The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 24, 1905, Image 7

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Tired Feeling
la a Common Spring Trouble,
It' a sign tlmt (ho blood lit tlcllclont
In vitality, Just (it plmplm mid ollior
eruptions nro sign Hint Uio blood
la liiiiiiro,
It'fl a warning, too, which only tho
linzimiuiis full to huuil.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
ltotnovo It, give now llfo, now cour
se, Mtruiifftlt nml Animation.
They olenmo tho bluod and dear Uio
Accent no aiilistlluto.
HI (nit llrrd nil tlm tlmo snd conld not
Sleep, After tnklnc llood'a Hnrsaparilln
a wtlll I could sleep wnll nml Ilia tlfril
feeling ti ntl ioiio. Tlill Kirnl uitdliliio tin
10 cured mo of scrofula," Uii, 0. U.
Iloor, (llluiil, Conn.
Hood's Qnrsnpnrllln promises to
euro and koopt tho proinluo.
' l" I 1 m ATAI I C I flier Are Governed br Instinct, lint
1 IU1 I lUi UUO t That Instinct Jo Mesllilo.
Tho recent Kngllsh writer, Ittchnrri
ICenrton, nnyn thero 1 "no niicIi (lend
Tim Man with iltn Hot lint ' '
I lore tho ringing nf mimic of cherry,
litHirtjr Irtliutl. ''
for It rout tlm Imp of worry 'as tli,
brcesM scatter chaff. ' , ;
Ami there' lint n scrim of elnilitvii
known to innrtnU herrf below
Hut U innd n little nimbler by n merry
tin! (ml hut
Kor inirrliniut' Mlitjjcr, mnl laughter
t I III song, j , ,
Ami Hhrro tli. diiKPr iliimMli tho happy
angel throng,
Tor ru nil retwtlnl anthem notlifnc
"wretrr l, I trow, . .
Thn I lie melody Hut urra M hoi ho!
hut hoi hoi
You nro feeling rsthrr weary 'll in oft
rrcoritnd tnlit ,
Ami you fnuoy trouble' druion all. art
ramping mi yuiir (mil,
Till you inert the innn of laughter, with
lilt Clifrry hoi hu! hot
Anil, m.iun way, n you listen, all tb
isuiithig di-moii ciil
Then you vow thl old planat la a ptacs
of Joy a nil cheer,
And thrru'e plrnauro In reflecting that
you mm- are living hero
And you wouldn't for a fortune loia your
grip mi thing below
All because you Jirnr, tlio tiiuile of
ringing hoi hoi hoi
Two nngrU walk upon tha earth, walk
dally to nnd fro,
Tha onn U clail In rube of white, tha
onn In curb of mx,
Tha voice of ou la laughter; tha othr'a
I a ilgh,
Joy la the oiip; tho other wo; for aouta
of turn thry Tie;
And tha one come running, running,
Illiimonrd by the witching spell
Of the rippling note of laughter that
the plrlt'a rapture tell;
While the other straight I drlveu from
the aoiiU It hauula below
lly the ringing and tha hieing of a hot
ho hoi hoi ho
W all lore the muile of a cheery, hearty
To aplrlta bowed with trouble 'III s
heaven-given ataff
Hut our biirdrua seem ao beary aa we
pais thrm In rorlew
That wo often let another do the laugh
ing wo ahould Jo;
At any rate, It'a ao with ma, for I'm
of brittle clsr.
And haply It U ao with you, although I
do not tay;
And o, perchance, you'll Join with me,
thli ono bouquet to throw
To tho man who bring ua bleating with
hi ho! hoi hoi hot hot
Now York Time.
Tho derrick Isn't linndaoiuo, but It
tina mi uplifting Influence I'hllndol
pliln Itecord,
Now Yenr'at flrat IleaolutlonIIow
nro you fi'dlne? Hocond Itmwlutlon
Ilrnko, IJfo.
Knthor (from top of atnlrcnno)
Ktlinl, la tlmt yoiiiii; inn ii koiio7 Ktliol
Awful funny, jin. (Jrlt,
"Do you think Itnulia i-vit fooled Ida
wlfo nucciarully)" "I know It. Ho
nmrrlcd her," Hntrolt I'ii-o I'ri'.
"Wlint la worao tliiiu owIiik inotuy
you enn't pny?" "IIpIiik owed money
you enn't collect." Clovvland Idiccr.
illmHnowIlnkiv Wlint did Jim Jnck
ami Kit innrrli'd for? Ml Wnnhtub
Lnwd only known b kwpa rltflit on
workln'l l'uck.
HIid Do you think that n woman
ciin truly lovn hut unco? Ilo Well,
If til at 'a tlm only cluincu alio linn ycal
Detroit I'rwi i'rena,
"l'npn, will you nind inn to liuropa
to n'tudy munle?"' "No; you ran ntiuty
It hum, nnd I'll arnd you to I'nropu to
tirni'tlce."- Ilinnlon Voat.
"Noi'r ti'll ii nccrut, drnr, It would
1l n (rent bnitrh of coiilldonco."
"Vhii t munt I do with It. iimiiiiuiiV"
"Well hrhiK It to mo" ,Miituiiii,
Knther Hut do you think you cnu
mnko my dMUKhtur Imppy? Ktiltor
Happy I My. you nhduld Jilit UtiYti
K't'ii her wbuu 1 propoavd! Ilrookl1i
Llfo. . ' J .'
Mrtinuifl Don't 'jounno tlmt wny
Toipuiy. Hit up llko.n man. Tommy
wny, inniuiiin, men nil uuivn; n h limy
dok'a nnd rnhhlU that alt up. I'lillu.
dolphin I'ryn.
'rmpout Why are you ao iinury
with tho doctor? Mrn, 'Vaatoul
When I told him I hnd'n terrible tired
fetdlni; ho told m to ahow blm my
tongue. Hichange.
Uonx They nay he aultaii of Tur
key aenrva III wive nearly to dentil.
Jonx Yea; I'vo nlwnya heard that ho
wa a iinrem-ncnrrm aort or icuow.
l'hllndolplda Itecurd,
Hintirg -Tlicre goea n ninn who tin
dotio much to a route tho people.
Kmngga Orent labor agitator, eh?
Hnilgj; No; mnnufneturer of nlnriu
clocka, Chicago ledger.
Stra. IIenieck'nila pnper nya that
married women live longer thnu aluglo
onea. Mr. Ilenpeclc Heaven, worn
nnl Can't you think of aomethlutr
plenaant to talk about? Ilorrowed.
Kreda He clalma to be relnti-d to
rou, and anya be can prove It, Floyd
Itetated to me? Why tlmt tuau'e a
foot. Freda Of courae, but that may
bo a mora coincidence. llluatrated
Mra. Hnyrli Them air Jap muat
l kinder bard up for aomethln tew
read. Hayrlx Why ao, Mainly? Mra.
Hayrlx Thla paper anya they went
an' took n lot ur Ituaatan utagatlne.
Nerrou Old Lady (on aeventh floor
of hotel) IK) you know what precau
tion the proprietor of the hotel bna
lovol of unrennoiiliiK Itinlluct" In tho
inlmnl world na la popularly nuppowod,
nml bo ncoini to banu the roinark iijki tiJ0 if),.r
tho fact Unit ho found cortiilu ' ' .rch'n plca.ura rcwrdlng thodcaperato
A Cnn of lntflr4rntatlon.
"What altall we do with ttia prl
oner?" domnnded the apokeaman of the
mob, "Do thou, O royal chamberlain,
hnato to tho presence of his rnajcaty
and learn hln wlah."
Tho royal chamberlain hurried to the
prcnnice ami bowed hlmnclf thrice to
Then he aaked tho rnon-
cuvltle or holon In a hay rick whero
ipnrrown rooked lined with feiithera,
nnd other not, lluml, write John ltur
rotiKh In OutliiK. Huch depnrturo
from n level lino of hiihlt na tliln nro
common enough nmoiiK nil creature.
Inatliict la not nomothliiK an rlk'ld h
cast Iron! It doea not net llko a ma.
cliliio, iilwnyn tho aamo. The auluinl In
ouiuUiIiik ullvc, and In nuhject to tho
Inw of variation. Inntluct mny net
iiioro ntrongly In one man than In an
other, or an one nnluinl mny hnvn
greater njn-od or courngo than another
at tlip nmnc npeclcn, It would he ttnnl
to llnd two live crenturtM, very far tip
III tho ncnle, exactly nilKe. A thrunli
mny uno much mud In tlio couHtrtictlon
of Km iieat,. or It mny unu little, or none
at all; tho orloln mny wetivo atrlux
Into It iio1, or It may ue only dry
Kriinne nnd borne lialr; nuuh cane only
nhow variation In thu action of In
atliict. lint If the oriole nbould build a next
llko a robin or a robin hulld like a
cliff wallow, that would be n depnrt
uro from Inntlnct to' tnke note of. Of
If tlio wlilpiMxinvlll nnd It nllled npe-
den In KurniK; nhoild perch norota the
limb luntend of eiiKthwle of It, or
Iht'wqod duck neat In mnrthe nnd tho
mnmh Imwlr iietlii trcti", then. Indeed,
would tlio dead loVel of liiNtluct bo vio
lently Wrenched. 'OrL-anlc llfo In nil lta
form la Ilexlble, tlio hnbltn of all tbe
nulitinl fliaiiKf more or lea with
chitiigeil condltlonn, hut the rang" of
Miicjiiatlon Iii' tho llvt-a of Uie wild
creature 1 Very limited and la nlwnya
dotc'rmlucd if hwVwnrd cjrcumntaucu
nnd not liy liwjlvldua'f million, a 'It ao
often I In the cajif of innn.
"Away wlUi him," anld Uie kin In a
loud, liurnh voice.
Hut tho chnmhcrlnln wan nomcthliiB
of n liiiinorlat and when he returned to
tho mob ho laughingly announced tlmt,
In reRnrd to tho tiiMiloinpi of the pris
oner, the kliiK had aald only that It wna
"a wny with him."
Whereupon Uio mob reluctantly re
leaned lta quarry.
Hut In trying, to explain the Joke to
tho obtuao klni; the royal chamberlain
heenmo confuneil nnd completely lost
hi bend. Ilnltlmore American.
Borne of Uie Cnnatla Kotorto Hud fay
the Vnntou Wit.
When a proay old boro atopped
Douslna Jcrrold, who was hurrying on
urent bualneaa alons Hoscnt street,
with tho aueatlon, "Well, Jcrrold, my
dear boy, what la solus on?" "I ami"
retorted Jcrrold, aliootliig post like an
arrow from n bow,
Alno to contribute to a third ntih
ncrlptlon which wna hclns sot up for
a recklenn Orub atrcet writer, Jcrrold
cried Impatiently, "How much doea the
fellow want thin time?" "Well, till
time I think Junt four and two nnuglit
will put him ntrnlsht." "Put mo down
for ono of tho nniishtn!"
A lawyer, replying to tho toant of hln
health drunk lit a dinner of nrtlittx,
ntnmmcrcd out tlmt Im did not expect
tho honor, u law c-ould hardly b con
nldercd one of tho art, whereupon Jcr
rohl Interjected ono word only,
A clergyman who wna Indecorounly P"11'""""
and uuclinrltibly denoimelns the jioor
One dose of Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral at bedtime prevents
night coughs of children.
No croup. No bronchitis. A
doctor's medicine for all
affections of the throat, bron
chial tubes, and lungs. Sold
for over CO years.
I lm ! Ajtr't Oiir j retflfl In mf
r taw Piirnt 7ars inerBiin-iininc 0.ui
reiiirlin'l fcMi, ipdlr forehll-
f.milr for ihl ;r Thertl. iwithinc 'til
drn." Mm. W. U. IlCTM.nbeibr.Jl.
Tlio ailiiepr"CJullo."
"Quite" ntrlctlr mean "comnletelv"
and In rlshtly urd In audi nentencea ' tor 'he number of children they bred
an "The flower In nulto faded." tin i wound up with the opinion that the I
.. ... ....! ..n .. .1.- - ..... ... UEMMMnmajauaHnnB
arroiiiiirj iiiitiniiiir, "very," "to a sreat , """" u,""5, " wn" ' " "n'i Keep tho Dowel opn with onob?
, ,.u, ...... i..,u. j.iiuiu iiiniuLii u nmriT , AVer O HIIIB at Dodtlmo. lust ono.
-, -.. . . r m .
J. a. Tin co
TjwpII. Mn.t
Night Coughs
extent," ban the authority of good
writer, though aueli exprennlonn a
"quite youiis" and "julle hot" hnrc u
colloqulnl rlns nlout them. There !,
however, nprlnslns up of Into the nlor
eply practice of employlns the adverb
"quite" with n noun f. s., "quite a
panic eimued.'f" If nu ndverb can mod
ify a noun, whern In the dItlnc(lonf
between adverb and adjvctlvc? An u
matter of fact, the function of the
adverb tsctin to bo encroaching on
thoio of tho adjective. London lie
rlow. . .
nnent, "Certainly, tho nurpHcu-populfi
'There' one aong In tin? Prodlgue,"
crlitl u munlcul Ixirc to Jerrold, "Which
tttwaya cnrrlen me nwny." "Would I
could nlug ltr" ejaculated Jerrold.
ftMfafh. filing 1IIAMM.IM .U.Mu4la IMlA
I Your ilrfli(l.l wrtlr.ruixl mmty ir I'AZO OIJJT
I tii lu eur xvuto bt H lJi. He
tjg ji4Ma&i p U i VartAtaTT'Oalray
Mncnrnnl M'lient.
Pnher'a triltl of lb in WliMt ( (lir kinrl
vrhioh Uugh nt drought and the etc
meula and pomtivel, motka Jllack ' Jttut,
that terrible erorc'i! "
lt' uro of yielding M bualiel of finrnt
Wheat the un ahineo on per acre on gOtxl
III.,' In., Mich., Ww., O.. J'a., JIo Neb.
laud and 40 to GO bunliel on and land!
No rut, no inccU, no failure. Catalog
tell all about it.
taken agalu.t flro? l'orfr-Ye. luunu. nnd gow u dry on
Uniiiiit in Hoop Uio Olrl.
Mr. Hiilnirli I think Mr. Lawnmon
nnmt hnve a clrl at lat.
Mr. Hiil.urb Why?
Mr. Huburli-I hear her flvlnj om
ono a leon on the piano.
Columbua, Ohio, May so, iooj,
fSIx years ago I bad a aevcro attack; of
Inflammatory KhcumatUm. I waalaldiip
in bed fur aix month, and tbe doctors i
had did mo no good. They changed nied-
ecrlbcd eccmed to help me, 1'inally I be.
f;an thatiMof S.8.S. Mykncoandcbow
ointa wcro awollen terribly, and at ono
icincs every week and uolhlng they prc
tlmo my joint wcro to awollen and naln
ful that I could not cloeo them when
opened. I was ao bad that I could not
tnovo knee or foot. I was gcttlngdIcour
aged, you may bo ourc, when I began S. 8.
B but as I taw 1 1 w as hclnimr ma I contln.
tied It, and to-day I am a sound veil man
and have never had n return of the disease.
I ti. B. ti. purified my blood and cured tno
oi una severe case oi uucumatitui alter
everything clso had failed. I have ico
commended It to others with good ro
SllUs. It, II, CilAl'MAtf.
Tho poisonous acids that produce the In.
flammatlon and jialnaraubsorbcdlutotho
bloxl and Rheumatism can never bo con
cjuercd till these are neutratUed and ill.
teredoutof IhoblcKxtnndaystcm. S.S.a
coca directly Into tho circulation nnd tl
tacks thedlscai itscir. It purlfjt'a nnd rc
tores tho blood" to n healthy, vlgormts
condition, It contains no potash, alknlf or
oilier strong ruiil
erola, but ia Riinr
anteod 'entirely J
bo has the placw Inahixired for twice
wot It' worth. Plttaburg Catette.
Frentled Finance: The rarmcr (ex
cltedly) Hay, Mlater Conatubble, i'vo
Jet bin bunkered out uv every durn
:entl The I'ollceiunn (Irritably! -Well,
don't holler to me. you comeon! I
ain't no mngnrdne publisher! Puck.
Mr. Wntkynn Henry, I want u dol
lar this morning. Mr. Wntkyn Oretit
('Ai-nnr, wuiuiiu! Do you think that I
am made of money? W'hen yoU wnut
largo amount you ought to let mu
know " hour In advance. Souwr
vlllo Jourunl.
Irnto Kinploycr He here, you young
llln Van Winkle, I only hired you yo.
terdny: and I bijllove, ..on. tny houl.
you've teen ntlovp around bore eVer
ahicifl HhHpy Joe 'lliht's what I
though you wlahrii; air. ; Hero's. yoir
advertisement:" "Wanted An oillco
boy, not over 10; muat sleep on tho
premises," New Orltxum Tlmes-leui;
ji-bt hrin 10c ai Titin .notici:
to the John A. fairer feed Co.. I. Crou.
Wis., andthey will end you free a. natnple
of tin Wheat and other farm eed, to
srtlirr with their great catalog, worth
I1DO.0O to any wide-awake farmer. I. C. L.)
Tlm Kins of Mnlluaks.
The king of mnllusks lives In the In
dian and Month Pacific oceans. He at
tains to a weight of 600 pounds, and
the shell Is of tbe blvnlvo kind, and tbe
eh n io Is about the name as that of our
common fresh water muimel. Tbe gl
gauUc Tiidacna Is the largest mollusk
known to hsvo lived on the earth since
the Silurian Age. It Is found on the
bottom of tho shallow parts of the
ocean, and Uie largo individuals have
no longer tho power to move about
They He on one aide, and all about
them the corals build up until King
Trldacna Is sometimes found in a
well-like hole in the coral formation.
St. Mchola
Between Friend.
Joe You look out of ort this mora
ine, old nun; what'a wrong?
Kred Oh, family trouble.
Joe Well. I'm orry to hear that.
Nothing serlou. I hops?
Kred I'm afraid It Is. I had a mlnn-
It may bo applied dally. A piece of ,anitandlns with my rich unci last
wool should bo Inserted between the
great too and the one next to It, aa thla
will Jielp to throw tho Joint In -toward
tbe foot.
Ilrouchltl - Hip a amall sponge In
methylated spirit and gently sponge
the chMt and throat with It several
time a day. It will give almost Imme
diate relief and help to clear tbe
The Treatment of Bunions. nun
Ion do not readily yield to treatment,
but I have found that tho following
method has been successful In many
cases: After bathing tho foot, apply
this preparation: Tincture of Iodine,
ono ounce; tincture of aconite (made
from the root, not tha leave), two
drams. Put tho liquid on with a cam
The Land of Hold,
The Yukon territory, which prior to
180J formed a part of the Northwest
Territory, ha no area of IHJ,70
square mile, IWK7 being land and
OJ'J water. Tin population Is esti
mated at li'.0W,' of -whom 7,200 are
KVtncrlrsn. Jt I purely a mineral
I fi,nlMAnJ l.n. n.l.....fl .1 cc-
when tho output df gold was first re
corded, to tbe end oM&V3, $97,003,500
In gold. Dawson, tho capital of the
Yukon territory and the rculdentla)
and cominercJril center of what la com
mouly known as tbv Klondike, baa a
population of 3,WW persons of various
nationalities, the Americans, with
'J.4SO, forming 70 per cent of tbe total
For Infants and Children.
Tlia Kind You Have Always Bought
Boors tho ry.yrSl
Slgnaturo of t&rtfC
Deullneil with Thank.
Dribbles Did you get a check for
that xein you sent to IJIank'a maga
zine last month?
Kcrlbblf Ve. flot it by return mail.
Dribbles PVir how much 7
Scribbles Oh, not much; only thro
words written with a bine pencil.
drawer and Importers of All Kinds of
Oruwi (incl I'lolU HaeUn
Dry eroond, dren-rootlnc grant eeecH tht
we wiu snarantee (o grow on arou, it mat will
lint nrwIUM cereal or inr uthnr kln.1 nt ..
s erop ot har and ix.ture a!' Mon
Adartu M. 1. Shield. & Co.. Maf
01 the rear
tow, Malta.
tint nr
Third Kail.
Eastern Man Visiting In the West
Has tbe third rail reached your town
Western Man Sure thing! We rode
a man out of town on Monday, another
man on Wednesday nnd the third was
rode out of town tonight Yonkers
$25 Per Day
Austin Well Drills
ld In all (Iim andtl
Writ for Cat :oir
sod I'rlees
Gen. Acts.
313 Comal Blfc
PorUioJ. Oie.
cbargo VMatavty;,
ntatlsm sent free.
Tbe Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, 6t
Keiituuky Stiiiuiuilii Huhixit.
Tcnchldv.svliool In the Kentucky
mountains 1ms nowr been cthv work,
and It I a uuostlou wlietln'r the ImiK'
suffering dOndnlft, who jitrlviw uientnllyi
nnd' physically wlth-'the fresh, uticul
Hired nntlvo pnnluct that la brought
under his care,' does,- not nt least' bear
off with liiui ill tflb ond of tho torm n
dlploimt tlmt would iidmlt him nt nuy
tlmo to nil tho glorlen nnd privilege of
miirOnliim. In n hind fuiuous for it,
fiiinlly feudi. nbunduntl fninlllnr with
tho sctluetlons of "iiiooiihl.ti," nnd
pushing lta politics to tho erge of rev
olutlou, trnctnldlliy lM nnn orlmy Is
Jiut n cluinigt.vrlsth; Irali- Neither nu
tlio nppllanctM.fot; teitchlngJiuiuMvus
or ndixiuuto. Tni),l)rLHcluvil hnd nu
text books whatever, hint lilKteml of
impvr, antooth lMnr f whlt'6 w'ood
woro ilawliwjth tbji jtilco of oakbnlli
f6r Jink.' To-dny thi' VipilpuVnt.'f tlW
log achnol housus tlmt. dot tho crccUs
nml nestlo nuionir tho hills of tho Aiilin-
fHcJilAp wlljlVrnces biht.uot, Uudcrgonci
n Vurv nmrkisl' mlvniU'O over those llrst
ilflmttlvo colidltlons: .V'lillo'lllo juitlvn
,vhviuu. ijiifi.niyi ' - - -I" l '.M ', . ,
us and our physl. iiuuiuit type. v auu ciwrncioriseu uy
clans will sulylsa Ui,o old-Un)Qivlntlousttr'Hslibnclinlifi(;ol
without ''nor 'mid mvim for" tho triiiumeUiof latter-
Onion for Cold. Do all mothers
know bow valuable onion or. as a
remedy for children's-colds? Never bo
without onions In the house, and alno
oil or some kind. Camphorated oil Is
generally the flrst remedy to uo upon
thu sppenrancc of a cold. Warm a lit
tle nnd oil tha chest nnd back (ns tho
lungs come ns near to thu buck as to
the chest), then oil the nose nnd notes
of the feet. This will often be nil that
Is necesinry; but If It Is pot, tnako an
onion syrup by slicing raw onions and
covering them well with sugar, and
putting them In the oven until ther
are well shriveled up nnd. the julep ex
tracted, then give a teaspoon occasion
ally. For older children make tha
syrup of treacle by sllclng-up an pnlpn
add putting It lo boll In half n cup of.
gulden syrup. When tho onion-Is well
cooked, strain, and give a tenspoonful
of the syrup ns needed. If tho cold
seems very tight, roast onions, then lay
them on n napkin nnd pour warm oil
over them, and put xm tho child's
chest. This should always be tried In
suvero case.
That's ft Pact.
"Capital and labor should go band In
hand," remarked the morallier.
"True," rejoined the demoralizer, "but
the trouble In too many men ar trying !
to get capital without labor."
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of thlitwrcr will be ctesseJ to
learn tbst t&era Is at least one dreaded dluase
tbst science Has twn atil to eure In alius
On tbe Tr.-!t
Pommel 'Slicker
-1 follow the
tnil from Texas
with Fish Brand "JfZftSXfo
BUckcr, tud far
a overcoat when
"" ecu, a wiod coat
vhf. wtody, a nln coat when it rained,
and for a coirer at nlfht if we ft to bed,
aod I win aa that I hare fotun mora
comfort out of your slicirr than any other
ooa article that I ever owned."
(TV.UXM u4 44nt eu
wnur f oil MucOdue b
Sw star a4 ea aeylkmtlM.1
Wet WeatlKT Oarmetit for IUSIbC
WaUior. WorklM. or
T&tKm 1 CVaRSk
CO., Limited
Joe Indeed? Did you lose tho ticket? staves, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
' i Cure is the only potltlra cure known to tho
K... v.i... ; meuieaiiraiomity. caiarro oeinir a conimu-
Ver DOIICO lir ' liun.llKtu.inilllfiii nunitliutinnal trat.
"Yes," remarked the man who occa
i tonally leta out ouly an audibl thought,
"It Is."
. "What 'tl that Is?" queried tho party
,wlth the rubber ImWt.
"It i easier to cut .an acquaintance
menu Hall sCaurrhCuro It taken internally,
aetlnc directly Un tbe Uood and mucous I
suriaces ot tbe system, thorcby d itiojing- tho I
a I
and uslttlnc nature In Joint!
foundation of tha dlMare, an
tun i sirtncm oy oniioiu
ctvina- tbe r-
up the contUlution .
lnir it
proprietors have so much faith In lu curstivo
ork. Tho1
i curstivo '
owcrs that they oltrr One llnndred Iollsrs
than It Is to carve a steak with s restnu-1 lornny caw tbatlt falls to cure. Send for lUt
rant knife," explained the noisy thinker. ' "Uddwa? R J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
' R.-.I.1 h..ln,m..l. -J.V-
CITP I'rrmaneally CurnL No flu m nerroutnns Halls laiaily I'Uls are the belt.
I 10 anrnmla'uiuriM'.i:iin.iituvn.. -
ir!!wf,r-5f.W (f ""' trialbiMlleami Irratlw. i
Ur. It. 11. Kllue, U4,urArrll t)U, I'hlladrtphla, !. '
n-a Nrnre
Those Rusalun Nnraeo.
CrlmHonbcuk U Jt wronir to
it t unlawful in franco for any per- with the mouthful?
Yeast Why, certainly It la.
"Well, how Is n innn to, talk about
those Kusslnn generals, then? , Y'ou,
son to civo solid food to Infants that
ore under one year old, unless on tho
.prescription of a physician.
To Trailo With Mnxluo.
Aectmllug to current rejvrtsV Can-.
nda Is lunklng a strong error t to build
up n Inrgo trade with Mexico. Tho
Cnnndliiu govcrniueut hnn agreed ta
give an nnuual spbuldy of $200,000 In
gold, nnd tho Mvtxlcnii government a
subsidy of $.'00,000 In silver, for a now
stunmshlp service tiutwvvn Mqxlcoflml
Ciunilnn tKirts, both on tho Atlantic
and I'lU'lflc ocen,ns.
The ltusHlan vurfriiini-iiC im iniw can't siM-nk their names without hav
llshcd half a dozen mixlul fnrms for the nz a mouth full! Yonkers Statesman.
cultivation of cotton lu different parts I 71 7Z T!T"
r T..ri.n I TheQno Itxccntlon.
' . Jlucgs Tho Ohinve claim to have In-
Hy counting the hairs on a square Inch, veuted nearly' everything.' v
fcf'the human soalp. a l-'renchmau has liuggs- Well, Judging -by the 'wny they
llfmntel that the number of hnlrs on tho '"wenr' their hair, they didu't invent foot
head of the, average. njon is;. IIT.PQ, j bsjl. ,. ' ' ' ' '
, i i i ... I
Hail Ilenn Thcrei ltenirc -For bronchia ifpunirjf fry Tlso's Cure
Messenger-Itoy Here's a ickag-forv '0r-,?o',u,'',o- ' d cough
you, r. ' .- k - ; tnedlciuc, AuUugg, pnr.e cents. .
W.lerly-,So7 vWhat is Jt'?., '. .';. L.iCMdhu ' '
MtvMoiuer lloy I'm not sum slrt but' ..... ..j j i. . .., ...-. .
I thlnkdt'a n W.-ahlaypre,.,.t -yonr wife f "n"a"" uuul """' ,u" "8n w
th'e bill nnd tej SuvltU-ni send him a nL,h.!,J,LR ,rorfto ,Ut
Kd ln tliu. Sold br drunuta. IM
diry clvlllarrtlon... ? -'r .
If you'c'Atl't'go 'to cfim'on'h' frlw'
without iiiidlng u clno,6tny" ut home.
If ybu cun't wnlk lip Btreot without
seeing a clue, thiow yourself Into tho
river, Thd world would ho bettor off
with every nuHplclous-iuluded poi'Hon
out of it, nnd ho shouldn't wnlt till
tho ice on tha river melts, cither.
. Tliey wero rcllriiltig tron n. husking
"Anji were thoro any red ears?"
asked the friend.
"Oh; yes." responded tho clrl in the
gingham dress. .','1 hnd two when pa
caught that city follow klsslug me."
Koiuiebec (Me.) Journal.
i ii. i
' Much the Kaslor Task,
.".fy uiy love, thlngf are so. beast
ly.bad;slon't yqu think you might hava
A try' (it making yodr own clothes?"
"O George, pet, I don't think I'm
clover enough for that, but I'll tell
you what? I'll hava a try at making
yours?" Modern Society,
Tha way of tha transgressor la hard
on his friends.
check for tho amount to-morrow.
Tune 4!Btle llpumo flyiu u T.tblv
liMs rrnidd tlw nii'iiiy Tf it flill.
urww'a aliiianiru la uu eurh U 31
lu rure.
In proceeding to explain the uses of
An ltlflllihf rti' 4t T..i.ln,k MiiKn.ll ..!..
k K.T nkel hr- clost: "In what.' other way
IJiileft"1 oldd an egg be hatched than by putting
Niipotoin'4Il(uktvr4trnallst. u "" a lieu? A briulit pupil replied:
Tho worst rtvWiu;nhWM Unit nny Vfl" "''k'1 l,ut " "'"'g; " U;H"
nirtll could hnvrrVNMWfMrt'ftcyes wns Mothers will find Mrs. WmsioWs 4Soothln
v Im) tut; 111,1 vVitasu . '. . -
The. third bank of .Iiipjin recolveil n
deposit of :uH) yon. whlcjji will remain
for, L'oO yeiCrn from Ui, AW. dealer In
coal diul -Jko at Tokyo.' Tho bank
bus" coutrWted to pity tho sum of
1, "JOS, it 1,1 711 yen nt the end of 250
people yearn.' Thu fuUje of the tiwposltor
Napoleon avits a Jliiriklsba man. mill he himsulf
lived tottoy,, tWIUi $H vuvf rj thought was an lco boy some twenty years ngo.
aiitlclpnfotC In Uiout5p, Some. Lately tho futhoc lost n ship In a
good neWspapVrUfl'-rtiriNlt: lul.v'e, -stofiu. The aljlp liijil been Insured for
saved him In tho KHiwInii campaign Jl.000 yen.' 'TUo lufflioy received from
nils! Intftl" Mr Vii tikrtrt Vmh Vnl. ilin Iiil.ii.m.a a,....i... .... . i.i
Iii boh n if of hln poHtortty. I
10,000 PFanis for f 6c.
JLOT CrUtTaM IIM1 (rUl ar pieuilarM axj
hB-USrra BsNl1 WAaUl avuy MUtr IB
'iBMrlM. TbrlroU)
Wo ab oTtr kJbM Atrr tar U im
i (iatPtleB lf Our Wfai--amaltl aat0dt.
ljionlrilBjDCV90t lotrr lhm
a i4Kt yon ttt lolMwlutf upr J
CMimwa DDir
For 1Q Oontm PoafamlJ
i I AM t Wl J , MtUta sM4 UU C44M,
tM MoMlbf rtrr.
tUOO ttlaA ttf UitaaM,
1MO 9pim4U 0WaH
1M 6Urt aw It ftHUM IUvrt,
tltal .l to crow iW pUai fttt
m nine Dnineii or uriiuuBaV
or ia ti . lx t M r w 1 1 b r irr
rmUavtOgT tl intf tlisv&out llowtrr,
UaHr. iMMoUl FlTilU, !(., all I fOJ"
iWlsttUtraip MHU II1 !.?
tjoj. La Crosso, Wla.
to bo n novvsdapljr Mp.Wwrtig after d9yrup tho twnromcdytouso lor their cWldren ,
,i... ..... .. ,.Aj .I,..i..1u .... . diulnirthe teclhlnr rurlod. ' i
uio ioui iirunuiirvr' rsnreTtX"r.ruiio. ----.- - , .
who was ilvjj m 5,M;oUkwJU Uio
Knipcmr, aoljcl flhjtijiarpoiit for
ouo of hl-,rt4qturnirHjicvJV .
' "Whatrfsffdojij;;-!! Nnpo
Icon. "Hohri.,bKin aOuKriiiilHst. n
Clean Your Grain
censurer, a gijer or nqviccaii Teg
of sovereigns, a tutos, of iiArttnm. ,T
lllcetro Is tho 'fltti Ulac'efor
of that Ktmup." Supposo '
MILL, with Sacking attachment,
will clean and grad: all kinds of
Grain and Seeds. The only machine
that has sireens and riJilw made
especially for cleaning grain oi the
Coast. To convince you that this
Grain Cleaner is as represented I will
send you one on 30 days' fre trial
and will pay the freight.
Write me ht our Descriptive Cat
alojue and won time" proposition
it wii'I Interest you.
Dcpt. 11
Portland, Oregon
P.N. U.
mul later
at Waterloo,
W11KN writliiB toadvertlsorspleoso
luenttuu till lHar.
Color more, good brighter and faster colors than nny other dye. Ono 10c packaEe colors sits, wool and cotton eousllv well and 1
rarrn3&" p"a" -- wr!!.,,ircf,?,.o,,t)52idac,:,'h",snd,i: