldllty of thn nt- turiii'y for tint di'fi'wdiint to ntlund MrKUIIII'lltH III till' CIIU Of HlHlll n llnldwln worn not lii'rd Imforu JuiIkk llrndiihnw nt Tho DiIIpn Innt Kiturday an nclipdtilcd, and V. A. I'orltm did not Ko down. Mr'i'fH In thu cam will l aulitnlttrd. I'rlday tho flmt bund of dIippii wna driven throiiRh (lend, koIhk from the railroad to thn forrt rmcrvm for aumuipr frcdlnit. Thn only inUhnpa rpcorded locally wn that In U'lca- torlu a ilippp or two manaKPd tn Ki't Into each IioIp due hy the Ploni-or Tfllophnnp company aoinp month oko for nrw pole, which thu far have not niatprlnlltpd. Anionic thoio who pcnt Kundny nt I , "You Can't Get Away From a RED MAN" s MANNHEIM' t tjgt iwr t vww cjc ffvfX v'J4i& C&wwMJ JfeZ&A ttJRJZ. I til A -m " Wa I HI U .W. lVlTfM, y- vAlI" -&.fS- ii"i I I 1V jf 4VTBHtfji9t uuj I j 1j nj Mjfc- JJntMP""- crc : "fin-rUTrcH - '"- -. S-UL . n ur- .. )tai fl;ru;- Q.II do cioti xultl ittl you thai jood clC jcjZj letter utien eaten in a chccifut dining Aoom, oH wouldn't have mine any other way. a went dawn town the othc r clay and louyhi aQomfilete new dining loam Act, and pave the aid one to the cook, who aot J?in r r ied. "What a diffcAcncc thii new dining Aoom" Act makcA in our fcciinpA -when ue Ait down to dine, "flow a?'m fjAoud of my dining room aJ of "ierve" when we have a fiaAiy. 2ou arid Qol muj come to our ftariu afiAiday niaht, Xou, (P,S,-0l couAJe, af rouai our neu dining Aoom ae wheAe af ituif all of my fuAnituAc--fAom G). L Uwnipson Where Your Dollar Doe Ila Duty. IIuIhIiik'h on tho MHoIIiih worn tho following: Mr. mid Mm. I. W. Kin uoy, Mr. nml Mm. 0, D. WlUon, Paul Dundy. ThomiiH Kcott 1 1 rook, all of Porllimd; ChnrlvH I'. Miller of New York City; 8. M. McKlnm-y of Hum, limit! vlftltnni 'Included Mr. nnd Mm. It. II. Could, Mr. nml Mm. A. M. PrliiKle, Word II. Coble, U C. I'limt, Chirk Ithodi'M, II. W. Hkuu, II. J. Ovurturf mid Mr, Hoover, HIiop hIiIiipiI nt ((MirKf' Iwrlxr dliop, Ort'Kou fttft't. tntt SLAVES" OP THl" D"tSEFTT. A Lathing Taktn Witn Oratituda by In Emifi tttrvanla. ANI cMlnllimill wore n liwivr artiwl Hull IhhI.iI ll. lor HiiiifUUf. illlll III till n-r ihi. ei in rinvlHHf Knorimi: im 111' Mllll'lllll lllr- nllllflo ItlllC lllllfll tii'ii nil n iHiidy in cinrt lit- ihioi nit four iiiiiiiiM, iiimI linn ilejwiiil looK- lliu Arnli. Nii"Wrri "limiif lm nlly lo UlP IIIIIIIIIIIIH rilf a'tltlr olHlkf 10 llo-JII lllHlli)ll hiim. ii oiii- mulil -i-nk lo oiifH iioi:, .mil ilii'ii. hoiiiu mi kmirlhit: lo un ihHiii'-l ot I In lour rihprllH, tie btule iiiih .in mi ii ii'i.-H oi tin' i'i. iuic it.. iiiiin-il iiiiiI . ritlt-.-i iii.-ii ciroLi Willi XIIHl Mlllltllll' II liol 14 HfHnilt "lllllt In Wrtlrh. mm I niiHiidii ii i.iii- lo turn motif, Mil im. ii-i hi tin- iiinmin 'liiormmiiiy Hiipi)Hi Hi.-vlillilibHi nml uni-tiii i'iii-h Wl'H Mill I'lC'W Willi Hppilll'll.. U'lii'li III.- piililliiiiHli vii coiiiplelnl i-H'li ill ill" 1'iiipriiH iii turn i nine lor mini uml klwil Hih piuirV fwt. llimiK ink mm foi in m-n- nml ruiilim Ailiiti in nun. iimi iiu'T w-if in bn tu (In u n li n h. 1'rmii ili.-ir iili--iii-iii i-niiilui'l I hnp III. Vt-H .till o l"lli-e lllitt llif llilt Hot uiiiiii -wr' wonl IIihv nlil. ilnmuii nl Hi- IIiiih I wiib rlipiil-ui II l imi pry ilny Unit nuc ipnrii fiirb nil nlijtit lion in humility nml fpuUul .tvu-4. WIiIp Uund Muuiuiue. INSPIRED AUTHORS. Idaaa Coma to Thtm, It Would 8am, In Soilo ol Tnamiaivta. Iternnnl Hlww Iih -tnpil mor thnn iimv Hint up l "limiiirvrt.' l am piMlnil." ht- r-ay. -liy a nnlurnl m-il to w in work In write down runrer antlou llml oiiuf lulu m Uviul iiiihi. iiiiiiitnbly. Al tlni I nnntly mnw tin n-Hlipn nnd itimiol ttml umiiip tor tin-in I'lipp lti'' Ikxiiiiip morp nml morvfniiilllir. and I ipuni lliPir imm. I'limll) I iiniif in know iIipiii vprv wi-ll nml dlx-iivpr wtmt ll I tiw.r tiw diivltii: nl mid whv ii I ihnv nnvn mild nnd dmip Hi" tliluir I iihvp im-u mm lit to mm itinvii." uilipr wrlpp uml piilulHPH. loo, Imvp di-wrtUil ili"lr Prix--.- in n xlun.Hr wuy VYIIIIhui lllitkp wim xirp nnd , pmpliHiii In iixtIIiIiiu iiliii"i I n n mere iiiiMimeiiM, wriilhc ii'iwn tni until Illlll Were MlllllliK hHiKell to liliii. nml lie pit mini iii Hie en iii" wur friilll ll lUixlei net lielinv III ee Mini vNlllle III Illlll lllulle. ItiMtlll, III" rrelli'll Wlllplur, l!ie III IIH"llt lotue mime lib'il of llliHlem vllble u the e)e of Hie urtlt. Hb'keii Mild Hint III linnirlem were ni-tiinllr vilbie nnd umlllile lo him. mid It wilt i" reiiiem. beml Hint "Unliin Mum" wn db'lut isl to Culerlduf while tie au-pL-l.u-dun SiKi'tiilur. Tiiriilnujn Unr Inlerprelef ilie noked tie iiienrjlim of Hie myteri'ma wonl The luterpreler ireteinliil not til heiir, Hilt bi'lni" prve( for mi fliMirvr tliml y bowed low it im Kiildi "Mntliiiil, Kline im Inxlxt, Hmt prnr Hint Hie KM! I Alliili limr iimktt you h.'hi rut"-4;iiniio rrlbune. Saerifietl There wnx olll one plei-e of pilddlllS for illuni-r. nml Mm. .Intie dlvldeil it In'iwifii her children, .Ned nnd Unne, Ned looked n! H yV-yaM (hen lit lift tlliillier'n elllpl) irile'",,.fiiller," lie aiild, ''I ilini'l Hiltik I en u cut my puddlm: while you hiiien'l miv " "Why, Neil " willd Hie mother, litiifli plitp.-il, "how iiiihi-IIIii you ure, denr: Hut. you ee, my boy, there I no more pud dltiK." "I liiiuw Hun, mot ti r. Vuu, Hike tSriire'a!"-JiUdoii Mull. tt fttatturing Har, "Ho .von letilly hive ineT hIip wrote. ulpferilnir to my lnt Ictlcr,' ho promptly replliil, "you will llml that I love joii dt'witedly on pDKe I, inndly mi in it e .1 mid pnloiintely on ptiKea 4 and U." Plttahurith Pot. A rrenllvo eemioinjr Ii tho fuel of inn bii I IKencu.-1 Iiuunioii. SCHOOL MAKES GOOD SHOWING (Continued from page one.) 'J mill (IK iiiIIIh In 1911-12) nnd tho year' rccelpta were; IS.t.ncO.CT, It In uppnrotit that with the comfort nble bnluuce with which tho year aturt therti la reanon to bolleve that oven with tho expected Incrcnae In Konornl exieniio an eveu Kroatur bal mice miiy bo expected next June, nml In nil probability n conaldornbly low er levy. TIiIm year, nlro. the dlatrlct will be nlil. to pny Ha bllla In caah, thua aav- Iiik the hvnvy DXiMume under which It Iiiih been placed In the pant throtiKh the dlacountlUK of warrant. The ClcrkV ltcMiit, The ItemUod financial rort la h folio wm: Kerelpm ChhIi on hand .Inn 112 J 308. It tAm warpinta out Illfil.OS) Dlatrlct tax 10,eTS.SS County wli fund'S.75 Statu nu tax J74.1C $3,500.07 DlnburwtnontB Teachcra' aaldrien 9490. S7 Hoht 72.BS Fuol nml auppllea 672.83 Itepnlm 210. CO School houaea HIS. 79 Wnrrnnta out Juno. 1912 .. Intereat 605. 7S Inauranco 144.20 Clerk "S.f.O Other puriM)cps. includlnR $200 trip of directum 9SC.00 Th Curlbu Ouanaco. "Amuro:" kiiiiiuiiio wiiiperwl ope, na lliey iTolli'llnl low in Hie llL 'Kill" nnd he Milhteil tn the rule be aide me in the lern Miccta. The ctml eii bniwn of the white breiiieil, itei'r like nullum iimh out, n little note of color, i-ouipleiiieiiiliu; Ktmuu'iy nirnln-t the venbllll ureeh of tile iblfk. Wet tor ei Mitt, hut well out ot miiL'e. I Hi-en tin Indian uuniiiico hkin ciipn ti'loiik! Hold by the tur (teniem of I'mi tu Ari-uii. nut thl wiih my Hot i:iimpe ot the uniimil ilxclt, many thiiiimid or whli-h I miw inter iturinu iiiv eXHilltliui tliniuuli I'lernt del I'u un mid I'uiiipiiiiii '"imi ure ii iiier n nl tint i. iiiile.!,' nMiirophli!il tin Ar tielltllie llelltelimil ll he lli(l C'liptlllll Miimem oine viewed n tmiltnry unit iiiiio "You Have the helKll ot u hoive, Hie wool or n Hhecp. the iifck of n ciiiii el. Hie feet of u deer, mid .the nwitt iiex of the devil," et wit hni n btmiv nil unliiuil uml nt n dltumv not uuilkn red devr, Hummi niruer.-umiiiK. Jarrtd Har. A ChlmKO wiuiimi wiih trnvellim In Hie orient, On u trip thmuuh n iii-.'i-c Hhe wii curried bv tour Htuiwiirt iiuu-kh III ll chillr HUNlelliei on Hilcn. I'll iiiiiIvcm tiirtiit out with ureal cheer, hut m the journev iruu'reed nml tne xllll lieilt down UmiIi el I Hey ie.'illl to cliiint u prnver to Allan It W114 meliMliouM, Hio.uuh ii bit mournful. It ciiiiMiiiit reperltloh wiih cnothliiii. nmt the nul.v doxtMl On' iiwiiKwniiM, thn prnver urowu more mournful, nimo-t 'IWl ih Hli. w'iik mlb pteiTlj. iiti;md, j r, $14,671.33 Ileaume Total receipts June, 101!, to June. 1913 $23,5G0.C7 Totnl dlahumemcnta June, 1913. to June, 1913. .. 11.071.33 llalance on hand June C 1913 OutaandlnR wnrranta .... C4.4S Small lliiinl Ikiip l-'avoml. Mr. Overturf called atteatlon to the necemlty of action In the matter of eroctlnK n achool houae. aaln ahowliiK that tho preacnt atructure la hopcleaaly overcrowded and la a dURrnce from the atandDolut of fire dntiRcr. Tho election for a $46,000 bond laaue for thu erection of a high school bulldliiR and purchaa of a site was anowed under In Mav, It will be remembered. J. P. Kever spoke wnrinlv fnvorliiR n smaller bond laaue, stathiR that the people In the election Blior.ed concluatvcly that they did net wnnt such a large Issue. lie lysllpvo that a grade bchool nnd not a IiIrIi rchool la need ed, and ha Id he has thn assurance of competent architects that such a building nt perhaps ten rooms can be erected of stone or brick for about $20,000. It Is orobablo that the board w be petitioned to on 11 nn election for n'l Iwuie of $J0,000 or $25,000 for tho orecttou of such a bulldine. Tc(IhmW Hlectlon lll-putril. After a brlsf discussion a voto ws taken on free textbooks, and tho meeting favored the purchase of thn same., The coat will amount to about six-tenths of ope mill tax, snld J. H. Shouse, principal. l.nter. V. A Forbes, attorney, stated that he had looked tho matter up and wna posi tive that the election, so far as It con cerned the text bcok matter, was II leital ami not binding, thin beoause the notices posted of tho meeting. In Hinting the purposes thereof, en tlrelv omitted ny mention of the textbook election. LA PINE VOTES FOR Issue of St 0,000 to lie IVcd In Hint liiK Pi-limil House. 1.A PINK, Juno 17. A bond Issue of $10,000, for tho erection or n school houeo on a tlve;acro site Im mediately ndjolulng the town, wits voted nt tho school meeting M"ndav. The slto will be donated to district No. 43 by tho United States forest service. A 5-mlll special tax was levied for maintenance expenses tho wmliu yoar, This levy Includes a tax to provldo froo textbooliB, the voters favoring these. O. II. Talbot was ro-eleotcd direc tor and J. Ii. Henson, clerk, may khkot xinv uyijjHNn. POWEKL nUTTK. Juno 17. At ,v .. t.. , 1T - f T ' 7 TOV ought to realize the im X portance of the values We are offering here. NEIVBOWS, the latest shapes in Collars, that would ordinarily retail at 50c they're O ? yours for ,,, .. sWL New Bulgdriun Windsor ties -. 25c Some nent patterns in White 0 nr Wush Belts ut ZDC, DDC Some new novelties in Sun q t ?c i tA Shades, exccptionul vols., at P ' - J- to $$ Your chance to buy a LADIES' SUIT at a saving. A few of them left. We've reduced them 20 ; Mannheimers '"Che Store for AH the' People" the annual achool election Monday, tho Shepherd dlatrlct elected N. P. Allon director for three yearn and Marl Saunders to fill the unexpired term of Charles Foster, deceased. J. I!. Yaner was chosen clerk. The taxpayers also voted In fnvor of free textbooks, and tho matter of erect ing a new bulld'ng was discussed. The sentiment was In favor of such a step but no deflnlto action was taken. The Ilutte valley district elected I. 1. Jones dlrccor for three yearn, and A. D. Morrill was re-elected as clerk. IAIII,AV KI.KCTS THRKK. I.AIDI.AW. June 17. The elec tion of school directors yesterday re sulted as follows: Three yearn, R. U. Fllcklnger; two yearn, M. S. Dullard: one year, Mm. II. C. Cady. F. N. Wallace was chosen clerk. A 7-mlll special tax was voted to meet tbo ex penses of the school for tho ensuing year. The question of free textbooks was defeated. HKSnrS AT HKOMO.M). REDMOND. June 17. At the an nual school election held yesterday. Carl N. Kliret wos re-elected director and W. II. Anderson clerk. The free achool books measure was not voted on. rft .VvftrT L V':- Fisherman's Lunch Put up neatly in boxes that are light and easily carried. INDIVIDUAL LUNCHES 25c or 50c ;Kt- AM WERE; IN THE miPf TO SELL W) 7 JTHEBE5T.' mz srjr ' " " m SXIV" TL.r I ,u-j:,-5 MR. FARMERt HASN'T A POOR PIECE OF HARD WARE OFTEN COST YOU FOUR TIMES THE PRICE OF IT BECAUSE YOU HAD TO LOSE A WHOLE LOT OF TIME COMING TO TOWN TO GET ANOTHER? BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM US. AND YOU WILL SAVE MANY NEEDLESS. EXPEN SIVE TRIPS AND MANY DOLLAR ON RE PAIRS. WE SELL THE BEST HARDWARE. BECAUSE IT PAYS US TO SELL AND YOU TO BUY THE BEST. U' . jHly We will ztvo a $5 casting; rod lor the largttst trout caught this season. Skuse Hardware Company. r.. .- il...c .. All L-i.... v Wc Ktpair Ouns of All Kinds. a . '?''; -j n n' t '