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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1910)
I )i li I" I I V r ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FiveAcre Tract ADJOINING BEND? We have n few tracts nt reasonable rotes. If yon care for one of these choice buys, buy nt once, ns they arc selling; fast. BARGAINS. wHaMeaMBaVaVaVJa. A Dozen Buys in City Lots that cnn'P-be equalled. A Choice Acre in Lytic at Half Price, irrigated Lands Close In, on Easy Terms. Timber Tract are Our Specially. We locate yon on 320-Acre Homesteads. We represent the best Insurance Companies, and handle Minting Stock NOTARY WORK AND STENOGRAPHY. Centra! Oregon Realty Company BEND, OREGON. ELMER lSlSWOMER, Ires. D. L BROWN, Yice-PrcsHMt fi. 9. MARKEL, Sec. Treas. Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL BE CARRIED IN STOCK BY US HEREAFTER. SWEET POTATOES NEXT WEEK Fine Candies JHE CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDQE & HOBBS. Two Great Bargains in Irrigated Lands. 120 Acr fine inproved land Also, 400 Acres of nice xaBiLl!!.!:.o.m$3,600 1:..!.1;;;:::::: $12,000 Excellent Water Rights. We recommend these as extraordinary bargains. The Deschutes Valley Land and Investment Co. LAIDLAW. OREQON WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with tho bett that the town afford. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, Orhgon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OKFICK IN HANK UDtt.niNC, BKND, OKKGON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER ROOM 4 BANK BUILDING JIEND, OKKGONl Dr. A. A. BURRIS, m$ Healer. IMacatca Succcaafully Treated Without the Ue of Vfvii or Surgery, by thr Natural Method of Healing. Chron ic UitAtn a hfvcully. Cou.ullaliou free Member Qftbr 6Ute and National Naturopath bocicty. Office la Jobneon tlhig., BendYoretoo DR. W. P. MYKRS O. C. YOUNG MYERS & YOUNQ LAWYERS L a i d 1 a w, Oregon Practice ia all Courts and Depart ment of the Interior. I. L. SCOPIF.LD. DENTIST. Ol'l'ICH IN TOHNSON ntm.niNn Bend, Oregon. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPFICK OVKR BANK Office Hour: F. 0. MINOR LAWRKNCK 111)11,1)1 NO UFE-FIRK ACCIDENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Paper Correctly Drown. FIDELITY BONDS XW, la to u a. tii,; i to 3 and 7 (o 8 p. m. -:- - ' Orkgon CHARLES S. NOBLE CIVIL ENCINBHR AND ARCIIITI'.CT Will toon be in Semi. Keady now to make engagements for work, Ad dtesa Bend roatoffice. THE EVIL .EYE. To Pratt a Turklih Baby It to Terrify It Mother. Turkish women, von the nttut en IlKhtftied of them, are very atipcnttl tltius. 'IV nrnlKo n huhy to Ita mother la nil your life la worth ahmilil tho Imfojr hnieti to fall III nfliinoinl, Tho evil tve la tho moat t-tiiiumm be lief, and llitlo elilldrvn, who may ho diewd III I ho height of Ktirownii fnMiImi otltiTwIre, will wear under me hrlm f tliolr haimi piece of Kiirllo or other potent ehnrm aealuat tho evil eye. Nlflviy I lini mi m, a wonmn not only well edit fit ted, hut ptwvtOMd of mi 11111111.11 tnlmi. hint four children They were fanltleuMy dreod In tm ported Knclkli clothes, bill en oh of them wore aomo trinket npnluat the evil eye, I leaned her atnntt It. and hc protected Hint It waa not her do. hi);. "Tho lures put them on. nliil I do not wlah to hurt their feellnpi by lnkliR them off.' ahe ald. I resolved to tent her eiillehtennieut. and the nest lime I mtw the baby with her I exclaimed, "What n lovely Utile creature!" "Vou wretch!' ahe erlctl. "Spit on that child at oncer I laughed mi her manifest terror, but tianteiuM to mid. "I do not think her lovely 111 the littnl. for alio liua ml hair and freckle and a pile tune, but I wauled to tltul out whether It waa yon or the "laves who put that garlic on your.lmhlea." She nhi-MR-prd her ahotildcn. "The dave dlil II. but I imppoae I do In the bottom of my heart believe In the evil eye. It la In the hlootl." Mr. Ken neth llrown lu Metropolitan Magazine A Oliady Place. A hotel keeper near Now York ell) la a Prvneliniaii. and hi family Uimw little more ntunit KiikIIIi Mhiii ho duet III aiihurlmn lintel mhiiN In the ecu tor of a hhuiiiv tilled with hirce tree When the proprietor wanted to cull ill tentlon to thl mlvnutnin ho put on hlx card, "Tho irnwt alindy hoiel nroiiiul Now York " The repiiliillim of the place I beyond reproach, mid tho pro prletor doe not know yet why ao ninny ioroii uille when they rend the lino ipiotcd. Not at All Madam What n ninny limiting lint that woman lui on! Adam-lnui'i nee anything funny about It. Uxika uiliility Kcualble to me. Madam Ye; that'a what make It ao fuuuy looklnw. To liel New York Tltuea. A Great Work of Art. It waa Apclle who vlaltttl the atudlo if pTotocenea lu Homo and. Undine the nbweni. drew a thlu colored lino In inch, n nay that the Itomau know hat only his Oreelau brother could have do ik It. Hut. not to bo outdone. Protogencii drew n thinner line upon that of Apclle. nod when till wa seen Apellca drew a third line upon that of I'rotOKciica. This panel wa then looked (ihii aa thecrvateat work of art. so aaya tho atory, In the palace of tho Caesars. l;or Sale. One Del-aval cream separator, 500 jxiuiida capacity. One Ktirekn butter wcrker, 50 pound capacity. One ao Onl. Acme Inure! churn. All good n3 ncw price 90. J. N. Mastiin. 1-4 Uoslcnd, Or. Notice of Vacation of Plat. Notice l huctijr iltn that The I'ltot llulle t)tvclotniciil Couiny hat Mnl In my orhee a Ixllllon In the Common Con in 11 ol Ihr Cllr ot liriiil tur the vnemion uf Lola II aii.t iiiitliliKk 17, t,HN7. aiilotniii.'a l. aii.l that itloii of Mra MihhI Ktnetn he aoulh raolrrty eml or the aller In IIIihL l ami the aoulhnralrily mil of the alley In !.!. k i, nl iuii.i, aveuniiuK in the plat theieot on Ble In the ornce of the County Clerk of Cixuk cuuiy. ote uu. all ol Mkl lit tielnKUKBtil by Mill pell llonei. ami that !) wlltlou will te mnt.etel ala mttlnif Ml.lComuioii louiiclt lo he heW Maya, I jie. ue a. anon thereaner a r nuoium ball he If tally aiteniMrit. All tiauna hayiBa ohlettlon lulhe vacation tnayeit ir are teuueatetl to piearnl auch ol.Jri.1lon to the llonutaUe Cora. mou vounoi ai mm tneelim r- Daleil at Demi, Orrj-nn, Alrlt . lyto. iiubiiswiiy neexKiier II C liasket Ball with Prlnevllle. The Rirls' basket ball team of the Bend High School will play its drat Katuc with Princvillc on the 30th n tn la month. I-or several months the players have been practicinn under the coaching of II. A. Herk man, Lara's hall having been ar ranged tor the "try out" contests that have token place between the t;Irls and a team composed of the teachers. The following will play m the Princvillc aatac: Ancle Young and Bessie Main, forwards;. Alice Caldwell and Anna Moan, uards; I.oretta Warnstaff, center tnd captain. Library Will l-ntertaln. Miss Mabel Roberts, graduate in oratory, will give an entcrtninment under the auspices of the Library ciuu in .the near future. Watch for the date. At the lost meeting 1 publicity secretary was appointed tnd the following new members elected: Mrs. Daird, Miss Wll. liaras, Miss Mabel Roberts, Miss Roberts, Mrs. G. S. Young, Mrs. McConncll, and Mrs. J. Arnold. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION fulled Malta Land OriWr, The bailee, Oregon, March t, Mie, Notlte ta hervhv alv.n thai lh. Vmih.. i. rifle Railway Conipauy. whune iKMtomc a.Mie" It Ht Caul. MliiBeauta, haa I hie tnd .day ol March. lete,nied In thla order tla application lu elect under the jimWon or the Act et Con eteaa. atitHove.1 lulv i. iau fkiHi.i . lMi . eittihtnl . the Act uf Conereaa aDtnuenl Mat nee. 4. Tp. IS H., K. U Itaal. W. l. w " Any and all i?rauna cUlmlne adeetaely the lamladcaCTtbcJ. or dealrlnK toiililect Ivrauae ol Ihe mineral character or the land, ur f..r n. uther ream. 10 the dtiraat to antillcaut, ahonid Ale their arDlavltaoricolea In idle oCOcc, vn or Ufocc the Mh day ol Apill, late, mry!l C W MtHIKK, Hrclaler. Do it Now! 1 If M PLANT It firmly 011 your minds lo poil. lively Ik here am! lake mlvnntnKC of the Grcntctt MoiieySaviiig Event in Eastern Oregon. A f 15,000 Mock of high grade cloth ing for men, women nttd children, from Ameri ca's lending mniutfactiitcrn. Everything will lie sncrificttl at the Jowcut prices; Just to hit pics firmly on your mind that In the future this store is the place for you to Untie. If you nrc not here Tuesday, March 15th, we expect you here later, as you ate no doubt aware that $1 00 buys ( J 00 worth of waits here, during this MnNtodon Bargain event. Price Bros.,. THE PLACE POR REAL 11AR0AINB. Prlnoville, Oregon Morris Hititdlng, Main street, near Ochoco bridge. Livery, Feed & Sale Stable Templeton Sh Wright, Prop. Headquarters for Freighters and Homeseekers I'ltat-clati KIk and Tram ready for trip to all polnta In the !r cliiitet Vallry. Hay, Oralu ami Stable Kimiiii for your lioru lltliig )our itock brie forMleor trade. Redmond, Oregon r aamHipe al 4 t Purity & REDMOND GRILL DATES & YOUNQ, Proprietors GOOD ROOMS QOcandup GOOD MEALS American and European Plan REDMOND, OREQON fM CAN1Y MTMaaH WfeODtll OUUI lUeW Caalaerieaan; C., ltlrH rVllaai. Ortn Powell Uuttes. Powki.1. ntrrTKS. April 4 J. I. Jonei lu iQ nil illicit 80 In Ihe river bed to 1 Mr. Dean from iJclllnj-liam, Watli. Mr. Jones will continue to live on hli 'loincatcad. UiirIi Mitcliell returned Utt week trnm a long visit in the lUst, The Bulletin does ucnt and serv iceable job printing of all kinds, at i fight prices. Wantkd Five or six room by May ist.Ms. C. B. McCo.VNW.1.. For sale bay gelding, 7 years ld, weight 1000 lbs., well broke. A, D. Mokkmx. Wantkd Girl or woman for general housework. Good home, ood wages. Mks. C. B. McCon mum,. 4tf For rent house on Garden Row. Pour rooms, pantry ond closet and mall cellar. Inquire R. Spencer. Also bed, springs, etc., for sale. f ROYAL TOM A handsome black Bclgian-Pcr chcron stallion, will make the sea son at the Aunc barn in Bend. THRMS: $125010 insure; sea. son, $8 00. Payment due when mare is known to be with foal. Care will be taken to avoid accl' dents but responsible for none. RALPH DUNN, Owner. ANTON AUNE, Caretaker. Hotel Dalles The Dnllcs, Oregon New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths. First class cafe. Rates tanging from 50c and f, upward. Ideal Slopping Place for All Going Inlo Central Oregon. N. K. CLARK, Manager. Article on Bend COPIF.S NOW ON SALIl at BULLIJTIN OFFICII of Putnam's Magazine c elSrWlPA w-53lSEv llaaa k JftMWrprTfVI wtaMaU. 0 YEARS' For Canrlv 1, 4 muLLMgglXMAgJ ri.. eSilaaaaBaBaH for January, containing long illustratetl article o'n t h e Bend Country. BOARD OF TRADE Just off HiePress LEAFLETS New ones, Just off the I'reas. For salo at Bulletin Office. Send them out and BOOST S HAPPY FiBMFB MVFC - .. . v ....-, vilaaVI v r aTaTaTaTaW arnTaTaTaTaM.H'- AjaraTataT -J- J M S Vou'il t liantiv trwt if vm, Ix)iikIiI ymir HARNESS AND X Leather Goods 7 ? JOHN LEGAT I S HciM.Or. f i I m INTIIItCIMCt'lT COUBT OK TUX STATI! OK OKK.00N rORTIIK COUNTY ' UY Ktiwii, V C Howie, rnalallff. MadtllM n Moietee. Itefemtanl To Madeline N HaNlee.ilefenUlalteRannl Ulh Nana nf Ihe Male nl Oreenei Vm ire .-....i.vsirr:", ': ""'."' hf -"" -a.n II ion OH Of IM'MM tail aoinanewer lalnit vuv 1 111 enlllle.t A pill bth. lata, al ( m .......... newer ina uiniirr will tM. lalhe iMort foe the relief ilemamleil In laht twonUtDl. ""f K.l.,iMlUoflhe mae.r. irart no- ..Mine U UM tM ih "n."aurr, ,. ... ,.. ,,.,,., , ,n lnf nB llu ,11m irllmi.iHifl, iwhlliheit I.Cla'kLawii Y OreeJa. t,y oeUer i.f ll,V ItotweaUe III c Mil. tieflilayofM.ith ii.. iheit.t, of Jh, fli." .iilil rail,,,! Km. W, ,,, , , . Unto , oMhe imbuctiou 1,1a, .1. rot, r.llVl Deti.l Ihte n. ita of March, let. "U AllMMeff.7lher1ai.VfrA NOTICE FOR PUI1LICATI0N. I'eparirflini n( trie Inlerlor, V H, Mint OIBce at TH liallee, Oregon, March Klh, mie, Hotlce ia herelry (teen that , Allutt fc. Shullt ofnernl, OreuftH. who.on Haeemher lath lli.menea.) (iter aNo, Imi i '.IS?!' "?J.W-.. ! " c. rateoaiae the wlfmtem fwaler" Mer Catwtlwwy Oe.. Utit , r.rtla.4. Order Your WOOD From the Pioneer Wood Yard A liberal supply of the licit tieb avuilulile afwaya 011 lund, ' ' CUSTOM WOOD SAWWOar, A SPUCIAIeTV. . . 'I' Wa. P. DOWNING, I'toprMc, lieml, Oiroit 6-1114 John KMcr, all ol C W MOOHII, Heileler J--S. Notice To Crrlltr",ycoutlo,,h.wr.,.,. , o,..,, I0, In the mailer ofihe Kalale ri n.n. it. meeie.ueceaatil, ,.Th harlite l.i ! Coniiljr Court of I hi Vr l,?AV",!",y' "Imlnlatritr een atnmini..! 1. aiale of liir.o... ! M.t .. v, in, naiaia nr rMHiriic ai 1 BEND LODGK No, 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visitinc brothers 1 uiwuya welcome. J J. O, OAVIDBON, Beer. U, O, OOe, M. W I Trade Marks DcaiaNB GopynioHYB Ac Anrnna taniilnt a akateli and daacrlptlon mar ijnlekla ajrerlaln our oHulnn free wnatuar an IneeittVin la proliabljrpatantattla, tTonimunlea. tloiiaatrlellaiun4aullal. HANOMM ou I'atauU aant fraa. MMael lutanef fofaacurniaTPatafita. I'alam taken iiirouah Munu A u raealre tpieiat natlti, wit bout chares, lu the Scknfific JftnericaH A handaomalf llluilralei! waatlr. T-ara-eet elr. rulatlun af any aclantldA lonrnal. Tarnie, 13 a enari fniir njontbe, u Holdbr all newadaalera. NUTICJK FOR PIJIJLIOATIOJ lHm,,!"2x "' ,he merlori V. w n ...nt fiute ai ijaaevteie. Kebruarv aar. r,lA 1. l.-i .. t ... " ..v.. it i.rnuj given mat 0K0VH II CAI.DWKI; of Rdalaml. Orvftn. wli.i nn ,A iiiaile HomuUail Unlry No, Mil. tNo Viaai. SSL" 7,,,M" tk. Hhtl.ta t. ...... .".."v.- r jreral.,,.! , ..,krr ,,,,, ,-".;'- om of alettlarchl, 11,10. MxtiITSi irl imbllcalloti, Marth ij, 19m, iKaiii.aNir I'Atinfta AIUnieyafor,u,al,UjU( In I n "-' .u. i.nWVi.ffi"iH".1l ttffl I!l UUiVIiV eft-' an, haa licit notice of Inleiillou lo inaka iual liee Year nrivif. in ..1.1.11..1. .1.1... ,rn - "J Hlmveileacrllietl, txiure II. C HIIU,Jt;..i UmnS '" "'. "cud. OirjBOii.oi. the j'iijjja t( Clalmanl tie,.... .. u.1,......., ,.lLii la..3'4 liigluni. A. O. Audeiaon, o, T lr7.l; irl. nam, an ot, Oregon i ml r, lurv-au AKTIIUK W. OKTONt fljf 11 ..." rV For Sul LAfull-blood Poland China sow fehffl f ,n ,,,,f,nK fa" ight pigs January i. price for Jw ao if lokfII Khte & Jj pound butter a in b"'.B December 30; price i7o." """ A, A. GKHHN, Rvdiuotid, Or, t IX. ? zzzzizimmss