The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 13, 1904, Image 7

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After Eating
Nauica botwoon moali, bolchliitf, vomiting-,
flutulonco, flU of nervous lioml
acho, pain In tho fltoinnch, nro oil
symptoms of dyspepsia, nutl ilia lunger
It li neglected tliu harder It li to euro It.
Hood's Sarsaparltla
and Pills
Radically and permanently euro it
strengthen nnil to no tho tomncli nml
other dlgestlvn organs for tho natural
performance of lliclr functions.
Accept no Biilintltuto for Hood's,
1 "I hail dripepala tncnty-rtro ytsrs and
took tlinrcnt medicines but sot no help
until I t)fn taking Hood's flsrsaparlll.
Have taken four bolllrs of thla medlclm
nit cm now rt elmoit anythlnr, eleep
well, litre no cramps In my stomach, no
burnlna and no dtatreas.r Mai, Wiluah
O, lUasrrr, M Ohier fit., Providence, II. I.
Hood'a Sarsaparllla promises te
urn and keeoa tho promlaa.
Uiiuio Ham'ii cvnvo inn.
It la catltunti'tl Hint tho people of tho
United HtlltfN drink 1,WX).(HK),(KX) Kill'
lout of coffee In thn courao of n year,
nt n coat of about 10 cent per gallon.
Tho Importing coat of tho nipilalto
(inutility of coffee herrlea for thla atip
ply nt 7 ceuta n pound, ta about 7ft
OUO.MK). I'rom this It oiirnrN that
preparation, package, distribution ami
dcalcra' profits inako tho price to tho
couaumcr about double tho Importing
Dt atnesa Cannot II Cured
r total api'llrallima aa thtr cannot icarb tho
dlMaMil iiniiiin ul ilio ear , 1 ncro li uulr on
u( ilio r. 1 ncro li oulf i
in", ami thai la tif eoiull
laliiaa la rauinl lijr an
lOlthaiitUMiua lliitnc ul i
, Wluii tills tula la tnnii
wajr lo cure iWaliuM, nml thai la li
iienai itniniKia.
Kuilaehlan Tul,
mi liar a ruinbtlna xiuiid or lintorlccl bear
., .. NTH llll. IUi
in a, ami w nan u it iiutaiy eint.i. itaifntaa li
tho ftault, abit luilata lha Innaiiiiiiatlnn (an l
takan out anil thla lulw laatnit it In Ita normal
romiiiinn, jiMii
iifwlll to i1fflro;rl Inrartri
hlch laiinlhliiaLut au lunamiiit runillilnn ..I
in mtm rui ut i titrrn,
Va will lira Una llumlrt.1 lullara for anr
rata 01 llaalnraalrauaoil lifcalarthl that ali
ml l n.r-t by llalla I alirrli l ui. Nod lor
I rllKMI'V JL I'll T..I.Ia n
K0I1I lir I)ru(lil.Me.
.. r v.v.v, v.
.. ma
Haifa ratulfr lllla ara lha brat.
A Ituaalan lleutrnant Rela about f'JOO 1
a year, a captalu about 3W and
major fW.
Kor bronchial troueira try I'lan'a Cur
for Cotiitimiillon, It la a k'xhI eouitt
taedlclii. At drtilla, prtca 'ii centa.
Ho Mora Orpltana.
lllahrrp Potter admitted at a dinner
tho other night tiiat ho had fallen Into
tho linblfof aaklug hU wlfo what -bo
hould apeak about It called upon M
any public function. Tlie indlgunntcjtircn tnrnM'jounq
"My wlfo told mo thla ercnlng," h6 and aurreyed tho'cauao 6( tho accident
aald, "that aha would llko to haro mo n momenf, and then, aa If by no in en in
correct a,,nim6r that baa twen going aaUafled wltU'thS c'auab.bW.iutahap,
around to 1b effect that alio tnteudrd laid: ''.'
to gtrb up her houao to an orphan1 "Madame, you Iito got tho.blggcat
aayltim. ieot I arcr aawr-'.
"Tell tho gueata at dltrncr, If y'oV "Hlrr reajwrtder tholady, fluahlna.
&7 aiiytblng,' abs bade me, 'tb,at It U with anger,
Dot ao. I hnvo alnxtdy taken In tmn '.'Pray, don't apologise: It ain't youi
orphan, and I do not propoao to admit fnW, but take my- advice, alt aWowayi
any utoro Into uiy bouie. If I can help In the future, apd fiJvo hcln. tho tut)
It' " . I rnngo of tho bua." '
Somo of the most stubborn diseases enter
into tho system through tho pores of the r kin.
Llko n sponge, it nbsorbs poisons of various
kinds, which aro taken up by tho little blood,
vessels beneath the surfuco of tho body, and
emptied into tho great current of the blood.
Tho juices of poison oak anil other noxious
wild plants percolnto through the skin liko water through a sponge, ara
token Into tlio circulation, breaking out afresh each season, and linger
ing on for years unless antidotcd and driven out of tiie system.
Dye Poisoning among tlio employes of dyo houses, and from wear
ing colored under, clothing and hosiery, is of frequent occurronco
-- and dangerous to health,
causing boils and sores nnd poison oak and itb bmbots.
nthrr nruntinna Ovsr fifteen yaara aro X waa poisoned with Pot
Oilier eruptions. ion Oak. I triad rameay after remedy without
Workers 111 lead, brass Kettlnv relief. Hores broke out over tnr bodr ana
ml other metals ars often on mjr tonaue, anaotlnir the llntns of ray mouth,
anil outer meittis nrs 01 ten vtMfir aboul y(Lr .e0 my d0otor told ms to
poisoned by tho chemicals Ur 0, ti. a., whloU X did. After taking three
nnd acids tiled ill nolish- bottles all the apres dteappjared, and Ihara not
aim ubiua ubu 111 !"' be,n bothered slues, and! feel muoh indebted to
tng, and tlio dust ntld 111- your valuable medlolne for eo prompt and oom
Intra Rettlino-unon tlio skin. Plate a ours. I am certain that B.B.B. will do all
ingSBcmmg upon 1110 SKtn, fhtltigoUtm.dforlt In Wood dlaeaaea.
and wliicii find their wny DBnTiit, izy. OOK. o'llRYAN,
throtigli tlio pores Into tlio .....
blood, followed by Inflammation, swelling and tho most obstinate sores.
Blood Poison, tlio vilest of all humnn diseases, is often con
tracted through shaking tho hand or handling tho clothing or other arti
cles usedbyono infected with this dangerous polscto. Ihe deadly virus
findinir Its way throuch the pores of tho
S. S.
ling it
illsappear from tho skin. Writo us should
vou desiro medical advico or anV information about your caso; this will
Preototis Htouna In AmnrJua.
"It l a lltllo strange," said Irving''
h. Itussell, "Hint tho United Htntos,
ao far nlieml In nntlonnl resources of
ovory other part of tho globo pi all
essential things, ahould ho no ilofklont
an it producer of precious stonca. I
am of tho opinion that there will ho
a big discovery aomo day of thu moat
valued fccuiM, probably In some out
pjt the way corner of thn land.
"1 do not mean to Intlmnto tlmt wo
nro exactly destitute of lino atouca, hut
that tliOMo found nro moatly of Inferior
iltiallty ua compared with (Ho oillput
of tho old mlnea, In North Carolina
a good many emerald and ruhlca ulid
sapphires aro to ho hud, hut tlwy nro
not of Hiillklcnt valifo to warrant cut
ting. Homo very And pearls hnvo been
taken out of tho shells pk'kcd up In
tho slroath of Arkansas, and at onn
tlmo tho aeareh for tfiuiu dotvn thcro
amounted to n ernr.e. I'cnrt, by tlio
wuy,,havo koiio up In jirlco from 200
to,H0O per cent In recent year.
"AKt"eit many seml-prcclous atone
aro mined In California-, Uio tunptbbio
found out thcro being i'pe$ally beau
tlful, hut lackliiK In htirducsM. 'mir
mallncs alao como from Collfprnlo, In
abundance. Washington Post
Nhtumatlam In Otah.
Kriecn, UUh, May 2nd. Thorn n a
Krcat dial of rhoiimatiam In thin and
uelhhorlnic atatci aml.tlila paln(ul tils
1'mii has rrlpjikl many n atroiiK man
and woman among an othcrwlao healthy'
Itecuutly, however, Micro haa been in
troducod Into Utah a inluedt for ltiiqit
matlim wlilchlilda fair to atamp. out
thla awfully palnfil cpnldalnt. Tho
nntno of thla new remedy (a Dodd'a
Kidney Pllla, and It ha alrraily
wrotiKiit eorno worulerful cures. IUkM
hero in Irlaco thorola a caao of a Air.
.draco wlio liad Klifciunatlain no lmd In
hi feet tlmt ho could hardly walk.
lie tried many romedlca In yaln jmt
IMd'a Kidney Pilta curoii him. .
Ilia wlfo aaya: "Vo both had Kid.
noy Trouhlo and my liuahand had the
tlliMilmnl tail, fci liM.I lliat li.. mfl.t liav.l.
.11. n . . i 1 n ' 1 mi.
lywaia. tio uari jimiii a muiio 11111
with tnucll benefit. Wo liaVo tried
miimiv tini.lli Iml imnn Imn ilnnn n.
'"""X """""f"' ,ml 1n"1"! .',' V 0"0. ".'.
. 10 much good an Dodd'a Kidney Pllla,"
I n . ..
I HI111M11. .muirl. ..i.i.. I. .i.i Mil nuji
. . a.'.ri. ... ....u ....... .... .. . r .
tho atatu and it would aeem at if Khou-
maiiiiii uau at inn oeen conquorcu.
I Her Dig VfnU
I A reapectahlo old Kentleman, aomo
what tlKlit, on entcrliuj an omnlhua,
KOt Ida feet entangled In a lady'a dreai
and fell headlong. Ho ataggered ta
bla fCet, and looking round. Indignant
ly .demanded who atruck him. A
gentleman prwent remarked eotto yocci
"Vou fell Orer.thnrlad'a.ftjet; Bobody
atruck you." ..'-';'.,:
skin.contaminntestho blood and produces
ulcers, eruptions and blotches.
The diseases that enter tlio system uy
hiorntion or throuah tho pores are as
eep-seated and dangerous as any brought
lillCIMUl wauc, ut.u u...v vw
or other external remeuies, ino 0100a
circulation established before eettlncr
S. acts upon the blood, ridding it
to a healthy, normal condition.
lily vcgetauio, an unnvaiea otooa pun
s' With all impurities removed from tho
4 4-4"H,4"JKt"'444"t"t"J-t"'i"tt,'tt
lltLI'ING CLAIM. . 2
Arithmetic la1 not Chiru'H forto. Hut
this doea not trouble her groutly. If
alio cannot aolvo tho problems In her
dally leaaon her mother can, imdCluni
bcllovcH that parents who inako chll-j
(Iran study arithmetic: ugalnst their
will ahould I, responsible for thor
examples, firn. Hamilton usuuiiy
Mra. .ilamlltou
Kivea up ner ovoiwikh io,uiarna uruu-
metlci hut not lou uyu, tho Chicago
ulvea un her iivmilnifN (o Clara' urltb-
Mtwa aiiya, alio camo'auort one prob-
loin becniiao Mr. lioiid, tho.prcaldent
of tho hiikliig-tKtwtlor. company with
widen Sir. 'n4m(lli'wai connected,
wnrf vlaltlug them and had-to bo outer
tallied. After dinner that evening CInrn'a
eyes were so rrd that Jior father aaWd
lice If aho lmd got aoinethlng in them,
"No," mi Id Clara, beglunlifg to cry
(ignln. "Mama couldu't got one of
thoao old, example,, utfda jiow I'M haVo
to atay In- at rocoaa lo-tnorrowl"
f'Dotrt crjl" fiuclalnitd
ber' fnthpr.
"I'gutlt for you.-, aiatniao ma a min
ute, llond."
t Then fiQlfdlrjvffV p,ft,r frowj.illio
room, nnn'went lino -a close, soa
wlth.Uin.uroblin. .
Mra. Ilnmllton nnd '.Mri Iton'd dia.'Utfn,."nJ "'M1" thU envelojm to her.
cuaaed over atibjecf tinder tho uhbUmm ttro cniU for M """" .
while they waited .for Mr, Hamilton
tp return, A,t Inat they beard him In
tho adjoining room throw' down tho
book nnd declare- that tho answer In
tho back waa wrong. Tho man who?
wrote Uio book ild not kmjw what ho
vns aboit that waa nil.
'No, popa," piped Clara;. "Teacher.
anld t lift iiniU'r-r trim rlfrlif " T-
Now Mr, Hondliilil more than onco
In bla district -aoliool-days- been pro-
noiincett a "horn mnlhemrftlcjnrt. Ho
promptly offered to work tbo problem
for Clara, and tho dog-oored arlthmo.
tic waa turned nvnr to I1I111 Aflof n'l
dtiard-r Of an ImnV iliirlnif ivhlpli nnv
tpiarur or an uoiir, 1 tiring twiiiu only
in imi 11 iik'iiiiiiiih umiurin-ii iiiu iuiut
or 1110 room, no niinonnceu mat Uio
problem waa solved. Hj .Olnra went
to bed happy,
Tho next evening, aa soon as dinner
waa over, Mr. llond complacently of.
fcred to help Clara with her arithme
tic, giving Mr. Hamilton at tho mi mo
tlmu a sly dig nlMiut his Inefficiency,
lint Clara hung back, and said she
wanted her mnmma to help her.
"Oh. do let .fr. llond help ytjuj Ho
can do' them so qulcklyl" exclaimed
Clara's mother.
Btlll Clara shook her head, and when
they continued to urg ber, sho blurted
out that Mr. llond had not worked tbo
problem right tho .night before.
"Why ho had Ihe right anawer."
satd Clafa'a mother, In confusion.
"Yes, but ho didn't do It right." ex-
plained Clara. "Teacher says wo
shouldn't Just work for tho answer,
tint should know tho logical steps by
widen lt la worked. Ho worked It
backward." . ' " 1' .'
All eyes sought Mr.-Ulond. who
meekly confessed Uie Jnstfco "of tho
blunt accusation..'
Uokeof1VcllIntftonii(l Klnar-lJdwortl,
-. ,Vver Ilia Ctjafonaera,
ThofuAS llond, who Is 9V years o
bro, la probahltho bet kpowii cab.
man hi London; not only rimon? his
follows, but ambnjr tho cab-hlrrt po
lie, and' now, when ho has fallen 011
evil d;iyK hb'.lts Awvt nn-eininple of
uiifelusbiiess wjilok-lt, v'3ul.d, V'cf tllfll
cult p .surpass. , . .
In August Hi st, hp'lnt; the'n 80 years
of'nxej and aUllilrlvl;iff, bo heodod tho
l)l) for a pension of 20 a year Brant
til by the Cab Drivers'' Ilenevolent As
sociation, but when tho result was
announced, ho said: "Tho nest man
on tho list wants It more than I. Let
hint have It. I shall bo abla to drlvo
for u year or two loiiRer."
Hut soon tho old man was laid up
with pleurisy and pneumonia. For
months ho has been able to earn noth
ing, lie is now slowly recoverltiK,
and, with true lltitlsh pluck, hopes
to be soon on bis box again,
Tho strone probability, liowover, Is
that lloud's cab-driving days aro over.
llond took out bla first llcensu in
March, 1040, aa nn omnibus driver, bo
hip then 17 years old. lie started cab.
driving In 1818, so that ho haa been
diking n cnb in tho streets of London
for CU years, nnd during tho whole of
that tlmo ho has used tho St. Clement
Danes rank In tho Strand.
It. his tlmo llond has driven many
world famous men. Tho great Duke
of WolllURtou was n fairly regular cus
tomer. "Very liberal ho was, too," add
ed Mr. llond In recounting his experi
ences on Suturday. The klug, when
Prluco of Wales, often patronized him,
aa did tho Into Duke of Kdlnburcti.
Loudon Dully Mull.
Preliminary to Matrimony.
Maud Surely you wouldn't wish all
men to bo bachelors?
Maine Oh, not permanently, of
course, but Just long enough to got Into
tho habit of sowing on tholr buttons
and doing their own mending, Phila
delphia Press,
Call It a Unloyulo Now.
A wheelbarrow with ball bearings
has been put on tbo market by an Ohio
Ilia Team.
Poor Feeble (about to b operated
on for appendicitis) Doctor before you
begin, I with you" would aend and hava
our pastor, tho Jlev, Mr. JIarpa, come
Dr. Cutter Certainly, If you with It,
but ah r-
"Va like to b opened with prayer."
i ;
To llrcak 10 New Shoei.
uirncorna, iiifrowina nana ana iiiinioiia
Alien a oiuntod, u iior, n. y.
? ' 'V"" ' .'"?."' ".'ftj..Sn r.''1
McJIggcr Well, wlmt do you think
of that fellow filddep7 Jokcley tella
mo ho takea n cnb whenever ho goes
to Jook for work.
Thingumbob Yea, (Jlddep la ern
P,0'ta h' n Cflh "0Pnr U P'ck "Pj
tares. ruimm-imim t-rraa
riTM rtrnanDU7Cnraa, noBUornrroo6
TIM anrnrat(Ur'auaolr.Klln'aUrratNHT
nimtnr-r. Kn4 for l'rllillxi!ndtf4lM.
Vrt U.lLKIIna. Ltd.. . Anting fbUadalptata, Fa.
nrugfflatji Ctiiiio Handy.
"Tl'oung I.ady Ilavtr you a city direc
tory here? '
- JDruBKlat Vea, maiinm.
'.Vounr I.ady-I'leaire look throuith It
nnd find Mrs. hewn"Jtn1a 'lirratnt lucn-
roa ruu. PAATICULAJU -
mitnntmvitf portTLANMat,
Jtlp Van Vliikle I.llxjled.,
Itip Van Winkle IrniJ jlist been Ink
ilig a nap, I'biclng a-lirind upon his
,"ru " "'.inuuren urowany,-- tiow
Krow on v ,Aru"r w,lIch ho
r?" ,nto a l1 J?z,- Uwt Ue ,J,,bt
? tout ,he lln8 ten yeurs
yn, nccOTd' t
- Mothara will And Mta. WInilowa'a Boothlna,
autlos tne taatnlog Joo..
Their Very Heat.
Ileal Karate Agent Vou really
ought to buy tho house. Now, tf you
nnd your wife will only dlscusa the
luntter thoroughly
PeckhaUi Oh. that's out of the
question. Wo never discuss tilings.
Thu moat wo can erer do is dlsputo
aliout them. Philadelphia Press.
At?e(ablc PrtDfiraftonror As
similating tiuiFoou'ardRcnula
ling thcStonachs onduowci? of
footnotes lDigcslionlx&rfv
rnias dtVl BcstContains neither
llOphim,Morpluno HorlufcraL
, TV ' . "'' .. ,
TfBWja"PiS ftKfwl
Apcrfccl Ilcmcdy forConslina
Hon, Sour Stonuu:h, Diarrhoea
nnd Loss of Sleep.
FacSlmito Signature of
a 1 shim earn Pi
-.. j
300 Hirst Strt.
fry"--!- ' '-
3i!i ;.
- Drnohei -SHATTL.B
A lion ton Ilnabnnd.
Mrs. Caudlo 1 think Uiere'a a man
Mr. Candle I thought I heard some
one. Huppoaa you go down and nik bint
what ho wants, ISvcn a buralnr wouldn't
atrlke a woman, you know. Hotton
mm -i?Jtk3k
1 5 -v;s
Miss Ncitie BUtckraore,
ncapolis, fells how aay young
woman may be permanently
cured of monthly pains by tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
'YotntaVotticr: I had frequent
headaches of a acvero nature, dark
spots tyforo nyr eyes, and at my men
atrual periods I suffered untold agony.
A member of tbo lodge advised me to
try Lydia 13. Plnkliam'fl Vcgc
tAl)16 Compound, but 1 only scorned
good advice and felt, that my caso was
hopeless, but sho kept at me tintll I
bought a bottle and started taking:
it. I soon bad tbo best reason in tbo
world to chango my opinion of tho
medicine, as each day my health im
proved, and finally I waa entirely with
out pain at my menstruation periods.
I am most gratcfub" NrrxiB Ilracx.
mork, 28 Central Ave,, Minneapolis,
Minn. J003 fttftlt If original tf tto UUit
pnolmf ftmtliuiu. dumI b4 prrttxtd.
If thcro Is anything about your
enso about -which you iroultl
llko apodal advice, tvrlto freely
to Mrs. IMnkhnm. Sho will hold
your letter In atrict confidence.
Sho enn aurcly help you, for no
pentou in America can ifpcak
from a wider experience In treat
ing fcmnlo His. Sho has helped
liundretht of thousands of women
hack to health. Her address Is
Lynn, Mass. ; her advice Is free.
ror Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
. Thirty Years
Twe ea ntm aonHiir, new voaa am.
Are not maaufaeturera
recular conatructlon, but
Our Own Special Construction
Put up with full knowledge of tho re
quirements ol this rough western coun
try. Mado to stand up, and will stand
up, better than any buggy sold at any
thing llko tbo price. If you want a
good uuegy at a moderate price, try our
r' Hoe Line." You can't beat It. Wo
have tbo " Deo Lino " ltoad Wagons.
Beaxs the t
Signature Aff
s A jfl
fl at ft
coat you nothing. jhc mwMT letCMFIC CO,, ATIAHTA4 9A .