Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 30, 1904, Image 9

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Makes its
tumors, bunches in
cutaneous eruptions, in-
flwned eyelids, sore ears,
H ood’s Sarsaparilla
Effects permanent cures.
D » * P G o ld M i:
T h e deepest gold mine Is still to be
credited to Bendigo, in Victoria, Aus­
tralia, although the Urns la coming
when the Band, South A frica, w ill
claim the record. F o r the present Otó
Victoria quarts mine, at Bendigo, has
probed deeper Into the earth than, any
other diggin g after gold; work Is now
going on In this mine at 3,960 feet, a
wlnse ba rin g been sunk 250 feet be­
low the lowest level, at 8,700 fe e t
A m ong Its neighbors the Victoria
quarts m loe has the N ew Chum R a il­
w ay, w ith work proceeding at 8,850
feet, and the New Chum consolidated
8,815 feet. Th e celebrated “ 180” mine,
the property o f G eo* La n sel I and long
the deepest gold mine In the world. Is
being exploited at 3,250 feet, although
the shaft Itself Is 200 feet deeper.—
Engineering and Mining Journal.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by
‘H all's Catarrh 'Cur*.
J. CHENKV A CO., P rops,Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare known K. J.
Cheney fo r the last 15 years, and believe him
p erfectly honorable In all business transac­
tions and financially able to carry out any ob-
ilsatlons made by their Orm.
W bst A Tsu a x . wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W a u m k o , K inn am A M savut, Wholesale Drug-
gists. Toledo, O.
H all's Catarrh Cure Is takan Internally, act­
in g d irectly upon the blood and mucous sur­
al the system. Price 74c. per bottle.
Bold by all ' Druggists
‘ its. Testimonials free,
ITs Fam ily Pills are the best.
- Crumbs o f com fort never come from
«•tin g crackers la bed.— Philadelphia
Scribbler— H a ve you reed m y last
novel? Cyulcus— I hope ao.— Philadel­
phia Record.
Mletreee— Do you love babies? Maid
— Not at three dollars a week, mum.—
Detroit F ree Prose.
“ Tt»ey were disappointed in love,
weren’t they?”
“ Yes. Each thought
the other bad money.” — Life.
She— H a v e you a copy o f “ Prom e­
theus Boundr* H e— No, ma’am; but
w e can get It bound fo r you any w ay
you like.— Minneapolis Tribune.
“T h is la not such a snap as
thought It was,” remarked the camera
fiend whose victim had Just kicked
him and smashed the machine.—
“ I told uncle Simon ■ that he w as
gettin g too old and feeble to attend
to business.” “ Did he take It kindly?”
“ H e throw me out o f his office.’’— Van­
ity Fair.
Mother— W hat seems to be the trou­
ble? Mrs. Neuwed— I — I alw ays heard
Charles was fond o f the turf, but I
simply can’ t make him toufh a lawn-
mower.— Ex.
“ Do
'adm ire
w ô M ts r
“ I never visited ’em.” an­
swered Mr. Cumrox, abaentraindedly.
“ W hat d o « be manufacture?” — W ash­
ington Star.
Summer Boarder— You pat up rather
late last night, did yon not? I beard
you going to bed about 8 a. m. Farm ­
er— Shucks! I was juat a-glttln’ up.—
Chicago Journal.
“ Young man, have you stopped to
think where you w ill go when you
A Common O ecprrsn ce.
“ Oad, no— I
haven’t even
W ife — Th at's a pretty legend about
thought where to go on my summer
Leander being drowned w hile trying
vacation y e t ” — Puck.
to swim thé Hellespont to Hero, Isn’t
Johnson— l ’a thlnktn’ oh mà’ayin’
Husband— Duplicated continually In dat youngest Thompson gal. Jackson
— Don’t do It, nlggeh. Don’t do I t Dat
modern life, my dear.
gal cannot keep a Job more’ n tw o
W ife — I don’t understand.
Hnaband-e-Every day I hear o f some weeks. Don't do It.— Albany 'Journal.
I ’ ll g it da law on dat woman, dat's
man going under because be attem pt­
“ W hat’a the matter. Aunt
ed to ‘come across* In response to his w h a t!"
w ife 's
dem anda” — N ew
Orleans Caroline?" "She done went qn’ call
me up by tel'phonln’ when der’s small­
Tim es-D em ocrat
pox in her fam ily.” — Cincinnati T rib ­
Heal Pow ers.
“ Say, Winston, how would you Ilka
Pa— I understand. Bobble, that at
to witness a conflict between the pow­ the party you asked for a second piece
o f cake. Now, Î told you-----
“ Witnessed one the other day.f
ble— No; I only said that If they liked
“ Between the powers?”
to make me ¿be offer I would accept
“ Sure! M y w ife, the cook and the I t — Pick-Me-Up.
Iceman began a three-cornered squab­
H er Mother— Look here, Ernie, I
ble In the yard.”
thought your father told you not to
_______ i,,..............
Canada's total revsnue In 1903 was encourage that young man? E rn ie—
886,000.000; estimated 190«. 871.000.000. Oh, dear, mamma, that young man
doesn't need any encouragem ent— Chi­
The banana sad tbs potato are almost cago D ally News,
Idsntical in chemical composition.
“ Do yon sympathise with the Rus­
sians or tba Japanese?” “ A t p resen t”
said the man wbo strivee fo r nicety o f
expression. “ I sympathise with the
Russians and congratulate the Japa­
nese.” — Washington Star.
M e la » t i l l the B o m .
tW Japan ese V icto ria *.
. The old Aian rolled hie typewriter late
“ T o o Nam ed to ta k f the town e f
bet Few
kis privets office.
Fung-W ang-Clung very easily,” said
I “ Miss Hmmmerton,” he sold, “ you
the adm iring crowd, according to tho
Jesus is frequently quoted to prove fcav* been a faithful worker daring the
Buffalo Express. “ H o w did yon man­
two years you have been In my em-
that fa stin g la a physical benefit, says
age i t r
. ____ . . -Ploy, and 1 believe yon would make n
the K a n es« City Journal.
“ Oh, that w aa nothing,” aald the
*HA e | desirable wife. May 1 hope to claim yon
«4 frequently himself. H e taught
a* such?”
JapaneM commander, modestly. “ W e
B ald? Scalp shiny and thin?
tain miracles could only be perform ed
“ While I appreciate your kindness and
simply tackled It one syllable at •
Then It’» probably too late.
a fter fastin g and prayer; therefore, it th* honor yon do me In making the offer,
la concluded by t h o « w ho t a l i « « In Mr. Oldboy,” replied the little asnre-
You neglected dandruff. If
fastin g that fastin g la good fo r tbe ered blonde, "before accepting I wish to
you bad only taken our ad­
Y o « C a e (Jet A lte a '* I ____ ____________
say on* word. A s your stenographer I
physical body.
W rite Allen S. Olmsted, U R o y , * . Y ., lo t S
bar* allowed you to dictate to me, bat
vice, you would have cured
free asm pie o f A B oo V Foot-Kees. I t earns
- T h is conclusion la not necessarily if I become your wlfo 1 shall reserve
t. It n makes
j M eetin g .' hot swollen,
eehlag feet,
correct. I t is w ell known that Jeans the right to do all th* dictating myself,
____ — ^
____' new or tight shoes easy. A A
esrtetn sum to*
often sacrificed tbe good o f his body and-----
fo r spiritual ends. H e waa also ftp-
“ Pardon me for Interrupting you, Mins
quently hungered and overtired.
H a m n ^ n ” s . l d t h * old me a, “ hot I
The Latón, Eng., chamber of
the dandruff, aaved your hair,
T h e “ mission
Jason places the body'
l* ,or
CO“ add
**■“ *“ “ o
w* f eeeu»
w Af ^
jn your * prrMnt
I shall
mere# has decided to offer prisas to schol­
necessarily secondary to spiritual ends. extra dollar to your salary, which will
and added much to it. If
ars In th* elementary schools for « r e ­
It id, therefore, unjust to quote hie eoabl* you to drown In ics cream soda
petitivo designs In hat trimmings.
not entirely bald, now ia your
physical self-denials as rule* fo r tbs any h o p « that my words may have
upbuilding o f the human body.
“ I he«« m t Ayer*, Hair Viper fer eeer t*
PIPES wanted 1 will pay cash
W hether one fasts or not depends
years. I *m m w »( ynroulrim— havo* h— ry
for oil good relics of itono. Bond
Reads Ukc% Miracle,
growth of
o f rich
rich brown
brown bolr. dr"
d a«. *
1 tbluk, —
upon the person. I f w e w ere asked
of what tou bar* and got
Urely to i n r 'i Vigor."
my price* Add re««
Moravia, N . Y ., Dec. 12th.— (Spec­
M bs . N. a . h a ir » . B «l tortile. 1IL
the question, “ W ill fasting de me
H. P. HAMILTON. Twn R h rs,
gl ton botti*.
i. C. ATS! OO..
good?” It would place us In the « m e ial)— Bordering on the miraculous la
.J awo IKJJ joi ^
predicament as lf^ some one should tba c sm o f Mrs. Benj. W ilson of this
place. Suffering from Sugar Diabetes
ask us the question, “ Shall I c m
earning money fo r a tim e and draw ■he wasted sw ay t ill from w eighing 200
checks to pay my expensM ?" T h a t all Iba she barely tipped the scale# at 130
CLASS corps of tench* «, local tun, butld-
lb«. Dodd’s K idn ey P ills cured- her.
depends on w hether yon have ‘money
pinont—thn bant. Band for cat-
Speaking o f her cure her husband
S fiS P
In the bank. A «nan w ith a U rg e sur­
The Dnk* o f Sutherland baa closed on T e r m O p e n s
■ IB , 1 9 0 4
plus In the batik m ight very profitably
“ My w ife suffered everything from one o f his estates a road the public has
stop earning money fo r a little erosoa
Sugar Diabetes.
She was sick four need fer more than 300 years.
and depend on hU Hank account fo r hie
years and doctored with two doctors, A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES
to o ls «, lighten and «rongea* M a n , Pojtar
support, but I f be had no money In tbe but reroived no benefit.
8 he had ao
on tho market. US Horae power on the « weep
Itching, Blind, Blooding or Vrotradio* Piles
bank this would be a ruinous experi­ much pain a ll over her that aha could Your
taro Itormes. Write lor daecrlptlve catalog
druggist wlU refund monoy If PAZO O IN T-
m ent
not rrot day or n igh t. Tba doctor said M K X T fails to cur* yon la S to 14 days. IT
E xa ctly so w ith the fasting. I f a that she conld not live.
Peat ef Marri—n Stras*
I tort toad.
man baa plenty o f reserve vita lity, a
“ Then an advertisement led me. to from n cloudy dap.
fa s t m ight be a good thing fo r him. try Dodd’ c K id n ey P ills end they help­
But all-those people w ho liv e active, ed her righ t from the first. Five boxes r iT Q Pormnnently Cured. No flu or i
m o after Hr— day’s use of Dr.Kltne’ iUrv— Nerve
mental or physical lives and have a of them cored her.
Dodd’ a K idney Restorer. Bend for P ro a S 3 trial bottle and treatise.
ireful I
K. H. Kline, Lid., SSI Arch BL, Philadelphia, Pa.
very narrow margin o f reserve Vital­ Pills wera a God-sent remedy to na and
r add gardener* every w bora ’
ity had better not fa s t T h eir problem we recommend them to e ll suffering
placa oonüdonc# in Ferry's
H Is A w fu l B la n d e r .
H—da the kind that oarer tnlL
U not to Interrupt the nutritive proc­ from K idney Di sease.**
“ 8 m here, young man,” « i d th* eo-
esses, but rather to enlarge them I f
Dodd’s K idney P ills core a ll Kidney ciety editor to the new reporter, “ don’t
poMibie. There are lots o f
people Diseases, including B righ t’ s Dii
let * thing like this occur again.”
w ho ought to eat more Instead o f eat* and all kidney aches, including rheu­
“ Why, what’a wrong?” asked th* new
less. Thoae people w ho make a matism.
“ la this paragraph,’’ replied the s. *.,
o f fasting are Juat as apt to do
have boon U m standard for 4$ j
A man « S n o t Hava an Idea o f perfec­ “ you eay the lady was ‘handsomely
harm as those other people w ho prac­
.They are not an «sperim enti
drssssd* Instead o f saying she was
Hold by all dealers. IM O Sato
tice and preach gluttony.
■ n u l fret tor the—king.
’smartly gowned.’ "
bi* o f In himself.— Steele.
T h ere are no hard and fe e t rules
B. uTtainr* co-
to apply to this subject. Each Individ­
The Peruna Almanac in 5,000,000
ual c s m requires special attention.
E very person most decide largely fo r
The Parana Lncky Day Almanac baa
become a fixture in over eight m illion
I f the blood U thick and the body
homes. I t can be obtained fiom all
Inclined to overfleshiness, appetite ca­
Is — oenaftlv* to cold as a
druggists free.
Be ra re to inquire
nerve —d this to the cauto ef
pricious and there U a desire fo r con­
early. Th e 1905 almanac is already
diments and stimnUnts w ith the food, pohlisted, .and the supply will soon be
then doubtless, e good fa st w ill be exhaushed. Do not ' pot it off.
Got i »
beneflcUl. T h ro w the body upon Its one today.
This wonderful Uhl-
own resources. L e t the digestive or­
ueae doctor Is called
— a— ha car—
gans h ave e re s t A llo w nature to burn
T h a t’ s W h et.
people with oat opera-
are givea up
up some o f the effete and surplus ma­
Stella— I would rather wed e own *1
to dto. Ho car— with
terial already lodged In the body.,, A brains than ona o f muscle.
too— wonderful Chi­
ne— herbs, root«, bod«,
Motile— Because why?
faat fo r sneb a person would be better
barks nod vegstabl—
a— entirety un­
than m ed icin e.'
known to medico! « e l - _________ ________
But a person w ho has a keen ap­ could chop up a beefsteak, a man ol
n e t In tola — aatry. Throoch <h* • a— Of
brains conld figure out where th* bssf-
too— harmle— rs—edtoo tots f»mn— da——
petite, properly curbed, who eata only
knows to* a—
of over MS d il— it — •
steak waa to com* from.
edtoa. which he «aeo—sfUUy os— la diHwo—
a moderate amonnt o f food, w ell se­
SI—— . He to —onto— to com couarh. M b-
Inn«, thro—, rhenn
lected, w ho la carrying no more flesh
For forty year’s Flso's Cure for Con­
than he ought to have, is not troubled sumption fins* cured coughs and oolda. A t
o— him. Fatten«« a— o f the «tty writs for
w ith dyspepsia or Irregular appetite, druggist«. Price 25 cento.
M o n ta n a *—
on . Bead mama UUMSOle
------------------- -
T A T I ON FRICK. A U U M to o
snch a person w ill only unbalance fils
bodily powers and derange his physical
shut live longest.
forest by attem pting to fast.
2*4 Aid— S L . N r —
tor k m .
T h e best w ay to fast, a fter all, la
to fa st a little w ith each meal. Stop Toko laxative Promo Qnlnlue Tablet«. AU drui
eating before, the appetite la satisfied. Kioto refund tbe money If It tail* to euro. X V
by f flettaci and penetration worms,
I f you are not hungry at meal time (trove’» ttgn—are la on each box. 25c.
soothe« «nd cures the worat
easel. Pries 25c. and 50c.
om it one meal. You w ill doubtless be
f 1 I T X T H B f w ritin g to ads
Chinese will work nineteen hours a | < ►
hungry by the next meal, then rot
$ | W
t jc a t h to p s p i
only' about one-half as much as you day without complaining.
w ant
M other« w ill And Mrs. Winslow’* Soothing
P A S T IN O .
Hair Vigor
fo r
Good Hair
N o t h in g
St Jacobs Oil j
M iss Alice Bailey, of
Atlanta, Ga., escaped the snr-
A .
Dr. C. Get Wo
TbeC Get Wo Chinese Heüdne Co.
Of Our Method of Extract­
ing Teeth.
If your plate fa ll« when eating or talking
by u«!ng our varuum valve we cau m a n
yon one that w ill be M tlofartory
We do
work for people from out of the city quick­
ly. so that you w ill not b « delay- d
We do crown ana bridge work without
pain. Onr 17 year«’ ex erience In plat«
work enable* ui to fit your mouth comfort­
ably. The best to tbe cheap— t in tta en d .
We have feelin g« — well — you.
open evening« till, I
Sunder* from 9 to L
------ -------- Phone Main 304».
WISE BROS., Dentists,
do .
L. * muuL.
DR. W A. W ish
Write for Catalog«
and Prices
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co *t
it’s uood !
* . ¿
Beatrice (aged 6 , a fter remaining In
deep thought for quite tw o minutes,
a d d r e s s « her mother, who has been
Byrup the boat remedy to use lor their children ’
A T ig h t P la c e .
choosing frocks fo r her)— Mummy
during the t— thing period.
I t w as a gay time in Congress one
W hen a child I had a very severe at* dear, before you buy the frocks, I ’ ve
Wben Hamlet caught the king’s con­
which came near pro v thought It all over, and 1 think I ’d night when there was an all-night ^ s -
ick o f Diphtheria,
T ‘ ......................
in g fatal 1. Upon recovery the glands o f the rather be a boy.— Punch.
ilon on the Mills ta riff bill In 1888. science ip tbe plily his majesty doubt­
less considered that bs had keen worked.
neck were v e r y much enlarged, and after
“ I am strongly inclined to think that i t bad been difficult to keep a suffi­
the free use o f iodine, the right one was
reduced to its normal size, but the left your husband has appendicitis.” said cient attendance, and the House had
one continued to grow — very slowly at the physician. “T h a t’s Just IlkeTiirn,” adopted a resolution directing the ser­
first, until it was about the sizeof a goose answered Mrs. Cumrox. “ H e al ways geant-at-arms to compel the presence
egg, which began
began to press on the wind- waits till anything has pretty near o f absent members. One by one they
pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be­ gone out o f style before he decides to w ere brought before the bar o f the
came very painful. An incision was made
House, and a fter making all sorts o f
and a la r p qu an tityof pus discharged. get I t ” — W ashington Star.
“ Oh. G eorge!” exclaimed the young excuses <Tnd explanations, w ere per­
Th e gland was removed, or as mnch as
coula with safety be taken out. For ten w ife, “ It was nearly midnight before mitted to go unpunished.
years I wore a little piece o f cloth about an you got hom e last n ig h t”
About midnight Congressman Hen­
“ W ell,
Inch long in my neck to keep the place w ell!” exclaim ed thé husband; “ you derson was brought before the Speak­
open. During this time I had to have it
women are so Inconsistent Before we er. H e had, he said, no excuse to
cut open by the doctor every time I took
ere married you didn't care how late offer.
cold or the opening clogged. In the Spring
“ I w as at a theater party.” he eon-
or early Summer o f 1884 I was persuaded I g ot home.” — Sioux Falls Press.
tlnried, “ when I w as arrested and
b y m v w ife to use S. S. S., which I did,
“ N ow ,” said the pert a a l«m a n , sar­
brought h ere., There is no sort o f ex ­
strictly in accordance with directions I
took twenty-nix large bottles, and was en­ castically, aa be started to put back cuse fo r absence w ithout leave.”
tirely curecl, for I have not suffered since tbe rolls o f silk, “ can’ t you think o f
“ I m ove that the gentleman from
something more I might show you,
that time.
B. S. R a g l a n d .
Iow a be fined |5,000!” called one o f
Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston, S. C. ma’a m
“ Yea.” replied the shopper,
Henderson’s colleagues.
“ but I don’ t think you hrae lt.> “ W hat
“ I second that motion!”
“ More courtesy.” — Philadel­
Only a constitutional remedy can reach Is It?”
tw enty or more members, all o f them
an hereditary disease like ScrofulA. When phia Public Ledger.
his friends.
the blood is restored to a normal condition
“ I ’ m a fraid that you can’t graduate
“ I t hi moved and seconded,” said
and the scrofulous deposits are carried off
this year, after all,” said the high
these is a gradual return to health. S .8 S.
Speaker Carlisle, “ that tbs gentleman
is w ell known as a school profeaeor to the Sweet Young from Io w a be flnpd 85.000. Those In
blood purifier and Thing, w ho waa shy in Greek or some­ fa vo r o f tiie motion w ill say, ’A y e.’ ”
“ No,” she replied, “ I edn’t
tonic. It is the* thing.
T w o hundred voices sbonted. “ A y e r
o n l y guaranteed, Th e dressmaker simply can’t get my
” D e a r M rs . P i x k h a m : — I w ish to
“ Those opposed will say, ’No.’ ”
express m y gratitu de fo r the restored
strictly vegetable drees finished in time— isn’ t It too
health and happiness L y d i a EL P i n k -
m neayaokL I f you bad?” — Cleveland Leader.
alone In yellin g “ N o!”
h a m ’ s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d has
have any signs o f
• T re tty w ell,” remarked tbe doctor’s
Scrofula, write us
T h ere »was but one w a y to slip out brought into m y life.
** I nod suffered fo r three years w ith
and our physicians daughter, who took an Interest In her o fiflb e Joke and prevent the motion
w ill advise you free father’s puree and profession, wben from being carried, and that w as for terrib le pains at the tim e o f menstrua­
tion, and did not know w hat the trouble
TIM Swift Sptolflo Company, Atlanta, 6a. some one asked her bow “ things were Speaker Carlisle to overrule the House. was until the doctor pronounced it In ­
going.” “ Plenty o f colds, some bron­
“ T h e noes have It,” said he, gravely. f la m m a t io n o f t h e o v a r ie s , and
chitis, and a little typhus fever; but, “ Th e gentleman la excused.”
proposed an operation.
aa father said yesterday, what w e
, “ I fe lt ao w eak and sick that I fe lt
" I follow «! tho
want to make th ln gsT lvely la a nice
sure that I could not survive the ordeal,
T r u e B e a t o f P a la a .
trail from T i m
little epidemic!”
Moat people overestim ate' their and ao I told him that I would not un­
“ U ere la another example o f faulty pulse, ae they often count It» beats dergo It. Th e fo llo w in g week I read
an advertisem ent in the paper o f your
aald the teacher o f the class when talking about the matter, and V egetable Compound in such an emer­
cold, a wind cost
when windy, a rah) coat when It rained,
It la a f a c t w ell known to physicians, gency, and so I decided to try it. Great
and for a cover at night if we got to bed,
written, ‘ her sight broke upon a land­ that the excitement o f conversation
m y Joy to find that I actually ira-
1 will say that T have gotten more
a fter takin g tw o bottles, so I
scape o f entrancing loveliness.’ H ow w ill quicken the pulse from five to
than any other
comfort out t of
o f your elk
Mr thi
SB* article that 1 ever owded."
(taking it fo r ten weeks, and at the
could any one’s sight ’break upon’ a tw enty beats.
(th e I------------ ireee e€ the
o f that tim e I was cured. I had
outer el tela aaa due let-
“ She m ight have drop­
gained eighteen pounds and yr«a in
ter « e r he hatea i
Ke<l-h<it Hovittllns.
ped her eyes,” tim idly ventured the
Wat Weather O ármente for Ridfcg;
A t one time K in g Peter, o f 8 ervia, excellent health, and am now.
young woman who had written the ee-
WalUn|. Working. —
“ Y o u ra rely deserve grea t success,
a red-hot Sooinllut.
>m «t was and you have my very beat wishes.” —
aay.— Chicago Tribune.
while he was living a com paratively Miss A l i c e B a i l x t , 50 N orth Boule­
A certain railw ay station la sur­
A . J. T O W E R CO.
obecura Ufa In France.
H e Is be­ vard, Atlanta, G o.— taoeo/toftot/forirW
M M , V.S.A.
rounded In all directions with c h « p
ommmtt to —a-
lieved to be the first Socialist to mount o^ ato— foff— gmfng yomr/—
Over one o f these, In
A1I lick women would be wiso
CO., Ussita«
great Illuminated letters, could bo men
la not much o f a throne.
if they would take Lydia E. Pink-
the sign, “ Open all n ig h t” N ext to It
ham’s Vegetable Compound and
w ee a restaurent bearing In «quai
b o w s N o th in g o f Btaag.
be well.
prominence the placard, “ W e never
Mr. F lg g js m — Tom m y, do you ever
close.” Th ird In order « V i a C h in e « i n slan gt
laundry In a little tumble-down hovel,
Tom m y Flggjam — No, tndeedyl
and on the front o f this building was
"W h y , Isn’t ’no indeedy’ slang?”
Cel— —ora goad* bright— sad tost— catara tb
tbe slftr. In groat scrawling letters,
“ Sara n it W ho pat that b og Into
r— a lt«. A *k doni— — tra wffi—ni
C O N S U M I ' T IO N
“ Me wakes tool”
Four coco?” — Baltim ore American.
On ike Trait
w ith * Fish Brand
Pommel Slicker —
II NOT carried by local grocer*, w rit* Wadbams A Co., who w ill edvto* where <
ay other dr«. O m 10 c pack ago catara «llk, tra— «ad rattan equal y well and to gnor—Mood 9a
t paid — I Oc a packaga. Writ* tor fro* booklet bow to dy* black and « d i r i catara. MONRO*