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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1908)
Catarrh Whether it Ik ii( lint nose), lliront, ttniiuiuli, hnwoli, or inn Kim, cnlnrrli I ninny ) in ilcllriitu or- iiliitltntinu ttiitl uliotim liitwt utleutlim 'llm dlaclutrun from tlin mumus iniwuhrnnn I becniimi th Ik I kept III it ly im i 1 1 1 1 1 rtt uliito o( liillniiiiiintlnii I ('tlllllltlllll 01 Will 1IIDOII. euro, tnku tliu herl blood I licrelore, to pinUlcr, Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual llnuld form or rhoeolatfd Ublrta niioimt Bnrantnnn. Iiwilull. W'lieeo II ritlla. "Well, what do )uil flunk of Indoor baseball)" "It mill ilii wrll rnuiith na a tHtallme. tut II Isn't a rami. It'll utter develop 11 national heme," llltlii ln.ptrallon, rMe, tin IIIIIp duu.httT of a clergy aimi, pranced Into her father' study our mcnlnc while the reverend K'litli mun wit prrpitrliiK n lengthy uriiion for tho fnllotvini; Hiniilny. Klin looked curiously nt t lit tnntiil wrlpt fur it moment uml I lien turned to her father. "Puprt." the lirinn, aerlnualy, "dor lixl trll you what In vvrllp7" "tvrtiilnly, dearie." replied the clrr- ()IIIHII. "Ilii'ii why ilo you Korn trli n imirli tf It out 7" asked Lille Mother will flti.t Mrs. VflntWV ithtof jiu. i... I, t ir ,ip.t lHUMluTlulriU'lliu Sullhtf III llltlu 4llUl, tlolh tltipaae WrilMST, Algy Hut I wmiry you, Mlat Capet cum I'm s cot ttlker Ml.s Capalt-utu On ibe contrary. Mr. Kemliertop, J 'wi don't Mrj ihp nt nil, ml I I) ml j our sihsII talk fcry divert Inf. II. Could Wall. "linn jour IiihImiiiI mi old pair o' mhi l!u In- h'ii'I tmlu'. iim'Hior nsU nt .itrlimii Inline, nMvifiilly rettmr the from hi head the shaped rum nnut of n hit "No," nlmrlly answered Hip woman of llm luniae. lnc lilm itplelouly. ".My liu-thand lm only on xilr of Irouwr. mo they'll last him tlx mouth yet " "All rlKlit. ina'nlii." lip rejoined, Ink lux from mi Inside pwkpt soiled K-rup of i-nnllMHiril and uiaklnc n mciii nrmiilum on II with ttir tump of n lead riir "I'll l around icln all mouth fin today Artt'ruoon, ma'am,'' CITC nt. VIIm' lsr tttt niotm . rilJtoUr MM If I " ImiIIwINiiII Xarer h.4fn rill It M tll.llMLa4 lt.ll . Df , U. II. Kll, 14 . HI Ar 11 , 1 IV Kr.irnl tut lilm. TjI'-l'hlM-Tlk lKiiit womt-n Mr filn( mi; rprlly for itmllnr Ith lliimirlnl iiirillntii! Ilm yuu uy lil-. far lnin.i, how niurh inrun; It Id elf tftiUtlon In (til roiialryt Mr. Tjll'liltl I prMumt ll't ill In rlmiUlloM icit wltat you bippa la let hoM of. nrolltrlr. I.uniclry WUl limit you ilsnf for lb party In llilt mnijaltn, nnyhowT Mumlfjr- Mnrr tltxn jxl hurt. Vx cnntrilMitnl a ilnllar or tvt ami wail no mm iw is n ain-iM-liM. Urnakt Cold Promptly, 'llin followini; forinuln lit n nnvir falling n'liunly for colds: ()m (iiiiu-o of uuiiiMiuiKi aynip ot KurnHparilln, on outictt T.r.n Com Mitiu.l hii'I oih Imlf pint of kmmI IiIh key, mix mill rlmk OmrouKhly krcIi tlllll' Htlll IMl' llo! of II tllllHMHf 'ill i'VTy four liuum. Tint If follow! up will rtirt hu ihii If fold III 21 Imiir. Th innrMllouU cnti In- Kttfii ut uny ilniif HtorH. Wiiyililfl iMiiiininlim, A.! mi ifiit Wl.utM ion ilu If rwi li nl ii ini'l .hi iint.s Joli Murky Tli' fot lriln IM ilo tMiulil Ih io prtwrilv ii TurkUli luilh f'r lii, mi' If you illiln't Ink It, by Jills'. IM kill )t ftu I'lam lor 'llm I, A llixmvulkor In u ilfimrtiiiont utoru mw a iiihii mnlldiiK t" I'lm. "I'1' twilit. ".My wift liuiiclit iluii iiiHliirolotlifn lien yi-fttritliiy. WIuto ciiii I oliiinu'' 'tin-ill" llii- iliinriMilkcr Jimt until : "You n 111 lni to en liomo lo ito Hint, lr." Jutl.o'H l.llimry. Ill Alnrllnl Trouhlp, "On wlmt uroiiiiil," nkwl tint Uwyrr, "iln h uiir wlfo uunt a ilivuri'o? linsim pilibllllyV" "Niinitionic or uml ori, i ro' koii," ntinwi'inl lint ninn "My Inciime Imi'i lointmlililit with hrr lile.m of comfort " ViM W3 rtiinrMif-t rtijpcr rt-vani himto tiiM Vyllivviiiv t-ui-ji v-unii t,nuuj irij of tlio moil Kiiout cliaiwtrr liavo tern r(nianenll cuietl with Pito'e Cure, Couglii, colJi, lioartrneu, Lronclulit ami aillima quicVly retxnil lo lit healing influence. If you hate a cough or coll, il vou are Iioium or liavo dilHcully Willi your lirrallun;, ct a hoille of IWt Cute, lmme tlnte hencfit foflowt the fint ilote, Cnlinul urn generally hringt com. plclo relief, I' or neatly half a rentuiy 1'uo't Cure liai been ilemonttratmg that iho most ailranccil fuimi of coujn, colili ami chronis elicit coniplainli CAN IJE CURED m E MwmM:)jmikiMx iiom'I rt AfrnM of Orlnlnntlljr. Mo not ho Nfrald of hfliiv orleltmt, rrii ooci'iitrlc. Hit mi liiilcpvinli'iil. nclf ri'llnni, nrw mini, not Juxt mm moro lu illvhliuil In tlni world Do not Im a ropy of yuur Kmiulfittlu'r, of your ftli t. or of your ntluhhor. 'Hint In in footUli rm for n vlolt-t lo try to ho llkit n roi or for n ilitlay to npt n kiiii tinner Nnliiro him clvrti i-ncii n pi'cu lliir xUlpinuiit for It purpoiw. livery until In Ixiru to ilo n icilnlii work In mi firlflniil WHy If ho lrli- lo copy miiiic othiT mini, or lo ilo koliw other iiinu'N work, lir will hu nn nhortlon, n nilHtlt, full ii re. t)u not Imllnlp fvrii your hrrot-a Ki'orcit of youiiK I'lorymrii nttoiiiptt'il to iiiiikn thi'lr ri-iiitutliiMn ly luiltiilliiii Itiirt'lii-r 'llii'y ttiplwl hi volro nml iNMiMiniitliiii, nml Imltnli'il hi Kpatiirtit nml lit liiililta, hut they fell fur ahort of llii' irrfitt tttnti'n power n tlio chromo full aliort of tin iimtlcrplitc. WIiito urn llioi liuuitri'ila of luillnt'ir now 7 Not our of tlii'in Iihd urir ihiiiIp nny Htlr In Iho uorht OrUuu Uwctt Munich In Kucrt' Miiicutliiu. Unitnlrlllifl llvllVi.rp, A Irnriiul Jinlip' wn ripUlnllu IIk Illtrli'Hi Ii of Ptlilelirp lo n yollllK frli'inl. mi) tlio Wnahluglmi Kliir, nliil KHfr Iho follow Iiik atury In ri-Jiud to iimrllciluic I'tlilcutf. faultily, Im Mhl, oni Kinli'mciit I far more prolmhlo lliini tin other, no Hint wn cull ilt-chlo mally which o Im-IIihi'. It U llkp till" Ixty noil the liouae liilliter. 'llm hoiiKP liunter, settlne ufT a f mitt ut a atltnirhmi atntlnii, nrtlil to n boy: "My Iml, I nui .-.IIiil for Mr Kmlth aoii'a new hlock of aoinl iletnrlnit home. How fnr are lliey from hereT" "Alxiut twenty mluutoi' walk," th Iniy replletl "Twenty ihIiiiiIp'" pxclnltiictt Hip limine hunter. "NoiiMMiaot The miter Hupliirlil ay fire" "Well." anlil the ly. "you emi tiellpvp me or you can helUte Iho niltertl iiiviit, hut I ain't try In' to make n a.ile." ,Nu rtttt en ln, ".Millie." tali) Hi' yeunc ran, a tit llri Imp rmfitwMt rlnc on hrr Hn Hrr "hair you tttli! your wotkrr alxMt lblr' "O, J'hi limiMt-nt !" pirlalmnl Ml Mil llr. "Why, riarrnep. itwHiwa knew It alt Manilla Iwfurr yiMI did." alia el Ik WurM. "Who r iImhp yuunr wn you ar nukliir mi murk fuaa or?" aktil Ibp inau nbo had Jutt arrltrtl from Auatra II. "Tory ar thr famoii foha, thr Uip hall fbatiiplelia of Hip world." aaltl thr !! Hf . "Vou't ltn of tba Cuha, ot rouratl" "Nr brforp. Hill that rrnlniJt . You ha h'lird af MhllmUa (lob batru't youT" "Not wbo la ha 7" "llr'a tht champion boomfrane throw. rr of tb world I aupoat rylKJy kntw liiat." Ohlraio Trlhuna. ! atuUpalr l ( llro. I An amhltloua young Chleaioan rprrntl callnl upon a puhlltbrr of notrrla In that city, lo whom Iip Imparled confldrntlally I Hi Information that be had detldptl to "rlle a hook," and that be would bp plraaril to afford the publlaber the chance to hrlnx It out, "May 1 venture to In quire aa to Ibe nature of th hook you HirMe lo wrlteT" aaked tbp puhllabpr, polHd). "O," ramp In an omiand way , from the aaplrant for fame, "I think of ilolni: asifirthlnK on lb lln of lr Ml- rrablea,' only llvrller, you know t" TUa Hellmaa. A Mtl Aalrrt. ' III innutli Hlhl iw were open, ntul Im hriwtlutl like n iwnmMiaiiil hlryrle putup, write t) Henry lit hi Inlttilla hie wity In nteryhotly'N I louktrtl Mt lilm himI eitre eut lo Juat n few- wur Inr. "lniHrlHl CitttMir," tmy 1, "Hleep III HIH'll n WH)', mlht oliut til won Hi Mint kitep the wIihI nwuy." I A man Haleep la (ertuliily it alilht to lliinke HtiKflH tfi. What Rooil It nil hM hrnlu. iniiwte. ItHckliiK, nerve. In HMnce, him) family eomtectloiia7 lle'ri ill the mercy of hi ontMiilea. ami utoru phi of hln friend Ami he' Hhoiit aa henutlful n it cub hnraoletitiluic nualimt Hie Mtniiolltnn Opern Hoiik nt 1" 90 it. in. ilruiiuliiK of the pin In of Art hln. Now, n woitinu nalecp you rowl nn illffeieut. No mutter how alio looks, you know It'a hotter for nil lunula fur her to he Hint wny, lirpp Itpalam. "I thuiiKht you aula )ou hml no use for Unit mini." "Yea," nnaworcil I'lirinor CoriitosH'l ; "HiHl'a what 1 Hithl." "Yet you did your heat to bond hint to the l,e;lnhitnre." "Sine. 1 wont lo ace lit lit where he'll linte ii I'liuuco to cull puhlh1 ut telilloii to Ids UHofiilueHS,"- WiinIiIiib on Slur WHY E008 ARE HIGH. Home Way Thli Eapemlvo Neceatlty May (Jo Turned to Profit. Hr JaniM Iiiitn, rptiliryrnan Orraon Arrlettt luraMMhre, (ijrvalh" IfKK mc S'l cents iloen, htcautc the lieu don't lay 'I lie iimiii rraMin why lliry dou'l by it lucauic tint is not llic natural layiiiK hchmiii In a Mntc of nature fowlt lav and lined in the tiruiK aca'ii, and tlicy haven't not ipulr .iway from that hahit Old hah lit die hard with hen a with turn 'I hi explain why with little care the hen will lay in the ipriiiK and with much care in the fall and winler he won't lay, or very aeldoiu will. Hut throiiKh criiturici of training and hrrrduiK the hen il erndiially KemuK away fimu lirr otd hahit ot layout fw ckk in llie tpriiu; ami hatchitiR thrill, and it it pntaihlr now, with the iroprr tkill In handling, lo make hrr lay in winter whcllur hc will or no Hut the nrtl thiiiK we have lo Irani it that to nrl tKV in winter inratit a fifth! loainil natiiir. analnit the old hen na ture Winttr it not the natural layinK tea ton When a pullet hat reached maturity no matter at what tcatou of the year if she lie maintained in Kmnl health and viKor and celt thr protier kind ami quantity of food, the will lay KK if the hat thr layiiiK eaparily. Lit u analyc that lenience A little 1 he firtt iHiinl raited l a nucMion of niatiirily 1 lie piillrl mutt lie mature More the lay If a pullet lay in Or tidier the tniial le hatched early enourJi in the tprint; to that the will reach ma turity in Oetoher. A Plymouth Hock hatched thr firtt of April fthould lay the middle of Octnhrr or firtt of N" trtnher If they are to lay a month earlier thev thoold he halched a month rarlier The I.eRhorn thoulit lay the fir. I of October if hatched the firtt of pril The next point rcfrrt to health and vigor The pol'et niuM conte lo ma turity with kocmI health ami vigor She mtitt have had proper rare duritu; the hriMHluiK and Krowinx prrnxl A Hunt r( chick, a rliK'k hatched (rout an eg it laid by a hen out of condition a chick that hat had to halllr with inteet k-m nt a chick that hat not had proper food and raereite will not le a profitable layer in any tea too How lo in obtain the health and vigor of the tlnck i the I Iiirri l problem in poultry kerpinR T tri ret' in winter lire liena mutt have rontntuimnal vitor. The third point i that In rrt crr the hent muti have lh proper kind anil quantity of food The hen reipmrt more ktntlt of fud tlian a cow or a hK The cow neeilt nn animal fond, the hen duet The hen Kivet more con- ideralion to clraulinrtt of the product than the cow She trait it up in a thell of lime to keep it clean, and the I therefore mutt have a liberal supply of ' mineral nuttier. All foodt furnish a certain amount of mineral matter, hut not cihmikIi lo tupply all the thell ma terial when hrni are laying heavily What fix wit thould they he fed Thev ihould have cram, hut Rtain alone wont do What will happen if the hen call nothing Imt wheat? Hrmem tieriiiK that the putt mnlunK into an ckk tlun the doei tint eat, that .in ckk contain aliout one fifth ounce of fat and that if the ate nothing hut wheat the would K?l ciioukIi far for three or four ritRl a day and ahoul enough protein for half an ckk a day, the -thine that will happen will he that the will re fute to make cUKt. The hen dnet not adulterate her product, otherwise the could fill up the ckk with Mirplu fat. like tonic coplr make hutter, out of ipimout oil or href fat. She will make an honett article or none at all The i point it that the hen tlwitild have och food at will furniali the uccettary fid rlrnieitlt ill prtuier propottiont. in oilier w or ilt the should have a kil.inccd ralion There are ihrTerrnt wa) of tMianriiiK the ration. I'"or inttanie, if the hen hai acceat to wheat. In clover or kale and to Krattlinpiteri. angle woimt and Brit, the will Ualancv her own ration. Site will rat a little wheat, a little clover ami a few Krakthoppcrt or angleworm and vat enough of emit to fiiriuth the egg making elimentt in right proportion An occasional feed of corn or oat in place of wheat would improve the ration Thl much for the food How shall it he fed? Again you iiuiat take ac count of the nature of the lien. She it a bitty creature naturally; that it pail of hrr life, and ion tiuiat keep her bitty or let her he busy. If the hat free range on the farm the will keep hrrtelf bitty and Iter muKle and digestion in uood order, hut vhn you shut her up , in yartli you are imMiting artificial condition mid you mint provide cxr cite for her I have kept hint for it year on a Iwrc Uiard floor in a sm.ill Ht and frl them well. They laid almut three doeu chk each during the ytar, and at the end of the year with tint sort of luxury and case they had lt their mtiktituttoit and their us, fulness; while other hem fid in the tame way, hut with a ground floor and deep Inter to scratch in mid ) arils tn run in, laid over twelve doicn ckks each and at the end of the were still in the business The hen neeilt exercise The demand for .' food nny he tup. plied m different ways SUni milk-, milk curds nnd buttermilk will lake the place of tiicitt if enough of it can he fed Skim tuilk is largely water, and a heavy laying lieu can scarcely drink enough of it lo get llic necctsary amount of animal food, There u nothing bet ter than frcsli-cut lean mint uml bines, the danger front uncooked meal scraps however, being that they are liable to (nitlaiit ib sense genus .md mA-s it is known lit be friv from ib i it IV bitter to ou'k it Tin. c itiHiu , I ,ir t clc ( f bed i. rapt, put tip b il li K, picking liou-o are l.trgi. y ml s ni of the slulT s"ild for poultry food t only fit for fertilizer, however. During tenuous of the year when iniecls and worms are plentiful and the fowls have thr liberty of the farm, little animal food may le fed Another niiii alpiut feeding grain: Should it l ground or fed whole' It it known that a lert.un proportion of the food of fowls it titcd to produce energy (o grind the food, and from thli xjiul of view it it cheapr to have I tic food ground at the null Hut it hat been found by experiment that fowls do pot do well when fed altogether on ground food. 1 he final (Kiint in Ibis ditcuttion it the laying capacity of the hen If all the. three thing! mentioned above be properly attended to there will ttill be a scarcity of rggt tmlett the fowlt have the laying capacity, and it is no fault of the hen if the hasn't ; the trouble goes back to her ancestors , COMMERCIAL POTATO QHOWINO , Soma Good Point on Onn of the Most Profitable of Crops. 11 A. (1 Tralr, A"llnt llurtlrtilturl.t, BUI. (Villma of WulnnirvM. Pullman, Potato land should bo plowed in tho fall und allowed to liu roughiluring tho winter. This fnvora tho catching of winter moisture, nnd allow the, sub surface noil to settle and tho surface, can be worked earlier In tho spring. If tlio fall plowing is Impossible, the land should be disced In the fall so that the surface may bo rough and open through the winter. Deep plowing usually glvea better result than shal low. The plowed land should be well harrowed early in the spring, and if not immediately planted, Il should bo frequently harrowed In order to con serve moisture ami kill tho weeds which start after the first harrowing. Spring plowed land should bo harrowed Immediately after the plqw, to pro ventjoss of moisture. In tho dryer sections, some form of subsurface packer should follow tho plow, and this should irnmediaetly be followed by the barrow to work up u surface mulch. If the soil plows up cloddy, a plnnkclod masher may bo used quite profitably. . Tho tlmo of planting should be gov erned largely by tho climite and the purpopeii for which the potntoes are grown. The otato plant needs ample moisture when the tuber nro setting; hence, tho grower should endeavor to havu the. plant reach that stngu of de velopment at tho time when the moist ure supply is likely to bo favorable. For early new otutoe, the seed should bo plat il ns early In tho spring as the soil will permit, on light, warm soil. For lato jiotatoes they may be planted as late ns tho middle of June, provided the moisture supply Is amplu and con tinuous; but where summer rains can not be deMnded upon, the earier the potatoes nre planted the better, If tho danger from frost Is guarded against. The distance between rows and be tween bills in tho row Is an Important point in tho potato culture. Varieties that tend to produce very largo tubers should bo planted close. Soil will ad mit of close planting in direct propor tion to its fertility and moisture con tent, and the care given tho crop. In high priced land, Intensive culture should be practiced and the rows nnd hills planted ns closely as the fertility of tho land will permit. Increasing tho alio of tho "seed pieces" will ac complish the same results as closo planting, but tho danger of sunburned tubers is apt to bo increased. No farmer who grown six or moro ncres of tottitoes each year can afford to do without it horse planter. Of tho ' sovcrul methods of band planting, the following is tho most sittisfnctory : After tho soil is well prepared, open up furrows to the proper depth with n mngle shovel plow. After the seed is dropped, cover w itlt the plow nml har row thoroughly. Tho depth of the planting should doxmil iimhi tliu text ure of tho soil, ami U)on whether early or late H)tntoeit are desired. Flo inched In not too deep for lute Mtatoes, on light, mellow soils, but three to four inches is better for an early crop, or on ory lieny, or very wet soil. The amount of seed to use vnries front three to ten sacks per ncrc, nnd depends upon tho variety of tho soil, I Varieties which tend to produeo very large tubers should liavo a largo quan tity of seed. Rich land should receive more seed thnn xxr land. If the seed pieces nre not too large, tho number of eyes to each piece makes no difference. It is moro important that tho sue of tho pieces sohuld bo uniform than that there should be the samo number of eyes in each piece. Frequently only n pnrt of tho potn toos which nro planted como up. This nuty be duo to one or more of several causes, ull of which should bo guarded ngnitiat. Cut seed potatoes should never bo allowed to remain in piles un til they heat, nnd nro thereby seriously injured. Seed potntoes that hnvo been exooHid to too low temuernturo will BtlJom give u uniform stand. All de cayed tubers nnd those which hnvo brown or black spots through tho llosh bhould not be planted ns there nro two diseases which nro found in this statu which nro Hiiro to rooult In mi unsatts fnutory stitnd if bued infected with them is planted. Cut seed should mver be planted deeply in tho cold wet boil, inn .Us factory gcrininiittin h n ri to ri tilt l'irml'y, in the drvr rect it 9, p itot ' should bo plnuU-1 to uniform iU th be low tho dry surface n ukh n oruu to bucuro a uniform stand. sFUR FffrttsM cH, 10 to0 " tnnrn monf fr,ryn in tMr I'm Tar n I'M-lo vlhn la wRsT i t ii r wr -ii rrf -wjiiv, HUNTERS'&TRAFPERS'GUIDE.WiJ'Es 4T-ft4 MlsWU- ' urt U mt tm th M1 tf wmt t Jttrttaf f-' IH I T f ' r HU P fl T " ! II rm n4 Wh in rg tVl In l-rtlt j It f 11 Ptj rlixy 14 ft ) TotMtrr-trt'f t I r H-ImU H lfrt 1 if " Ojf ' 4 ffei 1 (MAf ! tii, tii trtp ' ea p-4 r nt mt iw MAPL Tli Porlal at I. roe. I ip, Il loot oip an oi nrp ininuirn io rpily c-t my ballot marked the way I waiitpd It. I nprer otp atralglit. nnyhove. I'm ure to alway apllt my tleket." "I aep you're tur to split your Infini tive, ItiO." Information, "I harp often beard," aald the Inquisi tive foreigner, "of your aw 'rncp ! iup.' Jlay I awak wbnt a racp latue nV "Why, cert. It' any aportln paper," answered the nntlre. "Awthank," rpjolnetl tltp forelener, Jottlnj It down In hit notebook. fJIrltiK Tlipm Thelf C'IiiiIcp. "Maria, wberp do you and the jlrls want lo pend the wlntr7" "We litre Ix-en tlilnklni wp abould like to (o tn tbp Hermtlilia, John." "Well, you ran btre your eholcp be tween Ib Hermuda and the farm out on the I'oi river; but I may a well tell you Ibat there won't lp any money to pay for a trip to th Uertoudai." Cblcato Tribune. The lirxett town eloek In he world It In the tower of Clatgowr unireralty. Tbp hammer welgba l'JO xHind, Ibe pendu lum .'VK) pounda, and th wbol clock about a Inn and a half. Tli Influrnra it Cavlronrnfat. Club Man What do you think Is tht matter with me, doc 7 Physician (who runs an automobile) I should tar that your carbureter It Stcttlns too rich a mixture. Harvard Ijiuijioou. Gelling InlPrealPil, Maude Hnven't you tlnltlied that novel yet, dear? Clnrn No; but Pre reached the most Interesting part Mnude Indeed! Clarn Yes; the heroine Is atout tn I'lojic with one man because she It It. love with another. c yfupfi LlixiroGnna Cleanses tnovSy.stemEfft eci- s Loltls atull I unlU-rUtsnol cnu j ii t i. i. oriios auo io LonsiinaTton; Acts naturally, acts truly as a Laxative. Jjos foriMenMompn nntl Clulu-ren-A'ounj nnJ Old. lo et its l)cncficial Effects Alvttws buy the benutnculiiclt hns iho full name of the Lom- ojtlt nnny- CALIFORNIA Rq Syrup Co. by whom it iiroaiiujuc to roil, printed on tKe Jront crery puekntte SOLD BYALL LEADING DRUGGIST one iiie only, regular price 50ebolllo. EmE PS SvtjS) (RESCENT Egg-Phosphale f-'H nut DO All K'CcaB THAT AM 1H HX3I rrxii) fJmrtttMPn rotten nru aaiUlilllillial DO AM) A FULL sAZlfr ff S Mnrtha Washington Comfort Shoes fr ' Vou will never know what genuine m m 9 f foot comfort Is until you wear Wushlnuton Comfort Shoes. They ro ll ve tired und uchlnu feet and niakowalk- Ins a pleasure. They fit llko a leel us easy as n stocklncr. xso buttons or laces thoy Just slip on and off at will. Tho clastic at tho sides "gives" with every movement of tho foot, Insuring freu action und a perfect fit. Absolute comfort guaranteed. Ilewuro of Imitations. Only tho ecnulno have tho name Martha li 1 aTaPl Washington and Mayer Trudo eutuututcs. l our dealer will vvasniutitoa, We also aiic, i rriuu &CHOOI illOCS. mmmk'm ui xavBBBBakN. -aaaateVBWkk KaatAia4itlVtfl1'rtffi'TTl'laWiai Bm IDES .rkM j: u rt nl iu ilcwr A Flavoring. It males a syrup better than Maple. J J Sold by grocers. lliipeleialr Oul ol Style. "Peter," said Mr. Pneurlteh, "I want ton lo have tbnt roof taken ol our tcaraji and oiip of a different kind put on" "What forr demanded Mr. Pneurlteh "Whsl'a Hip mailer with It V "I beard an architect u; the ohi ilsy tbat It' a hip roof. Kreryboly knows Ibat bl are out of style now." tletllprnl rilrinellp. N'pver praiap Ihp renult of your cook's labor or pre your iipI to t whether tbey likp or not. .Vevpr crltfeltp your bot' dlnnpr unfavorably, even If It b badly rooked. Past all then thin; over In alienee. I)o not jIvp doit your bones under the tnblp, or feed the cat, or en courage animal to Jump on the table. Above all. do not tick your plttp; It I an art that ill lecornt a cat, let alon a ccnlleman. Krasrnna. H OWAIttl U. nrrilTO A.rr '" Cbsml.t. I.vil.. I'Aloruii hiMitun nrtiest Oul.L Ht),r, i d,(l(,i, Pflrar.T. 'loLI, KciZImo, l.Mf. II. lni-l' t- . jrJUnitr.lip-iwt ruli i rm llat aii oj ar.ieati m l.rtttrtl nS t n Mrk aiuil. Iixacl I noeAU hm UsojJIUak. TOVER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED GARMENTS are cut on large pattema.cJeslgned fo give the wearer. ,the utmost comfort UCHT-LXJRABlE-afAn pjwwnu)miiufocf SUTTS322 SUCKERS 322 ituttnrrzumr jjuvmtm. ! I ajrpntca scitwat. X. T Ponclta mtip and sella mora men' S3.0O unit tJJO alioe limn nny oilier nmniifAetuepr In the world, b. cuumi tlier hold their shape, (It better, uil wear lonccr than any other luuke. Shots st M Ptlut. lor Crtrv Henbtr if Ut j, Uia, BayOroiMO, slititti CUdrta W JXSniUa 1 1 t tm i a OSt tlf tkt iumI itulil at uj tnn. w L. DtitUt t.S4 a4 ISO ism an tka but u u. w.rlt Fifi Cte XvtMs I'mI lme4Hll9 f-'l'nkp . r.ub.niui. tv. L. IXWlIM ium n.t pei u atmr.i on bottom, bolt eTrrrbet. hhoe mwlnt rnwi lactorvlo an psrtot Ib"0tl4. Cftt!oti. fir. W. U POICLAX. IU Stark St.. BckLIm. Mao. PNU No. 49-08 i TUV.X srrlllne tu advertlaer jtleaao iiieiititn tint ti4pr. '"WvCl I Jvll ir I 1 NaaVV W I I r fe. 3AKINC POWDER POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer Martha ulovo und ivotttor about Mark stamped on tlio sole. Kcluso supply you; it not, write to us. pv tvtfm,nak. I I II lr r v tFVIIMii ill I II kSl v'V 111 IR- ff XfcJ Al .r M LUTlH S j' ti W c &y ' ta ttw1. f Jimr I I J FREE It you wilt tend ut tho name of dealer who docs not handle Mjrttu Washlnuton Comfort Mvoes. wo wiiisenil oulree.poitrahl.a DdUluo4picturuoiiuruu I m sua ixm. nuke Ilonorhllt Shoes, Lcudlnif Lady v.uuiuu aiiwi wu wyw .. v.. I si tx. F. Mayer Boot tfShoo Co. MILWAUKEE.WISCONSIN y?fr-.Tjr i fr v. ov!rAMUMr,OT - iSLN i&A