Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 14, 1909, Image 4

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    N E W B E R Q Q R A P M IC .
W hich, at this time, were
the moat unenviable situation,
hie accusers, and whyT
T h re l hundred p illio n dollars
is the estim ate placed on the
Harriman estate, and Mrs. Russel
Sage and H etty Green are m ere
pygm ies hi the financial world,
when compared to Mra. Harriman,
who is the richest woman in the
fo re the d irt gets *
stick to the tubers.
The W estern Oregon published
St Cottage G rove by our friend,
Bath has been absorbed by The
Sentinel, published by Lew . A .
Cates. The Sentinel is a splendid
paper and has a good advertising
Portland should g e t busy and
annex all o f Multnomah county
aa a means o f keeping in sight o f
Seattle when the census enumer­
ators appear on the s c e n e .
Seattle means an o f K in g county
sanitarium last Monday at the
a g e o f 75. The M eekers made a
fortune in hope at Puyallup
several years ago, but lost the
greater part o f it later by Bpecu-
The city o f M cM innville is said
to be having all kinds o f trouble
w ith the ligh t and w ater system
a ll the w hile at a rate that is
alarm ing to property owners. A
sm elling committee is to be ap­
pointed, so the report goes.
A ll rite criticism that is being
hurled at law yers and courts on
the score o f d iggin g up hairsplit­
tin g technicalities, w ill no doubt
have a wholesome effects Honest
people are becom ing tired o f this
method o f procedure, and a w a re
o f reform is long over due.
Douglas county evidently fu r­
nishes better picking fo r lawyers
than Yam hill, as the Circuit
Court docket fo r that county
shows up w ith 110 civil cases,
and among the /lumber are 14
new divorce cases m addition to
several that have been continued
from previous terms.
regu lar prayer m eeting Wednes­
day, O ctober 6. The meeting
though not especially large in at­
tendance, w as very good. Lead­
er R ile y K a u fm a n .
Dr. J. R. N. Bell, ot C ofcW lis,
w h o w as here attending the
Presbyterian Synod, land dispel
Thursday m orning, O ctober 7.
shot the Salem policeman, M yers H e spoke very interestingly on
yielded-to the counsel o f a retired m ental expansion.
Rev. R obert M cKensie, Presi­
M ethodist preacher whom he mat
a fe w m ike out from Salem, and dent ot the San Francisco Theo­
the tw o rode into the ch y lata at logical Sem inary, spoke Friday,
October 8, a t chapel. H is talk
night and reported to the sheriff. w as appreciated by the students
I t is said d ie reward o f 91100, on account o f its helpfulness and
which was offered fo r the arrest sparkling Scotch humor.
The L itera ry Societies m et F ri­
o f M yers, w ill be paid to the
preacher, which is righ t and d ay after school to appoint a
proper, and he should also be com m ittee to form the new con­
stitu tion, as it w as decided to
added to the detective force in unite the Helianthus and A go re -
the capital city. It is evident ton societies.
M e e t in g ad-
that they need him.
L ast season the people o f Mew-
berg who appreciate high class
entertainm ent gave hearty re­
sponse to the call fo r the sale o f
season tickets fo r the Lyceum
course, which made it possible to
m eet the expenses, which w ere
not lig h t In booking numbers
fo r the course fo r this season a
much greater risk has been taken
as five numbers are to be given,
one o f which is a tw o hundred
dollar attraction and tw o others
are erne hundred and fifty dollars
each. N ew b erg is a larger town
than it was a year ago, and again
since the people have learned that
nothing but first class attractions
are offered in these courses the
necessary tickets w ill be sold
w ithout doubt.
w ill see the cloee o f the A . Y . P.
which has been a great sapoeas
from the day the gates w ere
opened. So fo r a s w e have heard
ail who have gone from N ew berg
to aee the fa ir have been highly
pleased w ith it, and this senti­
m ent seems to have prevailed
generally. lik e the L ew is and
Clark fa ir it has proven a great
advertising featu re fo r the whole
N orth w est country and Oregon is
sharingand w ill continue to share
in the benefits so derived.
pendulum is to sw ing fo r to the
south some seven years hence,
when San D iego w ill celebrate
the completion o f the Panama
canal w ith a b ig exposition.
the language o f the street, the
Pacific Coast is goin g some these
Verses 9 -1 2 -When a ju<
magistrate favors the proa ecu'
m ales harsh rem arks mgm
prisoner during the taking of
I f • mao’s causa is just, w ill a know­
ledge o f all the facta alw ays help him?
W h at are the leadhw points here out-
lined, o f Pau l’s defence before King
“ W hy should it be thought a thing
incredible w ith' you that God ahouB
raise the dead?” v-8.
25 Different Styles priced from
W a s Paul any better when he pear
«ecuted «a d caused Christiana to bo^ptut
to death, than the Jews w e n then,, in
wanting to put him to death?
How do you estimate P au l’s character
See our Display Before B uying
his conversion?
W h at w as God’s object, as hare des­
cribed in Pau l’s conversion, and what
is God’s object in every conversion?
Verses 19-23.- I s it possible that som*
sinners get a call from God fully as
marked as P au l’s and yet refuse to
comply and go ea in their sins?
W h at difference is there between n
man before and afte r he turns to God?
Verses 24-32 .-W hy did Festos inter­
rupt Paul and say he w as mad?
W h y A d not Festos and A grippa both
turn to God, seeing that they w are
d early convinced o f the truth o f
Christianity and their need o f sal­
. W h y are not all persons Christiana
who have heard the voice o f God calling
them to repentance?
Lemon fo r Sunday, October O at,
190t. Paul a Prisoner.—The Voyage.
Acts asa-at
Just Received a Car of Wire
Seed Grain For Sale
Clean Vetch, Vetch and Oats,
Cheat Seed, Clover Seed, and
Winter Oats and W hite Win­
ter Oats.
All kinds of grain and seed
Chehalem Valley Mills
The Chas. K. Spaulding Log. Co,
I t is rumored that the Southern
Pacific has again under consider­
ation a scheme fo r fosterin g-in -
terurban passenger traffic on the
Yam hill branch b y putting on a
gasoline motor car betw een N ew ­
b erg and Portland.
The world
and the Southern Pacific move
slow ly but they usually g e t there.
H ere’s still hoping.
M iss Nancy and S. W . Atkin­
son to o k in the Seattle P a ir last
M iss Elm a Paulsen is attend­
ing college in New berg, M iss
Ila zcl, the Public School
Messrs. Benson, G ilbert and
P ick ett and their w ives were
visitors a t the Sunday services.
M r. Benson delivered the sermon.
J. D . Gordon, Pres.
R ev. M arion George and w ife
A . Nelson, Vice Prea.
have been out a t th eir prune
orchard the past m onth and w ill
Final announcement is made
g et through picking this week.
that a b ig cement manufacturing
plant is to be established at
Oswego. A m int o f money, rep­
o _ r r n
o e - r — g
resented by Portland, Salt Lake,
Invite* the burine** of all cl *■***, with the asaurar
Ogden and Los A ngeles capitalists parted W ednesday fo r Texas
affair* will be well served by tUa bank
is back o f the proposition and where M rs. C a rters people, J. P .
B arnhart and fam ily w en t last
work on the plant is to begin spring. O f course w e shall ex­
n ext month. Its capacity is to pect them bade to Oregon in the
and facilities are of tbs best
be 1500 barrels per day.
course o f tim e.
, i
C harley M cN utt, w h o spent the
President T a ft is m akings good summer m Chehalem Center, bid
To extend to our patrona the fullest accommodaih
adieu to his friends Sunday and
standing and naponribility
impression on the people as he is
started on his journey to visit
serve their interest*; to ex.
sw inging around the circle, but other relatives in W ashington,
it would please the great m ajority M ontana, and D akota, ana also
much better to hear him say the to attend the A . Y. P.
ta riff bill as passed was fo e best
Pacific C ollege Notss.
that could be gotten from con­
boys are eagerly expecting
gress, rather than to affirm that
each m ail to bring the soccer ball
it is fo e beet ta riff bill ever
so the gam es m ay be in evidence.
peaeed and then pat Aldrich on
The first musical o f the musk
fo e back fo r fo e part he played in departm ent w as given Saturday
night, O ctober 9, a t the home ot
M rs. Hull.
The Y . W . and Y . M .C .A .g a v e
The Star Lyceum course w ill
eonsist o f five numbers and season a réception to the new students
and faculty on F rid ay evening,
tickets, good fo r reserved seats,
O ctober 8.
w ill be sold at $2.00. W here two
The first m eeting o f the Y. W.
or more tickets are sold to the C. A. w as held in the D orm itory
heme party the price w illb e$ L 7 5 parlor Tuesday, October 5. The
fo r each tic k e t A t these prices tim e w as spent in g ettin g ac­
a large sale o f tickets must be quainted w ith the new girls.
M onday, O ctober 11, Mra. Finest Photo* in tb* city. Crayon and
made in order to meet the ex ­
Shephard, President o f the W, C.
Water Color* a Specialty.
penses, as fo e course is by fa r
T. U., of Utah, addr
All work fintela**.
the most expensive one that has student* a t the chapel
o v e r been undertaken In N ew berg. the “ Fou r G reat Evils.
Pint A Howard Sta.
New berg ;
Manufacture their own
Lumber, Lath and Mouldinds
A lso carry in stock
Doors, Windows, Tiirnsd Work, Llmo, C o ­
ntent, Plaster and Ssnd.
W hen you decide to build g ive us a chance to figure on
your material.
The First National Bank
Best B u ilt H igh T o p Shoes
Our Resources
Our Policy.
w ater are the
ears and at-
Call and examine them,
Wilson, Newhotsse & Co.
W . W. Hollingsworth & Son
Browning Photo
ìk&à Studio'*'- |j
_ __