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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1909)
Race for a nr- Wife HAWLEY SMART CnArTKll XIV. (Continued.) That afternoon Maude strolled out Into the ground. She wandered up on of the grassy tltns through the sea of Murels, until she arrived t a pond -a pond all covered with great large-leaved water Ultra. and bjr the edge of that pond Maud sat down, and. rutins her head n her hand, began to think. It was one of that warn) sunshiny days we are occa sionally blessed with In April. She' thought very sadly of the life before her. Of course It was her duty to save Gllnn to her parents. Why was duty always toad so hard In thin world? Ah I It was cruel of (iirn to tell her he loved her Jat when they were to separate forever. Maude slept iihr dreamt ; and she plo tarrd to herself that she wan drowning In some big lake: she going down down ever so far, and suddenly she clasped a ir of some kind, and frit that he was saved. Then a big brown man with Bfrw red "eyes threatened her and struck at her, and Just as she was about to let (W. the Me brown man suddenly vanished, and Grcarilte Koe stood In hi p'ace. caught her by the hand, and drew her to him. She Ml Into hi arms; and as he brut ever be kissed hrr. Maude Kit up, a ad turned ever her dream Ih her mind. It cheered her. She thought It foretold the triumph of Gren over IVnrman. and everything hit IljAt and sunshine for the future. Hut San lVarman, In the meanwhile, lose no Maw la pftwecutmg Mi wK. Diffidence is net en of hU failings, and In Mirh mock courtship as this there I little fear of the result, lief ore a week had cose by he va formally engaged to Mnude'Iienlsou. and th discussion of when the wedding shall take place Is pre eminent between the hick contracting par tita. Maude listens, and assents to every thing in a qaiet. tUtlcs way. She treat her betrothed with calm courtesy, but avoid all occasion of being left alese with him. So far, Sam l'eanaan ran boast of receiving bat scant favor from the hand of bin bride-elect. Her cheek It a jet Innocent ef hit caresses, and a warm prrsaure of the hand the extent of h!i achievement. No new net a lgn of Gren Title Itoe and wearily Maude commenced going through all the ordeal of preparing the trouwau. They were to It married the Crt week in May. nut one morning i groom came ever In hot haste from Mannertley with a few line for the juirr from Sam I'earmaa, to ay that bU father m dead. The aon had told them a day. or two before that the old man wa aihg. but ba.d bad do Idea that there wa much the matter. Three or foar day' iltoess then laSaa nation set in. imi oM lawyer I'earman waa gone to his rvt. That aneieatt Sshf would nerer angle more, and hiamel, M aon. reigiteil in bit Mead. ' "I'nt off the weiMtez. N'eH. for a month or two, of course.' said the ju4re, aa be broke the new to hi wife, "Oth erwUe it' perhapa far the bt. I can't pretend to feel any Intense grief about old 1'earman, and bl ilepartar lea Yes Ram and Jlaode all frac to eater upon Mannervley at ooce. Mr. IVnbon heweI a wllm oa the occasion seldom evinced. She said noth ing, for the simple reason she had nothing to say A for Sam I'earman, be bore bl be reavement with tolerable composure. "Sorry for the eld father," he mattered. "He was a deter man, every bit of bim. lie could 4ay with these swells, aad manage 'em in a way solKxir eUe I eeer s,w could. lie was very good ! ate, too, always. I shall never have the bead be had if I live a hundred year. Ijseky I don't want rt." Then be feN IsHo a browB atudy. "Veil, put my marriage off a bit hum ! Ilsn- lueky Coriander Is etrierrd In my name far the Two Thousand, and not lil. Kascy'M beteg dUqualifted, af r tie trial of last weekT CIIAITKIt XV. Grenvllle Itote. to eak metaplsorical ly, has been Jiaddllng hi skiff through troubled water of late, Maude'a short wobegone little note of dismissal, and bU aunt' indignant letter, were far from pleasant reading to a man aa much en tangkil a lie was In the love-god's aseshea. I la aat and sulked be sat and thought. They all ended la the same eeaelustofl. that I'earman would marry hi darliag Maude, knd that be was. and ever ibouM be, utterly tnis-raUe Anathematlaing. with an Impartiality aulte beautiful to witum. everything and everybody, Mr. ICose . e snurv vnlent bis clttiiig room In iurult of breakfast, lie unfold the Time. Again, as a prelimi nary, doea be ascertaia the etlraat Arm He of Coriander in the betting qtt&tatleex for tbe Two Thousand. Not that Silky Dallison'a feed at Ureenwioh la any ob ject to him uow be i loo miserable to enter into such thing, but b night aa well read about that a anything else. Why dooa tbe mppleiuent, wbk-b be neter dreams of looking at, tumble o persist ently aero hi plate? "!t'a bate look at tbe second col umn," b mutter, "and eo whether X Y '.'' family are till In trlbulAtioa about lila absence; or whether Tollaky is offer ins hi usual hundred for an absconded younf lady, aged nineteen, eood-looklne. and with a roaa In her boouet Iat een U. 'lllrtha' hum t doa't much good In them. There once myself, t aupp; nice untucky K-rgar's advent to put In the papers. 'Marriages!' Suppose I shall see her before many weeks are ovr, 'Death'.' I feel that's more In my line Just now. I hope there' a etd lot of 'cm. How I should like to add one or two to the column more particularly one. Halloal what's this? 'At Mannersley. after a very few day' lllneu. In the sev enty-snvnd year of his age, Samuel I'ear man, K'oi.' Vih It had been his son I" muttered UrenvltU. ami then he sat down to think whether this could by any posb bllity Influence his proiect In any way. It Is hard to believe that there Is no iHch thing a dntittu.. It Is almost ludic rous at times to think what a trivial In cident baa turned the whole current of our live. There Is a large and well known speculator on the turf at this time a man, dtubtless, worth many Ingots and much stock and security whose money-maklcg career dates from the pre srntathn of a cae of rators arcoing to ojHilar report. Who con .vy? Many !tKh an Instanee might ! ntotsl. Oreu- ville ltose's Hfe turned on reading the supplement of the Times. It may bo sW b arcMent, that particular morning. I fancy fh human being ever saw thM generally light-hearted barrMer thinking so hard as he was upon this ocehn. He has won many a good raue since, but ftea laughs and sa.-s. "that was the big gt he was ever encaged In; and no to lleHsvr to draw up the brief, mind." "Ah!" he said at last. "I can almost swear I saw It. I recollect laughing over It at tbe time, and thinking what a attaint, aueer 4d deed It was. Suppose I'm right I wonder how It would affect thin? I most go over and talk to IHitH sa a bit." And while Grenvllle Uese crosses tlte Temple Gardens, let me say a few mortis about George lHillson. He comet athwart the loirs of Gren title and Maude but for a few days. Yet be is destined to be the matter of the situation of that eventful period. George DalHsaa is a barrister ome two or three year) senior to Itose. He has a fair Income of hi own, and has betaken himef to the elucidation of the mysteries of tbe turf, llalher below the middle height, with Urge tiuuM haiel eyes, a slight almost effeminate figure, fret and hand that would be no disgrace to a woman, and a soft vutce, nothing could te mere deceptive In appearance than Slfty Itallb-on. His low, languid lane and caressing manner had earned him teat sobrfcfuet at college. It had stuck la him rver since. Destitute of wbbker. a slight soft brown moustache )ut shading bl upper lip; lithe, supple, almost girlish In ap psttraace uch was George Dallisoa. Tew men of his age rwle ttraignter and steadier over a ceaatry than he; while Tattervalfs bad arrived at tbe conduitoa that, though he might look young. twN-ly threw his mosey away much less than Silky DalMsaa. When, in hi languid manner, he was willing to take a thousand tu thirty about aay horse' eh nor, it had a chance a good deal more than, as a, rule, can tie predicated of tbe animals about which such very Wag odds are to be obtained. "Come In," was the rcspoase to Hose's sharp knock, ami Dattlsan wks discovered placidly consuming a French navel In the easiest of armchair. No greater syba rite perhap ever existed; yet on New market Heath, he would wait the day through wind and leet. to back the "good thing." he hkd Journeyed from Loodaa expresy for, and return to town with out a murmur, If such bad turned out the deiuslv phantom too usual on such occa sion. "Oh. Grenrllle. charmed la tee you! Take a ehalr and talk. It' not a bad novel." he observed, a he threw the yel low colored volume on the table; "but I've had more than enough of it. and my self for the present. New! Ah, Gren, If you hate any, unfoM thy short, and, I trust, moving tale." "Thank! I want to talk to you a bit oa businexn reason I'm here," said Itose. "ShouMa't come to yon; on a point ef taw, 'Hlrky.' but tbU happens to be a bit of racing." "You racing! What do you meant" "Have you seen old I'earman' death in the paperl" "Yes." reind DalUsoa. "You're think lag of Coriansler makes no differ- esvee, you know horse catered In the son's name. "Suppose, Silky. I could show you that that horwr rosihta't start without my con sent, or tomrthlwg like itr" "Come, oM fonWw, no anaamoa. I'm oa him for the Derby, aad am only wait ing to hedge my money till be' won tbe Two Thousand." "Iok bore. DalHton; I know sothing about the tttrf. and hare eaeae to you to manage a groat game between jeun; I'ear man and mylf. Will you do sot Of course you can take care of yourself is the transaction. I can tell you rhrtblng for certain as yet. Will you manage the turf part of tbe business while I work tbe legal machinery? A my Idea ef tbe case tand at present. I tell you fairly, I think Coriander's starting for the Guineas will be at the option of myself and client; but I may be mistaken." "Do you advise me to hedge now, thenr aald fillky DallUon. "Certainly not, I know nothing: about the tnrf, but If 1 am right In my conjee Mrs, the mumgement of Coriander In tha tunthrt will 1h, for the benefit of tny ell en It, In your hands More a few d.t) are overt Will )ou say nothing till I )oti ngnln, and give )ou, a I hope, the reasons wliyV' "You say I'm to be our agent If It Is as joii think It, I'll ask no question, but as you know- nothing about that great elaborate sysleni of gambling, jelept rno lug If, a you think, joii'e any control oer Corltnder, don't whisper It to your carpet-bag till youvo sew roe again. I say this honestly, with a view to doing my best for jou. Hring me your case when you've worked It out, and 111 tell )oti what to do." "Many thanks, old fellow I I'm off to Hampshire tonight. 1 shall be back the ds,y after to-morrow, though perhaps late. It wilt be alt decided then. I'm playing for a god deal bigger stake than you, Silky the girl t love and something to start housekeeping on." "Ah." returned Dalllson. "I like that; If you've got the first stake on, you're plajlng la earnest. 1 am still all In the dark: but If you see your way to winning the first, I'll bet you two to one, knowing nothing about It, I win enough for )oti to start housekeeping on." That very night. Just aa they were med itating bed. a loud ring startled the deni lens of Gllnn. The advent of Grenvllle Hose seemed to the servants a matter of course thing. They immediately commenc ed preparation of his usual room. His uncle also was glad to see htm, but to Mrs. DenUon and Maude the thing was past comprehension. As for Grenvllle, be seemed perfectly calhms -shook hands with his aunt, audaciously kissed his cous in, atvompdiiylni; it by a prewinre of the band and a whisper, the combination of which sent the ldod to the very roots of Maude's hair. Then he devoted himself in a most pro-uk manner to some cuhl boiled beef and pickles, iertlnadHsy mi the ladle eat, and as he handed them their candles, whimpered to Maude "Hope for h yet. darling!" "Now, uncle," be mhI, "I want you to come with me to your study tou rec oltect that oM box ef deeds and paper you let me rummage through two years back, whoa I went so deep lata heraldry, and spent a good bit of time tracing the family goneafcgyT" "Yes, my b-y; but you don't mean to say you've come down uih us like a whirlwind In this way to ctsnllnue shat somewhat vetalbxts pursuit T" Grenvllle mM no more tilt be was duly ensconced In the moire's sanctum, with the ttt containing those musty paper open by his side. ' "Now, uncle," he resumed, "I shall probably hate to work for two or three hour through thes obi parchment lie fore I arrive at the one I want Of course I don't eipect you to remain white I da so, but before you go to bed would you mind answering me two or three ques tions! You've always been very kind tu me; Gllnn, Indeed, has been my home almost a long as I can recollect. My father and mother died when I was so young, that )m and my aunt have al most stood In their place to me." "Well, Gren, we've always been fond ef you, nad glad to have you bete. Hut what are yon driving at "Will you bear with me patiently to night, even if I offend your Will you wait till to-morrow-, and bear then what I have to say before you deride about what I hall, perhaps, ask you to do for meT "What on earth are you making mys teries about r Not nsurh use asking hetu from me, Gren. I'm aWsut broke myself. You're in some money scrape, I suppose?" Met of the iMfuirr' own scrape hav ing arisen front that prottsV source, be naturally guessed his nephew (oust bar Involved blaseeif similarly. "No, uncle, it' net that. I love Maude, and want to marry her." No word ran paint Harold Denlson' face at this last announcement. That there should be lore-passage between Grenvllle and his daughter had never en tered hi head; and wfcat could the young bltot mean by enmlRg ami telling blm so now? He mutt knew she was eagaged to I'earmau. "Do you?" be saM at length. In hit most cynical manner. That" h little un lucky, because she's about to marry some body be. I fancied that yen must have aearu so. "You mean I'earman? Yea, I bar beard that." "Ob, you have? May I ask what par ticular Inducement you have to offer, that you think it probable Maude will break off the prospect of a good match In year bsfcalf? You may have achieved some MHeiampted snows in your pro feision: I can ealy regret that I am a yet In Ignorance of It." "You only sneer at me, ami I am talk ing la earnest." said GrrnrIHe, biting hi IIP. (To be continued.) ' e3 laa-t-j W!JlfprScMa 'TO,,. . --r ttaru for Mlae.l farittlnsr. Tilt flintier who cilli an mljlist III ivork Hint ho may dlspcnsn with tin1 licli of oiu limn I lucky tndovd. bill many n fnnnor has done i by lm Jy (.'hanging lit njUiu of failing nud mrliii; for tho stock; also by no ilia Hsng of u grain tun! liny tlmt In stciul of hauling tunny Ion of It to market It Is fed on lti fnnu, and tliu bevf, iwrk, butter, cheese, etc., sold Till allow a the farmer lo restore lo Hie ground At least n part of the fer tility In the idini) of manure. Tho barn plitii shown herewith In the two Illustration, the ground plan and the vrsxvtlve view, I so nr niiigett Hint one man may fcol nud care for Hie stock In a short time. A shown on Hie floor dnu, Hie Intra will accommodate fourteen nmn, twelve 'horses, hait Iwv. alalia for both Hie cow mill horses, atso n large ealf wn. The Installation of matiiiro carrier ami liny fork Is very ensy, nud these will soon pay for themselves; lit the lalnir saved. A feuturt of the ttnrti not ti Ik' ovorkHtkrd the nrrnngo miuit of the fiil room nud silo. The fourfoiit rhtlle extemls the entire htucth of the silo, aih! has small win- JSSiHLSHBa scatPItlc viIom TM'TtiaS t-- r- V'H LtimJ -' rntrllril lr rumblnr. There 1 a trust In fuller' enrtri, with the final proeowi kmovn only to oh or two persona. wIhmm- lips nre rigidly aesiletl. Tiie ilejKMlta of fuller' uartit exist chiefly at llath and Not tjagisataotilre, ltghlDil. ami at Maztou, In Scotland. In addition to (lejwmlt In the loxlon district. The Industry la practically controlled by n remblnu wtileh atrlctly prowrrea the mcthodt ef preparation of tho earth. Tbe llssrure nf n tienllrmae, Tb Kntlman I the man who I master of hlmsolf, who n-specta him bdf ami makes other respect him. Ttie ewrf-iice of a getitlemnii la eternal selfrule. It luiplli-a a character which poKM itlf, a self-controlling force, a liberty which airlrroi atul regulatcg Itself according to the type of true dig-nlty-Hmrl Frederic AxuleL H -ETjEl HI 111 a 11 .... QROUMO lASf, UOOtl HtR.t I'tJV.'V own view of the mittler. However, It U wise to ho build them Hint the stiiH may be easily eleiutetl nittl waslutt This ittnsl ruction will coiniy with ill annltary reiiulreineiila of Inspector The MiHir of the horse slithlo may b of cement or vlay. The lix'iiltou, the local supply ol material, etc, will of rourse govern It a certain extent Hie material enter lug the construction of any tiiillilliu: ami, tu fait, nil buildings Tho hare n allow ii Is twelve feet to the caret nttil thirty eight feet to the peak ; Hi alio I thirty eight or forty feel high. The bam should, of course, have a good foundation of stone, brick ot cement on many farms It ha teet the practice to Inillil a small slut.' hero ami there ami the slock Is sent teretl nil over the farm. This caue an uniifsMry lot of Inlsir lo earv for them; nlso nu uitstghily nienrnuc to Hie surrounding", to mnsirurtlut n IhtrH of thl sort It will not I titvra aary to do nil the work Imfure tht same may ! ttmil. but a Hirtbtii of It itmy l left until time and perhnpt yaur purse wilt allow It tu N ilnlshed Wallace' IVrmer. t'eeilinu of Itau, Hen will not roftss. to lay prtbl lu the cuttdlliHta which sstrrotmd tlieif are favoruble for etn: ixlif Hon 1)1 iimrse. n hew rantMt hsj on laving a' tlte time, nor will S.HSM hens tar rvt' for a majority of tho time, but I farmer whu pruvlttos the correct nu t' lloris of hsHHlng, feeillug and grin ra management will Mod Ihsl he will n. I be entirely wllhuitt eon at any time ct the )er Of eHtrs4-. Is md lm hen nature to lay at this time of the year but If she I comfortably boosnl urn) well fed, the farmer will ttml that Hit hitt after nil really ha little send mettt.n to Just vvhk-h season she sliail prodiico her egg, Getting eggs l not entirely a matin of feeillng, yet If we fesil correct ly tbe ifATjj or cunioua couaAvni, (list W'nsIiImmIoii '"' 'Hi" Were In. ellliril to He Too IMisertlliu, Hoveml wcckH nito i "Higitr, mens, in lug over eight feet In length, f I lowed .Miss Mury llurr, the lent her of tho Scliisil of Messlors, III the edge or iho llnlnler forestry reserve, from ncir tho n IiooIIioiio until alio met with n forestry riiuger, who, with uthem, snl seiieiitly rim down nitd klllisl the mil null. H.iliniliiy Mlsa llurr went to visit n neighbor, nml suddenly UiNiua nwtiro Hint nmilher coiigttr wns foiinw Ing her. She llrst saw the niilmnl rthend of her, hut Inter she iuiw It m the piith U'hlml, She hurried nluttd to her ib'siluailoii, nml it hiiuitng iwrty coillpiiaed of J. V t'iMik and A. IVuioli, wttli sevcrnl dog, sinrlist In luirsiiu The dog found the trull of the cou gar, nml lifter following a abort ill (alien treed It. Cook shot nml wound eit the niilmnl, which dropMil in n,n ground nnd was poumitt usu by Hm dogs. It llistniltly klllevl one or tlio dog with It terrible claw nnd ti-.-th, though t'ook nud icliton were tsXh trying to stioot II, but tu the mmtte U'tvvt-eti It utid the dog fouml but III Ho opiMirtuutty to do so without Ing the dog, llefore lliinlly imirlally wounded Hie animal had Hourly MUM another of the dogs. 'the cat niensutetl lieurly eight feet, Mug not quite m large n the cut Lilt ed several week agtt, .Neither of tho cougars nltesiipleil any drjtre.ll..,s, tllidr rhtrf idij-s UlHg nHireit!i to satisfy tbelr rurlosliy to follow it observe e)ie Seattle l'.t llitelll. getuvr tMCTOR IMK fflrvm.Y 1 - J4-SI ll iiiinl( Vassmsnr. UKatHXl 0!XCV. llriastslMess, HIccjilhcM Is a normal and InMittiy rolidltl'ii when It ocvur at the usual beilltme ami when not pitremn and overjtowerllig Hut It I Hot alwa) sss.M-lah.1 with sleeii. Simie tcrs-ois III hen will not have tlmt aa an actual' perfect health ami rxrrlltiit tees-r olMtnrle lo laying. Maturity ami vigor are two ImtHirlatit things In the bent Hint nre to he heavy winter lavers. Keep the hens In a thrifty, vlgnroui lianllyktmwthemennlHg of drowsiness, they are active mentally nml physically until they are In bed, then slrs-ji cihom at once, aM when It leaves them In tbe down for light, a tight door Mow separating same from the frtil room to kreti out dust ami odor. The Hags Is dnijiiMHt down this chute, nml front there shovelhtl to the mixing lxe! tme fur tho cow nml otto for the horse. There are two bins In the fecit room ami two more may be locat ed on Hie floor above ami connected by siihiII spiHit for drawing off the grain. These sHit may lie located di rectly over the mixing boxes. All hay I upNsMi to Ik' fed from Above, one tiny chute being provided for each two stalls. The milk room Mug located n It Is, tbe- milk may ho Ink mi to It nt once. In thl room should bo located the mvm rotor; also pltoity of cleaii wnter; If p4eMlb4e running wnter should bo pmvhled. The shop 1 n very ticcc aary ruom, and It Mill save many small roHtlr bill. In It may In stored the nulls, bolt, etc. In the loir so barn tbe haniemi rtMMn I located In the renter, which hwiUh It bandy tn nil iwrts of the same. Tho two Ihix stalls provide room for lxth male aiiIiimI ns well ns sick nml ailing (men. The hay My I Ntipion-ed to be oim'U cinar to the roof. However, wiiut) farmerx may wish to arrange thl sjwiv different. The jMirtltbm wnt rntlng the cow from the tvuter sec tion I Umrded or pmsleriit up tight. exreftt Hie cillf i-'n, to luqiarato the eow from any rnlor. dust or dirt from Hip other niilmnl. The box stalls. howerer. In bith the cow and horse aaru ro "o ctmstruetnl Hint tho In- nwtea may havo n uishI v1ow of the oilier u Illinois. Tltey like rouiNiuy, ami will (tu Ixttlcr If they rail see their neighbor. Tho IbHiru of Iho row stable, the milk room, feed room nml alio nre of iiHueiit, tho gutter being formed In the floor nud ImvliiK it four-Inch drain nt the rear lending to tho miimiro pit The alalia arc iniido to lit both long and abort cow. Tho llrst iIkII In front l four feet wide and tho fret long. The renr stall Ih three feet six Inches vvldu nud four feet eight tnrhim lout;. Tho alalia then alnjiu from front lo the rear, each stall being slightly shorter, Ktnlla nre now con structed In no many different way Hint It It hardly worth vvhllo to men tion theui, every cow mau having bla condition, and lx- sure nnd feed n va-i nmriilng they Are again In full mental !,.(.. 'It.... ,lI....M ...,.,, .. - .t.. t. l,i,.,llM l-,J. ,ii-r.,- ,(tiTKW i-i,ri, ,41 H RICH! -,---" --- deal townrd succes. Corn, oat nmt There are less fortunate s'rm wb wheat Are tbe three principal grain, ""'cr hata a rontplele ami s.itlsfrtory frsil. but there arc othera tlwt wajr'w'ithl'n ret wlm are yet almost com wHI I fevl by way of variety nnd tantly drowsy; Ibcty are nlwn) mI the meat and green luff In some forn'Hw " the head touch the sIhmiM never le Give any dllw slnni ronslos, ami the night I kind of tm-at scrap or prvur, meal" mt-osliM f drHvy l to slnti f.Hl. ns It pa)'. Try lo keep the bent with lb Instant return of ssunlcon under condition a tmnr like lhen in ncltmanoia existence nt spring lime ns you can, I Kmrul. with tho nxroptton notol nml jou will mil suffer severely from " lglnnlng of thl artWe. dnmsl an egg famine ThU I nothing lmw ,MM alnwrtnal. ami Indicate wmw sllrto. ami brleHy. only means romf.irt,l,lw'f " ,'"h,'r ,H xho "r " aide bousing, a rarb-ty of feed, green offeror or In hi habit Those who stuff ami meat mratM.. ami sanllary """""""J cut nu tneir mmr or sicvp. inartern -Agricultural Kfdtomlst. Smsll TeotM,rarr Nmnkehouse, If one butrheratmly once n year, says tho "night nwls" nml the burner of lh midnight oil. pay for their bad habit by nltnrk of leedne In the after noon nml early cronlng; Inter, uufortu n crrcMmlcut of I'urin and Home, nntely, after the Influence of dlgi'slliHi It I not nctvss.iry to build an exiien site siiHikehoiiso, for almost ns gixl auaii hit imutivk nuoki iiotar, result ran Im obtalnisl from n de vice such ns Hie one shown herewith. It I made by taking Isiih ends out of a Imrrcl nml iiMiuntlnu It tiui n Ixix or hImivo it flrrplntv In Hie groiimt. llie incut lo Ih siiMikcil u hung from the sinks laid Hcroso tho ton of l ho barrel. Iho tiro built umlenieiith nml JhIvvh) some mis.mi nt work In IIIU llllipllt on. Iteslriirllini tijr llnls, There mo tlinmt wlm ihvlnre Hint lioihlng I croated In vain, nud Hint nit nnd mho mo In soiuo vvny n benellt to uinuklml. It la hard tu ace Just how. The rtntlKllrlnu of tho Agricul tural lluniiu nt Washington compute1,,,, for ft ' ..' on.t Hint they crou.o 1WW dnumgo ,, ' KJ, , Z'nS0 ? S Hir. That Ih tho real money itanmgo, aiiyiug homing or itio nniiojiiiice, An nu offm't, tin rnt cnlihera nf tho world noil About $1,000,0(10 worth of skin per joar, nnd tho fiirrhm work them nml aell them for five time Hint hum. It la estimated Hint n fiill-grown rnt will cat ilz buthcla of corn per your. wear off, tbe drowsiness dlsnpieara, nnd then, relieved of hi burden, (tin lervHi Mlt up to nil hour" ngnln, thinking In thni wny tn make up for the hour lost by the drowsiness. If he would abandon hi owlish hnbll, go to lied I it lines, nml get Iho seven or eight hours of cnntliiuou steep that ho need, hi daytime nml evening d row si lies would iltsaiipoHr. ho eould do mora ami hotter work, and nml life much more enjoyable, A slight ilrowsliiesa I often noticed after n hearty moat, because active til gostlou draws; a groater volumo of blood to tbe slonmrh so that the brain I relatively Miorly siiijdliil. In wuna southern eiHiolrlc thl tetHtency I fa vored, nisi the siesta after Ihu nooti meal I n national custom. With us Itm nftcrdluncr cup of black coffee often drive awAy Hie Impulse o sleep whether for gixsl or III may bo left to the physiologist) to determine. Sometime we hear of nttnrka of leojiliiewt occurring siHldciily nt cer tain Hirlod of the tiny or nt Irregular Inicrrnl, These nre altogether nlmor nml. nuil In such cases tiei I alnntst tho nervous icnter usually n solf-wanu- fnetunsl poison which, Nvnuso It la iiiriIo In too gront qudiitlty, nr Ixvnuso cnntlmllon or kidney iIIsmso prevent lis rnpld cllmlnntlnii, nccumulntca In tho s)stcin. An psm-ntlnl In Iho trontincut vf such case la dieting. .Meat should bo given nnd tho only ntcr nr milk. If n woman ndtnlta her hushnnd'a goodness, It U usually In connection with something ho hn done for hor kin. It la dllllcult to keep a purso fat on rt leudcr tucouio.