Newberg G raphic building on the way by this time if the insurance had been adjust­ ed. In fact, new machinery has already been ordered by wire from San Francisco, but as there is to be several days’ delay in adjusting the insurance, activi­ ties must wait. In the meantime it is up to all to show the man­ agement the proper spirit and encourage the rebuilding o f the plant, for it means much toNew- bero and the surrounding terri­ tory. If this goes by now it will be a blow to Newberg that will be severely felt. Our interests are at stake, and it is no time to knock. Let everybody get in and push for the new cannery. A. Parrish home Sunday. Emery Jones returned home Saturday after being aw ay about a month. His many friends are glad to see him again. Mrs. Condeau was taken sod* denly worse Sunday afternoon. She has the sympathy o f the en­ tire neighborhood in her suffer- = IT PAYS T O TR ADE = A T B A I R D ’S Arthur Parrish, Leslie Parrish and Grover Livengood went to Portland Saturday to take part in the preparedness parade. They report a fine time. Evidently the West Chehalem Word was revived from John ^ band has a capable publicity Piske, who was principal o f the manager. The boys got their pic­ Fernwood School last winter, tures in last Sunday’s Oregonian saying' that he was to start for aw the principal “ show” in the Oklahoma soon. He intends to b ig parade in the city Saturday. The Graphic has had a varied be gone until September. experience in printing a few ex­ Both the republican and pro- tra copies o f the paper at differ­ g r a a v e national conventions ent times, with the expectation 96-inch percales, extra heavy, fast One lot Regal Floor Mope, just as sue now in session in Chicago that calls might come in for colors, neat designs and 1 0 1 good as O’Cedar and other high and the fire works are on in full them on account o f something of Dick Nelson was a Sunday vis­ patterns, per yard............ priced mope. While they o g * blast. The Hughes sentiment is special interest published. A itor at Rex. utrong and the reports coming year ago the pictures of the high Miss Martha Strait is visiting indicate that he will be nomi­ school graduating class were in Portland. 5 Cotton Voiles in stripes, 28 to a nated. In the moose camp sev­ given, and our eash account was 40 in. wide, fast colors, yd ^ Mrs. R. N. Morrison was a To be used with Regal Mops. Reg­ eral legs are over the traces and not increased a penny by the ef­ Portland visitor this week. ular 25 emit value for, it they were in Pendleton, the fort. Last week the pictures of bottle ....................... Floyd Duncan was a visitor at alogan w ould be, “ let’er buck.” the forty high school graduates Rice Cloth in plain white and fig- were giveu, and so far tw o extra Elmer W right’s home last week. The Ladies Aid was entertain­ -Newberg has been hit hard a copies of the paper have been ed at the home o f Mrs. N. L. Wi- sold— -some room for encourage­ sw— h iT o f times by disastrous We have a complete line o f Sum­ ley this week. fires that have destroyed indus­ ment, to be sure, but there is mer Underwear fog men, women and children at very lowest prices. tries representing m my thou­ room for doubt about our efforts Miss Lydia Strait returned Big assortment, made from the best sands o f dollars, and one of the being fully appreciated in the home Friday, beta w orst we have had is the loss matter o f extra expense incurred aw ay working,