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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1910)
JM-J t """"V'EJ?l'i''3f.1""' furtnmrnmum i Ir ,,,,. "SSsmaA ' ""' II II IIIIM I I Crescent HE JUNCTION CITy" Situated JO miles south of Henri, on the Oregon Trunk Ilnilroiul mid on the Natron Cut-ou of the Southern Pitclfle, Crcsent oiler (Jreal Investment !nrjuiii.s. Speelal Inducement lor Husiiiuw Men and Home Makers. Automobile Service from Henri LOTS ON I2ASV THlni ; See L. h. VOX, Henri Aj-ent Central Ore. Improvement Co. L. P. WAKURULI), MnniiKcr, Crescent, Oregon. DESCHUT Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WAM. STRKHT, HEND, OR. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET CANDY, FRUIT, M. J. KELLY Dnvles UulMIng, WnllSt., HliNU, OROUON A. D. MOE, The Tailor ilai received a full line of Fall and Winter Samples Stilts made to order from $15 00 tip, Cull nnd kvc llic nnmplcs hefote buyliiK elsewhere. CWnti lug und prcssiuc given hcciiil attention. Shop on Bond St. A. I. FRENCH tVie w7l6v tfoejyertj M K R C II A N T TAILORING A S 1'KCI A I, T V My business is increasing. I have had to increase my store and stock and have just reeeived a full line of Shoes, Wool Underwear, Coat Sweaters, etc,, and the snappiest line of Hats ever shown in your eity. RIGHT PRICES RIGHT QUALITY WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabla always tuppllad with tho beit that tho town afford. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Hum), Okugon BUND OBEDIENCE. DM at tht Judge Told Him and Was W.ll P.ld per a, A Kuntlcmnii had n head gardener who nuvtir thuuKlit of IiarltiK a holiday or mlNlnK a day trow work and o omottlmt surprised lili employer by MkliiB htm It bv could bum nut Ifridfty ofT," Hll roqiJPMt WBi ItnMedtntnlv irnint. ed, but on tho Hutiirdov ho did not show up, run) n Weelc wrai pant, and I mu.i n ionnini, and still uo sign of Mike. 'J'Ijo Kuntlomnn reluctantly em ployed another mnri In Mike's place. About thruo mouths afterward tia waa surprised on koIhr Into the Krounda to nnd Mike at wol'k juat ao If iiMtblni; bad happened. "Whero huvoyou beeu. Mlcbaeir' tit asked. "Well, aorT. tt'a lolke this: Von ro tnlmber the day you let me off? I bad to apiMnr at the coort n a wit ness. When I nets Iherw I sees the ould Klnt with the wig on 'la Vsad and 'la specs on tho Up of 'la nose. "'Michael Dooley,' aes '. "'Via. aorr, e 1. H'tJo Into that hoi,' aays 'a. " IllKhU aorr,' aw L "a wear,' sea 'e. "I did aa 'e told me. tbonsb I don't una bad languace aa a rule. "Three tnoutba for coutlmpt of eoon,' ses 'o. "And they're only jutt lot ao out. sorr." Pearson's. OLD LONDON INNS.' ACCUSED AS A WITCH. Trlsd For "Conv.rtlno With the Dsvll In the Form of Cat." Jans Wcuham waa Indicted at (be IIi'MfortUhlru assizes on March 4. 1712, for "conraralng wltb the dertl in tho form of a eat." under tbo prorUlona of tho act of 1(XM, repealed In 173a tier prosecutor wished to bora ber also Indicted for practicing wltcbcrait to tho harm of Ann Thorn. senrant girl sixteen years old, but tbla waa not allowed, although erldeur waa pro duced at the trial to abow what Injur bad been done the Tic tiro by meana of crooked plna and by placing cakea and cata balra In Ann Tboru'a pillow and how tho prisoner had caused the death of sonio cattla simply by walking through a turnip Old. Tho Jury brought bcr In "guilty." and Mr. Juttlco Powell passed ten tence of death, but took atepa to quasb tho verdict. Wenbaro'a prosecutors published an account of tbt case, but their argument wero pulverised by oclentlflc men. Jauo Wen him bereelf waa liberated cud taken under tbo protection of Colonel 1'lummer, who garo ber a cottage, and wo or told by Dr. Hutchinson that In 1720 tht whole country waa fully convinced of ber lunoccuco. London Spectator. Oamo That Art Famous Bsoauct of a 8polal Olsh. Though various restaurants In Naw York, Washington, New Orleans or Ban Francisco aro famous for certain dlihea, yet this Is generally the result of accident rather (ban design that ono articlo upon tht menu ahould bo pro-omlncutly successful and popular. Tbo day la past when this out dlsb could tnske tbs repuUUon of the place. In London, however, this la not tbt case, though It must bo confessed that there are not now as many Inns as formerly which have become famous by reason of tho popularity of one dlsb. In times gone by every London Inn of any pretensions at all bad Us special dish whereon It prided Itself and to partake of which patrons trav eled many mile Eel plea wero once tbo great feature of breakfast served at the old Mulct House, ucur Klnsburg park. Tbo nec essary quantity of fish waa regularly dredged up from tbo stream whlcb ran under the wlndowa of tho Inn. Tbo, plea nre still to be had, but the eels are procured from a nearby flsn mar ket Hlmpson'a, In the Strand. Is noted for Its flub dinners. This place was once Immensely popular, and even today tbore la a certain following wbo awear by Ita repasts. For a certain aum tho guest esta as much of variety of flab aa bo cares to. Another Inn boasts of a special Olab In the shape of Koutbdown mutton. Tbla la wheeled tip to tho table In or der that each Individual may select tbt particular cut to whlcb be la par tial. Tho mutton la kept warm by meana of water heated by a lamp. Do You Know This Flowrorf Among the guests at a summer bo te! lu Vermont waa a scientist from Boston, noted for his botanical re searches, and a woman desirous of Im pressing bltn wltb ber stores of gen eral knowledge; also she affected a deep luterest In all matter pertaining to botany. "I suppose," said tbo woman ont day, "that you find almost all tho mountain (lowers around beret "I Und a great many,' said tbo sci entist "There's one species of flower," abt contluued. "of whlcb I've read aa al ways being on the bills, and I've al wuya wanted to too It. Verba pa you rati nick me some." "And what Is tbls flower. tnadamT "The 'purple gloaming.' you know, 1 should dearly love to possess souie!" Ulnncapolla Journal. Watch Your Shoulders. When standing before looking glasa nolle If your shoulders aro tbo aamt height. Generally tbo right to blgber than tho left. The reason for tbla un evenness Ilea In tbo v ont alto. You get Into a comfortable chair at yout desk, and at unco you rest your right elbow on tbo arm of your cbalr or your dtk, thus throwing ono shoulder blgher than the other. TbU Is especial ly the case wbero ono wrltra a great deal. When you notlco that ono about drr Is blgber than tbo other the thing to do U to change your way of sitting ut your desk. Two simple exercises wilt be beneficial. Tbo arm of tho low er shoulder ahould bo extended up ward, tho hand grasping a dumbbell Thai of the higher shoulder should be lowered and uuido to support a heavy weight. The 8ltp of 8seds. Oats, com. fennel and same flower seeds were exMMcd during 118 days to n temperature of 40 degrees P. be low aero. Afterward when placed tn HUltablo surroundings nearly all of the feunel, oat und eoru seeds and many of the oi horn germinated. It la eon eluded that tbo protoplasm, or the t'rliu'lplu of life. In a renting seed Is in h state of Inaction not comparable to I hut of ii amulderlng tiro, but rather '.ke Unit of a chemical mixture which is enpublo of forming a combination whenever tho required conditions ot lumpuruturo und Illumination are pres ent, 8hs Was Born Yesterday. Blip l.nxt night waa the first tlmo I ever hennl you talk In your oleep, and rnu kept miylug, "Cour kings." nnd lice lu awhile, --'Full bouse," Ue Well, ynu see, I was dowu to tho club nut night plnylng checkers with a crack pinyor aud there waa a full houao watching us. THE RIVER NILE. Egypt Would Do a Wilderness but For This Wonderful Strcsm. Tbo Nile Is probsbly the most won derful river In the world. It nas made Egypt possible by turning an arid wilderness Into tbe richest land In the world. It baa provided at the tamo time an admirable commercial blgb way and made easy tbe transportation or building materials. The ancient Kgypttaus were thus enabled to utilize tho granite of Assusn for tbe tplen did structures of the hundrrd gated Thebes aod of Memphis and even for those on Tan is, on the Mediterranean coast At a time wbeu tbo people of tbe flrltlab Isles were clad In skins ot wild beasts and offered human sacrlflceo upon ths stono altars of tbe Druids Egypt waa tbo. center of a rich and reflued civilization. Most of tbo de velopment of Egypt was duo to tbe Nile, which not only watered and fer tilized tbe soil annually, but waa aud Is one of the best natural blgbwaya tn the world. From the beginning of wloter to tbe end of spring-tbat la. while the Nile Is uavlgable the north wind blowo steadily up tbe stream wltb sufficient force to drlvo sailing boats against tbe current at a fair pace, while, on the other band, tbe current Is strong enough to carry a boat without sails down against tbe wind exrept wbeo It blows a gale That Is why tbe ancient Egyptians did not need steam power nor electric motors for the Immense commerce that covered tbe Nile nor for barges carrying building materials for hundreds of miles. New York Ueraid. Tht Uses of Rubber. It Is probable that uo other com modity ever came Into such varied use within so short a period as India rub ber. First employed practically for footwear and other waterproof apparel, rubber has come to be employed In electrical Insulation, bone plpea for the conveyance of water, steam, air and so on; pneumatic and other Urea for all aorta of wheeled vehicles, balloons and tbt planes of aerial machines, tnnu mere I articles for tbe comfort of In valids, household conveniences and what not Thus far rubber has never come Into use to an Important extent for any given purpose to which It Is not still devoted. In other words. Its advantages are so marked In many use that when onre Introduced no substitute can bo found for It-Cos- lcr"a Magazine. A Slather, The pen may be mightier than tLe sword, but any editor will tell you Hint 11 Isn't a marker to tht blua ?sq-ctl.-rhlladelphla Itocord. Odd Hair Styles. Rome of tbe New Hebrides people do thou batr up lu a bunch on te top of tbt head and stain It yellow, while tho Inhablfants of tbo Umbal Islands pass It all through a tube so aa to make a kind of plume. Tbe Marquesaa chlefa favorite method la to shave all tbe bead except two patches, ono over each temple, where be cultivates two boms of hair. No doubt this Is to render hlra more a tblug of terror to bis enemies than admiration to his friends. Ills reason for shaving tbe rest of the bead Is to allow more space (or tattooing, as If all the available kin of tbo body were not enough. Exptalnsd. "Our air mattreoseo," said the deal er, "are all tilled lu tbo months of April and May, That accouuta for thrlr remarkable reHlllent qualities." "la tbe air of tboso months better than otberar "They are the spring months, you know." Excbaugo. Juitloe. The only way to mako the maw of mankind ace the beauty of Justice la by showing them In pretty plain terms tbo consequence ot Injustice, Sydney amlth. Progress Is the activity of today and tht assurance of tomorrow. Emoraon. FOUR HORSB LIVGRY. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. If. WKNANDV, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY jLtf ji y JGr-Jr if Alw HAY, OATS, BAULKY, WHEAT. CHOP WHEAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. I Morse Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Morses for Sale, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, ACREAGE, HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS, TIMBER LANDS. See Us For Bargains in Red Estate I The Home Land Company OF BEND, OREGON W. W. ORCUTT, Manager Write Us For Reliable Information TI We advertise extensively all over ike United SfatieS1 and consequently get many inquiries from prcsjre4i buyers. List your lands with us. We can sell for jtfuV IT Come to see us when you are in town. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You sre cordially Invited to make TilE HiJTKI, DALLES yqur retting pUce uhile waiting over between trnint'o" your wsy'to and from 1'ortUml. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with bath. 1'irk.t class cafe.. Kates ranging from 50c and ft upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Ce-ntral Oregon. N. K. CLARKE, Manager.. The Bend Machine Shop HENRY LINSTER, Prop. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS We have Milling Machine, Lathe, Drill Press, Vulcauizer, etc., etc. Automobiles, Farm Implements, Sawmill Machinery, etc. Agency for JACKSON AUTOMOBILES The best on the market. V"- -M ." Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. BsaBaBSBBSsawsBssMssjsMssasaMssBMsa Vulcanizing a Specialty. J. H. WENANDY DUND OR. F. L, BUNTEN SIIANIKO, OR, Central Oregon Automobile Company WENANDY-BUNTEN AUTOSOMLE CO. DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Sliatiiko, Madras, Redmond and Bend and all interior points. For further information write Central Oregon Automobile Co. Seo IIUNRY SCItGWEL, Bend Agent SPECIAL ATTENTION TO. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE THE BULLETIN U the leading uewspapr of CENTRAL OREGON i