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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
& ,ft 9yr - .ajrw ?"' Wlhmm&mvmmiM4 & .f. . " lil,lpBM.Taa llll-PAvil THE BEND BULLETIN "I'oroNcry rosin a square deal, Its anil no more." no rJHAKMtS U. ROWK.. .KIHTOR ST&rtSCR.rTiON RATRS: "Hi, MiW... I(v USSSa. tje MsrairssMr Hi MeO FRIDAY. SUl'THMBKR i. 1908. WHAT .MAKUS A (1001) At), l'or Mra yaar.s then has been hi progress all om th country an educational movement, aimed to create uw readers of advertise went. It became obvious to all fvogrcssivv uew-oaper managers that mere circulation, a represent fA by number of copies printed at afM was not the deciding factor in &ctag the right kind of an advef ffeing medinm In the final analy Is it became a queMiw of how Many of a newspaper's readers were ik the habit of reading and answer- law advertisement. It followed IhJM n goo ! deal of the effort that fcM been expended formerly in se , Wiring new subscribers was mote JNntitMY emlo)-ed in nemuading the oM ones to become habitual reader of adverthtements. ThU dwaukMal work is hearing excel lent fruit and today there ate more fmonte in this community whose purchases a: stores are influenced pr governed by advertising than tvtr before. The result is, of course, tact newspaper advertising has be come to be far more effective that ststtlts from it are not only Mire but (hat they are usually quick and aaily traceable to the ad. which produced tbem. It has become possible to very nearly gauge and measure the amount and kind of newspaper advertising wbkh will be required for a specific purpose to carry thronh some particular tore sale or to introduce -a project or product, float a business venture, rejuvenate a run-down store or sell a piece of property. Time was when merchants im- profit on the investment, for lie enn see with his eyes shut tlmt much of a return and more by building into Central Oregon. You see, Hro. Whisuaut, what comes from living in n good country, lletter move over mid join us. Hut really, broth er, you people over lucre nave our sincere syiujMthy. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. Vic O'Conuor ex pect to leave tomorrow for Port land, where they will remain for a time. Vfc plans to engage in bil tie with his brother, but the ua tur of the business wd the locu tion has not yet been determined. Mr. and Mrs. O'Conuor hare lived at Redmond and Bend for the past four or live years and have a hot of friends who regret their depart ure bnt who will wish them .swcce wherever they locate. K. U. Check ot silver Lake was in Mend Thursday to engage Attor ney C. S. Benson to lenreseut him in au appeal from a decision by the Lakevicw land oince regarding Mr. Check's homestead. Mr. Check re cently made prooi on his homestead and was turned down by the Lake view officials on the grounds of non residence and now -cultivation. This was a Kreat surprise to Mr. Check as he has resided upon the place constantly with the exception ot a feu- times when he left to work a week or two at Silver Lake, but even then he would return to h: homestead on Sunday. He has 40 acres fenced and quite a little of it under cultivation. I f the facts ate as represented there is little doubt but that the General I.aud Office will reverse the decision of the I.akeriew office. The lawn social lat Saturday evening was a very successful af fair from everv standpoint, especial ly from the financial standout. The ladies sold out everything they bad except a very few watermelons, although the Gyptfes had a large uppiy of , "fortunes" left. The cross uroceeds amounted to ahaui .agisted that it was good adverting ., mnd from ,Bfc th cob wU, 10 merely keep the name and kxa- JcU.,, about ,,,,. of tnU fit of a store iu the public ejre. will be used to purchase reference Wftk r occasional generality coo- book, for the of the .uh.5 iewe aims ana pur-1 cui-1i Th i.t, ., th.t i . . the scholars are badly in need of poses. This probably served as; well as anything in the days when ,ucn tDd tbe hate paoasr did not generally read adver tmht, nor let it influence their buying and selling. Under the new poadkions. however, people are loading advertisements in pursuit of information concerning the par ticular andpcctSc things the stores have to soil, or that people have to oer. They expect to find in a store advertisement descriptions and prices of tbe particular things that interest them at tbe moment. The advertisement which does not con tain this information may be well written may be calculated to leave a pleasant impression of a store or a business, but it will not serve di rectly and promptly to sell tbe goods. On the other hand an ad vertisettMHU. not half so well writ ten, bnt containing facts, informa tion AND PRICKS, will sell goods, will bring results, will accomplish things. It takes more space, of course, than the ad. which does not sell the goods but the adver tising bill is also easier to pay. In 71 pWMl bold face the Heiul Hulle tiu yelk across th six column of it fatot issue 'lUrnman Will HuiU Into Central Oregon.' In a mx point txxly ttith a three mint face we ftil lile tiro. claiming to the worW "IJarriuiari won't ouiiu uniu ueKfisiiaui jjotHiaiiil rvail ' agreed to purchase whatever the teachers would recommend. It is understood they have recommended Ridpaths History of tbe World, and this set of histories will le bought if the funds on hand will permit it. The matter of price is now being looked up. This shows in a small way tbe material assist ance a library may be to a town. The Ladies' Library Clnb surely dcrcrves commendation. WeuW This Wark In the Bend Cauntry William Benomg has bent doing effective work with tbe kerosene torch in tbe sagebrush on the North Siilr. Iat Friday he burned 30 acre wlmb. it the prevailing price of f $.00 an acre, U 'qoivalent to t saving of fija Mr. Kenning Mates that the torch work all right in dry weather and can Le profit ably uaed where the broth grow 1cne- ly. Favored by the wumI, it 1 poib!c to bora large areaa with very )il(t trouble. Ilendreda of acres have been rleare-l of MgeVHUl qo tbe North Sile by thi Meant in the past few weeks. Twin Fall New- Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers. Foley' Houey ami Tar aftordt iaitne iliatc relief to uMliuu MtrTerer III the worst slagcs ami if Ukeu in time will ef fect a cure C. W. Merrill. iliuggUt. Bills Wanted. i o ciear ana picv 40 ft" ' !' A Curelcjs Trick, Someone threw a Uittle itf cnrlwllc aeitl in an alley In lite eiHtrru pntt of tawti awl the llruatetlKm, SfofMil ahiI other tltlhlren In tlMt nrlgliliorluHHl fon ml it. The ytmngMew did mt Vium what the liquid a and, with the ctn i1W. ffbaalJ AfttftaftuRwv s&stjmu mmzz7Ztt?zzA3 I w ,t- ..jsx-- - - I '"' - l-. . tWMM WWWlWUMlnmilIIMWtlMM,a1)u, I Bcnd-Shaniko IMvcry (v Slagc Company I unit ll'HP. tlinlniilM in. mnfariii rrtiniet, hi if lU'imn nn,i (mjffc tlui af ! tlit. !'irtti tt tliiinly iH,tlI attar rxtlMlvly lit own. nmittiOCn Buemit fntt T rimMSHTf HoTfMiM em. or . l'ormNo Oar Ji n(lA(il Itiiaitt rat l'.lr. Imperii 11 raire ffnet. llufy rtfitt .-,... 1 ty (d the thin. MllftruMlt In' ton,.,rx ch,l,l.h .,,iMtixene lWR, X, ':,, rrUViUtrJi i mvenugaie. i nri uivv UKWixiti the wowhl taste It but anally decided nut to tntewl eeh child dlppvtl it anger tit it wad tnMil the achl on tht llp of itx nose, ihi its cheeks and oh its rhin. Of mr it oo began to Imm and the you HgMeri made a tun for iwme water, ami when that failed to relieve the pain the) 111 to mother. The ntmhers k-gau to ineiiga(c ami the i-hildreii took them and ihowed them the lottle. Fottunaiel) utithing Mrri.Hi resultetl, hut there miKht have been decidolly eriou outcome of the affair. It certainly was a fooIUh t tick to throw a bottle of carbolic sent into an atlev where it could easily be found by children. 1 !l I lilt IMc.nic the lidllor. The Hullctin twentlv cnt .1 Uate inent to a Muineui-oli MihriWr'S Millions of bottles of Foley' Honey and Tar have been mi!. I without any per son ever having experienced any other than henetteiat results from its use lor roughs. coW ami lung trouble. This is' levane the genuine r'lc ' Honev ami with the lettiatk lint hi Mi'M'ri- tion had cxptretl on 11 certain date, mtd aid that we hoied and U lieveil he would wish the pupei ctttitinrted. In te-uouse thereto the subcrilcr emitted for another year, nd added: "Vou Ut I want J vour good par It in a dawy and I am prond of it. Ant holler ii'g for yonr ennutty all the time " .1. . WI.NANDV, I'rup. W I r.ntley, Agrnl, Jilinniko New Covcrcil Stnj,;cs between Ueiul nntl SlinulUo ALSO l.icry mill Peed Mnlilcs nt Slinniko, Minims nm! Hciul. We inn our rigs lo plunso the public. SlagrjJ. Umvu each wny ovciy tlay. lo nil pnrts of Conlnil Oregon. Cnroful drlvors fiiii.ihvt nigs Spectol Attention Given to Express and Dngjjngo. (wt1 4 vaO03333O' ,T0 W,HMWIW"MlM'WWtWWWHW,UMtJ iVTCUJrtiiSfiEXYitn-Tw'criv-uiairi,. WW Interest Many. if Ihe kidnev v ; At llcild, Drvgotl. Kterj- perm shnuhl Vnow tht g"l -"-"-a"- -"- " -" hrsllh l imp-"!'. . 11 lite KHiney e Tar in the elkw packaee contains no .mn,,,! ,rr , Khlnev Rene.h will cure Knlnev an 1 Martier disease nierrv form, and will Imild up ami strengthen j these organ o inrv will penutui irn-ir lunctnws propeil No dangrr ol Mright Pivste r Ihalwtei if Fole" Kldtiev Rrni'.lt Ukrti in time -I" W Mirnll .liuo.i-l A Cuiii)lcte Stock ol DRY UotiKl). Surfaced mid Moulded -LUMBER At Monti. OrcKiin. i jnates or other harmful drug. Guard our neaith be reimang any hut tbe genuine. C. W. Merrill, druggM. fnr Sale. Household goads including fur niture, rug, cloves, dibci, flat iton, brass ornaments, etc etc we have the tM. Come immedi ately with the poodulic and make your own pttce at V J 0'Connot' Land Fur Sal. In the fcraell Hutt !itn t i acres in section .tt 15 14 an. I v acres in section 34-15-14 Thi 1 all choice land; price 1050. ;v 40 acres See C. A. Joncv Hcml Or., or write tu M.irtin Sti'.lian. Kiobcrly. Idaho Kra'a 3kx?BH Hrs W xxs I ..II 'Ojr j S in' H SEPS n v.Mr s: m rv'ccra 1 PXCIAL OrTJvR- rM U t I .'... A !'. 1 tU M Mf - . t. (..,. . Ol II' M 'II l,-lll. H'rfW te:'Cf .f-u.',cn thh Wrptr. ; V Itc.nsonnble S PriCL''t tu - ....., t. I I 9 (lootl SXNDfO CEWYS"'" ! j tirades tt asl taassavraaW M lsl eelaail- V m. ew m-mwrn r"'"" "-"""SS as f V Ut ae4 Ham-.l'isl t.4 , iM Uvl jl Q DrV JK eM a. . lm - 4 k s, i"We,. too A f ' J 0.3kkv ' yXM j Sock Prop. IJSSIJ1 I I j(B8rAwxT-- i i 8 jf s -VV.!v" "' "w 5";NP .f-H wiw,m. I .. A'kriAK VUs it . - - -a womv !v v.vv rATOi .. varSHsa vi Bend Nursery. Hardy and aocli mated Send lor catalogue i6tf I. I). Wibst ' TI . TTS... -Tl-. uoHjrjjs.isjii X Your Roof .IdStVx vAr:Al. jvmRiLc :.;&.--' ' A.Si-CJL X- .1 JLJ.VJ fis 1 L.i.-v dollar r-t f-r p- -t -tr. n-pUH. n-ir r.if u .. S g I t. fliva that yu n -m-M f . -i mv J M Aim. :is !; n-0 R3 ! 1 wh -i ro.ju ris !.o oatiricor iwi,.'- to iir.--n it. All Widths, Lengths jiiuI Thleknesses I. S'CU COMM02C DIMKNSIO.V SHU'LAI kustic T. Si C. KU0ORIN0 BKAUKP okilixg window jambs w:nixw casino HHA1) HL0CK8 0. 0 BASKBOAKD 8TAIR TRKAD8 WATKR TABI.R 0 0. BATTIKS M0l'LiI.T.8 V. H. I). PATRNT ROOFING FKXCK riCKKTS SHINOI.Kb irrc . ktc. Lumber HcliurcJ Ijsti Onl Aaywhcr: tm Tbt Uods ti Ik I). I. & I'. Cf., or Ihe c, s. 1. a. I c ' 1 It V m 1M sjpJTjw -t !.' J.M ASSCSTOE ROOFING m d-'-f ' ' . an im !'.-. t.ii m,oil C --1 ' tie- tnl is ..; !-.r.-. -: . (tacj, a'-i.M. hest n .fc... ...(.. .V. .. ... .. ... '! n" "iiiv '-. ina' , r. ,t Iv "iri'll. -.n Iv " "'ie ! I y .in in A:rjrrts'i.r l nn A'l-i, ."- -nf fur 1 1. I! ramicaii'Tf. , m'Mi'i'i i'(.: I, -titiii -.1 s r- ' i AJ. It-. k.iim:a-, . t.l r .-!... H. W. Johns-Manville Co. 576 1st Ue. S., SE,nU:, WASHINGTON. j Six, CUSTOM I'HIil) MILL IN CONNIJCTICIN.J APPLY TO Centra! Oregon Development Company IJRND, - OltJIEGON MiaaaMsventwsg vw ;v vAWMjnv6jr'i-jB7..v.r i-'OSWlX!JSXiXXaC33BSS;W-AVi'7f A Complete Stock of Lumber SSis V 'a v Rough, Surfaced and Moulded Always carried in stock. I have all stats of tbe following. with hi. quill. Coo-Hay Harbor, Aw, how, sour grapes, what's the use of getting jealous about it? Why don't you come over into a jood country, a country into which both Harriman and Hill are going to build, evidently both of tbem now being "dam good an' ready." Vou see, Harriman never even .sked us to assure him a 4 per cent j acres 0' ' cm,,,, r un.i iir xi .1 i- ... iov.u.,1, . .. .u, , ill, nuu t make enough juniper posts to fence issneciaiiy to Loos itay. e add tlwt land on w'i se of Sec. 2, Tn. iS before CI13L Kov c-li a rlian-M ot ... ! . .. ' ' : l in'cii Common iibad blocks dimunsion 0. 0. iiaskiioakds rustic stair trivads siiiplap watkr taiji.u t. & g. flooring 0. g. ka'ptixs window casing mouldings WINDOW JAMBS I'KXCK I'lCKIiTS lwTIIS F0I IRRIClATINd SI'OUTS I nTniTTrrTT-TiTririTiTT-iaT nivrnarTUli'nifJTi iiiunimm ii phisimih a -M JIT AURIVIU)' Camp Chairs and Stools Reclining- Chairs Hammocks AND Cots Just the tiling for the porch or lawn, and especially Just the thing for hot weather. A I.XKi.l M IT1. ill' Lime and Cement It. J. JIAVMOAKTNKK. 27-2S Astoria, Or. White leghorns. Prize winding sttain. A few choice cockerels for sale. $2 50. W. H. Staats, 2730 Bend, Or. Subicribe for THE BUI.l.BT'.X, SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. J. S. WILLIAMS 'AT THIS lll'.NKV mnsthk stand BEND, OREGON Office with the Central Oregon Realty Co. West's Fsirmtore Stor nvrarenctsntuTiiJPccBinoaunne9 r1"""" - IIHIIW M Centra! Oregon Realty Comp I Ui 1 cwH.r t.. C I). lln.H 11 .V Co 1 BEND, - OREGON DI'AI.liRH IN M.t. KINDS 01' any Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty ' We buy or sell your land no matter where situates:!. Wc enn sup ply you with any class of land nt any time. Call on us or write for further particulars. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best lh the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. , jj,NU) q,ti;co.N i