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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1908)
I- -- ! IIW THE DEND BULLETIN "For every man a square deal, no ts and no more.0 iHUtUiS D. KOWK KDITOR subscription uatk& Cceytat .......... .....- Ji. Thtrt mnlhi,.... .......... .... .jo IriTariaMr in BiHioct.) VBpliSSXY, DKC 9,, 1908. The Nct Irrigation Code. J,Ir. J. C. Bryant, representative- ?isct from Multhouiah county, is working on a draft of a bill for a f-ew irrigation code for Oregon. He ; working in Hue with the ideas of Mate i-.ngtnccr i.t'wis, 111c c.xprcs on of tuc Oregon Mate grange, and the plans of the Oregon com n'.t.ssioti for the conservation of the tatural resources of the state. If ike ideas of these men and organ ations are incorporated in a bill, t oughl to give Oregon a very good Tigaltou code. A few of the main features ol A!r. Bryant's bill arc coutaiucd in the statement TtiM the water of the Mate Won . . tile people of the state ami can be uel i'!cr i-ertatti restrictions (or beneficial ' t'-at water a ar-irop?i4tei far irrtj-a en purr- bevoniv aHirtrnciit lu the and. that uitcrponer permits given by "c lV to imliiMuata or curoralion 1jI)!i' J limited to ptriixU of 1$ eui, l that ar.nual fer. to be Svcil bv the -ciUturr abouM fcc cluril for tltc uc ' power Vr corporattont ile. eloping it: Uat alt wa'terpower corporation IkmiII l-c arxciatt) incorporate!, and that 110 -rriora'.ion iliall be allonel to make ap- 1: cation (ur a second "onar site until 11 as developed the site already licM by i; -rant from the state, that full at.ite- icr.u cit tltc eomtructioii ami labor of it power plant (hall be filed with the btate encinecr upon the completion of nny project, and that the state (halt re- rvc the right to buy, Ieac or condemn mi, wort s at the evpiratton of the terHi rl the franelllte or before that time, ami hat tl state (halt have The right ami ower to regulate the co of heat, light r poiVct- Used bv the date or by any in. rporattd city or town."' The feature of the bill that pre vldes for a limit of 25 years to wa terpower franchises is most impor tant, as is also the provision re quiring that annual fees be paid to the state by power companies for the use of the state's water power. Competent engineers estimate that .7 Milall yearly rental paid to the Mate for each horsepower developed would, in a few years, pay by fat .he larger part of stale expenses, and would thus lessen the burden ,if taxation, practically doing away jvjib jt. The watcrpewer of the Idte belongs to the people and why should they not receive compeusa jlon for its use ? There are a number of other very important features that the new pode should contain, such as a jiropcr administrative system, and .he right of individuals to condemn ,ight of way for irrigation ditches. this latter provision being sur ,oucded by" proper restrictions. However, these provisions will un doubtedly be given proper atten j ion by those having the bill in J-aud. There will be no measure of more importance before the coming legis lature than this one of a modern it 1 igation code for Oregon. Such a Jaw is of vilal importance to the en ure state, and .especially to Eastern Htid CentVal Oregon where irriga lion is destined to play so important n part. Every citizen should keep m close touch with the progress of (his movement, and should bring nil the pressure possible to bear on his senator and representatives in the demand for a modern irrigation -ode. There will be strenuous op jjositiou from water power interests. They succeeded in defeating a like j bill at the preceding session of the legislature, Tiiey must not be al lowed to doso again. Who Plays the Bunco Game? Notv thU President Koosevelt has come out openly in favor of Governor Chamberlain as senator, I, it not about time for those mis- guided and mistaken anti-Statement 1 X6. individuals to cease tbeu; at-1 temp's tp thwart what the people of the 'suttf want? When Governor Chamberlain called on the president at the White IJousc last Saturday, President ttooscvclt extended hi hand and saul: "I am glad to sce you, Governor Chamberlain, ami sctiator-to be, Tltc people of Ore goti have expressed their choice for senator. I stand by the will of the people, and I am for you for scun tor." That's the manner in which the prvat mind of President Roosevelt looks upon the situation in Oregoti. He says the "people of Oregon" have expressed their choice for sen ator. And the president is correct. There never was a greater bunco game than the attempt now being made in Oregon to have it nppear that Chamberlain U not the choice cf a majority of the people of the state for enator; and thus by mak tng it so appear, to defeat hira be fore the legislatuic. This dishon orable game is being played by a few oldtin:t politicians who have, been put out of business by Ore gon's primary law and other ad vanced Statutes, and .by a few "party" newspapers who cau not or will not sec the trend in Oregon away from machine politics and toward clcauer stul better govern ment. If ever there was a bunco game, the anti-Statement No 1 politicians are playing it. A OREAT SUCCESS. iil Lara's First Anniversary Opin ing Tekss Well with the I'ublfc. That the people of Bend appre ciate aggressiveness and cntetprie in their merchants was shown to a marked degree by the crowds that ittendtd the First Anniversary am Opening of A. M. Lara's Big Store on the Corner. All Thursday, Fri day and Saturday afternoons of last week the store was crowded witr people. Everybody had a good time and 110 social or entertainment has ever been given in the count) which afforded more pleasure. The "clean store." as Mr Lara calls it, surely lived up to its name Everything was spotless. To adr. to this, hundreds of red Christina bells were hung from the ceiling ii different designs, and red crepe paper streamers draped along t tit -heir lakes and standards made thr -tore beautiful- Dainty refresh ments were served in a prcttil. decorated booth of white and red Coffee, sandwiches, cake and fruit were given to nil. That these vver enjoyed by the people who attended is shown by the fact that nearly a thousand sandwiches and a dozen cake? to say nothing of cookies and fruit were disposed of. The store was well stcked with Christmas goods. T'ie display wa" very tasteful and embraced present cr every member of the family ex cept the children. Mr. Lara wa disappointtd in receiving his lint of toys, as they did not arrive un til Ibis week. When it b considered that Mr. Lara has only managed the stort for one year and has built it up irom a run-down store, iu the hand of a receiver, to one of the best stocked and cleanest stores in Crook county, it is certain that he de- 'Mncrmjii are but outward tljsf of tbe evil done In secret by myriads of das. J rail germs sapping tbe lite Wo 61 tbe hair. Micro kiltfUe pari site, soothes lEe Itditag scalp, lives bistre to tbe balr and stops It falling out. Aitszleaptllcatlea Civet relief aid proves its worth. Save your faair before too Ute. Micro prevests baldaeu. 4f Is a delightful dressisg for tbe hair, free froa grease an sticky oils. Ask your druggist forfree booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO, ;toii.i.'i TiTTTl I H.?TaiJWBMMMMzBa.I ' DAHDWJEEAHDlR .crnll the putNc mid, ciignttu billons that wcie showered upon him and his helpers- lust wvk X stranger looktnj; Into the store at that time would nut have- im agined liitnell in a pluce 90 mWes from a ruilio.ul und 111 it minim where things me Mipjni.sed to In rough ntul behind the limes. Ik'iul may be a long way ftom the rail road but the people ate far from In hind the times. They know xvlmi good things nre and appreciate them. Openings may be new in the country but not to the people 1'licv all cxptcs-sed the desire llmt the store celebrate many nioti birthdays and that ciu-li year In mote prox.-rutis tlnm the one be fore. The Bulletin does likewise A Personal Appeal. Hue could talk to m pctMiliallt almut the gfeat nierii of Votc)' llonry atnl Tar, lur cimghs cvUU and 1iu trouble. tu uctcr ctillld Iv tti'hierd t'i experiment ilh unknown pit-parntiot" that inav contniu xinie hurnilid drug l'olev' llouev ami Tar cost. u it mote and hat a trcord of 41 tarscl cute.v C. W. Mkhi-U.i., l)riiriKt Township plats for sale nt lb . office, two size, 3 j and 6 uiclus square A Christmas Suggestion.. While you arc making Christ mas gifts, why not make one or two that will be of lasting worth and benefit? It only coits a iitl now and then to buy a few pieces of usat, handsome and use ful furniture, and how much better nd how much more comfortable the home will be. And this is just the time of the j car to do it. Make the wife a Gferistmas Present of some useful piece of furniture say, one of our handsome new din ing tables, a rocking chair, a new bed for the ".spare room," or a beautiful rug for the parlor. I have a lot of new furniture on hand, and have still more on the road on the way in. Millard Triplett The Furniture Mdn Bend, Oregon WOOD FOR SALE. BLOCK WOOD OR LIMB WOOD. 2-foot length, per cord 1 6-inch wood, per cord Juniper wood, rer cord 4 oo 5-oo These prices include delivery. Leave orders at Pilot Butte Inn. L. A. BRANDENBUR.GH. WANTED JNrUHMATlOM KXUAHVLHO Farni or Business (or til. Kot partlctJir about tocaUao. V.'l.h lo Mir Irom owu.r oaly wbo will tell ilfct tolrayt. Olve ptU. lcrlp(loa asd (lata wbB pettotloa caa b bad. AO&ieu. L BlimWIO. It MM lukfUt. M. T. m J W SV Jr "" 'n;'"' i ktkm&Y I Ask your grocer for the 3 or 5 lb. cans. They havo tho scrow tops with, retal handles Aro usoftil whon onipty. with the use of CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR can bake delicious, healthful food. The essential cookery is a pure Cream of Tartar baking powder. quality $L4 s She powi E. A. SATHER. BendShaniko Livery & Stage Company J. II. WONANDY, Prop. W. P. Ktlley, Acont, Slanlko New Covered Stages between Bend nnd Shanlko ALSO Livery and Peed Stables at Shaniko, Mndrns and Hend. Wc run our rigs to plcssc the public. SUkcs lenve each way every day. Rigs to all pnrta of Central Orecon. Careful drivers furnished Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage. tf t. imwi-nraAicangJMUiuTMif mMmz3wumammmwmmrtmirmmatmmiammMiin.xwt'i WHEN IN BENU STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always lupplled with the belt that tho town Affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. TlKM), Oxitr.ON JViassachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company ANNUAL DIVIDENDS Nearly 300 SATISFIED Policyholders In Crook County. jo-j r. u. muwK, Blacksmithing 1 II.W '. flatted up for liiincM In the l)umi Ilhckmiiith Shop, ami re-M.-ctfully koliclt n tharc of your imtrouajjc. Stl faction nurantceil ill l', I'.KY I'AKTICII.AR. Ilors'csh'ricuig and (icneFal Repairing W.H.HEWES Beud, Ore. Taken Up. Came to my pasture nbout July 15 lost, yearling steer with both ears clipped and split; also brand on right hip but cannot tell what it fa. Owner can have same by pay ing for this uotice atid damages. 35.40 Hiciiaro King. lne abroiuic purity ana wnoicsomcncsa oi iiiu inyiuuitma of CLEVELAND'S insure the hcalthfulness and superior of your food. You can be Cleyelands SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER Made from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar. .SOLI) AM) GPAUANn.Kl) Bsnd, Oregon KMUM WMMM UM.VU Kcsiucm xcl 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrtAoc Manna Dioiono Anron Mnilliif a nd d.KrlMkm uir Intviilk UiiihMMl.K I niunlf. IKx.. .irK1lrf".il..i.l(.l. HiHOBoOl''il'n-"l .ml froa. Okll iiiwr.riif wmitinn ixUni.. I' uwi ibtinwli JUhn Lu. rrt.lT. ipttui nntut, willmui clifo, lu tba , ,zkic Hhtcrlcni!: A haKdi imclr UlaMrtlM wMklr, ...1 & mtttill Ir.Mtnkl (-MlaTiiauil J i Tii j lrnrnft. ,'irrNt, f 1 JU bf ml fit(trMlr rori l.uf fcionthl, 1. ttoW b ftlipwt!fUra. MUNN & Coi30IBro"-i'NeW York There arc a lot of people iu town who do not patronize your store people who ought to people who could make your dullest day a pros perous one and who could be won to your src by stronger advertising. Any Housewife BAKING POWDER requirement lor pure r i r sure of 11V S. C. CALDWELL C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW HMK'K IN HVXK III tl.tll .. HUM), OMKI.IIN U. C. COE, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon OI'I'ICK OVItR HANK nit UMbt Gclcpbditc Ccmtcctlfit day Txu:i'lit)r. SO. 31 llKNIi, OkM.cN THE First National Bank of Prlneville. KaUblliSwl ivs;. Capital, Surplus nnd Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 n ' aiuh Will WaiioxWf T l Ualrfolu II IKltWtN Il.t.'i' I VK l1r.Mlr"l I ..In. I MI.UUl I lull A. I!. I'KTI'KSON, Antelope, Ore, Matcbmaher nnb 3-eweler I'rerioii and .Sctni I'rrcioiu Sli'iu Set nml IcMttry n( .i! lilnU mailc t'i onler mnl cnhii.. W01U fimt ita- an. I (.uarantivil l-r,ir trlrr wl'li Walpli Riwnr.r linllrlin o(Ue. IU11J, bf kiiJ ililrvt tunr at AhLI.'l" HENRY L. WH1TSETT Horse Shoeing and Geileral Blacksmithing WAQON AND PLOW WORK Plrst Class Work (luarnntecd. I.ooaliil In tho old Miulilou alum, p- j GOOD BODY WOOD $4.50 Per Cord Leave onlcra nt or 'phone to lite 1'lt.oT lli-rn. Inn.