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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
CCO CURES ECZEMA, r ssf. ACNE.TETTER ETC. 1 he nklu lit nu Index tojlic qunllty of tlic MihmI. I'crettm, Actif, Tetter, tilmplrii, rnnlirrt. criijitltinn, etc., nlimv tlmt rmittc tinlicitltliy humor or nclil impurity In iIIncihIiik "ml corrupting the cltciiliitloit, (to that iimtrnil of mipplj ltvr iioiirlHlimciit and ntrciiKth to the fine, tlellcntc tlrniiicn of the nlclii, It In contlntinlly potirlnjj out Itn ncrld mid unhealthy nccuniulntloim. Kxtcriml appllciitlonN of milvrri, washes, lotlonn, etc, mny relieve mime of the lU'lilnn mid other ilincouifurt ciitmiil by nlclu troublcn. ami for thin reason rthould Ikj iim.I. but Hitch treatment cannot rench the humor-laden blood, and therefore cannot cure. A thorough clcnunliu: of the blood in the only cure for nklu dlM-anen. M. S. H . rt purely vegetable preparation, lit the bent mid ijulckent remedy. It i-oen down into the circulation and neutralizes nnd removcM the acldn, luipurillen and humors, thorounhly purlficn the circulation and pctmaucutly curen skin dineancn of every kind. When !1 H H ban driven the hiiiuorn and Impurities from the blow, and cooled and cleannwl the acid heatrtl circulation, every symptom pusses away, the wklti In nnuln noiirlnhril with rich, healthful blood and the trouble cured, as the caurte I1.11 been icmovcd Hook on nklu dlncnnen and any medical advice free to all who write. T1I1J SWIW SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. ALASKA WHEAT, m,rr rcacont laplcinc L'Ginnnit jciSATAiinnnrrRS TOWER'S FISH BRAND v y . WATERPROOr GARMENTS v 1 $C&?? mm if 1 1 1 M ' J -?? are cut on largo patterns. devgncd rpglVethcvwarer the ulmoil comfort UGHT-DUMBU'CIEM HWtlifiHMtllPSO0' SUITS 322 3UCKCR33S2 ttimniutwiir M 0 nu Mn I Tla. lllu I'lml. "Mow ilun jtin that IlfDwn It rrMtlne wrjrlmdj In Itlill" "Wlijr, you , intra In. nrm'nlri lila wlf with n llttlf tor Imnk In wfilct llir rlillilrrn rouM kt thi-lr pnnlra." "I f. Ami now li flnda lilrt)f ihi limil nf n fruenl. Imluatrloua family " I "No. now )i flmla th Imnk." 1'iirk. 1 Mnihrt will flnt Mtt WlmlnVi s-mthtos P)iii. Hi. !- tuilr toUMlullbalrtli.'Mlll Julius lit lvtlilu ioJ, t ?int aaavjilrlona), I Tim rmmlnlilo Yrs, your urorsliln, tin prluilKT l n mint auaplrloua clmr- ni-liT nio Amtaisl (IndUnatitljr)-. It'a hltn Hint' imileloun Aw'm no auapv-oua o ntijIxHtjr! Punch. l.lMlt, Mm Htulit- It Btntm In thin tones 1 1 lip. John, that tin otiiirtiiit turn oo rnrtli nre the l.lplnliilcrn Mr Ktul.h- ll'int Titer couldn't t I nny nliorti'r tlintt nn Alnrrlr.iti tunti nftir lila aiiiimicr mhmiIuil i CITC HI Vllu1 im iM fCT III foot. , IIIJ.illr atr-4 I,, ii, t .! llmt rr lu. , ,., -t fo rill II M IIUll-llal4 tru . Ill IL It kllM, td . HI ink HI . 't.lll.lI.U. It. CRESCENT EGCPHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER A moJrn Irivrnr f at a nWrrilr r-fl I U 30 prr crnl. more rllldrnl Hun "Trr"f Gim. ol-Titlir rrixfucU and abaolutrly Utt (ruin Ilia? hraltlt racklne Holllf Salta rnldur Invariably accompanying Ibtlr uu. Get it from your Grocer 25o -"FULL POUND "250 I'c I'ntlemv I tii-ar Will U golnjt to mnrry that lrl lio'a U-eu iiMtiUIni: ao miicli 1110IH7 mi. I'nlrlii'- Yra. IIp'n folnc to iimke lirr n (HTtnatiPiit riKM'Irer. Yonkwra Htnteimnn. Kltirf, Ut4n. ,hnti in. I irnntU -If "30. MulTm" lft l tfittiVUI vn th. n-..r .! iU lntrrlr.1 rllh lrr - nwull. ilrear. J nMtiuli tlr, ant. (mVriaulir. tJ an.) ixhtr trtmlft. It ollt airtxt tli ilrr rt M i!n lh imln ) lwi ! ht lngrtu. atul llic U imi itanavr riwn wfcMiia ha mlnalL . y r- V tl t . fl....Hl.aa ....t -.-II- ..... HI n iiiibh nia irna tiiai n inrir M3,tN nim aV.I AO Intra limit nity illirr inritiifm lurrr In llin tmrltl Imi rnitvn llirr lntl llirlr aliniHt. fit Iwtlrr, nI rr limgrr limn uy olhrr ItikP. Ibtti It All Prlcil. far iirv Himltr of thi fmtl,Mfl(fioji,imiii, WiiiiiiCMWfil W L tU ft Hu4 II M Otll I4 Ibm ! 0 m.I4 i -if .W W L. PtM II 14 m4 l ftlllMlMlUtUU rv ( nrr i.yttit i ,i .- tft. I. PUWfJIi r I'Mkl NMlttlllMlM. 1. lkMlall htma ! pin1 ii iai- 1 on ikiikho, vii I. iKwclM Mil1 II IIAIMI4 I on iHillUMt. 9ttriUrf Mnf HiawtVl ttwn Ufiuty to nf I UI Hi win in, l(Uarui ( I lultlllat. Ill 5f..k St., llnxilM. Mm. I.nal lla r:ilfr. "Oreat Kuim. twrtHr. that raror of )oiir la In a ti-rrllilc oii.illtlim; ex cIhImhmI tlio Tlellttt In tin clittlr. "iiali. Ah 'ajH-t jfo' mn nil rlnht. Ah dinip won- dnt rnxor to it tmll ln' nlct.t. anh, nn' Ah rrvkou do crlti'atDiie nt'l Uhnt It tieiila" Itnaliiu 1'nat. Catarrh Cannot he Cured wllh , I ITHIMI... ibrr rannnt iTrhlnwalulii.f iliMu' rini. I., m..i r cnitlliiiloii.t tit IIM .ii.t 1(, , ruI, I 1 u Mint lakr llilvt. a trlnnllri. Ilall'a I aunli 1 Htv li lakru litlnnal ) , ahj aeia ill !V!.'r "I"!"' '"I Mupihk uilaca. Italia I aianlil 111 a ll a, iuark lur.ilr Im. II wilra,',lt.. I,, him,, i, .I..I t.Unk-aK. .Illliitc-uiilar l.iriMl. aii.t It miufar lire " rumiMmM 01 id lvt ni,l innw ,r mMlwl Mlih li t.l Won.) i.iulnrrt. ainiig llriNilrim llm rauroui uilam The '",' . """"'"'"'ipf IhrHio limoitlfntali UU I lalh fvnil for tut nnnlala Ifw K-il.t t.r Irurll. j.rt.oTIW T. llall't family rilli fur romtlfatlon. J 'Wllh lhi Jlln.trrl.. "Mlntnli Walknli, not mn itr illlTiinr 'tMii n trn'lrr atartin In 'I'mijlrr an' a ; t'lilr o' n-fll haahr "I clip that nnp 11 1, (Mirrp. What la 1 ttip illffprpurp iM-lMppfl n Imiph-r atnrtlnf 1 fur Tanclrr ntxl n iUtp of venl liaalil" ")t nnp mn MnhMfo hoitml an' da ttiliah nm half wlf." I "Indira ami crntlrtiwn, thp CflrhrntPil I (M-allt, Pruf. Itoi Up HntP, u III now altif tlmt tmtiitlfill nuil tiMiililnir aftitlnifiitnl j Imllml, Tnkp Your I'ncp Awnjr, ('Inrfnrci 1 You llnvp Ilppn t'altiR n Hnfrty Itamr.' " wkmm iii'' ySVSnoit la )mr luoulli ilmlUr hi any way lu lit aUttt? 1( , im A tu ar ft w4lly, unumtiU r(U ir III (lltluj, onlluaf LiLU kuib. Tha Dr. Wla yitaia of "TEETH WITHOUT PXJVTES" Th rp(ill of 11 i4rV tiirlunra, Iha naw way of rrilaliin Irctlt lit Ilia, huttith tralh In fart, lirlh lu r at tiiraiico, tattt to clnw jour ftunl u.-tm, aa jruu ilM Uttu jour natural una Our firc Uatiornan' liM ra 1 an tin yuur anllr vruwn, UrM or lat urk lim Uay If i.MMarr iWllhvly mIuIinm tratli)t( Only high cUm, atltntlflo worla WISE DENTAL CO., INC. I)F W A UU lt....u.a. l .... H l.t l..l u" a n . TT.rr --. .'".. ! -" , r. ..... i'i J"tl,Ha ao)tiaaj 1 inmun w ! ?. ww aw4 .aw .M WV" "W, ' yfA f..Mi'-'y ittln IVrlUnit. nn.l VliMr, Fnlllutf llutiaiua, 'Iblr.l oJ liuk. ''Hl"fWk , A. il. lolf M .Miib. BixiriifSenna acts jontiyyot prompt ly ontlio bowels, cleanses the system effectually, nssisfe one in overcoming liabitual constinalion pormonently. To ot its i)enciciQl oWects buy the tJoruuue. NQnujociufcJljy titer CALIFORNIA JfiC'SrcujpCo. SOLD 0TLCADIN0 DRUCCIMSc0 rDOmt PNU No. 37-OS WIIKlf wrlllns tuadrartlaan plana luanllaai tlila papar. Idaho txperlmanl Station Man Wrltea ConcernliiK It. Ily It I! tlaHi, AvrwwmUl, Unhrrrllr of Malm Aiir.cullui.l i:.nln.Mit MUllmi, Umnw (Jn account of the iiiiinrrnn tu iiturira cmnliiK into our ataiiuti, c I1111I it uccctanry tu italic Hill irc liullrtiii CDiicrrniiiK the ao-callcil ' Alaikn" wheat. 'I'lii 1, when k'lvcil .iniilc del I ipace or cotiilitioni ftivuratilc to t he Individual plant, haa a liraucliitiK head home on a rather IoukIi traw at a liriifht of between four and five feet 'I he incill heart two and three Iter neli When Krowtt under clotc field coiiillliiitu the head tend, to be much imaller, branchct leu, and the mctli heara from one 10 two kernel, very teldum three. If hcadi utown under thcac couditiona alone were examined the iiiiirenioii would he obtained that tint wheat never heart but two ker nel to the ineih, a inntake which tome writer appear to have made The heard, while not tiiiincroiii, are dark in color and contulcrably ironxer than we find nn our common uhratt but not o lon or ttifl at thote found on the hi mint or titaca rout wheat. The normal kernel n lit; lit in color, abort and plump, with an umitinlly open groove, winch al low the kernel to In eattly broken 111 threthitiK A crott tectinn thowi the interior to be white and powdery, with cimparaticly little horn ttarch 'the thrunkeii kcrnclt naturally are harder. Takini; cverythini; into eoniiilcr.i tinit, I am led to conclude that tlili it the lik'yptian or Miracle wheat, a I'milanl, and ibat it beloiik' to that artety of the Hk!ttian known a l.ldorado, which it very cloudy re lated to the tcvcndieaded variety. The I'oulardt are peculiarly adapted to dry rcKioiu but never have been ttrowti to any extent in America Their vteldt have neer proved to b of turn a nature a to warrant their cxtetuive Krowth, even for ttoek food And the inferiority nf the flour pro duced from them hat prevented their uie to any extent for the production of bread The hitch yield claimed for the wheat in inn tectiou of the couutr), in tome catet XT? buttled per acre, are fabulou One of the promoter! ttatet that from one head of the wheat he obtained tevett pound: from thetc teveu pound he produced lltl puundt. or a yield in round num ber of -.0 fold It it from thete fik'ttret that the yield noted in the vartout paper, and 111 the circular of the Adam I lobe Seed Grain com pany. of Jultaetta, Idaho, are com puted To hnw the ridiculoutnc. of computing yield in tin way. we dc terinuieil In a couple of catet, the number nf tjraint produced from one teed nf Little Club k'rown under fa orab!c condition! in our breeding plat One plant produced 1170; the other IW) kernel- Now, reatnmni; a iltit eed company ha done, if we tlmuld plant one buthcl of thii Little Club to the acre, we would obtain 117d or I MM buahel. Tin would be a rather IiikIi yield, even for Idaho Tht year the company had 700 acre in the wheat grown on different farm in tliit locality. A thirty-acre tract near Mocow, which wa thrrtlird in the middle of Anoint, went about thirty-two buthel per acre Mr Adam Mated at that time that hi be! yield had been thirty five buthel Me aupplemeutcd tin remark, however, with the tiatcment that hi itand were poor in every cac. lint contulcrinij the larce acre aKc, the fart that several different farmer Krew the croi, and the effect of .1 cloc itand, noted above, wc must take tin a an indication, at lent of the yielding power of the wheat ThU, however, would not be considered an extra large yield for thi country The nf the wheat upon which the company appear to bap itn liope amount to practically notli lug in detertniniug the bread making quality of the flour It is true that bluettciu wheat, which analyze higher in protein than Little Club, make a better quality of flour, but it is aliio true that macaroni wheat, which an alyzc higher in protein than lltuc stem, makes a lower class of flour, and couseiiticntly is discriminated against by the miller The low grade (lours turned out from our mill uu ally show a higher protein content than the patent. Corn has consider able protein, but the chemist eetns tinahle to find any gluten (that all cs scnttal part of a good flour). Fvcn if the chemist had found a high gluten content in "Alaska" wheat, we would till not be justified in concluding that the wheat would make a good quality of flour The proof of the wheat i in the bread it will make promised to have a milling test mail. Upon our request the company hat noil, Until this test is made, how ever, wc must assume that the wheat will make no better flour under the name of "Alaska" than it did when known as "Wheat of Miracle." In spite of all the beautiful stories which have been written concerning the origin of this wheat, regardless of the many t wonderful things which have been imagined about its quality, nnd taking into consideration the im pression as to yield, which has so skillfully been thrown broadcast throughout the American continent by this seed company, who advertise their wheat for sale at t'ia per bushel, we have yet to find any point of merit in it which would warrant the public paying more for "Alaska" wheat than the prevailing market price of our common varieties. What Is Pe-iu-na. Arc wo claiming too much forl'oruna when wo claim It to bo on offcctlro ruined) for cbronlo catarrh? JInvo wo abundant proof that 1'eriina la In real ity audi a catarrh romixlyT Tit mi aro what tho UrilUxl Htatva Dlapnriaatory aaya of tho principal Ingrodlenta of Veruna. . Take, for Inatanro, tho Ingredient I hydra. tla canadrmla, or golden acal. t Tho Unltod HUtca Dlapcnaalorjr aoya ' of tlila liurhal remedy, that It la largvly employed In tho treatment of depravrd mucous membranes lining varloua orcanaof tho human body. Another Ingredient of rertina, rory I dalls formoaa, la claimed In tho United H la 10 a juapenaatory aa a tonic. Cod roll acoda la another Ingredient of l'eruna. Tho United Htatoa J)laiK.-na lory aaya of tho action fit ci-drou that It la uanl aa a bitter tonln nnd In tho ;ri'trnent of djrnl,ry, and In Inter mittent dlaoasoa aa a aub.tltuto for quinine. Helid to us for a free book of tcatl monlala of what the tx-oplu think of l'e runa aa a catarrh remedy, Tho Oat orldenrn la tho tvalluiouy of Uioau who have tried It, Tnllral . rm In I tin Wurlil. The tnlleit tree lu the world so far as has been iiHertnlncd la nn Aimtrn linn gum tree of the spvclva curntyptua ri-icnniia, which ttnnda In the (' Ot- way rnrige. It Is no htia than -its feet high. Hum trrea grow very fast. There la 0110 In Klorldn which shot up forty fret It) four years nnd another In (lunt cumin which grew- 11!0 feet In twelro years. This correspond to n rlw of ten feet lu a year, or nearly otiu foot per month. Too Much NiTlrauilnaT llo!. Nonti was plainly grumpy. "Drnt tlmt dear old svrlimnln'-hole poetry!" ho exclaimed. Throwing down the paper, he anx iously peered for land. Now York Bun. All In lli Mara. "litre, you I" said the arlatoeratle own tr of the corner bullJInx. "What are 70U puttlns up thla mfoily clapboard thark alonc-Il of my houaa for?" "Shark nothln'l" anancrrl rhe bush ntas-llke youth wbo was auperintcndlng Its rrrrtlon, with jual arrogance. "Thii l a aho4 ahlnin' parlor." 1 A llrlclil r.urt, I "That's n powerful Iwy of yottr'n, Ike," snld n protnliietit citizen of I'olk rllle, Ark. "You betclini" proudly milled thf parent of tb prodigy, "lie can awenr like n pirate and the little feller's only S .yi-nra old and hain't never hwri In sight of the otenu In his life, neither I" I'uck. j Tie Raplnlarlt, ! "Hour mnny horso power la shJ" he mirthfully Inquired. The stranded nntomohlllat was work ing over his car. Up came a aarcastle follower of the plow. "Hlity," replied tho automoblllst. "Then, by herk, why don't she got" "Hernuse, my friend, thirty nre poll ing eudi way." Clirvelaud I'laln Dealer. For Coughs and Colds There Is a remedy over sixty years old Ayer's Cherry 1 heard of It, probably have used it. unce in me family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Askyourdoctoraboutit. "I haft htil paramimia Ihrea tlmt. i4 Afrft Cbarrr I'tctorii hi bronrhl niaaarilr Ihrinah fi lima. I hava lfl rarottr! from mr Uat alixk. -d alur itnn Ma owlr t emit it," K. V. Iliouiaa, autani VMM, UU. W fit) Jff- I ' " ' A ' " t0 ff "o . Lvwall, iUU: IS OUR MOTTO Said an I'.mploycr: "Stick to quality. It will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality." That is the reason our graduates are so thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. Ayor'a Pills Incronao tho activity 01 I tho livor, and thus aid recovery. WHEN YOU1 GOME TO PORTLAND AltltANGE TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS TAJIK AND ALDER ST3. A New and HV-Jern Earopn Hot!. cUr1ft Svliilat li tfaif m tUaw.Ln A mytAmA itaM fnm Porilund IJusIiickh College ui uiun th. cttr, tv to u boppinr Tcnth and Morrl.00. I'ortland. Oretroo I ' Tra Daa. A. V. ARMSTRONG. LL. B. PRINCIPAL ! L CUM. (tall f nrtU.ll Hftt) Up Axxiim BUSINESS COLLEGE IXjKILANO. Clll-bON BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? Tb7 ar TralnaI for bualnava In . bualncat-liVa way. im enroll In a rnuulU xbool tbat pUcca all of Ita aradnatM? I. M. WALKER. I'm. SEND TOR CATALOGUE O. A. COSSERMAM. Sc "SSj I joo": iaeat l?c m vw Si a CASIOl ALcnilni. nr-u iwn AScgclal!clVrpar5tlonrar.lJ-l airatuiins incttxxiantllffcutl I lug Uie Sicotactts milDovivB if Promotes DigpstionJChfnfi ness and IVstrontalns ntitlur OpiuruIorphlnc itorMiacnLl nj k iiaui, u a ti. JfejUrfaft- Ancrfcrl Rpmedv forCOnsficJ lion , Sour StDmacJi.DlatTho(i Worms .Com-ulswn j J:ewri ncSSCltdLOSSOFSLEET. ftcSunUe Sljiwrurt oT NEW YORK. CafM&C iced under thcKodt Bxact Copy of Wrapper, The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T"t .(NT4U. loaMM, TT NUT .1KT. RIW na.CITV. What is Castoria. ASTOEIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphinonoi other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays PovoriBhnoss. It cures Diarrhcoa and Wind Oolio. It relioves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and riatulenoy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and BowoIb, giving healthy and natural sloop. Tho children's Panacea The Mother's Friond. Tho Kind Tou Eavo Always Bought, and whioh has boon in uso for over 30 yoars, has borno tho signaturo of Chas. H. Plotohor, end has been made Tinder his porsonal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no ono to deceivo you in this. All Oountorfoits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments thattriflo with and ondangor tho hoalth of Infants and Ohildron Exporionco against Experiment, Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. li. Fletcher. Dr. F. Gerald Dlattncr, of Buffalo, N. Y., ears: "Tour Castoria Is good lor children and I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining tho desired results." Dr. Gustavo A. Elsensraobar, cf GL raul, Minn., ears: "I haro used your Castoria rcreatedly In my rrnctlco vrlth good reaults, and can recom mend it cs an oscellcnt, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dennis, ot Et. Louis, Ma, says: "I havo used and prescribed your Castoria In my sanitarium and outstdo practice for a number of years nnd find it to bo an excellent remedy for children." Dr. a A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, ra., says: "I havo used your Cas toria la tho cose ot my own baby and find it pleasant to tako, and havo obtained excellent results from its uso." Dr. J. E. Simpson, cf Chicago, 111., saya: "I havo used your Castoria in cases of colic in children and havo found it the best modldno ot its kind on tho markot." Dr. R. E. Esklldson, ct Omaha, Nob., says: "I find your Castoria to bo a standard family romedy. It is tho best thing for infants and children I have over known nnd I recommend It." Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., cays: "Your Castoria certainly has merit. Is not its ago, its continued uro by mothors through all theso years, and tho many attempts to Imitate It, sufficient recommocdatlonl What can n physician ndd? Lcavo it to tho mothers." Dr. Edwin F. Pardeo, of Now York City, says: "For several years I have, recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as it haa invariably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. I), filter, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., cays: "I object to what are called patent medicines, where maker alono knows what Ingredients are put ia them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and adviso its use,' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS .Bears tho Signature of !