Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 23, 1909, Image 1

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G raphic
N ewberg
THE SYNOD OF OREGON. daughter o f the late Dr.
Littlefield, and is a young woman
o f excellent character and highly
reepected by a ll The groom is
Delegatee frofn all parts o f the son o f Mr. Frank Davidson, a
Oeegoti and some from outside young man o f high moral worth
the state will hav¿ Newberg for and refinement and a prominent
their Mecca October 6. They
fanner o f S t PauL Those pres­
come for the meetings o f the ent from a distance were Hon.
Synod o f Oregon which is the and Mrs. John Cummins, Mrs.
organization o f the Presbyterian Almira Cummins, Loyd Cummins,
church, embracing some ISO Mrs. Paul Reedy *uid Miss Rosa
churches with a total member­ Littlefield, Portland; Mr. and
ship o f about11,000. Thesesaioi MrsL A. P. Fletcher, Miss Eva
o f the Synod will be held in the Fletcher, , L*Fayette; Mr. and
local Presbyterian church, which, M n. J. E. Eldriedge, Ch
with the assistance o f its friends, Mr. Frank Davidson, Mr. Chester
will act as host
Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
The hearty good-will existing Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. David­
between the churches o f New­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Gooding, Mr.
berg is evidenced by the fact and Mrs. Jean Davidson, Mr. and
that most o f the other local Mrs. Fred Gearin, Mr. John
churches have already offered Gearin, Mrs. H. Gearin, Miss
their help in this undertaking. Irene Gearin, S t Paul; Dr. and
, According to its standing rules. Mrs. C. A. Eldriedge, Corvallis.
Synod is a self-sustaining body, The guests from Newberg were
paying all its own expenses in Hon. and Mrs. J. C- Nelson, Dr.
' the place in which it meets. Harry Littlefield, Mrs. M aggie
Knowing, however, the hospital­ Littlefield, Mr. > and Mrs. L. B.
ity o f the people o f Newberg, the Ferguson. Mr. and Mrii. W. W.
local Presbyterian church has Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mills,
notified the members o f Synod Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bryan, Mr.
that they might expect enter­ and Mrs. Hugh Nelson, Mrs. L.
tainment for lodging and break­ E. Brown, Mrs. N. Brouillette,
fa s t This will mean entertain­ Mrs. Chss. Crabtree, Mrs. James
ment for probably three nights, Ferguson, Mrs. W. E. W ight
as the sessions will close Friday Dr. E. A. Romig, Hobart Little­
evening, October 8. All who field, Joe Nelson and the Misses
are willing to help in this matter, Anna Rogers, Nadine Bryan,
will please notify Mrs. G. W. Pearl Cobb. Ella Nelson, Leila
Cutts o f the fa ct and also the Bixby, Adeline Borceri, Hazel
number they are wilting to enter­
Comer, Eula Colcord, Hazel
Elliott Lorena Otis.
The people o f Newberg are
<iuite familiar with such gather­
ings through the Friends Yearly
Meeting and the Baptist As­
sociation, so there is little reason
to explain farther.* Suffice it to
say that many o f the sessions
will be o f interest to the general
public. Each evening there will
be a popular meeting, addressed
by 'some able speaker or speakers.
It is hoped that the meeting may
- be o f benefit to the whole com­
J oh n F. L y o n s .
UlMta m N « v W f O ct « .
Utdcficld-DavUsoo Wedding.
Rev. Father McDevitt, o f Port-
( land, officiated at a very pretty
lawn wedding in the marriage o f
Miss Hazel Littlefield to Mr.
Ralph Sylvester Davidson» at the
home o f the bride’s mother, Mrs.
Maggie L. Littlefield on Wednes­
day, September 15. The lawn
was artistically decorated with
autumn leaves, fern and white
asters. A t the hour o f 12 o’clock
Miss Nadine Bryan sweetly sang,
“ I love you Truly,” which was
followed by strains o f the wed­
ding march from Lohengrin,
rendered by Miss Irene Gearin,
announcing the approach o f the
bridal party.
The bride was
most charmingly gowned in an
-exquisite Jusi over white silk cut
princess with rich lace trimmings,
a gift from her uncle, Dr. Harry
Littlefield brought from the
Phillipine Islands. Her veil was
held in place with orange blos­
soms and she carried a bouquet
.o f white carnations. Mrs. Lelia
Littlefield Eldriedge, matron of
honor, was charming in Jusi over
silk and carried a bouquet o f
white asters. Miss Eva Fletcher
and Miss Leila Bixby as brides­
maids were lovely in pink silk
and carried bouquets o f asters.
The groom was attended by his
. brother, Mr. Chester Davidson,
o f S t Paul. The impressive ring
ceremony was performed, little
Jimmie Mills being ring beater.
Many handsome and useful pres­
ents were received. A sump­
tuous dinner was served, aftef
which amid congratulations and
a shower o f rice, the happy young
couple left on the evening train
for Portland. They will be at
home to their friends after Octo­
ber 20 at S t Paul. Mra David­
son Is well and favorably known
in Newberg. being the young* ?t
Nathan W hite.
Above will be found a picture
o f our fellow townsman, Nathan
White, who left his home August
26, going to Seattle, where all
trace o f him has been lost.
Nathan White was a man above
the average in intelligence, and
although handicapped by the loss
o f his hearing, probably no man
in the community kept better
posted regarding current events
than he. He was o f a jovial dis­
position and enjoyed the compa­
ny o f his friends. The loss is
very distressing to the family
and friends, who have about
given up all hope o f ever hearing
from him in any way.
Cutte-Barcroft W edding.
Public School to Open.
R M P u n rS D .
George Etzwtler, three month* et f60
end six months St 945. ‘
G. H. Bidgood, ctx months at fSO per
£ month.
On next M onday morning the
bd l at the public school building
will make its first call oi the
Rented for twehrs months, beginning
school year for the assembly
August 1, 1900, 995 per month.
pupils, and consequently the
formation given below will
Yamhill Electric Company, two mo­
interest to the public.
tors to operate fans, 919 per month.
9 990.
Repairs to Building
Art. 2—Sectiofi 1—The tu:
from the First to the Ei
Bonds, doe 1910
Grades, inclusive, shall be
Interest on bonds
per year, or $6 per semester;
Balance doe on hosting plant
the High School, $15 per year,
or $7.60 per semester. Thu» Headquarters Yamhill County
tuition is payable in advance,
Veteran Associât*
and in case o f prolonged sickness
or other unavoidable absence for
Comrades:—September 29th is
a period o f more than tw o weeks, designated as "Veteran's Day
the tuition tor time ot absence at the fair to be held in McMinn
shajl be refunded. Questions o f ville, September 28th, 29th, 30th
residence shall be decided by the and October 1st, 1909. A camp
fire will be held in the evening
Art. 2—Section 6—New classes o f that day.
shall be formed in the Primary
No regular program will be
Department only at the begin­ carried out at this camp fire, but
ning o f the term, and children it is hoped and expected that
will not be received later than every member o f the organization
the beginning ot the third week will so conduct himself, on this
ot school, except when, on ac­ OMthton, that there can be no
count o f instruction at home' or doubt that he possesses the neces­
elsewhere, they are sufficiently sary qualifications to make him
far advanced that they will not eligible to become a member o f
retard the progress o f the class. the Ananias club and o f the
Children attaining the age o f six Oregon Legislature.
years within tw o months follow ­
From reliable sources it is
ing the commencement o f the learned that Plymouth Rock
term will be admitted at the chickens are the principal and
commencement ot the term.
best kind raised around McMinn­
Art. 2—Section 14—1Telephones ville, and that some o f the
shall be used only for school citizens, unacquainted with the
purposes. Pupils shall obtain ways o f old soldiers, have pur­
permission before using them. chased locks for their hen houses,
Any person desiring to call tor a and will watch their poultry with
pup«, shall state his own name dou/^etbar reled shot guns during
to the teacher or person answer- our stay in that vicinity.
mg the call, before the pupil
O f course this unwise and dis­
called for will be permitted to go loyal conduct is entirely uneces-
to the phone.
sary and useless, as the same
Art. 2—Section 15—The Board methods o f raising poultry will
considers tba£ the time and ener­ prevail with us as used while we
gy of teachers belong to the were marching through Georgia.
district, and should be used for
Yamhill county, having gone
the benefit o f the public schools. dry, there is no necessity for
Teachers are forbidden to engage any comrade to get shot in the
in any occupation or amusement neck, and any comrade, so hit,
which will detract from the value will be refused medical aid and
o f their services as teachers.
the benefit o f clergy.
I am in receipt o f a com­
Mr. W. W. Wiley,
munication from the Washington
$1300 per annum
County Veteran Association say­
Mr. W. A. Petteys,
Asa. Prin., Room 2
86 per month ing some o f them, at least, would
be glad to fraternize with us at
Mr. A i C. Stanbrough,
High School, Room 14
80 “ . 44
McMinnville if I would advise
Mr. W. A. Wieat,
them o f the time; this I have
High School, Room 1«
75 “
Miss Madge Ytrehus,
It is confidently hoped and
High School, Room 15
65 “
expected that there will be a full
Miss Laura Beckwith,
Eigth Grade, Room 8
56 “
attendance at this, our firs£. Re­
Mias Dorothy Hull,
gular Meeting, and that every
Seventh “ B” Grade,
will help to make this
Room 11
66 '**
meeting so enjoyable that noth­
Miss Anna Dudley,
but the itch or orders from
Seventh “ A ” Grade,
Room 12
56 "
headquarters will keep any
Mias Grace Wiison,
comrade from attending future
Sixth " B ” Grade,
Room 10
80 "
Yours in F. C. and L.
Miss Helena Ferguson,
N. E. B r it t ,
Sixth " A ’” Grade,
Room 9 ,
80 "
President Yamhill Co. Vet. As­
Miss Grace Noyes,
sociation. Newberg, Sept. 16.
A very pretty wedding was Fflfth ' W Grade,
solemnized on Tuesday, Sep­ Room 5
tember 22, at the home o f Mr. Miss Mary Barber,
Fifth “ A ’” Grade, „
and Mrs. G. VV. Cutts when they
59 "
gave their daughter; M'arjorie Room 3
Miaa Doris Duncan,
Louise in marriage to \ffr. John
Fourth ‘ •B'* Grade,
W overton Bbrcroft, the officiat­ Room 6
50’ "
ing minister being Rev. John F. Miss Flossie Bass,
Lyons, pastor o f the Presbyteri­ Fourth “ A ” Grade,
50 ?
an church. The bride was beaut Room14
Mrs. Josephine Bradley,
tifully gowned ip white silk and
Third “ B " Grade,
bore orange blossoms, the groom
Room 1 •
50 ”
wearing c o n v e n t i o n a l black. Mist Mabel Ruah,
Only the immediate relatives Third " A ” Grade,
60 •* 44
were present. After refreshments Room 7
C r e a m e r y r u il d in c .
the happy couple left tor Port­ Miss Grace Duiitan,
land on the afternoon tram, Fir#t “ B” and Second
midst a shower o f rice and old
“ B” Room 3
50 per month
shoes. Both the bride and groom Miss Lena Spangle,
are very estimable young people -, Second “ A” Grade,
Room 2
50 “
who are held in good esteem by
Mist Leo ta Foster,
a large circle of friends in New­ First “ A” Grade,
berg. They will make their home h Room, 1
50 “
J A N IT O R S E M P L O Y E R .
in Corvallis during the coming
year where Mr. Barcroft will Main Building-
Mr C. W. Ptckham
75 per month
continue his course in pharmacy Creamery Building—
at 0 . A. C.
Mr. Frank Moore
t M 44
West Chehalem.
The ladies aid will hold their
meeting Thursday at the church.
Miss Emma Nelson is now
visiting her brother. N. Nelson.
Services will be held at the
church next Sunday.
Mr. Patton has reached the
highest point for oat yield, his
lake property going 102 bushels
to the acre,
Frank Nelson came in from
threshing with his outfit last
Marriage Licences.
Hazel Littlefield, age 18 to j
Ralph Davidson, age 29 years.
Mary Fields, age 18 to Guy C. I
Stoutenberg, age 20 years.
Luella May. age 19 to Newton
A. Harris, age 52 years.
Jossie Dill, age 18 to Claud
Kesterson, age 26 years.
Cora Ann Nilgore, age 17 to
Frank Merrill High, age 22 yri.
Louise Cutts, age 21 to ’ John
Rarcroft Jr., age 20 years.
“T h e Finest Outride o f
Is the expression offered by a
P ortland w holesaler regard­
in g oa r stock o f
W a ll Paper and Paints,
V -P
* t,
IM/ï ¿i s
W e appreciate hom e opinions
C. E. Fuller Paint Company
H ere Four Tim es a Y ea r
Dr. 6. J. Mills Eyesight Specialist
The Mills-Porter Optical Co.
300-301 Columbia Bldg. Portland
At the Imperial Hotel
Monday-Tuesday, Sep. 2 7 -8
This is a firm with a great reputation to maintain and cannot
afford to give you anything but the best. ALL WORK ABSO­
Agent for Oregon SiennaTPaint Co’s, paints and var- g
nishes. We have a full line o f stains o f all shades.
Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Kalsomine. Givq us a
trial and be convinced that this is the best place in
Newberg to buy paints . AH work and material
guaranteed satisfactory.
4 » 4 < » N N H » l t » t e m M 4 a é t e H * 4 4 » è t M 4 N I H >4 M ê 9 M
A GUN, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball, Sporting Goods of any
kind, a good Bicycle—new or second-hand—pocket knife,
or razor? Or do you wish something repaired, or made
over? If you de, call on us and we’ll do the rest.
4P- —
m m m
# u 'N . i m . 4 Maaeen