Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 08, 1916, Image 4

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    Newberg G raphic
building on the way by this time
if the insurance had been adjust­
ed. In fact, new machinery has
already been ordered by wire
from San Francisco, but as there
is to be several days’ delay in
adjusting the insurance, activi­
ties must wait. In the meantime
it is up to all to show the man­
agement the proper spirit and
encourage the rebuilding o f the
plant, for it means much toNew-
bero and the surrounding terri­
tory. If this goes by now it will
be a blow to Newberg that will
be severely felt. Our interests
are at stake, and it is no time to
knock. Let everybody get in
and push for the new cannery.
A. Parrish home Sunday.
Emery Jones returned home
Saturday after being aw ay about
a month. His many friends are
glad to see him again.
Mrs. Condeau was taken sod*
denly worse Sunday afternoon.
She has the sympathy o f the en­
tire neighborhood in her suffer-
A T B A I R D ’S
Arthur Parrish, Leslie Parrish
and Grover Livengood went to
Portland Saturday to take part
in the preparedness parade.
They report a fine time.
Evidently the West Chehalem
Word was revived from John ^
band has a capable publicity
who was principal o f the
manager. The boys got their pic­
Fernwood School last winter,
tures in last Sunday’s Oregonian
that he was to start for
aw the principal “ show” in the
soon. He intends to
b ig parade in the city Saturday.
The Graphic has had a varied
be gone until September.
experience in printing a few ex­
Both the republican and pro- tra copies o f the paper at differ­
g r a a v e national conventions ent times, with the expectation
96-inch percales, extra heavy, fast
One lot Regal Floor Mope, just as
sue now in session in Chicago that calls might come in for
good as O’Cedar and other high
and the fire works are on in full them on account o f something of
Dick Nelson was a Sunday vis­
patterns, per yard............
priced mope. While they o g *
blast. The Hughes sentiment is special interest published. A itor at Rex.
utrong and the reports coming year ago the pictures of the high
Miss Martha Strait is visiting
indicate that he will be nomi­ school graduating class were
in Portland.
Cotton Voiles in stripes, 28 to a
nated. In the moose camp sev­ given, and our eash account was
40 in. wide, fast colors, yd ^
Mrs. R. N. Morrison was a
To be used with Regal Mops. Reg­
eral legs are over the traces and not increased a penny by the ef­
ular 25 emit value for,
it they were in Pendleton, the fort. Last week the pictures of
Floyd Duncan was a visitor at
alogan w ould be, “ let’er buck.” the forty high school graduates
Rice Cloth in plain white and fig-
were giveu, and so far tw o extra Elmer W right’s home last week.
The Ladies Aid was entertain­
-Newberg has been hit hard a copies of the paper have been
at the home o f Mrs. N. L. Wi-
sw— h iT o f times by disastrous
We have a complete line o f Sum­
this week.
fires that have destroyed indus­ ment, to be sure, but there is
mer Underwear fog men, women
and children at very lowest prices.
tries representing m my thou­ room for doubt about our efforts
Miss Lydia Strait returned
sands o f dollars, and one of the being fully appreciated in the home Friday,
w orst we have had is the loss matter o f extra expense incurred aw ay working,
<S the cannery which occurred on to please the public.
Miss Helen Scott was a visitor
at the home o f Misses Emma
th c past tw o years this plant
and Fleda Kane.
b a s furnished much work, both
Mrs. C. G. Lewis is on the sick
■to men and women in large
We are sorry to learn t|jat the list this week. Her daughter,
«mmbers w ho needed it badly little Olson girl is worse.
Mrs. Minnie Bn^on, is here
and were glad to get it, and this
Adlai Livengood was a caller helping in the store.
weaaon the outlook has been such at W. H. Sanders’ last week.
Mrs. H. P. Burnham has been
th a t the prospect for the sale of
’everything in sight bas been Goldie Hobson visited with on the sick list the past week
— oat flattering, which would her brother Verne in Newberg but is better at this writing.
Her daughter and small grand-
have meant work for more peo­
The Needlecraft Club will meet
ple at the plant and the putting
week with Mrs. Fred Wohlge­
Mrs. F. I. Eves and her daugh­
i a circulation more money tha&
ter, Mrs. A. J. Haskett, arrived
ever before. What the imme­ muth.
Monday morning. They
A number o f Fern woodites en­
d ia te future holds for the can-
to make their home
wing business here it is impossi­ joyed the musicale at Pacific Col­
b le to state with a certainty at lege last Saturday evening.
The visitors at the home o f N.
riu s time. The Valley Canning
Emery Jones and the Misses
C o ., the recent purchasers o f the Ruby Martin, Mae and Jessie L. Wiley %ut week were: Mr.
given at the school house. A
ly hard hearted. Would yo« bailara It.
plant, would have had a new McLeod were visitors at the W. and Mrs. Attleman from Scotts
tha man that brinai round tha lattari
large audience was present, the
Mills and the Misses Blair from
to Mary’s he’s so queer aad Handofflah
class o f young ladies and gentle­ England's "Silver Greyhounds” Have that wbea ha haadad n o my husband’s
Portland. Also Abe Astleford
men did exceptionally well, the
postal card telling me how mother had
and family. He is now on his
The most exciting Job that can be
medal being awarded to Miss held In tha United Kingdom ts that of fan and broke her arm. be never eo
way to California to visit rela­
much as opened hie lips to. glee mo ana
Hazel Boyd. The-younger class king’s messenger. He is charged with word o f sympathy! No. air. not aran
tives. Mrs. Mary J. Jessup also
also did very well, Miss Gpldie
enough to say. T o o b a d !* {E x ch a n g e
went to California. '
oas duty o f carrying important state
Nolan receiving the medal. The
in caaes when It would be el
Taking Ne Chanoee.
Mr, Kienle o f the Kienle Music Misses Thun o f Dundee, Mrs. papers
tber unwise or Impossible to use the
” 1 have called.” said the complacent
Store came to Rex to tune the Bixby of Newberg, and the Misses telegraph or the postal service.
visitor to the office o f the merchant
piano at the school house so it Clara and Violet Staley and During war the king’s messenger bas prince, “to obtain a statement o f your
nearly as difficult a task an has the
would be in good tune for the Mable Jacobson favored the dispatch rider, who Is actually at the assets and liabilities."
agencies do
musical entertainment which
t He must be continually on the
audience with splendid music At fron
you represent T"
was given Saturday nigbt. intervals during the evening.
“ Neither I am considering making
the probabilities that the steamer on
Each number given was very
which he is traveling may be stopped an application for your daughter's
M onday evening, upon invita­ by an enemy veasel and his valuable hand, and it bas always been my ruls
good and some were called back
to be cure I'm right before I go ahead"
the Bible class o f the Sun­ papers taken from him.
the third time. The next day a
Owing to the fact that they wear a —Richmond Times-Dlspatcb.
picnic was given in the grove on day School, of which W. R. Ever­ badge consisting o f a silver greyhound
est is the teacher, gathered at surmounted by a crown, king’s mes­
Long Winded Discussion.
J. W. M oore’s ranch.
Pa. what ia meant by filibustering?"
his home in honor of bis birth­ sengers are nicknamed “sUver grey
“Talking against time, my son.
day anniversary. All enjoyed hounds.” and indeed they often have
“ Do you ever filibuster, pa?”
to imitate that breed o f dog in sw ift­
the evening very much in a social ness and sureness o f scent To qualify
“ No. my boy. With tbe exception o f
way. The class presented him for a messenger-ship many things are that Imposed by physical exhaustion,
is no limit to tbe debates in this
Miss Jenny Harrison is home with a nicely bonnd teacher’s needed. The candidate must bo a man there
of. first rate education, o f excellent particular bouse.” —Birmingham Age-
from California for the summer. Bible. Cake and sandwiches fam ily and a good linguist
Miss Florence Lelah was a were served by way o f eats.
quired, the salaries o f the “silver grey­
guest at the home o f Miss Mar- Those participating in the hounds” are by no mesne large Tbe
“Why do you bate him?”
“ He has been knocking me to- tbe
guerite Johnson Tuesday
foreign service messengers receive re­
I go with.
Mrs. Sheldon Stnbbs and Miss from the host and family, were 000 a year, while those employed on
“ W bat dkl he tell herT
Lucy Shatz went to Portland to the Messrs, and their -wives— home service get from 9060 to 91.225 a
“ What my salary la.“ -H ouston P ost
attend the Rose Carnival Wed- S. W. Childers, C. G. Jacobson, year.—Philadelphia Ledger.
A. V. Hendrickson, W. A. Baker,
A Callow* Letter Carrier.
C. Wills, and tbe M esdam es- ▲ woman
from up state, who recent­
A glance at one o f these new corn flakes reveals
Saturday evening, having closed Anna Harrison, Marie Tangen, ly returned from a visit to friends in
Brooklyn, remarked:
novel* little bubbles w hich are raised by die quick* in­
her school at Albany -for the Fidelia Smail, and Mary P. “ I’ m glad to get back home among
tense heat o f a new process of manufacture.
my own kin and friends, where people
Just received many new things in spring
and summer Dress Goods. We Invite
you to look them over before purchasing
3 6 - Inch Percales
Cotton Voiles
¡5$ « 3
25 and 35c
Regal Floor Mops
Regal Floor Polish
Fine Line Gingham
10 and
T h ese bubbles are an identifying feature o f these
-the only com flakes with a self-developed* delicious
co m flavour— the only flakes that do not have to de­
pend largely on cream and sug^r for palatability.
T r y some o f the N ew T oasties dry— they're good
that w a y — the children m unch them like candy. But
o f course the delicious new flavour is m ore pronounced
w hen the flakes are served w ith sugar and cream .
T h e N ew P ost T oasties do not waste into “ chaff”
in the package* an 4 they don't mush dow n in cream
like other flakes. T h ey 're a vast improvement over
oldiash ion ed com flakes and have met w ith enthusi­
astic approval everywhere.
There will be Sunday school at
9:30 o ’clock Sunday, the other
services being laid down so all
Zola Taylor, age legal, to Carl
can attend Yearly Meeting at
W. Jensen, age legal.
Lela Fay Smith, age legal, to
Mrs. J. W. Bottom and son,
Billy, went to Portland Satur­ Herachel Earl Dickey, age legal.
M ary I sad ore Withycombe,
day to meet her aged mother,
Mrs. J aqualine o f Spokane, re­ age legal, to George W. Baney.
turning home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Baker
went to Dundee Tuesday morn­
ing, Mrs. Baker expecting to go
on from there to Oregon City for
an extended visit with relatives.
F. L. Strait went to Portland
Friday where he underwent an
operation for appendicitis under
the care of Dr. Rankin,
getting on nicely at last report.
Last Saturday evening the
tw o silver medal contests were
Th e Newberg
T ra n s fe r Co
Cxtromoly Careful.
ain’t too busy or too unfeeling or too
T want a careful chauffeur, on* who
atnek up to take some Interact tn one
takee no chancea.”
“That’« me. air I require reference*
"N ow. there’s them poetofflee folk«
down Ip Brooklyn I I found ’em actual or «alary In advance " —Judge
Do your planning for the coming harvest now . Make sore
that yon can take care of your crops to the best advantage
when they are ready to cat. Don’t take chances with infer­
ior or worn-out machinery. It’s to o cpstlv. A few days'
delay on account of breakage or other trouble may lose you
a big part o f your crop money.