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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1910)
SMITHWANTS OHESSEO VEAL AND POHK W wht draaaoil vaal ami l"lk and llrsrhh-kana. We (In nul tliarua rotn. mUalun, W will pay you trwnill. I) hit) any quantity ml ahlu any day, W will pay a fnl limi fur (uwl) fat atufTi Dressed Veal to to loo ri'.T w f 0,lt 122 ft!" " ii niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiixljO .gSS mil mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"0 Aitdr all ahtpmant rKANK U SMITH MEAT CO. "righting the Bsa! Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON XaSk Juat SkiiBplnar. O'or the pages of the X'ssrsgs a mala. ii llkos to pore, fluch an mount Will buy a Count! A Duke costs something mora. iti flutters o'er the pacta sad hare ami, there she'll stop. Him rati't afford A milito Iord, Out can't n tliiin! shopf -l'lilladeli.lita Ilullslln. Chanlad. "I paid that doctor a thousand dot lari In the spneo of all mouthi." "What totV "Keeping mo from gsttlng softening of the brain." "Did b toll you b ktpt you frosa ur "Csrlslnlr, why?" "You ought lo demand your money back." Houston I'oat. Dr. B. E. Wright Kara your lrih wit ami idala and l-rlle wwk don Fur out-of-town painm wa flnlah plat and Ukiir work In MM day If natoaaary. ruicra, .. r4. tiiO UUSw ... Urn fMMirBap, .11.00 UwravM Me ujwwrwNjSW ruo. J7.J0 riUM fikxiu m IIKHTMiTIIOtM IVnlaaa Kttrartfen rra Iim nlatoa or lirUca wink la Milarad, Cknaultalkm Tra. You rannol ft bailor ludnlaa wutk anywhrra, no mattrr bow much you pari All Work rHr Guar ad for Wlae Yra Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 3421 Washington St., Portland, Oregon Taka tar at dj-ot and tranafar lo Washington lit. Trial Bottle Free By Maii If roe ar7r from Kpltrw, F1ta.JiIltinlllrka.aa, St-aaaia, Of bare thlldrrn that da an. My Maw !ia curaty will Mlltra lbm, and all toa a r at ltd la oVlife.odfgrrrTitaltBolUori)r.l7,i CplioptlolxliB Orjrca' !lt has erd thnoaanda wbro Trtthlng alia tiled, (laaraatatd by May Wrdkal Lalwatoir 'fcd.r Fata tod and IWucaAil, J ana aotk.lM luaiaaly No. artl, rWaaawtlU forar-aclalTra I 1MU and rlt A(1M aad eontblal asdin BR. V. II. MAT, 648 Purl Slrttl, N Tort Olio (Inlet Hpnf, "ThU,M aald th ciiaurftur, pointing to a lara and lmioliiK mniialon, aur roiinilml by beautiful mid v.r-11 kept grounds, inme rilMiiiiro hack from ihn roadway, "la tho only plnve around hero where Ihry have an nbiolutely aafe mid anne J'ourlh of July." "What place I It?" nakml one of the paaaaiiKiira, "H'a Dip rniinty Inanne aaylum," am Wfrod the rliniiffcur. ttlorlr Wnalrit. "What nre you ulum nhout nowr "I wna Juat rovlowliiK my pait Ufa. "Well?" "And thlnklnit of nil the utoloia won rylni I have dono." Household Remedy Taken In the Oprlng for Year. nntph Itual, Wlllli, Mlch wrlleat "Hood'a Hiirauparllln line berii a liouae hold remedy In our home na lonK rua X can remmlir. I hnva taken It In the print; for several yenra, It hna no equal for cltniialnir the blood and ex polllnir the humora Hint nccumulotn durlnir the winter. Ilelnff a farmer ttnd exposed In tind wi-athor, my aye Inn la often affvrtfd, ami I often take Hood's Haranpurlllii with good reaulta." Hood'a Hiiranprirllln la i'ecullnr to Ilaelf. There I no "Juat na Rood." Clet It totlny In uaual llijuld form or tAbleta called Hnraatub. VtUaay C. Gee Wo Th Cbliest Mvt Tkla wondaul man kaa mad a llf a atudy of tha rrotxrtlaa of Koula. larta ami llatka, an.1 la altlna- lha wotU lh banaOloi hU aanUaa. ir Ne Mtrtury, Palaeae ajkfqoDrin.UMd. N oJkvrSBi Oarallaa t Cvtl floaranli-a to rur OatartK. Aatkma. Vang. Klomwh ami Kldna Irvubka, and all rrlrala UtMaN0fl aandWuntm. A BVHK CANCTK CURS Juat rwli from I'aklit, CLina' anfa, rare and rallable. U. IkUlna lalu wvrka. If you rannot rail illfurarraptom bSaak aad tlrruUr. Inclua 4 cnU In auautus C0.4SUITATI0N IMC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. w. .. , .w. i w i . .n.. w. A (Iravai Tlirral. A woman In widow' weoda was landing fit ono of tho rntrancea to Wndiworth cemetery, accompanied by her imall eon, who wm woopliiK bit terly. Coaxing having fallod to pacify tho lad, tho mother Indulged In this threat! "If you don't atop crying thli mlnuto I'll not take you In to eoe your father's grave." Hopurd ll of rillullnara. The publlo ntietlon of the Vrrkra col lection of palntlnga at New York has broken all American record for high prlcea, the Turner "Itocketa and lllue I.lKhta" bringing 1139.000 and the Krani I lata Tor trait of n Ijidy" going for 1117,000. In two ilnya tho sale totaled over a million and n half Italy levin a graduated Income tax aa well a a a direct tax on land and liouaea. Hmallor Incomea are exempt from taxatloa The miniate r of flnaii-: eatlmatrs that the Income tax for thli year will amount to about it,00.000, white the land tax will bring In , C0O.OO0. l.lilK tWo4i, , aiatlM aui.r !. ii. U..U. auiw imi uoki iui iim aflVwar. IU Miiaflatala aad fall ptUoliH raloaarlll',alAa fVairol 4 iratiilra otkau lad. fUhraMI CUiUnuU KatUaai ilaak. ft aad Ckaaili4, I ftlaral unta. tlold.ltei XI M LAY Oil IUirr-lf you will ami ua tha Mm of your poultry auoply daaUr w will rand you our poultry eJmajtaa buiulaly frl worth 11.00; and a pwlal rani for ll tulay) tIU bow In raaka your ha "ly or lloat,'" ! about our wnndarful "lAHaby' llroulrra. MUn only 11.60 dailrvml to youj mowry Lark If not aatlafMtory. TIIK rAUK A 1-uLLAHU CO. ITI KrWnd HU Iluaton. Waaa. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS waltln: for Stock, Dairy and Legged-Over Lands Addrm the McCarthy company rU.lbaU. U4IUaUIU(rtW.0nr PACIfIC EMPLOYMENT CO. f Portland. Orrton FURNISHES HtLP rREE TO CUT tOYCRS Main offlra. tl North Bond St. Main MTO; A 144 Udlaa UrpU tOili MiTlun KU Main WB; A XM4 l'boo or wire ordara at our aipana. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT KATES IN . PA1NLE5S DENTISTRY Palntaaa Kitractlon .....Fix Kllllnaa ............ ,Soc Oejd rillln tl K. Oold Crowna .11 PorcalalnCrowaa ,.,..,, 1 Malar Oatd Crowna llrUaWok.aK.OeU,.. U Inlay Pill, l-ura OoU ,tt Vtrr Nlra Mubbar 11.1a Bl llrtlRubbrr Plata ou Karth ai ALU THIS WORK IS QUAKANTKKD. Don't throw your iBnnr away. A dollar aarad latwodollararariml, Our original Palnlaa Malboda and our parf aetad orlka agulp. mant aaraaua ttmaand your money.. HST8NBEMTISTS.4iaNrrrta.rerttaa4 tutu nitt Mxifeoa, rtMiia raawb aa4 Miltr A rtaaa. amMUkad la fsnUad IS yMia, Oyra rmlaat aaiU aa4 laaaan MU ItilS. M trrla via mk, A Storekeeper Says: "A lady came into my store lately and said : " 'I have been using a New Perfection OH CootStove all winter In my apartment. Z want one now for my summer borne I think these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women knew what a conuort they are, they would all bavo one. I apoko about my stove to a lot of my friend, and they were aaton lahed. They thought that thero was smell and smoke from n oil stove, and that it heated a room Juat like any other stove. 1 told them of my experience, and ono after another they cot one, and now, not one of them would give hers up for flvo times its coat" Tho lady who said this had thought aa oil stovo was all right for quickly haatlrifr milk for a baby, or boiling a kettle of water, or to make colfee autckly In the morning, but she never dreamed of ualng it for difficult or heavy cooking. Now ahe knows. Do you raally rnttlat wht a Maw Farfactlon Oil Cook.uv mtana to yen f No nor coal to carry, no mora comlna to tha dlnntr tabl ao tlrad .out that you can't oat. s Juat Haiti a I'trftctlon Slur and Immadlataly tha hat from an Intana btu flam ahoola up to tha bottom of not, kttll or ovan. Hut tha room lant haatad. Thar la no aawka, no mall, no oulalda haat, no druJgary bi tha kltfifaaa wbare oaa of itiaaa ato la unit aSafMia yaaaaaaafc .il .aaa .aa rCMtUaary Ratal riaaur y k 2VcSv l?ercciioit Oil Cook-stove Tt has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. The nickel flnlah, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental snd attractive. Mads with 1, 2 and 3 burners, the and 3-bumer stoves can to had with or without Cabinet. Evary daaler everywhere Knot at youra. write for DtacrlpUva Circular to the naaraat agancy of the Standard Oil Company (incorporated) TRIALS oftha NEIIDEMS yawai 9 m J 'JOIIIi.YDUALWATS flCk a.unyuna la ar I'uia roax trie nfrf lain ncllTltjr by gtiulle ualhoda. Iht ai uut M.uur, crla or wtaken. Ttwy are a tuuIO'to lb ttouuicb, lltrr and nrrtrai intlcoratv loatead of wrakto. Tby a rkb tbo Mood aua enable the stomach to gtt all tbe nourlabmrbt from food that Is put Into It Tbo pllla contain ne talo tnrli they are aoothlag, beatlnr and atlra. tlatlnir. I'or sale by all druggtata latoe and ? !, f )m rird mrdlcal td vlra, write Hnnyon'a Doctor. They will adtlao to tho lnt of tbrlr ahllltr abto latrly tttti of riurira. MtmroM', sd rCrcrooa fll 1'WUdrlpUla, ra. Sand 16 for trial parka-. Chanoa for at Good Tina a. 1 citn't help but bellivs that I would have bad a better time if I hod gone to tho masquerade." "I know you would bars had." "Why, was there some one you know going to be there?" "No, but you would bars been able to wear a mask, you know." Houaton I'ost. for Any Disease or Injury ta tho cyo, uao PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, absolutely harmless, acts nulcklv. All a . . .. . .. - . nruRpiau or liowanl uros., Uufislo, 41. X , I'rupurllonal la.uranra, ny falling from a cart a Chinaman who carried a large Insurance, rays Tlt-Illls, was quite seriously Injured. Thero wss some doubt even of his ever getting better. At length one of his friends wrote to the Insurance) company on his be half. "Dear Sirs, Hong Wang Lee half dead, like half money." ttHld from Crlabot. "Do you think baseball will ever get a foothold In England?" . "They play It aom." "Ai atrrnuouily aa we do?" "V1I, na They aarv tea between the Innings, I understand." Plttaburg I'ost. Hoteers wffl flad Mrs. WtailoW BootMsj Syrapthabaatramadr toufecUtaltcaUaf)a guiug tb iMUUag paelod. JVolhlnaT llualar. Prtiapactlv Purchaser la there any way to get rid of the odor of an auto mobile? Dealer Certainly, sir. Always run tha machine at a rata of spaed sum clent to keep ahead of It Ba.Mng that he was born la 1110, a msu named Lacey, who was summon ed at Norwich (Rnglsnd) for .picking s nower in a public garun, pleaded all aentmlndedneaa and the case wss dls mlaaed. Bad Breath "For months I tuul treat trouble with stomach and used all kinds of medicines. My tongue has been actually as ercen as gran, my breath having a bad odor. Two wchiro a ineml rrcouimcnUtxl cascarcts ami after tulng them I can willingly and cheerfully any that they have entirely cuml me. I therefore let you know Uiat I shsll recommend them to any one suffer ing from such trouble." Chaa. II. Hal. pern. 114 U. 7th St., New York, N. Y. Plntunl. I'alaUbU, IVtant. Tul, Rood, DoUonl. NrrwBlekm, Wmkan or Grip. Noror oU In bulk. Tha--Blna tabWt atanpnl C C C. Guaranlaad ta euro or your monor bafk. BmaaH EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Flrat elaaa work at raaaonabl prlraa. Fro examination and parfaclly flttad (Uaaaaaa Iowa. $2.00 No faklns malboda. DltUUHAYNUl Suite 427, Marquam BuUdinkT Fourth Floor Oppoaita Portland Hotel, PertUae) Or. PREVENTION THE BEST SAFEGUARD If for any cause the horse or other domestic animal exhibits a lack of energy, nroner relish for food, or an appearance of general debility, timely action should bo taken for the restoration of Its health. la the natural food of our domestic animals Mature provides certain peculiar medicinal herbs, leaves, barks aad roots which seem necessary for their health. Pacific Stock Pood la greatly condensed form Is Intended to supply the essential virtues of those health-giving natural remedies and Is prepared expressly for those anlmsls deprived by man of their natural food. It is aa alterative tonic which stimulates the various organs el the body, promotes he secretions, toaes up the general system and restores the disordered conditions to a normal stale. It stlmulstes tho sppctlte, improves the digestion and assimilation of food, purifies the blood and insures a good, healthy eeaditloa. Booklet free. Home Chxuicax, Co, rortlsad, Ortgea EARTH PASSES COMETS TAIL Millions Who Witched for Phe nomena Saw Nothing. No III Effects Nor Eloclrlcal Distur bances Apparent Many Sun Spots In Evidence, Portland, May 19. The comotcemc, U10 comet went, and this old earth Is no worse and no better, and thus far very little wiser. There was no collision, as tho super. atltlous and tho Ignorant feared, and now that tho comet It- headed away from us, there will be no recurrence of tho manifestations of terror that were recorded from all parts of tho world. Tho earth did pass through the tall of the comet, but nobody suffered from tho deadly cynnogen gas. To tho nsked cyo, tho tall of the comet was indeed tho "veriest approach to nothing set in the midst of naught" In fact, tho phenomena of the day. light hours of yesterday wero far the more interesting. Uuring the after noon sunspots wero observed in vary ing numbers from five Western observ atories at tho same hour, but the as tronomers who recorded them were al most unanimous In tho belief that these disturbances had nothing to do with the approach of the comet. Two were seen from San Jose, with 13 smaller spots; three "considerably accentuat ed" spots from Chicago; three connect ed spots rrom Vallcjo, Cal., and two from Portland, Oregon. None of tho Eastern observatories had anything of note to report, either during tho day or the night Near Chicago, at Williams Day, Wis., where is tho great Ycrkcs telescope, the con ditions for observations seemed the best and tho astronomers there were confident that the negative as well aa the positive results of their examina tion would be' of lasting sciontlile value. The whole performance took little more than flvo hours. Observers dif crcd as to tho exsct time at which tho earth began to pass through tho romot's tall, but Uie opinion averages a moment between 10 and 11 o'clock at night Eastern time. The combined speed of the tail and tho earth was estimated at slightly more than 46 miles a second, and tho breadth of the Uii at about 1,000,000 miles. Friday the comet will become visible again, headed away from ua, with the tail sticking straight up out of the western sky a little above the spot where thu sun sinks. There will then bo no light from the rising sun to- dim the glory of tho spectacle and it is likely to be far more majestic than in the stages of the approach. At the end of this month, good-bye for another 76 years. COMETS IMMATURE PLANETS. Professor See Advances Theory Af ter Years or Rosearch. Mare Island, Cal., May 19. Profes sor T. J. J. See, astronomer in charge of the United States naval observatory at Mare Island, announced today aa tbe outcome of years of research in cos mical evolution, a theory on the origin of comets, which, ho said, were some of the primitive masses once forming the solar nebula and could be popularly described as immature, undeveloped planets. "In course of researches made at Mare Island during tho post two years on the origin or Uie solar system,' said Professor See, "I havo proved that comets are really survivals of tho outer shell of ancient nebula, from which our system was developed. All the inner parts of the nebula have been cleared away in producing planets and satellites, but many small masses still survivo in the outer shell of tho old nebula. These rxe the comets." Ball of Radium Is Theory. Portland, May 19. "I bellovo Hal ley's comet is a ball of radium," de clared Dr. Davidson Buchanan last night In his lecture before tho msga- xlno class at tho Y. M. C. A. "And I think." ho continued, "that the proof of this theory will bo established by tho results of observations of scientific men now studying tho comet Like radium, the comet furnishes its own luminosity and continues for years without decreasing In weight" Dr. Buchanan said this at the close of an Interesting talk on comets in general. Trade Is Brisk In Conjur Bags. Atlanta, Ga., May 19. Dealers in "conjur" bags in tho negro sections of the city carried on a thriving business yesterday, as tho result of tho sched uled trip of thu earth through Halley'a comet Meetings also wero held In churches, thousands of negroes refus ing to return ta work until tho passing of tho "comic" Cloudy weather throughout the South obscured the heavens and somewhat allayed the fears of the superstitious. Harvest of Converts Is Resped. Standford, Ky., May 19. Scores at negroes proicsseu salvation at aii nlght sessions hold In their churehea hero last night, to prepare themselves for whatovor might happen when the earth passed through the comet's tall. Fields are practically deserted by Uie farm handav.or negroes have refused to work and are fleeing to town. Where is Your Hair? Inycurcomb? Why so? Is not the head amuch better place for It? Belter keep what Is left where It beloncsl Aycr'sHalr Vleor, new Improved formula, quickly stops falllne hair. There Is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi tively about this, for we know. Uoi ml chant '" celotef lh hair. J A rsraiaU with ah aatil haw ll la yaur diiur Aak hlaa aka 11, taaa Sa aa k aaya yers Indeed, the one ere at leading feature of our new Hslr Vljor msy well be said to be Ibis It stops falling hslr. Then If goes one step further It slds nature In restoring the hslr snd scalp to a healihy condition. Ask for "the new kind." -M-a4vtar f W. L. DOUGLAS 95, 84, 83.50, 83 A 82.S0 93.00 thott OnUdOfJ, 41.10 A it f, L. Dntiftlui nliocft uro worn lirinoroiiUMi limn nnyntliormnke, BECAUSE t W.r..ll..nla.'IO I ml ai.onalioaaeqiial, In atyla, flt and w-nr, ntliar make ciiatlng . awtm in a.r. TT.iMifnn;iaaia.iHi, UXOOIJUt and 'J.lMI ahoa ara tho Iohmi rlr, quality rnnald- J cruii.inina worm. r"Mf Coar Cotltl: Tha ;fiftln har Wf- Donrlaa mim bM arlr atampad on lha hotiam. 'rjiki. ti MhaiiiN4. Aakyi.rflralrrforW.I.1l-ir1aaalioa. Iltbay ara not for talo tn ronr loira w nm lor Mall WW ! tint, vtrtn fall lilrmtAn how ta mArt br mall. Shu-M oflft dirrt rrom Ja'turr 4f llmwl lo tha ivtar.r aa aUru prepaid. W, U Wllu US, Urockloa, Jtaaa, ft WV lytes x mzjw B MBtfCE THC C8ST OF UWrlf useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND STEINWAY AND OTHER PIANOS Shemmwlaysc. Co. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES SIXTH AND MORRISON, OPP. POSTOFFICE, PORTLAND, OREGON A Beautiful Book rREE TM beautiful booklet. CMtaMas 73 aplrmfld eho- tatrawrra af lh warto aaaat ctltftwatad mattklana, may tx had fr aipaa rcnatat, arorlafag tha fallow- Us natation arc amwertd. W wial alo Mod fr easy mt "Old rvarh Santa." Do you expect to buy a Plane? wncn I...................................... rtsme . r. .................................... Address . iiiiaii3fcaV aaPXTraanflaBtaMf' "' ' aaPaaPaaPJB aaaaBaaaaVaP9-''' BaaaaaaaaaaVl BBv'; SBaaBaaaBf II Mlsht Work. Iteformer I, wish I could do some thing to make people take my advice. Friend Try engraving It" on the han dle of your umbreluu Doaton Transcript How Is Year Appetite Today? Is it keen and normal, or da you havo that "don't care" sort of feel ing! Loss of appetite is one of the surest signs of inward weakness, and if you are wise you will heed the warning promptly and take a few doses of Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters. The system requires a cer tain amount of nour.shment every day In order to keep up health and strength and to replace the waste portione. This can only be accom plished with a keen appetite and perfect digestion and assimilation of the food. Then again Hosteller's Stomach Bitters should be taken. It will stimulate the flow of gastric juices, so essential to perfect diges tion, and aid in every way possible. For over 6 years it has been used with wonderful success in cases of Poor Appetite, Heartburn, Flatu lency, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cos Uveness, Biliousness and Malaria. PIPE REPAIRING s VtjMmmAOMXKSX aa auaauaiua. aitni urn, i tO SICHXL. A. CO. K&aaSaaJ faScJ' . COFFEEt TEA SPICES' BAKIH6 POWDCR v EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT ciissnaDCToaf nwuiiii. one VULCANITE ROOFING IS BEST MaJjVvtn erl JM Warms- Ms Itata OaardS Mattad BO. hk NraTrtaualan SI Taa I aaaaa S 1 laaVa kti.Hu n- BMaclra. Scyaaira BMilayaar MjlMa. JI9.II AIM St. rortlaarf. Uraaaav. Union Painless Dentists CZSt TEETH rultSotefTetth SS.00 Itridc Work or Ttwth without PUtra S3 30 Co ii CoMCroama ,. ..... 41.50 to 5X0 forerlaln Cnnma ......... lUO toJS.oe OoM or IVrroUIn rUlovia . JI.OOUo Sdrar FUUnr . SOctoit.Oe Boat Plata Mada.. J7J0 No charaoa for rinlaa Extractlna whan otbrr work ta dona. ISyrara'Cuaranta with all work. Houra.Sa.rn. USp.m. tUH WorTtwo 8treri. NOWVtW TIME SffisJaBaaatiaaaU 'aaaaa! f V'anafflt JHB of tka yaar to bar ' m m am aTsssj isme. rsrvti It IhaalitttaM M pUle ml vork la c snis savaass oi town DsUk daTfTaao aUrCraM v5 I 2asVUfTMa3.l . I S4jrasna LIN! taaawl IDfat Ll N I SW FlSiaft .V M.W.a.WiM.NnatWMaMatm S.M K rut at.. B-UV. natM 7. faUItH btl'tla . nmaaiamaaiiT wmMT aiCTHSOMa PalalaM XalrarUoa fm "ban jUlaa or bitdaa waafe laoraarad. Ooaaajtattoairraa. 1 on caaoot aol banaa aaialaaa work aajohar. Bo tnaHar how wacn yoa aaa. Alt wars, ruay aruaraataaU foe Jtf tcaa yaaa. Wise Dental Co. INCORPORATKB PlRleas8 IteHtlfitS rakSas BStac.TaW t WaablastM. WILMal. SwtSJSki naaa nvai ia.a.niriH. rmii.wni Saaf.ttl, PHU Na at-'ie w HKK WTltlnr to.Tertr8pIaV in n uon tiiie p.pre SEND THS AD, FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company fortUnd Srattl Gpokut Aak for Thalr Good and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Uwful Article Without Cost LET EVERY PERSON TAKE CARE OF THEIR TEETH Ri,ul.Hrt!.JU tklf lward. If your toath ara Decayed hare tham attaralail to at our eRkaa W ": TPl? or 00. ' ""' eaperl Workmen who ara aklllod In Bit. W YTH E8 aratara. I KNOW what to do and how to do It. Thafa why aHmy work U Poaltlyaly 1'a(nLK33. That alao why all my work la GUARANTEED to air laatiag Ualactlon. Vopular prka wlthl lb raaah M varyona. ara chanrad. Owplad wlthraylncuraoarmblylowpriaforditltryof suratalrailllty I Ua Stat ShaS w do not ajipaot Ut nay uatil tha work la utlafaatory to you. rcr?cGra&.r..sfc k $i.w &8$$$. ....$3.00, &M aasi S5.M lAmMaklns a sVeclaity ol PorcaMo Krldsawork. TWal with doubt tha moat WauUful nd iMtlnaT war. known to dantal Klanea. Bpa whar on or nor tiaak bar baan toat I rrpUca lo look ao natural that datactl) la ImpoaaiU. Aak to aa aanpla of thia haauUf ul work. All dmtlata h am araduatea of from U to ti yoara aiparlenc. 148 Fifth Street. Oppoalt Malr A Frank' Frfth-Slreet Entranc tady Aiihtanta Ahan la AUaaaVance, J DR. WHHE'S DENTISTS, Inc. Hows SUB to S( Sundoya, Slja to 2.