Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 09, 1909, Image 2

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    *> 7 K s^
'i ¿V
Cloudburst Floods R iver* and O ver­
flow s Fertile Valleys
Mexico. C ity, Sept. 7.— A special dis­
patch r*o«ived here from M orelia aeys
that floode yesterday rained a large
section o f the Zamora district. A ter­
rible eloodbarst in the mountains cans
ed r iv e n and streams to overflow and
m iles o f fe rtile valleys are and
R ib s
Further details have been received
i n t e n d t a i AH
^ v W L W fi «
b a n e f tha flood that sw ept the foe
ìiim V W
o f Tula, in the etate o f Tam alpeie, last
Saturday. A wave between 46 and fiO
t i u Im portant but N ot L a m Inti
fe e t high engulfed the low er h alf o f
eating Happenings from Points
the town. Tw o hundred bouses and the
Outside the State.
Sen Joan bridge w ere carried awsy and
maay lives were lo s t Tha storm raged
fo r three days.
Rossis now wants a share in the Chi­
Terrib le sa are the conditions at
nes* railw ay loan.
Monterey, the correspondent declares
The deficit o f the Gorman im perial they are ju st as bed at Tula end vicin­
governm ent fo r 1908 is said to amount ity.
The entire northeastern section o f
IS $30,500,000.
the etate is M id to have been laid
/•T w o colored men have been heaged waste. Railroad and telegraphic com­
by a mob at Malcolm, A la ., {.for mur­ munication w m delatrayed and the pop­
dering the sheriff.
ulation o f Tula, some 7,000 persona,
m cut o ff from the root o f the nation
Explorer Cook says he has data to
convince the moot skeptical that he was fo r four days. I t w ill be six or eigh t
months before the highways can b e w ­
actually a t the North Pols.
ared. T h irty bodies have been re ­
Jap grape pickers in C alifornia have
covered end many bodies o f shepherds
demanded an increase in w ages and
id mountaineers are being washed
may be replaced by Hindus.
down into tbs va lley below.
A « « e l l tim p e t was censed by an
T -
Itatlian warship stopping w hile the A t-
U ntie fleet was at target practice.
N m y
'f j
i 'x.~-*
A sword fish has been caoght o ff the Men end Women Caught In Chicago
Catalina islands, CaL, which weighed
Heed Big Gang.
141 pounds and measured eigh t fo ot in
Chicago, SspL 7.— In tbs arrest o f
A llen Posner, 26 years old, ami s
M ore explosives have been found in
ong women g ivin g her neme m Emi­
the bankers o f B ritish w ar virasls and ly Snyder, 20 years old, who ere ia cus­
members o f the adm iralty are in a stats tody at the Harrison street police sta­
o f form ant.
tion, Postoffice Inspector Stnart believ­
Tbs latest creation in the m illinery es be hM pert o f e gang o f m ail thieves
lin e is to be known m the Cook bet, in who have been operating in Chicago
honor o f the explorer. I t is tw o fe e t and other cities. Tw o men are being
high covered w ith black fo r, w hile a sought m accomplices o f Posner and
w hite aigrette representing the pole the Synder g irl in the th eft o f letters
and chaahing o f cheeks found in stolen
brietleo from the top.
liL Posner and e man named Gray
China U planning the improvement
and another men whose name is being
e f her army.
kept secret are said to be under indict­
Count Zeppelin w ill continue prepar­ ment in N ew York fo r e $1,000 th eft
ations to fly to tha N orth Pale.
o f jew elry. The Synder g irl ie sold to
Preaidant ¿ T a ft says ha w ill prob­ have come to Chicago w ith Posner flour
months ago.
ably v is it Alaska next summer.
It is charged that the pair operated
A serious epidsude is feared in the by steelin g letters from residence m ail
nooa fltncKen aiBiricui o i Mexico.
n s a fte r delivery by letter eaariers.
German scientists say the finding o f Posner is declared to have adm itted
tin North P otato o f secondary import-
According to the posts] authorities,
Posoer sod his associates stoic $1,000
L ocomotive
«4h o f jew elry and other va‘
aays it is rushed w ith order fo r
which w e n brought to Chicago.
An I d d io * man hss jo s t died a t the
age o f 94. H e leaves 88 childrhn and
had outlived four w ives.
Denmark believes Cook’ s story e f
E m discovery o f th e, N orth Polo and
fr ill g iv e him a royal welcome.
Attorney General Wicker*ham says
i f the polar continent is worth holding
fri is governm ent w ill annex it.
Dispatches from Java say the vol­
cano Smern is in setive eruption, caus­
ing grea t havoc. Thors has eleo been
t an earthquake w ith hundreds o f feta l-
-•>> * .
Revolutionary coekec hats are to be
worn by women next so
W ilbur W rigfife has suggested that
cities appoint an inspector o f balloons.
The lose o f life in the Monterey,
Ile x ., flood is now estim ated at 8,000.
A tornado devastated D ia lville, a
Sm all town in Texas. Several persons
W ere injured.
Supplies are being sent to Monterey,
H ex ., and the general condition is
much improved.
Mrs. Florence Vandervort, a m illion­
aire widow d f Los Angeles, has m ar­
ried e poor men.
* V**
N o lives w ere lost ia the Nevada
cloudburst end the property damage is
placed a t $1041000.
Government scientists ssy Cook w ill
have no trouble in proving that he ac­
tually reached the pole.
According to official reports the rice
crop o f China w fll he about 17 per
cent above the average.
A ll W estern roads have announced
new schedules to the coast and each ia
tryin g to outdo the other.
The Am erican warship squsdron is
in Chinese wa tess.
The international trades onion coun­
c il 4s in session in Faria.
A severe earthquake has been fe lt in
the canal sons, but the big: ditch wa*
not hurt.
The steam er Ohio, wrecked o ff the
Alaskan coast, is said to have h it an
unchartered rock.
H ill a tm i l be hM all the railroad con-
■ he needs in the East and
w ill he confined to the W est.
a new warns peter*su LI
N ew York which w ill shorten
to five days.
V A M g Ouray met prejeet hue been
started in Colorado by which 2*0,000
aeras ot land w ill be reclaim ed a t a
cost o f $2,000,000.
m inan object to the
a fla ia ile n powder.
> A» efM ^rf% $hnU torarjeraj
i have beau erected to
Nathan 8traus Says Plague is Gaining
Against Fight.
Budapest, Sept. 7.— Nathan Straus,
tha N sw York philanthropist, who on
to the Intsrnfrsnsl
Medical <
to stop the spreading
o f disease that results from the o h o f
infected m ilk, today submitted detailed
figures to that body to prove th gt tu­
berculosis, instead o f being conquered,
is on tM ia crease.
H e sited the official vita l statistic*
o f N ew York city, which w m
by t)r . Robert Koch with lea d in f.'th e
whole world in the figh t against
enlosis. H e showed that tbs inereas
in g sk ill o f the physicians in
tuberculosis had reduced the
rate from this disease in proportion to
E m population from 2^42 per 1,000 in
1902 to 2.89 per 1,000 in 1907, and
2.29 in 1908, but be abowed that
number o f deaths from tuberculoo
proportion to Em total number o f
deaths from all causae had increased
from 18.04 per cent, in 1902 to 18.90
in 1908.
Cholera Loses T erro rs.
Paris, SspL 7.— Seram and vaccine
fo r treatm ent o f «holers hM been dis­
covered by Dr. Salambini, working un­
der the direction o f Professor Metch-
nikoff and Dr. Pierce Roux. Their
aernm hM been tried in Russia in *
perato cases and reduced the death
rate, which w m 50 per cent, to below
28 per cen t The vaccine is prepared
by taking bacilli from the body o f
cholera patient and m aking a culture
thereof, which is injected subcutane­
ously into healthy persons. Local in
faction follow s and immunity results.
G reek Princes Rem oved.
Athene, SspL 7.— K in g George to­
day w ill sign s decree placing Crown
Prince Constantine and Prince Nich-
o I m , at their own request, on the un­
attached list o f the army and granting
the other princes in the army tw o or
three years’ leave o f absence to atudy
gadier General Smolensk!
w ill replace Crown Prince Constantine
commander ia ch ief and Colonel
CortbM w ill be appointed commpnd
er o f the arm y corps at Athens.
" " ■—t'v —
Tornado W ipe* Out Tow n.
C atraai, S icily, SspL 7.— The v il­
lage at Stordoa was shout w iped oat
today by a tornado.
F iva parsons
ware U llad and 50 Injured.
One hun­
dred hsuMS w ere com pletely demol­
ished and many others unroofed. The
tornado w m accompanied by a torren­
tia l rain. The populat ion took refuge
to houses on the Quarter Santo Maria,
the statue o f Santa M fria Mag-
glove fa ll, adding
Tennessee Stays Dry-
■ Tern., SepL 7.— Tbs
has estab­ legislative set prohibiting wholesale
lished a raw m
as w all as retail sals o f liquor to the
in four state waa upheld except sa regards
from N ew York to
14 hours and 2 i
M iss to r shipment outside o f the state,
to an opinion handed down to Chanoery
court todaay by Chancellor T . M .' Me-
law hi Calorado
Durand In vite« Their
<W V ■
* Practical
Washington, SepL 6.- rbs term e«,
»tu rally vary
o f the United States are net
o f a gri­
culture and farm s that w ill be taken
High and W heat and Fruit W ill Bring Farm ers A p ril 16, 1910, sis ooe o f the subjects
Ytald Is Largs and
to ha a t o fr d b
y the
E m thirteenth
Portland The Oregon wool season
-* »/ “ • t o t a L i t t
of 1909, which hM now been brought
interest by w ritin g to the
to a close, hM been one of the to u t
resu Tor ths purpose o f m aking
on tbs m ark et W ith ths com ing o f
successful in the history of the ‘
meats upon census inform ation regard­
E m railroad this te ll E m fru it and grain
The yield w m large and the price
raisers w ill be able to send their sup­ ing agriculture M pr— e t o i to the
and the growers are en tirely
w ith the resu lt I t hM also been a plies to Baker C ity and all railroad pusL The director «1 the census w eL
profitable year, eo fa r m it has Rone, points.
otunea all such suggestions and gives
Asoording to reports received here them careful consideration, m he to
fo r tha dealers.
Tbs wool clip o f Oregon this year there is s short fru it crop in many sec­
netted the farm ers o f tha stats about tions o f Eastern Oregon. Grant scan­ anxious to have the results o f ths com­
$4,000,000. They have also received ty never hud a better yield o f aU kinds ing census correspond as nearly M may
very good prices fo r their mutton, o f fru its and grains than this year. be to the dm ires o f the people most In­
sheep and lambs, and are altogether in H eretofore apples have been ted to ths terested.
m prosperous a condition m tha farm hogs and fru it oould be bud fo r tbs
In addition to studying carefully
era in other parte o f the state-w ho picking, th is summer oentractors are
suggestions, the dire ter has on
beav devoted their energies to ra ilin g buying the fru it in the orchards.
w ill be boxed and shipped to railroad his own in itia tive requested oertain
I t hM been an idepl year for tha Ore­ points.
professors o f economies and agricul­
Tbs flour m ills o f the John Day val­ ture o f E m more im portant universi­
gon aheep men lr ith the weather eight
at every Meson to produce the beat re­ ley are paying $1 s bushel fo r w h eat
sults. As a consequence, the output Although E m yield ia much In advance ties o f the country, and otha
n larger than it 1 ms bees to recast o f previous yu an, there w ill not be who have specialised to agricultural
years and the quality w m batter.
A t enough wheat to supply local demands. matters, to come to W ashnigtoo fo r a
tha same tim e there w m a sharper de- The people e f Grant county bays im­ abort tim e fo r tha purpose o f studying
and from boyars and price# were mense tracts o f land that have never carefu lly and criticisin g plana now uo-
Especially is it desired to
bean cultivated, sad now that the* land dar w ay.
opinion rela tive to the
The quality
of the wool w m sacel­ is contingent to the railroad the wheat
le n t I l t i w m o
of f ‘ better staple than last yield should be very m aterially to* questions to be asked atod their form ,
mi the results to be obtained w ill eo
year, though o f heavier shrinkage, ow ­
W heat o f Grant county compares fa ­ largely depend upon tha character o f
ing to the dry spring.
The average
w eight o f the fleeces w m placed a t 9H vorably w ith wheat raised ia the lower the aehedule and the manner In which
pounds, tha heaviest average aver counties. In fa ct, E m Blue mountain the questions are propounded. 1
o f superior
quality, Mpecially suggestions, earning from outside ex­
known in the state. The wool sheared wheat ; is e
perts, are proving to ha o f grant value,
fUUy one pound to the fleece m ore than where it has basa Irrigated.
and it ia believed that in consequence
it did last year.
o f this prelim inary study mors valua­
The highest price paid during the
Um atiUa-M orrow Fair.
ble and accurate data w ill be obtained
aeon in Eastern Oregon w m 28 cents,
Pendleton— The annual U m atilla and than could otherwise be secured. A f­
which w m realised on a part o f ’ one
Morrow counties’ fa ir which w ill oc­ ter these special students and experts
clip at Shaniko. The larger p u t o f
cur here this month to causing conoid- have made their prelim inary studies,
the beat gratae sold between 20 and 22
earble interest and a ctivity. Prepara­ form al conferences are held in ths
cento. Some scouring wools want at
tions are being made fo r agricultural office, to which the whole m atter o f ths
18 cants, and other coarse grades mov­
exhibits which w ill eclipse anything character o f ths sfasdules and tha
ed at prices up to 17 cents.
For. the
ever seen in this section o f the state. methods o f securing ths inform ation
price fras
d ip , m a whole, the
Special f eatures are being arranged are thoroughly gone over.
abpout 19J4 cents.
fo r the entertainm ent o f the crowd«,
The departm ent is also seeking to
the latest being s “ broocho busting” secure tha advice and co-operation, as
contest fo r which s local firm 1 m s put fa r m possible, o f the officers and ex­
op a handsome saddle m a prise. I t to perts at tbs department at agriculture,
Special Agents Making VIaH to Kla­ expected that tha bM t riders in this o f the state agricultural colleges,
section w ill be hare.
farm ers’ societies and lik e
math County.
Nation M pntig In w Cinti«
ta r A r c tic
is r a fiit fS I
Klam ath Falls— H. P. Jones, a spe­
cial agent o f the general land effiee,
and Peter Ogden A pplegate, state Und
agent, have arrived from Salem to in­
spect Soma lands shout the takeu the
titles o f which are to question between
the state sod tbs United States.
The greater port o f tbs lands to this
Section have Icog sines'been classified
either m governm ent or as belonging
ramo land
to the state under the
grant o f March 12, 1860, bat there are
n e odds end ends s till
The classification o f
ry im portant, since • ths Klamath
basin is now ooming into its own and
the rich allu vial lands about ths lakes
w ill soon be in groat demand.
Messrs. A pplegate and J odm went
up the Klam ath lake by launch to be­
gin their examination taf tha low lands
at the bead o f the lake and w ill prob­
ably spend several days to th eir inves­
C onserve W aste W ater.
Arlington— n o v John Day Pow er
company, composed o f Oregon and
Washington irrigation enthusiasts, to
preparing to develop the immense w a­
ter power o f John D ay river, about 14
m ile* w est o f A rlin gton. The energy
o f this w ater, which has been idling
awsy Its strength fa r ages, w ill be
converted into electricity sad distrib­
uted over throe or fou r counties. u The
company hopes to be ready by next
spring to ternish A rlington and neigh­
boring towns w ith electricity fo r lights
ana power.
- ... ...
K ozar Returns from East.
Salem— In surance Comm lesion er €L
O fficials C ell Hasty
ocneau ifif.
Chicago, SepL A — The manager o f
E m Santa Fa road hM mada a definite
proposition to the Poetofflce depart­
ment to put on a now m ail and express
train between Kansra C ity and Los
Angelas that w ill reduce the present
running tim e by ten hour*
require a trip o f over 1,890 m ile* to he
mads to 50 hours, or a t the rata o f over
87 mites an hour, including stops.
Whan it became definitely known to­
day that tbs Bants P s had agreed to
tofrs ten hours o ff Eta latest sthedate
between K s nrai C ity told Los Angeles,
consternation re ig n «) to the official
ranks o f Eto W estern roads.
stand w ere hold on a ll aids«, agents o f
comDeiintr Unas ware dispatched to
Washington w ith instructions to ledrn
at all cost the position ths governm ent
is lik sly to take in the «a tt a r , and or­
ders Eero hastily issued by the Rock
Island aad Southern Pacific fo r tim e­
card m eeting*.
■ 1
H ■ '•*
E iy ls r s r .
I I , , ,
U M i
A1EA I t
D M A »
President T a ft May Be Requested to
H onor Man W h « H oleted Ftog
O ver P olar OoflEnent.
New York, SepL 4.— P rep a ra tion »
already are on fo ot to make the home­
coming o f Dr. Frederick A . Cook a »
even t o f national, and pOMtttly inter­
national importance. I f plans ou E in e*
today by members o f the A rctic club
era carried out, the welcome Dr. Cook
w ill receive in N ew Y ork w ill be am
oration in which city , state and nation,
w ill take part, w hile prominent explor­
ers— Cook’ s form er riva ls— from a ll
parts at the globe, w ill gather to pay
personal tribute to hto achievem ent*.
Members o f ths A rctic club hops*
P t M i ^ t T s tt may be praeenL “ Such
tin g ,” one declared, “ in view o f the
fa c t that the explorer has placed the-
Stars and Stripes on E m apex e f Era
world aad added perhaps «0,000 square
m iles to ths nation’s t s ir itn y .’ ! .
Am ong the explorers who are #x-
ed to take a prominent part arm
Duka d’ Abruxxi, Dr. Nansen, Cap­
tain Ronald A moods* n. General A . W .
Greeley, Rear Adm iral George M el­
v ille , Anthony F iala and Captain Jos­
eph E. Bernier.
Captain Bradley S. Osborns, secre­
tary o f ths A rctic club, says tbs ex­
plorer is not expected bare fo r several-
“ He to dm in Copenhagen in th ree
days,” raid Captain Osborns, “ and i f
he earns straigh t boms would arrive in
N ew Y ork abmit the middle o f Septem­
ber, but hto friends haltera that Ira
may make several stops on the way.
For one thing the geographers and e d ­
itiate o f Copenhagen w ill tentar him
a welcome. H e may g o to Christiana,
to m eet Captain Amundsen discoverer
o f the Northwest peerage; it is lik s ly
that bs w ill v is it Belgium where he
tow been decorated fo r his services t »
■dance and it te scarcely conceivable
that the B ritish geographical toelette*
would“ allow him to para them on hto
ay home without an Invitation t »
Banta Fe W ill Pitt Past Train on Run.
te C oeat.
'i* -
Chicago, SepL 4.— The management
e f the Sente F e railroad hM about de­
cided t * put teta operation a new .fa s t
m ail and express train to ran between
KanaM C ity and Lo* Angelas, w ith a
view to capturing the bulk o f the
Southern C aliforn ia m ail.
Xhto adds another speed w ar to th a t
rocsutly declared by tha H ill reads in
ths m ail, express «tad ps manger traffic
to the Pacific coast, affectin g a d iffer­
ent toritory between the East and Cal­
iforn ia.
1 ,
~ ,r7Tr* “
The en tire Southern C alifornia mail
to involved in the move, and thi# to
■aid to bring about $1,260,000 annual
revenue to the railroads.
The Sants.
Fs and Rock Island, in sm nectiorv
w ith the Southern Pacific, new hara
this business about equally divided.
The bulk o f this m ail comes from
E m St. Louie gatew ay by ths Missouri
Pacific. Tbs rswsigbltag pw iod for all
the territory w est o f the Missouri riv e r
and west o f S t Psnl begins next F eb­
ruary end on this account ovary road
to that territory to urging ths disposi­
tion o f the mails fo r the yearly period
follow in g the^lO days’ w eighing by Era
vernmenL Form erly the Santa F e
carried tbs bulk o f the Southern C ali­
fornia m ail, but M vsrsl years ago the ,
Missouri Pacific put on s fa it train
which captured the mail out o f SL
Louis and the Rack Island put on I t »
Golden State Lim ited, which le ft Kan-
i C ity jo s t a fter the arrival o f the
Eastern mails.
A t that tim e the San­
ta Fa w m not to a position to change
its schedule to w ait fo r tbs mails.
to San Francisco Mr.
a ttt dhya w ith G
he report*, to M b etter hraltb then
tim e.
W h ile to E m East M
- ..... i—— ■ -
national convention
Rem ove Government D redg
o f insurance commissioners and i
Marshfield—Captain Patera, who has
looked into tbs methods employed by
bad charge o f the governm ent dredge
ths insurance commissioners o f the
Oregon at work In Coos bay, hM
Middle W eatei
astern states.
turned from Portland and
that ths dredge ie to be removed to
P O R T L A ND MAR K E T * .
week and taken to the Columbia' river
fo r repair*.
The work started here i*
W heat— Bloestem , 95c; club, 87c;
as y e t uncompleted, but the effprts o f
ni ‘Uj'-
the people to keep the dredge here
Span 874 Feet Long D iscov­
were fruitless. I t is quite lik ely now 87e; Turkey red, 87c; fo rtyfold , 89)4e.
ered in Utah.
B arley— Feed, $26.50 per ton ; brew-
that the port commissioners w ill build
tog, $27.50.
Utah, SepL 6.— W ith a
s dredge o f their own.
Hay— Tim othy, W illam ette valley, spun o f 274 fe e t and more than 800
$12016 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17@ fe e t high, s natural bridge, raid to bs
Complains o f Late Trains.
18; mixed, $15.60016.50;
a lfa lfa , ths largest known, hra been discovered
■ Salem— A . F . W ill, o f Aurora, hi
$18.60; clover, $11018; cheat, $18@ by members o f the Utah Archaeological
complained to the railroad commission 14.60.
society, who have returned from an ex­
o f poor train service maintained by tbs
B atter— C ity cream ery, extras, 84c pedition along the Colorado river, in
Southern Pacific at Aurora. The train per pound; faney outside cream ery, 29
Northern Arizona and Southern Utah.
due to arrive a t 9:26 o ’ clock in ths @ 33c; store, 21@22c.
Butter fs t
The bridge ia located four mites
morning is from tw o to four hours late prices average 13-Rc per pound i
north o f the Arisons line in the state
regularly, says Mr. W ill, and that city regular butter pricM .
o f Utah, six m iles east o f the Colorado
had about as wall not have any train as
E gg*— Oregon ranch, candled, 80e river. On its top were found imbed ed
fa r m it is an accommodation to pas­ per dozen.
several fossils o f rhmarkable size, in­
sengers and(shippers.
Poultry— Hens, 16)4e par pound; dicating the presence in earlier tim es
springs, 17c; roosters, 9 0 1 0 c; docks, at giadt animal life .
Governm ent to Build Dredge.
young, 14e; geese, young, 10s; tar
The party brought back photographs
Pendleton— The government has com­ keys, 20; squabs, $1.7602 p «r dozen as wall M s collection o f rare pottery
menced advertising fo r bids for s $10,
Pork— Fancy, l l @ l l ) 4 c per pound. and baskets used by the c liff dwellers
000 bridge sctom the U m atilla river v Veal— Extra, 9)401O c per pound.
centuries ago.
Russians to Be Im ported.
at Cayuse station. The appropriation
Fruits— Apples, $102.25 par box;
, Honolulu SepL 4.— The territo ria '
for the structure was made last winter. pears, $1.2502; peaches, 6O c0$l.lO
D ecisive Battle ls*E xpected. |
board o f im m igration hM decided to
The bridge w ill have s carrying capa­ per
cra te;
cantaloupes, $1.6002;
SepL 6.— The culmination o f attem pt the solution o f the labor prob­
city o f 20 tops. The building o f ths plume, 85090c per box; watermelons,
bridge w ill form so important link ip 101
per pound; grapes, 50c©81.76 tbs border affrays between Turkish lem in the Hawaiian group by the im­
the construction o f the proposed road per crater; carabao, $1.5002 per dozen. troops and the Montenegrins occurreed portation o f R u ssia« fam ilies from
to Wen aha springs.
Potatoes— $1 per sack; sw eet pota­ near Cusink, s city to Turikish terri­ Manchuria. L . C. Atkinson, agent o f
tory, where s pitched battle
the board,’ railed fo r Harbin today on
ss» 8c per pound.
liner Siberia and to expected to
G overnor Sanson Invited.
Onion*— $1.2* par sack.
make arrangements fo r the im m igra­
Saleip— Thera hM been received at
Vegetables— Beans, 40 6 c par pound; here today. Thera w ere heavy
tion o f 60 soch fam ilies to B ew a il.
the governor’ s office a copy o f the offi­ cabbage, 101 )£ c ; cauliflower, 76c0 on both sides and s number o f
Am ong those Injured I f the experim ent proves sacceasful,
cial coll fo r ths fourth annual session $1.25 par dozen; celery, 5O c0 $ l; corn, ties reported.
it to probable that many more Rus­
o f tbs D ry Farm ing congress at B il­ 16020c; cucumbers, 10026c; onions, WUre five Turkish women. The
lings, Mont., October 26, 27 and 28. A 1 2 )4 0 1 6 «; peso, 7c per pound; pep­ tauegrtas fired upon the Turk«, accord­ sian fam ilies w ill b « induced to settle
' stare o f the congress w ill be gov- pers, 6 0 1 0 c; radish*«, 16c per dozen; ing to the dispatches. Armed forces to the islands.
nan’ day, when the governor o f s spinach, 6c per pound; «quash, 6 «; to- are flow facin g each other on the fron­
tier, and s decisive battle is
Canada Won’t Retaliate.
itoes, 60076c per boa.
number o f the W estern states w ill be
Hope— 1909 oon tracts, nem inai; 1908
Open Road te Prom otion.
that there to neentm ent in this coun­
crap. 14016c; 1907 crop, l i e ; 1906
SepL 6.— D . C. Buell and try over ths new provisions o f the
Apple Fair fo r H ood Rlvsr.
crop» 8c.
W . Sis vers, appointed at ths in­ Payne ta riff affectin g the pu>p and pa-
Hood R iver— Tbs apple growers o f
Eastern Oregon, 16028c per
o f E. H. Harriman to oooduct a
industry, it to fe lt both a t O ttaw a
Hood river valley held a rousing meet­
technical school fo r instruction o f and Quebec that nothing can be gained
ing at the Coommerctol dub rooms tost choice, 24©26c.
The gov­
C attle— S teen , top, 4.8004.60; fa ir Union Pacific railw ay employas, opened by Imposing export dutiee.
week fo r tbs purpose o f form ing s per­
manent organisation, and to toy plans to good, $404.26; common. $S.T*@ 4; tbs institution today. Mere then 100 ernment it ie announced w ill not take
fo r an annual apple fa ir.
C. D. cows, tap, $8.4068.66; fa ir to good, applicants wars on hand, ranging from any retaliatory notion to this direction,
Thompson w m elected chairman end $868.25; common to medium, $ 2 .6 0 « section hands to draughtsmen in the aad any legislation It may enact w ill
W . H. Walton secretary.
8.76; calves, top, 16(86.60; heavy, engineering departm ent The school Is be dtrrated rather to a final settlem ent
$8 .6 004 ; hulls and stags, $ 2 .7 «3 .2 6 ; designed to At employee e f the road than to aggravating the difficulties. :
fo r better positions aad is span to
C oos Plane Own D redge.
common, $202.60.
Hammond I^B uylng Mine.
S h eep -T o p wethers, $4; fa ir to them without expense.
Marshfield— Now that positive
noancement 1
been mode 1
that tbs good, $8.6008.76; ewe#, He I s m on
Mextoo C ity, SepL 4.— A deposit o f
Many Lost In Java Flood.
government dredge Oregon is to be re­ all fta d ea ; yearlings, bMt, $4; fa ir to
$200,600 hM been mode in a bonk here
Bata vie, Java, SspL 6.— I t to esti­ by John Hays Hammond to bind an op-
moved from this harbor, the port com­ good, $8.6008.76; spring Hunb«, $6.26
mated that 600 natives bars perished
mission w ill probably a t cues begin say «n,
on the Santa Gertrude mine in the
Bogs Brat, $8.76; fa ir to goad, $8 n E m floods to Southeastern Java. The Pachuea district o f H idalgo. The pro-
construction o f a larger and batter
1.60; stackers, $ 6 0 7 ; China fat%
dredge to be used permanently fo r im­
priee to $9,000,000,
provements on Coes buy.