The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 30, 1904, Image 3

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Sarsaparilla is unquestiona
bly tho greatest blood and
liver medicino known. It
positively and pcrnianontly
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. 16 is
tho Best
Blood Medicine.
NIhiwm Vnlun or Notns.
A well known milliliter la telling in
onceilotii HlH)tit n brother cluruymnit
who wan iriiilrtit tiiioxpootmlly to of
flclntn at tint finirriil of ninti con
cerning whom tin knew nottilnif, When
Jin urrlvrd at the town wliero tint Or
irasiil hnit llvrtl ha hnil Just tluin to
make n few Inquiries about his trait
anil acJilr-vt'im'nts, tho results of
which ho noted on a memorandum.
1 1 In iiilotf at the service, an reported,
wus nlioiit ni follows:
"Our dear hrolher, whom wo mourn
to tiny, was a iniin of niro character
ami nhlllty. lie hnil the mrntul enpne
lly of a" referring to hi notes
"Daniel Webster, lh tnet of a"
nu'sln ifiiiHUllliitf Ills memorandum
"Henry Cloy, tho lierlluaelty of a"
another ntfereiieo "1'lysses H, (Irani.
We ean only mourn him with a pro
fiiuiul ami inrrowful rrcret now t tin t
he linn kiiiiii to mrtt his" another
roferuncu to Urn notes "(Soil."
The Why.
Driimmoml, Wis., Kept. IV (Bpedal)
Whole (smllles in lUyflelil county
aie lnt;lni the praises of Dmlil's Kid
ney I'll In mill tint reaion why la given
In espeileuces inch as that of 4Ir. T.
T. Wolil, n wall known cltlion here.
"I I mil ucli palna 'n my back that I
Jul not know what to do," ssys Mr.
Wold, "and aa I cam across an adver
tisement of Dmld'a Kldnny l'llli I ssut
fot ii box. That on boi relieved me
cil all my palm. My wife alto used
thrm and found thtiu Junt what aha
needed. I rrcommund Dodd's Kidney
I'llla aa a aure rills for llackahe, and
other Klilnoy Trouble."
lUckachs la one of the earliest
symptoms of Kidney disease. Doild'a
Kidney I'llla cuia it promptly and
permanently and prevent It dcvsiopliiu
into Kheiiuiatliin, Diopey, Diabetes or
llrlKht'a Dlseato.
Here.t H.r Illalit.
Ho Alasl uiethlnka your heart U
Hhe Thnl'a a fact. 1 ahould have
heeded mothrr'a advice.
lie Mother's silvlce?
Hho Yea. Hb advised me not to
wear a thin waUt until It cot warmer.
AU! AUukt
T!i. foot-killer sat In hit esey rhilr
emekln his (l of clay, for he hadn't
a ttiliitf to do on earth but whll. tht tint
away. Hut soon tbe fnolklller's pipe
went out and tlirn lie burnt Into teera;
It waa only a dreetn his regular work
waa behind full a diuen years.
Fur bronchial trviieit t try IMtn's Cure
for C'oiniinijitmn. It la (ihhI eiugh
medio! nt. At ilrugjcMi, price 36 cania.
A Comollnn Thought.
IlrainbUYri, I'm ugly, I know I'm
uglyi but there la one grand cumulation,
Krlend What U that?
Ilramlile If tfrr I iliould become
great, and the Aliirrlcan people etiouUl
resnlte to rrrct a ttatur to my memory,
they won't be ahtt to make me out any
uglier than I am.
When a child I had a very eevere at
tnckof Diphtheria, whiclicameuearprov
InH fatal. V'pon recovery the glands of the
neck were err much enlarged, and after
the free uie of iodine, the rirtit one was
reduced to Its normal aire, but the left
one continued to Krvf very slowly at
Tint, until it was about tlie-slieof joose.
ckBi which began to press on the wind
pipe, cauiing difficult breathing, and be
camo very painful. An incision waa made
and a lsriJe quantity of pua discharged.
The gland was removed, or as much aa
could with safety be taken out. I'or ten
years I wore alittle piece of cloth about an
inch long la my neck to keen tho place
open, During thla time I had to have it
cut open by the doctor every time I took
coldortheopeulugclorgcd, IntheSpriug
or early Summer of 1M4 I was persuaded
by niy wife to tire 8. 8. 8., which I did,
strictly in accordance with direction!. I
took twenty-nil large bottles, and waa en
tirely cured, for I have not suffered sltico
that time, II. 8. Uaomnd.
Hoyal Hag Mfg. Co., Charleston, 8. C.
Only a constitutional remedy can reach
nil hereditary disease like Scrofula. When
the blood is restored to a normal condition
ami tho scrofulous deposits are carried off
there la 11 gradual return to health. 8.8.8,
Stjyj 13 ITCH 11UTTU U
Apt blood purifier and
1 tonic. It is tho
VL a nly guaranteed,
strictly vegetable
L reraedysold. Ifyou
V have any signs of
i Scrofula, write us
M and our physicians
kW will advise you freo
Tbe Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, Qa.
WI1011 tho holla on n rurtil tulephono
circuit begun merrily Jingling 0110 Juno
morning half n dozen young women In
mi ninny fiirinhoiisen formolt every
thing olsit, ami with piiptir mid pencil
hoforn tluiiii took tip tlio rrcelvera. It
wiih tint ugioed tlino for n rovluw of
iiiK'leiit hUlory, prior to tint llnal ex
amination In tho "consolidated" high
school 011 Monday.
"I any, girls" Mild tho Drat volco
when nil were ready, "what doea any
body know 11 ho ut Moe7"
"Oh, that' easy, Ilnurlnttn," was
the anawer along tho lino. "Horn 17UH,
went Into exllo KSUH, ciiiiia back to
Kgypt IDoH and led tho Hebrews out
of bondage. IIo died when he wan a
hundred and twenty years old."
"l'lnase say thoso dates again,
"Hovonteeiithlrty-elght, alxtcrn-nlno-ty-elght,
"Anm't you Kiiylng them backward?"
"Why, no, stupid. It's II. ()."
Tunt's 'Haekward Cviintlng,' you
know, Henrietta," luterrtiuted u third
"Oh, yvn, of course. I ought to have
known. Hut any, girls, that's Just
whul I want to know uIkhiI. How did
you do It?"
"Io whatr "
"WJiy, keep track of what year It
was when they had to count buck
waril. Do you suppose Moses knew
how old he was going to be when he
tiled, and kept saying,'! was a .hundred
and twenty when I wus born, lu sev-eilteull-elghteeu
I'll be a hundred'
and o on til ho died"
"Of cwurso not. Thoy wuutnl their
agre forwanl."
"Whilt I want to know," Mid velec
numbnr four, "Is Ixtw thny kunw what
year to begin to count with. Now of
course we are adding a figure every
year. Wo started with Uie year our.
Thla is nlnetren-four, of coursr, and
next will be nlneteen-Qve. Hut how
did those old-timers know lu seventeen-thirty-eight
H. 0. that It was 'suing to
be Just that many years to tbe year
xero, or to whatever they called It be
fore our reckoning began?"
Into the tmiiNiiiltters of half a dozen
telephones ami along a dosen miles of
wire was launched a confuse! murmur
of uxclamatlou and query. At Inst It
quieted down when the calm voice of
Henrietta was heard coming down tho
"Oh, I enn answer thnt one myself,
girls," sho aald. "It was started that
way, ami all they had to do was to
kvep track. It's marked here In tho
Hlble that Adam was born In four
thousand and four, and of course,
knowing that, all he had to do waa to
subtract one every year. It waa bound
to come out even."
fllvn llm Hoys I'oultry.
Aa usual, there is loud complaint
from farmers that the children brought
up 011 the farm art getting uneasy and
want to try their wings elsewhere.
This Is not to be wondered at when
these young people bear and read of
what is going on In the world. Tho
monotony of country life seems unboar
ubte to them, especially wIm-ii from tho
farm they obtain only plenty of hard
work, the food they rat and tho
clothes they wear. True, one may nay
that Is about all any one geta out of
life, but If wo can plun some way
by which tho young people can innko
u start for themselves they will bo
much tuont contented.
Poultry offers a way of trying out
tho feeling of tho young folks at small
expense, (live them a chance to raise
poultry and have the procmls for their
own use, and In a year or two they
will have lcomo reconciled to coun
try life and bo willing to innko It
their future or they will have" tdiown
their utter lack of adaptability for It,
lu which en so tho best thing for them
n ud for tho parent Is to lei them leave
tho farm and take up tho work for
which they are better llttwl, but don't
loso your grusp on the young peoplo
without drat giving them a chauco
to do for themselves on tho farm and
show what U lu them. Indianapolis
Dnolnrrs Kaklmo Doomed.
The Kov. Mr. ltyberg, pustor of tho
First Cougregatlonul Church at Nome,
urges President Hoosovelt to do some
thing toward wiving Iho Ksklmo popu
lation of Alaska. '
"Though they hnvo saved tho Uvea
of hundreds of gold seekers," tuiya ho,
"this kind and childlike ruco Is rapid
ly passing away. Its members uro
meeting n hiiiI and undeserved fute.
Shamefully neglected by our govern
ment, tho last chapter of their history
Is being rapidly written In cruel char
acters of neglect and wuut, dlsvaso and
Tho minister declares that tho res
ervations uro unsuitable to Usklmos,
but that four to six colonics between
l'olnt Harrow and tho mouth of tho
Yukon will solve tho problem lu two
When wo read that 11 person who
aviih sick a number of yoara was al
ways patient, wo wonder If tho siuno
can bo sold of tho attondlng klu.
Puss Drntli Wntoli Kvory Day.
"What nro you doing sitting Idling
wlillo your fellows do all the work?"
said tho lawyer from tho Ktoek ICx
cliiiugn llullding to tho uudorgrouud
cnhlu workman, Tho oloetrlclau waa
sitting on a tool box hcNldo a ninnholo
nt Washington and f.n-Knllu streets
when U10 lawyer Interrupted him. Ho
looked up, and then with a faint smile
"I im the death wntdi'
"ICxplaln yourself. I do not under
stand you."
"Well, tlioim men In the hole are
constantly In danger of suffocation
from sewer sras. If I were In the liolo
I would run the same chance as they
do. Kor their safety I sit hern lu open
air. I am not In range of tho gases.
If one of them In overcome I get busy,
haul him Into open air and call a doc
tor. Heer
Hie lawyer "wiw" and went about
his business, sdmlttlng to himself that
(hero were tricks in all trades, snd
this was one of the dangers which
beset conduit men thnt he had never
thought of. Chicago Itecord-IIerald.
An Amplified Woumu,
"The car was entirely empty, with
the exception of one man," Mid Miss
Myrs Kelly. "He was the revese of
the car. An I entered he rose, mnd
me an iiristtudy but mugulflcrut bow
and said:
" 'Madam, phlenshe be kind 'nough
to asshept thtah plnshe.' Tbero was
nothing else for me to do, so I thanked
him and sat down.
"And for twenty blocks that Idiot
hung frm a strap, swaying in the
breexe, with iwt a sou) In the car
but ourselves. Occaslonslly I have
benn taken fur other women; but I
never before bad any out thluk that
I was a csr full."
frloa of Theater Heals
There Is much talk about the bleb
prices chargsd for seats In tho thea
ter of Ksstern cities. Apropos of this
Is a story of a Hoston box-ofllco man
and a young man from the country.
The latter confidently approached the
vendor of tickets, and inquired:
"What's your boat seats worth to
day r
"Two dollars." win the reply.
The rustic hesitated for a minute,
and then pityingly drawled:
"Hsy, I don't want to take the aeat
Oldest Thentsr In the Country.
The oldest thrster In America, the
Walnut Street Theater In Philadelphia,
Is virtually to bu torn down and a
modern "plsyhouso substituted. This
theater has rounded out nearly a cen
tury of life as a purveyor of amuse
ment to the people of the Qusker City.
It was built In 1B00 ami about all of
the great American actors and actress
es who have appeared before the foot
lights since that time have trod 1U
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
5 I'sc-Slmlls Wrapptr IWIow.
Yary .Mall a4 a ?
! take as smgwr.
I PiLii.
ran diuiness.
immMM wnMiuuvK
tfuLk I IPwstr YftaHsvWV'l'
iRriH 1
SWf-3ir?f Jl- irw 0 wCSdt am m H Mm9 , W
W&$r:'i& ..
AtCclaWc I'fcpnralionrorAa
slmllallni iltcFoodnntincfiula
lipg UicSlouincte andBovYcU of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Promotes DigcslionjCliccrfur
ncss nnxl HcsLConlalns nclllicr
Otritn,Monliinc norIiiicral.
ttmifud ,i?r
MUttyrrm funr.
Apcrfccl Hctncdy forConslirvi
non . Sour Sloavuth.Dinrrlioca
nnil Lobs of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Bears the .
Signal M
'i- i lf,
For Over
Thirty Years
ylid 1 Mm Manure, nraro. crrr.
AVIiereld They UiCTer.
Tbe Villain The aiifela uf tbe othet
world are alwaya pictured with wlucs at
Tbe Souhrette Yes. and tbe "anitela"
of tbe theatrical worM are sttached to
tbe wlogs.
You Can (let Allen's Foot-Case FREE.
Writs AtlenS. Olmilfd.U Kar.V. Y.. (or a
tree umlr ut Allen's Fool-K.K. It cure
iwestlnr. hot.wolUn.sehlrn feel. It males
sew or tlrbt ihwi 7 A raruln cure lor
ortii, lnrrotncn!l ud bunion.. Alldruc
ttiUMllit. V. lion't any substitute.
Quite a Different Thine.
"flcorso saya he uvver bus so Rood
a time as when be Is out with me,"
assorted the ;Irl in browu. "Docs he
reallyy returned the clrl In gray,
commlseratlncly. "Now, Alfred Is
iulte different. When he's 'out with
nic ht-'a unhappy until he makes it
up." Brooklyn KsrIc.
a bciiooi. or the iuoiikkt
CLASrt corpl ol It.cb.n, locattnn, build.
Ine equipment tbe til. ho nil for catalogue
Torrtv Oponej Mapturtibor Iff. 1004
tt,mo forfeit rUrrd with a Katlonal Dank to
mike good any fsllurs on our pari. Catalogue
tttt. Vi rlts totlar,
Eoutol Buslnoas Oollogo
Tmaoma, Wamh.
Iteit ca'ranled iiaoJarl wrought Iron pipe
Inch. IMM tr M f-t Ileal rlnlte.l
tanilard wrousbt Iron pip. 1 Incb, IT.i per
h Let All tlie. lu ttlaelc aixl filvanlied
ji( at luweit market price.- Woo.1 psnipa
rapadiy una larrel tr wlnule, l itubbtr.
leather and eanva. belilnr. bete ami oln
at wholle prlee. Wilio u. for jrour ant.
In lha machinery line lrrlxatlou j-lnu a
lelaltr Kclcrton Machlntr Co., fort-
land, Of.ron.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thli wofldtrfat Chi
doctor la called
Brattiu h rar
ropl wuhftot opr
Ikm tliaU ltw frtm op
to dt. it rur wib
ibo aodrful Chr-
bft, ruou. bud.
twrka lutd t(UIIn
IbM ftrf) aurt of ,
kbowi la mrdlrial as?a
rc In cilia cot nit j Tbrtmcti lb tuns of
tboiM haroutaai rmdt tbia fvmost doctor
kiowa lh ftciiua of orrr kJ dlfffrvnl ram
adlra, nbUh b aaccaoafailjr na in diStraat
dlMaa. Jla tfOavrantaoa to car cAU-ub, mi1
Ua, lone, throa, rboniuatlam, ntrveHURa
lomavrh, liver, kid or a, rtc, ba. bandrdof
l?aUmooaJa. lbau(a mndrnua. lail and
a hlia. ratlrnu iwt of lb rtlf wnu fur
tlanaa and dreuiara. hnd atarajx LV.NHUL
ThcC Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
131 AUer ( MwtUni, UrA.
P. N. l.
No. JO-I904
WHEN wrlllnr toolvertlsrspte
luentlun tills papar. I
out hurtlneabit.aml put In new Usth the
Waran extract one or all your tss'h with
tarns dajr 11 iou d.ilre
Ounxttem ot crown ant brldgs work I
Imple, quick and lnlit.
Ir F A. Ill acV more will have charge ol
our (lrrham oltlce evary halHrdsy The
ilortir It a icraduale and reKitlernldenlltt,
ana wn 'em eoiiBdent mat na win treat id
lopls right.
Opsn cveulnira till ) Bundsyi from 9 to 1.
1'bone MalH 3tM9.
ev it. II A 4ss
WISE BROS., Dentists -zlilttBWjRtiC&ti
z smwvr,.wmzy 7
Taip Vim" wJutVt ur uiti. ia
gB Boat Ooiiju SjrBB, YatlM Uooi Ut. Q
Vm Iptljua. Soldbr Jrufyltu. fsaj
lf 1
uf m yi
tJRL r fi
laaariivV I J f
a tPV
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., po&!5
Write for Catilogu:
and Prices
You fan Count Your ChteVens Pefore They Aro
Hatched In a CHATHAM INCl'llATOIt
T.ftty fertle ere you put Into a C'halhtm Inrti
batnrolll come out a healthy, itunly chick I hat
It the loconl Urn Cliathsm Incubator bat nisilo lor
lltelt ami the Chalhsm llrotnler will brine them
up loner than tho moil moibsrly hvo Ihcro U
big money tu Ihi mails lu rsltlHEChlo.eni with a
t'liaiham Imubator. The farmer who overlooks
thla branch of hli luittutii It neglectlugone ot tho
srealeit prodt prmlili'lutfilepArtiut'nUothlt larm,
the racllU'i' Is not producing enough chlct
rut lo tupnly their uwu wauts. Chlcleu raUliitf
Ol'lt OrKKIC We will tell you a Chatham In
cubator on time. It will make many timet Its oott
to you, We pay the freight. Wrlia me for our
Tnlouo Catalog and uielul hint, on poultry rait
ing. Coiti)ou nothing. IKiltuow.
Paollio Ooaat Agont
' '. i?a .-,liat ysraa U
! w
J.'frStBwsaia - t i1 - la, J,S1SHBSWI ' ' """"""'" "" " I WasaWSasar " '
lllw . r ii i.lJaSai n Li m iffl'iii-- '-a jSTSL .MaaUgaBMaNBWnBkkgttiaiaaBjaSBB-aasaaaaa BlatfM gl i air . i ll Satf" I ll 'hHSStiSISIlSWI IS I
'JMHI.VMSSMaSSatBtfjBBSVafjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB afayisasBBnii t It Ml " ". BBBBBBai5fla"Ssck. . L JL I.. , r'i
Em KsW??t sLaWlaiii i'i . . iiraBaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaiaBr ifatfi if ill rriJin1aaraaaMaMr-' 'r"! AfT,fcnirrffaWr!1 iaaaaaaffPTr'l JWalaaW.-aawaaTggggtajMMsak