-M G raphic N ewberg NEWBERG, Y AMHILL 00ÏÏNTY. OREGON, THÏÏR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 23.1909. VOL, XXI. THE SYNOD OF OREGON. daughter o f the late Dr. Littlefield, and is a young woman o f excellent character and highly reepected by a ll The groom is Delegatee frofn all parts o f the son o f Mr. Frank Davidson, a Oeegoti and some from outside young man o f high moral worth the state will hav¿ Newberg for and refinement and a prominent their Mecca October 6. They fanner o f S t PauL Those pres­ come for the meetings o f the ent from a distance were Hon. Synod o f Oregon which is the and Mrs. John Cummins, Mrs. organization o f the Presbyterian Almira Cummins, Loyd Cummins, church, embracing some ISO Mrs. Paul Reedy *uid Miss Rosa churches with a total member­ Littlefield, Portland; Mr. and ship o f about11,000. Thesesaioi MrsL A. P. Fletcher, Miss Eva o f the Synod will be held in the Fletcher, , L*Fayette; Mr. and local Presbyterian church, which, M n. J. E. Eldriedge, Ch with the assistance o f its friends, Mr. Frank Davidson, Mr. Chester will act as host Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. The hearty good-will existing Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. David­ between the churches o f New­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Gooding, Mr. berg is evidenced by the fact and Mrs. Jean Davidson, Mr. and that most o f the other local Mrs. Fred Gearin, Mr. John churches have already offered Gearin, Mrs. H. Gearin, Miss their help in this undertaking. Irene Gearin, S t Paul; Dr. and , According to its standing rules. Mrs. C. A. Eldriedge, Corvallis. Synod is a self-sustaining body, The guests from Newberg were paying all its own expenses in Hon. and Mrs. J. C- Nelson, Dr. ' the place in which it meets. Harry Littlefield, Mrs. M aggie Knowing, however, the hospital­ Littlefield, Mr. > and Mrs. L. B. ity o f the people o f Newberg, the Ferguson. Mr. and Mrii. W. W. local Presbyterian church has Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mills, notified the members o f Synod Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Bryan, Mr. that they might expect enter­ and Mrs. Hugh Nelson, Mrs. L. tainment for lodging and break­ E. Brown, Mrs. N. Brouillette, fa s t This will mean entertain­ Mrs. Chss. Crabtree, Mrs. James ment for probably three nights, Ferguson, Mrs. W. E. W ight as the sessions will close Friday Dr. E. A. Romig, Hobart Little­ evening, October 8. All who field, Joe Nelson and the Misses are willing to help in this matter, Anna Rogers, Nadine Bryan, will please notify Mrs. G. W. Pearl Cobb. Ella Nelson, Leila Cutts o f the fa ct and also the Bixby, Adeline Borceri, Hazel number they are wilting to enter­ Comer, Eula Colcord, Hazel tain. Elliott Lorena Otis. The people o f Newberg are 4 M ê 9 M DO Y O U N E E D A GUN, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball, Sporting Goods of any kind, a good Bicycle—new or second-hand—pocket knife, or razor? Or do you wish something repaired, or made over? If you de, call on us and we’ll do the rest. T H E O . S T . PIERRE. H 4P- — MMM 10.49 m m m # u 'N . i m . 4 Maaeen