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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1909)
JUST 34 COLUMNS OK READING MATTER IN THIS ISSUE OF THE BULLETIN. THAT GIVES YOU YOUR MbNEY'S W6rTH, DOESN'T iT 7 THE BEND BULLETIN. AVItyon read our premi um offer on the liut Look It ii i. It U well worth your attention. TUB Bend Country has Irri gation, Tlmlier, Wsterpow er, and Mining four natural resources of great value. VOL-. VI BHNO, OUP.QON, WKDNKSDAY, MARCH 3, I99- NO. 5 RAILROAD TO BEND IS A CERTAINTY RIGHT-OF-WAY MAPS . WILL BE APPROVED Harriman States in a Telegram to Governor Chamberlain That Road Has Been Author ized, and O'Brien Says Construction Will Be Vigorously Prosecuted. Railroad new has been coming thick and font during the pant week, nml each day's report brought better news for this section, The most skeptical arc now beginning to concede that a railroad into Central Ore gon with Iknd as the objective point -Is now assured. Harriman haw announced in a telegram Id Governor Chamberlain that the road has been authorized and thut its construction H now in the hands of local officials; dispatches from Washington state that Secretary Garfield will appiove the Harriman right-of-way maps up the Deschutes before he re tires from office on March .1; and following this General Manager O'Brien reiterates the statement that actual work on the road will be begun at once. And not the least factor in hastening this road is the possible boycott that Portland shippers threaten to wage against the Harriman roads if a line into Central Oregon Is not started this spring. Central Oregon's long, long wait for a railroad is about to be ended. Then watch Ilcnd grow. The lauds of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company will sell like the proverbial hot cakes, power plants, sawmills and other manufacturing concerns will spring into existence along the Deschutes, and the Bend country and Central Oregon will be a veritable bec hive of activity and prosperity. Read the last good news as reported lit the Oregonian, and then go out and shout for the Hcnd couutrj. WA81UNOTON, D. C Pcb. 36. The Harriman railroad will be built up the Deschutcii river to a connec tion dt Klamath Palls with the road now building northward to that point, and the right of way will be npprove'd by Secretary Garfield be fore next Thursday. These facts were brought out at a hearing be fore the Secretary of the Interior today. It was stotcd by 0 representative of U. H. Harriman that out of the raised by bonds recent ly floated by the Harriman system for new ruilroad construction, .io, 000,000 had been set aside for the construction of a railroad up the Deschutes river Into Central Ore gon, terminating nt Hcnd, and for an extension of the new Shasta division, now Hearing Klamath Palls, northward td meet the Des chutes road nt Hcnd, thus complet ing a new route fioin Sun Praucisco to the Columbia river. The construction of the Deschutes road will be commenced, it was said, ns soon as the Secretary of tin Interior approves the right-of-way application, nnd Secretary Gurfield said he expected to do this before he leaves office next Thursday. He Is waiting only the adjustment of a few minor details, and knows of nothing that wilt delay his action, All material obstacles that have heretofore delayed the approval of maps of locution of the Deschutes road have been removed. WILL LUSH NO TIAU3. O'llrlen Says Work Will Ho Pushed with Much Vigor. Willi the nllliouuceinciit from Wash, liigtou by Secretary Garfield that lie will a pruvc the maps (or the Harriman rail road up the Deschutes comes definite an nouncement from officials of the system in l'ortland that no time will U lost In luglnnlug the preliminaries necessary bsfore taking up actual construction. With the maps approved the greatest obstacle Mill be out of the way, and It is evidently a question of only a few weeks when the Central Oregon project will ue under way. Doth General Manager O'llrlen and Geucrul Counsel Cotton, of Ilia Horrl man lines in the Northwest, gave amir ance U-t night that when word comes from Washington that the maps have been approved, there wilt be no addi tional delay. With the work author Wed, the officials arc in a position to trend every energy toward eipcdltlng the Hue. "We are prepared to send out right- of-way agenta jutt as soon a we are ad vitrd that the maps have been accepted," said Mr. O'llrlen last night. "The ap prnval of these maps, of course, gives us right-of-way over all Government land affected, and nothing will remain but to secure concessions from othei owners, and this will not take long, we believe, although It Is itiiouille to say just how much time this work will require. "Already we have secured the records of ownsrshlp to all land over which the road will be laid, and after checking up these records, which will require but one or two days, our agents wilt lake the field When they complete their task the last prelimlnsry step wilt have been taken. "At the time our men are busy getting rights of way we shall advertise (or bids on the construction work. This will eliminate the delay that would Ix neces sary for advertising and estimating if we waited until all rights of way were granted. "Our representatives have been very busy at Washington for the past month and have been protesting against further delay of the project by the government. We asked that our maps either be ap proved or disapproved, and In reply to this request we were assured that de cisloa would soon be reached. In fact, we had telegraphic advices from Wash ington today which led us to believe that Secretary Garfield was ready to ap prove the maps." Neither Mr. O'llrlen nor Mr. Cotton had anything to say about the extension of the Shasta line from Klamath I'alls on to Hcnd, to a connection with the Deschutes road, as outlined by the above dispatch. The I'orllaud general office Is concerned only with getting the line built from the Columbia to Beud, they say. The Deschutes line will tie I jo miles long, It Is expected that Its construc tion will occupy from one year to a year ami a nan. SIIIPI'URS THRBATHN BOYCOTT. Portland Men Bring Pressure to Bear In Behalf of Centra,l Oregon Road. At lust it appears that the bust uess men of Portland have awoke to the importance of havinc a rail I road built into this scctiou. A pn&qKyp :$iu . v x f M mt wamaxM $mWr "HBJU 1 S Or. " Wt w Vri 1 " rJa J " 1' f V..-$ v v'"sHDH "x- i4 -jdwWssissfc. "i.'' '.BHHUsJDKsirSlssssk 1. SBHBBH'a4t&dBMnHaVBsssSsm ' "C' ,' &'' ' ' aHHsUssssBsflslsssV rnWRCTs 1 Wm nsA 1 ft 1 -ht, LWMLwLWmWMWmWKmWmKmWJm. WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT Who Will, on Tomorrow, March 4, Be Inaugurated President of the United Slates of America. movement has been started among them to divert their freight and other shipments from the Hnrriman to competing lines if Harriman does uol begin nt once the construc tion of a Central Oregou road. By this means, Portland shippers could cause the Harriman lines n tremen dous loss of business. This action will undoubtedly prove one of the best possible means of securing the building of a railroad into this vast inland empire. While this drastic action probably will not now need to be adopted inasmuch as Harri man seems ready to build the road, yet the article is interesting in that it shows what pressure could be brought to bear on the Harriman people by Portland shippers. The Telegram tells of the shippers' plans as follows: About 80 of the Jcadlng shippers and merchants of Portland, under the direction of the transportation committee of the Chamber of Com merce, have joined a movement the purpose of which is to show the traffic officials of the Harriman sys tem, including Ditcctor J. C Stubbs and the traffic men handling busiuess in the Northwest that it is to their iuterests to sc that the ex tension into Central Oregon is rushed with all possible speed. Extend Shanlko Line 25 Allies. What the local jobbers and mer chants desire first is an extension of the Columbia Southern from Shan iko, 35 miles southward, which would serve to provide temporary outlet for the vast productive region of the Rend, Madras, Priuevillc, Haycrcek and surrounding country, out of which the produce could be hauled overland on down grade all the way. This line has been sur veyed by engineers in the employ of private interests, having exten sive holdings in that region, and the estimates as to the cost of this 25 miles of road run from $350,000 to $380,000, depending upon the class of construction. The shippers back of the movement tut: satisfied that the former sum would con struct the line in a fashion enstrely (Continued on last page,) Btr:v; - W ''$ iti.-v.K.. BEND WILL SOON HAVE ELECTRIC LIGHT PUNT A. At. Drake Will Develop Power by Damming River, and WW Put In Lighting and Pumping Plant. Work Starts at Once. Ilcnd will have electric lights in the near future. A. M. Drake has fully decided to put in a dam and power plant nnd will supply the town with the long desired electric system. Mr. Drake has modified his plans somewhat and will build the first dam across the river n short distance up-strcnm from the present pumping plant. There is a natural site there for a small dam, and Mr. Drake's plan for the pres ent is to develop what power will be needed for an electric light plant and for puutping water for the city system. Work will begin on the dam tu the immediate tuture and the plant will be pushed to com pletiou. Later, when there is more de mand for tower, n dam will be built in the narrow gap directly north of the ohi bunk house site, but nothing will be done with that project at present. Redmond Item. Kkdmono, I'eb. aS There was re cently born to Mr. and Mrs, J. Want Uaradcr, a girl. Mrs. Ilennie McCatTery was in attendance. The new father ha lcn leachiuc the Cline l'atls school which clowd Thursday, and will now be at home as a (armer on his place near town. We don't know whether the Surprlsers were successful last night In taking Mr. and MU I' rank McCalTery that way or not, but everyone was certainly sur prised at the iiumlter that can gather and have a good time at oue house, Ev eryone had so good a time that they en crouched a little on Sunday to do it, Messrs. l.hfollctle and Cooper of Prlne vllle were in town early in the week drumming up trude for the Vrintville creamery. We hope to see them get quite a batch of 'cream each week from this station. Mac uud Jim of the laud clearing firm of Mcl.nlliu, Young & Co., came in Monday night and have gone ou up to S. It. Hull's place near Iiend to pull trees, leaving Mr, Young lu the old riv er bed section 10 finish some sagebrush work. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Jim is quite poorly, being confined to her bed for part of the past week. Wc hope to hear of ber speedy recovery. Kirk Whited's building operations are being delayed by lack of lumber and bad roads to the mill. Meadamea Cline and Jordan were In town over Saturday night on their way to 1'rinetilte and participated In the sur prise at McCaflcry's. H. L. Irerson left this morning for White Salmon and other points to close the sale of a farm that he had at that place. Dunne his absence the ladies will run the store. The masque ball on Monday evening was a very pleasant aIalr although there were not so many dancers as sometimes. Some very pretty and striking costumes were in evidence. Vd Kennard as Oeorge Washington anil Nellie Covert as a little old woman took the prizes. George Klliot and Miss Bertha Hegsrdt were married Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson, the Kev. Mr. Lilly officiating. Both young people have been very favorably known here for some time and will start with many wishes for the best of success. Mr. Spencer reports that Ernest has bought an eighty about 45 miles from Spokane. That it is a good one is evl lenced by the fact that he had a chance to make more than 500 on it before the papers were ever made out. H CrKK. Rostand Rumors. We understand thtt Geo. Dogue and Wra. Taylor were visitors at Bend dur ing the excitement at the roller-skating. Roper Clausen is nicely settled In bis new hntne. After making no me sub stantial improvements their home is quite coir- Roper is hauling hay from C W. Rlchie'a Iwrn. Chas. Graves, Jr.. and Joe Ringo of Crescent have hauled two loads of ssw- dust from the mill the past week. Looka like ice cream next sumtner. The dance given on the evening of I'eb. M was a very pleasant affair, and well attended All that's needed to per fect these dances is a few more ladies. The coyotes in this vicinity have be come very plentiful and quite a few have lately been trapped. Cart Anderson, previously from Bend, who was thought to be seriously injured some time ago by two logs rolling on him at the mill, is improving very rapid ly and expects to be at work again next week. We are able tn see a little bare ground in many place, now that the sun is showing himself aeain. There seems to be considerable talk of building In this neighborhood but it is too early for auything definite along that line, as most of the reports are very vague. Wm. Ilollingshead is hauling lumber for Kd Mann. The "Happy I'amlly" (Carl Wise, Wm. Dorrclt and Prank Tolliver) are certain ly piling up the wood around Carl's place and have made quite an improve ment in the looks uf the place. Persons desiring Sunday school at their home please notify Wm. Dorrell. I'.lmer Hawthorue is agalu back in the country. We are certainly glad to see him. We hear that Mr. and Mrs. Rourk and Bert Caldwell enjoyed the dauce at Bend on the evening of l'eb, 11, A SKQOKt, TO A JOSH. About three weeks ago an article ap peared In The Bulletin relative to the killing of a huge "grliily" by the Cres cent stage driver, Tout Sly, The article was slightly misstated. The incident as the writer understands it, was undoubtedly exciting for Tom, but as yet no oue has seen the hide, and also the non-appearance of the stace in Rostand for two days, relates a very different story to that of the original. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and irregularities that it neg lected might result in Bricht's disease or I diabetes. Bend Drug Co, BEND REAL ESTATE IS QUITE ACTIVE Hunter & Stasis Purchase Qoocl willie Holdings. PLAN MANY IMPROVEMENTS WHI CJear the Deschutes TewMHe, Lay Out Lota and Open a4 Qr4e Street May Erect a Largo Stene Bufldhig In Bend. The real estate market in Dcnd has been very active during the past few weeks, and one of the most im portant transfers yet recorded was made last Monday when Hunter & Staats closed a deal with A. L. Goodwillie for all the lots he owned in Bend, among them being some of the very best business lots in the town. This deal has been on for some time but was closed on Monday. The purchase of these lots is evi dence that Messrs. Hunter and Staats have great faith in Bend. During all the discouraging vicissi tudes of the past three years, they have maintained that Bend was destined to become a city, and now that the railroad is practically as sured they are mere confident than ever that Bend will become one of the leading cities of the Northwest. This faith in Bend's future is fur ther evidenced by the fact that these gentlemen are contemplating the building of a fine stone structure on the corner lot just south of the P. B. D. Co.'s office on lot 12, block 5. The building that they are planning will be a two-story structure 36x80 feet and will be built of native stone of a brownish gray color, with the window sills and other trimmings in black stone. The first floor will be used either for a general mercantile store, bank, or some similar busiuess, while the second floor will be fitted up for offices. The building of this struc ture is practically decided upon and work on it will undoubtedly start in the near future. Plans of this building have not yet been worked out in detail sufficiently to make possible a correct statement of its cost. Another important piece of de velopment work soon to be inaug urated by these gentlemen is the clearing and improving of the town site of Deschutes, Mr. Hunter hav ing bought a half interest in this property from Mr. Staats. The Deschutes townsite comprises 40 acres and joins Bend on the south, and undoubtedly will some day tn the near future be platted as an ad dition to Bend. The work that will be done now will first be the clear ing of this tract. All the brush and larger pine trees will be removed. The trees suitable for shade will be left standing, however. Streets will be opened and graded and some of the sidewalks built. Streets joining Wall and Bond streets will beopeneu through the Deschutes property. Lots in this tract will be on the market iu the near future. Mr. Staats says that the Des chutes townsite was the first one laid out ou the upper river. The tract will make a beautiful residence section and wil furnish sjtcs for many pleasant hoHHst.