%eKTT< Surgeon C u ti Ex tra Head O ff of Boy Born W ith Tw o MJfW Brussels.—A report to being n u de to the Belgian Academy o f Medicine o f a remarkable w ft e a l operation perform ed by C hief Surgeon Olanolla at the Jnmet hoepltal In t ie Tillage o f Tergal er, when an abnormal ■eeondary head on a boy born a WBCk ago vaa m i 1 » "He hath sever SaS of the Safeties that are bred to a Seek; he hath act eat paper, as M warn; he bath set drunk Ink*” GOOD THINGS YOU W ILL ENJOY [p in w a a ifn lls Z -s* ‘ /V V .k« .. ’ - W ;• amputated. The remaining head o f the boy to normal. The one removed waa larger and mal­ formed. A nice sm ell cake which wtU keep until need to the follow in g: F w a lim ited tim e only we a n giving ABSOLUTELY FREE w ith each regular Tamtam Cap Tire purchased, One ‘ T o n Tested” “ ........................... V*1 -' Migration Begins for Rendezvous in the Bering Sea. ‘- v : ' Í Z4 ’• ' ................ ... ’ * \ v< > » ‘ j i 1 .•*-■*-»-— ,— ^ * K»v* W ; ; 4- - ' ■ ' • • • - r 1 JL.' ' . i ■ f ‘ V ' .* » Port Angeles, Wash.—The Pacific fu r saul berd to on the move.* The annual m igration to the north­ ward has begun, and the vanguard soon will appear off the ceasts o f Washington and British Columbia, leading the way to the summer rendesvous on the P rlblloff islands In the middle o f Bering era. A ll winter long the seals have been scattered through tho South Pacific, but as spring approaches the mating Instinct turns their heads to the North and they converge toward the C alifor­ nia coast and then follow tbelr'tlm *- worn groove along the west ern coasts o f the United States, British Colum­ bia and Alaska, the m ilestones o f their route being the deep eea fishing banka, where succulent salmon, halibut and ether fish keep them sleek end fa t Few, If any, other anim als are so carefully pampered and nursed by Uncle 8am, and except fo r each fo s­ tering the fur seel probably now would be an extinct animal. W ith the ex^- - — '^s m -V - HOW AM ATEUR CAN BUILD A RECEIVER Instructions for Setting Up the Antenna and for Assembling the Tuner. herd which propagate# on the T rl- bUofa la the only fur raal herd known to be In existence. When Alaska was purchased from 'Russia, the seals on the P rlb llof Is lands numbered, according to various official estimates, from tw o to five mil­ lion animals, but due to ruthless op­ erations by sealers o f many nations the herds were decim ated annually- The United Staten government, year after year, endeavored to negotiate treaties fo r the protection o f the eekls and In 1891 a measure o f success was obtained In a treaty with Great Brit­ 200 feet. - The minimum wave length ain which practically elim inated Cana­ to which a sim ple receiver can be adjusted fo r electrical resonance will dian sealem The m assacre o f the herds contin­ b e ' above that used by amateurs If ued, however. Numerous schooners the receiver be connected to an an­ -flying the Japanese flag annually tenna 200 feet or more In length. A sim ple radiophone receiver cap- reaped a rich harvest, and the Jap­ anese government steadfastly refused able o f picking up radiophone sta­ to Interfere with the enterprise. Final­ tions sim ilar to KDKA at Blast Pitts­ ly, In 1911, when the herds by unre­ burgh, can be assembled by a novice strained pelagic sealing bad been re­ fo r from «4 to $15, depending upon duced to approxim ately 260,000 ani­ the bullder’e ability to use his bands. mals, the efforts o f the United Staten I f the builder w ill construct most o f w ort rewarded and a treaty among hia apparatus be will appreciate It fou r nations— Russia, Great Britain, much more and probably will under­ Japan and the United States— was stand m ors about Its operation than If he buy* a set already made. How­ ever, fo r those who have not the abil­ ity or the tim e to spend constructing their own apparatus the follow ing de­ scription will not only give the details as to tho construction o f each com­ ponent part o f a receiver but also what standard ready-made parts can be purchased and uaed In Its stead. The material can be purchased at any electrical supply store. In erecting a simple antenna for uaa with tho receiver aho-wn in the diagram, the antenna proper and the lead-in are o f stranded hard-drawn copper wire, strand No. * 22, costing about 1 cunt per foot. Tho two Insu­ lators are o f moldod material aityl can be purchased for about 25 cants each. The antenna shown to supported bo- tween a house and a pole. It may be found more convenient to support It or even between tw o chimneys on the earns house. In bringing down the lead-in c a n should be taken that It la kept ss tar away from grounded m aterial aa possible and when bring­ ing through the wall or under the win­ dow Into the house It should be brought through som e sort o f an Insulating tube, such as rubber or baketlts. In making tho ground connection the same kind o f wire can be uaed a* area purchased fo r the antenna. You can clean a section o f tho wateapipe thoroughly and solder tbs ground wire to It Geneva, gwltaerland.—A peasant handed In a telegram o f a tow words at a branch telegraph office for hie w ife In New York and placed • franc on the counter for payment. The clerk asked whether the wire waa really meant to be sent to New York and proceeded to make the ealeu-. lation. When the com paratively large rani required waa announced to the peasant he protested loudly and In­ sisted that New York waa In Swltaer- land. So It waa found to bs, but It took long and patient search through a MAKING TM 1 TUNER large ancient volume to discover that T o mako a tunar fo r this receiver, there I* • New York In Swltserland. the follow ing raw material w ill be re­ an Alpine hamlet o f fifty Inhabitants quired: not far from Lucerne. Piece o f cardboard tubing threw Inches outside diam eter and five f - —c Msec R eins W ool. . ~ Inches 1< ig, costing about 10 cents. Centralis. Wash.— Sheep came In 100 feat No. 22 double cotton-cov­ fo r shearing from sheds on the ranges ered magnet wire costing 25 cents. of Lincoln creek with a luxuriant Standard slider (see sketch) fo r growth o f mom on their backs. Dur­ by M brass rod, 40 cents. ing the winter the flocks were per­ 1 alx-lnch length o f \ i by brass mitted the liberty o f feeding In the rod (aquars) 20 cento. o p e n / country. The wool became 2 binding posts (am sketch) 20 drenched In the misty raina and, mixed with the Soil o f the feeding pens, 2 circular blpcka o f wood whom form ed the binds for the form ation o f diameter to Just equal to tho Inxide the mom. A ccording to local buyers diam eter o f the piece o f cardboard fo e sheep, so affected, cannot be tubing and between 8-0 and 1-2 Inch sheared as the fleece* ere so damaged « I not to be worth the expense. The wool will be allowed to dlo and shed autre d. off as nature designed. Starting one-half tech from on# end o f the cardboard tube wind do the No. 22 D. C. C. wire within one-half Inch o f the other end o f tho tube. Fasten one and o f tho winding to Urn tube but allow som e surplus wire on the other end fo r making n connec­ tion. A fter the winding to In place give It a coat o f shellac or varnish to hold the turns in place. Assemble the circular-cut pieces o f wood in the geom etrical center o f the square blocks and then shellac or varnish them fo r the appearance's sake. When thoroughly dry slip tho tw o and blocks lato tho wound tube and moves back and forth, wrap a piece o f sandpaper around a thin piece o f wood and using another piece o f wood s i a guide, sandpaper the insulatlob from tho winding. D rill a 'h o le one- eighth Inch In diam eter through the slider rod about one-fourth Inch in from each end so that the rod dag* bo fastened by screw s to tho end blocks. A fter the slider rod la fastened In place see that the contact finger- on the bottom o f the slider can at all times m ake good contact with the winding. Mount a binding post on either end o f the coll, attaching one by means o f a w ire to the slider rod and tho other to the end o f the wire wound on the tube and the tuner ¡a com plete. A tuner can be purchased already assembled fo r about |3JD0 to «440. N British Sclent lata Have Some Succ ess In W ireless Transmission e l Motion Pictures. '■ British scientists are reported to bavo met with more or 1cm success la developing a method o f transferring motion pictures by radio. Soma months ago a photograph waa trans­ ferred by wireless from tho Copen­ hagen newspaper, the Potltlken. to Eng. land, and later from England to a ship In mid Atlantic, so that the possibil­ ity o f Unking the m ovies with the new art to not remote. I f perfected the new development o f the already versatile art w ill make It possible for one to see on his own re­ ceiving instrument things that are hap­ pening at a great distance. For instance, a ship to sinking at sea. The transmitting station o f the vessel. In­ stead o f sanding a message o f the dis­ aster, sends a picture that anyone with a receiving set w ill be able to see just an- tbs present broadcasting programs are beard. That aU sounds rem ote now, but tho telephone was considered even more so, end the wireless, even after M arconi's . immortal message had. bridged the Atlantic, was generally be­ lieved to be akin to tho ldm of p er­ petual motion. j t if s to T he r a d io is t A crystal detector cannot be HHtiBfactorily amplified. Insulate ends o f aerial wires with several small Insulator*. W herever possible run serial wires at right aaglm to sleet tic light wires. The lead w ire should be the aim o f the com bined number o f wire* In tho aerial. Gas piping makes a poor ground, but tho cold water pipe ground to excellen t A crystal detector to never as efficient ss s vacuum tube detec­ tor no matter what Instruments are connected to It W ithin three to five miles from s broadcasting station Indoor on* wire serials about 40 feed long stretched from room to room, s f* generally satisfactory with crystal detectors. spoonfuls o f almond extract, tw o tea- apoonfnto o f baking powder and rolled oa to to otMton. D rop by tenapoonfoto on n baking d u e t Try one before baking them all ; add more rolled onto if too thin. The enkee w ill be mcee tarty if the rolled oats ere ellghtly browned and ground before using. Pea­ nuts may be used, but they will net stay fresh aa long as other nuts. W hite Fruit Cake.—Take tour eggs, two cupfuls o f sugar, one capful o f butter, one cupful each o f seeded ralatna and sultana rotates, one cap­ ful o f currants, o o e -h llf cupful o f citron cat In thin slices, three-fourths o f a cupful o f milk, one ainsi] nutmeg grated, tw o teaspoonfuls o f vanilla, two taaspooofula o f baking powder and floor to mako a^stlff batter. Cream the butter end sugar with tw o table- spoonfuls o f the milk, add the well beaten eggs, warm the fru it and mix the baking powder, add the grated nutmeg and m ix all the Ingredients well. Pour Into a well-buttered and paper-lined cake tin and bake In n slow oven tw o and one-quarter hours. Jellied Veal.— Take a large knuckle of veal, cover w ith boiling w a ter; add eight d ov es, d x pepper, com a, small bits o f nutmeg, three bey leaves, salt and a clove o f garlic. Cook until the meat fa lls from the bonce, or (a tender. Remove the meat and cut In small cubes. C over the bones with cold water end bod u p ; pour o ff the liquid when it is reduced to about three cup­ fuls, cover the bones and all gristle again with cold water and give them a good long boO. Add pepper, n it and ■ ' pour | bon up the strained liquid little Into moulds, add some meat and when It la set add m ore o f the gelatin, keeping the m ixture over hot Water so that It w ill not becom e firm. By only -half filling the molds the meat to better distributed, then when firm add m ors until all Is qped. $ . Tu b e . .. of corresponding size The E X TR A T3DCKHE88 o f the VACUUM CUP TREAT) plus the E X TR A plies o f highest quality fabric and the good-m easure tread o f hundreds of stu d y , non- skid Vacuum Cups, makes Vacuum Cup Tires, ut prevail* in f prices, the biggest value on the market. Come in^ted get a copy o f die latest price schedule — you w ill be agreeably surprised. Get your season’ s tire equipment TODAY and a FREE TUBE with every t in purchased. Calkins’ Garage The Blend o f Ratal and OHw Oils w 7 ' A Simple Home Treatment w hich Beautified Y our Hair. 50 CEHTS PARLOR PHARMACY / * v" / ‘ • • Prescription Specialist Phone W hite 35. H . A. Cooley, Prop. A?. * w£>.y'*!H bibA'ai A G raphic classified w ill sail It. / W e take pleasure in announcing to our friends and customers that the FORD Motor Company has appointed us AUTHORIZED FORD SERVICE S TA TIO N They have confidence in our ability to serve you, and we will use our best efforts to give the service demanded by this company and Ford owners. W e carry a complete stock o f Genuine Ford Pauls, and are equipped to do FORD WORK FORD PRICES -------------------------- a t --------------------------- 0 * W e also wish to auinounce that our repair de­ partment will be in charge o f Mr. Floyd J. Rice, who has had extensive experience in all lines o f auto repcuring and makes a specialty o f Ford work. This agreement does not mean that we can sell you a new Ford car, but we can fill your old one with good A SSO CIA TED GASOLINE Anderson Motor Co.