Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 22, 1922, Page THREE, Image 3

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Surgeon C u ti Ex tra Head
O ff of Boy Born W ith Tw o
Brussels.—A report to being
n u de to the Belgian Academy
o f Medicine o f a remarkable
w ft e a l
perform ed
by C hief Surgeon Olanolla at the
Jnmet hoepltal In t ie Tillage o f
Tergal er, when an abnormal
■eeondary head on a boy born a
"He hath sever SaS of the Safeties
that are bred to a Seek; he hath act
eat paper, as M warn; he bath set
drunk Ink*”
in w a a ifn lls
Z -s*
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amputated. The remaining head
o f the boy to normal. The one
removed waa larger and mal­
A nice sm ell cake which wtU keep
until need to the follow in g:
F w a lim ited tim e only we a n giving ABSOLUTELY
FREE w ith each regular Tamtam Cap Tire purchased,
One ‘ T o n Tested”
“ ...........................
Migration Begins for Rendezvous
in the Bering Sea.
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Port Angeles, Wash.—The Pacific fu r
saul berd to on the move.*
The annual m igration to the north­
ward has begun, and the vanguard
soon will appear off the ceasts o f
Washington and British Columbia,
leading the way to the summer
rendesvous on the P rlblloff islands In
the middle o f Bering era.
A ll winter long the seals have been
scattered through tho South Pacific,
but as spring approaches the mating
Instinct turns their heads to the North
and they converge toward the C alifor­
nia coast and then follow tbelr'tlm *-
worn groove along the west ern coasts
o f the United States, British Colum­
bia and Alaska, the m ilestones o f their
route being the deep eea fishing banka,
where succulent salmon, halibut and
ether fish keep them sleek end fa t
Few, If any, other anim als are so
carefully pampered and nursed by
Uncle 8am, and except fo r each fo s­
tering the fur seel probably now would
be an extinct animal. W ith the ex^-
— '^s
-V -
Instructions for Setting Up the
Antenna and for Assembling
the Tuner.
herd which propagate# on the T rl-
bUofa la the only fur raal herd known
to be In existence.
When Alaska was purchased from
'Russia, the seals on the P rlb llof Is
lands numbered, according to various
official estimates, from tw o to five mil­
lion animals, but due to ruthless op­
erations by sealers o f many nations
the herds were decim ated annually-
The United Staten government, year
after year, endeavored to negotiate
treaties fo r the protection o f the eekls
and In 1891 a measure o f success was
obtained In a treaty with Great Brit­ 200 feet. - The minimum wave length
ain which practically elim inated Cana­ to which a sim ple receiver can be
adjusted fo r electrical resonance will
dian sealem
The m assacre o f the herds contin­ b e ' above that used by amateurs If
ued, however. Numerous schooners the receiver be connected to an an­
-flying the Japanese flag annually tenna 200 feet or more In length.
A sim ple radiophone receiver cap-
reaped a rich harvest, and the Jap­
anese government steadfastly refused able o f picking up radiophone sta­
to Interfere with the enterprise. Final­ tions sim ilar to KDKA at Blast Pitts­
ly, In 1911, when the herds by unre­ burgh, can be assembled by a novice
strained pelagic sealing bad been re­ fo r from «4 to $15, depending upon
duced to approxim ately 260,000 ani­ the bullder’e ability to use his bands.
mals, the efforts o f the United Staten I f the builder w ill construct most o f
w ort rewarded and a treaty among hia apparatus be will appreciate It
fou r nations— Russia, Great Britain, much more and probably will under­
Japan and the United States— was stand m ors about Its operation than
If he buy* a set already made. How­
ever, fo r those who have not the abil­
ity or the tim e to spend constructing
their own apparatus the follow ing de­
scription will not only give the details
as to tho construction o f each com­
ponent part o f a receiver but also
what standard ready-made parts can
be purchased and uaed In Its stead.
The material can be purchased at
any electrical supply store.
In erecting a simple antenna for
uaa with tho receiver aho-wn in the
diagram, the antenna proper and the
lead-in are o f stranded hard-drawn
copper wire, strand No. * 22, costing
about 1 cunt per foot. Tho two Insu­
lators are o f moldod material aityl can
be purchased for about 25 cants each.
The antenna shown to supported bo-
tween a house and a pole. It may be
found more convenient to support It
or even between tw o chimneys on
the earns house. In bringing down the
lead-in c a n should be taken that It
la kept ss tar away from grounded
m aterial aa possible and when bring­
ing through the wall or under the win­
dow Into the house It should be brought
through som e sort o f an Insulating
tube, such as rubber or baketlts.
In making tho ground connection
the same kind o f wire can be uaed a*
area purchased fo r the antenna. You
can clean a section o f tho wateapipe
thoroughly and solder tbs ground wire
to It
Geneva, gwltaerland.—A
handed In a telegram o f a tow words
at a branch telegraph office for hie
w ife In New York and placed • franc
on the counter for payment.
The clerk asked whether the wire
waa really meant to be sent to New
York and proceeded to make the ealeu-.
lation. When the com paratively large
rani required waa announced to the
peasant he protested loudly and In­
sisted that New York waa In Swltaer-
So It waa found to bs, but It took
long and patient search through a
large ancient volume to discover that
T o mako a tunar fo r this receiver,
there I* • New York In Swltserland. the follow ing raw material w ill be re­
an Alpine hamlet o f fifty Inhabitants quired:
not far from Lucerne.
Piece o f cardboard tubing threw
Inches outside diam eter and five
f - —c
Msec R eins W ool.
. ~
Inches 1< ig, costing about 10 cents.
Centralis. Wash.— Sheep came In
100 feat No. 22 double cotton-cov­
fo r shearing from sheds on the ranges
ered magnet wire costing 25 cents.
of Lincoln creek with a luxuriant
Standard slider (see sketch) fo r
growth o f mom on their backs. Dur­
by M brass rod, 40 cents.
ing the winter the flocks were per­
1 alx-lnch length o f \ i by
mitted the liberty o f feeding In the
rod (aquars) 20 cento.
o p e n / country. The wool became
2 binding posts (am sketch) 20
drenched In the misty raina and, mixed
with the Soil o f the feeding pens,
2 circular blpcka o f wood whom
form ed the binds for the form ation o f
diameter to Just equal to tho Inxide
the mom. A ccording to local buyers
diam eter o f the piece o f cardboard
fo e sheep, so affected, cannot be
tubing and between 8-0 and 1-2 Inch
sheared as the fleece* ere so damaged
« I not to be worth the expense. The
wool will be allowed to dlo and shed
autre d.
off as nature designed.
Starting one-half tech from on# end
o f the cardboard tube wind do the
No. 22 D. C. C. wire within one-half
Inch o f the other end o f tho tube.
Fasten one and o f tho winding to Urn
tube but allow som e surplus wire on
the other end fo r making n connec­
tion. A fter the winding to In place
give It a coat o f shellac or varnish
to hold the turns in place. Assemble
the circular-cut pieces o f wood in the
geom etrical center o f the square
blocks and then shellac or varnish
them fo r the appearance's sake.
When thoroughly dry slip tho tw o
and blocks lato tho wound tube and
moves back and forth, wrap a piece o f
sandpaper around a thin piece o f
wood and using another piece o f wood
s i a guide, sandpaper the insulatlob
from tho winding. D rill a 'h o le one-
eighth Inch In diam eter through the
slider rod about one-fourth Inch in
from each end so that the rod dag*
bo fastened by screw s to tho end
blocks. A fter the slider rod la fastened
In place see that the contact finger-
on the bottom o f the slider can at all
times m ake good contact with the
winding. Mount a binding post on
either end o f the coll, attaching one
by means o f a w ire to the slider rod
and tho other to the end o f the wire
wound on the tube and the tuner ¡a
com plete. A tuner can be purchased
already assembled fo r about |3JD0 to
British Sclent lata Have Some Succ ess
In W ireless Transmission e l
Motion Pictures.
British scientists are reported to
bavo met with more or 1cm success la
developing a method o f transferring
motion pictures by radio.
months ago a photograph waa trans­
ferred by wireless from tho Copen­
hagen newspaper, the Potltlken. to Eng.
land, and later from England to a ship
In mid Atlantic, so that the possibil­
ity o f Unking the m ovies with the new
art to not remote.
I f perfected the new development o f
the already versatile art w ill make It
possible for one to see on his own re­
ceiving instrument things that are hap­
pening at a great distance.
instance, a ship to sinking at sea. The
transmitting station o f the vessel. In­
stead o f sanding a message o f the dis­
aster, sends a picture that anyone with
a receiving set w ill be able to see just
an- tbs present broadcasting programs
are beard.
That aU sounds rem ote now, but
tho telephone was considered even
more so, end the wireless, even after
M arconi's . immortal
bridged the Atlantic, was generally be­
lieved to be akin to tho ldm of p er­
petual motion.
t if s
T he
r a d io is t
A crystal detector cannot be
HHtiBfactorily amplified.
Insulate ends o f aerial wires
with several small Insulator*.
W herever possible run serial
wires at right aaglm to sleet tic
light wires.
The lead w ire should be the
aim o f the com bined number o f
wire* In tho aerial.
Gas piping makes a poor
ground, but tho cold water pipe
ground to excellen t
A crystal detector to never as
efficient ss s vacuum tube detec­
tor no matter what Instruments
are connected to It
W ithin three to five miles from
s broadcasting station Indoor
on* wire serials about 40 feed
long stretched from room to
room, s f* generally satisfactory
with crystal detectors.
spoonfuls o f almond extract, tw o tea-
apoonfnto o f baking powder and rolled
oa to to otMton. D rop by tenapoonfoto
on n baking d u e t Try one before
baking them all ; add more rolled onto
if too thin. The enkee w ill be mcee
tarty if the rolled oats ere ellghtly
browned and ground before using. Pea­
nuts may be used, but they will net
stay fresh aa long as other nuts.
W hite Fruit Cake.—Take tour eggs,
two cupfuls o f sugar, one capful o f
butter, one cupful each o f seeded
ralatna and sultana rotates, one cap­
ful o f currants, o o e -h llf cupful o f
citron cat In thin slices, three-fourths
o f a cupful o f milk, one ainsi] nutmeg
grated, tw o teaspoonfuls o f vanilla,
two taaspooofula o f baking powder
and floor to mako a^stlff batter. Cream
the butter end sugar with tw o table-
spoonfuls o f the milk, add the well
beaten eggs, warm the fru it and mix
the baking powder, add the grated
nutmeg and m ix all the Ingredients
well. Pour Into a well-buttered and
paper-lined cake tin and bake In n
slow oven tw o and one-quarter hours.
Jellied Veal.— Take a large knuckle
of veal, cover w ith boiling w a ter; add
eight d ov es, d x pepper, com a, small
bits o f nutmeg, three bey leaves, salt
and a clove o f garlic. Cook until the
meat fa lls from the bonce, or (a tender.
Remove the meat and cut In small
cubes. C over the bones with cold
water end bod u p ; pour o ff the liquid
when it is reduced to about three cup­
fuls, cover the bones and all gristle
again with cold water and give them
a good long boO. Add pepper, n it and
■ ' pour |
bon up the strained liquid
little Into moulds, add some meat and
when It la set add m ore o f the gelatin,
keeping the m ixture over hot Water
so that It w ill not becom e firm. By
only -half filling the molds the meat
to better distributed, then when firm
add m ors until all Is qped.
$ .
Tu b e .
of corresponding size
TREAT) plus the E X TR A plies o f highest quality fabric
and the good-m easure tread o f hundreds of stu d y , non-
skid Vacuum Cups, makes Vacuum Cup Tires, ut prevail*
in f prices, the biggest value on the market.
Come in^ted get a copy o f die latest price schedule
— you w ill be agreeably surprised. Get your season’ s
tire equipment TODAY and a FREE TUBE with every
t in purchased.
Calkins’ Garage
The Blend o f Ratal and OHw Oils
w 7
A Simple Home Treatment w hich Beautified Y our Hair. 50 CEHTS
* v"
Prescription Specialist
Phone W hite 35.
H . A. Cooley, Prop.
* w£>.y'*!H bibA'ai
A G raphic classified w ill sail It.
W e take pleasure in announcing to our
friends and customers that the FORD Motor
Company has appointed us
They have confidence in our ability to serve
you, and we will use our best efforts to give
the service demanded by this company and
Ford owners. W e carry a complete stock o f
Genuine Ford Pauls, and are equipped to do
-------------------------- a t ---------------------------
W e also wish to auinounce that our repair de­
partment will be in charge o f Mr. Floyd J.
Rice, who has had extensive experience in all
lines o f auto repcuring and makes a specialty
o f Ford work.
This agreement does not mean that we can
sell you a new Ford car, but we can fill your
old one with good
Anderson Motor Co.