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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1909)
Pure Blood in Spring In ccrtnln it you tolio Hood's Snrsnpnrilln. Thin (Trent mcdlclno cures those- eruptions, iiltnploa anil bolln (lint nppoor nt nil iciiionsj euro scrofula ores, unit rlicnm or cor.onm mlnptu itaolf equally wall to, and nlno cure, dynpepNln niul nil ntomnrh trouble ; cure rlimiinntlim mid catarrh; cure liorvotiH tnmlilon, duhillty nnd thnt tired feeling. Mrs. J. V, dec, GO (Jonld street, Stonchnm, jfn., sayat "In 2S years' experience I Imvo nnvor known Hood' Bnrsnpnrllln to fall, for spring hu mor nnd an n Konornl blood piiridur. It rIvcs mo pleasure to say this." Mm. I, lllckfonl, (lomivlllo, N. II., nynt "Kvory spring I wns cotn plotoly proNtrntod, run down, from dyspepsia nnd (bat tired feeling. Hut I lmvo found Hood's Sarsapnrllln liolpn mo from tbo first doso, completely reitorcs good boallb nnd Hlrcng.Hi." Ilcgln to Inko Hood's Sarsaparilla Today. Oct it In tbo usual liquid form or in cbocolnted tablets known as BamntnbH, 100 Doses One Dollar. Bold everywhere. Illlmld Jr. (it, "Hrsr about Hi letrlrtfl inacntln ! ploalani" "No. How about It? Wbrn did It hapnT" "Nit March. Happened to tin Out hok."-Cldcago Trlbinm. PILtS CUHED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS TA7.0 OINTMKNT U runt I la rur nr iih uf llthlnr, Wind. Illlln r 1'nitru.lln rillntoi(ila)rkormnr rfundad, 10. Ilia Cruila lil. rorrlgner Why do you call It a "pil Birjr" lectlonT Natl iW rail It that, niUtir, Vaut that'a lb way w get printed fur a ml lection, Mother will find Mif. Wlnilow' Vwthtn Mutuant win mm . ,..,-in - "" ruiuti tit rmrlr ioiiMiurtuircuUdi4 tup III llt imiirdr I" u lluf lb lllilu( pvrlod. u Unequal lllatrltiullnn. Tlit head wallir at tin banquet wa In towering rag. "Tbey paid that word llnr fT0 for half an hour' talk." h fumed I "and all 1 cot waa M.l. molly In nlckrlil" l Core WMU YoWt4. Allen' rW-Kaa U iniiiln run tat hoi. ellii;,rllue,lilwillriil-bliitlrt. rhild If ll iHuggUlr, , Pile aft. iMn'l aercM tnr Allll H.OImitr.1, tailor, . Y. .. Additional rartlrulara, HI. Patrick waa drltlni lb make out f Irrlaud, "if you lake mjr ad r Iff. fount mm," b aald to lli rportr, "you won't wrll thl up you'll crt b rtputatlon of bring nalur fker." Hut lb good man' admonition wa waiitnl, Tbey nuked tb itory Into print. Chlraco Tribune. Nay)CCTTO(MVC oveccowo aVAanccVVcowiVtuVy k$vcq WVvvc wtaciy.SywYtjr&tVvxvr VVaiay5oa avicmcco naJwc w,i be 0rc-utty Avavjcrvscd. vU uknuo W$r iwAc.asknU5 rcmc&cs Vawxvrc& aTtoo5s! prrcrJots.(4ndAvt ttay. CALIFORNIA Km Svitu Co 'I SOLD BV ALL LCAOIUC. DNUCCllT. MllCOt.rlltSUUUIMKC aoffCN BOTTLX COFFEEl TEA SPICES BAHINB POWDER v EXTRACTS just mom CLOSSHADCVEKS nmiiANa. out, C. Gee Wo The Chinese Declor Thl woiultful men hu ml llttttud of th irvixfflMM Of IIOOI. iiwrim Mnu iibikp U Klltl th WVtld lh Lciitlttot hi Mrvlco. . Jio Mrcury, roliona jy Optrllont or Cuttlnf (luaranltea la cut Calarrb, Ailhma, I.unf, Hlomich ami Kidney trouble, and all I'llvat UImuc of Men and Womtn. A SURK CANCER OURS Jutrctyidfrm 1'tVln, Chlnn f, aur andrcluiU, Unfailing In It work. I f you cannot call, writ (or rmptom blank and circular. Incloa 4 CnU In alaniva. CONSULTATION fRtC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 163M rirat St., r. Mtrrlion, Portland, Or. BTk . j ra . MilHlkM.7aj ttaHuBJK MAPLEINE Prill I'lrrr-' I'ulnl. Wit 11111111111111 0110 of I liu tlucllni atnrli In itoiialeur Itmizlcr-Uoreluro'd rccr nt book. "Hur Imi Pro." Prlnco IMerro lliinpnrlr, nnd a l'midi cciillciimu, iloimli'tir do In y- lotte, foilitlit wltb platola, Monali'ur do In Vnlctto flred flrat tnd nilaaitl. TI10 prlmi' fired, lilt Do la Vn Ifltn Jti't abovo tlio bolt, but did not wound lilin. owlni; lo n nrcfmnc piece In lila wnlalcont hk'U(I, nsnlnat which tin.' bullet wna ilattviied. "Hlr," anld l'rlnro llonnpnrle to hl ndrrrnnr, hold 1 11 b out bin Imtiil, "let 11 iimkn friend, nnd allow mo to coic Crntulnto you on the formlcht with which you lure 1 11 real ml your money." CITC " VIm !" nmM mm rr rilJMtilf t'4 lr I'r. I .! i-iHr lu. Mnr.r, K4 lor rati IIH ltUlllUJ lr.ll. Jlr. M. II. KIU. 14.. m Aw at,. faiMlM. I- MlaiimlrraluiiU lllra. Tli tldrrly nldawrr, btfor coraniltllnc blnicflf, wa dralruu of findluc out wbthtr or uot tb youiij woman could cook. "Ur Mli I'rarl," b aald, "I auptio you ar thoroughly at bom In tin brrad line." "I ntrrr atool in on In my life, alrt" Indignantly auwrcd th proud girt. 'lo people ut llnmtlnt Wlunl Oil to f w rrvi'iv immui i- - lop pnui I'Tt'aii.n tliry know It alwny liiaVr Rood. Koollili iwoplo try clptrl- nirnl. Atk your nir uruKKi" nwui it. Vtl Jrrr Thrauajh Tha. "1 at," rmrkrd Unci Jrrry l'iblN "tb llf Inauranr rompanlra bar lab) down a t et rule for nuking pP Ut flftttn year lonjtr. I ain't going to ear aur attention to 'm. 'lb lit 10 tiranr cotntanla bar got a go' nougb thing ai It I. Only On "BROMO QUININC" Tht I IJLXATIVi: IIIIOMO QUININK. Uk for th tliinalur of K. W. GKOVK. Uwd Ut wwU f U Cut a CnVI In On lr. TS. A Hear Vrluil. "I hear your frcn' Tamaou'a married gain." "Aye. ao he I. It' been a denr frrn tne me, llo'a coat me threo wad dins preent nu' two wreath." Dun dee Ailrrrllaer. Patllfa Eye Salve First Sold In 1007, over 100 yenra ago; unlca Incronao yenrly; wocderful rvmedy; cured mil lion weak eye. Alt drui-RiaU or Howard Uroa., UulTnlo, N. Y. Kilviil llf III UiiimtIcpi!, Th Doctor- lfofror, do you know antlilng alKut )lltlral economy? Tb ProfrMor I know Jut enough about economy to keep out of politic. Distemper In nit It form, anions all are of borte Cud ilotf, cured and other In tbo tatna ata 1s prevfiitml from having; tlioillitaw) ltli Hpoluv' Dlilemptr Cure. Krtry Ixittle guarantee1, OicrWXI.OiJ) bottlra void lait year. nnd 11.00. Uoo.1 driiKlt. or arml to manufacturer, Aeeuti waulrtl. Write for frvoboolc. HtohnMrd.Co.,Hpee. Cotlta(lou DUtaura, (loilion, Ind. Of I ha ttaua Kind, "Old man,' aald the chronic calamity howler, buttonholing him, "I don't want to b an alarmlit, but" "And I don't want to alarmed. Good morning," InttrruptrU th other man, brraklug away from htm. Chicago Trll DR. T. P. WISE DENTIST Crown and BrIJgo Work Specially t-V Mrnhanta Trust ltulUIn 1MW WMhlnglon, cor, Hlith ItJItTI.AND, OH TOWER'S FISH B WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING looks belter-wears longer nnil nlv& mnr m. .vl C. J ?. " ri "T LV uuuny tumiun ,v 1 because cur on -large patterns, ye! costs no more than the "Jusl asgood kind SUITS SUCKERS W9 SOLO CVCRYWHCRr. ignof !hlih I MM I nua.nnlH , m ... ' walirDrool . Jf RRW"' uuioa nil' Ai,T.?a.:''ot.o.o f. A Flavoring. It siuke vyrup better than Maple, Sold by tfroei RAND mt mi a, WV OLD CHIEF 6ER0NIM0 DIED HATING WHITES tyr Commander of Apache, After Twenty-one Yenra Did Not For give I'ale-Paced Captor. LAST OP THE HEDSKIN LEADEHS Only llelentina; Warrior Bhawad W Whan He Bought Borne Favor from OuitodUn. Tha rvcent death of Oeronimo, tbo fnniou war chief of the Aiwchca, which occurred nt tbo I'ort Bill milt Inry rewrrntlon lit Oklahoma, where bo had been buld n prlaoncr for iiuuy year, remored one of the inot cruel ami mot euhtlo nil-aklnncd aavniciii that the United Ktalia (lovcrnniciit baa ever fought. Ucu. lllka, to whom bo aurrendcri'd after bla lat great out break In IbV,, called bliu tho "hu man tiger," ami tho characterisation wa not loo auveri'. Ho reveled Jn blood and tiled untamed and uurccoii etructed, Tim fitiii'iiiH Apache, who catno to public notice four yeara ago whin bo wa pfrm!ltrd to take bin band of wnrrlnra to Waahlngtnn for tho Ituiusu rnllon tf I'ri-nliUnt Itooevelt, waa one of tho few rertlly great flghtera that cuicr auoHiua urvlrul of the hunt of Indian lead er of the Inat two generation. Tlmo after time durliii; thl long period he oufKeiK'rnletl, outmarchtil nnd out fought dozen of regimental leaden of the UultiM Btnte army, nnd wna jier onnlly reimlhle for the delllrato murder of tlmunnnd of helpletM ct tier and the borrlbto torture of hun dred of captured cneinlm. Tor the lait nineteen year thl old chief bad boon a prlaoner of wnr. He bad never forgiven the white men, nnd up to the tlmo of hi denth ho never oko of tho white a "broth er" except at Him' wheu the wily old rcdtklu corered Id haired to pray for soroo favor. He had made many at tempts to get ermlilon to vo luck to Arltonu, where hu anld he deatretl to die. Knrly In IPOS neronlmo mndo n trip to Wnihlngton with a uumlior of Ids follower In nn effort to Intercut Pres ident Itoosevelt In til mee. Tho old Iixltnu wuh uuHtieci'vaful, howover. nnd to the Inat tleroulmo wan full of bit ter hatred for tho while man. At the tlmo of Ida denth (Sonmlmn wn S1 year old. One daughter, !ola, who live lu Oklahoma, iitrvlvta tho old wnrrlor. From the early Wn until Oen. Law ton, then nervine under Oen. Mltctt, rounded him up In 1KS0, Oeronimo was a living terror to tho aottlera of Art cona, New Mexico mid Houom, Mexleo. Tlmo after time lu thnao day ho swept down upon lonely ranches with n band of well-bontsl, wcll-nrmcd sav age. munlerliiK nnd burning, then with tho cunning of n sunko wriggled hnck Into the mounlntna, where the llttlo ctuupanles uf cavalry found It Impo slblo to snare htm. I'rtfrrril llvntli to Cnpluro. The iMiintry llrt begun to hear of Oeruultno 00 year ago, wheu ho was comparatively n young mnn. In thoa daya CocIiIhu wuh wnr chief of tbo Ohlrlcnhun ApnclicH, an old mnn of bestial cruelty. Oeronimo himself wna tho son of .Mnngu Colorado, or Chnl-o-row, who ns wnr chief of tho Warm Rprlng Chlrlcnhuus mndo llfo n bur den to tbo settler of Arlr.onn nnd New Mexico. Cochise died In 1875 nftcr a career of rapluu and plunder that couldn't bo matched except by tho rec ord Oeronimo matin later. Nutche suc ceeded Cochise nud Oeronimo very shortly succeeded Nn tehee. As to how many liven Oeronimo end ed within the next 10 years there U no record. Ills fuvorlto amusement waa to send lu assurancea of peace to RH Fii9ESHl V rkAaflBttHIlr'H (ho soldlorn, retire for, a ton month to tho mountains, and then when tbo acttlcrn hollered they wero In moat security to swoop down on them, scalping orery man, woman and child who hadn't had tlmo to Cce, and there was seldom much warning before 0r onlmo's raid. Kndles stories bavo been told of the almost unimaginable cruelty Oeronimo displayed toward tho few prisoners ho over troubled himself to take. More than ouco ranchers who knew they were doomed to capture or death saw to It that their women were dead before they fell Into tbo bands of Oeronimo' Apaches. Oeronimo never fought when be could help It. A woman on a ranch or a mall carrier ou his pony carried a good a scalp a a soldier and was much anfer to slay. When the soldier caught up as tlu-y sometimes did tho Indian fought back with every device they knew. When tho pursuit was too hot their picked mon dropped In their blankets and waited until tha soldiers came upon them, and sought to shoot the olllrers. A Typical Hald. Tho story of one of Ocronlmo's raid la practically tho story of all, and the biggest of them was In lfiSl, when Oeronimo led 600 warriors on the war path down ns far ns Chihuahua. They liad many diversions along the road. On Kngle river they found n herder with 0,000 hecp. The herder they threw over a cliff, and oa ho lny there brokeu-leggetl they burled him with atoue. They punched tho eye out of tbo shcrji until thnt grew tiresome. In Oold Oulch n half dozen capital ist were on their way to examine n pronix-ct. A small detachment of tho Indians lay lu tho tall grass alongshlo tho trail and shot five of tho six out of their saddles. Tho sixth man got away. Ho bad retained bis rifle, and they did not follow htm. They crossed the Olla river with a tot of horses, killing freighters as they found them, nnd swept across the mesa near 8hakeeare, where they encoun tered Judge McComn of Hllvcr City, bis wife and their O-ycar-old son. Tliey shot the Judge, felled bis wife with a stone, tortured her to death, nnd car ried off tho boy to what fate nobody ever has been able to make the Apaches tell. When Oeronimo was at tho height of his power en an outlaw his face wa one of demoniacal ferocity. Ills fury knew no bounds. Ills temper wa so terrlblo that ho frothed at the mouth when enraged. If a bono did not do as ho wished ho killed It, and squaws who displeased him wero put to denth. The last death trail In which be was engsged was in 18S3, and In that rnld he killed 70 white settlers. Oen. Miles conducted tfie campaign against him and, aided by the Into Oen. I-nwton, he succeeded in snaring the wily chief in 18M. Oeronimo and his fighters were run to earth at the Junction of the 8an IVcrnnrdlno nnd Ilavlspo rivers, near tho Mexican bonier, and surrendered unconditionally. They were sent to Fort Pickens, Fin., and later to Mount Vernon Ilarraek, lu Alabama, and then In 1WI were transferred to Fort Kill. It Is said that tho various cam paigns waged by tho United Rtaten against this murderous redakln coat tho lives of nearly 1,000 soldiers and (5,000,000 in money. At one time, to curry favor with tho President that bo might be permitted to return to hi native Arizona, Oeron imo Joined the Dutch Ueformed church. Hut hi habits were so bad Hint he wns dropped from tho church, nnd lie died without acknowledging thr whlto man's God. A SENATORIAL SEAT. (When tha Suffragists dot In.) Increnavd I.rnBlh of I.lfe. The atntlMtlca of llfo Insuranco (Mio pia rhow that lu tho last twonty-flvo years tho nverago length of a man's life has Increased 5 per cent, or two wholo yeara from 41,0 to 43,0 years. It U another sign you nro growing old If you feel grateful to those who llko you. Hotter a fool frlcud than a wlee euouiy. Jl )k teg rVaaTaHBaaaaaaaaaaHf ?3aaV?r7 a. I aaaaBiBaaBBTBTa 203bbb 1 iflarvtiHBa aaaHr'Vl iiT-ITWWia Ji!ilVl ALCOHOIi 3 TEH CEMT. , ANetallTcpifsflonfirAj 5lmIl3lln2ifcroodaWii tlflgUlcStDOTktffilltouf FrofHOtcs Di'Krsotilrfti rtessflndftrstCoaUtaJBriftB; Opiusillarphlflc BTrtaeaL nutiiAm.uiik, yi-awAW' WKSZtUf jEa)mnnrS Aperfed Rraiedy forOw; llon,SowSto.Wfci lYonas Kaviwsmavixi i was aadLOSSOFSiXB'. racSn-tSttaanrtor KEW YORK. iraed under t jBMiBipBW Exact Copy of Wrspper. n OWAUD . JtURTOX Aurr r1 Oinnln. I !(Htl&lVilMhl& Knmelmma nrtcI Gold. lauiTUl, Colorado. p1ot Prtcl !. MtTr.U4, II Oold, llTr.t9i Oold. toe i ZlMor IVri'r.iL. CxMldttm. tiUtiiDTalotjlnd fiiUirtrluitaoloaavlcXa- Control and Uru-MrvwocKaoUcll-. JUIrncal CaltwoaU Mar fi taalf. It Vill Cost You mk to writ u forurepb of th beat alt wool SIS Suits rrr prodorcd. Mad la caa fermlra-r i""- W ami ion umple. rafuormicnt b anki. and aUolutalr suarantM atil. St and work auntalp or rour moncr talk. WRITE US TODAY Salem Woolen Mills 7lh4St-rkStx. PORTLAND, ORL WE HAVE INQUIRIES For Farms In tho Northwest from people who are on tho way from the East and Middle West and can place you in touch with buyers with money. Let us hear what you hnvo for sale ATLAS LAND COMPANY 420 lumber Exchange BuM-fag PORTLAND OREGON PNU No. 14-09 WHKN wiitlnc tosdertlarple uianllao thl yapar. fRESCENT TCUDOiU TSMT15T HKHrBC-D rowiamwu mmm CMA A FULL oo:r Martha Washington Comfort Shoes You will never know what genuine foot comfort U until you wear Waahlncton Comfort Shoes. They re lieve tired and acldng feet and rfeake walk- hisr a rMeasore. 1 hev lit Hke a feel aa easy as a Btocklnar. No buttons or lacsa they Just slip the sides "slvea" with overy -Fll K"v El 9 aqion and a perfect lit. Absolute contort guaranteed Beware of imitations. Only the genuine have the name Martha Waahirtfrton and Slayer Trade uosututes, x our dealer waaiuagtoa, Wa alao Shook, Yerraa acuootonoa. 4HT4k'Wk f 1 iBBBi .-as?S CASTORIA For Infants and Children. MHMOl MM-a-MM M MMM MM B) The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of hi Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TM(tBTMlMaT. nrrr. CE Sa-slsBS-S-"""l" dltUMad"Tr'B ll - ir. Mai' Eplleptttld Car. S8 reaxl tilmU Nr Vo'fc Ctr Tb Keasoa I Xaks aad 811 Vsr Xta'a &. 53,50 Sooa Tkaa Any Other Xannf-etatcr fi Wiau I atra tka nun U Wult al taa al aataUfta arraaltaUaa al traUM cxrarU 4 llm taaraaatrr. TaaanUaa(UUaU-ni tar auk aart T Ui aaaa. aa mty taU ar taa auaia la mnty aaartaiaH. I , hnt ww u, av aaavBaivr I i la la aaaa iaaatnr. U 1 114 aaaar ta aaar ( wa aaaw m aaar twinuf w b. paaaua . i. M waal UMa uaanlaa -mj Italril MaM I attlar. aa waar ar UUa aay attar auia. naw.1 aaaa. at i Uf UctMcf TmruilitktScItt maiwi Htm tUtt riitlMt aaaf lmftt Wit It taa (Mjr otAera, 4iaa rar t!vrjr MeaWr f tJia Vamll. Mm, HaTa.WaaarH,lta aa (-hllOrva. Fo aaU br ana tk wwwrjwwhwfw. PAllTUUl I Kona emolna oibcai W. L. nvta tinu I rlKI I iuum and Fff alamrtd a tottam. rati Calar Xl I Caa Xulaarnl, Caialaf ataSad fta. W. BOCUS. 1,7 Saark St, BmtMa. Mm. Egg-Phcvtphatct av ar m r 4lla M Yvv -' Pt 3 Jh a-B-T "".Eli V!k wf I BV lrisKJBtB Jw I BAKIIMC P0WI1IIR Cfet H from your Grocer POUND 25c. Martha clove : bother about oa and off at wilt, The elastic at movement of the foot, Insuring free Marie stamped on the sole. Kctuae i PPPPP U K?k. rTft1llrTu. r I llllJiAL WV III v irar til wuyats issn yaw r VS ana ycy r vm wiu supply youj u not, write to us. FREE-U you will ndia tit run of a dealer who does not haoJa MarUu WaiWogton Comlort Shoa. we wiilacndyoutreo.patiMid.aeaauiuiuptciiuaoinacisa aua una. nuka Itnnorblll SitotB. Lcadaae Lodr CuUUoa Sttoaa ami $oclal Mnt '. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. MB.WAXnUtt,WaCOriN