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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1908)
W ft t VOL. VI MINI). OKKGON, FRIDAY, SKPTUMIMR 18, 1908. NO 2 THE BEND BULLETIN. SHALL THE CITY BUY l:orty Acres of Land ni the Mead of Spring; River. liXCiil.l.liNT WATHK SUPPLY 1 Utter Made Whereby Iho City May Secure n Vnluatile Supply of I'uro Water (or Use In the I'tilnre. Shall the city of llcnd secure it water supply now tluil, hi the fill tire, will piove adequate Tor nil pur imsc? TI11U is the question imw confronting Mie city council An oiler litis ken made the city where Ity it ciiti Mxurc title to 40 acres ol ,lntnl,nt the hentl of Spring river Thau Ity Mcuting title to the water that gudieH forth in huge springs nt the source of that nver. the city would Ik! assured the finest and purest witter supply in the Mute of Oregon whenever Ik-nd grew to kikIi a nine a would warrant the cxkciim? rciiitcil to tutte the water Iroiu the sittings to the city. John l'crgiiAon, who owns too acres at the htad of Spring liver, has agreed to hell to the city the 10 acres uoii which are located the springs that feed this iK-culiur river The price asked Is $Kx exclusive of the timber. The city council took the uuvtlcr under consideration at n special meeting hist Monday evening, and instructed the com uiittcc on public procrty to secure nu option 011 this purchase until January 1 next. In the meantime, the matter will be laid be fnrc the voters and they will le allowed to say whether or not they deem it lel for the city to adept Mr l-' Ditisoit'n offer. The vote 011 the qut-Miou will probably he tHkeii at the next tegular city election, uhicncouie 011 December H. 11 the vltuen authorise this purchase the imyioent will L-e stretched out b rough several years, . either by I'-Mimx Ion time lxnds against the ity or by uine agreement with Mr. Ferguson regarding the pay mei.ts. These are detail to be worked out later, but the plan is to . arv the payments over a ufficteut length of tunc o that the additional taxation lor each year would be so small as to be practically not notice able. There ore many In Bend wb be lieve the city should now secute a, water Mijiply the purity of which in nut be questioned nud which will b.- ailciiate for the city' giowth They argue and truth fullv that Mime dav Deschutes nver wntir wilt not be fit to drink. With two or three sawmills oil the Sisvumtc place at Heiid and with others sotlli-icd along the river above town; with several hundred men living at each null, and with the HerouiauyiuK number of horses ; uitd with log being driven down the river, they believe the water will liecouic so coutauuuatcd that it will make n toor supply for a city'h use, Hence, the wisdom of c nrin: u water supply now that will nhvnyti be absolutely puie. Such an opportunity is afforded in Spring river. At the head of that stream large springs guih forth led by some uttdei ground source. The springs burst forth on the side of a knoll and ure some ,s or 10 Icet above the surface of the water 111 the river, and he in .such a position that it would be a very easy matter to build a small dam and conduct the (low of the springs Into a pipe line leading 16 llenil. The sniuius could then be roofed over and the city would lmve 11 water supply that never could be contaminated, as the water would How into the pipe lino within u few Icet from where it gushes forth nnd, ns plated above, the entire head works could bo roofed over. The water from these springs is ice cold, clear as crystal ami pure. On the other hand, some oppose the piopositiou. They take the stand thul if llcnd grows to a bi.u btiflkieiit to wornu putting in such a system, the city would be belter .idle at that tune to stand the entile i-xm-hm- tlian it now is in i.imh.isf the laud sutronnduig tin sprln Ti.ey say. ' the fi I loiv- who an- union to use (IicwhIi'I Maud the i-tpriine " The others answer that st.-U-inent Willi III1' aigiiiiieut thai it my 1h iniHsiMr to Miiue a suitable kiippl) 111 fiv. . tour ; seals heller, and it liml Iwliet Ik- -.coned now when 11 1 HMihle to do no and when the print is low The M heme is simply t plan In provide lor the future At piesont lieud Iihsuii excellent water silppl). but Mime day a different source will have In Ik. provided than that now Used The inst nf puttuiu 111 11 pipe line iioiii the head ol Sprnix river to Ik-ml a distance ol about 30 jinles would amount to shout $70. -oo or 00.000 Ol course the exeuditure ol .such a .sum would la-inn ol the question at the pies enl time The spruits can le -e-ctirid now at a reasonable tirice. In a lew cais their purchase pruv may adva'ic into tl;e thousands, and they might be owned by some one who would not vll Are the 'ofle of Ileud wilting to pay a small tax now in order to Ik; assured a siicrb water supply for the luttiti ' 1 lu-y can answer the question at the December election The council also took steps Mon day evening for the laving of a water itiaiti beeiuiiiiig at the Itatten comer and running south along Tenth street to Junior avenue and thence east along Jtiuier avenue to Klcvciith street, or a main may lc laid iK-ginuiiig at the Howard Spinning comer and running south along litcvculh street one block to Juuitcr avenue, or to the H. C Kills comer. One of these routes will he chosen A four inch main will he laid and a hydrant will )c put in at the Kilts corner. This will afford fire protection for the south east part of town, where there is considerable pmpcrtv which at pres ent is without protection. It will also jirovide water tor domestic use for those who desire to tap the mam. The residents in that part j of tLwn uow secure water from the , otien ditch mid 111 the winter when 1 m,ulrt " ami oen the ditch water is abut off. tbev aie er"' mmiwIiu Bock..y n kb ae oldicwl to haul water and that i , tve Jieutenaou in the UI. To tW very IIHMl i.Ml.V III' III 11 , thu wain thy wilt be supplied by the efly system. An agreement baa been reached A'llh the water loniuauy whereby the city will lay the main ami ty the bills, but will atop the payment ! of the uiunthlv h drain rental until the city is reimbursed for the amount c.-iended in laying the main. The monthly hydrant rental, aid to the water lonipany by the city (or lite ptolectiou, i 30 10. 'ItJACIIIIUS' INSTirUTII. III llo Del J hi Prlnavllle oil Srptem lier JO and October I ami -. The Tcacheth' Iuatitute of Crook county will be held at Priiievillc Sept. jo. Oct. t and 1, Stale Superintendent AckeruiHti, R. C. French, president of the Weston State Xormal, l'rof. Alderman of the University of Oregon and Charles' II. Jones of Snlum, editor of the Oregon Teachers' Monthly, will be present during tint entire session. No public school In the county will be in session during the thtce days of the institute.' livery teach er.of the public schools is required and earnestly urged to attend every session, ' vc are anticiMtiug n profitable and iiiteiustiug time. All persons intercatcd in the great ciiuse of edu cation ami esccialty , the various boards of directors are cordially in vited to attend these meetings Apart from the work of the de partments thete will be evening programs, including a lecture by either Supt. Ackurmau, President French or l'rof. Aldermun. Ucgiu now to plan to attend. Programs willibo scut out as soon as possible;. Siticcrely yours, U. A. Ford, County Superlntc.iulcut. - - ,.,.!.... 1.. n.l.... f ... .it.... Ij .. K.... ,...,. edy, nu Improvement on.the.IfXAtives of .former vciim. na,4t"tlbeN not Kriie or JintKcate and U pleanant to take. It U guiuuiueeu, m, , Aicrriu, urngguw ANDSTILLTIIEYWaiElinrTLalLIKES THE NEW PLAN ! Central Oregon the AlcccalrHlo,eK(l ,.,,,. , ,,, .Hnottncc. of Railroad Men. ANOTIIIiR I'AUTV VISITS IJI-NI) O'llrleii nnd l.liutciiunls Arc IKpccted In Next Wees. Nelsnnl'orler CrowJ Spent Stunlay Merc. And still they come. Knell wtek brings 11 party of railroad men ihriiuiih Central Oregon. J. I'. O'Mrien, general manager of the ll.iiiimai) lines of the Northwest, issvheduled to pns through' this section on an iiis'HCti'm tour during tilt next few dao. He will be ac companied by Chief Kugiuecr G. V Iloschke and Ocuerxl Htiiierin lemleiit M. J Hockley. The latest re)!ts are to the effect that this party left Detroit on Tuesday or Veliieiday ami will travel on horseback over the proposed exten sion of the Corvallis it Kasteru into Central Oregon. Automobiles will umlitulittslly Ik- tslptl lie II they et IhrouKh tltc HMuiitiilii ml the jutitney eiHitiutted thruMKh to l.Wtiew and later to Ontario. Adt if ew from Portland tutte tlwt thl tinir of inection i t lx- nwile In oidi turiuhle Mr. U'Hrkt. ami hi engineer to more iiitcltiRcnlly tl.uose the route of tlie ncn riMtl lulu thrtr trti, and tlwt upon tlmr rrtarii to I'uiiUihI hiiimhiiici went id live route chamii will xkmi lc iiale. It li confiilciitly Ivlicvcd that coutrnctUm (mi the iich rowl will lRin itUlii joilavs ami a Rood start utatle lfnr winter wealhrr rt'. in. ThU Itip through th dale it loofcut ukji with conaideralilc signiflcam' U cmh ol tit fact that th tatilUiHg of the new rtwul will be unier the imo.ediate iltieetion n( Cencrat Manager O'lirirn, ' P"1" "" '" HVM.I.H IH ehewar to extend the Coeval 1 1 & East ern, tha jouruey of the O'Brien jstrty urr the route of that extension u ill ko a lon.v; way in strciiKlUeaiag tlut Ik-'.k. Anntlitr Party Vlalta UanJ. Vu lhtt Btwttel lWisidr-Uc in- teieil during the iwat week waa the vtait to Rend l't Sunday of nnollwr Neltoti lorler party. This NUty eame in by autOHwbilr aad coiml vt W. I'. Net sou, ptxaideat of tha Ortuton Trunk Line: V. D. Wiltiamaoji', one f the heav iest stockholders in tlu' roail R. B lwttr, of Porter Itroa. & Welsh, rvitroad etmtraetors; nml A. K. llannnouda civil eugineer fortMcily eouncetett wiUt tlw l.aidlaw irrigation project and prowl- uently kimwn throughout Oregon. Ttiey louiigid about town du-in tile day con ferring with John Statdl ul other Mend men, ami went up aud look a look at Heiihum l'slln in the afternoon, .iul ueic greatly impressed with the jxmrr Mstbilitie at t)i fall. These tneii re fused to talk railroad matters tad kvc out nothing new. Mr. Ste:!t like wise refuse to tliseus their visit except to say that it a to attend to u impor tant business matter that will eventually mean tunch to tteial and vicinity. It waa Mr. WilHamaou's and Mr. l"or ter's tint trip Into these parts and, iu view of recant Oregon Trunk activity, the visit would augur early railroad con lnirtlon; It is certain IheV veri not here for their health 'Tlieylett MVuilay mirnltig 011 their return tr'; 'o "ort land. An Interesting ttcpor't. V llcnd mnii who retained the first of the week from The Dalles reHrtn that ho saw a large scow at the mouth of the Dcnehutei river from which men were unloading grading tools and machinery. Painted in large letters 011 the scow were the words "Porter Pros." The man in sists that he nv no vision, that it was I no pipe dream, and swears on oath th'jt his statement is absolute tiuth, and t'.vnt he "aw it with his own eyes." In fact he manifests righteous wrath if the. ver acity of his statement is qucsMoued. And why should It be questioned! Por tcr Uro. have aunomiccd thnt tjticy will move their urmlliitf outfit across Hie Oluinldu from wmk on lli North lUnk ...t au.l .Ih.I I. .... .1... Iljai...,.. f... incut on mint any day thst actus) work has begun and it may he that l'orler tiro, are alreifdy getting their inaihiii erv hi reMllness. We laipe wj. Dog Killed by Lightning. lUlDMONii, Svpt. 1,1, After last Sun day's storm Mr. and Mrs. limits went home to mid their dog lying l-fde the house dead. Their first tliottghl wa xIm)h, ,ut a few splinters lying aroury! whi'lt thev found later coiivlnceil them that the house hwl been struck by light iilug and the dog killed in that way. Miss Olive Smith ha been called lo Colfax. Washington, to work with a erafil firm Whrtlier bookkeeping. teiixraphy, or geiieral office work we did not learn. , Du-ina Iter short slay here she made many friends who regrrt that hrr vacaUtt-n has been so short. Sim: l-ave, lvowver, muwil k Imf nwrnl in health, for which wt- ar- si I glad. II. M. Smith will Imlld for Mr. J. K. Imb. C. V. Ithret il P. A. Kannard have our sympathy. Their wives are gone either visiting or lielping the neighbors and they arc Iwtehlug it. Mr. John TrlIer expects to come to Oregon again .this fall when Mrs. I'srlc returns. There s nothing like Oregon winters. Hvelyu Atkinson was quite sick Thurs day night and Friday, even having con vulsions. The doctor, however, straigh tened Iter up iu pretty good jJtapc Too many green peas waM.lhe eauHt. We did liot expect U have to report tlwt John Johnson hail snakes again, but it's so two of them. Rattlers too. One of them lie killed on top of a loud of hay. Settlers' Association meeting two weeks from last night Sept. 10, regu lar mettiug. .'C. Park. Fumalo Items. Ti'M.vuo, Sapt. ij. The fwggy, show cry weather of the past 24 hours seem like coast weather. C. I.. Winter mad a Wines trip to Rend today. I. P. Winter, wife and children went to tht Matolcs Montlar on camping and Ashing trip. iir. Rreiner, wha IWrea jjj miles east of here was in Tuwalo today after a milch cow he purchased of O. W. Wiru er & Sons. Mr. Roberts of Sisters psW through heie todsv goinv; to Ik-nd. He reports hu w-ifv b'ihI child doing nicely now. Tlie Hell Invs erf Laidlaw arc taisy at work ou the foundation for the uew school house two miles cast of here. Mr Canlrall of Sisters in Tuuislo today looking after cattle fur the Black Butte Company. Most all the farmers of this vicinity havi- finished hoyiitg anil are preuariui for threshing A gMid deal of gMiu will be threshed this year. U. S. RECLAMATION MAN HBRK Is Alnklnz lnvestlgatlu,ns Along the Dcschutea :lvr. II. S. Williams, of the United States Keclamation Service, is iu Hend umkipg investigations. When asked by The Hulk tin as to the ob ject of his trip Mr. Williams re plied: "I have nothing, whatever, to give out to the public at this time. The sefvicv has found that it is a much better jiolicy to say nothing regarding project' that they may take up in the future. Hxpcricncu has taught us that when statements arc made to the effect that the r,overnmetit is liable, or intends to begin work on a cer tain project, homesteaders mid other settlers "begin to flock iu and take up residence ou the land that it is intended ttv reclaim. Then when three or fo ttr or perhaps five or six years slip by with nothing done, these same Mtlert! who were so anxious to got onto the land are disappointed, become discouraged, nud 'oeg'tii to kick nud holler and muce all kinds of trouble. Hence, we, have concluded to keep our p'laus secret until they are ready to be carried out." To further inquiries Mr. Wil liams stated that he might be sta tioned at this place for some time, and that his investigations would be tin and down the Deschutes river. He was one of the govern mentis engineers on the Minidoka project in Idaho. Crook County Stockman Favors Direct Sales. ARE TOU) TO ROIL WATER I'rlnevllle City Water Contains Germs That Cause Stomach Trouble. Other Notes of Interest. . C. M. I.istcr of the Ochoco valley is the first cattleman in Crook coun ty to go on record in favor of the new plan by which the Union stock yards at Portland buys and my for cattle; in other words, thecliuii" nation of the buyer from the field and shipment direct to the Mock vards at current market tirxes. He says the new plan is more profitable to the stockman and more satisfac tory to the yards. Having some 18 carload of beef cattle to market this fall, Mr Lister shipped three carloads under the new plan as a test, accompanied his cattle iu person to I'prtland and having now received the returns on this initial lot he is o well pleased that he will forthwith ship the re maining 15 carloads iu the same way. without awaiting the appear ance of a buyer. He says he re ceived about $s a licad more for his cattle this way than formerly under the old plan Journal. Prlnev llle Tohl to Boll Water. The Princvilie Light & Water Co have notified all water-users in that city to boil the water before domestic use. This action was taken as the result of an analysis just made by the state bacteriologist, who reports finding the bacillus coll in the water, a germ that causes a stomach trouble, from which ail ment many local people have been suffering. This is not a typhoid germ, so there is no danger of an epidemic, l'rinevilfe's water sup ply is derived fuim deep artesian wells-, to the fault is believed to b. iu the mains. Two years ago Shau iko suffered similarly, and the breeding place of the germ was found iu a six-inch scum an the in terior walls of the town reservoir. Hay Struck by Lightning. Lightning struck a stack of hay belonging to Jet Ivads in the Hay stack neighborhood last Sunday morning, and catching fire, it and an adjoining stack were destroyed before the lire could be extinguished There were four stacks standing near each other, but two of them were saved with the assistance of some of Mr. Hads' neighbors, who hurried over as soon as they saw the Muoke from the stack afire. Mr. Mads did not learn of his loss nor of the valuable assistance of his neighbors until after the stacks were consumed, as he was away at borne distance visiting iu that vicin ity. The lightning bolt struck the hay stack during the severe electrical storm which was iu pro gte&s Sunday forenoon, and a num ber of other times the lightning struck uncomfortably close. Mad ras Pioneer. Fast Time By Auto Max Wureweiler, who has been thinking of buying an automobile for some time, with Deputy Sheriff John Combs of this city, was treat ed to an exhibition ot speed in a large Cadillac car this wee.: avIucu not only smashed some standing; records but likewise convinced him that on automobile is a very desir-1 nblc kind of locomotion to noss-oss 1 The Cadillac in .question was brought in here by the owner, C.F Gilbert, of Hood River, and S. S. Hnldwiu, of Portland. The trial trip iu which Messrs. Wurzweiler and Combs participated was made over the kite-shaped track; that is, from Princvilie to lleud, nud back to Priueville by way of Redmond, a distance of 80 miles. The time was just ! hours, or 270 miuutes over country roads, some of them rDucb. others trood. vet others very I dusty The leg to Bend by way of Powell iliittes was rovend 1 , 2 '4 hours, llend to Redmond in o. hour, and Redmond to Prim. v id in hours. John Combs said afterward t! S they "were going some " Jottrmj About .10 Hushela Per Acre, fleo Summers, reiur-i f j t the Madras country Tti'-Iav, rr port threshing on the I' :. 1 , lull blast. Most of the ri'K r arc threshing about 30 buI:'h t the acre, and the gram is No 1 There will be a trifle over j. half million bushels threshed in t'.a district this jear, and about 50 o sacks of last year's crop yet remain iu the farmers' hand- Omte an inducement for Mr. Harriman to get busy. Princvilie Review. Shorter News Notes. Lakeview's new flouring in. 1 will be in operation about S if Cattlemen around rru.vv.l? tr beginning' the fail ship.n.-nt cf stock to 1'oKland. School bekn l'11 Laula." L Monday with Prof. J. A' on Thompson in charge. Frank N. O'Connor of Wal.a Walla and Miss Ward of Prinev dl were married at the latter pta s? l.ts Wednesday. Will Ledford, a Princvilie stage driver familiarly known as 'Keii- luck, has gone to Portland to a tend a business college. While the yield of wheat in Va? Haystack'country is not os lr.iv this year as last, yet it w.'.l gude No. t according to report. Madras adds two' new gra ! t her public school this car the oth and roth. The alten Jance in these two grades will far ex ccJ all expectations. The fanners around Silver I tk? are burning their sagebrush lnJs off, with a view to increasing tucr tfifable acreage, now that ra.lroade are apparently a thir.g of t'aa neat future. Some rascal shot into the costl stained glass windows in tic Metho dist church at Princvilie. complete ly .shattering them. The Join t says the authorities are lou ',...-; f . the miscreant. Nearly every section of Orcg&i contains a company that is pros pectiug for oil or coal. The latest company organized with t'n it ci t iu view is one at Lebanon '. . t wilt prospect for both oil .vi I c jil The Chronicle says that Ilarw Dayton, the ji-year-old son ot r K. Dayton of Laidlaw, ha-, an abuu datit supply of-g:it as lie refused t take chloroform and "scar-'-v nt tercd a cry" when his broken ..rr was set las.t week. Miss Addie L. Yamlerpi' Prineville was married ou S-'pt 1 to Dr. Blmer Spautaiuu. Tlu P view says that Dr. Spaulu.p t risitvs? rapidly iu his profession, "' ' will take postgraduate v l. .' winter at the Portland Dental Co lesfc. The handsome uew bom; of "J M. Baldwin, cashier of tlu I '" National Bank of Priueville, v.. soon be ready for occupancy Tu Jonrnal says it will cost ?i j and is undoubtedly the titiot un most modern dwnlliug iu C10A county. Jes Windom of Culver had th misfortune to lose a horse Satur day afternoon during the U-rnti thunder storm that raged axoun ' Haystack butte. The hors was being workeil ou the C. M I, k 1 place at the foot of the butte an '. was struck by liglttuing Rc-en. The stane comnanv that oner t - a line between Paisley, Sumuic Lake aud Silver Lake gives tutt. iu the Silver Lake Leader that t will not transport alcoholic hqiurs over its line. The company says that the above precincts voted 11 favor of local option, it believes the law should be enforced, and it will not be a party to its violation. When Trifles Become Troublos If any person suspects that their kid neys ore deranged they should take l'ol cys Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Hrlht's disease or diabetes. Delay gives the disease a -"trounce foot hold and you should not delay Ukiii) Foley's Kidney Remedy, C W, Me nd, druggist.