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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1910)
SUPPLEMENT TO THE BEND BULLETIN, 11ENU, OREGON, MARCH , H10, .1 ' I'- MONEY IS READY TO FINISH CANALS Arnold Irrigation Compuny Qo injj Abend. TO SPEND $35,000 THIS YEAR Ten Thouasad Acres of Highly Pro ductive Lead Will Thus Bo Wat ered and Made the Heme of a Populous Community, The Arnold Irrigation Company has arrangements practically com plcted for financing its project, and the coming summer wilt sec much work done on its canals and flumes. The expenditure involved in the work that will be done during 1910 will aggregate approximately $35, 000. It is expected to have the svstem very nearly completed by the time snow puts a stop to the work next fall. The largest undertaking of the plans as now outlined will be the building of a new flume. While specifications for the flume have not been adopted in detail, it probably will be 12 feet wide and three feet deep. The flume will be a mile and a quarter long. The body of it will be of two inch lumber, and the supporting timbers and founda tion will be constructed in most substantial manner. Sig Clark, who recently installed a sawmill on the Fred Ilunnell place, has the contract to furnish the lumber and is now sawing it. M. J. Kelly has contracted to haul the lumber from the mill to the flume site. The intake will be enlarged and permanent gates installed. Ap proximately three miles ofold canal will be widened. It is planned to build from six to eight miles of new canal on the east lateral, which runs eastward into the Arnold sec 'tion; and also some three or four miles of new work on the north lateral, which will water land ly ing directly cast and southeast of town. The company has hereto fore been handicapped for funds, but the necessary finances have been provided for, and hereafter the work will go forward with vigor. The Arnold system will water approximately 10,000 acres lying east and southeast of town. It is a mutual company, the stock of which is owned by farmers and Dend basin ess men. A large por tion of the laud lying under this system was originally taken up as homesteads and desert land entries, and the holdings ranged from 160 to 500 a,cres to each man. Lately these larger tracts have been divided somewhat and are being sold to new comers, who plan to develop their holdings extensively as soon as the system is finished and water delivered to their lands. Wanted. Reliable man, with team and tools,' to put in any part of 150 acres of rye, for hay, on share basis of two-thirds of crop; located near Cline Fall. Will advance seed if necessary. Write at once. 51-1 C. M. Lannino, Lumberman's Bldjj., Portland, Or. You get your, money's worth when-you read The Bulletin. Oregon Fruit In Cubs. Mrs. C. A. Jones writes from Havana thnt she finds Oregon fruit on sale in that ttopic mat.kct. She sends two wrappers, both from the Bear Creek orchard tit Mdroru and says: Away down here In Culm I am able to get Oregon fruit. 1 enclose two wrap per which speak for themselves. In one was a pear for which tlicy clinic 10 cents ami In the other an apple nt 10 cents. 1 mw Orcfion apolcs selling In New York at f 1.5b per doien hut they were liner man ineie ai 10 cenis cacu Why Is a (loom at Rend. (riliitTlM Journal.) John Steldl of fiend was In town sever al inn tmi ween on imamcst. Mpcsx Ine 01 the real estate boom at Html Mr. Steiill, who hat been Intttcsletl theie since the first developments, says hat he ts at a loss to account for the high prices that are being offered for real property mere. "The people of llcnd are not trying to boom trie town,1' he says. "Il'a the people coming in from the outslile that nave made the boom. Seattle parties have come lu anil gathered up about half of the property already. Setcrat deals have been nude in which the old owners who have held the property for four or Gve yesra have sold nut. The purchasers hnve turned around and sold the property within a few days and made more than the man who held the proper- the five years. When we trace up the records of thr men who have come to llcnd and made the heaviest buys we find almost Invariably that they are people who have been very close friends to the Great Northern, ana tncouiv way 1 can explain why they want llcnd properly o Miiiy is nut tney nave got sonic itiawe information from somewhere," The Tumalo Neighborhood. Ttjmalo. Or.. Marth .- rulmy, apriag'tlkt daya makes u fl tike Ctrmlag wise, Chat. Wtmr sad Jeae Moot inl a trip 10 Powell Dulles oj day U.I wrek. John FtuiKii or Bentl, m a Tunisia tUllor L( Salunlaj. MUaKumUor ClormUte ts aaaiatlag Mrs. Cro. w. Winter with houe work l pfnt. I' A. Voolley Jk Bom hate be drilling Mae grata lately. Win. Baker will mike (ul Are-ycar poofon hit bomeatrad noilh of Tuvulo neat Tuesday. Tutnalo hit bre a without oulalde mall for the U-4 tea daye. He. J. A Mitchell of Head htld sertlres it lh Baylcy acboot today, Huoday school utt sUo erganUed. The new bridge oa the Tnniilo has been put la and travel U again oa the timber rosd to Demi from here. Mr. Moatgonery orrrlatYille was la Turaala today, havlog com to rUlt hli alater MUa Lottie, who 'a teaching at the fcayley school houie. Pleasant Ridge Items. tjoyd llarradcr mdeabu.lneal,lpo frlnc TtJIt la.l frMay, rttumlng Saturday. A Mr. Illnktry, flora Kpokaar, haa bought o acrra of land.wrat of Waller Itrrv'a.loliilne tha Culmorc pUe on Hit weal, lit baa ttiurnedto npoaaneanaia capenra pack aooa wim niv lamiiy. The froat la all out of the ground, farmers are gelling icady lu art d la a lew days. MLaLlnntlllaeiptttlnca routla from Maui on, Wla., after br ietta of achool close there. C. W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch ' Repairing a specialty. Two doors south of P.O. Dend BKND LODOK No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J.O. DAVIDSON, U, 0, COt.MWl J&L Fresh Fruits ORANGES BANANAS, LEMONS WILL UK CARKIIU) IN STOCK I1V US IIKRUAl'TUK. SWEET POTATOES NEXT WEEK Fine Candies T1!S CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDKIUUn & IIOUUS. Colonist Rates AND THE -OREGON GREAT NORTHWEST The management of the Oregon Railroad ,V Navlitatlon Co. takes ureal pleasure In announcing that the low ralra from Itastern cities, which havo done so much In past seaionstu atlmulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, a win iiicvau nuaui una nniipir t& DAII.V from March I to April I , inclusive. PEOPLE of OREGON The railroads have done their part; now Il'a up to you. The coloulil rate Is the greatest of all home, builders. I)o all you ran to let lUMern people know atiout It, and encourage them to come here, where land Is cheap and home-builitlug ttiy and attractive. Fares Can Be Prepaid at home If desired. Any stent of the road nameil Is authorised to receive the required deposit and telegrsph ticket to any point In the ltaat. Remember The Rates prom Chicago, fu: from 8t. Itouls, fir. from Omaha ami Kansas City, fit. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. WM. AlcMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabic always suppliad wllh th best that the town affords, Neat and Comfortable Rooms. I3knd, Okhoon bV I TT m' i Gsd&mlfa iTi itawauiti! n jfftWll vrnlil for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled teejEU. Ceatinueue fly. MMia-tlMa. IMiinf WW I m l"e . Jr