*> 7 K s^ 'i ¿V S U G G E S TIO N S FRO M M ORE M E XIC AN FLO O D S’ Cloudburst Floods R iver* and O ver­ flow s Fertile Valleys EVENTS OFJHE DAY Mexico. C ity, Sept. 7.— A special dis­ patch r*o«ived here from M orelia aeys that floode yesterday rained a large section o f the Zamora district. A ter­ rible eloodbarst in the mountains cans ed r iv e n and streams to overflow and m iles o f fe rtile valleys are and R ib s Further details have been received i n t e n d t a i AH ^ v W L W fi « b a n e f tha flood that sw ept the foe ìiim V W V R o f Tula, in the etate o f Tam alpeie, last Saturday. A wave between 46 and fiO t i u Im portant but N ot L a m Inti fe e t high engulfed the low er h alf o f eating Happenings from Points the town. Tw o hundred bouses and the Outside the State. Sen Joan bridge w ere carried awsy and maay lives were lo s t Tha storm raged fo r three days. Rossis now wants a share in the Chi­ Terrib le sa are the conditions at nes* railw ay loan. Monterey, the correspondent declares The deficit o f the Gorman im perial they are ju st as bed at Tula end vicin­ governm ent fo r 1908 is said to amount ity. The entire northeastern section o f IS $30,500,000. the etate is M id to have been laid /•T w o colored men have been heaged waste. Railroad and telegraphic com­ by a mob at Malcolm, A la ., {.for mur­ munication w m delatrayed and the pop­ dering the sheriff. ulation o f Tula, some 7,000 persona, m cut o ff from the root o f the nation Explorer Cook says he has data to convince the moot skeptical that he was fo r four days. I t w ill be six or eigh t months before the highways can b e w ­ actually a t the North Pols. ared. T h irty bodies have been re ­ Jap grape pickers in C alifornia have covered end many bodies o f shepherds demanded an increase in w ages and id mountaineers are being washed may be replaced by Hindus. down into tbs va lley below. A « « e l l tim p e t was censed by an T - Itatlian warship stopping w hile the A t- ROBBED M A ILS W H O LE SALE . U ntie fleet was at target practice. N m y 'f j i 'x.~-* A sword fish has been caoght o ff the Men end Women Caught In Chicago Catalina islands, CaL, which weighed Heed Big Gang. 141 pounds and measured eigh t fo ot in Chicago, SspL 7.— In tbs arrest o f length. A llen Posner, 26 years old, ami s M ore explosives have been found in ong women g ivin g her neme m Emi­ the bankers o f B ritish w ar virasls and ly Snyder, 20 years old, who ere ia cus­ members o f the adm iralty are in a stats tody at the Harrison street police sta­ o f form ant. tion, Postoffice Inspector Stnart believ­ Tbs latest creation in the m illinery es be hM pert o f e gang o f m ail thieves lin e is to be known m the Cook bet, in who have been operating in Chicago honor o f the explorer. I t is tw o fe e t and other cities. Tw o men are being high covered w ith black fo r, w hile a sought m accomplices o f Posner and w hite aigrette representing the pole the Synder g irl in the th eft o f letters and chaahing o f cheeks found in stolen brietleo from the top. liL Posner and e man named Gray China U planning the improvement and another men whose name is being e f her army. kept secret are said to be under indict­ Count Zeppelin w ill continue prepar­ ment in N ew York fo r e $1,000 th eft ations to fly to tha N orth Pale. o f jew elry. The Synder g irl ie sold to Preaidant ¿ T a ft says ha w ill prob­ have come to Chicago w ith Posner flour months ago. ably v is it Alaska next summer. It is charged that the pair operated A serious epidsude is feared in the by steelin g letters from residence m ail nooa fltncKen aiBiricui o i Mexico. n s a fte r delivery by letter eaariers. German scientists say the finding o f Posner is declared to have adm itted tin North P otato o f secondary import- According to the posts] authorities, Posoer sod his associates stoic $1,000 L ocomotive «4h o f jew elry and other va‘ aays it is rushed w ith order fo r which w e n brought to Chicago. An I d d io * man hss jo s t died a t the age o f 94. H e leaves 88 childrhn and had outlived four w ives. Denmark believes Cook’ s story e f E m discovery o f th e, N orth Polo and fr ill g iv e him a royal welcome. Attorney General Wicker*ham says i f the polar continent is worth holding fri is governm ent w ill annex it. Dispatches from Java say the vol­ cano Smern is in setive eruption, caus­ ing grea t havoc. Thors has eleo been t an earthquake w ith hundreds o f feta l- -•>> * . Revolutionary coekec hats are to be worn by women next so W ilbur W rigfife has suggested that cities appoint an inspector o f balloons. The lose o f life in the Monterey, Ile x ., flood is now estim ated at 8,000. A tornado devastated D ia lville, a Sm all town in Texas. Several persons W ere injured. Supplies are being sent to Monterey, H ex ., and the general condition is much improved. Mrs. Florence Vandervort, a m illion­ aire widow d f Los Angeles, has m ar­ ried e poor men. * V** N o lives w ere lost ia the Nevada cloudburst end the property damage is placed a t $1041000. Government scientists ssy Cook w ill have no trouble in proving that he ac­ tually reached the pole. According to official reports the rice crop o f China w fll he about 17 per cent above the average. A ll W estern roads have announced new schedules to the coast and each ia tryin g to outdo the other. The Am erican warship squsdron is in Chinese wa tess. The international trades onion coun­ c il 4s in session in Faria. A severe earthquake has been fe lt in the canal sons, but the big: ditch wa* not hurt. The steam er Ohio, wrecked o ff the Alaskan coast, is said to have h it an unchartered rock. H ill a tm i l be hM all the railroad con- ■ he needs in the East and w ill he confined to the W est. a new warns peter*su LI N ew York which w ill shorten to five days. V A M g Ouray met prejeet hue been started in Colorado by which 2*0,000 aeras ot land w ill be reclaim ed a t a cost o f $2,000,000. m inan object to the a fla ia ile n powder. > A» efM ^rf% $hnU torarjeraj i have beau erected to T U B E R C U L O S IS IN C R E A SE S. Nathan 8traus Says Plague is Gaining Against Fight. Budapest, Sept. 7.— Nathan Straus, tha N sw York philanthropist, who on Tuesday to the Intsrnfrsnsl Medical < to stop the spreading o f disease that results from the o h o f infected m ilk, today submitted detailed figures to that body to prove th gt tu­ berculosis, instead o f being conquered, is on tM ia crease. H e sited the official vita l statistic* o f N ew York city, which w m by t)r . Robert Koch with lea d in f.'th e whole world in the figh t against enlosis. H e showed that tbs inereas in g sk ill o f the physicians in tuberculosis had reduced the rate from this disease in proportion to E m population from 2^42 per 1,000 in 1902 to 2.89 per 1,000 in 1907, and 2.29 in 1908, but be abowed that number o f deaths from tuberculoo proportion to Em total number o f deaths from all causae had increased from 18.04 per cent, in 1902 to 18.90 in 1908. Íf¡3 Cholera Loses T erro rs. Paris, SspL 7.— Seram and vaccine fo r treatm ent o f «holers hM been dis­ covered by Dr. Salambini, working un­ der the direction o f Professor Metch- nikoff and Dr. Pierce Roux. Their aernm hM been tried in Russia in * perato cases and reduced the death rate, which w m 50 per cent, to below 28 per cen t The vaccine is prepared by taking bacilli from the body o f cholera patient and m aking a culture thereof, which is injected subcutane­ ously into healthy persons. Local in faction follow s and immunity results. G reek Princes Rem oved. Athene, SspL 7.— K in g George to­ day w ill sign s decree placing Crown Prince Constantine and Prince Nich- o I m , at their own request, on the un­ attached list o f the army and granting the other princes in the army tw o or three years’ leave o f absence to atudy gadier General Smolensk! w ill replace Crown Prince Constantine m commander ia ch ief and Colonel CortbM w ill be appointed commpnd er o f the arm y corps at Athens. " " ■—t'v — # Tornado W ipe* Out Tow n. C atraai, S icily, SspL 7.— The v il­ lage at Stordoa was shout w iped oat today by a tornado. F iva parsons ware U llad and 50 Injured. One hun­ dred hsuMS w ere com pletely demol­ ished and many others unroofed. The tornado w m accompanied by a torren­ tia l rain. The populat ion took refuge to houses on the Quarter Santo Maria, the statue o f Santa M fria Mag- glove fa ll, adding Tennessee Stays Dry- ■ Tern., SepL 7.— Tbs has estab­ legislative set prohibiting wholesale having lished a raw m as w all as retail sals o f liquor to the in four state waa upheld except sa regards from N ew York to 14 hours and 2 i M iss to r shipment outside o f the state, to an opinion handed down to Chanoery court todaay by Chancellor T . M .' Me- law hi Calorado V I OREGON STAU ITEMS OF FAR M E RS. Durand In vite« Their p and pa- Hood R iver— Tbs apple growers o f Eastern Oregon, 16028c per stance o f E. H. Harriman to oooduct a industry, it to fe lt both a t O ttaw a valley, 28