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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1908)
ffW '..." SQUAHERS MUST GO Trouble Looked for Over Sllctz .Reservation Contests. OYER HUNDRED CLAIMS INVOLVED Original Settlcrt Declare if Ejectment Proceeding Fall Other Means Will De Taken. Newport, Or., Aug. 13. Proceed ings to eject Uio alleged squatters on the Silotx reservation claims of sever al Lincoln county residents arc to be taken at onco. If those are unsuccess ful, the original settlers declare other means to dispossess the contestant will be taken. Serious trouble is feared. Two of the claims In dispute were originally taken by L. W. William, and Frank Priest, of this city. W. S. Copeland ami V. JltTcott are now on these claims. They have been ordered by the original claimants to move and have refused. They declare that they will stay until the cases are finally settled by the land office. This, it is declared, is the attitude of all the contestants. The original settlers declare they will not permit the contestants to carry out this plan. Homesteaders whose claims are thus threatened do not know what to make of this bold move by the "squatters." I They arc certain that a hundred or more of the best claims are now liable to seizure any day. They are informed by the men now squatting on their places that legal advice has been ob tained and that the squatters paid large sums for the Vocation and for protection, but the homesteader are in a fighting temper, because they cannot see by what possible legal twist they can be deprived of their claims without a trial. ORIENTALS AGAIN QUARREL. Killing of Onpaneso Traitor Caught In Pojdn the Causo. lVkln, Aug. 14. Tho killing in this city early this month of a. Japanese army olllcer, supposed to be a spy and traitor, by Japauese soldiers at tached to tho Fekltt legation, will re sult in the presentation by China of a formal protest against tho doing of police duty by legation guards outside of tho legation precincts. The olllcer in question wns Captain Kyhwatn. He was in the artillery branch of tho Hiroshima division ami he wns formerly an instructor in the Chines? military college at l'ao Ting Ku. He was charged with selling Jap anese military secrets to a foreign power and disappeared from Japan in June. On August 1 he was discovered dis guised as a Chinaman, hiding near the war otllce in IVkin. This knowledge was communicated to the legation guanfc and n detachment win sent to capture him. He resisted arrest, w hereupon the guard shot and wounded the spy ami he tiled two days later in the hospital ot the legation guanl. M. Abe, the Japanese charge d'af faires, has urged lack of time and the importance of the prisoner in extenun tion of the action of the guard in not notifying the Chinese authorities be fore arresting the captain. He ex plains further that the resistance of the prisoner was unforeseen and that his consequent shooting ccukl not bo avoided. The Chinese government is not sat isfied with this explanation, and thinks its authority has been Ignored. The incident has created a good deal of feeling on both skies. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST A NEW DOCTRINE. FIRES SPREAD TO BANFF. Forests m Canada's Great National Park Burning. Winnipeg, Aug. 13. The forest fires which raged around Fsmie have spread to Canada's national park dis trict near Banff, in Pray valley. The fire bunted fiercely on the heights of Goat mountain this week. The government gang of men has the fire in the valley under control, but last night at several points on the mountain eight miles away Are was visible near the top. A fire started at Castle mountain, IS miles west of Banff last night under a strong west wind in a half hourhad run over eight miles. Boats and sup plies were forwarded from Banff. The wind shifted to the northeast, and with this in their favor the fire-fight- cm should be able to secure control. No anxiety U felt at Banff about this hut fire, as it would be eempar atively easy to protect the town, even if the Are came down the valley, owing to the large area of open hay meadow to tho west, on which the grass is yet grcon and on which water is yet standing. RAIN FLOODS CHICAGO. Cloudburst and Heavy Electric Dis charge Sweeps City. Chicago, Aug. IS. No boats have been able to enter or leave the Chi cago river this morning on account of the crippling of the eleetrie power that operates the bridges, by a terrific elee trie storm that swept-this city and vi cinity last night. The entire lighting and power plant operated by the drain age canal trustees was so badly crip pled that it cannot be repaired until tonight. The storm flooded the entire city. filling cellars, destroying electrical feed cables and shutting off light and power. Lightning struck in several places. Down town the cellars were flooded with several inches of water. me sewers Being inadequate to carry ou me water, a city drainage pipe gave way near the Auditorium annex. Harrlman Railroad Attorney Claims Roads Can Give Rebates. San Francisco, Aug. 14.- Peter F. Dunne, attorney for the Southern Pa cific railroad in its defense against the charge of illegal rebating before the Uailroad commissioner, today insisted strongly that a common carrier could not be guilty of unjust discrimination unless the rate complained of was made with "an evil intent." He held further that the railroad was entirely justified, the attorney general to the contrary notwithstanding, in making better terms to large hipers than to their small-fry rivals. Mr. Dunne also touched upon the matter of competition and held, in op position to the arguments of Messrs. Benjamin and Cushing made the day before, that it was part of a company's innerent right of contract to take com petition into consideration In making freight schedules! He also argued that the railroad had a right to consider whether it had a chance to carry the same material again in the form of a more finished product and, when there was such a chance, to make a lower rate on the raw material. If any or all of the cir cumstances considered made it good policy to carry freight for nothing, he could see no provision in the law to forbid it. PRUNE GROWERS SMILE. Douglas County Promised Immense Crop This Season. Kcsebunr Tillson & Co. have pur chased n line equipment for their large prune packing plant in this city, mid have begun work to enlarge ami re model tho plant to handle Douglas county's large prune crop this year. A new 30 horsepower loiler is now be ing placed for the steam plant, ami several now piece of machinery for grading and packing will lie installed. Nearly 200 cars of evaporated prunes will be shipped out of the county from various jniints, n large portion of which will be handled by local firms. In niklition to the new machinery the building will be enlarged . to almost twice its present site. H. L. tides & Co., of Salem, have purchased the Douglas County prune packing house of Receiver T. K. Sheri dan, ami will thoroughly overhaul ami make additions to the equipment. These two largo packing houses are kept running for from three to four months every fall. Besides these two plants, there is another packing house at Myrtle Creek that handle from 20 to 60 carloads every season. There will also be about SO carloads of n pie shipped from Douglas county this year. The Douglas County Fruit growers association will handle about half of this crop of apples. Strikers Paid and Discharged. Winnipeg, Aug. IS. The employes of tho Canadian Pacific railway were paid in full today, and all striking me chanics were notified that they bad been discharged. The officials of the company took this means of announc ing that the railroad will fight the de mands of the union to a finish. Vice President Whyte, of the railroad, ar rived here today from the Pacific coast. He declined to discuss the strike or state what is being done to fill the places of the strikers. Strikebreakers .are being imported. WANT 0.000 STEEL CARS. Harri-nan Lines WW Spend 58,000, OOO far Rotfng Slock. New York, Aug. 14. The Harrimaa roads are in the market for 6,000 steel ears. Iso orders have been placed, but the car equipment companies have been notified that this amount repre sents the total of an early purchase by the Harriman lines, and for more than half the cars there have been filed specifications on which the equip ment companies may base their bids. Competition between the companies is said to be keen, for the orders, if filled, will be altogether the largest since the panic. The estimated east of the 6.000 steel ears ranges all the way from $6,000, 000 to $7,000,000: It is expected that the lower figure will prove, nearer cor rect, lor in reason that the competi tion between the ear equipment com panies may result in a cut price. THE STATE FAIR. Thousands of Dollars Being Spent to Make It Success. Salem For the state fair in 1M7 the Southern Pacific railroad handled 215 carloads of stock anil exhibits. This year, while the fair is yet more than six weeks away, 119 cars have been ordered for hauling exhibits and stock. Many favorable conditions are working together harmoniously for a great fair at Salem next month. Seeral thousand dollars have been expended in enlarging the permanent exhibit building. The grand stand has been enlarged so that it will accommo date one-third more people. Men have been at work on the grounds for some weeks preparing them for the fair. The shrubbery and grass is being cared ior ami SMeieion ror decoration pur poses are being erected. All prepara tions are starting early. A feature that w ill greatly assist to make the state fair this year of more worth and alue will be the co-operation of the Portland Country elub. which is offering attractive jmrees for the livestock exhibitions and races. . - Summer Normal Draws Teachers Brownsville-Many teachers, lectur ers and minuter from this section are la King advantage ot the summer i mal school conducted by the Albany college. Toe attendance is very large, Hereafter this will probably be no of the drawing cards for Albany college. Teachers are in attendance from Mar ton, Lane. Benton, Lincoln, and other nearby counties. I-ane county especially is proving its loyalty toward the church college by a good attend ance, for the summer school the col lege has secured the services of some of the beat educators in the United States. BUILD BIG SMELTER.. Eastern Capitalists Will Do This If County Builds Bridges. Snlem The County Commissioners' court at their last meeting heard the H'titlon of Mining Engineer (iaddeii, representing Knstern capitalists, for the appropriation of $2,000 for the. building of five bridge ncro the San tiam river, to make tho Gold Creek eopiH'r mines accessible. In return for this investment, Mr. Gadsden guaran tees the erection of n smelter with n capacity of 100 tons per day. It is exjiected that the oiening up of these mines and tho building of the smelter will result In the location of n refinery in this city. The Gold Creek mines are located on the head water of the Santiam in tho extreme Eastern part of Marion county, A number of leading citisett appear ed .Iwfoce the court ami argued in favor of the 12,000 aptropriatton. Enlarge Salem Hatcher. University of Oregon, Eugene Ac cording to reports received here, the state salmon hatchery up the McKen xie river will not be abandoned, but extended, ami arrangement will be made this fall so that trout as well ns salmon can be hatched. The citiiens of Kugene will provide the money for the iniorlntion of trout eggs from the Knst. It was rumored some time ago tltat the hatchery would be abandoned. but It is evident from a letter of the state fish commissioner that groat im provements will be made in the estab lishment. Realizes Good Prices on Horses. Drewsey I. M." Davis, one of the principal business men of this 4at, is home after an absence of several week in Pendleton ami other railroad point. Mr. Davis took a number of horses over the mountains. He say they stood the trip remarkably well. He readied from $100 to $160 for sin gle drivers. Bible University Begins Next Month. University of Oregon, lingerie The Kugene Bible university, the leading ministerial school of the Christian church west of the Itoeky mountains. will open Septemlter S3. About 100 students are expected to enroll. The faculty consists of seven instructors. headed by President K. C. Sanderson. Record by Land Board. Salem--I.on amounting to $40,600 were made by the land board at its monthly meeting held last week. This is the largest sum that has been loaned out by the land beard in a great many ears. The loans were uniform at 6 per eeat. PORTLAND MARKETS. FIRES IN IDAHO. Kootenai Falls Prey lo FIamiiu anil Sand Polnl U Threatened. SHknno, Aug. IS. A Sand Point, Idaho, special to tho SHkmiin Re view says: With tho wind blowing n gnlo and tho adjacent town of. Kootenai wiped out, It seems Hint no mver can save Sand Point. At tl o'clock last evening n small forest lire mirth of Kootenai was blown Into the town and Ilio town of .100 luhnliltunts was burned to the ground. The Hunililrd Lumber company tins a $200,000 mill lit Kootenai, which burn ed to tho ground, and which wns only partly insured. At present the lire is within 2,000 feet of the l'nnhnndlo smelter, whlrh seem doomed, The homeless xiiln of the little hamlet of Kootenai have been (nought here, nnd are being cared for by rill sens. All of them lost their belong ing. Over RIM) volunteer are fighting the approach of the llnmi. Kami Point lis n imputation of about 10,000. An appeal has just been sent to the Shi. kane lire ileartmeiit fir aid. It wns iniHHislble at mklnlnlit to learn tlie extent of the damage by lire lit Sand Point, The telegraph wires are tkiwn ami connection I lot with the regular telephone line, liut the operator of the Ildi'endeit Telrhrtie ii I Ike at Sand Point, state tlmt Sand Point is In mi tmmedituo danger. The town of Kootenai was Mimed, but the big mill of the Humtilrd conimny was saved, Ut'iHirt are eonilicting regarding the smelter at Pondorny, near Sand Point, one reort declaring that it was tamed while the other states tlmt live forest Are was near but the smelter was still safe. Blow Out Beecher flock. Seize Another Steamer. London, Aug. 14. Another cloud has arisen between Japan and China, according to a special dispatch re ceived here from Hongkong, owing to the seiaure at Chin Chou by the Chin ese authorities of a steamer having on board 10,000 rifts and 000.000 cart ridges. Japanese merchant have protested, saying that this cargo be-1 " "- - o.m, mmm (fln kMIOTMn U mane anouer international out of it. In the improvement which the County court has authorised for the EugeSM-Mapleton wagon eroad, the most noteworthy is the order to blow out Beecher rock, and Commissioner Price will soon take up this big task. Beecher rock, which overhangs the Siulalaw road, will be remembered bv very one who has made the trip to Xapieloa as the most dangerous point oa the trip. The rock, which I a mammoth one weighing thousand of teas, will be blown to piece and a better and safer road out out in the side of the mountain. Enlarge College Campus. Salem State Superintendent Acker man his returned from Corvallis, and state that options have been secured on land in the vicinity of the Agricul tural college that will add about 15 acres to the campus of the Oregon Ag- Heultur! MtlLu.a It tm avui.m4 k WuleStslmirt J ! ff !"! " k.f r it. !...... . . . iwiwm en xuguei 14 vnwn will To Modernize Land System. San Francisco, Aug. 13. J, W. Pratt, commissioner of public lands in the Hawaiian Islands, is in this city today en route to Washington, where ho intends to visit the United States land office with the purpose of improv ing the system of caring for the public land of the Island. Maru In February of this year. Whites to Control Pacific. Melbourne. Aug. 14 Both houses of the ictorian parliament today voted be given to buy the land uoas have been secured. on which op- Names Waterways Men. Salem J. N. Teal aadPetorLoggie. unanimously resolutions cordially wel ff MarshfioW, have been appointed by coming the American battleship fleet J"8 Pv1enr A JJW!?1. 0rew' mt t Atuinli., ..- tv- ..-.i.. the Lakas-to-tbe-Gulf Waterway con- speakers dwelt upon the close friend-. vwUow at Chicago Qetober t. ship which unites Great Britain and I the UniUd States, and one of the mem-1 Rebuild Albany Iron Works. bers remarked that the visit of the ' Albany The Albany Iron works, re American battleships assured the con- cently destroyed at a loss of about Iml it th Pa,-tA. trr all tin.. tw tli COR AAA .ut,k r....M .. n rnn III I..-, w. .-,. . ...v .w. -.. .... .v. M.C -c,vvv, IU1 lusuiwni: VI ,JW, Hill white race. , be immediately rebuilt Wheat-Chib. See per bushel: forty- fold, yic; red Russian, 87c; hhjestom, Wc; valley. . Barley- Feed, $23. SO per ton; roll ed, $26t2; brewing. $26. Oat No. 1 white, $26.50 per ton; gray, $2. Hay -Timothy, Willamette valle, $14 per ton; Willamette valley, ordi nary, $11; Kaetern Oregon, $16.60; mixed. $1S; clover, $; alfalfa, $11; alfalfa meal. $20. Fruito-Cherrie. 34 10c per !mnd; peaches, 6&cr$l per box; prunes, $1.26 per crate; BarUett pears. $1.60 wl.75 per box; proms, 40i&0e per box; grapes, $1.2&i!.60 per crate; apricots, $1; blackberries, $1.101. 15. Potatoes- 0c6( $1 per hundred; sweet potatoes, 6c per pound. Melons- Cantaloupes. $2.60441 per crate; watermelon, $1.60 per 100 loose; crated, l,c per pound addition al ; casabas, $2.60 r dosen. Vegetables Turnips, $1.60 per sack ; carrots, $1.76; beets, $1.60; beans, 6c per pouwi; caitnage, stize per pound; corn, SntrSOc per dosen; cu cumbers, $1 per box; eggplant, 10c per pound; lettuce, head, 16c per iioien; parsley, IK per dosen; peas, 9c per pound; peppers, 8 10c jt pound; radishes, 12t.e per dosen; spinach, 2 per pound; tomatoes, 60c i$I per crate; celery, 90ct$I per dosen; artichokes, 76c per dosen. Butter Kxtras, 27 Se per pound: fancy, 26c; choice, 20c; store, lc hggs- Oregon extras, 26c per ilot en;firU. 2St24e; seconds, 216f2c; thirds, 16r20c; Kasfem, 2tft24c Poultry -Mixed chickens, Utilise per pound; fancy hens, 1212 ,c; roosters. i0c; spring, 14c; ducks. oW, Et0c; spring. lONMUc; geese, old, Sc; goslings, lOetllc; turkeys, okl, 18 6lDc; young, 20c. Veal Extra. 8t8c: per pound: ordinary, 7i7Hc; heavy, 6c. 1'ork fancy, 7c per pound; ordi nary, Oc; large, 6c Mutton Fancy, 89c per pound. Hops 1907, prime and choice, I H 6c per pound; olds, 2fit2jc; contracts, 9tl0c. Wool Eastern Oregon, average best, lOwlCcs per pound, according to THOUSANDS PERISH. South China Seen of Desolation Fol lowing Typhoon. Hongkong, Aug. 12.- In a report is sued today from the Headquarter of the government relief station It is stated that ail vice from Southern China give details nf appalling condi tions among the victims of the recent typhoon, which laid waste an immens territory along the coast and killed thousands of native. The report say that more than I, 600,000 refugees are at the point of death from oxxur and starvation, ami that many thousand liave suc cumbed since the disaster. The tale nf hardship and destitution are pitiful in the extreme. Scores of refugee in nil ipiarter are without shelter of any kind, forced to spend days anil night huddled together like stormbound sheep. In some districts there i only MitMclent fowl to sumdy one meal a day. More terrible are the conditions in other localities, where there is absolutely no fowl, ami the iieople are dying by the hundreds. The dead are plh-il in heaps, no burial be ing possible. ILLINOIS liUi: RIOT Moli Hums Illiicks' Homes ami Cllltl till! Dccupils. TIIUOI'S ARE RUSHED Tl) CITY Whuln Negro Quarter of Springfield Burning and Plreninn Kept Away From Fires. MEXICANS USE TORTURE. Tear Out Americans' NaHs lo Secure Names of Confederates. Pittsburg. Aug. 12.--Police otftcisls here have received news of the tortur ing of William Metratt ami Edward Matoney, who were arrested recently in Mexico City on a charge of robbing a bank messenger. Motfalt and Ma- hmey, the police here say. were well known to them before leaving for Mexico. Two companions escaped the officers when the PitUMirgrr were arrested and the Mexican police demanded their names. Refusing to betray their com panions, the men allege that thry were strapped by the w risU to the bars of their cells, while the official with for ceps tore the nails from their hands. Cnable to bear the agony, the men gave the name of their companions. "I suppose," said Captain nf IMe. uvea ruiwin t. .McUounh today, "if It were not lor tne record or the men, their torture would mean International complications." AHege Ysnkee Roads Allied. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 12. Report received here today that railroad lines in the United States, particularly the New York Central line, are furnishing strikebreakers to the Canadian Pacific ami supplying equipment which the Canadian road is unable to rewlr In its crippled machine shon. have freallv agitated the striker. The offlelal of the union declared today that If IM. repori is round to to true, symiwthetle strikes will bo declared on all roads furnishing men and cmilnment tn ti.. Canadian Pacific. Tornado In North Dakota, Mandan, K. I)., Aug. 12. A torna da struck Mandan last evening ami caused damage to the extent of $60,. 000. One boy was picked up by tlie wind and carried three blocks. Tlie roof of the Inter-Ocean hotel was loosened and crashed Into tho dining- win. ii.u uouar notei was unroofed. nouses were tinned Were tlntuxl m., ...! .... . .. - " .. ..'... -: ,1 . . . -.,-, -. .., Hilt, iiiuuy snnnxsge: vaney. iMtibsc; mohair. I window shattered, but no r.t.iiti.. choice, 18il8J,c 1 occurred. Springfield, III., Aug, 15. Spring, field I In Hie ImimU of a mob of , (1. raged eltlsen wIhi began last iiIkIiI to wreak vengeance on negro reaUlehU for an assault emmitted ytwl.i.ln) ,y fleorge Itirbardsofl, a negro, on Mi.. Karl Hallam, a white woman. At 1 o'clock this morning the wImiI m.i end of town Irtlrst Into flame, the torch having lieen applied to t-r negro lanise by swae of the imtre il,-. Iterate mob member. A mob of whit men at 2:46 o't Uk thi morning lynched a negro who wo upHied to be sneaking under ram m the Illinois Central t ark ami slooiing at the white. The Decatur company of tho llliion National KUnl arrived at g.Su n'ri.k till merning ami went to the 'l. lml." where 20 but occupied ly negri have ln htirrml ami wbrr the Are I still raging. Two men are already dead ami r,., ably two score other are Injur,. I. mostly negroi. The nibble I wrrp lag through the streets attacking rvrry negro met. All the local militia r im duty, ami half a ttosrn rumfwnir from other rttlns r tushing here n special train. Still other companim are ordered tn hold themselvr in re serve. The fire drpatlnvnt is h. Ii to combat the fire In thr n ntt quarter on account u( the threatening attitude of the mob toward the Jlr.-- Kugene Chafln. Prohibition rarMi date for president, in protecting a tr gro from death, was struck on the brad with a brick and put out of r..n. mission temporar .y. The tu-gm h. saved drew a knife and badly cut iwe valr men In the fight. Richardson ami another negro want ed for murder were stealthily token from Springfield jail last evening and rushed to lltoumlngton, whence t. were later token to Peoria. It thought that with the arrival of the out of town troops the street will U cleared and order restored. Negroes In two instances have turn ed with considerable effect uon tin- r assailant. In one mitup a trouper ai tempted to separate the rombaUi.i and waa nearly overwhelmed by 0 in truit of several negroes. Most of the members of Troup II, nf Taylorvtlle, are on guard around th Jail. The rioters who had gather. l front of the jail after the mean-era lion at Richardson were enraged l.y the ruse practiced by the shrr.ff in removing him. Finding that the negroes were gtme. th moli amused Itself for a time by looting negro resorts In East Washing ton street. The amusement o( the rioter was tragedy for the nrgr. many of whom were nua-hlv kn.t. ,1 and beaten with nieces of Uieir .un furniture. A white man and his son, whuse name wrre not ascertained by the -lice, were shot, supposedly by nrgrue. This encounter further enraged the members of the mob and thry began a general search for negroes wherevr they could be found. Dosen ProfesbV Killed. Springnsld, III.. Aug. 18, 2:46 a. m. - rhe mob Is still burning house in the negro quarter and the poll belle e that a least a doom mmmiU k. l . killed. Ko outside troop have yet ar rived. Illeemmgtofl Firemen OaHed. IlkHHolngton. Ill,, Aug. 16. At 3 a. hi. the Bloomington fire department was notified to be In readiness to so to Siringneld to assist in fighting the fire. Give Jewell o Heathen. I-ong Beach, Cal., Aug. 18. -Unpre-CHdented enthusiasm for far.,!..., ml. s Ions was disilayeil at the morning ses sion of the convention of Chrlstlar churches of Southern California and Arlsona. U'hen the nil mm. f, ndl. tributlona to aid Ilsv. I toy I Djoaml Ills wife (n prosecute their mlsaion work in the Congo, men ami women vied with ch utber in giving money awl sacrificing their jewwU. Gold watclwa ami clialns, gokl bracelets, ring nnd diamond wero east into tlie baskut. Cholsra Oalnlng Ground. St. Pelersburg. Aug. 16. A death from clwlera has been rejiorteil from a lown In Tula province. el.- i.. tho eslate of Count Tolstoi. At Txarltrin, nero urn epidemic ha been most severe, 225 cases and 160 death havo been registered since tho outbreak.