The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 18, 1905, Image 7

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Por over sixty yenra doctors
have endorsed Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral for couclis, colds,
weak luncs, bronchitis, con
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
" I had n awful .nili for tr year, and
DMMni .md In do in an? ooJ, 1 liM
Ar.C 1,'hti rr r.tlor.l .nil .. toon curxt.
I rMoinwtnJ it la all idt frl.mli wli.n.rar
T..hluitn, II, C, '
Ma4a br J, ) A.r ()', I,.. II, Mm.;
Alt 4arltirr f
luig viooa.
Aver's Pills hoop tho howols regular.
ah vooinwo nnn cnntiy inxntivo.
Hliullar, lint Dtrr.irnnt.
Wife Why, George, I'm lurprleed
tint you ehould epeud fi for hitl
Husband lltihl Tint's uolhlug. You
aid l'i for your.
Wife I never did anything of tht
kind, I bad It charged to you,
ot Hpcclnllr Interested.
HM dear girl, do you think it U
right to let tint t young until spend so
much money on you?"
"Why uot? I have no Intention of
marrying hi in."
may I- jrmir furltin. Teka rareuf lt krep
your com pi. i Inn imd and titer
lnd for IkMikltt I uii mi...i completion
end tharlnc rt'tini, rungr, jwder, etc,
mauiic .iitANirrrit mijown
tenut llul.l, eaHultercH ,Kau
Ali.nU WniitKl.
ktrountj rMitarvt aim
'A -4 ltt f9 toftMAM
Till: IIAINV PI.V Klf I I'll d'.ltor. all Ik.
ur. an., ini'ini
horn. In illnlnc
iii(n, .W.plrw
ttmin Anil all
Viar. whara
Miin.. 11. An.
iimI n.l mil
.i.JIblnr. 'rr
" - - - ik.iti one and
rou wiilnAT.rb Miituwi IL.rii, li nii krpt by
0.l.t., Mm t.U rurJOr llaralil Houir.,
IU ll K Alb At... llvlr, H V.
0tW.wt,rf fa di wtihlh luiriM
A44rtlMI f jroulMlf n4 l f uf
I tiUnit, tni Irx 4.1 hn IrM "III pnUUr
. tnuf a (uiIa. oU, J will CffOll .
y wtiH liCO on our Ui.00 KhcUriMp.
Our KKont offrft t.(rploil tjr.nttrrt to
lunlBUuliw)tl,, tAiDih.Alc.
Diir lmtvciio-ioiit Tuition
mil M.cmi.wi i in mi
M. A. AlBIN, Pl.
! oiith or. PORTLAND. ORC.
Tk. Ul. rAM.IH. In.llUU .M Mi.l far
lAaiaMf.i. r lln.ll,MrAl.A t.tlil.ll l..n
ln, IU rrd iaaumaJ. Uc14 MmUJ nll
VrlU' lr. A.l.oIOV4. llrntm.Adurt7 lk).l
ViAA.lArAi4ir,fl.nrj,i .tlri.l..rjkr.
kl. luiluiunkuA Wmi.ia Hi.nih.irortl.iMloiik
t.ry Uiv cIih af hiiii. In ntn aau
. IiU.IUi;. AlluM.l.ahi.lilr M.akt.
W .i. In im.a rkOkrll la. I tk.l.U
lim.uu.llyrviiiltAj WiililwwlAl'Aril.iulMUrUUr
lllk. Hill AA.i4 imiiJI. tiAlll biulir I.I A,
ronrrtvie.'rx tiunu iIuahantkku.
wrlMlar(uriitl.iiUi.Ajiini. If vu m.Ail
kl. iir aa4 mimI rU In uiui,ia ra..r ihmi.ia,
111 MM our f htlk bolllul, Au M knuk, 1.
OrlilAABj TlMlln.Alaf kUnnwIa'ftMAf.kUf.
WHlnallainHuuilr. AmocUU rrlnclp!
B.W Oar intbAnit IUI.Ih lr.t.
WoU-M ruylU ACtll aI l-Altl.M Afl.r H l.l.
C.UI Cheii,NM
till Olk.l Alu.ltl,
II Mil.ik.Aili, .n.
nilk.l ikuk, ,gs
fin, JJ.niMt: r.lli, ttjt
fiuiilia HionC..SI, r.ul
TIIEHKOT Tlx I' l-aullrr rood Ana Ur
kllt.r af ir.i.r. k. AH lru-
III. iriMMl. ul.A lri.r. .ail.l.cllvni
W Ml.MlloTlN. MIU;ni Wa.ti
rru..l.n rouilrr KihmI ka
It na.l4 In rai.lnf psullr U. IU
r.rlliaa S4 C... Alii, f .ill.iil. Or.
rimil.a f.ullrr B till
l'UUILAMU MKKIt UO l'urllnud. Or,,
Usatl iHUi
Hot Air Pumping Engine
l'uin. walor (or
houno and lrrlg'lon
Iitlioeii wind mill.
ml gaiolliia euittir.
lliirni gasoline, wood
or coal, Una auto,
mallu.lop. Hhliod
on aiuToval. Write
for calaloguci and
321 Itawlhorne Ave. PortUind, Ore.
P. N.U
No. 32-1803
II UN writlnr toadvertlierapleai
Bianiion tun paper.
ijw'yj ii . ' i -i.i
4nStv Js
Jn ct (rtr mil"
?. -r JfcJbBiii JW
r v
,AV or r 900..
,;41i '
Tho tort of rnllrondluK which nppnili to tho public tnlt)1, l7 rcmon of
It (InritiK mid by tho innv prolilom which It ofton proienti to Uio otiKlnor,
U Mint thniUKh tuutiiitiilu rcKlom, but It hue rouinlntxl for Henry M. FlnKter,
who linn lionn tonnoil "Tho WUord of Florida," to tako In band aotno rail
way rounlructlon which l not only unlquo, but daring to the Init dPfrren.
Thli taik la llin txtcmlgn of till Tlorldn Halt Coait Railway, which bat for
oiiid ycnri been In operation botwveu flt. Augmtlni nnd Mlnnil, M tnllei
nouthwfitwnrd nnd northwitward from th latter point to thi linporlnnt Ul
and of Kty Went Tho comtructlon of tin cxtrnilon la proceeding rapidly.
Thi road will trnvrne for n coualdornblo dlitnnce a rid bo or illght eleva
tion of nnlltlc llmvitono, and patting bvyond thli will roach land, tlio nmn
groru, Mint atrnngo tree which ri'nclin Ita root downward Into tho water
fniui Mm llinb above being for ft long dlitance the principal rcgctntlon.
'I'll en Ihn rond will atrlko conildvrablo ttretchea of water, nioro or Ion ihal
low, but nlwnya the foundation will bo one of Mio nnot and moit ub
itnntlnl 'liuaglnnbli1, tiatnuly, coral rock.
Tho couttnictloii will be of the inott expenalve and durnblo character,
and overythlng will maku for nbtolut tafety. The flrtt aurvey win for a line
to Capo Hnble, but when Milt was mode Mr. ITIaglor found that he wot itxty
mllnt from Key Wvtt and twelro nillot from what It known at the tlirco
fathom lino of tho gulf He Mierefore decided to undertake the greater prop
oiltlon, nnd to changed Mio line from nonu-itead and It building more nearly
along what may be called the general lino of the coait,
In a acenlc way Mil mad will be notablo. Tho vlnwt It will giro of thoie
beautiful aouthern water, with nil their tenderness of tint, with the tcorct
of "kern" or Itlandt nnd Inlet, great and tinnll, will make It like n voyage In
wonderland. Tho linn will pats from key to key, and tho flrtt deep water It
will ttrlkii will bo at what I known a Knight' Key, whero Minro will bo a
channel thirteen feet In depth.
Horural drawbridge will be constructed, tome for the ute of tho unall
rriieli which nre engaged In Mi tpong fltherlct, the (cat of the aponge
trndo being Key Wett
JuiMin Jtlnlatrr lo America Hom
from tlm Wnka.
The career nnd experience of To
goro Taknhlra embrace mot of thu
varied changet In modern Japanese
btitory. aaya Mi
Hovlew of Tie
rlov. In hit early
youth he felt
keenly and deeply
the ancient feuded
life of lamuraland
thogun, nod when
Japan abandoned
the old order and
ect btr face to
ward the new be
twung Into and de
veloped with Mi
Mr. Takahlra la
new national life.
tine example of Mio diplomat and gen
Moman of tho Knr 11a at. lilt cul
ture and trnlulng nre many aldod he
It learned In Clilnrao phlloaophy and
literature, ho la a Miorough tcbolar
lu tho tutrlcato literature of lili own
country, and he apenka and wrttet
Dueutly In uveral Kuro(ean lan
Mr. Tnkablrn I not of tho titled
clnaa ho tin rtaen from tho rauka.
Kntertng tho Imperial dlplotuatlo tw
ice tn 1870, after a thorough educa
tion at tho Jnpnneio capital, he wn
appointed attncho to the Japnneie le
gation In Wnthlngton, becoming cc
rotary of that legation In 1881. Two
)oar later ho wna apiolntod ecro-
tary of the FoTvIgn olllce. Iter, he
held a number of Important pots, In
cluding MiONO of chnrgo d'nffnlrc lu
Coreft (IHN.!), conttil genernl nt Now
York tlM'l), mtiilKter rt'Hldoiit to Ilol
Innd (IbO'.1), milliliter to Italy USUI),
milliliter to Atutrla (1Mtl), vk-o minis
ter for foreign nffHlra ilM)0i nnd vlco
minister to tho United Htnto UIXW).
Tho J it pn mini uilulNtor la n mnn of
mlddlo nge, of u ntroiig, well-built
frninu, but broken riumcwlmt from liln
eiporlt'iictt of Intt winter, when he win
opernti'd on for nppeiullcltU. Tnct
fill and diplomatic, it dlgnlllcd diplo
mat through nnd through, Mr. Tnkn
hlra baa creditably reproaentwl Jn
auoao luteretta throughout tho preaeJJf
dirtlcult period of tho war. He hna
only cnurngooua exprctalon of nppro
elation for tho admlrablo qtinlltlet of
the Rustlnn people, whom ho under
ttnndt thoroughly, Ho oo not look
for penco In tho nenr future, but any
that Jnpnn la Quite rendy nnd pro
pnrotl to couttuuo the conflict na long
aa mny bo uoceaaary. Aa to tho pot
alblllty which hna boon suggottod of a
ItuuKvJnpnuoao nlllnnco after ponco
hna bcon concluded, Mr. Tnknhlrn do
clnre thli can novor bo. Tho Jnpnu
so people, lw points out, linvo bocn
odncntod, polltlcnlly, along Anglo-Stir-
on llncw, and It would bo very difficult
to cliaugo thla national bent A Fran-co-Ilutalan
alliance might be poatlblo.
but a Ruaao-Jnwncaa alltnnce never.
Tooth tfo Donna At Alt
Profotaor D. fly met Thompson,
Qreahara professor of medlcln, tn the
oonrat of an addros at tho Polytoch.
nlo, Rogont itreot, London, on "Tho
Evolution and Degenoratton of Mio
Tooth," romarked that while tho bonet
of man aud animal had decayed
greatly during tho lntt 0,000 ox T,000
year, the teeth had been preserved
tn a much better condition.
Teeth were not part of bonet, but
part of the akin they were, In fact
dormal appendage. Old people were
surprised to And that when tb teeth
of the tower Jaw departed there wa
very little of the Jaw left Thl pro
duced what wa called the nut-cracker
physiognomy. Referring to the fact
that the crocodile had an animated
tooMipIck In the form of a bird, which
removed foreign matter, M lecturar
enforced th lesson of Mio necessity of
attending carefully to the cleansing of
the teoMt and recommended attention
to them at nlgbt at being more Ira-j-ortant
Mian lu the morning.
No New to Hrxiak OC"
A country correspondent of the
Adam Enterprise sends In these In
teresting Items:
"There I no new to tpeak of In
Milt here settlement Dud Bpurlln wat
bit by one rattletnako and two mocea
tint yesterday and feeling unwell
at thli writing.
"The tupper for the benefit of the
now church bell wat largely attended.
(Tbnt It the hungrlett bell In Mils
"MaJ. Jones happened to the acci
dent of havln' his head blowed off
Tuesday. Don't know how high It
wa blowed, a It hain't come down
"Tho Jug-train with ninety gallons
of spirits aboard, waa wrecked by un
known miscreant Saturday ntght, and
tn conioQiunco Sunday In town was
dry enough to burn.
"I will close at Micro It no newt
to apeak of, as I tald bo fore, wishing
Hitcuess to tho paper nnd all good citi
zens." Atlanta Consjltutton.
N Itenaoii rtir Two Trip
Pntrlck't wife wn "nlllng," and
Patrick put ou his tiuudny host und
wnlkod four uilloH to thu doctor's house
to tell him about her.
"Now," said tho doctor, when ho hnd
henrd nil Pntrlck hnd to say, nnd hnd
prcpnred touio mvdlcliio, "lioru It
something for your wife. I'vo writ
ten the direction! on tho bottle, nnd
I want her to try It fntthfully for a
fortnight. Then, If It doesu't rcllore
her, come to me ngnlu, nnd I will gtvo
you another pretcrlptlon."
"Now, docthcr, teo here," tald Pat
rick, ttandltig atralght aud looking
grimly at tho phytlclnn, "If you have
your doubts o' thli curtn' Mnry, at
It't Ivldent you hnvo by tho way you
pake, why don't you glvo mo Oral
what you're goln" lo glvo mo laitl"
Whan ICxpaiuo Mil Not Count,
Mnmmn Havo toiuo more augnr,
Wllllo Why. you nlwnya tell mo
that more thnu ono spoonful la bad for
mv hoalMit
Mamma Thnt'a nt homo. You're nt
a hotol now tako all you wnut
Cleveland Leader,
Tho average father talks ao much
about hit "aneiiuienU" that the chil
dren know about them. Ills "anon
menU" go to hit lodge, and nro really
premium ou lit Ufo luturanco.
1) caroful what you any to aomo
poople. (N, 11, On tocond thought wo
havo decided not to uio that word
Humorous i
Onnnlbaliam in Hcotlnnd, Lndy In
Hnndyford district would llko two k'"
tlemi'ii for dinner dully. Olnagow
Indy Cnn Mint parrot talk? Dealer
Tnlk? Why, miy, lndy, you'd t'lnk
he wuz brought In n box nt do op
try. Puck.
Mia Pwect Kxcuao me, but
where did you leiirn to dnnce? Mr.
Hplny In n correspondence achool.
Ohlcngo New.
Farmer lilnke (nt Now York re
taurnnt) Wnnl, Miranda, hero' pln
nch ilxty centt, 1 wonder If that' n
peck or bushel. Life.
"Whnt'a Htovcii doing now?'
"Nothing." "Hut I wa told ho won
holding a government poaltlon." "He
la." Milwaukee HenUnel.
"You ny hi courny wna not qullu
antlsfnctory to tho labor union?"
"Why, no. Ho worked ten hour a
dny to lectin) tho pmtnge of an eight'
hour Inw." I5x
"I might have known better Minn to
trust my money to Mint broker."
"Why o? Are nppenrnncea ngnlntt
him?" "No, confound him! If hi
dlMppenrnfici'," Town nnd Country.
Nordy Inauro In your compnny?
With your highest olllclnlt lighting
tho wny they nro? IluttH Kuro thing.
You can see for yourself that we must
have asset worth fighting over. Kx.
Kdwln I hnve to go to Hcotlnnd
noxt week. You will be truo to nro
whllo I mil gone, won't you? An
gelinaOf course Hut rr lon't bo
gono long, will you dear? I'lck-Mo-Up.
"Johnny, who wn Peter nnd who
waa Paul?" "Thein wn the guy wat
roblxM each other to pay each other
without lettlu' their left hntida get
wine." Clucliiuatl Commercial-Tribune.
"If curious," said Undo Kbcn, "to
ln-nr tell 'bout how many genlutet bm
been allowed to atnrvo an' how mnny
lazy folki managt-ri to git a llvln' by
prctcndln to bo geniuses." Washing
ton Star.
Friend of the Family You are very
lucky, my boy, to be the seventh son.
It will bring you everlasting fortune.
Hon No. 7 It hann't so fnr. All It's
brought yet 1 the old clothes of my
ttx brothen. Detroit Freo Press.
"And did you tell God about It, and
atk Hit forglvencH?" Inquired her
mother of tho lltUo daughter whom
at last be had let out of the closet
"Why, no. I wa to bad I didn't think
you'd want It known outside tho fam
ily." Ex.
"Myr exclaimed the good old soul.
looking up from her paper, "these col
lege game are getting to bo horribly
rough." "Whnt'a Mie matter now?"
asked her husband. "Here's a report
In the paper about a Yarvnrd mnn
beating all his rivals with the ham
mer." Philadelphia Pren.
nithop Goodman (Impressively)
Only think, children I In Africa there
aro ten million square miles of terri
tory without a single Sunday school
whero little boys and girls can spend
their Sundays. Now, what should wo
all try and save up our money to do?
Class (In ecstatic union) Go to Afri
ca I Judge.
The young woman In the stern of
Mio lltMo boat hnd whispered softly
the word "ye." "Hut Mny right where
you aro, Jnck," hc ndded. hnstlly; "If
you try to kiss mo you'll upset tho
boat" "Huw do you know?" lionrse
ly demanded Jack, n borrlblo attspl-
cton already tnklng poscilon of him.
Chicago Tribune.
Visitor Quito n neat little place,
that ono with tho green abutters. Who
Uvea there? Host Thnt'a Cooper's
bouse. Ho had a rich uncle, who left
him all his money. Visitor Out And
whoso Is Miat magnificent mnnston
over there? Hoat Thnt belongs to
tho Inwyer who settled up Cooper's
uncle's nffnlra. CiimcH'iv
Judge l'lillilpi' Mitt l'ih.
"There It no llxhlng In tho world
llko the uport In the Gulf of Mexico,
where they cntch tarpon," snld Judge
John F. Philips, recently In tho kali
an City Star. Judge Philips, looking
tunned nnd tho-Mughly rt'Stcd. hna Just
returned from a fishing trip to tho
const of Texas. "I aurprlned tho nn
fives by catching six of thoso big fel
lows. Tho largest weighed 135 pounds
nnd measured 0 feet 10 Inches In
length. It took me nil hour to lnnd
him nfter I hnd made the strlko.
"The tarpon It caught on n heavy
line nnd a specially strong rod nnd
rcol. I had Just told my bont'mnn tbnt
I would go In for dinner nnd wo had
Just startbd to put bnck to tho shore
from where wo hnd been fishing, per
haps a mllo out to ten, when I hooked
tho big fish, Ity playing with htm,
reeling him In nnd maneuvering bnck
nnd forth for nu hour I finally pulled
htm into shallow witter. Tho bontmnn
then lenped out In wnter up to his
wnlst and, striking tho fish with n gnff
hook, hauled him up ou tho bench.
Cntcblug tnrpon Is strenuous exerclso,"
ndded Judgo Philips, "but as a sport
it Is not equnled." v
Hitch Toned.
"Mnudlo Buys hor steady Is a high-
toned young feller,"
"(lee! That t a rood name for It. all
right Ile'i one of thoso squeaky
voiced ilsslot." Cleveland Leader.
There nro not many people whoso
vlsltt aro its Interesting n n coutlnued
story In a teu-ctut uiugnttuo. ,
' vrn 1T7N r4a.v
1 a:-irirwiKf y sr
UAJ&&0?ifkL-- -'""
Iiouecliold saylnrr.
needs treatment from anjr cauae. this great remedy is the first thought of
and used by thousands of people all over the country, because It is superior
to all other blood purifiers. It Is a purely vegetable remedy, and while it
penetrates the circulation and forces out all poison and morbid matter, it
also builds up the entire system by ita fine 'tonic effect. During the win
become dull and weak and was loilnsr flesh, and an all-gone tired feel
failed to perform their full fog that tntdc me miserable. I began Mie uaoof
duty.thebloodbaabecnslug- a 8. 8. and my blood was restored to Its nc
gish and an extra amount mil, healthy condition. Mr appetite returned, X
of poisons and waste mat. increased in weight, that "Urea feeling" left and
tcra have accumulated in I K.'ln 5?'
the system nnd been ab- Colnmbtj. Ohio. Victor SroiiniifS,
orbed by it With the com- Brtbmsn and Washington Are,
ing of Spring and warm weather the blood is aroused and stirred to quicker
action and in its effort to throw off these acids and poisons the skin suf
fers, Boils, pimples, blotches, rashes and eruptions break out and con
tinue until the blood is cleansed and made pure. S. S. S. is the ideal remedy
for this condition; it clears the blood of all impurities, makes it rich and
strong nnd these pkin troubles pass away. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Chronic
Bores nnd Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other diseased
of the blood arc cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any advice de
Sired, free of charge THE SWIFT SPECIHC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
The Old Dinner ITeiL
Thers's music In th lowln' of tht cattle
on tb bills,
An' In the lazy Itughttr of th waUrfalU
an' rills;
In tie slngln' of th bluiblrd an' th
bummln' of th be,
An' the oU woodpecker ptckla' en Mi
holler sugar tree.
There's music in th blossom an' the
clear blue of tb sky,
In the screamln' of tb chicken hawk
a-clrclin' 'way up high;
Bat the svrrctest songs of Jan Mm
ain't nowberes near a smell
To th music 'long at noontime of Mi
old dinner belt
When plowln' In the distant fields, clean
out o' sight o' borne,
A-wUhln', too, with all your heart that
dinner time would come,
You watch tb furrles stretch away
aroun' th lower bend,
An' potter 'round a bit before yon start
for t'other end.
An' yon bend your hesd an' listen to
ketch th welcome sound,
An' ctlc'lst It's put nlgb noon by shad-
ders on Mi ground,
When through th baiy atmosphere,
your longln' to dispel,
Comee the fur-off stlr'ry music of the
ole dinner belt
When tb harreet day I over an' the
toller' work I done,
Over wavln' corn an' clover tinted by Mio
eettln' sun.
Low tn' tweet tb distsnt maslc of Mis
ol bell floats along;
Born upon the (Tenia breetes, mingled
with the reapers' song.
An' you look acrost th medder, past the
ole crick wlndln' through.
Where the ringer tweet It waltln' wIMi
a welcome there for yon.
Oh, there ain't no Joy of summer that
can ttrlk you quit so well
As th rlngln', when you're hungry, of
the ol dinner belt
Indianapolis News.
Railroad Traveling In Delsil
Railway travel I cheap In Belgium,
according to a report received at the
State Department from United Statei
Consul McNally at Liege. He aays
that the Belgian atate railway sells
tickets on a time basil which enables
the holder to travel continuously, If
desired, for the period stated on the
ticket within Mio limits of the country.
For Instance, a five-day Mcket will cost
S3.S0, and a flfteenday Mcket $7.72.
During the life of one of these tickets
It serves as a pass, and It la only neces
sary to abow It upon request The
above rates refer to second class only.
All that Is required to obtain these
tickets la to present at the office an
unmounted photograph of small size,
which Is attached, to Mio Mcket as a
means of Identification.
Jte Certainly Did.
Enpeck Green eloped with Brown's
wife yesterday, I understand.
Mrs. hupeck Why, I thought Green
was Brown's best friend.
Enpeck Well, didn't h prov It?
Nothing more detestable does the earth
produce thin an ungrateful man. An-
Tlio Klnil ion IIuvo Always Bought hns borno tho slfrnn
turo of Chun. II. Fletcher, and hns beeu mailo uudcr his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow mo ono
to docelvo you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
Jtist-UH-jrood" nro hut Experiments, and ciuhinjjor tha
health of Children Kxportenco against Experiment.
Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothlnir Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Xarcotio
substance. Its ago is Its cuunuitco. It destroys "Worms
and allays Eoverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and "WlnO.
Colic. It relieves Tecthlnc- Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, retriilntcs tho
Stomach and Dowels, (rlvinu; healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Tie Kind You toe Always Bought
Hoars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TMceiNtaun ceuainjv. tt uuau) tcit, Ntwvoe,rr-
.nmi.i.irCt 1
S. 8. for the blood" has crown tn r,e
When the blood la out of order, r
Htooklirokcr and Jarle.
A prominent New York stockbroker
says; "The newspapers do not gfct
wind of even a small fraction of tho
snlts brought sgnlnst brokers because
of mltundcratandlngs between us and
our customers. NIncty-nlne custom
ers out of evtry hundred think we rob
tbcm when they lose their money In
the market and give us no credit when
they win. We do our hardest to tettlo
all suits out of court, for there Is not
a Jury on earth Mint will find a verdict
for a stock broker. Why? Simply be
cause every Juror has been scorcbedl
now and Mien In the mnr.ct and holds
a grudge against all brokers." New
York Press.
To Break In New Shoes.
Always .hake In Allen's Foot-Eae, a powder,
ft cute, but, aweatlnr. aching, awollen feet,
furr. corn.. Ingrowing nails and bnnlont. At
all and sboe .torrt.OV Don't accept
anyuhtltute Faraple mailed FREE. Addreas
Allen 8. Olruited, L Boy, H. Y.
An Haay Job.
Big Chief Scared-of-HIs-Job had met
with an accident while scouring th
plain and It wa necessary for the army
surgeon to amputate his leg. After a
Mm Mi missing limb was replaced by
a wooden one, and meeting him later Mi
doctor ssld:
"How do yon like your wooden leg, old
"Ugbl" responded Scared-of-Hls-JoK
"Injun llkum besp much. Injun llkunt
you makum ill wood."
"Make you all wood?" queried Mi M".
D. In urprlse. "What for?"
"Injun make heap money Mien," an
swered th noble red min. "Getum Job
ttandnm In front of cigar store. Ugh I"
ITIY6 rermaixaUyCarrd. Jo flti or nerretuiua
flld ATUrBr.li3aranufDr.Klln'.OrUJfrT
JlMtorr.iB4 for Twrm SI trial txtlarnl trraitn.
Xr.Jl.lI.IUlM,tL,Ml Arc 8L. rniladclplita, fa.
Ths Bane IJoat.
But Charlie, will you tell me what
time It Is? I'to left my watch at mj,
Charie Awfully lorry, but I can't
I've left mln at my uncles. Detroit
Freo rret. ,
Source of Supplies.
"William," said th minister's wife,
"if you wint me to repair your trousers
you'll hiv to go down town and get
some buttons."
"Never mind, my dear; let It go till
next week," replied the good mm. "I'm
going to take up a collection for tha
benefit of Mie heathen Sunday."
Uothertwlll And Mr. Window's BooUJog
Syrup the beat remedy tona tor their calWxea
during the teething period.
Nothing Dolnc.
"Now Mint I hnve Bold you a policy,'
said Mie Insurance agent "I will make
you an Interesting proposition. Give
me some letters of Introduction to peo
ple you know nnd I will give you half
my commission on every one of them
I land."
"My dear mnn!" cried Mio new pol
Icy bolder, "I haven't an enemy on
earMil" Newark News.
Signature of