The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 14, 1904, Image 7

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    Jill Humors
Aro Impuro tuntlorn which (lie skin,
llrcr, kltlnoyn mid othor oralis roo
not (nhu caro of without liulp, thoro li
inch nn accumulation of thmu.
Thoy llttiir thu wliolo system,
riinpc, holla, curwnit mid othrr
eruption, l of appetite, thut tlrml
fonlliiK, IiIHoiir turns, III of indlKrn
tlon, dull headaches nud many othor
trouble aro duo to the in,
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Itfinoro nil humors, ornrromo nil
tholr rffrcti, strniiKlhrn, tuno and
Invigorate the vrholo system.
"I had Mil rheum on my hinds o that I
ould nut work. 1 took Hood's Hrsirllla
lid It ilroTd mil tlio humor. I nmlllilird
It uh till Id lore dliapirnl." Mas.
Ill O. IIkdhk, Ilumford Falls, M
Hood's Onrsopnrllln promise to
euro qnd koops tho promise
irr I'IkI'" fur n Maunvliin.
All Aincrlrnii Intvclcr who cipliircil
tint northern utrt if Hllicrlii'atiito Hint
tin fiiuiiit In llii' hut of n Korak piMtn
nut a pli'luro of Mayor Dlx rut out of
' ropy of llnrpxr'it .MitKuglno. 'Urn
.Major' phiiirn win rtithroiiiil on a
wooden alirlnr, nnl ailnrvil liy thi'
Korak mill hi fainlly a tliclr liouao
liolil dolly.
Till In prnlinlily tho nut rilrciui'
mm- on m'uril or vt-ticrntloii for n mitt;
Kxlnn paw. Hut flftj- yi'iim ako In till"
t-oiiutry It "nn nut uiii'oiiiiiioii to II ml
ilim'ln copy of a iuiikiixIiii Im-Iiik read
liy lirti'i'ii or twenty families every
month, mid ri'xnnlrd by all m an In
fallible mithorlty.
It la on Id thut when the Hlmh of
Prmln Tlnllrd ICniclitml m-vvrnl year
alio It wa one of hi chief ilr;tit to
buy iloten mnKRitlirn mid "rrad tlir
pletiiriHi." A there nrn only about
n.f0 people In l'erla who ran ronil
mid write, liU miiaifiniMil at tho mini
lir of iiiflKntliifi li not mirprlilue.
Woman'! Homo Companion.
.Sure Cure ut Last.
Monllcallo, Mis., Oct. 3 Hprclal)
Iiwrnlicp county In In almost dally
receipt of firth nvlitrtic that a sum
euro for all K.ilney Trouble haa at last
lxn found, and that euro la Podd'a
Kidney I'ilU.
Among thoaa who have rrason to
blras tlio (Irrat Amrrlcan Kidney Rem
edy la Mra. I.. K. Ilsgtt of thla placa,
Mra. lUKvrtt had .iiopay. Dodd'a Kid
uay I'ilta rilled hrr.
"1 wh troubled with my kidneys,"
Mia. llaggett as In rrcommandliiK
Dodd' Kidney I'll'lato hrr frlendi, "toy
urlno would haidly pas. Tha doctora
raid I had Dropsy. I hate taken
Dodd's Kidney I'lllaaa directed and am
now a well woman."
Dodd'a Kldnry l'llla corn the kid
neya. Cuird Kldnrya atratn all the
Impurities out of the hlocd. Thla
lurana pule Mood and a sound energetic
txxly. Hodd'a Kldnry l'llla ate thr
ltrrnti't tonic the woild haa ryct
ItlfiV .SpeaklMS of hiTfllty, do 7u
Irrarioltvr I'nrreitrr, who UhhcM uif
wild land mut turiiol It liitu a farmT
Wink- -Ym, lir waa thn Iturntur of a
Try rlTrcllrii Mump fuller.
Itlnk Jut n. Well, hit ton li a
Vtrjr upcenflll deutfit.
Wild Orue Jail,
fitrlp (Ho fruit from tho aloni. wnrli
and put In n pit n or Jiir ai-l lu n InrRi-r
rt'anol of hot witcr. Cook until tho
urnpra nro hrokrii; then atrnln. Mimih.
uro tho Julco. mid for vry pint allow
n pound of aiiKnr lu almllotv pnna In
III., nv.ti .aft...... .. ....I. .. . .... . I
..... uii-ii, nimn ii win nrni um not
turn yellow. Cook thrt Julco twenty
mluutPR, aklmmliiK all Impurlllea from
It! mid tho aiiKiir; allr until dtaxolvrd,
reruovo tho apoou, cook n moment or
two loiiKrr until (ho liquid Jclllea
when dropped on n rold pinto; pour
Into Jolly kIiikhc nud cover whuu
Corn Huiip.
Three cupfula of llnely RMtcd roril,
one ipiurl of wilier, one ipliirt of rich
milk, the yolka of two pick, one leu
Mpoouful ificli of milt mid Mipir. one
liHir (eiiKpoonfiil of pepper, one tlllile
poourul iwich or butler mid ilour. Moll
the colm In Hie witter one-linlf hour.
Ktriiln nud pour over the rorii. cook
twelve iiilniilex, mill the milk, the aen
miiiIiik mid tho Hour mid butter well
rubbed lofti'ther, cook ror three min
ute Ioiikit, wnteliliiK well Hint It iJoea
not burn. Now remove the Knucopmi
from the atuvo nud mid thu i-m; yolk,
well ben ten.
To be sure, you arc growing
old. Hut why let everybody
sec if, in your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone ngc. If you will
Hair Vigor
only use Aycr's Hnlr Vigor,
your gray hair will soon iiave
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for GO years.
" t m nt r M tmm nM. m1 I
tlilrk.ilixir l""t i"i '"'' "lilrh I
ttnmlr In f arr nn wlift It, A(t nM
rli l,lr In II. Il.lun In Atar'i llilr Vlmr
Ma. II. II. liuatu, licld. Minn.
flM) ImiIII.
4 c irinco,,
White Hair
Mr. Dlx (who hn been nhrond) I
youtiK Uotrox tlll puylnif ntlcntlou to
your dniiKhter?
Mr. Ilix Oh, no; that I n tliln of
the piiHt.
Mrn, Dlx Whnt wnn Iho trouble?
MrM. Ulx They woro murrlud lant
For forty j-ear'a riao'a Cure for Con
atloiptloii ha mired coiikIib and cold. At
druggUti. I'rltA'acaiiti.
Tho Proper Time.
"Hay, pn," (iierlel little Johnny Hum
pernlckle, "when do kIioMm walk'"
"I'rohnbly In tli dad of lilslit, mj
on," replied Un old man.
l!R AiItIco.
"Knppoe," akl the man who wan
looking fur free Information, "I ahould
fall tliroMgh a defectlrr aldewalk and
pralu my ankla, wbat would you adTli
uie to do?"
"Well," replied the lawyer. "I'd adrl.e
you to ronie to me and plunk down $10
a a retainer then aik we that question."
lMt llerll'a I'imhI.
Mnlf n eup or KrntiMl chocolate, a
Kill or milk, n Imir cup of brown aiiK'nr.
Iloll thoe tiik'nther until na thick aa
cremn mid let them cool. Mix well
together n cup of brown atusnr. u hnlf
cup of butter, two benten ckk. two
third of a cup of milk nud rnullln
flavoring. Into thla bent the ImiIImI
mixture nud ndd two cup of flour
thnt burn lireli well alfled with a
braplnjr lepMinfiil of baklliK powder,
lake In a lonf tin. Cover with a
chocolate IcIiik.
CliiK-ntule Puitillna;.
Till make another delightful vnrla
tlon. Mix hnlf n cupful of auunr with
Ix ounce of i;mti-d cliocolitte. 1'our
over thla one cupful of bolllui; wntrr
and atlrovvr the ItollliiK teakettle until
thick and amootli. Then let It K't cold.
Flavor with raullla. Htlr thla Into
three cupful of cold bollrd cuatanl.
i'and chill on Ice. Kerve with rleh atew.
rd atrawberrlea or with whipped
M v
flweet Potatoes.
After awert potatoe hnve hern par
boiled and allred lencthwlie they
ahould be aprliiklrd IlKhtly with white
papier, iclven a ilnU of aalt and plncrd
lu the oven for a few momenta. Then
they aro to hnve n drealuic of pkk mid
bread crumb poured over them and
put below the flnnie of n Kit rmiKe,
where they cnu broil. Minced pnraley
I to be atrewu over them Juat before
they aro aellt to the table.
Uracil llutlrr.
Into three ipmrl of elder allco
piioiikIi peeled peuclic to thicken It
mid boll Htomllly until the fruit I re
duced to n pulp. While cookliiK "Mr
friMUeutly. Tnkn from tho lire, aet
aalde until cold, return to tho tire mid
atew for mi hour Ioiikit or until brown
nud thick. I'nck down lu u atunu
Title or Iloutiinil OrlRln.
Contlneiitnl title auvo or tho hlKh
et aort have been viewed with au
plclou In thla country, hut tlionn of
KliKlmid hnve been iicccpled with nl n Implicit filtli na Itmik or
KiiKlmid noten luaplre. Yet the her
nld'a ctilleKe lately innde the remurk
nble naaerllou Unit mmiy peraon nro
uilue Ixik'U title In I'liKlnnd mid that
oilier lire unIuk title to which Uiey
hnve not etiibllhed their clulm mid
probiibly could not brink' any ntlfnc
lory proof. And Uie alitor of Dod'a
I'eeniKe admit Hint there nre between
llftyndx nnd alxty bnroueta wlioe
clnliua would not bear too cloic acru
tiny. For example, an nmbltlou and re
tired biilnen limn iimutMl Hmlth may
II lid lu aotiie lecludetl pnrt of the
country Mime Innda formerly owneil
by Mime extluot family of Hmlth who
had Keed n title. lie buy the
(iroperly. quietly claim dracent mid
ciHilly mmiime the title. In Iondon
audi a courao would probably be ex
poed. hut III Uie country people are
lea autplelou. Nor I uch Impoiture,
It Neein. contrary to KiikIIhIi Inw. It
appenr nlo that mmiy of the title
which enjoy loni: atmidliiK were aa
aumiM In aoine audi way, perhnp cen
turle aKo, ami owe whaterer validity
they Imvr to long ue. A general acru
tiny or Hngllah tlUe mlctit be a very
painful thine HprlORfleld (Maaa.) He
putillcan. New York.' Claaalo Cttlea.
New York Ktnte la full of cltlra nnd
town of claalc nomenclature. Thcro
liuut havo been a wave of Orneco
ltomnii lore when the chrlfttcnlnir of
miinlclpolltliTi took place, with n by
product of Aalmilam aa a acnuonlni;.
There an audi name a Home, Troy,
Allien, Cnlro, Hyrncuse, Ithnm,
Hpiirln, Italy, Greece, Kcypt. Tyre,
Memphlii, Venice, Florence, Corinth,
I'nnun, Milan, Nnplea, Hector, Ovid,
Delhi, Delphi, Dlmin, Pari. Pompey,
I lion, Palmyra, Palermo, Marathon,
Mycenae, Naoll, Nineveh, I ta by Ion,
llomutu. Kllomn. SmyriiH. t'tlcn, Vlr
Ell, Homer, Clecro, Ceroa, etc.
Couldn't I leu it Mualo.
"Pfwat'a that. MoikT ke.l Pat, a
he plektol up a Hebrew iiewper.
"UVurry, Ol initio of wat tune It dn
be," replied Mike. "Ol'm not aftber
kmiwlu' wan note from another,"
To Hrtak In Mew Shoe.
Alwr like In Allen' foit-Kfe, a powiler.
It cure hoi, wfIlnr, aj'liliiK. wullri lift,
cure form, Ingrowing; nll ud Uinlon. At
II ilrugglit anil h(i torei,ar' lion'l rre,t
nyfiilxllliile Hinpl mllet K1IKK. Aildrnti
Alleu 8. Olmileil. Hoy, S Y.
A Hoprlea Can.
"linn Georee ever hllited that be ba
thotiKht of you a a poIble wire?" aak
rd the anxloii mother.
"No," replied the fair girl, with a far
away look In her eye, "and Pin afraid
ho never will,"
"Why," aald the mother, "I thought
"Never mind what you thought, mam
ma, dear," Interrupted the daughter.
"Only laat night he complained of feel
ing weary, and It wasn't 0 o'clock."
I'roroalonnl Hnoreta.
Lawyer are men who work with a will
At lent, ao the doctora wiy.
Hut the lawyer' work doexn't begin un
til The doctor haa pared the way,
Hmr. or Ohio, Cirr or Totroo,
I.UCA ioukty, I "
KaADK J. Ciiknkt make olh that he I
enlor partner ol the linn of Y. J. CiianarA
Co., doing l.tiMnex In the r;llyofTolelo,(,'uiin.
ty and Htliliiel'l,li(l tlitiill firm 'AW
lr theiiotnolONK lIl'MIUKII IXll.t.AIIR for
each ami ererycuwiol (itxkkii tlit cannot to
ctued by the ue ol lliLL' (tiihii Vjinr.
flworn to lforn me and aiitwrrlle'l In my
preM-nce, tliliCtbday ol :e-einlr, A. l.,lt
Noury l'
llall'f'tarrh Cure la taken Internally, and
aria rtlrretly on the Mood and mueoui nrlti
ol the frttein, Hcnd f. r teallrnnnlali, free.
V. 3. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, 0,
Hold Vr Tlrogglttf, V..
Ilall'i Vnnlr 11IU are the bett.
Mlacrlca or Wealth.
Illnka Tliere I a man who can afford
to hang hi orercoat on a fifty-dollar ball
rack, lutead of auapending It from a oall
In the wall.
Wlnka How do you know?
Illnka Ilia orercoat la humpbacked.
a omi.'ri nriiooi, or Tiir. iikiiiikt
t l,tMeoriil tcrl.e'a,toelln.lulM
Inr equipment the Lil Ktnd lor cat
alogne. Tumi Opoii Hopt umlior in. IOQ4
Positions Qunrantccd.
IV" forfeit pUt"! with a National Hank to
make good any failure 'in our part. l-ijn
j mall, practically free, Will today for
IJeutel Huslncgs Colleze,
Columbui, Ohio, May so, 1903.
Six year ago I had a aevcro attack of
Inflammatory Rheumatism. I waalalduti
in tied for air mouth, and the doctora I
had did mo no Rood. They changed rued
lcinca every week and nothing they pre.
acrtbed termed to help me. Pluallr I be-
nn tlio uie 01 H. . . My icnce anueioow
oluta were awollcn terribly, aud at one
fine mv lolnta were ao awollen and rain
. . .. - ... , . -,
tul that 1 coil lu not cioo 111cm wutn
opened. I mi ao bad that I could not
move knee or foot. I wa Kcltlufdltcour
aged, you may be aure, when I began S. 8.
8., but aa I aw It wa helping inc 1 contin
ued It, and to-day I am a aouud well man
and have never had a return of the dlaeaae.
8. 8. 8. purified tny blood and cured me
of thla severe ceie of Rheumatism after
everything else had failed. I have reo
commended It to other with good re
aulta. K. II. CuAruAN.
1355 Mt, Vernon Ave.
Tho jolionou acid" that produce tho ln
(lamination and pain aro ubaorbed into the
blood and HhcumatUm can never be con
quered till these are ncutrallxed and fit
tered out of the blood and system. 8. S. 8.
r.oea directly into tue circulation auu ac
'...1.. il.a.lla,.. It mir!lin anil rr
dli;a. IHVili-t" .... ...... .
etorca the blool to a healthy, vigorous
condition, It contains no KUsh, alkali or
n.l.AM a..... ..litis
crals, but la guar,
anteed entirely
Trgetable. Wrltd
us and our physU
clans will adylso
without any
charge whatever,
Our bookon Rheu
matism seut free.
Tbi Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, Qia
i I In It rd llunnuu.
Add one hnlf cupful of uinple alrup
lo one cupriil of boiling wuter, iiIno
n tahlcapoonful of coniHtnrch blend
Ml with it little milk. Add the julco
of 11 lemon und boll thick. Hutter 11
linking dlah mid allco live Imiintni lu
'It, pour over the anuce, cover the top
with buttered bread crumb and linko
until brown. Kerve Imincdlntely.
Potutor llnkeil III Cremu.
Iloll Lhu polutooa, mid when cold cut
thoin lu very amiill plectvi. Put them
lu a amieo pan over tho tire, inoUton
well with cream, mid pepper and aalt
to tnatv, aud when hot turn Into n
baking dlah. IIuvo the dlah full, level
It off, aprluklo hits of butter and aoiuo
I rated clu'iwo over tho top und browu
ji a hot oven.
Corn OiticUt.
Heat four egga well, ndd four tuble
poonful of crrnm und cook lu u but
teretl frying pnn until net, Ileforo
folding Hprlnklo with nult uud pepper 1
and tiprcud with gruteil corn from four!
boiled ears. Tho corn hIiouIiI be Hllgbt.
ly heated boforo Hpreiullug 011 the ome
let. Kohl uud Rorvo nt once.
Popcorn Piiddlnir.
Pop hoiiiu corn ulcoly, then roll It na
lino ua you cnn. One pint of the corn
to 0110 nuiirt of aweet milk: ndd a
mull piece of butter, one teiiapoonrul
of runt, bent two eggu witli euougii
ugnr to Mweeten thu milk; mix ull
together, Huku twenty mlnutoa.
Whipped Crcuin Kroatlnu.
Whip u pinto of cream very atlff, ml
ding to It enough powdered augur to
sweeten to tnatv. When stiff enough
to atnnd 11I0110 spread quickly Hiid
lightly 011 tho cake aud servu at n-.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
$ Pao-Slmlla Wrappr tow.
Peat galanl.l itanJarl wrought Iron pipe
i Inch, tW per IU) le-U Ileal glnll
laiidard wrought Iron pipe. ! lnan, 17.9 per
VM feet All alica In 1,1 ack and galranlicl
pit at loweat market price. Mood ptirotn
tat.aellr one Larrel rr minute. 11. Ilublxr.
Mratncr and canraa lulling, note and patting
at whole.! prlcea. Writ ua lor your waoU
In Ihe machinery line. Irritation pltnu a
lelJly Utlaraon Machlntry Co., Port
land, Oregon.
For Cupboard Corner
St. Jacobs Oil
StraltM. ttrtmc. nrt. If tk Utt
bouMhoU rctn4r Ice
Rheumatism I
Neuralfila, Sprains
Lumbago Brtiisefl
DacHache Soreineasi
Scistics SttfTnesa
Prlcoi, 35c. and JOc,
A. . . ,.,
lir.uuee wo
lli't wondffal ilil
tr doctor U tailed
irtsU tcsaa b cnrr
vpl without oparrsv
I km tbal vr KlT op
1i Ji. II rarvai wtifa
lho wondtrfut Oil
phtt. roots, irtMit.
LM ftmi vrYlMai
UtiU M llrvlj nn
know to mdicsk. ?
nr In thta oaiatrfv TbrwiaTti
ibs tiMn.UM rvrodl Una famvut tfocioc
httnwt Hi m-Imhk of ovrr Utt differ fat rnv
nn. which t qcc folly U difftrvol
d . !! foartttfr lo rvtf cutatrh, sVU
m. nt IbroaiU rttomalU, fsarrvovtaastaa.
Momsvrh, Mf, KidnoyB, ttc, bM badrdi of
Irillhieiiili Cbn modrroio. Cil od
- bint. I'ottvnta oal of tb rtlf wrtu to
Minn suvdetrruloA. iwod im CUMtUU
ThcC Get Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
vJismtA'A. fgw
ih vt of
IS AUtr Hi..
farlU4. Orgo.
P. N. U.
No. 41-1904
WIIHIf writing taderUrsplal
tnrntliiD thla Mr. I
Write for CotaloRue and Prices
Very small aatd oaay
to tako a aatrar.
. ajmWUirfH wyjwta auaastyi.
DaMtOouil Sjrup, -rute4Utxd. jM f!
la tlma. rltilil hv drtlsTtflkta. 9H
Wrn rxtrai-tonanrallywirtsalh wltt
-nt Muting a hit, and il In nvw t vin Ibr
atne day II Jim dealre.
Our ajralem of rrwn ant Uldg work I
linjilc, ijulct and .alulH.
Kcventccn )rar'eipcrfcnn) In )te wo k
rtiablfa ua lo rli jour mouth ixiuilorlably
H be lct-lltigaa well you.
fu crniiiiga tlll'J fuudaja lrom9 to 1
I'hone Main 'X,
cm .4bI
.. l 4J a.
WISE BROS., Dentists i0tirMn''iutXo&iU
aA: "ouf Oricr
11 fef courted hj local grooon, write WaJbaiui u CoH who wiU dviMj watjr-i ooiauii.
P ii
s v