N E W B E R Q Q R A P M IC . W hich, at this time, were the moat unenviable situation, hie accusers, and whyT T h re l hundred p illio n dollars is the estim ate placed on the Harriman estate, and Mrs. Russel Sage and H etty Green are m ere pygm ies hi the financial world, when compared to Mra. Harriman, who is the richest woman in the fo re the d irt gets * stick to the tubers. The W estern Oregon published St Cottage G rove by our friend, Bath has been absorbed by The Sentinel, published by Lew . A . Cates. The Sentinel is a splendid paper and has a good advertising Portland should g e t busy and annex all o f Multnomah county aa a means o f keeping in sight o f Seattle when the census enumer­ ators appear on the s c e n e . Seattle means an o f K in g county sanitarium last Monday at the a g e o f 75. The M eekers made a fortune in hope at Puyallup several years ago, but lost the greater part o f it later by Bpecu- The city o f M cM innville is said to be having all kinds o f trouble w ith the ligh t and w ater system a ll the w hile at a rate that is alarm ing to property owners. A sm elling committee is to be ap­ pointed, so the report goes. A ll rite criticism that is being hurled at law yers and courts on the score o f d iggin g up hairsplit­ tin g technicalities, w ill no doubt have a wholesome effects Honest people are becom ing tired o f this method o f procedure, and a w a re o f reform is long over due. Douglas county evidently fu r­ nishes better picking fo r lawyers than Yam hill, as the Circuit Court docket fo r that county shows up w ith 110 civil cases, and among the /lumber are 14 new divorce cases m addition to several that have been continued from previous terms. regu lar prayer m eeting Wednes­ day, O ctober 6. The meeting though not especially large in at­ tendance, w as very good. Lead­ er R ile y K a u fm a n . Dr. J. R. N. Bell, ot C ofcW lis, w h o w as here attending the Presbyterian Synod, land dispel Thursday m orning, O ctober 7. shot the Salem policeman, M yers H e spoke very interestingly on yielded-to the counsel o f a retired m ental expansion. Rev. R obert M cKensie, Presi­ M ethodist preacher whom he mat a fe w m ike out from Salem, and dent ot the San Francisco Theo­ the tw o rode into the ch y lata at logical Sem inary, spoke Friday, October 8, a t chapel. H is talk night and reported to the sheriff. w as appreciated by the students I t is said d ie reward o f 91100, on account o f its helpfulness and which was offered fo r the arrest sparkling Scotch humor. The L itera ry Societies m et F ri­ o f M yers, w ill be paid to the preacher, which is righ t and d ay after school to appoint a proper, and he should also be com m ittee to form the new con­ stitu tion, as it w as decided to added to the detective force in unite the Helianthus and A go re - the capital city. It is evident ton societies. M e e t in g ad- that they need him. L ast season the people o f Mew- berg who appreciate high class entertainm ent gave hearty re­ sponse to the call fo r the sale o f season tickets fo r the Lyceum course, which made it possible to m eet the expenses, which w ere not lig h t In booking numbers fo r the course fo r this season a much greater risk has been taken as five numbers are to be given, one o f which is a tw o hundred dollar attraction and tw o others are erne hundred and fifty dollars each. N ew b erg is a larger town than it was a year ago, and again since the people have learned that nothing but first class attractions are offered in these courses the necessary tickets w ill be sold w ithout doubt. w ill see the cloee o f the A . Y . P. which has been a great sapoeas from the day the gates w ere opened. So fo r a s w e have heard ail who have gone from N ew berg to aee the fa ir have been highly pleased w ith it, and this senti­ m ent seems to have prevailed generally. lik e the L ew is and Clark fa ir it has proven a great advertising featu re fo r the whole N orth w est country and Oregon is sharingand w ill continue to share in the benefits so derived. The pendulum is to sw ing fo r to the south some seven years hence, when San D iego w ill celebrate the completion o f the Panama canal w ith a b ig exposition. In the language o f the street, the Pacific Coast is goin g some these days. S U N D A Y SC H O O L LESSON Verses 9 -1 2 -When a ju< magistrate favors the proa ecu' m ales harsh rem arks mgm prisoner during the taking of HEATING I f • mao’s causa is just, w ill a know­ ledge o f all the facta alw ays help him? W h at are the leadhw points here out- lined, o f Pau l’s defence before King Agrippa? “ W hy should it be thought a thing incredible w ith' you that God ahouB raise the dead?” v-8. 25 Different Styles priced from W a s Paul any better when he pear «ecuted «a d caused Christiana to bo^ptut to death, than the Jews w e n then,, in wanting to put him to death? ‘- How do you estimate P au l’s character See our Display Before B uying his conversion? W h at w as God’s object, as hare des­ cribed in Pau l’s conversion, and what is God’s object in every conversion? Verses 19-23.- I s it possible that som* sinners get a call from God fully as marked as P au l’s and yet refuse to comply and go ea in their sins? W h at difference is there between n man before and afte r he turns to God? Verses 24-32 .-W hy did Festos inter­ rupt Paul and say he w as mad? W h y A d not Festos and A grippa both turn to God, seeing that they w are d early convinced o f the truth o f Christianity and their need o f sal­ vation? . W h y are not all persons Christiana who have heard the voice o f God calling them to repentance? Lemon fo r Sunday, October O at, 190t. Paul a Prisoner.—The Voyage. Acts asa-at Just Received a Car of Wire Fencing menean Seed Grain For Sale Clean Vetch, Vetch and Oats, Cheat Seed, Clover Seed, and Winter Oats and W hite Win­ ter Oats. All kinds of grain and seed cleaned. Chehalem Valley Mills NEW BERG, OREGON The Chas. K. Spaulding Log. Co, I t is rumored that the Southern Pacific has again under consider­ ation a scheme fo r fosterin g-in - terurban passenger traffic on the Yam hill branch b y putting on a gasoline motor car betw een N ew ­ b erg and Portland. The world and the Southern Pacific move slow ly but they usually g e t there. H ere’s still hoping. M iss Nancy and S. W . Atkin­ son to o k in the Seattle P a ir last week. M iss Elm a Paulsen is attend­ ing college in New berg, M iss Ila zcl, the Public School Messrs. Benson, G ilbert and P ick ett and their w ives were visitors a t the Sunday services. M r. Benson delivered the sermon. J. D . Gordon, Pres. R ev. M arion George and w ife A . Nelson, Vice Prea. have been out a t th eir prune orchard the past m onth and w ill Final announcement is made g et through picking this week. that a b ig cement manufacturing plant is to be established at m - Oswego. A m int o f money, rep­ o _ r r n ew o e - r — g resented by Portland, Salt Lake, Invite* the burine** of all cl *■***, with the asaurar Ogden and Los A ngeles capitalists parted W ednesday fo r Texas ' affair* will be well served by tUa bank is back o f the proposition and where M rs. C a rters people, J. P . B arnhart and fam ily w en t last work on the plant is to begin spring. O f course w e shall ex­ n ext month. Its capacity is to pect them bade to Oregon in the and facilities are of tbs best be 1500 barrels per day. course o f tim e. , i f C harley M cN utt, w h o spent the President T a ft is m akings good summer m Chehalem Center, bid To extend to our patrona the fullest accommodaih adieu to his friends Sunday and standing and naponribility ‘ “ impression on the people as he is started on his journey to visit serve their interest*; to ex. sw inging around the circle, but other relatives in W ashington, it would please the great m ajority M ontana, and D akota, ana also much better to hear him say the to attend the A . Y. P. ta riff bill as passed was fo e best Pacific C ollege Notss. that could be gotten from con­ The boys are eagerly expecting gress, rather than to affirm that each m ail to bring the soccer ball it is fo e beet ta riff bill ever so the gam es m ay be in evidence. peaeed and then pat Aldrich on The first musical o f the musk fo e back fo r fo e part he played in departm ent w as given Saturday night, O ctober 9, a t the home ot M rs. Hull. The Y . W . and Y . M .C .A .g a v e The Star Lyceum course w ill eonsist o f five numbers and season a réception to the new students and faculty on F rid ay evening, tickets, good fo r reserved seats, O ctober 8. w ill be sold at $2.00. W here two The first m eeting o f the Y. W. or more tickets are sold to the C. A. w as held in the D orm itory heme party the price w illb e$ L 7 5 parlor Tuesday, October 5. The fo r each tic k e t A t these prices tim e w as spent in g ettin g ac­ a large sale o f tickets must be quainted w ith the new girls. M onday, O ctober 11, Mra. Finest Photo* in tb* city. Crayon and made in order to meet the ex ­ Shephard, President o f the W, C. Water Color* a Specialty. penses, as fo e course is by fa r T. U., of Utah, addr All work fintela**. the most expensive one that has student* a t the chapel MBS. F. H. BROWNING o v e r been undertaken In N ew berg. the “ Fou r G reat Evils. Pint A Howard Sta. New berg ; Manufacture their own Lumber, Lath and Mouldinds A lso carry in stock Doors, Windows, Tiirnsd Work, Llmo, C o ­ ntent, Plaster and Ssnd. W hen you decide to build g ive us a chance to figure on your material. The First National Bank Best B u ilt H igh T o p Shoes Our Resources Our Policy. w ater are the ears and at- Call and examine them, Wilson, Newhotsse & Co. W . W. Hollingsworth & Son Browning Photo ìk&à Studio'*'- |j villVl/uaiU. I ItBIU_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Furnishings